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The construction of a new motorway necessitated the excavation of an Early Neolithic site in the Dutch Flevopolder near the Hoge Vaart canal. In 1994-1996, an area of ca. 1700 m2 was excavated in 0.5x0.5-m squares. The excavation revealed 150 surface hearths and more than a hundred deep hearth pits. The finds, mainly flint and pottery, as well as14C dates from charcoal demonstrated that the area had been used mainly during the Early Neolithic (ca. 4900–4500 cal. B.C.). The investigation of the Early Neolithic remains included detailed botanical analyses of 182 samples and hand-sorting by the excavation team, which included archaeobotanists, of tens of thousands of samples sieved over 2-mm-mesh sieves. No remains of cultivated plants were recognised among the 87 taxa (40 identified to species level) that were preserved, mainly in carbonised form. These results are compared with other Early Neolithic sites studied in the Netherlands, such as Swifterbant S3 and Schokland P14. The possible significance of site function and sample location as important factors influencing presence/absence of cultivated plant remains at a particular site is discussed.  相似文献   

Herbaceous vascular epiphytes were screened in a total sample of 13 445 trees (in 153 species) and 348 lianas (in 30 species) 30 cm girth at breast height in a 30 ha plot of tropical evergreen forest at Varagalaiar, Indian Western Ghats. Of these, 4.3% of trees and 3.7% of lianas were infested with epiphytes. Epiphyte diversity totaled 26 species in 19 genera and 10 families. Sixteen species were angiosperms in three families (Orchidaceae 54%; Piperaceae and Araceae 8%) and 10 species (38%) were pteridophytes in seven families. The orchid, Pholidota pallida was most abundant and occurred on 178 (29.6%) stems. Asplenium nidus occurred on the maximum of 62 host species. The species richness estimators employed for species accumulation curves after 100 times randomization of sample order have stabilized the curve at 18th and 19th hectares respectively for Incidence-based Coverage Estimator and Chao2. A total of 588 trees and 13 liana stems lodged epiphytes, 74% of which were evergreen species and 26% deciduous. Epiphyte density was greater (56%) in deciduous species (Bischofia javanica 30% and Vitex altissima 8%). A significant positive relationship was found between trunk size and epiphyte association. Larger epiphyte species occurred mostly on middle and larger stems and smaller epiphyte species occurred on smaller stems. The majority of epiphytes (92%) were of autochorous dispersal type, bearing capsule or dust diaspores, while the remaining species with berries and nutlets are dispersed by small vertebrates.  相似文献   

The archaeological site we studied is part of an early Iron Age hill fort (8th/7th cent. b.c.), located 800 m from the coast on the top of a hill named MonteTrabocchetto. This paper concerns an excavation, called saggio O, which disclosed a very varied stratigraphy characterised by highly anthropogenic layers and by a pit, presumably used as a silo for food storage, which was very rich in charred seeds and fruits. The study of the pit content showed the dominance of Hordeum vulgare, while Triticum dicoccon, T. monococcum, T. aestivum/durum, Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica were less strongly represented. Some edible Leguminosae were also found (Lens culinaris, Vicia faba var. minor and V. ervilia). In the frequented areas around the pit, herbaceous weeds and fruit tree macro-remains were present (Prunus cf. spinosa, Corylus avellana, Quercus sp. and Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris). The identification of a large number of botanical taxa has provided important information on food of plant origin and agricultural practices during the early Iron Age on the Ligurian coast, the proto-historic archaeobotanical aspects of which are largely unknown.  相似文献   

We record here the occurrence of five exotic fish species viz Oreochromis mossambicus, Gambusia affinis, Osphronemus goramy, Xiphophorus maculatus and Poecilia reticulata in the Chalakudy River, part of the Western Ghats, a global biodiversity hotspot in Kerala, India. O. mossambicus was ubiquitous in occurrence with large shoals being encountered at all sampling sites spread along the downstream-upstream gradient of the river, including at an altitude of 1050 m ASL. Osphronemus goramy was recorded from the downstream region of the river while Gambusia affinis was recorded from three sampling sites located downstream as well as midstream. Xiphophorus maculatus was collected from a second order stream flowing through a tea plantation at an altitude of 1050 m ASL. Samples of brooders and early fry of Poecilia reticulata indicate that the fish has already established a breeding population in the river. Possible threats to the indigenous fish fauna of the Chalakudy River as a result of the invasion and proliferation of these exotics is discussed.  相似文献   

