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A new ammonite (Fuciniceras paradoxus) is described here. This Lower Domerian species is based on a recently revised collections which came from the Maria Pares section (Rabaçal area, South of Coimbra, Portugal). Curiously, shell of F. paradoxus bears both diagnostic traits for the genus Protogrammoceras SPATH (e.g. acute ogival ventral area) and Fuciniceras HAAS (e.g. angulirursiradiate rib). Thus, the new species can be viewed as a morphological puzzle and as a challenge for taxonomists. The amazing collection of morphological traits previously suspected as highly improbable because of biomechanical constraints (1) confirms the inadequacy of the traditional use of the genera Protogrammoceras and Fuciniceras, (2) refutes the idea of a univocal biomechanic link between the ventral area morphology and the ventral segment of ribs. If this analysis mainly concern the Harpoceratinae subfamily, its generalisation can also be interesting for other ammonites or molluscan groups.  相似文献   

The spatial scaling of 77 hemisutures from 65 species of Cretaceous heteromorphic ammonites was quantified with the fractal box‐counting method. Fractal dimensions within Baculites compressus did not significantly differ between adult hemisutures; however, the juvenile suture of this species did exhibit a significantly lower fractal dimension. This suggests that variation in sutural complexity between explicitly adult ontogenetic stages may not contribute to significant noise in comparisons between other species/morphotypes. High‐spired, three‐dimensionally coiled heteromorphs with a larger degree of septal asymmetry exhibit higher fractal dimensions in outer whorl hemisutures than inner whorl hemisutures due to their elongation and improved space occupation over a larger whorl surface. Three‐dimensionally coiled ammonites also have higher fractal dimensions on average (mean Db = 1.45) with respect to their 2‐D coiled counterparts (mean Db = 1.38). All ammonites in this study exhibit a positive trend between sutural complexity and shell size (proxied by whorl height). These relationships suggest that septal frilling is constrained by shell morphology and whorl section geometry during septal morphogenesis. This, in turn, influences the scaling, space‐filling properties and scaling limits of ammonitic suture patterns. Sutural/septal complexity is also found to positively influence the amount of liquid retained in marginal septal recesses. However, as these septa approach larger scales, less cameral liquid is retained per septal mass. This may further explain the positive relationship between sutural complexity and shell size.  相似文献   

Encrusting bryozoans (Stenolaemata, Tubuliporida) discovered from upper Callovian deposits (Middle Jurassic) near the town of Kolomna in the Moscow region are described. They belong to two new species: Microeciella kolomnensis sp. nov. and Diplosolen akatjevense sp. nov. These bryozoans encrust a fragment of the large shell of cephalopod mollusk (ammonite), which is an unusual substrate not only for bryozoans but also for the other encrusting organisms.  相似文献   

In the present work, we examine a sample of 54 specimens of the heteromorph ammonite genus Ancyloceras d’Orbigny, 1842 from the Argiles à Plicatules Formation (lower Aptian, Lower Cretaceous) of the eastern Paris Basin (NE France). The results are as follows: (1) the sample is regarded as monospecific and assigned to the well-named species Ancyloceras varians d’Orbigny, 1842; (2) its variability is continuous and concerns as well as adult size, coiling and shell ornamentation. Adult size varies by a factor of two from one individual to another. The angle between the proversum and the retroversum is variable. The ornamentation on the spiral and the proversum varies between robust morphotype with trituberculate strong ribs separated by few smooth intercalaries ribs and slender morphotype with feebly tuberculate ribs. There are no arguments in favor of sexual dimorphism in Ancyloceras varians.  相似文献   

The Campanian–lower Eocene sedimentary succession in the Kharga Oasis yields rare cephalopods that have so far received little attention. Eight cephalopod species; six nautiloids and two ammonites, are identified in the study area. The nautiloids are referred to five genera in three families. All nautiloid species are recorded from the Paleocene and Eocene rocks, two of which are described as new, as follows: Cimomia kurkurensis nov. sp. and Deltoidonautilus hassani nov. sp. The two ammonite species are Libycoceras ismaelis (von Zittel, 1884) and Baculites ovatus Say, 1820, representing the families Sphenodiscidae and Baculitidae, respectively. Baculites anceps of Quaas (1902, non Lamarck, 1822) from the Maastrichtian of the Western Desert of Egypt is here assigned to Baculites ovatus. The palaeobiogeography of these species is studied in detail.  相似文献   

