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Decapitation of the stem in one-week-old pea seedlings below the first node causes a rapid outgrowth of the two cotyledonary buds. One of them soon becomes dominant, while the other one is inhibited, but can be released from inhibition by cutting off the dominant bud. The level of endogenous auxins and cytokinins was determined in dominant and inhibited buds, as well as in released buds at different time intervals after deinhibition. It was found that the inhibited buds contained very little acidic, ether soluble auxins, a high level of tryptophan and also a high level of cytokinins, in comparison with dominant buds. When the inhibited buda were released from inhibition, their auxin content rose, while that of tryptophan and cytokinins decreased, reaching the level found in dominant buds within six days. Specific changes in content of two undetermined auxin-like substances were found in released buds during de-inhibition. These results are discussed in relation to the current views on the regulation of apical dominance.  相似文献   

The application of CCC at concentrations inhibiting flowering ofChenopodium rubrum reduces the level of endogenous gibberellins in the apical buds of the plants. The effect of CCC may be reversed by appropriate concentrations of gibberellin (GA-), indole acetic acid (IAA) or kinetin. Kinetin applied to the apical bud during floral induction reduced the level of endogenous gibberellins similarly as CCC and if both CCC and kinetin were applied simultaneously their action was additive. On the other hand IAA applied under the same conditions increased the level of endogenous gibberellins and after joint application of CCC and IAA their level was the same as in untreated control plants. After application of CCC during floral induction the level of endogenous auxins did not change markedly but an active substance “x” appeared on the chromatograms of indole compounds. This substance was found also after simultaneous application of GA- and CCC but not after joint application of CCC and kinetin. If follows from our results that the same morphological phenomenon (flowering) can take place in plants considerably differing as to their level of endogenous growth substances. The ratio of different growth substances is obviously more important than the actual level of the single substances.  相似文献   

The content of endogenous auxins was examined in apical buds ofChenopodium rubrum plants induced by a photoperiodic cycle of 16h darkness and 8h light followed by a dark period of various duration so as to correspond with either maximal or minimal flowering response in the endogenous rhythm in capacity to flower initiated by the photoperiodic treatment. Apical buds of potentially generative plants contained less auxins than apical buds of plants which remained in the vegetative state. Apical buds from plants treated with kinetin (1. 10-3 M) and therefore remaining in the vegetative state showed an auxin level comparable to that of untreated plants exhibiting minimal flowering response irrespective of the duration of the second dark period. Plants cultivated on a sucrose solution (0.6 M) during the second dark period became generative even at the normal minimum of flowering. The auxin content of the apical buds was low, similarly as in untreated plants induced for a period leading to maximal flowering response. On the other hand, apical buds from plants grown on sucrose solution during a dark period leading to the manifestation of maximal flowering response showed a relatively high auxin content comparable to that found in untreated plants which had obtained a more extended induction by three photoperiodic cycles. The results are discussed with respect to the possible role of endogenous auxins in the regulation of the changes in growth correlations occurring in the shoot apex during photoperiodic induction and in the expression of the competence to flower.  相似文献   

Apical buds ofChenopodium rubrum from plants treated with CCC contain more endogenous auxins than buds from control plants, the level of these compounds increasing with the application of rising concentrations of the retardant. An especially marked increase was observed in the level of substance “X” which on chromatographic separation runs in the zone of tryptamine or its derivative. Since it has been shown in previous experiments that the inhibitory effect of CCC on flowering ofChenopodium rubrum may be reversed by indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) it is believed that the increase in auxins after application of CCC does not concern biologically active substances immediately available to the plant. It seems more likely that inactive precursors are involved which cannot be converted to the active substance in the presence of CCC, possibly due to blocking of the pertinent enzyme. If we assume that the wheat coleoptile used in the auxin bioassay in our experiments contains the pertinent enzyme it might convert the inactive precursors to active substances and, therefore, exhibit a growth stimulation even though the substances concerned would not necessarily be active in the buds from which they were extracted.  相似文献   

