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The Veronica alpina complex comprises eight species of alpine habitats over a wide range of mountain systems in the Northern Hemisphere. The occurrence of sympatric species in the European and North American mountain systems allowed us not only to investigate the effect of the ice ages on intraspecific phylogeographical patterns and genetic diversity in different continents of the Northern Hemisphere, but also to compare these patterns in closely related species. Plastid DNA trnL-F sequences and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) fingerprints were used to infer the phylogenetic history of the group and phylogeographical patterns within species. Hybrid origin of tetraploid eastern North American V. wormskjoldii from western North American V. nutans (= V. wormskjoldii s.l.) and Eurasian V. alpina is suggested. A number of phylogeographical groups have been found both in V. alpina from Europe and in V. nutans from western North America. Phylogeographical substructuring in the Alps is inferred for V. alpina but not for V. bellidioides, which is moreover characterized by an overall very low genetic diversity. Western North American V. cusickii is much more genetically diverse than its sympatric relative, V. nutans, an effect that is likely due to differences in the breeding system. Populations of V. nutans are differentiated into three groups, those from the Cascades and from the southern and the northern Rocky Mountains. Genetic diversity seems to be higher in the North American V. nutans than in the morphologically and ecologically similar European V. alpina. A possible scenario to explain this pattern is suggested.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeography of unglaciated eastern North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional phylogeographical studies involving co-distributed animal and plant species have been conducted for several areas, most notably for Europe and the Pacific Northwest of North America. Until recently, phylogeographical studies in unglaciated eastern North America have been largely limited to animals. As more studies emerge for diverse lineages (including plants), it seems timely to assess the phylogeography across this region: (i) comparing and contrasting the patterns seen in plants and animals; (ii) assessing the extent of pseudocongruence; and (iii) discussing the potential applications of regional phylogeography to issues in ecology, such as response to climatic change. Unglaciated eastern North America is a large, geologically and topographically complex area with the species examined having diverse distributions. Nonetheless, some recurrent patterns emerge: (i) maritime - Atlantic vs. Gulf Coast; (ii) Apalachicola River discontinuity; (iii) Tombigbee River discontinuity; (iv) the Appalachian Mountain discontinuity; (v) the Mississippi River discontinuity; and (vi) the Apalachicola River and Mississippi River discontinuities. Although initially documented in animals, most of these patterns are also apparent in plants, providing support for phylogeographical generalizations. These patterns may generally be attributable to isolation and differentiation during Pleistocene glaciation, but in some cases may be older (Pliocene). Molecular studies sometimes agree with longstanding hypotheses of glacial refugia, but also suggest additional possible refugia, such as the southern Appalachian Mountains and areas close to the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Many species exhibit distinct patterns that reflect the unique, rather than the shared, aspects of species' phylogeographical histories. Furthermore, similar modern phylogeographical patterns can result from different underlying causal factors operating at different times (i.e. pseudocongruence). One underemphasized component of pseudocongruence may result from the efforts of researchers to categorize patterns visually - similar patterns may, in fact, not fully coincide, and inferring agreement may obscure the actual patterns and lead to erroneous conclusions. Our modelling analyses indicate no clear spatial patterning and support the hypothesis that phylogeographical structure in diverse temperate taxa is complex and was not shaped by just a few barriers.  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared colonies of the bryozoans Fredericella sultana and Plumatella fungosa were placed upstream of 2 fish farms endemic for salmonid proliferative kidney disease (PKD) to assess rates of infection of bryozoans by Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of PKD. Colonies were deployed in the field for 8 trial periods of 2 wk each throughout the summer of 2001. Following each trial, bryozoan colonies were maintained in laboratory culture for 28 d and were regularly monitored for infection by searching for sac stages of T. bryosalmonae. Infections were never identified by observations of sac stages, however positive PCR results and sequencing of cultured material confirmed that cryptic infections were present in colonies of both species deployed at one site. The possibility that PCR results reflected contamination of surfaces of bryozoans can be excluded, given the short period of spore viability of T. bryosalmonae. Highest rates of infection occurred when 4 of 23 colonies of F. sultana and 1 of 12 colonies of P. fungosa were infected during the period 10 to 24 July. No infections were detected from mid-August to late October at this site. None of the colonies at the other site became infected throughout the period of study. Our data provide the first estimates of infection rates of bryozoans by T. bryosalmonae. Additionally, they provide evidence that a cryptic stage can be maintained within bryozoan hosts for a period of 4 to 6 wk.  相似文献   