Ammonitoceras Dumas, 1876 is a genus of heteromorph ammonites characterized by the presence of a peculiar ontogenetic stage in its inner whorls: the Ammonitoceras stage. But in spite of its wide paleogeographic and biostratigraphic extension throughout the Aptian (Lower Cretaceous), this genus remains poorly known. In the present work we study specimens of Ammonitoceras from the lower Aptian Deshayesites multicostatus (Deshayesites deshayesi Zone) to Dufrenoyia furcata (Dufrenoyia furcata Zone) subzones of the Les Ferres Aptian Basin (southeastern France). The results are as follows: (1) representatives of Ammonitoceras from this area are regarded dimorphic with criocone macroconchs and ancylocone microconchs, (2) their ontogenetic sequence is described, (3) their intraspecific variability is significant and concerns the adult size and the duration of the ontogenetic stages, especially the Ammonitoceras stage, (4) two species are recognized: the earlier Ammonitoceras ucetiae Dumas, 1876, characterized by a brief Ammonitoceras stage on average, and the latter Ammonitoceras lahuseni (Sinzow, 1906), characterized by a longer Ammonitoceras stage on average. The sample of the Deshayesites grandis Subzone (Deshayesites deshayesi Zone) is composed of specimens too fragmentary to be identified at species level.  相似文献   

A precise approach to the quantification of relationships between suture complexity, as measured by fractal analysis (step-line procedure), the architecture of shells, and the main colonized environments, has been made in a set of Late Jurassic ammonites ( N =507). Statistically significant differences between fractal-dimension ( D f) mean values of evolute and involute shells are interpreted as caused by differences in the surface:volume ( S:V ) ratio. Suture complexity is also related to the shape of whorl section. The lowest D f values correspond to subcircular whorl sections (low S:V ratio) and the highest ones to acute sections (high S:V ratio). The shape of flanks shows correlation with suture complexity. The highest values of D f are found in planulate shells and the lowest ones in whorl cross sections with convex flanks. Highly significant differences appear between D f mean values from unsculptured shells and those from ammonites with ribs and/or tubercles of medium to large size. Multivariate analysis shows a combined variation of shell features and suture complexity, resulting in a heterogeneous distribution of D f values within the ammonite morphospace, mainly according to structural (shell architecture) and ornamental (sculpture strength rather than density) factors. Finally, the data obtained on relationships between suture complexity and the colonized environments (epicontinental vs. epioceanic inhabitants) suggest that suture complexity is not primarily related to bathymetry, and/or that no major differences in habitat depths existed between epicontinental and epioceanic ammonites.  相似文献   

Over 50 species of liparoceratid ammonites have previously been recognized from the Ibex and Davoei Zones (Lower Pliensbachian, Lower Jurassic) of England alone. Such a high specific diversity is an artifact caused by their stratigraphical importance and the complex nature of their shells. Simple bivariate analysis indicates that Aegoceras species are arbitrary subdivisions of an allometric growth trend. Principal component multivariate analysis shows that Liparoceras and Androgynoceras (sensu Callomon) are quite distinct from Aegoceras , and they display a more random pattern of variation. The existence of stratigraphically useful size changes in liparoceratids mirrors precisely size increases in benthic molluscan taxa, such as the bivalve 'Astarte' platymorpha and the archaeogastropod Eucyclus subimbricata. The ammonite size changes, at least, probably result from phenotypic variation analogous to that observed in the living cephalopod Sepia officinalis. This evidence taken in conjunction with the fact that kosmoceratid ammonite size changes correspond somewhat with benthic faunal changes suggests that ammonites maybe less useful for stratigraphy than is believed.  相似文献   

