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Summary We have resumed the search for an autosomal linkage with affective disorder in the Old Order Amish and report the pairwise linkage results after screening 185 marked loci. No positive evidence of genetic linkage was found, and we estimate that roughly 23% of the autosomal genome has been excluded from linkage.  相似文献   

Summary We have used genetic linkage analysis in an effort to identify a gene responsible for bipolar affective disorder (BAD) in an Old Order Amish pedigree. The initial study of this pedigree showed strong evidence for linkage of the chromosome 11p15 markers HRAS1 and the insulin gene (INS) to BAD, whereas a second report found no evidence for linkage. We have independently determined the INS and HRAS1 genotypes from 81 individuals in this pedigree. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was used to score INS alleles that are difficult to distinguish from one another by conventional agarose gel electrophoresis. In addition, we used four separate diagnostic models to score individuals with psychiatric illness as either affected or unaffected. No evidence of significant linkage between BAD and the markers was found with either two-point or multipoint analysis regardless of which diagnostic model was used. However, exclusion of the region of chromosome 11 between INS and RAS1 as a possible location for the BAD gene in this family depended on the diagnostic model. Further genetic linkage studies with additional DNA markers that span the genome are necessary to determine the chromosomal location of the BAD gene in this family.  相似文献   

The Old Order Amish are a healthy and well-nourished natural fertility population, so that the timing of births is not influenced by behaviours to limit family size, undernutrition or disease. The present study examines the monthly distribution of 8160 births occurring between 1920 and 1991 in the Geauga Settlement in north-east Ohio, USA. The monthly distribution of births in the Geauga Settlement is bimodal, with a major peak extending from August to October, a minor peak in February, and a major trough from April to June. This pattern is almost identical to the pattern found in the US in 1943. The monthly distribution of first births appears to be influenced to some extent by a highly significant seasonal pattern of weddings. The pattern of births in the Old Order Amish is consistent with the hypothesis that the spring trough in US births is at least partially caused by a decrease in coital frequency and/or a decrease in fecundability as a result of hot summer temperatures but is not consistent with the hypothesis that the fall peak in US births is primarily due to an increase in coital frequency during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons.  相似文献   

Old Order Amish, founded by a small number of Swiss immigrants, exist in culturally isolated communities across rural North America. The consequences of genetic isolation and inbreeding within this group are evident by increased frequencies of many monogenic diseases and several complex disorders. Conversely, the prevalence of Alzheimer disease (AD), the most common form of dementia, is lower in the Amish than in the general American population. Since mitochondrial dysfunction has been proposed as an underlying cause of AD and a specific haplogroup was found to affect AD susceptibility in Caucasians, we investigated whether inherited mitochondrial haplogroups affect risk of developing AD dementia in Ohio and Indiana Amish communities. Ninety-five independent matrilines were observed across six large pedigrees and three small pedigrees then classified into seven major European haplogroups. Haplogroup T is the most frequent haplogroup represented overall in these maternal lines (35.4%) while observed in only 10.6% in outbred American and European populations. Furthermore, haplogroups J and K are less frequent (1.0%) than in the outbred data set (9.4–11.2%). Affected case matrilines and unaffected control lines were chosen from pedigrees to test whether specific haplogroups and their defining SNPs confer risk of AD. We did not observe frequency differences between AD cases compared to controls overall or when stratified by sex. Therefore, we suggest that the genetic effect responsible for AD dementia in the affected Amish pedigrees is unlikely to be of mitochondrial origin and may be caused by nuclear genetic factors.  相似文献   

Scanning of the human genome by use of affected relative pairs and dense sets of highly polymorphic markers or by emerging techniques such as genomic mismatch scanning. (GMS) is making it possible to identify the genetic etiology of a disease through detection of susceptibility loci. We present a general statistical model and test to detect disease genes, using affected relative pairs and either markers or GMS technologies in a genome search. There are an exact test and large-sample normal approximation that control for the elevated probability of false detection of linkage in a genome search. The approach can be used to determine the sample size needed to obtain a prespecified power to detect a disease gene in the presence of etiologic heterogeneity for a single class or mixture of relative classes, with any number of markers, or clones, markers PIC values, or mapping function. The approach is used to examine differences in performance of markers and GMS technologies in a common statistical framework and to provide practical information for designing studies of complex traits.  相似文献   

