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Arthropods often engage in complex trophic interactions such as intraguild predation (IGP), true omnivory (i.e., feeding on plants and prey), and apparent competition. Theoretical treatments of the effects of such interactions on herbivore populations have been concerned almost entirely with equilibrium conditions. Yet these interactions are common in non-equilibrium settings such as agroecosystems, where they are likely to have a strong influence on pest populations. We therefore tested short-term effects of IGP and food supplementation on interactions between two predators (the phytoseiid mite Neoseiulus cucumeris and the anthocorid bug Orius laevigatus) and their shared prey, Frankliniella occidentalis, on strawberry plants. All three consumers feed on strawberry pollen, both mites and bugs prey on thrips, and the bug also feeds on the mites (IGP). Strong IGP on mites (IG prey) by the bugs (IG predator) was recorded in structurally-simple arenas. In a more complex setting (whole-plants), however, the intensity of IGP differed among plant structures. Likewise, pollen supplementation reduced both IGP and predation on thrips in a structurally simple setting. In the whole-plant experiment, IGP was more intense on pollen-bearing than pollen-free flowers. The study illustrated how spatial dynamics, generated when consumers track food sources differently in the habitat and possibly when herbivorous and IG prey alter their distribution to escape predation, led to site-specific configuration of interacting populations. The intensity of resulting trophic interactions was weakened by food supplementation and by increased complexity of the habitat.  相似文献   

The predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) successfully controlled the broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) (Acarina: Tarsonemidae) on two varieties of greenhouse-grown sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). A survey of pre-plant seedlings showed that nurseries were a source of infestation for the broad mite. The predatory mites were released twice (on day 1 and 5, or 15 days later) on each plant, every second plant or every fourth plant. Broad mite populations were evaluated by sampling young leaves from the top of the plant. The effect of the broad mite on plant height, dry mass and yield was evaluated. Additionally, since N. cucumeris is known to control thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), blue sticky traps and flower sampling were used to evaluate changes in thrips populations. All three release rates of N. cucumeris significantly (P<0.05) controlled broad mite populations, but when the predatory mites were released only on every fourth plant, the overall height and yield of the plants were adversely affected by broad mites. Releasing N. cucumeris on each or every second plant was as efficacious in controlling broad mites as sulfur treatments in terms of plant height, dry mass and yield. Plants treated with sulfur, however, had significantly higher thrips populations and fruit damage.  相似文献   

李玉闯  郭倩倩  刘怀  李广云 《生态学报》2024,44(12):5219-5229
胡瓜新小绥螨(Neoseiulus cucumeris)是一种商业化的广食性生防天敌,可以防治多种农业害螨和害虫,具有重要的经济和生态价值。但是作为一种外来引种的捕食螨,它在我国的适生区域分布以及气候变化对其分布的影响尚不明确。根据胡瓜新小绥螨的现有分布点和19个生物气候因子,利用刀切法评估关键气候因素的重要性,并采用Maxent生态位模型分别预测了目前和未来气候条件下它在中国分布情况,分析了其在中国的潜在适生区域的变化。结果表明模型预测得到的受试者工作特征曲线ROC曲线下的面积AUC(Area under curve)值为0.87,表明模型的准确度好。最冷季节的降水量(Bio_19)、等温性(Bio_3)和气温季节性(Bio_4)是影响胡瓜新小绥螨适生性的最重要的环境因子, 对模型的贡献率分别为36.2%、25% 和18.1%。目前胡瓜新小绥螨的适生区面积约占我国陆地面积的60%,在未来气候条件下,其适生区域有进一步扩大的趋势,在2050年其中高度适生区域扩张至63%。不同时期胡瓜新小绥螨的分布中心比较稳定,均分布于四川省内,但有向东北迁移的趋势。本研究明确了胡瓜新小绥螨在中国适宜的释放区域及可能定殖的区域,为该引种天敌的合理利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) and Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) are major pests of sweet pepper for direct damage and tospovirus transmission. To control their infestations, Orius laevigatus (Fieber) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) is produced by many commercial insectaries and widely used on IPM vegetable crops of Europe. This predator is naturally widespread along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, and not in more continental areas, where other Orius spp. are more common. Research was conducted in a continental area of Northwest Italy in 2002–2003 to assess the natural presence of anthocorids on pepper, and to compare their colonization and predatory ability with those of the species artificially introduced. Experiments were conducted in 12 sweet pepper greenhouses, in six of which O. laevigatus release was made. From late May to early October, thrips and anthocorids were sampled on pepper by collecting flowers; Orius spp. were also collected on neighboring wild flora. Independently of the releases, Orius specimens were found in all surveyed greenhouses, but O. niger Wolff, also captured on various wild plants, was the most abundant species. It naturally colonized crops from late June and proved to be the most efficient predator on sweet pepper in the surveyed area, if not disturbed by pesticide application. Contrarily, O. laevigatus was rarely found and only in the greenhouses in which it had been released. However its introduction resulted in thrips control before natural colonization by the native species occurred.  相似文献   

