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水平基因转移(horizontal gene transfer, HGT)是生物体获得遗传信息的方式之一,对生物体进化起重要作用。近年来,越来越多昆虫中的水平基因转移现象被报道,如在鳞翅目(如家蚕、甜菜夜蛾、小菜蛾、斜纹夜蛾)、半翅目(如柑橘粉蚧、烟粉虱)、鞘翅目(如咖啡果小蠹、米象、光肩星天牛)、膜翅目(如金小蜂)、双翅目(如果蝇、白纹伊蚊)等昆虫中广泛存在水平转移基因,且不同的水平转移基因对昆虫的营养合成与共生、吸收与消化、毒素产生与解毒、生长和发育、体色改变等方面有着重要作用。本文结合国内外专家学者的相关报道,就HGT的研究步骤与技术方法、评判HGT发生的方法、昆虫HGT的供体与功能几个方面进行了总结和讨论,以期更加深入地了解水平基因转移现象,为探究水平基因转移的作用机制、理解昆虫的进化、遗传和行为、并将水平基因转移应用到农业生产中为农业害虫的绿色防治提供更多思路。  相似文献   

土壤中抗生素耐药性的扩散对全球的公共卫生和食品安全造成威胁,严重挑战人类感染类疾病的预防与治疗.噬菌体介导的抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的水平转移是环境中抗性基因扩散的重要机制.但是,噬菌体对土壤环境中抗性基因传播的贡献尚未见报道.本文综述了土壤环境中噬菌体的分布特征与影响因子,总结了纯化和富集土壤噬菌体的主要研究方法;...  相似文献   

Liu QH  Guo ZG  Ren JH 《遗传》2012,34(7):907-918
多基因系统发育研究方法是系统发育分析中的一个重要手段,基因树冲突已成为分子系统发育研究中日益突出的问题。烯醇化酶基因(eno)及其编码的蛋白广泛存在于五界系统中,烯醇化酶为糖酵解途径中重要酶类。文章选取原核生物已注释的eno基因序列进行了系统发育分析。对其中的138个模式菌株的eno基因序列进行系统发育分析和同源性搜索,发现19个模式菌株的eno基因是通过水平转移而来;并通过核苷酸组成、密码子偏好性和基因排列等基因特征分析,进一步验证了水平转移基因的外源性。结果表明:原核生物eno序列具有较高保守性,其大小适中,是研究原核生物系统发育的良好材料。文章在对基因水平转移的供体和受体菌株生活习性、进化历史以及烯醇化酶的结构和功能的研究过程中提供重要参考价值。  相似文献   

系统发育分析指示细菌向Apicoplast的水平基因转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱新宇 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1316-1320
顶复合器门的原生动物(Apicomplexan protozoa)含有一个高度退化的质体样(plastid-like)细胞器,定名为apicoplast。来自apicoplast的c/pC基因和它在其他质体和细菌中的同源物用来重建apicoplast的系统发育史。使用邻接法(Neighbor-Joining)、最小进化法(Minimum Evolution)、最大简约法(Maximum Pamimony)和最大似然法(Maximum Likelihood)建立进化树。此外为了避免由于序列之间相似的碱基组成而引起的虚假聚类,建立了基于LogDet距离的核苷酸NJ树;以及为了避免由于在核苷酸和氨基酸水平上的突变饱和而引起的长分枝吸引(Long Branch Attraction,LBA),建立了基于非饱和位点的核苷酸和氨基酸序列的系统发育树。重建结果强有力地支持apicoplast和细菌B.buigorferi之间的单系(monophyly)起源关系,也强化了apicoplasst属于混合基因组的假设,并且提供了对这个混合基因组起源的新的认识。  相似文献   

基因转移是实现基因治疗的关键技术之一 ,目前尚缺少简便、易行、有效、安全的方法 .首次将我国传统的针刺技术与现代转基因技术结合起来 ,创建了一种电针转基因的方法 .应用针灸针携带外源基因 ,经皮针刺 ,进行直流电刺激 ,可实现有效的基因转移 .  相似文献   

