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This study reports the oldest fossil record of the genus Adina, A. vastanenesis n. sp., from the early Eocene of Vastan lignite mine (Cambay Shale Formation), Surat district, Gujarat. This fossil wood is characterized by diffuse porous wood, predominantly solitary tylosed vessels, simple perforations, scanty paratracheal to diffuse to sometimes diffuse in aggregate axial parenchyma, predominantly uniseriate to occasionally biseriate rays, and non septate fibres with bordered pits and shows its best resemblance with the modern species, Adina multifolia Haviland, belonging to the tribe Naucleeae (subfamily Cinchonoideae) of the family Rubiaceae. The present discovery becomes the first fossil record of the wood of Adina, which provides an insight about the Gondwanan origin either for the genus Adina or the tribe Naucleeae and its further dispersal to Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Discocephalini, Acanthocephalonotum martinsnetoi gen. n. et sp. n. is described from Río Pichileufú, middle Eocene of Patagonia, Argentina at palaeolatitude ~ 46°S. The new species is the first fossil representative of the Discocephalinae. This taxon is extant in equatorial to subtropical America, and some species reach warm temperate latitudes (Buenos Aires province). The new genus is distinguished from the other genera of Discocephalini by the combination of these characters: interocular width greater than head length; head massive and quadrangular with the anterior margin almost straight; juga touching each other; labrum thick and curved; triangular ante-ocular process extending beyond the eye; broad spine-like antero-lateral process of the pronotum; pronotum explanate and bean shaped; scutellum triangular with a circular tongue reaching the anterior side of abdominal segment 7; and wings well developed with membrane just surpassing end of abdomen.  相似文献   

The early Eocene of the southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, is notable for its nearly continuous record of mammalian fossils. Microsyopinae (?Primates) is one of several lineages that shows evidence of evolutionary change associated with an interval referred to as Biohorizon A. Arctodontomys wilsoni is replaced by a larger species, Arctodontomys nuptus, during the biohorizon interval in what is likely an immigration/emigration or immigration/local extinction event. The latter is then superseded by Microsyops angustidens after the end of the Biohorizon A interval. Although this pattern has been understood for some time, denser sampling has led to the identification of a specimen intermediate in morphology between A. nuptus and M. angustidens, located stratigraphically as the latter is appearing. Because specimens of A. nuptus have been recovered approximately 60 m above the appearance of M. angustidens, it is clear that A. nuptus did not suffer pseudoextinction. Instead, evidence suggests that M. angustidens branched off from a population of A. nuptus, but the latter species persisted. This represents possible evidence of cladogenesis, which has rarely been directly documented in the fossil record. The improved understanding of both evolutionary transitions with better sampling highlights the problem of interpreting gaps in the fossil record as punctuations.  相似文献   

A pair of vicarious species disjunctly distributed in western North America and Himalaya-central Asia,Epipactis gigantea Dougl.ex Hook.and E.royleana Lindl.,are illustrated and discussed taxonomically and phytogeographically.A distribution map is provided  相似文献   

Fossil scorpions are among the oldest terrestrial arthropods known from the fossil record. They have a worldwide distribution and a rich fossil record, especially for the Paleozoic. Fossil scorpions from Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits are usually rare (except in amber-deposits). Here, we describe the only fossil scorpion from the Early to Middle Eocene Pesciara Lagerstätte in Italy. Eoeuscorpius ceratoi gen. et sp. nov. is probably a genus and species within the family Euscorpiidae. This may be the first fossil record of the Euscorpiidae, which are so far only known from four extant genera. Eoeuscorpius ceratoi gen. et sp. nov. was found in the “Lower Part” of the Pesciara Limestone, which is actually dated Late Ypresian stage (between 49.5 and 49.7 Ma). Besides a possible pseudoscorpion, the here-described fossil scorpion is the second arachnid species known from the Bolca Locality.  相似文献   

