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The turnover of the plasma membrane proteins of hepatoma tissue culture cells was examined by three different methods--loss of polypeptides labeled in situ by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination, loss of membrane polypeptides labeled with amino acid precursors, and loss from the membrane of fucose-labeled polypeptides. In both logarithmically growing and density-inhibited cells the proteins of the membrane are degraded with a half-life of about 100 hours. This is longer than the half-life of total cell protein, 50 to 60 hours, and longer than the doubling time of the cells, about 30 hours. Similar values for the rate of degradation of the membrane proteins were obtained by each of the three techniques. The same fucose-labeled polypeptides are present in the microsomal and the plasma membrane fractions of hepatoma tissue culture cells as analyzed by electrophoresis in dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gels. But the fucose-labeled polypeptides were lost from the microsomal fraction at a faster rate than from the plasma membrane. Autoradiographic and double labeling techniques using 125I and 131I, or [3H]leucine and [14C]leucine were used to measure the relative rates of degradation of the proteins in the plasma membrane. All of the leucine-labeled polypeptides and the iodinated polypeptides had similar rates of degradation. These results support a model for the biogenesis of the plasma membrane in which the proteins are incorporated and removed in large structural units.  相似文献   

The specificity of lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination for the proteins of the hepatoma tissue culture cell plasma membrane was examined by histochemical, biochemical, and cell fractionation techniques. Light microscope autoradiography of sectioned cells shows the incorporated label to be localized primarily at the periphery of the cell. Most of this label can be released from the cell by trypsin but not by collagenase or hyaluronidase. The label is recovered from the cells as either monoiodotyrosine or diiodotyrosine after hydrolysis of cell extracts with a mixture of proteolytic enzymes. The label co-purifies during cell fractionation with an authentic liver cell plasma membrane marker enzyme, 5′-nucleotidase. Thus, the incorporated iodide is itself a valid marker for those membrane polypeptides having tyrosine residues accessible to the lactoperoxidase. The polypeptide complexity of the purified plasma membrane was examined by high resolution dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. At least 50 polypeptides in the membrane are accessible to iodination. These polypeptides probably represent the bulk of the protein mass of the membrane and iodinating them does not affect cell viability, growth rate, or cell function. Labeling experiments with fucose and glucosamine show that at least nine of the iodinated peptides may be glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus-infected Chinese hamster ovary cells release into the extracellular medium a soluble form of the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G protein) termed Gs (Kang and Prevec, Virology 46:678-680, 1971). The properties of this molecule and the cellular site at which it is generated were characterized. By comparing the sizes and the peptide maps of the unglycosylated forms of G and Gs, we found that between 5,000 and 6,000 daltons of the carboxy-terminal end of the G protein is cleaved to generate the Gs molecule. This truncated molecule contains no fatty acid. Gs released from cells grown at 39 degrees C migrated on polyacrylamide gels slightly slower than Gs released at 30 degrees C. The unglycosylated form of Gs also showed this size difference. Furthermore, unglycosylated Gs was resolved into two species upon isoelectric focusing: the relative amounts of the two species depended upon the temperature at which infected cells were incubated. Full-sized unglycosylated virus-associated G also was resolved into two species, but the more basic form predominated at both 30 and 39 degrees C. The appearance of Gs in the extracellular medium depended upon the presence of stable, full-sized G at the cell surface. The amount of Gs released was quantitated in seven different situations in which the migration of G to the cell surface was inhibited. In all cases, the amount of Gs released was also decreased. In addition, incubation of cells surface labeled with 125I resulted in the release of 125I-labeled Gs protein, as well as full-sized G protein. These results suggest that Gs is generated primarily by proteolytic cleavage of plasma membrane-associated G at a site in the molecule just amino terminal to the membrane-spanning region of the molecule.  相似文献   

A method was developed to isolate cell surface proteins by a simple two-step procedure. Hepatocyte cell surface proteins were labeled by a cleavable biotin derivative in a covalent pulse reaction. Under the described conditions, NHS-SS-biotin proved to be an impermeant, cell surface-specific label which does not affect the impermeant, cell surface-specific label which does not affect the viability of rat hepatocytes. Biotinylated cell surface proteins could be selectively separated under non-denaturing conditions from non-biotinylated proteins and biotin-containing carboxylases by avidin affinity chromatography and sulfhydryl-mediated elution. Subsequent to alkylation of the eluted protein, individual cell surface proteins could be isolated by immunoprecipitation as shown for a selected Mr 120,000 glycoprotein gp120 of the hepatocyte plasma membrane. Using this technique, a transit time of gp120 from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell surface of 2 h was determined. The results show that the combination of labeling with a cleavable biotin derivative, non-denaturing avidin affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation is a useful method to isolate and study individual cell surface proteins.  相似文献   