为明确双尾新小绥螨Neoseiulus bicaudus各螨态对西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis不同龄期若虫的捕食量及不同温度对其捕食量的影响。本研究通过测定不同温度下24 h内双尾新小绥螨各螨态对不同密度西花蓟马若虫的捕食情况(西花蓟马猎物密度分别为5、10、15、20和25头/室,温度分别设置为23、26、29、32和35℃)。研究结果表明,双尾新小绥螨各螨态对猎物的捕食量随猎物密度的升高而增加。当温度为29℃,雌成螨对西花蓟马1龄若虫捕食量最高,在猎物数为25头/室时,可达4.4头/日。23~32℃内,双尾新小绥螨的雌成螨的捕食量随温度的上升而增加,到达35℃时开始降低。29~32℃双尾新小绥螨的雌成螨对西花蓟马1龄若虫的捕食量最高,可达6.7头/日,最适于其捕食。结果表明双尾新小绥螨对西花蓟马若虫的捕食功能反应类型符合Holling II模型,其对西花蓟马有较好的捕食能力,可利用于西花蓟马的生物防治。  相似文献   

The predatory miteAmblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) is an important biological control agent for thrips in commercial greenhouses, but its effectiveness in fall and winter is limited by reproductive diapause induced under short day conditions. Influence of photoperiod and temperature on diapause induction was investigated to provide information for successful management of the predator. Under 8∶16 (L∶D) photoperiods and 22°C photophase temperatures, diapause incidence was inversely related to scotophase temperature, decreasing from 100% diapause at 15°C to no diapause at 21°C. In continuous darkness, diapause was induced by thermoperiods of 20∶10 and 22∶17 and 22∶17 but not 25∶15°C (T∶C) (8h thermophase). Critical daylength for inducing diapause under 22∶17°C (T∶C) was 12.45 h, which was consistent with the trend in diapause incidence in mites collected from an established greenhouse population September to November. MostA. cucumeris diapaused only when exposed to diapause inducing conditions throughout their juvenile development and none stopped laying eggs when transferred from nondiapause to diapause inducing conditions as adults. After 14 generations of genetic selection for a nondiapause strain, diapause incidence was 33.3%.   相似文献   

