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The vegetative nuclei of Preussia funiculata (Preuss) Fuckel appear to divide in two ways. One is very similar to mitosis in higher plants except that no typical metaphase is present. The other consists of elongated nuclei splitting longitudinally into two halves. Ascocarp development is similar to that found in the Pleosporales. A stroma originates in an intercalary position on a hypha. It increases in size, and the outer cell layers differentiate to form the wall. The ascogenous system arises from multinucleate ascogonial cells scattered throughout the centrum. These give rise to large, lobate, multinucleate cells which in time form asci by means of croziers. The mature centrum contains a distinct hymenium and paraphysoids. The haploid chromosome number appears to be 12.  相似文献   

On a wheat-based medium, the pathogenic phase of the common and dwarf bunt fungi grew slowly at 15–18 C and continued to produce massive quantities of teliospores in all subcultures for over 2 years. At warmer temperatures or on a chemically defined medium, the teliosporogenic colonies reverted to haploid mononucleate colonies. The hyphae of the teliosporogenic colonies were stained with a modified Giemsa technique and found to be thick, contorted, highly branched and short celled with usually one or two nuclei per cell. In contrast, the haploid mononucleate hyphae were thinner, straighter, and longer and never contained more than one nucleus per cell. The vegetative hyphae of T. caries and T. controversa were indistinguishable. Teliospores, formed at the terminal end of binucleate hyphae, were initially binucleate but became mononucleate before the mature cell wall formed.  相似文献   

Dewey, Douglas R. (Utah State U., Logan.) Morphology and (cytology of synthetic hybrids of Agropyron trichophorum X Agropyron cristatum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(10): 1028–1034. Illus 1963.—Three hybrids were obtained from controlled crosses of pubescent wheatgrass, A. trichophorum (2n = 42), and hexaploid crested wheatgrass, A. cristatum (211 = 42). The hybrids were intermediate between the parent plants for all vegetative and spike characteristics observed. Under open pollination, 2 of the hybrids set 2 seeds each, and the other hybrid produced 60 seeds. Meiosis in the parent plants was basically regular. Average motaphase-I chromosome associations were 0.09 I, 20.56 II, 0.05 III, and 0.16 IV per cell in the A. trichophorum parent, which was described as a segmental autoallohexaploid. The hexaploid A. cristatum parent averaged 0.18 I, 7.44 II, 0.81 III, 2.86 IV, 0.08 V, and 2.11 VI per cell at diakinesis and was described as an autohexaploid. Chromosome pairing in the hexaploid hybrid averaged 5.08 I, 8.94 II, 4.33 III, 1.11 IV, 0.27 V, and 0.05 VI per cell. On the basis of chromosome pairing in the parent species and their hybrids, it was concluded that 1 of the A. trichophorum genomes was partially homologous with the 3 genomes of hexaploid A. cristatum. Genome formulae for hexaploid A. cristatum, A. trichophorum, and their hybrids were represented as AAAAAA, A1A1B1B1B2B2, and AAAA1B1B2 respectively.  相似文献   

The morphology and anatomy of 105 flowers representing 13 species and 6 genera of the Canellaceae are summarized. The flowers are borne in axillary or terminal racemes, cymes, or small groups, or solitary, in an axillary or terminal position. The flowers are characterized as follows: bisexual, hypogynous; sepals 3, thick and leathery; petals, 5–12, free or united into tube at base, rather thick, in 1 or 2 whorls and/or spirals; androecium of 6–12 stamens united by their filaments forming a tube, anthers with longitudinal extrorse dehiscence; gynoecium of 2–6 carpels fused by their ventral margins; 2–6 placentae. There are 2 vascular bundles (rarely 3) to each sepal, 3 to each petal (some of the inner petals have only 1), 1 to each stamen and 1 trace to each carpel. The petal and stamen bundles have a common origin. All the data accumulated in this series on the Canellaceae indicate that the correct systematic placement of the Canellaceae is in the woody Ranales, perhaps in a complex with the Myristicaceae.  相似文献   

During their ontogeny, the primordia of the juvenile leaves of Marsilea plants in sterile culture develop 1, 2 or 4 marginal meristems, and these, in turn, contribute cells to the young leaf by anti- and periclinal cell divisions. The final leaves are unifid, bifid, or quadrifid, depending on how many marginal meristems develop, and this is determined early in the ontogeny of the leaf. The mechanism which determines whether or not a marginal meristem develops may fluctuate, as shown by the existence of trifid leaves. Two forms of juvenile leaves are produced, those in a liquid medium, which in many respects resemble the adult quadrifid submerged leaves, and those on a solid medium, which in many respects resemble the adult land leaves.  相似文献   