Previously reported linkage of bipolar affective disorder to DNA markers in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 18 was reexamined in a larger homogeneous sample of Old Order Amish families. Four markers (D18S21, D18S53, D18S44, and D18S40) were examined in three kindreds containing 31 bipolar I (BP I) individuals. Although linkage findings were replicated in the one previously studied Amish pedigree containing four BP I individuals, linkage to this region was excluded in the larger sample. If a susceptibility locus for bipolar disorder is located in this region of chromosome 18, it is of minor significance in this population.  相似文献   

Joint linkage of multiple loci for a complex disorder.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Many investigators who have been searching for linkage to complex diseases have by now accumulated a drawer full of negative results. If disease is actually caused by genes at several loci, these data might contain multiple-locus system (MLS) information that the investigator does not realize. Trying to obtain this information formally, through the MLS likelihood, leads to severe computational and statistical difficulties. Therefore, we propose a scheme of inference based on single-locus (SL) statistics, considered jointly. By simulation, we find that the MLS lod score is closely approximated by the sum of SL lod scores. However, we also find that for moderately large systems, say three of four loci, both MLS and SL lod scores are likely to be inconclusive. Nonetheless, MLS can often be detected through the correlation of individual pedigree SL lod scores. Significant correlation is itself evidence of an MLS, because, in the absence of linkage, false-positive lod scores are necessarily random. Under epistasis SL lod scores tend to be positively correlated among pedigrees, while under independent action SL lod scores from high-density samples tend to be negatively correlated.  相似文献   

A genome scan was conducted on 370 F2 Duroc-Landrace pigs. Microsatellite markers (n = 182) were genotyped across the entire F2 population, all F1 parents and the paternal grandparents. Breed of origin of all chromosomal segments inherited in F2 progeny were predicted using GenoProb, where genotypic data, genetic maps and extended pedigrees were used as inputs. Statistical tests for quantitative trait loci (QTL) associations were conducted on 41 phenotypes with SAS using output from GenoProb for genotypic data. Fixed effects included sex and age at slaughter. For certain analyses carcass weight, RYR1 genotype and/or PRKAG3 genotype were also included as covariates. Subjective and objective measures of pork colour, marbling and tenderness were recorded, as well as measures of carcass fatness and muscularity. Test results were adjusted to a genome-wide level of significance. Five genomic regions presented significant evidence for QTL at chromosome 1 positions 6 cM (intramuscular fat) and 67 cM (Hunter L*), chromosome 2 position 62 cM (taste panel tenderness), chromosome 17 position 50 (loineye area and image analysis estimated loineye area) and X position 87 cM (carcass weight). Sixty-six suggestive associations were detected. Fourteen of these associations were within the regions with significant QTL on chromosomes 2, 17 and X, and the remaining 52 associations resided in 29 other regions on 13 different chromosomes of the porcine genome. The chromosome 2 region of 60-66 cM was associated with all measures of pork tenderness and the region on chromosome 17 (32-39 cM) was associated with both measures of intramuscular fat and loineye area. After verification, the QTL for marbling and tenderness should be useful in commercial production to improve pork quality as the population was developed from two of the three most utilized breeds of swine in the USA.  相似文献   

A search for quantitative trait loci for ovulation rate in cattle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Seventy-seven polymorphic microsatellites were analysed in offspring of three elite sires that were part of the foundation of an experimental population selected for twinning rate at the US Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska. All females were assessed for ovulation rate by rectal palpation of corpora lutea over 8–10 consecutive oestrous cycles from approximately 12 to 18 months of age, and associations between ovulation rate and sire allele were examined in each of the three sire groups. A preliminary analysis was performed using selectively genotyped daughters of each sire. Markers found significant or approaching significance were also genotyped in all daughters, sons and granddaughters of these sires. A test of marker associations limited to the granddaughter data provided an independent confirmation of marker effect and significance relative to the initial test with daughter data. Putative ovulation rate quantitative trait loci were detected on chromosomes 7 and 23. Marker UWCA20 on chromosome 7 was associated with an effect in excess of one phenotypic standard deviation and accounted for approximately 10% of phenotypic variation ovulation rate. Marker CYP21 (steroid 21-hydroxylase) on chromosome 23 was associated with an effect of slightly less than half a phenotypic standard deviation and accounted for approximately 4% of phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Therapeutic intervention for atherosclerosis has predominantly concentrated on regulating cholesterol levels; however, these therapeutics are not efficacious for all patients, suggesting that other factors are involved. This study was initiated to identify mechanisms that regulate atherosclerosis predisposition in mice other than cholesterol level regulation. To do so we performed quantitative trait locus analysis using two inbred strains that each carry the atherosclerosis phenotype-sensitizing Apoe deficiency and that have been shown to have widely disparate predilection to atherosclerotic lesion formation. One highly significant locus on chromosome 10 (LOD = 7.8) accounted for 19% of the variance in lesion area independent of cholesterol. Two additional suggestive loci were identified on chromosomes 14 (LOD = 3.2) and 19 (LOD = 3.2), each accounting for 7-8% of the lesion variance. In all, five statistically significant and suggestive loci affecting lesion size but not lipoprotein levels were identified. Many of these were recapitulated in an independent confirmatory cross. In summary, two independently performed crosses between C57BL/6 and FVB/N Apoe-deficient mice have revealed several previously unreported atherosclerosis susceptibility loci that are distinct from loci linked to lipoprotein levels.  相似文献   

