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Planktonic foraminifers in the Late Cretaceous developed by the way of biological progress. Their taxonomic diversity increased, the shell morphology became more complicated, the number of individuals in the population grew, and the territorial dispersal of the group was active. This process had an intermittently-continuous pattern, as there was alternation of poly- and oligotaxic stages of development of the group. Each of these stages was characterized by the predominant morphotype of shell structure, a certain type of life strategy (k and r strategists), as well as by a certain type of evolutionary process (gradualism or punctualism). All these events are reflected in the systematics of the group, which is regularly updated.  相似文献   

Although marine waters are usually found to be supersaturatedwith respect to both calcite and aragonite, natural precipitationof these carbonate minerals is very restricted. This is apparentlydue to the occupancy and effective removal of lattice sitesby random organic molecules present in natural seawater. Despite this, many marine organisms build external shells orskeletons of calcium carbonate, utilizing various ingeniousmethods to prevent seawater contamination at the growing shellmargin. The periostracum, which apparently evolved as an aidto marginal calcification, has undergone numerous modificationsserving important secondary functions inspecialized groups.  相似文献   

The shell morphological variation of the periwinkle Littoraria angulifera (Lamarck, 1822) was studied in tropical northeast Brazilian mangroves. This area was selected because mangroves in different stages of regeneration, and thus different tree heights can be found. We evaluated whether differences in solar radiation due to differences in tree height influenced the distribution and shell morphology of L. angulifera, and carried out an experiment to test if individuals collected from mangroves with different tree heights differed in their resistance to desiccation. We also analysed if there were differences in L. angulifera shell length and shape between tidal levels within a mangrove. Finally, we tested if increased habitat complexity due to the presence of oysters could influence L. angulifera shell length and shape in different-statured mangroves. We predicted that the oysters could reduce desiccation stress on periwinkles in small-statured mangroves but have no effect in taller ones. Shell length and shape varied among mangroves, although a large variation within mangroves was also recorded. Shell proportionality (shell length:width ratio) increased with shell length, and this relationship differed among mangroves; however, no differences were found in a subsequent year. Individuals from small-statured mangroves survived longer than those from taller mangroves in the desiccation experiment, with a weak correlation between shell proportionality and loss of mass. The presence of oysters had no apparent influence on shell morphology that could be correlated with reduced desiccation stress. The patterns found varied greatly both at small and large spatial scales, suggesting that future studies should evaluate phenotypic and genetic variation at the same time to properly understand variation in L. angulifera shell morphology.  相似文献   

Net pdmary productivity (NPP) is a key component of energy and matter transformation in the terrestrial ecosystem, and the responses of NPP to global change locally and regionally have been one of the most important aspects in climate-vegetation relationship studies. In order to isolate causal climatic factors, it is very important to assess the response of seasonal variation of NPP to climate. In this paper, NPP in Xinjiang was estimated by NOAA/AVHRR Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. The impact of climatic factors (air temperature, precipitation and sunshine percentage) on seasonal variations of NPP was studied by time lag and serial correlation ageing analysis. The results showed that the NPP for different land cover types have a similar correlation with any one of the three climatic factors, and precipitation is the major climatic factor influencing the seasonal variation of NPP in Xinjiang. It was found that the positive correlation at 0 lag appeared between NPP and precipitation and the serial correlation ageing was 0 d in most areas of Xinjiang, which indicated that the response of NPP to precipitation was immediate. However, NPP of different land cover types showed significant positive correlation at 2 month lag with air temperature, and the impact of which could persist 1 month as a whole. No correlation was found between NPP and sunshine percentage.  相似文献   