近几十年来,病原菌耐药性的出现和蔓延已上升为严峻的公共卫生问题。越来越多研究表明,抗菌素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)不仅仅见于临床所分离的病原体,而是包括所有的致病菌、共生菌以及环境中的细菌,它们都能在可移动遗传元件和噬菌体的作用下,通过水平基因转移(horizontal gene transfer,HGT)途径获得耐药性,进而形成抗菌素耐药基因簇(耐药基因组)。HGT可导致抗菌素的耐药性在环境共生菌和病原菌之间传播扩散,这可通过临床上一些重要的抗菌素耐药基因的传播证实。传统观念认为HGT的三种机制中,接合对ARGs的传播影响最大,最近研究表明转化和转导对ARGs播散起到不可忽视的作用。通过深入了解耐药基因组的传播及其在动员病原菌耐药中发挥的作用,对于控制这些基因的播散是至关重要的。将讨论耐药基因组的概念,提供临床相关的抗菌素抗性基因水平基因转移的例子,对当前已研究的促使抗菌素耐药性传播的各种HGT机制进行回顾。  相似文献   

基因水平转移的评判方法和转移方式研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李志江  李海权  刁现民 《遗传》2008,30(9):1108-1114
基因水平转移是不同物种之间或细胞器间基因的交流。基因水平转移现象在原核生物中普遍存在, 在真核生物中近年来也发现了众多例证, 说明水平转移是生物界的普遍现象。文章着重对基因水平转移的概念、评判基因水平转移的标准, 水平转移的特点和转移方式, 以及基因水平转移对基因组进化的作用等方面的研究进展进行了综述。在已有的基因水平转移研究中进化树分析法、碱基组成分析法、选择压力分析法、内含子分析法、特殊序列分析法和核苷酸组成偏向性分析法等几种是常用的方法; 转座序列是生物中最易于发生水平转移的基因类型;原核生物基因水平转移的主要方式有转化、接合和转导, 真核生物中水平转移发生方式尚不清楚。基因水平转移在基因、基因组和生物进化中有着其独特的作用。  相似文献   

水平基因转移是不同于垂直基因转移的遗传物质的交流方式.在污染环境这一特异生态环境中,降解基因的水平转移有着独特的功能与作用.研究环境中污染物降解基因在微生物间的水平转移,更深入地了解微生物种群适应污染环境的机理,对于评价污染物的环境毒理、生物可降解性以及污染环境的可修复潜力具有重要参考价值.在污染物生物修复实践中,可以通过调控降解基因的水平转移,增强污染环境中微生物的降解能力,更有效地发挥生物修复作用.文章将对环境中细菌间基因交流的机制,污染物降解基因的水平转移对微生物适应污染环境的机理、水平基因转移对代谢途径的进化及其对污染物生物修复作用的影响等方面的研究进展做一综述.  相似文献   

基因治疗研究中脂质体介导的基因转移技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于脂质体的深入研究特别是阳离子脂质体的研制使其逐步成为重要的基因转移载体之一,并且初步应用于基因治疗研究,同时多种靶向脂质体的研制也为体内靶向基因转移和表达奠定了基础。本文就脂质体的结构、功能、在基因治疗研究中的应用以及各种靶向脂质体的研制进行了介绍。  相似文献   

水平基因转移(horizontal gene transfer,HGT)是指遗传物质在种间通过非垂直传递方式的移动。HGT可能造成种群的快速协同进化、不同物种间的趋同进化、获得新遗传性状等,是物种进化的重要驱动力之一。过去对HGT的研究主要集中在原核生物和植物方面,但近年来动物方面的HGT现象逐渐受到关注。为进一步了解动物类群中HGT的研究概况,列举了近年来动物类群中HGT的实例和相关证据,评估了证据的可靠性,同时简要介绍了HGT的验证方法,以期更好地理解HGT在动物进化中的重要意义。  相似文献   

水平基因转移是一种能够在物种间进行基因交流的现象,是生物迅速适应环境的主要驱动力之一.近年来,随着测序技术的进步,昆虫中的水平基因转移现象被大量报道,成为昆虫研究的热点之一.本文总结了水平基因转移研究的常用流程和手段,以及昆虫水平转移基因的供体、受体和功能,讨论水平基因转移与昆虫食性的联系以及研究方法的局限,并展望昆虫水平基因转移研究领域未来的方向.  相似文献   