【目的】明确斯氏钝绥螨在不同温度下对西花蓟马的捕食功能反应,为西花蓟马的生物防治提供理论依据。【方法】室内采用水琼脂培养基法,研究斯氏钝绥螨对西花蓟马的捕食功能反应。【结果】斯氏钝绥螨第一若螨对西花蓟马1龄若虫的日均捕食量随温度的升高而逐渐增加,而第二若螨、雄成螨和雌成螨的日均捕食量随温度的上升呈先增加后减少的趋势。斯氏钝绥螨雌成螨对西花蓟马1龄若虫的功能反应符合Holling-Ⅱ模型,在30℃时捕食效能达到最大,为18.146。在一定密度的西花蓟马环境下,斯氏钝绥螨雌成螨对西花蓟马1龄若虫的搜寻效应随着温度的上升而增加; 35℃时,搜寻效应下降。在西花蓟马1龄若虫的密度为30头时,斯氏钝绥螨雌成螨自身密度对西花蓟马1龄若虫的捕食具有明显的干扰作用。斯氏钝绥螨雌成螨捕食西花蓟马1龄若虫所产生的竞争属于分摊竞争。【结论】斯氏钝绥螨对西花蓟马有较好的捕食能力,其捕食功能反应符合Holling-Ⅱ模型,斯氏钝绥螨可用于西花蓟马的生物防治中。  相似文献   

In spring and summer, two groups of natural enemies are successfully used for biological control of western flower thrips,Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) in greenhouses: phytoseiid mites (Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) and, to a lesser extent,A. barkeri (Hughes)) and anthocorid bugs (Orius spp.). During winter, however, these predators often fail to control the pest. One likely cause for failure is the predators' tendency to enter diapause under short day conditions. In addition, eggs of predatory mites are generally susceptible to low humidity conditions, which often arise in greenhouses when outside temperatures drop below zero, or at bright, hot days in summer. In search for a thrips predator that is not hampered by these conditions, five subtropical phytoseiid species were selected which were known to feed on thrips:A. hibisci (Chant),A. degenerans Berlese,A. limonicus s.s. Garman and McGregor,A. scutalis (Athias-Henriot) andA. tularensis (Congdon). These species were compared toA. cucumeris andA. barkeri, with respect to the following features: (1) predation and oviposition rate with youngF. occidentalis larvae as prey, (2) oviposition rate on a diet of sweet pepper pollen, (3) drought tolerance spectrum of eggs, and (4) incidence of reproductive diapause under short day conditions. The results showed thatA. limonicus exhibited the highest predation and oviposition rates on a diet of thrips larvae. Moreover,A. limonicus females showed total absence of diapause under the conditions tested. A major disadvantage of this species was, however, that its eggs were most sensitive to low air humidity conditions. Least sensitive to low air humidity were eggs ofA. degenerans andA. hibisci. Females ofA. degenerans andA. hibisci also showed total absence of diapause, and intermediate rates of predation and oviposition, on both thrips larvae and pollen. In conclusion, we argue thatA. degenerans andA. hibisci are the most promising candidates for biological control ofF. occidentalis under conditions of low humidity and short day length. The success of these candidates remains to be shown in greenhouse experiments.  相似文献   

Extensive sampling of strawberry plants in everbearing and June-bearing strawberry plantations and on potted plants showed that different species of mites were spatially separated. Of the two phytophagous species recorded, Tetranychus urticae was most abundant on old leaves and Phytonemus pallidus on folded leaves and flower/fruit clusters. Predatory phytoseiid mites were found on all plant parts but different species were spatially separated; Neoseiulus cucumeris and N. aurescens were found mostly on folded leaves and clusters, and N. californicus and Phytoseiulus persimilis on old and medium aged leaves. No Typhlodromus pyri were found in the field plantations. These patterns of distribution did not change over sampling dates in summer and early autumn. An understanding of this within-plant zonation of mite species is important when studying predator–prey interactions and when designing sampling strategies for strawberry. A programme to sample the entire mite system on strawberry should be stratified to include all the above mentioned parts of the plant. Different sampling protocols, as appropriate, are required for sampling different pest species and their associated predators.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the rearing of coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae), and its predatory mite Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on embryo culture seedlings of coconut (Cocos nucifera) in the laboratory. Seedlings in the ages of <2, 2–4 and 4–6 months were infested with 75 field-collected coconut mites and the population growth was determined up to six weeks after introduction. The populations of coconut mites increased exponentially up to five weeks after introduction and declined thereafter on seedlings of all ages with significant differences among the three groups of seedlings occurring over time. At week 5, a significantly higher mean number (±SE) of coconut mites (20,098 ± 3,465) was bred on 4–6-month-old seedlings than on smaller seedlings, and on the largest seedlings the numbers were highest at all time intervals, except at week 2. Neoseiulus baraki was reared on embryo culture seedlings of the three age groups infested with coconut mites, by introduction of five female deutonymphs and one male, three weeks after introducing coconut mites. Predator numbers progressed significantly over time, but the size of seedlings did not significantly influence the numbers. On all groups of seedlings, the mean number of N. baraki increased up to two weeks after introduction on to seedlings and then declined. Many coconut mites were successfully reared in the laboratory for a longer period by this method and it could also be used as an alternative method to rear N. baraki. Development of this method may contribute to the progress of studies on the biology and ecology of coconut mite and its interactions with natural enemies.  相似文献   