1999年,在印度西部的纳尔玛达(Narmada)河的一条支流——奥尔桑(Orsang)河谷发现了一具孤立的智人头骨,这对于了解印度人类进化历史和南亚直立人与最古老的亚洲智人(或AMH,解剖学上现代的人)之间的联系有着重要的意义。化石是在古老的河流沉积物中发现的。对主体沉积和颅内沉积物的红外光释光(IRSL)测年结果显示,其年代为3—5万年。然而,对化石的直接测年(放射性碳加速器质谱测年AMS)结果表明,其年代最小为4981—5579年前。头骨被归类为圆颅型智人。头骨上最引人注意的特征是颅外有亚洲直立人头后部很发达的角圆枕。头骨最宽处在下部(颞骨)如直立人,这样的情况从来不见于智人。这可能是由于乳突的气窦化而形成的。乳突上脊发育,从破损的眉间区(20mm)可以看到很宽的额窦。所有这些粗壮的特征都表明Orsang头骨和晚期亚洲直立人之间具有遗传连续性。  相似文献   

A palynological investigation of a Holocene profile from Lake Voulkaria, western Greece, was carried out as a contribution to the environmental history of the coastal area of northwestern Acarnania and the Classical city of Palairos. It shows that deciduous oaks dominated the natural vegetation of the area throughout the Holocene. Until ca. 7000 B.C. Pistacia occurred abundantly, while other evergreen woody taxa were rare. At ca. 6300 B.C. an expansion of Carpinus orientalis/Ostrya can be observed. Around ca. 5300 B.C. spreading of Erica indicates a change to a drier climate and/or first human impact. Since ca. 3500 B.C. an increase of evergreen shrubs now clearly indicates land-use. The foundation of the Classical city of Palairos led to a temporary expansion of Phillyrea maquis. Within this period, molluscs of brackish water indicate the use of the lake as a harbour after the construction of a connection to the sea. The deciduous Quercus woodland recovered when human impact decreased in the area, and lasted until modern times.  相似文献   

A bundle of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) radiocarbon dated to 1210±70 uncal B.P. (830±90 cal A.D.) was analysed for its macrofossil content. Apart from stems, capsules and seeds of flax., a large number of diaspores (fruits and seeds) from other plants was identified. Field weeds were the most numerous taxa present, among them three flax field weeds,Spergula maxima, Camelina alyssum andCuscuta cpilinum. Development of the specific flax weed community is discussed. Indicator values are used to characterize the edaphic conditions of this early medieval flax field. The field weeds spectrum also suggests that this flax was sown as a summer crop after an earlier crop of millet.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1326-1333
Pteroceraphron Dessart 1981, Elysoceraphron Szelenyi 1936 and Cyoceraphron Dessart 1975 are three rare genera of family Ceraphronidae (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronoidea). Pteroceraphron and Cyoceraphron are reported for the first time from India by describing Pteroceraphron apoorva Bijoy and Rajmohana sp. nov., Cyoceraphron indicus Bijoy and Rajmohana sp. nov. and Cyoceraphron sahyadri Bijoy and Rajmohana sp. nov., while Elysoceraphron is documented for the first time even from the Oriental region through Elysoceraphron aadi Bijoy and Rajmohana sp. nov. Key to genera of Ceraphronidae in India is also provided.  相似文献   