Ascocarp development in Pycnidiophora dispersa is similar to that in Phaeotrichum. A stroma originates in an intercalary position on a hypha. It increases in size, and the outer cell layer differentiates to form the wall. The ascogenous system forms from a mass of fertile cells in the center of the centrum. These become enlarged and multinucleate and give rise to ascogenous hyphae which form asci at their tips by means of croziers. In time, most of the cells of the centrum become fertile and give rise to ascogenous hyphae. There are no sterile threads in the centrum and no hymenium is present, the asci being scattered throughout the locule. The haploid chromosome number is n = 6.  相似文献   

通过光学显微镜(LM)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察表明,红树(Rhizophora apiculata)花粉粒赤道面的形状为球形-近球形,极面观为圆三角形,偶见圆四方形,3-4孔沟,具有连续的环赤道内孔,花粉外壁的典型纹饰为细网状-皱纹状(microreticulate-rugulate)。作者首次报道红树花粉的多态现象,其花粉外壁纹饰和萌发孔数量存在显著的变异,SEM观察到花粉外壁纹饰的变异主要是孔状(perforate)、皱纹状(rugulate)和穴状(foveolate)等类型,LM观察发现4个萌发孔的花粉变异类型。花粉形态的观察与描述为化石花粉的鉴别提供了不可或缺的对比依据。研究红树的花粉形态和发现多态现象有助于了解红树科红树属的花粉外壁演化。花粉的多态现象表明单个花粉形态特征并不能完全代表种的特征。花粉的分类也应该充分考虑花粉性状的间断和连续性,以期正确认识花粉性状在种群内的变异和变异式样,达到客观认识和正确划分植物种下等级的目的。花粉的多态现象为化石花粉的种类鉴定增加了新的参考信息,作者也讨论了花粉多态现象在植物系统演化和古生态学等研究中的可能价值与意义。  相似文献   

Meiotic chromosome behavior of 11 inter-genomic hybrids of Gossypium (2n = 26) were investigated. Per cell univalent frequencies at meiotic metaphase I in these hybrids were: A genome × Cgenome—G. herbaceum × sturtianum, 10.53; G. herbaceum × australe, 18.05. A genome × E genome—G. smnalense × arboreum, 21.82. B genome × C genome—G. anomalum × sturtianum, 9.23; G. anomalum × australe, 13.11. B genome × D genome—G. anomalum × klotzschianum, 17.45; G. anomalum × raimondii, 18.83. C genome × D genome—G. robinsonii × davidsonii, 12.77; G. sturtianum (armourianum × thurberi), 8.63. C genome × E genome—G. somalense × australe, 23.78; G. somalense × bickii, 25.58. Trivalent and quadrivalent frequencies were relatively high for those hybrids involving a C genome species, indicating that a reciprocal translocation differentiates the C genome from the A, B, D, and E genomes. The results of this study and the data of similar studies cited from the literature on Gossypium cytogenetics are discussed relative to the phylogenetics and evolution of the major (genome) groups of Gossypium and their constituent taxa.  相似文献   

Lingappa , Yamuna . (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor.) The development and cytology of the epibiotic phase of Physoderma pulposum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(3) : 145-150. Illus. 1959.—Physoderma pulposum, a chytrid parasite on Chenopodium album L. and Atriplex patula L., has a zoosporangial epibiotic phase. The latter consists of extramatrical sporangia and intramatrical bushy rhizoids, both enclosed in large protruding galls. The sporangia are subspherical, up to 350μ in diameter, and may produce hundreds of planospores. If planospores settle on the host surface, they develop narrow germ tubes which penetrate the epidermal cells and develop into rhizoids. The planospore body, however, remains on the host surface and develops into a mature epibiotic sporangium in about 20-25 days at 16°C., 12-15 days at 20-25°C., or 6-8 days at 30°C. During development, its nucleus and daughter nuclei divide mitotically with intranuclear spindles until the sporangium contains several hundred nuclei. This is followed by progressive cleavage which delimits the planospore rudiments. When mature sporangia are placed in fresh water, the planospores are quickly formed within 1 hr. at 25°C. and begin to swarm within the sporangia. They escape in large numbers through an opening formed by the deliquescence of a papillum in the sporangial wall. The planospores are subspherical or elongate, 3-5 × 4-6 μ, and each has an eccentric orange-yellow refractive globule and a flagellum 18-22 μ in length. The electron micrographs of the flagella indicate that the flagella are absorbed from tip backward during encystment of the planospores. By periodic inoculation of the host plants with planospores from epibiotic sporangia, as well as from germinating resting sporangia, generation after generation of epibiotic sporangia have been obtained for 4 years. This proves the existence of a eucarpic, epibiotic, ephemeral zoosporangial phase in P. pulposum. Field observations on the duration and sequence of development of the fungus indicate that the endobiotic resting sporangial phase always follows the epibiotic phase. The results of infection experiments also indicate that the epi- and endobiotic phases belong to one and the same fungus, P. pulposum.  相似文献   