基因水平转移可导致细菌不同种属间个体DNA的交换,从而使细菌对环境的适应性增强,是细菌进化的重要途径之一。基因组岛是基因水平转移的重要载体,可移动的基因组岛能够整合到宿主的染色体上,并在特定的条件下切除,进而通过转化、接合或转导等方式转移到新的宿主中。基因组岛具有多种生物学功能,如抗生素抗性、致病性、异源物质降解、重金属抗性等。基因组岛的转移造成可变基因在不同种属细菌间的广泛传播,例如毒力和耐药基因的传播导致了多重耐药细菌的产生,威胁人类健康。基因组岛由整合酶介导转移,同时在转移的过程受到多种不同转录因子的调控。本文对细菌中基因组岛的结构特点、转移和调控机制以及预测等方面进行了综述,并最终阐明基因组岛的转移及其调控机制是遏制基因组岛传播的重要策略。  相似文献   

The evolutionary events in organisms can be tracked to the transfer of genetic material. The inheritance of genetic material among closely related organisms is a slow evolutionary process. On the other hand, the movement of genes among distantly related species can account for rapid evolution. The later process has been quite evident in the appearance of antibiotic resistance genes among human and animal pathogens. Phylogenetic trees based on such genes and those involved in metabolic activities reflect the incongruencies in comparison to the 16S rDNA gene, generally used for taxonomic relationships. Such discrepancies in gene inheritance have been termed as horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events. In the post-genomic era, the explosion of known sequences through large-scale sequencing projects has unraveled the weakness of traditional 16S rDNA gene tree based evolutionary model. Various methods to scrutinize HGT events include atypical composition, abnormal sequence similarity, anomalous phylogenetic distribution, unusual phyletic patterns, etc. Since HGT generates greater genetic diversity, it is likely to increase resource use and ecosystem resilience.  相似文献   

Aeromonas species are common inhabitants of aquatic environments and relevant as human pathogens. Their potential as pathogens may be related in part to lateral transfer of genes associated with toxin production, biofilm formation, antibiotic resistance, and other virulence determinants. Natural transformation has not been characterized in aeromonads. DNA from wild-type, prototrophic strains that had been isolated from environmental sources was used as donor DNA in transformation assays with auxotrophs as the recipients. Competence was induced in 20% nutrient broth during the stationary phase of growth. Optimal transformation assay conditions for one chosen isolate were in Tris buffer with magnesium or calcium, pH 5–8, and a saturating concentration of 0.5 μg of DNA per assay (3.3 ng of DNA μl−1) at 30 °C. Sodium was also required and could not be replaced with ammonium, potassium, or lithium. The maximal transformation frequency observed was 1.95 × 10−3 transformants (recipient cell)−1. A survey of environmental Aeromonas auxotrophic recipients (n = 37), assayed with donor DNA from other wild-type environmental aeromonads under optimal assay conditions, demonstrated that 73% were able to act as recipients, and 100% were able to act as donors to at least some other aeromonads. Three different transformation groups were identified based on each isolates’ ability to transform other strains with its DNA. The transformation groups roughly corresponded to phylogenetic groups. These results demonstrate that natural transformation is a general property of Aeromonas environmental isolates with implications for the genetic structures of coincident Aeromonas populations.  相似文献   

Wu DD  Zhang YP 《Genomics》2011,98(5):367-369
Horizontal gene transfer, the movement of genetic materials across the normal mating barriers between organisms occurs frequently and contributes significantly to the evolution of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes. However, few concurrent transfers of functionally related genes implemented in a pathway from eukaryotes to prokaryotes are observed. Here, we did phylogenetic analyses to support that the genes, i.e. dihydrofolate reductase, glycine hydroxymethyltransferase, and thymidylate synthase involved in thymidylate metabolism, in Hz-1 virus were obtained from insect genome recently by independent horizontal gene transfers. In addition, five other related genes in nucleotide metabolism show evidences of horizontal gene transfers. These genes demonstrate similar expression pattern, and they may have formatted a functionally related pathway (e.g. thymidylate synthesis, and DNA replication) in Hz-1 virus. In conclusion, we provide an example of horizontal gene transfer of functionally related genes in a pathway to prokaryote from eukaryote.  相似文献   