Bipolar affective disorder (BAD) affects approximately 1% of the population and shows strong heritability. To identify potential BAD susceptibility loci, we undertook a 15-cM genome screen, using 214 microsatellite markers on the 35 most informative individuals of a large, statistically powerful pedigree. Data were analyzed by parametric two-point linkage methods under several diagnostic models. LOD scores >1.00 were obtained for 21 markers, with four of these >2.00 for at least one model. The remaining 52 individuals in the family were genotyped with these four markers, and LOD scores remained positive for three markers. A more intensive screen was undertaken in these regions, with the most positive results being obtained for chromosome 4q35. Using a dominant model of inheritance with 90% maximum age-specific penetrance and including bipolar I, II, schizoaffective/mania, and unipolar individuals as affected, we obtained a maximum two-point LOD score of 2.20 (theta = .15) at D4S1652 and a maximum three-point LOD score of 3.19 between D4S408 and D4S2924. Nonparametric analyses further supported the presence of a locus on chromosome 4q35. A maximum score of 2.62 (P=.01) was obtained between D4S1652 and D4S171 by use of the GENEHUNTER program, and a maximum score of 3.57 (P=.0002) was obtained at D4S2924 using the affected pedigree member method. Analysis of a further 10 pedigrees suggests the presence of this locus in at least one additional family, indicating a possible predisposing locus and not a pedigree-specific mutation. Our results suggest the presence of a novel BAD susceptibility locus on chromosome 4q35.  相似文献   

Patterns of maternal transmission in bipolar affective disorder.   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The mode of inheritance of bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) appears complex, and non-Mendelian models of inheritance have been postulated. Two non-Mendelian phenomena, genomic imprinting and mitochondrial inheritance, may contribute to the complex inheritance pattern seen in BPAD. Both imprinting and mitochondrial inheritance share the feature of differential expression of the phenotype, depending on the parent of origin. In this study we tested the hypothesis of a parent-of-origin effect on the transmission of BPAD. We examined the frequency and risk of affective disorder among relatives in a sample of 31 families ascertained through treated probands with BPAD and selected for the presence of affected phenotypes in only one parental lineage. Three specific comparisons were performed: (1) the observed frequency of transmitting mothers versus transmitting fathers; (2) the observed frequency and lifetime risk of BPAD among the maternal versus the paternal relatives of probands; and (3) the observed frequency and lifetime risk of BPAD for the offspring of affected mothers compared with the offspring of affected fathers. We observed a higher than expected frequency of affected mothers (P < .04), a 2.3-2.8-fold increased risk of illness for maternal relatives (P < .006), and a 1.3- 2.5-fold increased risk of illness for the offspring of affected mothers (P < .017).In seven enlarged pedigrees, fathers repeatedly failed to transmit the affected phenotype to daughters or sons. Taken together, these findings indicate a maternal effect in the transmission of BPAD susceptibility and suggest that molecular studies of mtDNA and imprinted DNA are warranted in patients with BPAD.  相似文献   

Selection for increased resistance to Salmonella colonisation and excretion could reduce the risk of foodborne Salmonella infection. In order to identify potential loci affecting resistance, differences in resistance were identified between the N and 61 inbred lines and two QTL research performed. In an F2 cross, the animals were inoculated at one week of age with Salmonella enteritidis and cloacal swabs were carried out 4 and 5 wk post inoculation (thereafter called CSW4F2 and CSW4F2) and caecal contamination (CAECF2) was assessed 1 week later. The animals from the (N × 61) × N backcross were inoculated at six weeks of age with Salmonella typhimurium and cloacal swabs were studied from wk 1 to 4 (thereafter called CSW1BC to CSW4BC). A total of 33 F2 and 46 backcross progeny were selectively genotyped for 103 and 135 microsatellite markers respectively. The analysis used least-squares-based and non-parametric interval mapping. Two genome-wise significant QTL were observed on Chromosome 1 for CSW2BC and on Chromosome 2 for CSW4F2, and four suggestive QTL for CSW5F2 on Chromosome 2, for CSW5F2 and CSW2BC on chromosome 5 and for CAECF2 on chromosome 16. These results suggest new regions of interest and the putative role of SAL1.  相似文献   

