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In chick embryos treated with a 4 hr pulse of 7.2 X 10(-5) M isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) the cell population growth is inhibited with an increased population doubling time. Teratogenised blastoderm cells complete their ongoing cell cycle and arrest in G1 phase. A chase with an equimolar concentration of pyridoxal-5-phosphate restores the growth rate after a lag of 4 hr equivalent to the duration of treatment with INH. Presumptive mesoblast cells invaginated through the primitive streak and neuroectoblast cells induced prior to the application of INH differentiate, while the teratogen inhibits morphogenesis and organization of organ primordia.  相似文献   

The mycolic acid compositions of Nocardia rubra and related bacteria grown in media containing different concentrations of antituberculous isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) were determined in detail by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. On the basis of molecular species composition, average carbon numbers of mycolic acids were calculated. In Nocardia rubra, N. lutea and Rhodococcus rhodochrous IFO-13161, the ratio of mycolic to non-mycolic fatty acids and the average carbon numbers of mycolic acids were decreased at the INH concentrations of higher than 1 g/ml, paralleling with the significant inhibition of growth. In above three species the synthesis of longer chain mycolic acids (longer than C44 or C46) was inhibited more significantly than shorter homologues such as C38 or C40. In contrast, neither growth inhibition nor change in corynomycolic acid composition was observed in Corynebacteria xerosis and Rhodococcus rhodochrous IFO-13165 at the concentration region of INH up to 100 g/ml. The direct mass fragmentographic analysis of the trimethylsilylated (TMS) derivatives of mycolic acid methyl esters, monitoring [M-15] ions of individual molecular species, revealed that the chain shortening of total mycolic acid molecule by INH occurred more greatly in more highly unsaturated subclasses than in less unsaturated subclasses. Furthermore, mass fragmentographic analysis, monitoring fragment ions (A) and (B), due to straight chain and branched chain alkyl units, respectively, demonstrated the inhibition of mycolic acids was not attributed to the shortening of -alkyl chain, but to the inhibition of chain elongation of C28 to C32 straight chain meromycolic acids. It was also indicated the amounts of trehalose mono- and di-mycolate (cord factor) decreased significantly with the addition of INH (1 to 20 g/ml) in the above strains. From the results obtained above, INH appeared to inhibit the synthesis of mycolic acids longer than C44 or C46 specifically by inhibiting chain elongation or desaturation of precursor long chain fatty acids longer than C28 or C30.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour of the malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) was monitored for 12 months (March 2003-February 2004) in the Konso District of southern Ethiopia (5 degrees 15'N, 37 degrees 28'E). More than 45 000 An. arabiensis females were collected by host-baited sampling methods (light-traps, human landing catches, cattle-baited traps) and from resting sites (huts and pit shelters). In the village of Fuchucha, where the ratio of cattle : humans was 0.6 : 1, 51% of outdoor-resting mosquitoes and 66% of those collected indoors had fed on humans, human baits outdoors caught > 2.5 times more mosquitoes than those indoors and the mean catch of mosquitoes from pit shelters was about five times that from huts. Overall, the vast majority of feeding and resting occurred outdoors. In the cattle camps of Konso, where humans slept outdoors close to their cattle, approximately 46% of resting mosquitoes collected outdoors had fed on humans despite the high cattle : human ratio (17 : 1). In both places, relatively high proportions of bloodmeals were mixed cow + human: 22-25% at Fuchucha and 37% in the cattle camps. Anthropophily was also gauged experimentally by comparing the numbers of mosquitoes caught in odour-baited entry traps baited with either human or cattle odour. The human-baited trap caught about five times as many mosquitoes as the cattle-baited one. Notwithstanding the potential pitfalls of using standard sampling devices to analyse mosquito behaviour, the results suggest that the An. arabiensis population is inherently anthropophagic, but this is counterbalanced by exophagic and postprandial exophilic tendencies. Consequently, the population feeds sufficiently on humans to transmit malaria (sporozoite rates: 0.3% for Plasmodium falciparum and 0.5% for P. vivax, by detection of circumsporozoite antigen) but also takes a high proportion of meals from non-human hosts, with 59-91% of resting mosquitoes containing blood from cattle. Hence, classical zooprophylaxis is unlikely to have a significant impact on the malaria vectorial capacity of An. arabiensis in Konso, whereas treating cattle with insecticide might do.  相似文献   