The occurrence and strength of interactions among natural enemies and herbivores depend on their foraging decisions, and several of these decisions are based on odours. To investigate interactions among arthropods in a greenhouse cropping system, we studied the behavioural response of the predatory bug Orius laevigatus (Fieber) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) towards cucumber plants infested either with thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)) or with spider mites (Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)). In greenhouse release-recapture experiments, the predatory bug showed a significant preference for both thrips-infested plants and spider mite-infested plants over clean plants. Predatory bugs preferred plants infested with spider mites to plants with thrips. Experience with spider mites on cucumber leaves prior to their release in the greenhouse had no effect on the preference of the predatory bugs. However, this experience did increase the percentage of predators recaptured. Y-tube olfactometer experiments showed that O. laevigatus was more attracted to odours from plants infested with spider mites than to odours from clean plants. Thus, O. laevigatus is able to perceive odours and may use them to find plants with prey in more natural conditions. The consequences of the searching behaviour for pest control are discussed.  相似文献   

D. R. Gillespie 《BioControl》1989,34(2):185-192
The predatory miteAmblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) [Acarina: Phytoseiidae] was evaluated as a biological control forThrips tabaci Lindeman andFrankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) [Thysanoptera: Thripidae] on greenhouse grown seedless cucumber.A. cucumeris spread throughout the greenhouses and provided control of both species of thrips.A. cucumeris adults persisted on plants for 7 weeks in the virtual absence of prey, and increased numerically in response to increases in prey population. On the basis of these resultsA. cucumeris is recommended as a useful biological control forT. tabaci andF. occidentalis on greenhouse cucumber. Publication No. 361, Agassiz Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Agassiz, B.C. Canada VOM 1AO.  相似文献   

Factors affecting post-dispersal seed survival in a tropical forest   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Eugene W. Schupp 《Oecologia》1988,76(4):525-530
Summary Using the subcanopy tree Faramea occidentalis in Panama, I studied post-dispersal seed survival as a function of five characteristics describing seed locations. By simultaneously considering distance from a conspecific adult, size of the nearest conspecific adult, leaf litter quantity, proximity to logs or tree trunks, and whether or not the seed was in a gap, I was able to analyze the influences of individual factors, as well as the interactions among factors. Seed survival was significantly less in treefall gaps than in the forest understory. Seed survival was also influenced by the size of the nearest adult but in a complex interaction with distance to an adult. For seeds beneath adults, survival decreased with increasing tree size, while for seeds away from adults, survival was independent of the size of the nearest conspecific adult. Distance did not directly affect seed survival, nor did the quantity of leaf litter or the proximity to a tree trunk or a log. In a separate analysis, the relationship between distance and seed survival was consistent over four years, suggesting that single cohort studies may provide accurate insights into the consequences of dispersal. In contrast, the spatial locations of surviving seeds were not consistent over the four-year period. Transects with high survival one year did not tend to have high survival in other years, and the locations of surviving seeds in any particular year could not be predicted from the knowledge of where seeds survived in other years. While survival is patchy within a year, the locations of patches shift from year to year.  相似文献   