Lyme disease has recently begun to emerge as a significant threat to human health, both in Europe and the United States. Late sequellae, resembling those of neurosyphilis and multiple sclerosis, may occur many years after initial infection. Spontaneous abortion accompanies arthritis, carditis and neuritis as burdensome short-term sequellae. Thousands of new infections are recognized each year on each side of the Atlantic, although reporting may be incomplete. The disease was described in Europe nearly a century ago and named erythema chronicum migrans, but its etiology has only recently been defined. The name Lyme disease was coined to describe a particularly intense American focus of disease, but the term has gained wide acceptance on both continents. The identity of the American and European etiological agents involved has yet to be determined.In America, a deer-associated, often bird-transported tick transmits this mouse-reservoired spirochete. The European situation seems more complex because the vector tick feeds on a greater variety of vertebrates. The reservoir hosts of the spirochete have yet to be determined. The role ofIxodes ricinus and possible other vectors in perpetuating transmission of the European infection remains to be defined. WhetherI. ricinus as well asI. dammini merely serve as a bridge to the human population or are important for the maintenance of the feral cycle remains to be seen.The capacity of a tick to maintain transmission of Lyme disease spirochetes depends upon a complex set of properties, including competence as a host for the spirochete, a pattern of feeding that focuses on a particular reservoir favored by a pattern of tick activity, during each transmission season, in which nymphs feed before larvae. Transmission would be favored by an environment, such as that of islands, in which the variety of potential reservoir hosts is restricted. Hosts, for example reptiles, that might fail to support growth of the spirochete would serve to dilute effective transmission in nature.Similarly, the capacity of a vertebrate to maintain the infection requires long-term support of the spirochete in a tissue site accessible to vector ticks, tolerance of repeated feeding by vector ticks and a pattern of host activity that exposes the host to numerous bites.The intensity of infection depends upon a continuous pattern of transmission in which each generation is infected anew. The rate event in which the vector inherits infection would serve mainly to transport the spirochete to a new site, most effectively by migrating birds.Due to the dispersed nature of Lyme disease and its recent emergence as an important hazard to health, measures for prophylaxis have only recently been devised. Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics. But the effectiveness of such therapy depends upon correct and prompt diagnosis; delayed treatment is less effective, presumably because the spirochete becomes sequestered in immune-privileged sites.The present review lays stress on selected papers focusing on the epidemiological aspects and the experimental approach to the newly emerged disease rather than reviewing the complex literature concerning Lyme disease.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most economically important diseases among commercially reared rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Europe and causes significant losses among Pacific salmon and rainbow trout populations in western North America. The parasite that causes PKD is a poorly understood myxosporean (PKX), presumed but not yet proven to be a member of the family Sphaerosporidae, genus Sphaerospora. The disease occurs in both cultured and feral populations of salmonids that come into contact with a 20–25 μm waterborne infective stage. The disease is often seasonally dependent occurring at water temperatures above 15 °C in the summer and fall months of the year. At permissive water temperatures, the first recognizable vegetative or extrasporogonic stages appear about 10–14 days after exposure to the infective stage. They are initially prominent in the blood sinuses of the kidney, are accompanied by a mild hyperplasia of the interstitial hematopoietic cell populations, and multiply via binary fission, endogeny, and plasmotomy, provoking a strong inflammatory response. This diffuse granulomatous response occurs principally in the kidney but is also seen in the spleen and other organs. The major host cell type involved in the lesion is the macrophage, but lymphocytes are also abundant in close proximity to PKX. As the inflammation progresses (6–8 weeks postexposure to the infective stage), the gross renal swelling becomes evident as do other clinical signs including anemia. Mortality in uncomplicated cases of PKD is generally 20% or less but often secondary pathogens or unfavorable environmental conditions coincide with peak periods of PKD and mortalities can reach 95–100%. Compromised renal functions such as macromolecule adsorption and divalent cation excretion are also impaired and this may contribute to the mortality observed among fish with PKD. Generally, by 12–20 weeks postexposure, fish begin, or are in the process of, recovery and the renal hematopoietic and excretory functions return to normal. In fish that have experienced a full clinical episode of the disease, a strong acquired immunity develops. The basis of the immunity is unknown but circulating antiparasite antibodies can be detected as early as six weeks postexposure to the infective stage. A strong cellular component to the immunity is also suspected. No vaccines have yet been developed to control PKD, and only recently have experimental therapies been applied. Both fumagillin DCH, an antibiotic effective against certain microsporidia and myxosporidia, and the arylmethane dye malachite green, have shown some promise as treatments for PKD. Unfortunately, neither drug is licensed for use in the U.S. and both treatments suffer from potential difficulties with drug toxicity, tissue residues, or durg discharges in hatchery effluent waters.  相似文献   