Previous work had shown that a sequence homologous to the gene encoding class II hydrophobin cerato-ulmin from the fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, the causal agent of Dutch Elm Disease (DED), was present in a strain of the unrelated species Geosmithia species 5 (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) isolated from Ulmus minor affected by DED. As both fungi occupy the same habitat, even if different ecological niches, the occurrence of horizontal gene transfer was proposed. In the present work we have analysed for the presence of the cerato-ulmin gene 70 Geosmithia strains representing 29 species, isolated from different host plants and geographic locations. The gene was found in 52.1 % of the strains derived from elm trees, while none of those isolated from nonelms possessed it. The expression of the gene in Geosmithia was also assessed by real time PCR in different growth conditions (liquid culture, solid culture, elm sawdust, dual culture with O. novo-ulmi), and was found to be extremely low in all conditions tested. On the basis of these results we propose that the cerato-ulmin gene is not functional in Geosmithia, but can be considered instead a marker of more extensive transfers of genetic material as shown in other fungi.  相似文献   

Summary The ability to transfer mammalian genes parasexually has opened new possibilities for gene mapping and fine structure mapping and offers great potential for contributing to several aspects of mammalian biology, including gene expression and genetic engineering. The DNA transferred has ranged from whole genomes to single genes and smaller segments of DNA. The transfer of whole genomes by cell fusion forms cell hybrids, which has promoted the extensive mapping of human and mouse genes. Transfer, by cell fusion, of rearranged chromosomes has contributed significantly to determining close linkage and the assignment of genes to specific chromosomal regions. Transfer of single chromosomes has been achieved utilizing microcells fused to recipient cells. Metaphase chromosomes have been isolated and used to transfer single-to-multigenic DNA segments. DNA-mediated gene transfer, simulating bacterial transformation, has achieved transfer of single-copy genes. By utilizing DNA cleaved with restriction endonucleases, gene transfer is being employed as a bioassay for the purification of genes. Gene mapping and the fate of transferred genes can be examined now at the molecular level using sequence-specific probes. Recently, single genes have been clones into eucaryotic and procaryotic vectors for transfer into mammalian cells. Moreover, recombinant libraries in which entire mammalian genomes are represented collectively are a rich new source of transferable genes. Methodology for transferring mammalian genetic information and applications for mapping mammalian genes is presented and prospects for the future discussed. Presented in the symposium on Gene Transfer, Differentiation and Neoplasia in Plant and Animal Cells at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Seattle, Washington, June 10–14, 1979. This symposium was supported in part by Grant CA 26748 from the National Cancer Institute, DHEW, and Grant RD-67 from the American Cancer Society. Supported by NIH grants HD 05196 and GM 20454 and by MOD grants 1-485 and 1-692.  相似文献   

Surrogate methods for detecting lateral gene transfer are those that do not require inference of phylogenetic trees. Herein I apply four such methods to identify open reading frames (ORFs) in the genome of Escherichia coli K12 that may have arisen by lateral gene transfer. Only two of these methods detect the same ORFs more frequently than expected by chance, whereas several intersections contain many fewer ORFs than expected. Each of the four methods detects a different non-random set of ORFs. The methods may detect lateral ORFs of different relative ages; testing this hypothesis will require rigorous inference of trees.  相似文献   

Sobecky PA 《Plasmid》2002,48(3):213-221
To better understand prokaryotic gene flux in marine ecosystems and to determine whether or not environmental parameters can effect the composition and structure of plasmid populations in marine bacterial communities, information on the distribution, diversity, and ecological traits of marine plasmids is necessary. This mini-review highlights recent insights gained into the molecular diversity and ecology of plasmids occurring in marine microbial communities.  相似文献   

The ability to propagate under anaerobic conditions is an essential and unique trait of brewers or bakers yeast (Saccharomyces cervisiae). To understand the evolution of facultative anaerobiosis we studied the dependence of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis, more precisely the fourth enzymic activity catalysed by dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODase), on the enzymes of the respiratory chain in several yeast species. While the majority of yeasts possess a mitochondrial DHODase, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a cytoplasmatic enzyme, whose activity is independent of the presence of oxygen. From the phylogenetic point of view, this enzyme is closely related to a bacterial DHODase from Lactococcus lactis. Here we show that S. kluyveri, which separated from the S. cerevisiae lineage more than 100 million years ago, represents an evolutionary intermediate, having both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial DHODases. We show that these two S. kluyveri enzymes, and their coding genes, differ in their dependence on the presence of oxygen. Only the cytoplasmic DHODase promotes growth in the absence of oxygen. Apparently a Saccharomyces yeast progenitor which had a eukaryotic-like mitochondrial DHODase acquired a bacterial gene for DHODase, which subsequently allowed cell growth gradually to become independent of oxygen.Communicated by C. P. Hollenberg  相似文献   

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