In fast-changing tropical landscapes, effective strategies for conservation must incorporate information on ecosystems and species distribution with that on landscape change. A possible methodology for conservation prioritization is developed and illustrated using a 27.5 km2 tropical landscape in the Western Ghats hill chain of southern India. Vegetation types or ecosystems within the landscape are ranked based on the ecosystem services they might provide: number of endemic species harbored, species richness, contribution to carbon uptake, economic value of produce per ha and contribution to soil renewal. For a vegetation type, the weighted average of these ranks indicates its net conservation value. Weights thus provide a means of ascribing differential importance to an ecosystem service. Information on landscape change is also summarized by a matrix depicting the likelihood of transformations between vegetation types present in the landscape, projected 5 years into the future. For each transformation between two vegetation types, information on ecosystem service and dynamics is then integrated. Implications from the perspective of conservation are assessed as the product of transformation probability and the resultant gain/loss in conservation value. Strongly positive transformations are likely to result in positive impacts on conservation value, and occur without any additional conservation effort. Strongly negative transformations are likely to occur and have a strong negative impact on conservation value. Maximum conservation effort may be directed at halting or reversing these. This study thus describes a method for conservation prioritization, which integrates information on ecosystem function and services with ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

Parthiba Basu 《Biotropica》1997,29(4):489-500
Seasonal variation and spatial distribution in ground foraging rain forest ants were studied in South Kannada–Kodagu District in Karnataka (India) between 1990 and 1991 by pit-fall trap sampling. All ant species showed marked seasonality. A total of 31 species were recorded from the primary forest over a period of two years. More species were recorded from the closed canopy forest than from tree fall gaps in primary forest. All ant species showed marked seasonality with fewer species and individuals sampled/plot during the wetter seasons. The numerically dominant species, Pheidole sp., was markedly lower in abundance during the wet seasons. Spatial patterns were also studied during a dry season both in the primary forest and an adjacent logged forest. More species were recorded from the logged forest than the primary forest. Community composition in primary forest was different from that in logged forest. Common species were more ubiquitous than rarer species. Species were distributed bimodally across sampling plots. Probable underlying processes behind these seasonal and spatial patterns have been discussed.  相似文献   

Culicoides Latreille, 1809 (Insecta : Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) are small nematocerous biological vectors of a wide range of pathogens of veterinary and medical importance. They are distributed worldwide but prefer warm, damp, and muddy areas. Female midges require blood for egg maturation. Studies on taxonomy, proper identification keys, and distribution patterns of these flies across different geographical regions of India of these flies are limited. This article provides an updated checklist of Culicoides spp. from India collected from various scattered publications, along with their synonyms and details on their subgenera, geographical distribution, and type locality. A compiled list of different Culicoides vectors from India has also been included separately in this article, along with the type of the diseases spread.  相似文献   

We report three cases of rhinosporidiosis from migrant population of Delhi. Three male patients had sino-nasopharyngeal, nasopharyngeal and nasal rhinosporidiosis, respectively. One patient gave a history of bathing in stagnant water. The diagnosis was made by clinical presentation and microscopic observation of characteristic sporangia of Rhinosporidium seebri in mycological and histopathological investigations. All the patients were successfully treated with complete surgical excision of lesions and cauterization of base. There were no recurrences.  相似文献   