Floral differentiation ofChenopodium rubrum is more AD-sensitive than growth of the vegetative organs. With a suitable combination of the manner of application and the concentration of AD used, selective inhibition of flowering can be attained without any effect on growth. The inhibition of flowering was greatest if AD acted during the first two days of photoperiodic induction. With later application its effect on flowering was weaker. RNA synthesized in the first days of photoperiodic induction to a considerable extent ensured its further course.  相似文献   

Uridine incorporation into the shoot apex of the short-day plantChenopodium rubrum was investigated during a 16 h period of darkness and the following transfer to light. Uridine incorporation during this single inductive cycle was compared to incorporation under non-inductive conditions of continuous light. After transfer of the plants from light to darkness RNA synthesis was reduced to about half after the first two hours. This occurred not only when the plants were precultivated in continuous light but also after an interruption of the dark period by light for 31/2 h. The low level of uridine incorporation was maintained for the whole duration of the dark period. Incorporation regained its initial level after exposure of the plants to light irrespective of the duration of the preceding dark period. After this immediate rise of uridine incorporation in plants transferred from darkness to light a slight temporary decrease was observed in light. In darkness the decrease of incorporation into the nucleoli was still more marked than the reduction of overall incorporation. After the termination of the dark period incorporation into the nucleolus rose slowly and extranucleolar incorporation was relatively enhanced during the first 10 h of light in induced plants. The fluctuations of RNA synthesis observed in the shoot apex during photoperiodic treatment may be regarded as a necessary condition for the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive state.  相似文献   

The nucleic acid (NA) fractions were analyzed in cotyledons and apical buds ofChenopodium rubrum plants by means of acrylamide electrophoresis at the end of the dark period of a different number of photoperiodic cycles or after transfer of the plants to light for 4 h subsequent to the termination of the dark period. The plants were labelled with32P three hours prior to sampling. The uptake of32P into the cotyledons was higher in light than in darkness in all cases, however, it was not in correlation with32P incorporation into the NA fractions. After one dark period lasting 8 or 16 h NA synthesis in light did not increase in comparison with darkness. After two or more photoperiodic cycles NA synthesis was higher in light than in darkness irrespective of whether the dark period lasted 8 or 16 h. NA synthesis was distinctly highest after two inductive cycles lasting 16 h. In buds NA synthesis was slightly shifted in favour of ribosomal RNA as compared with cotyledons. In the cotyledons the increase in light was mainly duo to a raise of rRNA synthesis whereas in the buds synthesis of sRNA and DNA increased, as well.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) was applied in a concentration of 1. 10?3 M and 1. 10?4 M to the quantitative SD plantChenopodium rubrum under various light regimes. ABA did not influence flowering in plants under continuous illumination, enhanced flowering in plants subjected to long days and inhibited it in plants induced by short days. It was concluded that ABA can not substitute for inductive treatment but its action may be additive to initial stages of reproductive morphogenesis (enhanced growth rate and branching of the apical meristem) as evoked by long days.  相似文献   

Development of the shoot apex up to floral differentiation was investigated in the short-day plantChenopodium rubrum. The changes occurring in the apex from energence until full opening of the cotyledons (Figs 1–4), development during photoperiodic induction (Figs. 5–8), as well as the resulting floral differentiation (Figs. 9–10) are described. It was aimed at excluding the influence of plastochron changes on the interpretation of ontogeny of the shoot apex. For that reason two planes of longitudinal sections and two plastochron stages were compared. In young plants zonation does not become fully evident prior to floral differentiation. The anatomical structure of the shoot apex does not change substantially during the first two inductive cycles which proved to be obligatory under the given experimental conditions. The changes occurring during two further inductive cycles correspond to the total activation of the meristems as manifested by the growth and branching of the apex preceeding floral differentiation proper.  相似文献   