Two species of Neoseiulus, N. californicus and N. cucumeris, showed potential for biocontrol of phytophagous mites on strawberry. N. californicus controlled Tetranychus urticae on potted strawberry plants in a gauze-sided glasshouse at temperatures comparableto early summer in the UK (8–20°C). Both species of phytoseiid reducednumbers of the tarsonemid Phytonemus pallidus on potted strawberry plants under glasshouse conditions (15–23°C). In several experiments reductions in the range of 71–81% in numbers of tarsonemid active stages and eggs, compared to non-release plants, were obtained. The importance of establishing a suitable predator: prey ratio at an earlystage was demonstrated in an experiment where an initial ratio of 1 N. cucumeris: 10 P. pallidus gave a greater degree of controlthan 1:20 or 1:40.  相似文献   

【目的】通过对新疆本地捕食螨双尾新小绥螨Neoseiulus bicaudus Wainstein的形态学特征观察及其对新疆农作物上两种重要害螨的捕食量测定,为该捕食螨的保护、研究、扩繁和释放提供理论基础。【方法】在实验室(26±1)℃,RH60%,16L︰8D条件下,借助显微成像系统观察其各个螨态形态特征及生物学习性;定量小室饲养技术对不同密度下对新疆两种重要害螨各螨态的捕食量进行研究。【结果】双尾新小绥螨有卵、幼螨、第一若螨、第二若螨和成螨5个螨态,嗜好阴暗条件,活动范围小,通过有性生殖进行繁殖,有多次交配行为,产卵方式为单产;单头双尾新小绥螨雌成螨每日对截形叶螨Tetranychus truncatus卵和幼螨的捕食量(106.8粒/日·雌和45.4头/日·雌)要显著大于土耳其斯坦叶螨Tetranychus turkestani(64.4粒/日·雌和39.4头/日·雌),而对两种叶螨的若螨和成螨捕食量无明显差异。【结论】本研究表明双尾新小绥螨对土耳其斯坦叶螨和截形叶螨的卵和幼螨的捕食较对若螨和成螨的效果好,对新疆害螨有一定控制能力。  相似文献   

Biological control of different species of pest with various species of generalist predators can potentially disrupt the control of pests through predator-predator interactions. We evaluate the impact of three species of generalist predatory mites on the biological control of green peach aphids, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) with the aphidophagous gall midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani). The predatory mites tested were Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans), Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese) and Amblyseius swirskii Athias–Henriot, which are all commonly used for pest control in greenhouse sweet pepper. All three species of predatory mites were found to feed on eggs of A. aphidimyza, even in the presence of abundant sweet pepper pollen, an alternative food source for the predatory mites. In a greenhouse experiment on sweet pepper, all three predators significantly reduced population densities of A. aphidimyza, but aphid densities only increased significantly in the presence of A. swirskii when compared to the treatment with A. aphidimyza only. This stronger effect of A. swirskii can be explained by the higher population densities that this predator reached on sweet pepper plants compared to the other two predator species. An additional experiment showed that female predatory midges do not avoid oviposition sites with the predator A. swirskii. On the contrary, they even deposited more eggs on plants with predatory mites than on plants without. Hence, this study shows that disruption of aphid control by predatory mites is a realistic scenario in sweet pepper, and needs to be considered when optimizing biological control strategies.  相似文献   