We examined the energetics of the living fossil microbiotheriid Dromiciops gliroides, a nocturnal and rare small marsupial, endemic to the northern portion of the temperate forest of southern South America. We investigated the effects of changes at ambient temperature and food restriction on the energetics and patterns of torpor. We determined whether they exhibit shallow daily torpor or deep prolonged torpor like some Australian marsupials. Thermal conductance was 92.5% of the expected value for a similarly sized eutherian and basal metabolic rate was 82.9 and 58.6% of the predicted value for standard metatherians and eutherians, respectively. Euthermic D. gliroides showed daily fluctuations in body temperature, being significantly higher during the night. Dromiciops gliroides entered torpor and aroused spontaneously. The duration of torpor bouts increased in response to decreasing ambient temperature; torpor bout duration ranged from 10 h at 20 °C to 120 h at 12.5 °C. This study is the first record of deep torpor or hibernation for a South American mammal. Torpor in this species as well as in marsupials in general appears to be an opportunistic response to unpredictable biotic and abiotic conditions.Abbreviations VO2 metabolic rate - Tb body temperature - Ta ambient temperature - BMR basal metabolic rate - C thermal conductance - Tm temperature differentialCommunicated by I.D. Hume  相似文献   

The mid-Cretaceous of North America and Europe has long been noted for the absence of sauropod dinosaurs, leading several authors to suggest that this depauperate interval is a consequence of an end-Albian sauropod extinction. This time period has become known as the ‘mid-Cretaceous sauropod hiatus’, with the subsequent presence of titanosaurian sauropods in the latest Cretaceous of North America and Europe interpreted as the result of dispersal of taxa from South America and Africa, respectively. However, several lines of evidence indicate that this hiatus is probably a sampling artefact. New fossil and trackway discoveries have considerably shortened the hiatus, reducing it to the Turonian–early Campanian in North America, and to just two short intervals in the late Cenomanian–early Turonian and late Coniacian–Santonian of Europe. Palaeoenvironmental analyses of sauropods demonstrate an inland terrestrial preference for titanosaurs, the dominant Late Cretaceous sauropods; however, during the hiatus there was a decline in inland deposits and increase in coastal sediments in Europe and North America, which would have greatly reduced the probability of preserving titanosaurs. Neither the decline in inland deposits, nor the ‘sauropod hiatus’, occurred elsewhere in the world. Statistical comparisons also demonstrate a significant positive correlation between fluctuations in inland deposits and sauropod occurrences during the mid–Late Cretaceous in Europe and North and South America. Lastly, cladistic analyses do not place latest Cretaceous North American and European titanosaurs within South American and African clades, contradicting the predictions of the ‘austral immigrant’ hypothesis. The latter hypothesis also receives little support from biogeographical analysis of dispersal among titanosaurs. Thus, the ‘sauropod hiatus’ of North America and Europe is most plausibly interpreted as the product of a sampling bias pertaining to the rarity of inland sediments and dominance of coastal deposits preserved in these two regions during the mid-Cretaceous. The presence of titanosaurs in these areas during the latest Cretaceous can be explained by dispersal from Southern Hemisphere continents, but this is no more probable than descent from Early Cretaceous incumbent faunas or dispersal from Asia.  相似文献   

Geological explorations of the basal beds of the Río Yuca Formation (Tucupido region, Portuguesa State, western Venezuela) resulted in the recognition of a new vertebrate assemblage that includes eight taxa: the toxodont cf. Adinotherium, a Peltephilidae armadillo, the freshwaters fishes Platysilurus and Phractocephalus, the caiman Purussaurus, an indeterminate dolphin, turtles, and the previously recognized sloth Pseudoprepotherium venezuelanum. When compared with the higher latitudes faunas of Argentina and Chile, the presence of cf. Adinotherium and peltephilids in the Rio Yuca Formation is consistent, but not conclusive, with a Santacrucian to Frisian SALMA age. The associated fauna, as well recent apatite fission track analysis, indicates that the Río Yuca assemblage is more likely younger in age, specifically Middle to Late Miocene. So far, the Miocene localities of the northern part of South America have provided a less prolific fossil record compared to the southern part of the continent (e.g., Santacrucian and Friasian faunas of Patagonia), but the present work documents the surprising occurrence of two taxa (Peltephilidae and Nesodontinae) common in southern high latitude faunas of South America, implying the persistence of the Santacrucian-Friasian genus Adinotherium in younger strata from northern South America, and that peltephilids were much more widespread during the Miocene than previously recognized. The presence of these common Patagonian taxa (Peltephilidae and Nesodontinae) in Río Yuca also supports the hypothesis of prior researchers for the existence of biogeographical connections between the northern and southern portions of South America during the Late Oligocene or Early Miocene, which facilitated faunal interchange between the two regions. Finally, the biogeographical affinities of the freshwater fishes and the giant caiman (Purussaurus) indicate close relationships of the Tucupido region with the ancestral distribution of the Orinocoan–Amazonian drainage system.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(2):141-147
A small bird with a shorebird-like beak and a very long hind toe is described from the Early Eocene of Messel in Germany. Vanolimicola longihallucis, gen. et sp. nov. is one of the few candidate species for a “wading bird” from Messel, that is, a bird that may have foraged along the shoreline of the ancient lake. A few features indicate a relationship to charadriiform birds and Jacanidae (jacanas) in particular, but charadriiform affinities are only weakly supported. In the preserved skeletal elements, V. longihallucis also resembles the taxon Songzia from the Early Eocene of China, which is considered to be a representative of the Ralloidea (rails and allies). A potential biogeographic significance of the new Messel fossil is strengthened by similar fossils from the North American Green River Formation.  相似文献   