Micronutrient malnutrition is a growing concern in the developing world, resulting in diverse health and social problems, such as mental retardations, impairments of the immune system and overall poor health. In recent years, the zinc (Zn) deficiency problem has received increasing attention and appears to be the most serious micronutrient deficiency together with vitamin A deficiency. Zinc deficiency is particularly widespread among children and represents a major cause of child death in the world. In countries where Zn deficiency is well documented as an important public health problem, cereal-based foods are the predominant source of daily calorie and protein intake. Because the concentration of Zn in cereal crops is inherently very low, growing cereals on potentially Zn-deficient soils further decreases grain Zn concentrations. It is, therefore, not surprising that high Zn deficiency incidence in humans occurs predominantly on areas where soils are deficient in plant-available Zn, as shown in many Southeast Asian countries. India has some of the most Zn-deficient soils in the world. Nearly 50% of cultivated soils in India are low in plant-available Zn; these soils are under intensive cultivation of wheat and rice with no or little application of Zn fertilizers. Consequently, cereal crops grown on such Zn-deficient soils contribute only marginally to daily Zn intake. In the rural areas of India, rice and wheat contributes nearly 75% of the daily calorie intake. These facts clearly point to an urgent need for improved Zn concentration of cereal grains in India. Recent calculations indicate that biofortification (enrichment) of rice and wheat grain with Zn, for example by breeding, may save lives of up to 48,000 children in India annually. Breeding new cereal genotypes for high grain Zn concentration is the most realistic and cost-effective strategy to address the problem. However, this strategy is a long-term one, and the size of plant-available Zn pools in soils may greatly affect the capacity of Zn-efficient (biofortified) cultivars to take up Zn and accumulate it in grains. Therefore, application of Zn-containing fertilizers represents a quick and effective approach to biofortifying cereal grains with Zn, thus being an excellent complementary tool to the breeding strategy for successful biofortification of cereals with Zn. Increasing evidence is available from field trials showing that soil and/or foliar application of Zn fertilizers improves grain Zn concentration up to 2- or 3-fold. In the countries where Zn deficiency is both a public health issue and an important soil constraint to crop production, like in India, enrichment of widely applied fertilizers with Zn would be an excellent investment for improving grain Zn while contributing to increased crop production. Recent work by the scientists of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute indicates that the use of Zn-enriched urea in rice and wheat significantly improves both grain Zn concentration and grain yield. It is obvious that enrichment of widely applied fertilizers with Zn and/or foliar application of Zn fertilizers appear to be a high priority with the strongest potential to alleviate Zn deficiency-related problems in India. A Government action and policy plan for enrichment of selected major fertilizers with Zn is required urgently.  相似文献   

A preliminary subnational statistical analysis of violence against Christians in contemporary India, this article suggests that whereas the data provide very little support for simple, demographic explanations of this violence, they do more robustly support theories emphasizing the relative status of ethnic and religious minorities (vis-à-vis majorities) and the perception, among Hindus, that Christians (and other minorities) represent a threat to their numerical, political and economic strength.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in gross primary production (GPP) and net ecosystem production (NEP) in temperate deciduous forests are mostly driven by environmental conditions and the phenology of leaf demography. This study addresses another factor, temporal changes in leaf properties, i.e., leaf aging from emergence to senescence. A process-based model was used to link the ecosystem-scale carbon budget with leaf-level properties on the basis of field observation and scaling procedures; temporal variations in leaf thickness (leaf mass per area, LMA), photosynthetic rubisco (Vcmax) and electron-transport (Jmax) capacity, and dark respiration (Rd) were empirically parameterized. The model was applied to a cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest at Takayama, in central Japan, and validated with data of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE=–NEP) measured using the eddy-covariance method. NEP of the Takayama site varied seasonally from 3 g C m–2 day–1 net source in late winter to 5 g C m–2 day–1 net sink in early to mid-summer. A sensitivity experiment showed that removing the leaf-aging effect changed the seasonal CO2 exchange pattern, and led to overestimation of annual GPP by 6% and annual NEP by 38%. We found that seasonal variation in Vcmax affected the seasonal pattern and annual budget of CO2 exchange most strongly; LMA and Rd had moderate influences. The rapid change in Vcmax and Rd during leaf emergence and senescence was important in evaluating GPP and NEP of the temperate deciduous forest.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory investigations revealed phenotypic, target site and metabolic resistance to permethrin in an Anopheles gambiae s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) population in Bungoma District, a region in western Kenya in which malaria is endemic and rates of ownership of insecticide‐treated bednets are high. The sensitivity of individual An. gambiae s.l. females as indicated in assays using World Health Organization (WHO) test kits demonstrated reduced mortality in response to permethrin, deltamethrin and bendiocarb. Estimated time to knock‐down of 50% (KDT50) of the test population in Centers for Disease Control (CDC) bottle bioassays was significantly lengthened for the three insecticides compared with that in a susceptible control strain. Anopheles arabiensis from all three sites showed higher mortality to all three insecticides in the WHO susceptibility assays compared with the CDC bottle assays, in which they showed less sensitivity and longer KDT50 than the reference strain for permethrin and deltamethrin. Microplate assays revealed elevated activity of β‐esterases and oxidases, but not glutathione‐S‐transferase, in An. gambiae s.s. survivors exposed to permethrin in bottle bioassays compared with knocked down and unexposed individuals. No An. arabiensis showed elevated enzyme activity. The 1014S kdr allele was fixed in the Bungoma An. gambiae s.s. population and absent from An. arabiensis, whereas the 1014F kdr allele was absent from all samples of both species. Insecticide resistance could compromise vector control in Bungoma and could spread to other areas as coverage with longlasting insecticide‐treated bednets increases.  相似文献   