A colony of Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Sennar region of Sudan was selected for resistance to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). Adults from the F-16 generation of the resistant strain were exposed to all four classes of insecticides approved for use in malaria vector control and showed high levels of resistance to them all (24-h mortalities: malathion, 16.7%; bendiocarb, 33.3%; DDT, 12.1%; dieldrin, 0%; deltamethrin, 24.0%; permethrin, 0%). Comparisons between the unselected base colony and the DDT-resistant strain showed elevated glutathione-S-transferase (P<0.05) in both sexes and elevated esterases (P<0.05) in males only. The Leu-Phe mutation in the sodium channel gene was detected by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing, but showed no correlation with the resistant phenotype. These results do not provide any explanation as to why this colony exhibits such widespread resistance and further studies are needed to determine the precise mechanisms involved. The implications for malaria vector control in central Sudan are serious and resistance management (e.g. through the rotational use of different classes of insecticides) is recommended.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic study of eight natural populations of Anopheles messeae from the north-eastern part of the species areal was conducted. Complete predominance of homozygotes XL11 and 3R11 in the northern populations was observed. Change in the chromosome 2 inversion frequencies from south northwards was shown. The 2R11 variant, which was not observed in the southern region, was found in the northern populations. These results indicate the maintenance of chromosome frequency of the distribution of inversions XL1 and 3R (in longitude) and 2R1 (in latitude). The inversion frequency distribution in the examined part of the areal have been preserved for a long time.  相似文献   

How microbe–microbe interactions dictate microbial complexity in the mosquito gut is unclear. Previously we found that, Serratia, a gut symbiont that alters vector competence and is being considered for vector control, poorly colonized Aedes aegypti yet was abundant in Culex quinquefasciatus reared under identical conditions. To investigate the incompatibility between Serratia and Ae. aegypti, we characterized two distinct strains of Serratia marcescens from Cx. quinquefasciatus and examined their ability to infect Ae. aegypti. Both Serratia strains poorly infected Ae. aegypti, but when microbiome homeostasis was disrupted, the prevalence and titers of Serratia were similar to the infection in its native host. Examination of multiple genetically diverse Ae. aegypti lines found microbial interference to S. marcescens was commonplace, however, one line of Ae. aegypti was susceptible to infection. Microbiome analysis of resistant and susceptible lines indicated an inverse correlation between Enterobacteriaceae bacteria and Serratia, and experimental co-infections in a gnotobiotic system recapitulated the interference phenotype. Furthermore, we observed an effect on host behavior; Serratia exposure to Ae. aegypti disrupted their feeding behavior, and this phenotype was also reliant on interactions with their native microbiota. Our work highlights the complexity of host–microbe interactions and provides evidence that microbial interactions influence mosquito behavior.Subject terms: Symbiosis, Microbial ecology, Bacterial host response  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) transmitted by mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) infects various vertebrates, being pathogenic for birds, horses and humans. After its discovery in tropical Africa, sporadic outbreaks of WNV occurred during recent decades in Eurasia, but not the British Isles. WNV reached New York in 1999 and spread to California by 2003, causing widespread outbreaks of West Nile encephalitis across North America, transmitted by many species of mosquitoes, mainly Culex spp. The periodic reappearance of WNV in parts of continental Europe (from southern France to Romania) gives rise to concern over the possibility of WNV invading the British Isles. The British Isles have about 30 endemic mosquito species, several with seasonal abundance and other eco-behavioural characteristics predisposing them to serve as potential WNV bridge vectors from birds to humans. These include: the predominantly ornithophilic Culex pipiens L. and its anthropophilic biotype molestus Forskal; tree-hole adapted Anopheles plumbeus Stephens; saltmarsh-adapted Ochlerotatus caspius Pallas, Oc. detritus Haliday and Oc. dorsalis (Meigen); Coquillettidia richiardii Ficalbi, Culiseta annulata Schrank and Cs. morsitans (Theobald) from vegetated freshwater pools; Aedes cinereus Meigen, Oc. cantans Meigen and Oc. punctor Kirby from seasonal woodland pools. Those underlined have been found carrying WNV in other countries (12 species), including the rarer British species Aedes vexans (Meigen), Culex europaeus Ramos et al., Cx. modestus Ficalbi and Oc. sticticus (Meigen) as well as the Anopheles maculipennis Meigen complex (mainly An. atroparvus van Thiel and An. messeae Falleroni in Britain). Those implicated as key vectors of WNV in Europe are printed bold (four species). So far there is no proof of any arbovirus transmission by mosquitoes in the British Isles, although antibodies to Sindbis, Tahyna, Usutu and West Nile viruses have been detected in British birds. Neighbouring European countries have enzootic WNV and human infections transmitted by mosquito species that are present in the British Isles. However, except for localized urban infestations of Cx. pipiens biotype molestus that can be readily eliminated, there appear to be few situations in the British Isles where humans and livestock are exposed to sustained risks of exposure to potential WNV vectors. Monitoring of mosquitoes and arbovirus surveillance are required to guard the British Isles against WNV outbreaks and introduction of more anthropophilic mosquitoes such as Stegomyia albopicta (Skuse) and Ochlerotatus japonicus (Theobald) that have recently invaded Europe, since they transmit arboviruses elsewhere.  相似文献   