Aim Relationships of eastern Asian and eastern North American populations of legumes in the genus Amphicarpaea Elliot ex. Nuttall (Phaseoleae–Glycininae) and their root nodule bacteria (Bradyrhizobium Jordan) were analysed to test whether both organisms share an identical biogeographic history. Location Japan and eastern North America (New York and Illinois). Methods Sequences of three plant genes (chloroplast trnL region, nuclear ribosomal ITS, and histone H3‐D) and a segment of the bacterial ribosomal region (partial 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA genes, and the 16S rRNA–23S rRNA ITS) were used to analyse phylogenetic relationships. Results For plants, Japanese populations formed a sister group to a well‐supported clade of all North American genotypes. For nodule bacteria associated with Amphicarpaea, isolates from North America did not form a single clade relative to Asian genotypes. Japanese Bradyrhizobium isolates were closely related to particular sub‐groups of North American bacteria (lineages ‘B’ and ‘C’), with other American bacteria branching earlier. Main conclusions Plants and bacteria showed clear deviations from a pattern of parallel cladogenesis. The most basal Amphicarpaea lineage was associated with a recently‐diverged bacterial group, while one recently‐diverged plant lineage had symbionts that branched in a basal position relative to the other Amphicarpaea bacteria. When analysed with data on symbiotic compatibility from inoculation experiments, the molecular phylogenies suggested that for plants, at least one transition has occurred toward more promiscuous nodulation behaviour. Among bacteria, strains with narrow host range on Amphicarpaea appear to be ancestral to symbiotic generalists.  相似文献   

Aim Glacial refugia during the Pleistocene had major impacts on the levels and spatial apportionment of genetic diversity of species in northern latitude ecosystems. We characterized patterns of population subdivision, and tested hypotheses associated with locations of potential Pleistocene refugia and the relative contribution of these refugia to the post‐glacial colonization of North America and Scandinavia by common eiders (Somateria mollissima). Specifically, we evaluated localities hypothesized as ice‐free areas or glacial refugia for other Arctic vertebrates, including Beringia, the High Arctic Canadian Archipelago, Newfoundland Bank, Spitsbergen Bank and north‐west Norway. Location Alaska, Canada, Norway and Sweden. Methods Molecular data from 12 microsatellite loci, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, and two nuclear introns were collected and analysed for 15 populations of common eiders (n = 716) breeding throughout North America and Scandinavia. Population genetic structure, historical population fluctuations and gene flow were inferred using F‐statistics, analyses of molecular variance, and multilocus coalescent analyses. Results Significant inter‐population variation in allelic and haplotypic frequencies were observed (nuclear DNA FST = 0.004–0.290; mtDNA ΦST = 0.051–0.927). Whereas spatial differentiation in nuclear genes was concordant with subspecific designations, geographic proximity was more predictive of inter‐population variance in mitochondrial DNA haplotype frequency. Inferences of historical population demography were consistent with restriction of common eiders to four geographic areas during the Last Glacial Maximum: Belcher Islands, Newfoundland Bank, northern Alaska and Svalbard. Three of these areas coincide with previously identified glacial refugia: Newfoundland Bank, Beringia and Spitsbergen Bank. Gene‐flow and clustering analyses indicated that the Beringian refugium contributed little to common eider post‐glacial colonization of North America, whereas Canadian, Scandinavian and southern Alaskan post‐glacial colonization is likely to have occurred in a stepwise fashion from the same glacial refugium. Main conclusions Concordance of proposed glacial refugia used by common eiders and other Arctic species indicates that Arctic and subarctic refugia were important reservoirs of genetic diversity during the Pleistocene. Furthermore, suture zones identified at MacKenzie River, western Alaska/Aleutians and Scandinavia coincide with those identified for other Arctic vertebrates, suggesting that these regions were strong geographic barriers limiting dispersal from Pleistocene refugia.  相似文献   