Conspicuous traits that make males attractive to females may make them vulnerable to predators. Females that approach conspicuous males may increase their risk of predation. This means that selection for reduced male conspicuousness in the presence of predators may be due to sexual selection resulting from altered female behavior in the face of increased predator risk. We examine this hypothesis in the field cricket, Gryllus rubens, in which male calling song attracts both conspecific females for mating and parasitoid flies (Ormia ochracea) which kill their hosts within a week. Female crickets are also parasitized by these flies as a result of associating with calling males. In northern Florida crickets that emerge in the spring are not subject to fly parasitism whereas autumn crickets encounter large numbers of flies. We predicted that autumn females should be less attracted to male song than spring females. We tested female response to male calls in a rectangular arena in which male calling song was broadcast from a speaker. Spring females readily approached the speaker but autumn females were less likely to approach and remain in the vicinity of the speaker. These results emphasize the importance of considering how risk affects the evolution of conspicuous male behavior both directly through its effect on the male and indirectly through its effect on female responses to males.  相似文献   

Reduced aggression toward territorial neighbors, termed the ‘dear‐enemy’ effect, is thought to arise because territorial animals benefit by avoiding contests with neighbors with whom they have already established relationships. The dear‐enemy effect has been described in many taxa, but few studies have considered whether or not neighbors’ relationships are affected by changes in the social environment. In this study, I tested whether Carolina wrens, Thryothorus ludovicianus, behaviorally discriminate between neighbors and strangers in two different social environments: in spring when territories have been established for several months, and in fall when an influx of new birds claiming territories might de‐stabilize wren neighborhoods. Comparisons of responses of territorial males to playbacks of songs from neighbors and strangers showed that Carolina wrens show the dear‐enemy effect in spring, but not in fall in this design. The apparent lack of a differential response to neighbors and strangers in fall might be due to a reduction in aggression toward strangers. This study provides evidence that seasonal changes in the dear‐enemy effect coincide with seasonal changes in the social environment.  相似文献   

微量量热法研究酸奶菌种的适宜生长温度及最佳生长温度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测定酸奶菌种保加利亚孔杆菌、嗜热链球菌及二者混合菌在乳中生长的热谱图曲线,确定了各菌种及混合菌的适宜生长温度范围,计算出了各菌种在不同温度下的生长速率常数。用计算机拟合k-T方程,求出各菌种的最佳生长温度。  相似文献   

The structure and summertime production of planktonic communities and the role of nondiatom planktonic cells were studied in coastal ponds, which are areas traditionally used for fattening and greening table-sized oysters. The abundance and biomass of nano–microplanktonic protists were determined at weekly intervals between February 1998 and February 1999 in a coastal pond without oysters in the French Atlantic coast near La Rochelle. The production of these microbiotas was determined in the summer period. The structure of plankton communities revealed the following observations: (1) microphytoplanktonic cells were mostly diatoms and dinoflagellates, (2) microzooplanktonic cells were mainly ciliates, and (3) nanoplanktonic cells were represented by pigmented (80–90% of the nanoplankton biomass) and colorless nanoflagellates. Diatoms were dominated by Naviculiineae. Dinoflagellates were dominated by Peridiniales. Oligotrichida were predominant in the ciliate community. Protist biomass levels were nine times higher from April to August (summer period 1033 μg C L−1) than from September to March (winter period 114 μg C L−1). Whatever the season, nanoflagellates were dominant in the water column (66 and 53% of the entire protist biomass in the summer and winter periods, respectively). Nanoflagellates represented the highest production of nano–microplanktonic communities (76% of carbon protist production) in the coastal pond in summer and showed the shortest generation time (7.1 h). Dinoflagellates came after nanoflagellates in production (19.5% of carbon protist production). Diatoms represented only a supplementary carbon resource available for higher trophic levels, whereas, until now, they were considered as the principal food of oysters in coastal ponds. Ciliates were a small source of carbon, but their growth rate was high. We suggest, first, that nanoflagellates represented the primary resource available in the pond and could constitute an important food resource for higher trophic levels, such as oysters, farmed in this type of pond. Overall, the system appeared to be more autotrophic than heterotrophic. Because inorganic nutrients are quickly exhausted in a semiclosed pond, pigmented flagellates dominated the carbon biomass, production and biomass of bacteria were high (thus, the microbial food web appeared to be active in this pond), and mixotrophy seemed to be an important trophic mode there.  相似文献   