The genus Choffatia (Siemiradzki) is an important Callovian ammonite in Kutch biostratigraphy. Several species of the genus were described by the early workers who did not recognize intraspecific variability and sexual dimorphism in terms of the modern concepts. We have described here three dimorphic species based on material reposited in the Geological Survey of India, Kolkata as well as systematically collected additional specimens with precise stratigraphic information. These species are: Choffatia recuperoi (Gemmellaro, 1873), Choffatia cobra (Waagen, 1875), and Choffatia perdagata (Waagen, 1875). The microconchs of the three species, described here for the first time, are lappeted whereas the macroconchs have a simple aperture. However, these species have similar shell morphologies and they intergrade in shell shape and sculpture; thus it is difficult to distinguish them qualitatively. Statistical analyses (both bivariate and multivariate) support that they are distinct species and there is a good correlation among the degree of involution, the degree of inflation, and the strength of ornamentation. C. cobra is the most evolute, depressed, and strongly ribbed whereas C. perdagata is the most involute, compressed, and weakly ribbed. C. recuperoi occupies the intermediate position. This interspecific diversity of Choffatia thus supports Buckman's Law of Covariation.  相似文献   

Because of the relatively thick succession exposed in the Msila area, new bed-by-bed sampling has been carried out in order to investigate late Tithonian ammonites and the correlation between biostratigraphic scales based on ammonites and calpionellids. The outcrop begins with Lower Tithonian beds assigned to the Fallauxi Zone. Ammonites have been found that allow recognition in the same section both Fallauxi and Ponti Zones. The most significant species are: Simoceras admirandum Zittel, which is the marker of the upper subzone of the Fallauxi Zone, i.e. the Admirandum/Biruncinatum Subzone, and several species of the genus Lemencia and Burckhardticeras peroni (Roman), that characterize the Ponti Zone. Ammonites that belong to the Microcanthum Zone appear in bed 18. This zone is usually subdivided into two subzones, of which only the lower one, the Simplisphinctes Subzone, has been recognized. The upper Transitorius Subzone has been recognized on the basis of the occurrence of Moravisphinctes fischeri (Kilian). The last ammonite unit, the Durangites Zone, is easily recognizable because of the occurrence of species of the genera Durangites and Protacanthodiscus. The section ends with the beginning of the Berriasian, which is characterized by a well-exposed, ammonite-rich bed of the Jacobi Zone. Correlation of the ammonite zones with calpionellid zones has been investigated. The Chitinoidella Zone is characterized by calpionellids with microgranular tests that appear in the ammonite Admirandum/Biruncinatum Subzone with species of the Dobeni Subzone, which extends up to the Ponti Zone. Representatives of the Boneti Sub-Zone appear in bed 16, which probably correlates with the base of the ammonite Upper Tithonian Microcanthum Zone. Two horizons have been distinguished within the calpionellid Subzone A3.  相似文献   

The widespread assumption that sutural complexity in ammonites is mainly proportional to water depth is revisited. Fractal analysis has been used for the precise morphometric evaluation of sutural complexity in 131 Upper Jurassic ammonites. Suture lines belonging to twelve families have been analyzed, account being taken of shell structure (coiling, shape of whorl section), sculpture and paleoenvironments. Fractal dimensions obtained in epicontinental and epioceanic ammonites show the unlikelihood of precise relationships between suture complexity and depth, and/or the absence of major differences in habitat depth if bathymetry played any significant role in the configuration of intricate septa. Suture complexity appears to be better related to shell structural types. □ Fractal analysis, ammonite sutures, Upper Jurassic.  相似文献   

O. Szives  & N. Monks 《Palaeontology》2002,45(6):1137-1149
An important new ammonite fauna was collected by Fülöp in 1953 and 1960 from basal lenses between a Tithonian hardground and the overlying Tata Limestone Formation containing many heteromorph ammonites. This assemblage of ammonites has been determined as being of Early Albian ( tardefurcata Zone) age. Among the heteromorphs are species of Tonohamites and Ptychoceras , which are familiar components of Late Aptian or Early Albian ammonite faunas. The genera Ephamulina , Hamites and Protanisoceras are also recorded, the earliest species of which had previously come from sediments of late Early Albian ( mammillatum Zone) age. While Hamites and Protanisoceras are common in Europe, Ephamulina had previously only been known from Madagascar. The discovery of Ephamulina , Hamites and Protanisoceras supports the view that these phylogenetically significant ammonites had radiated close to the Aptian/Albian boundary. Four new species of Hamites ( H. czaszari , H. fazekasensis , H. fueloepi and H. kalvariensis ) and one new species of Tonohamites ( T. boldii ) are described.  相似文献   