Determinants of vertebrate invasion success in Europe and North America   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Species that are frequently introduced to an exotic range have a high potential of becoming invasive. Besides propagule pressure, however, no other generally strong determinant of invasion success is known. Although evidence has accumulated that human affiliates (domesticates, pets, human commensals) also have high invasion success, existing studies do not distinguish whether this success can be completely explained by or is partly independent of propagule pressure. Here, we analyze both factors independently, propagule pressure and human affiliation. We also consider a third factor directly related to humans, hunting, and 17 traits on each species' population size and extent, diet, body size, and life history. Our dataset includes all 2362 freshwater fish, mammals, and birds native to Europe or North America. In contrast to most previous studies, we look at the complete invasion process consisting of (1) introduction, (2) establishment, and (3) spread. In this way, we not only consider which of the introduced species became invasive but also which species were introduced. Of the 20 factors tested, propagule pressure and human affiliation were the two strongest determinants of invasion success across all taxa and steps. This was true for multivariate analyses that account for intercorrelations among variables as well as univariate analyses, suggesting that human affiliation influenced invasion success independently of propagule pressure. Some factors affected the different steps of the invasion process antagonistically. For example, game species were much more likely to be introduced to an exotic continent than nonhunted species but tended to be less likely to establish themselves and spread. Such antagonistic effects show the importance of considering the complete invasion process.  相似文献   

Fishes farmed in sea pens may become infested by parasites from wild fishes and in turn become point sources for parasites. Sea lice, copepods of the family Caligidae, are the best-studied example of this risk. Sea lice are the most significant parasitic pathogen in salmon farming in Europe and the Americas, are estimated to cost the world industry €300 million a year and may also be pathogenic to wild fishes under natural conditions.Epizootics, characteristically dominated by juvenile (copepodite and chalimus) stages, have repeatedly occurred on juvenile wild salmonids in areas where farms have sea lice infestations, but have not been recorded elsewhere. This paper synthesizes the literature, including modelling studies, to provide an understanding of how one species, the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, can infest wild salmonids from farm sources. Three-dimensional hydrographic models predicted the distribution of the planktonic salmon lice larvae best when they accounted for wind-driven surface currents and larval behaviour. Caligus species can also cause problems on farms and transfer from farms to wild fishes, and this genus is cosmopolitan. Sea lice thus threaten finfish farming worldwide, but with the possible exception of L. salmonis, their host relationships and transmission adaptations are unknown. The increasing evidence that lice from farms can be a significant cause of mortality on nearby wild fish populations provides an additional challenge to controlling lice on the farms and also raises conservation, economic and political issues about how to balance aquaculture and fisheries resource management.  相似文献   

Surveys of genetic structure of introduced populations of nonindigenous species may reveal the source(s) of introduction, the number of introduction events, and total inoculum size. Here we use the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene to explore genetic structure and contrast invasion histories of two ecologically similar and highly invasive colonial ascidians, the golden star tunicate Botryllus schlosseri and the violet tunicate Botrylloides violaceus, in their global and introduced North American ranges. Haplotype and nucleotide diversities for B. schlosseri were significantly higher than for B. violaceus both globally (h = 0.872; ?? = 0.054 and h = 0.461; ?? = 0.007, respectively) and in their overlapping North American ranges (h = 0.874; ?? = 0.012 and h = 0.384; ?? = 0.006, respectively). Comparative population genetics and phylogenetic analyses revealed clear differences in patterns of invasion for these two species. B. schlosseri populations on the west and east coasts of North America were seeded from the Pacific and Mediterranean regions, respectively, whereas all North American B. violaceus populations were founded by one or more introduction events from Japan. Differences in genetic structure of invasive populations for these species in North America are consistent with their contrasting probable introduction vectors. B. schlosseri invasions most likely resulted from vessel hull fouling, whereas B. violaceus was likely introduced as a ??fellow traveler?? in the shellfish aquaculture trade.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD), caused by an unclassified protozoan (PKX), is reported from Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) and O. kisutch (Walbaum), and steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, held at the Mad River Hatchery in California, USA. The cumulative mortality attributed to the disease was 95, 13, and 18% respectively. The mortalities were greatest at mean water temperatures of 12-14 degrees C during July 1983. The ultrastructure of the PKX organism and its associated pathology during clinical disease in all three species were consistent with those of the parasite in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) as described in European outbreaks. Significant mortalities did not occur after August, at which time the parasite could no longer be detected in the salmon species. The steelhead continued to exhibit parasites in the kidney interstitium and epithelium and lumens of the tubules. Myxosporidan trophozoites and developing spores were also observed in the lumens of the kidney tubules of these fish. Although a mixed infection with another parasite may have occurred, evidence suggests that the myxosporidans are later stages of PKX. They were only observed in fish exposed to water with the infective stage and were particularly prominent in recovering fish. The PKX organism is similar to UBO, an unclassified protozoan of carp suspected to be an early stage of Sphaerospora renicola Dykovà & Lom. Both parasites infect the blood and kidney, divide by endogeny, and are released by disintegration of the primary mother cell. The intraluminal myxosporean forms show similarities to Sphaerospora spp. in that they are monosporous and sporoblasts are formed within pseudoplasmodia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A study was made of the biochemical, cultural, morphological, physiological and serological characters of 25 Gram-positive bacterial isolates of bacterial kidney disease in salmonid fish. Two distinct homogenous phena and seven single-member clusters were defined as a result of overall similarity based on analyses with the Jaccard coefficient. One phenon was equated withCorynebacterium pyogenes, but the second represents a novel taxon.  相似文献   