The net assimilation rate (EA), relative growth-rate (Rw), andleaf-area ratio (FA) were measured for rape (Brassica napus),sunflower (Hetianthus annuus), and maize (Zea mays) at varioustimes of year in an arid climate, using young plants grown widelyspaced on nutrient culture. Multiple regression analysis accountedfor 90–95 per cent of the variation in EA and RW in termsof two climatic variables: mean temperature and radiation receipt. EA rose linearly with radiation in all three species; increasein EA with temperature was greatest in maize and least (notsignificant) in rape. RWrose with radiation and temperature,the latter being the more important variable especially in coolweather; a temperature optimum was shown at 24° C in rape.FA rose with increase in temperature or decrease in radiation;its variation was due to change in leaf area/leaf weight ratherthan in leaf weight/plant weight. Multiple regression analyses can lead to faulty interpretationif the independent variables are correlated (as are climaticvariables in nature), but conclusions can be checked by controlled-environmentstudies in which climatic factors are not correlated. The presentconclusions are supported by such studies. The regression equations, coupled with average weather records,indicate seasonal cycles of growth parameters. EA is maximalnear midsummer and minimal near midwinter, following the radiationcycle. Maxima and minima in RW are about a month later, becauseRW is affected by the temperature cycle and this lags behindthe radiation cycle. FA is maximal in autumn and minimal inspring. EA is highest where radiation receipts near 750 cal cm–2day–1 coincide with high temperatures. This combinationoccurs only in clear midsummer weather at low latitudes, andis maintained over long periods only in arid regions. The fact that EA rose linearly with radiation suggests thatleaf water deficits arising under high radiation had littleeffect on EA and that saturating levels of light were very high.  相似文献   

The fructosan composition of dandelion (Taraxacum officinaleWeber) roots was examined at intervals from November 1971 toDecember 1972. During the spring depletion of carbohydrate reserveswas accompanied by flowering; towards the end of the summerthese reserves were restored. The variation of hydrolase andtransfructosylase activities present in soluble protein extractsprepared from the roots were consistent with the observed changesin fructosan composition. The response of dandelion root tissuediscs to treatment with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid showeda similar variation to that of the initial carbohydrate content,suggesting that the availability of carbohydrate reserves limitsthe response throughout the season.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminifera are marine protists, whose calcareous shells form oceanic sediments and are widely used for stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental analyses. The fossil record of planktonic foraminifera is compared here to their molecular phylogeny inferred from ribosomal DNA sequences. Eighteen partial SSU rDNA sequences from species representing all modern planktonic families (Globigerinidae, Hastigerinidae, Globorotaliidae, Candeinidae) were obtained and compared to seven sequences representing the major groups of benthic foraminifera. The phylogenetic analyses indicate a polyphyletic origin for the planktonic foraminifera. The Candeinidae, the Globorotaliidae, and the clade Globigerinidae + Hastigerinidae seem to have originated independently, at different epochs in the evolution of foraminifera. Inference of their relationships, however, is limited by substitution rates of heterogeneity. Rates of SSU rDNA evolution vary from 4.0 × 10−9 substitutions/site/year in the Globigerinidae to less than 1.0 × 10−9 substitutions/site/year in the Globorotaliidae. These variations may be related to different levels of adaptation to the planktonic mode of life. A clock-like evolution is observed among the Globigerinidae, for which molecular and paleontological data are congruent. Phylogeny of the Globorotaliidae is clearly biased by rapid rates of substitution in two species (G. truncatulinoides and G. menardii). Our study reveals differences in absolute rates of evolution at all taxonomic levels in planktonic foraminifera and demonstrates their effect on phylogenetic reconstructions. Received: 21 January 1997 / Accepted: 17 April 1997  相似文献   