The National Museum of Natural History, Paris, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS/UMR 7194 and 8148) and the Society for Archaeological and Anthropological Research, Chandigarh, conduct paleontological and archaeological surveys in a sub-Himalayan territory well known for its Upper Pliocene fossiliferous deposits and named the Quranwala Zone. Since 2007, the team is investigating this formation in the Masol anticline and has collected four fossils with marks of butchery as well as numerous lithic artifacts. In this paper we show the first chopper extracted in stratigraphy from the deepest fossiliferous layer at more than 2.6 Ma as shown by the undisputable magnetostratigraphy, we describe the lithostratigraphy of the excavation, the techno-typology of the chopper and compare it with the collection of its locality and two other major paleonto-archaeological sites of Masol. The characteristics of this Masol lithic assemblage do not match those of the early Lower Pleistocene African Oldowan (2.55 Ma), but they are similar to those of the Chinese lithic industry of Longgupo (2.5 Ma). These activities open new perspectives regarding the phylogenetic and geographical origins of these Asian hominins as well as on their descendants, and justify the pursuit of surveys and test pits in the Quranwala zone.  相似文献   

Summary In the Kale (Gümüshane) area in the North Eastern Turkey, platform carbonates of the Berdiga Limestone were deposited during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous time in environments varying from intertidal to fore reef. The sequence shows extensive lateral and vertical alterations and interfingering of different facies types. In the upper part of the Berdiga Limestone in the Kircaova area a bituminous thin-bedded to platy limestone and shale 5 to 6 m thick occurs at the Early/Late Aptian boundary. It is underlain by limestones rich in silica nodules of up to 10 cm size. A facies analysis of a section about 70 m thick including the bituminous interval was carried out in 1994/95 at the SW border of the Kircaova area close to the road from L?rikas to Kale. The limestones consist mainly of packstones and grainstones locally rich in calcareaous algae and forminifera. Fragments of molluscs and echinoids as well as some ostracods and calcispheres occur. Some sponges, corals, and beds rich in molluscs occur in minor amounts in the middle part of the section which is characterized by intertidal to shallow subtidal facies. Algae and foraminifera indicate a Barremian-Early Aptian age of the lower part and Late Aptian age of the upper part of the section (e.g.Salpingoporellamuehlbergii, Salpingoporella aff.melitae, Clypeina solkani, Novalesia producta), divided by the bituminous limestones. In West Slovenia (close to the Italian border) a complete Cretaceous section occurs at Sabotin mountain containing Aptian beds with comparable faunal composition. In contrast to the Berdiga Limestone, in Slovenia at the rim of the dinaric platform a patch reef about 50 m in thickness is developed which is also covered by a bituminous limestones (black shale) marking the Early/Late Aptian boundary. Faunal elements in Slovenia arePalorbitolina lenticularis, Cuneolina laurentii, Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) texana andSalpingopoprella dinarica. The bituminous limestone appears to be a marker horizon. At both locations it is locally rich in characeans probably indicating a regressive maximum before another transgression began in the Late Aptian/Albian as world-wide drowning event. Possibly the occurrence of the bituminous limestone (black shale) is associated with volcanic activity during the Aptian. If so it could be used as a chronostratigraphic marker horizon in both areas analyzed.  相似文献   

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