Kinetin at a concentration from 3.10-6 M to 1.10-3 M was applied to the plumule ofChenopodium rubrum plants during photoperiodic induction. Different levels of induction were compared (one and three short days). The higher concentrations of kinetin applied to induced plants inhibited flower formation. The rate of leaf initiation was increased under these treatments. Lower concentrations of kinetin (from 3.10-6 M to 1.10-5 M) usually promoted lateral bud formation and flowering. The step-wise application of kinetin revealed that the inhibitory effect on flowering had been restricted to the inductive period. The effects of kinetin, benzyladenine and trans-zeatin were compared in plants partially induced by two short days. High concentrations always inhibited flowering. Benzyladenine was the most effective in this respect. Root removal diminished the inhibitory effects of cytokinins on flowering as was stated with benzyladenine. It is assumed that endogenous cytokinins play a role in the regulation of organogenetic activity of the stem apical meristem. Depending on the photoperiodic conditions, they presumably exert their activity by maintaining the vegetative functions of the apex.  相似文献   

The incorporation of uridine-5-3H into shoot apices ofChenopodium rubrum, plants was studied using autoradiography. The evaluation of the rate of incorporation into the nucleolus and the extranucleolar part of the nucleus as a function of the total radioactivity in the apex yields quantitative data on the distribution of labeling in these parts of the nucleus. Incubation of intact germinating plants in uridine-3H makes it possible to carry out chase experiments. Curves of uridine incorporation into the nucleolus and the extranucleolar part of the nucleus were obtained which demonstrated a non-linear course of incorporation. When incubating with uridine from 30 to 120 min the nucleolar/extranucleolar ratio of labelling was found to increase from 2 to 3. In chase experiments this ratio changed within three days from 3 to 1. Interpretation of these results in view of the function of RNA localized in different parts of the nucleus is discussed.  相似文献   

The changes in cell division rate were studied in different components of the shoot apex ofChenopodium rubrum during short-day photoperiodic induction and after the inductive treatments. Induced and vegetative apices were compared. Accumulation of metaphases by colchicine treatment was used to compare the mean cell cycle duration in different components of the apex. A direct method of evaluating the increase in cell number obtained by anticlinal or periclinal divisions was applied if the corresponding components of induced and non-induced apices had to be compared. The short-day treatment prolonged the cell cycle more in the peripheral zone than in the central zone and still more in the leaf primordia. The importance of changing growth relations for floral transition was shown particularly if the induced plants were compared with the vegetative control with interrupted dark periods. Induced plants transferred to continuous light showed further changes in the rates of cell division. The cell cycle was shortened more in the central zone than in the peripheral zone,i.e. there was a further shift in growth relations within the apical dome. The cell cycle in the leaf and bud primordia was also shortened if compared with the vegetative control, the acceleration being stronger in the bud primordia. There was a subsequent retardation in cell division in the leaf primordia formed during and after the inductive treatment if the plants were fully induced. An inhibition of the oldest bud primordia was observed in fully induced apices, as well.  相似文献   

The concentrations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), cytokinins (CK) and abscisic acid (ABA) were measured in buds of different regions (main stem and lateral branches) of Lupinus angustifolius L. (cv. Merrit) and at different stages in the development of branches. In lupin, branching patterns are the result of discrete regions of axillary branches (upper, middle and basal) which elongate at much different rates. Early in development only the main shoot elongates, followed usually by basal branch growth and then rapid upper branch growth. Branches in the middle of the main stem grow only weakly or fail to develop. Levels of IAA were generally high in the apical buds of slowly growing branches and low in buds from strongly growing branches, whereas CK levels showed the opposite relationship. CK:IAA ratio showed a closer relationship with the rate of growth of a particular branch better than the levels of either CK or IAA alone. During early stages of growth ABA concentration did not follow the rate of branch growth. However, later in development, where growth did not closely match the ratio of CK:IAA, ABA level showed a strong negative relationship with growth. A significant decrease in ABA was associated with continued strong growth of the main stem apex following a decline in CK:IAA ratio. Overall, the best relationship between the level of growth factors in apical buds and branching pattern in lupin was the ratio of CK:IAA, implying that high CK:IAA at a given bud would promote growth. ABA level appeared to play a secondary role, as a growth inhibitor.  相似文献   