A fairly rich ammonite fauna is described for the first time from the Shir-Kuh area. The ammonites represent 18 genera and 31 species. The Desmoceratidae dominate clearly with 62 % beside the Hamitidae with 28%. The remaining fauna shares only 10%. The fauna contains some cosmopolitan elements, but nevertheless is closely related to Europe.  相似文献   

An abundant fauna with Mariella and Stoliczkaia from the Uppermost Albian (top of the Dispar zone) has been found in the Fontanil quarry of Pont-de-Peille, near Drap (Maritim-Alps, France).For the first time a population of Stoliczkaia (Lamnayella) tetragona Neumayr is described, autorizing a better knowledge of the species. The simultaneous presence of S. (Stoliczkaia) clavigera Neumayr shows the indo-pacific affinities of the ammonite fauna.  相似文献   

The genus Billburttia is described to include two new species endemic to Madagascar, B. capensoides and B. vaginoides. Both species were tentatively placed within the problematic genus Peucedanum L. (as Peucedanum sp. A and Peucedanum sp. B) based on their dorsally compressed fruits lacking prominent dorsal ribs and with winged marginal ribs. Recently, however, the African members of Peucedanum have been shown to be only distantly related to the type of the genus and have therefore been segregated into six African endemic genera. While the Malagasy species appear superficially similar to members from one of these segregate genera, viz. Notobubon, they differ markedly in their fruit anatomical characters, notably a narrower commissure, six commissural vittae, vascular tissue in the tip of the ribs and sphaerocrystals distributed in and around the epidermis. The latter two characters apparently represent apomorphies for Billburttia. The non-peucedanoid affinity of the genus, as suggested by the fruit anatomical data, was confirmed using ITS and rps16 intron sequences. Both parsimony and Bayesian analyses of these data place Billburttia within the tribe Apieae of subfamily Apioideae and not closely related to either Peucedanum (Selineae) or the African peucedanoid genera (Lefebvrea clade of Tordylieae).  相似文献   

The originality of the sedimentary deposits and ammonite faunas in the jebel Bou Rharraf concerns “Ammonitico Rosso” facies, the westernmost known for the Pliensbachian, and a strong diversity of the Phylloceratida (Phylloceras, Calaiceras, Zetoceras, Partschiceras and Juraphyllites). The morphological disparity is also important in Galaticeras, Miltoceras and Tauromeniceras. If some taxa like Miltoceras taguendoufi and Mauretaniaceras elmii nov. gen., nov. sp. seem endemic to the High Atlas, most part of the Pliensbachien ammonites of the eastern High Atlas are classic for the southern margin of the western Tethys. Three genera (Callomoniceras, Appenninoceras, Mauretaniaceras) and three new species (Miltoceras involutum, Tropidoceras heterogeneum, Mauretaniaceras elmii) are described. An analysis using the “Discrete Cosine Transform” (DCT) method allows the better understanding of the morphospace of the rib patterns for the Fuciniceras from jebel Bou Rharraf. The biostratigraphy of the High Atlas is also improved with a set of 19 biohorizons for the Pliensbachian and the base of the Toarcian that are correlable with the Tethyan areas.  相似文献   

Ribs appeared cryptically in the Middle Jurassic nautiloid Paracenoceras. These ribs were produced by crowding of growth lirae as a corollary of change in body size during paedomorphic evolution. Initially, they had no direct functional significance. Some other contemporary genera are found to have similar ribbing patterns, partially developed on either the flanks or venter of the adult body chamber.