In the four-celled antheridium of the fern species Onoclea sensibilis a central spermatogenous cell is enveloped by a jacket of three cells. Starting from the base, the jacket comprises the cup-shaped basal cell, the ring cell—both of which encircle the spermatogenous cell—and the cap cell. The lower wall of the spermatogenous cell has the configuration of a funnel; its upper wall is dome shaped. The choice of whole antheridia for study instead of sectioned ones has, for the first time, made it possible to study the formation of the uniquely shaped antheridial cell plates step by step. The cell plate antecedent of the funnel wall has the configuration of a funnel. This conclusion conflicts with Davie's contention that this cell wall is oriented transversely at first and acquires funnel-shape secondarily. The present studies further show that the funnel cell plate forms from base to rim. This finding contrasts with a report that in another fern species this cell plate begins to form on one side of the initial and then proceeds circularly around it. The base of the funnel cell plate attaches to the basal wall of the antheridium initial in a separate event. The genesis of the dome-shaped upper wall of the spermatogenous cell is described for the first time.  相似文献   

Lingappa , Yamuna . (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor.) Development and cytology of the endobiotic phase of Physoderma pulposum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(4): 233–240. Illus. 1959.—The contents of the zygotes of Physoderma pulposum pass into the epidermal cells of the host and become incipient primary turbinate organs. The latter develop into resting sporangia in 3 different ways: (1) Occasionally, they may become thick walled as sporangia in their entirety. Such monocentric development of the endobiotic thalli is described for the first time in Physoderma; (2) usually, however, the contents of primary turbinate organs undergo centripetal cleavage; or (3) their contents may be cleaved tangentially. As a result, several uni- or multinucleate segments are formed which give rise to tenuous hyphae. The swollen distal end of each tenuous hypha develops into a secondary turbinate organ which in turn gives rise to hyphae and tertiary turbinate organs. Thus, the polycentric organization of the rhizomycelium is maintained. During this process, buds, which develop in the axils of the apical tufts of haustoria of turbinate organs, enlarge into resting sporangia. Nuclear divisions in turbinate organs and of resting sporangial initials are mitotic, and 4 chromosomes are evident on the equator of the intranuclear spindles. As the resting sporangia are inoperculate, the endosporangia protrude through irregular openings in the exospores.  相似文献   

Emphasis is placed on three aspects of meiosis in the moss Amblystegium riparium (Hedw.) BSG: 1***) nature of the sporogenous layer; 2) prophasic microtubules and polarity; and 3) cleavage pattern. Spore tetrads develop while still encased by archesporial cell walls. The cellular nature of the sporogenous layer differs from the more usual occurrence of free sporocytes released into a common spore sac. Two important events mark the establishment of sporocyte polarity during meiotic prophase: 1) migration of the four plastids to the distal tetrad poles (telophase II poles); and 2) ingrowth of the sporocyte wall in eventual cleavage planes between the tetrad poles. An extensive, plastid-based microtubule system is associated with organelle migration during the establishment of sporocyte polarity in meiotic prophase. Disruption of the nuclear envelope in prometaphase I occurs at sites opposite the four plastids where microtubules extend from plastid envelope to nuclear envelope. Formation of a cell plate following the first meiotic division results in a dyad, whereas in many mosses meiosis is completed in the undivided sporocyte and is followed by simultaneous cleavage into a spore tetrad. Spore cleavage is accomplished by vesicular coalescence resulting in septa that coincide with the prophasic wall ingrowths.  相似文献   

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