Flower initiation induced by three inductive photoperiods inChenopodium rubrum L. was fully inhibited by treating the shoot apex with a 5 μl drop of 1×10?5 m 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FDU). This inhibition may be reversed by thymidine applied simultaneously with or after FDU treatment at any time during photoperiodic induction. One day after the end of induction the inhibition caused by FDU is irreparable even by increasing thymidine concentrations. It is concluded that photoperiodic floral induction may take place inChenopodium even if DNA synthesis is suppressed.  相似文献   

Under the conditions applied in our laboratory 4 1/2 days old plants ofChenopodium rubrum require 2–3 photoperiodic cycles for maximal flowering response, whereas 2 1/2 days old plants are able to flower after having obtained a single inductive cycle. The period length of the free-running rhythm of flowering observed in 2 1/2 days old plants after a single transfer from light to darkness is 30h and the first peak of flowering occurs at about hour 12 in darkness. When a cycle consisting of 16h darkness and 8h light or of 8h darkness and 8h light precedes the long dark period the rhythm is rephased. Rephasing is greater when the light commenced to act on the positive slope of the first peak of the free running rhythm than when it impinged on the negative slope. With an 8h interruption of darkness by light rhythm phase is controlled by the light-on, as well as by the light-off signal. Feeding 0.4 M glucose during the long period of darkness enhanced the amplitude of the flowering response and, moreover, substituted for one photoperiodic cycle.  相似文献   

A microsomal vesicle fraction (GV) markedly enriched by the Golgi marker enzyme latent inosine diphosphatase (IDPase) has been isolated from photoautotrophic suspension-cell protoplasts ofChenopodium rubrum L. Addition of ATP creates a substantial pH gradient across the GV membrane as measured by accumulation of acridine orange. The GV showed a density of 1.14 g·cm-3 by equilibrium density centrifugation on sucrose gradients. Coincidence of acridine-orange accumulation and IDPase activity was confirmed on Percoll gradients. Formation of the pH gradient half-saturates at 0.3 mM MgATP, peaks at pH 7, and is competitively inhibited by ADP (k i0.1 mM), but not by Pi; it is hardly inhibited by orthovanadate, quickly dissipated by monensink 2=18 nM), nigericin (k 1/2=25 nM), and sluggishly by N-ethylmaleimide (k 1/235 M). Inhibition by KNO3 (k 1/26.7 mM) is incomplete (60%). Uridine 5-diphosphate (UDP)-glucose, UDP-galactose, but not UDP-mannose and the pertinent sugars, dissipate the ATP-generated pH gradient (k 1/210–20 mM UDP-glucose; optimum pH at 7.8). This UDP-glucose activity is accompanied by release of Pi, but not of glucose or sucrose. UDP-glucoseinduced Pi release from the GV saturates (k 1/2=1 mM UDP-glucose; optimum pH at 7) and is completely inhibited by the anion-channel blocker 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbene disulfonic acid (DIDS;k 1/2=140 M). The GV incorporates UDP-[U-14C]glucose into an acid-labile, alkaline-stable macromolecular compound; this process is like-wise inhibited by DIDS. We propose a model including, inter alia, a UDP-glucose/uridine-5-monophosphate translocator and a phosphate-permeable anion channel to operate in Golgi vesicles ofChenopodium rubrum.Abbreviations AO acridine orange - DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbene disulfonic acid - FCCP carbonyl cyanidep-trifluoromethyoxyphenyl hydrazone - GV Golgi-vesicle-enriched microsomal fraction - IDPase mosine diphosphatase  相似文献   