Dark‐coloured ectotherms absorb energy from the environment at higher rates than light‐coloured ectotherms. The thermal melanism hypothesis (TMH) states that this physical mechanism links the colour lightness of the body surfaces of ectotherms to their thermal environment and hence to their geographical distribution. Studies on different insect taxa in Europe found support for this prediction of the TMH. However, whether these results hold also for other biogeographical regions remains unclear. Here, we quantify and map the colour lightness of dragonfly species in North America and directly compare our results to previously published findings for Europe. We estimated the colour lightness of 152 North American dragonfly species from published illustrations, compiled their distribution data from the literature and combined all these data with six biologically relevant environmental variables. We evaluated the importance of phylogenetic autocorrelation for the spatial variation of mean colour lightness of dragonfly assemblages (grid cells of approximately 50 × 50 km size) by repeating all analyses also for the phylogenetically predicted component of the colour lightness of species and the species‐specific deviation from this prediction. We also accounted for spatial autocorrelation with autoregressive error models. All statistical approaches showed that dragonfly assemblages from both continents consistently tended to be darker coloured in regions with cold climates and lighter coloured in regions with warm climates. Regression slopes, however, were significantly less steep, and the amount of variance explained by environmental variables was lower for North America than for Europe. Our results highlight the importance of colour lightness for the distribution of dragonfly species, but they also indicate that idiosyncrasies of the continents modify the general pattern.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of plants from the Pacific Northwest of North America suggest a recurrent pattern of genetic differentiation and geographic structuring. In each of five angiosperms and one fern species representing diverse life histories, cpDNA data indicate two clades of populations that are geographically structured. A northern group comprises populations from Alaska to central or southern Oregon, whereas populations from central Oregon southward to northern California form a southern group. In several of these species, a few populations having southern genotypes may have survived in glacial refugia further north in the Olympic Peninsula, Queen Charlotte Islands, and Prince of Wales Island. Allozyme data reveal a similar pattern of differentiation in several other plants from the Pacific Northwest. North-south partitioning of genotypes has also been reported for several animal species from this region. On a broader geographic scale, northsouth partitioning of genotypes has also been observed in other plants from western North America having a variety of geographic distributions. Some species also display a reduction of genetic variability in the northern portion of their range compared to the south. The data suggest strongly that past glaciation profoundly influenced the genetic architecture of the flora and fauna of the Pacific Northwest. Two alternative hypotheses are advanced to explain the geographic structuring of genotypes. First, past glaciation may have created discontinuities in the geographic distributions of plant species, with populations surviving in several well-isolated northern and southern refugia. Following glaciation, migration of genetically differentiated, once-isolated populations resulted in the formation of a continuous geographic distribution with a major genetic discontinuity. Alternatively, plants survived and subsequently migrated northward from a southern refugium, and a genotype became fixed in one or a few populations at the leading edge of recolonization. Subsequent long-distance dispersal from this leading edge resulted in a relatively uniform northern genotype that differs from the southern genotype(s). Whatever the underlying mechanism, Pleistocence glaciation may have molded the intraspecific genetic architecture of both plants and animals from the Pacific Northwest in a geographically similar manner. Future studies should seek to obtain a comprehensive phylogeography for regions that includes a diversity of both plants and animals.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

We examine patterns of nestedness and species incidence for the resident and migrant components of avifaunas in North America and Europe. While all assemblages were significantly nested, there were no significant differences between North American and European avifaunas overall in nestedness or incidence. Residents did not differ from migrants in their adherence to a nested distribution, but did exhibit significantly higher incidences when continental affiliation was ignored.¶We develop a new nestedness index that examines each species' relative contribution to an assemblage's overall pattern of nestedness. The relative nestedness index exhibits a quadratic relationship with incidence such that species with low incidences and species with high incidences generally increase the overall level of nestedness, while species with intermediate incidence tend to decrease nestedness.  相似文献   

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