The vegetative cells and spores of four strains of Clostridium perfringens were examined to determine the effect of lowered and elevated temperatures. Spores were produced by following the method of Ellner, and vegetative cells were obtained from thioglycolate cultures. After exposure to freezing or refrigeration temperatures (-17.7 and 7.1 C, respectively), only small numbers of the vegetative cells were recovered. After similar treatment, 16 to 58% of the spores were recovered. Essentially no vegetative cells and few spores survived holding at 80 C for 10 min. Although all strains were isolated from food, only one strain of the four studied had its origin in a food-poisoning outbreak, and it had been carried on laboratory media for approximately 10 years.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization is common in nature but can be increased in frequency or even originated by human actions, such as species introduction or habitat modification, which may threaten species persistence. When hybridization occurs between distantly related species, referred to as “distant hybridization,” the resulting hybrids are generally infertile or fertile but do not undergo chromosomal recombination during gametogenesis. Here, we present a model describing this frequent but poorly studied interspecific hybridization to assess its consequences on parental species and to anticipate the conditions under which they can reach extinction. Our general model fully incorporates three important processes: density-dependent competition, dominance/recessivity inheritance of traits and assortative mating. We demonstrate its use and flexibility by assessing population extinction risk between Atlantic salmon and brown trout in Norway, whose interbreeding has recently increased due to farmed fish releases into the wild. We identified the set of conditions under which hybridization may threaten salmonid species. Thanks to the flexibility of our model, we evaluated the effect of an additional risk factor, a parasitic disease, and showed that the cumulative effects dramatically increase the extinction risk. The consequences of distant hybridization are not genetically, but demographically mediated. Our general model is useful to better comprehend the evolution of such hybrid systems and we demonstrated its importance in the field of conservation biology to set up management recommendations when this increasingly frequent type of hybridization is in action.  相似文献   

Tan  Chao  Shi  Chenyu  Li  Yin  Teng  Wen  Li  Yongjing  Fu  Huiru  Ren  Liting  Yu  Hong  Li  Qi  Liu  Shikai 《Marine biotechnology (New York, N.Y.)》2022,24(5):911-926
Marine Biotechnology - Fast growth is one of the most important breeding goals for all economic species such as the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), an aquaculture mollusk with top global...  相似文献   

In primitively eusocial insects, air temperature is the environmental factor that primarily affects colony cycle. Several studies demonstrated interspecific differences in the adaptation of eusocial insects to local air temperature. Nevertheless, studies on intraspecific adaptations are rare. In this study, we investigate the influence of air temperature on local adaptations in behavior and colony productivity of Polistes biglumis foundresses living in warm and cold temperate zones. We hypothesized that foundresses from warm temperate zones would show a higher activity level compared to those from cold temperate zones before brood emergence, based on differences in air temperature between the two zones. After brood emergence, we expected a reduced foundress activity level in the warm climate zone, due to workers’ help. In contrast, foundresses living in the cold-climate zone, which do not produce workers, were expected to remain active throughout the nesting season. We also hypothesized that colony productivity was higher in warm-climate colonies. As expected, warm-climate foundresses reduced their activity level after brood emergence and, with their relatively large number of workers, continued egg production throughout the nesting season. Further studies are necessary to assess if these intraspecific differences are attributable to phenotypic plasticity or genetic divergence.  相似文献   