The endogenous pool of cytokinin metabolites during sexual differentiation of Mercurialis annua L. was studied with a computerized gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry system. Certain metabolites were common to both sexes: ribosides (isopentenyl-adenosine, ribosylzeatin) and the nucleotide of I6-Ade. Zeatin could be detected only in females while its nucleotide was present in males. The results were obtained with differentiating apices and whole plants. The high Z concentration and the low level of its nucleotide are related to the absence of two dominant complementary genes, determining maleness. Study of the regulation of cytokinin metabolism now seems possible.Abbreviations IPA isopentenyl adenosine - I6-Ade isopentenyl adenine - Z zeatin - RZ ribosylzeatin  相似文献   

Introduction of the gene for cytokinin synthesis into potato genome lead to a manifold increase in the level of cytokinins (zeatin, zeatin riboside, isbpentenyl-adenine, isopentenyladenosine) in plantlets grownin vitro.The increasing cytokinin level was associated with increasing tendency to teratoma formation, to decreasing leaf net photosynthetic rate and to increasing dark and light respiration rates and CO2 compensation concentration. During plantlet (or teratoma) ontogeny, net photosynthetic rate increased simultaneously with the decrease in cytokinin level. High level of endogenous cytokinins was associated also with lower photochemical activities of both photosystems in isolated chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Stem node culture of the potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. Sante was used to examine the phenotypical alterations due to different levels of endogenous cytokinins. The altered phenotype, which dramatically deviates from the control phenotype, was induced after treatment of plantlets with 1 m jasmonic acid. Plantlets grown on the medium supplemented with jasmonic acid were taller, with well developed root systems, expanded leaves, thickened stems, and they showed hyperhydric symptoms. Their cytokinin content was about half that of the control plantlets. Morphologic characteristics corresponding to transgenic plants that overproduce cytokinins, including release of axillary buds and inhibited rooting, correlated with the high cytokinin levels in control plants.Abbreviations JA jasmonic acid - Z trans-zeatin - ZR trans-zeatin riboside - ZRMP zeatin riboside 5-monophosphate - Z-9-G trans-zeatin N-9-glucoside - DHZ dihydrozeatin - DHZR dihydrozeatin riboside - DHZRMP dihydrozeatin riboside 5-monophosphate - DHZ-9-G dihydrozeatin 9-glucoside - iP iso-pentenyladenine - iPA iso-pentenyladenosine - iP-9-G iso-pentenyladenine 9-glucoside - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Flowering ofChenopodium rubrum seedlings fed different sugars at a concentration of 0.6 and 0.4 M, reap, during a single inductive cycle was stimulated or inhibited in dependence on the conditions of germination and initial growth. Plants allowed to germinate at alternating temperatures of 28 °C and 5 °C showed a slower initial growth and their development was stimulated by some sugars as compared to controls induced in the absence of sugars. Plants germinated at alternating temperatures of 32 °C and 5 °C exhibited a rapid initial growth and flowering was inhibited after induction in the presence of sugars. On the other hand, development proceeded more rapidly in control plants induced in the absence of sugars after germination at the higher temperature than after germination at the lower one. The differences between the two variants quoted above could be observed also after induction by two 16 h dark cycles. Glucose and sucrose were most effective in stimulating flowering under appropriate conditions of germination. Fructose was less effective and the action of maltose was very weak. Xylose, ribose and galactose were innocuous, while arabinose, glucoso-6-phosphate and mannitol were toxic to the plants. The sugars inhibited root growth in all cases and led to an increase in starch accumulation in the underground and overground plant organs. At a concentration of 0.6 M they mostly inhibited the length of the cotyledons and, especially, of the first leaf; at a concentration of 0.4 M growth of the overground organs was stimulated. The results are discussed with respect to the possible ohanges in photoperiodic sensitivity brought about by the rate of initial growth.  相似文献   

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