We here describe a new squamate fauna from the late Miocene (Messinian, MN 13) of Ano Metochi, northern Greece. The lizard fauna of Ano Metochi is here shown to be rather diverse, consisting of lacertids, anguids, and potential cordylids, while snakes are also abundant, consisting of scolecophidians, natricines and at least two different colubrines. If our identification is correct, the Ano Metochi cordylids are the first ones identified from Greece and they are also the youngest representatives of this group in Europe. A previously described scincoid from the adjacent locality of Maramena is here tentatively also referred to cordylids, strengthening a long term survival of this group until at least the latest Miocene. The scolecophidian from Ano Metochi cannot be attributed with certainty to either typhlopids or leptotyphlopids, which still inhabit the Mediterranean region. The find nevertheless adds further to the poor fossil record of these snakes. Comparison of the Ano Metochi herpetofauna with that of the adjacent locality of Maramena reveals similarities, but also striking differences among their squamate compositions.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of marsupials from the late Paleogene of North America (Chadronian to Arikareean North American land mammal ages: late Eocene–late Oligocene) is reviewed based on new and previously undescribed fossil material as well as reevaluation of previously described material. Two families are recognized, the Herpetotheriidae and Peradectidae. Nine species of herpetotheriids are recognized within two genera: Herpetotherium Cope, 1873a and Copedelphys Korth, 1994, including one new species, H. tabrumi. The greatest diversity of herpetotheriids was in the Chadronian (four species). By the late Arikareean, only a single species is recognized. The range of Copedelphys is extended into the early Whitneyan (previously limited to Chadronian–Orellan). Among species of Herpetotherium, the ranges of two species have been extended: H. valens (Lambe, 1908) from the Chadronian is reported from the Orellan, and H. marsupium (Troxell, 1923) from the Uintan and Duchesnean is reported from the early Chadronian. The range of H. merriami (Stock and Furlong, 1922), previously only known from the Arikareean of Oregon, is expanded geographically eastward to Montana. Within the Peradectidae only three species are recognized: Peradectes cf. californicus (Stock, 1936) and Didelphidectes pumilis Hough, 1961 from the Chadronian, and Nanodelphys hunti (Cope, 1873b) from the Orellan to early Arikareean. Specimens previously identified as an unnamed new species of Nanodelphys from the Whitneyan and Arikareean are referred here to N. hunti.  相似文献   

Information is presented on fishing effort, efficiency, techniques, and catch composition for Pumé men, women, and children along with a conceptual model of fishing as a food procurement strategy. The Pumé are a native lowland South American group living in the topical savanna region of southwestern Venezuela characterized by seasonal flooding. Results are discussed in relation to the Pumé environmental and social situation, and briefly compared with results from other lowland South American groups.  相似文献   

Historically, ecomorphological inferences regarding theropod (i.e. ‘predatory’) dinosaurs were guided by an assumption that they were singularly hypercarnivorous. A recent plethora of maniraptoran discoveries has produced evidence challenging this notion. Here, we report on a new species of maniraptoran theropod, Nothronychus graffami sp. nov. Relative completeness of this specimen permits a phylogenetic reassessment of Therizinosauria—the theropod clade exhibiting the most substantial anatomical evidence of herbivory. In the most comprehensive phylogenetic study of the clade conducted to date, we recover Therizinosauria as the basalmost maniraptoran lineage. Using concentrated changes tests, we present evidence for correlated character evolution among herbivorous and hypercarnivorous taxa and propose ecomorphological indicators for future interpretations of diet among maniraptoran clades. Maximum parsimony optimizations of character evolution within our study indicate an ancestral origin for dietary plasticity and facultative herbivory (omnivory) within the clade. These findings suggest that hypercarnivory in paravian dinosaurs is a secondarily derived dietary specialization and provide a potential mechanism for the invasion of novel morpho- and ecospace early in coelurosaurian evolution—the loss of obligate carnivory and origin of dietary opportunism.  相似文献   