A nutrient associated with animal-derived phospholipids has previously been found essential for newly-emerged adults of the mosquito Culex pipiens to fly and survive more than a few days. Pure arachidonic acid was completely effective in supporting the emergence of viable flying adults; in combination with synthetic dipalmitoyl lecithin, which slightly improves larval growth rate without inducing adult flight, it wholly adequately replaces animal phospholipids. Linoleic and linolenic acids, which have satisfied the needs of all insects hitherto shown to require an essential fatty acid, were ineffective for C. pipiens, with or without synthetic lecithin. An optimal effect on adult flight was obtained with 0.05 mg of arachidonic acid per 100 ml of dietary medium, a concentration much lower than the linoleic/linolenic concentrations needed by other insects with an essential fatty acid requirement. The relationship of this unique mosquito fatty acid requirement to the essential fatty acid needs of both vertebrates and insects in general is discussed.  相似文献   

The malaria infection is initiated in mammals by injection of the sporozoite stage of the parasite through the bite of Plasmodium-infected, female Anopheles mosquitoes. Sporozoites are injected into extravascular portions of the skin while the mosquito is probing for a blood source. Sporozoite gliding motility allows them to locate and penetrate blood vessels of the dermis or subcutaneous tissues; once in the blood, they reach the liver, within which they continue their development. Some of the injected parasites invade dermal lymph vessels and travel to the proximal draining lymphatic node, where they interact with host immunocytes. The host responds to viable or attenuated sporozoites with antibodies directed against the immunodominant circumsporozoite protein (CSP), as well as against other sporozoite proteins. These CSP antibodies can inhibit the numbers of sporozoites injected by mosquitoes and the motility of those injected into the skin. This first phase of the immune response is followed by cell-mediated immunity involving CD8 T-cells directed against the developing liver stage of the parasite. This review discusses the early history of imaging studies, and focuses on the role that imaging has played in enabling a better understanding of both the induction and effector functions of the immune responses against sporozoites.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Gilbreath TM  Kukutla P  Yan G  Xu J 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24767
The mosquito gut represents an ecosystem that accommodates a complex, intimately associated microbiome. It is increasingly clear that the gut microbiome influences a wide variety of host traits, such as fitness and immunity. Understanding the microbial community structure and its dynamics across mosquito life is a prerequisite for comprehending the symbiotic relationship between the mosquito and its gut microbial residents. Here we characterized gut bacterial communities across larvae, pupae and adults of Anopheles gambiae reared in semi-natural habitats in Kenya by pyrosequencing bacterial 16S rRNA fragments. Immatures and adults showed distinctive gut community structures. Photosynthetic Cyanobacteria were predominant in the larval and pupal guts while Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes dominated the adult guts, with core taxa of Enterobacteriaceae and Flavobacteriaceae. At the adult stage, diet regime (sugar meal and blood meal) significantly affects the microbial structure. Intriguingly, blood meals drastically reduced the community diversity and favored enteric bacteria. Comparative genomic analysis revealed that the enriched enteric bacteria possess large genetic redox capacity of coping with oxidative and nitrosative stresses that are associated with the catabolism of blood meal, suggesting a beneficial role in maintaining gut redox homeostasis. Interestingly, gut community structure was similar in the adult stage between the field and laboratory mosquitoes, indicating that mosquito gut is a selective eco-environment for its microbiome. This comprehensive gut metatgenomic profile suggests a concerted symbiotic genetic association between gut inhabitants and host.  相似文献   

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