Our study was aimed at examinating whether or not the human genome encodes for previously unreported cysteine cathepsins. To this end, we used analyses of the genome sequence and mRNA expression levels. The program TBLASTN was employed to scan the draft sequence of the human genome for the 11 known cysteine cathepsins. The cathepsin-like segments in the genome were inspected, filtered, and annotated. In addition to the known cysteine cathepsins, the scan identified three pseudogenes, closely related to cathepsin L, on chromosome 10, as well as two remote homologs, tubulointerstitial protein antigen and tubulointerstitial protein antigen-related protein. No new members of the family were identified. mRNA expression profiles for 10 known human cysteine cathepsins showed varying expression levels in 46 different human tissues and cell lines. No expression of any of the three cathepsin L-like pseudogenes was found. Based on these results, it is likely that to date all human cysteine cathepsins are known.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a widespread human disease caused by a complex interaction of a series of the genetic factors with both each other and the environmental conditions. In this study we aimed at determining the candidate genetic loci responsible for hypertension in the ISIAH rats and studying the dynamics of the relevant genetic and physiological mechanisms in rat ontogeny. The candidate genetic loci were identified from association of the microsatellite markers linked to these loci with arterial hypertension in rat F2 hybrids exposed to stress. Two populations of F2 hybrids of different age (3-4 and 6 months) were obtained by crossing hypertensive ISIAH and normotensive WAG rats. We present the results of cosegregation analysis for the following loci: the gene for the Na+, K(+)-ATPase alpha 1 subunit isoform (Atp1a1), the endothelin-2 gene (Edn2), the low affinity nerve growth factor receptor gene (Lngfr), and a region of chromosome 10 marked with the D10Rat58 microsatellile located 3 cM away of the aldolase C gene (AldC). The results obtained allowed us to localize the genes responsible for the stress-induced arterial hypertension in the ISIAH rats to the Atp1a1 locus (P < 0.05), chromosome 2 and to the Lngfr gene locus (P < 0.05), chromosome 10. The association of hypertensive status with the Lngfr gene was found only in young ISIAH rats whereas in adult rats of this line, hypertension was associated with the Atp1a1 locus.  相似文献   

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common heritable disorder with a childhood onset. Molecular genetic studies of ADHD have previously focused on examining the roles of specific candidate genes, primarily those involved in dopaminergic pathways. We have performed the first systematic genomewide linkage scan for loci influencing ADHD in 126 affected sib pairs, using a approximately 10-cM grid of microsatellite markers. Allele-sharing linkage methods enabled us to exclude any loci with a lambda(s) of > or =3 from 96% of the genome and those with a lambda(s) of > or =2.5 from 91%, indicating that there is unlikely to be a major gene involved in ADHD susceptibility in our sample. Under a strict diagnostic scheme we could exclude all screened regions of the X chromosome for a locus-specific lambda(s) of >/=2 in brother-brother pairs, demonstrating that the excess of affected males with ADHD is probably not attributable to a major X-linked effect. Qualitative trait maximum LOD score analyses pointed to a number of chromosomal sites that may contain genetic risk factors of moderate effect. None exceeded genomewide significance thresholds, but LOD scores were >1.5 for regions on 5p12, 10q26, 12q23, and 16p13. Quantitative-trait analysis of ADHD symptom counts implicated a region on 12p13 (maximum LOD 2.6) that also yielded a LOD >1 when qualitative methods were used. A survey of regions containing 36 genes that have been proposed as candidates for ADHD indicated that 29 of these genes, including DRD4 and DAT1, could be excluded for a lambda(s) of 2. Only three of the candidates-DRD5, 5HTT, and CALCYON-coincided with sites of positive linkage identified by our screen. Two of the regions highlighted in the present study, 2q24 and 16p13, coincided with the top linkage peaks reported by a recent genome-scan study of autistic sib pairs.  相似文献   

Immunological studies in Bloom's syndrome. A follow-up report.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Longitudinal immunological studies were performed in five patients with Bloom's syndrome. Serum IgG concentration showed no age-related increase. IgA levels were below the 10th percentile in childhood, but rose to normal in all but one. IgM was decreased in four patients at diagnosis and remained so in three of them. Cellular immunity results were very variable, even within one patient. An immunologic attrition was not demonstrated.  相似文献   

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