Subsequently in nautiloid phylogeny, ribs spread all around the whorl, becoming analogous to those of contemporary ammonites. Shell rugosity is observed to occur with increasing frequency in post‐Triassic nautiloids, paralleling the trend in ammonites. This is believed to be an outcome of the ‘arms race’ known as the Mesozoic marine revolution. Ribbing that was not at first adaptive in these nautiloids was subsequently co‐opted as a defensive adaptation. The evolution of this structure is a good example of exaptation.  相似文献   

The Late Viséan (Early Carboniferous) ammonoid species Goniatites sphaericus (Sowerby, 1814) is revised with the use of the type material. With respect to conch morphology, suture line and particularly shell ornament, it is regarded as a senior synonym of the species Goniatites fimbriatus (Foord and Crick, 1897) and must therefore be re-established as an important index fossil for the ammonoid stratigraphy of the Rhenohercynian and Subvariscan shelves. The Goniatites fimbriatus Zone has been re-named Goniatites sphaericus Zone on this basis. The study of ontogenetic changes in the conch parameters shows that intraspecific variation occurs within a wide range. In the whorl profile, variation is very high in small juveniles, while in the coiling rate, intermediate growth stages are more strongly affected.  相似文献   

A high-resolution stratigraphy has been developed for the interval encompassing the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (CTBI), by means of several lithological, biological and geochemical events. This work entails the study of two sections selected on the base of the completeness of their sedimentary record and their contrasting paleogeographical setting: (1) The Rock Canyon Anticline section west of Pueblo, Colorado, (US Western Interior Basin), which is the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) candidate for the base of the Turonian stage, as well as the reference section for the ammonite biostratigraphy of the CTBI; and (2) The wadi Bahloul section in Central Tunisia which is the best and complete section spanning this time interval in the southern Tethyan Margin. These sections record similar biogeochemical events that can be correlated over a great distance.Several important biological and geochemical events determined in these sections relative to the ammonite zonation of the CTBI are listed below in chronological order from old to young: 1. FO (first occurrence) of Sciponoceras gracile-Metoicoceras geslinianum ammonite Assemblage-Zone, 2. δ13C peak I, 3. LO (last occurrence) of Rotalipora cushmani, 4. “Heterohelix shift”, 5. FO of the ammonites Pseudaspidoceras pseudonodosoides and Neocardioceras juddii, 6. δ13C peak II, 7. δ13C peak III, 8. LO of Cenomanian ammonites (Ps. pseudonodosoides and N. juddii), 9. LO of Anaticinella, 10. FO of Turonian ammonites (Watinoceras devonense, base of the Turonian stage), 11. “filament event”, 12. FO of Pseudaspidoceras flexuosum, 13. FO of the Tethyan Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica, 14. FO of Mammites nodosoides, 15. FO of the Western Interior H. helvetica.In the two sections, the Cenomanian-Turonian (C/T) boundary, as defined by the ammonite biostratigraphy, is placed within an interval about 50 cm thick. This interval is termed here as the C/T boundary “precision interval”. The δ13C peak III slightly precedes the precision interval. The genus Anaticinella planktic foraminifer disappears in the middle part of this interval. The “filament event” occurs just above it and is coeval with the first occurrence of Turonian ammonites. These events are useful for placing the C/T boundary precision interval in absence of ammonite markers.Comparing ammonite and planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy we have dated and correlated changes occurring in planktic foraminiferal assemblages. On this base, as an important result, we have demonstrated the diachroneity of the FO of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica and the variable duration of the Whiteinella archaeocretacea PRZ.  相似文献   

For more than a century, a number of ammonite taxa of supposed Tethyan origin or affinity have been reported from the Berriasian condensed deposits of Russia (referred to as ‘Ryazanian’). These occurrences have been used to constrain long-distance correlation and palaeobiogeographic interpretation of the Russian Platform during the earliest Cretaceous. We revise these taxa herein. To accommodate the systematic issues, we introduce a new ammonite genus: Mittaites n. gen. (type species: Mazenoticeras ceccai). We also provide re-assessment for the genera Tauricoceras (= Subriasanites), Riasanella, Riasanites, Prorjasanites, and Karasyazites. Considering the strong affinities between these genera (except for Karasyazites), resctricted palaeobiogeographic distribution and a problematic phyletic origin, we erect a new family Riasanitidae n. fam. Our re-examination suggests that the occurrence of western Tethyan migrants in the type ‘Ryazanian’ should be ruled out. Pending new investigation, correlation of the ammonites of the type ‘Ryazanian’ beds with the Berriasian part of the Standard Mediterranean Ammonite Scale (SMAS) should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

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