Spiromesifen is a novel insecticide/acaricide belonging to the new chemical class of spirocyclic phenyl-substituted tetronic acids, and it is especially active against whiteflies and tetranychid spider mite species. In the biologically based integrated pest management (IPM) programs in vegetable crops in southeastern Spain, the key natural enemies include the parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus Mercet (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) for sweetpotato whitefly control, and the minute pirate bug, Orius laevigatus (Fieber) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) for western flower thrips control. Side effects of spiromesifen on E. mundus and O. laevigatus, were evaluated by laboratory studies and field trials in commercial greenhouses under IPM programs. Results indicate that spiromesifen had favourable selectivity to O. laevigatus and E. mundus and would complement biological control of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) by E. mundus. Handling editor: Patrick De Clercq  相似文献   

Ten predatory mite species, all phytoseiids, were evaluated for control of western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), on greenhouse cucumber. This study was done to further improve biological control of thrips on this crop. Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) is at present used for biological control of thrips in greenhouses. Compared to this species, Typhlodromalus limonicus (Garman & McGregor), Typhlodromips swirskii (Athias-Henriot) and Euseius ovalis (Evans) reached much higher population levels resulting in a significantly better control of thrips. T. limonicus was clearly the best predator of WFT. Also Euseius scutalis (Athias-Henriot) increased to higher populations levels than N. cucumeris, but without controlling the thrips, probably because of an unequal distribution of this predator on the plant. Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese), Neoseiulus barkeri (Hughes), Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans) and Typhlodromus pyri (Scheuten) did not establish better than N. cucumeris. A non-diapausing exotic strain of N. cucumeris did not differ from the North European strain. The best performers in this study were all of sub-tropical origin. T. limonicus, T. swirskii and E. ovalis have good potentials for controlling not only thrips but also whiteflies. Factors affecting the efficacy of phytoseiids on greenhouse cucumbers are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of the predatory miteHypoaspis aculeifer Canestrini (Acarina:Laelapidae) on soil-dwelling stages of thewestern flower thrips (WFT) Frankliniellaoccidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)and the influence of combined releases of H.aculeifer and two entomopathogenic nematodes(EPNs) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar(Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae) (strain HK3,HK3) and Steinernema feltiae Filipjev(Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) (Nemaplus®,SFN) were investigated in pot trials usingseedlings of green beans (Phaseolus vulgarisL.). Ten H. aculeifer adults per pot and 400infective juveniles (IJs) cm–2 soil, of the twoEPN strains were used. In comparison withuntreated control, H. aculeifer reduced theproportion of adult F. occidentalis emergenceby 46%, while SFN and HK3 led to a reductionin adult thrips emergence by 46% and 61%,respectively. Significant differences in adultWFT emergence were found between combinedtreatments of EPNs and H. aculeifer, andindividual applications of EPNs and/or H.aculeifer, with significantly lower adultthrips emergence in the combined treatments.These findings highlight the potential for acombined use of EPNs with H. aculeifer for thecontrol of soil-dwelling stages of thrips.  相似文献   

In choice test experiments on strawberry leaf disc arenas the phytoseiid mites Neoseiulus californicus and N. cucumeris were more effective than Typhlodromus pyri as predators of the phytophagous mites Tetranychus urticae and Phytonemus pallidus. There were no preferences shown for either prey by any of these predators. In multiple predator leaf disc experiments both Phytoseiulus persimilis and N. cucumeris significantly reduced numbers of T. urticae eggs and active stages; this effect was seen when the two species were present alone or in combination with other predator species. Neoseiulus californicus was less effective at reducing T. urticae numbers, and T. pyri was not effective; no interaction between predator species was detected in these experiments. When T. urticae alone was present as prey on potted plants, P. persimilis and N. californicus were the only phytoseiids to significantly reduce T. urticae numbers. These two predator species provided effective control of T. urticae when P. pallidus was also present; however, none of the predators reduced numbers of P. pallidus. There were no significant negative interactions when different species of predators were present together on these potted plants. In field experiments, releases of both P. persimilis and N. cucumeris significantly reduced T. urticae numbers. However, there was a significant interaction between these predator species, leading to poorer control of T. urticae when both species were released together. These results show the importance of conducting predator/prey feeding tests at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

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