In a continuation of our study of dietary differentiation among frugivorous primates with simple stomachs, we present the first comparison of differences in dietary macronutrient content between chimpanzees and cercopithecine monkeys. Previously we have shown that chimpanzee and monkey diets differ markedly in plant part and species content. We now examine whether this diet diversity is reflected in markedly different dietary macronutrient levels or the different feeding strategies yield the same macronutrient levels in their diets. For each primate group we calculated the total weighted mean dietary content of 4 macronutrients: crude lipid (lipid), crude protein (CP), water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), and total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC). We also calculated 4 fiber fractions: neutral-detergent fiber (NDF), which includes the subfractions hemicellulose (HC), cellulose (Cs), and sulfuric acid lignin (Ls). The HC and Cs are potentially fermentable fibers and would contribute to the energy provided by plant food, depending on the hind gut fermenting capacity of the individual primate species. The chimpanzee diet contained higher levels of WSC and TNC because during times of fruit abundance the chimpanzees took special advantage of ripe fruit, while the monkeys did not. The monkey diets contained higher levels of CP because the monkeys consumed a constant amount of leaf throughout the year. All four primate species consumed diets with similar NDF levels. However, the chimpanzees also took advantage of periods of ripe fruit abundance to decrease their Ls levels and to increase their HC levels. Conversely, the monkey diets maintained constant levels of the different fiber fractions thoughout the year. Nevertheless, despite these differences, the diets of the 4 frugivores were surprisingly similar, considering the substantial differences in body size. We conclude that the chimpanzee diet is of higher quality, particularly of lower fiber content, than expected on the basis of their body size.  相似文献   

In order to understand dietary differentiation among frugivorous primates with simple stomachs, we present the first comparison of plant diets between chimpanzees and cercopithecine monkeys that controls for food abundance. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that monkeys have a more diverse diet as a result of their dietary tolerance for chemical antifeedants. Our study species are chimpanzees, blue monkeys, redtail monkeys, and gray-cheeked mangabeys living in overlapping ranges in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We indexed food abundance by the percentage of trees having ripe fruit within the range of each group; it varied widely during the year. Chimpanzees spent almost 3 times as much of their feeding time eating ripe fruits as the monkeys did and confined their diets almost exclusively to ripe fruits when they were abundant. Monkeys maintained a diverse diet at all times. When ripe fruit was scarce chimpanzee and monkey diets diverged. Chimpanzees relied on piths as their main fallback food, whereas monkeys turned to unripe fruits and seeds. For each primate group we calculated the total weighted mean intake of 5 antifeedants; condensed tannins (CT), total tannins assayed by radial diffusion (RD), monoterpenoids (MT), triterpenoids (TT), and neutral-detergent fiber (NDF). Monkeys had absolutely higher intakes of CT, RD, MT, and TT than those of chimpanzees, and their intake of NDF did not differ from that of chimpanzees, appearing relatively high given their lower body weights. However contrary to expectation, dietary divergence during fruit scarcity was not associated with any change in absolute or relative intake of antifeedants. For example, fruit scarcity did not affect the relative intake of antifeedants by cercopithecines compared to chimpanzees. Our results establish chimpanzees as ripe-fruit specialists, whereas cercopithecines are generalists with a higher intake of antifeedants. The low representation of ripe fruits in the diets of cercopithecines has not been explained. An important next step is to test the hypothesis that the difference between Kibale chimpanzees and cercopithecines represents a more general difference between apes and monkeys.  相似文献   

KANDIAH  S. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(2):175-183
Growth in young apple trees of the rootstocks MM. 106 and M.7 was estimated by changes in d. wt., and growth in the differentregions of the two rootstocks was compared. Changes in d. wtwere compared with changes in extractable carbohydrates in MM.106 trees. The seasonal variations in d. wt, extractable carbohydratesand residues, are discussed in relation to utilization of reserveand current assimilates in the different regions of plant duringwinter, autumn, spring and summer. Malus sylvestris L, apple, carbohydrate, growth  相似文献   

The distribution of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies on the distribution of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay were relatively numerous during the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century. Yet, recent reports are scattered, sometimes unpublished, and therefore knowledge about the current coral occurrence in the area is limited. This study aims at compiling the available historical and more recently collected information on the occurrence of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay. Data from two recent cruises are included and compared with previous explored coral sites from as early as 1830 up to 1995. A database of 347 records including 34 described species of scleractinians highlights that the slope of the Bay of Biscay is an important habitat for scleractinians. This could be expected due to the high topographic relief providing the necessary hard substrate and accelerated bottom current flow that corals require. Further exploration of the occurrence and ecology of corals in the area is recommended to support the conservation of cold-water coral reefs along the European margin. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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