Togay, a locality from Ol’khon Island, Baykal Lake, Russia, has yielded a fauna of snakes of Late Middle or early Late Miocene age. It is located in a broad area from which no Neogene snake has been reported; therefore, it represents an important landmark. The fauna includes a non-erycine boid, two or three colubrids, a viperid of the ‘oriental complex’ of Vipera, and perhaps another viperid. This assemblage is astonishingly reminiscent of the snake faunas from the late Early and early Middle Miocene from western and central Europe, it being understood that Miocene faunas are practically unknown in the geographically intermediary area. It may be entertained whether a homogenous snake fauna inhabited Eurasia (except the southern part of the continent) during the Miocene.  相似文献   

Meyen’s “Basic features of gymnosperm systematics and phylogeny as evidenced by the fossil record” departs from the usual Botanical Review article that provides the botanical community with a synthesis of the state of knowledge and understanding of an individual segment of botany, i.e., an interpretation of progress in a specialty for the nonspecialist. Instead, this article appears intended to challenge paleobotanists to reconsider traditional views of the interrelationships of the various gymnospermous groups and the concepts on which they were based. A classification scheme is presented which divides gymnosperms into the Ginkgoopsida, Cycadopsida and Pinopsida. These classes are based on Meyen’s analysis of the structural variation in gymnosperms and his interpretation of homologies of various organs. Too often, however, key plants are reconstructed from parts known only in association and relationships are tied to assumptions of homology that have yet to be documented. The result has value in providing a succinct summary of gymnospermous structure and variation in the different groups. It is also commendable in its attempt to explain and use concepts and terminology designed especially for gymnosperms. This critique shows that in many cases there are alternative interpretations that also fit the evidence.  相似文献   

The first fossil record of Vipera “Oriental vipers complex” (Serpentes: Viperidae) in the western Mediterranean islands is presented. Two large-sized vertebrae were found in an Early Pliocene karstic deposit located on the eastern coast of Mallorca, close to Caló den Rafelino (Manacor). The centrum length of the trunk vertebra (12.7 mm) represents the largest-sized known specimen of the European vipers belonging to the “Oriental vipers complex” and it suggests a body length close or greater than 200 cm. The arrival of this snake to Mallorca probably took place during the Messinian Salinity Crisis of the Mediterranean Sea (Late Miocene, 5.6-5.32 My ago) and it should be considered as one of the largest predators in Mallorca during the Early Pliocene. Although patterns of body size change in island snakes are unclear, some considerations about the large size of the Caló den Rafelino viper and co-evolution with endothermic preys are proposed.  相似文献   

New bird fossils from the late Eocene/early Oligocene Makah Formation and the Oligocene Pysht Formation on the Olympic Peninsula (Washington State, USA) are described. A partial skeleton from the Pysht Formation includes the first reported tarsometatarsus of Tonsala hildegardae Olson, 1980, a wing-propelled diving bird of the taxon Plotopteridae. It shows that Tonsala had a tarsometatarsus that was morphologically intermediate between that of the late Eocene Phocavis and more derived plotopterids. We introduce the new taxon Tonsalinae nov. subfam. for a clade including all named plotopterids except Phocavis, Plotopterum, and the recently described Stemec. We furthermore describe a partial plotopterid pelvis and a sternum from the Makah Formation. The sternum shows a close resemblance to that of extant Phalacrocoracoidea (cormorants and darters) and may be the earliest North American record of this taxon.  相似文献   

The stonefly genus Zealeuctra (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) is endemic to the central and eastern Nearctic regions and is presently comprised of 10 species. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine and redescribe two important diagnostic features typically used to identify and define the adult male stage: the large, anteriorly-recurved epiproct and the medial cleft of the ninth abdominal tergite. SEM was also employed to depict the posteromedial portion of female 7th sternum. A new species, Z. ukayodi sp. n., is described from the Cumberland Plateau region of northeastern Alabama and Tennessee. The new species appears superficially similar to Z. talladega Grubbs, but is easily differentiated by characteristics of the male medial cleft. An updated taxonomic key to the males of Zealeuctra is provided.  相似文献   

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