The secretory glycoproteins synthesized by hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells were resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of media from cells that were grown in the presence of [(3)H]fucose. These cells synthesize and secrete a complex set of fucose-containing glycoproteins. These secretory glycoproteins are distinct from those glycoproteins present in the plasma membrane of HTC cells. Incubation of HTC cells with dexamethasone has a pronounced effect on the quality and quantity (denoted here as the program) of secretory protein synthesis, as assayed by the short-term incorporation of labeled mannose, fucose, or methionine. The synthesis of two mannose- and fucose- containing glycoprotein series, one of 50,000 mol wt and a more heterogeneous series with mol wt of 35,000-50,000, is increased to a high level by the hormone; conversely, the synthesis of other secretory proteins, particularly one with mol wt of 70,000, is decreased or stopped completely. The synthesis of some major secretory proteins is not affected by the hormone. Dexamethasone has less of an effect on the composition of either total cell membrane glycoprotein or plasma membrane glycoprotein. But there is a decrease in the synthesis of a major membrane glycoprotein series with mol wt of 140,000. These effects of dexamethasone are relatively specific to HTC cells. Neither Reuber H-35 cells nor primary cultures of rat hepatocytes show the same response to the steroid. Two variant HTC cell lines, which were selected for their resistance to dexamethasone inhibition of extracellular plasminogen activator activity, respond only partially to the steroid-induced regulation of the secretory and membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Binding to DNA associated with cellulose has been used to investigate the receptor-glucocorticoid complex isolated from a line of rat hepatoma tissue culture cells. The amount of activated complex that bound to DNA was approximately half that which bound to nuclei. Additional results suggest the existence of two forms of the activated glucocorticoid receptor-steroid complex in about equal amounts: one form binds only to nuclei and the other binds to DNA and nuclei. The two forms also differ in their stability, with the DNA/nuclei binging form being relatively labile. The binding of either form to the appropriate acceptor is reduced by cytosol inhibitors by the same mechanism.  相似文献   

The molecular weights of the five iodinatable surface membrane proteins of HeLa cells were determined to be 170 000, 145 000, 130 000, 93 000 and 53 000. The proteolytic digestion of these proteins with pronase, trypsin and chymotrypsin was also studied.Metabolic studies showed that these iodinated surface proteins are released into the medium in both acid-soluble and acid-insoluble forms. Antibodies prepared towards these released membrane fragments as well as antibodies prepared towards whole membrane inhibit the growth of HeLa cells.  相似文献   

A major glycoprotein of rat hepatoma plasma membranes was selectively released as a soluble form by incubating the membrane with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. The soluble form corresponding to the glycoprotein was also prepared by butan-1-ol extraction of microsomal membranes at pH 5.5, whereas extraction at pH 8.5 yielded an electrophoretically different form with a hydrophobic nature. The soluble glycoprotein extracted at pH 5.5 was purified by sequential chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose, Sephacryl S-300 and anti-(alkaline phosphatase) IgG-Sepharose, the last step being used to remove a contaminating alkaline phosphatase. The glycoprotein thus purified was a single protein with Mr 130,000 in SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, although it behaved as a dimer in gel filtration on Sephacryl S-300. The glycoprotein was analysed for amino acid and carbohydrate composition. The composition of the carbohydrate moiety, which amounted to 64% by weight, suggested that the glycoprotein contained much larger numbers of N-linked oligosaccharide chains than those with O-linkage. It was confirmed that the purified glycoprotein was immunologically identical not only with that released by the phospholipase C but also with the hydrophobic form extracted with butan-1-ol at pH 8.5. The results indicate that the glycoprotein of rat hepatoma plasma membranes, which has an unusually high content of carbohydrate, is another membrane protein released by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, as documented for alkaline phosphatase, acetylcholinesterase and Thy-1 antigen.  相似文献   

Cytokinins regulate calcium binding to a glycoprotein from fungal cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A glycoprotein that binds about 20 atoms of Ca per mole has been purified from the osmotic shock fluid of some unicellular coenocytic water-molds, Achlya spp. and Blastocladiella emersonii. The binding of calcium is allosterically regulated by N6-(substituted)adenine derivatives, cytokinins. Pyrimidines, purine and pyrimidine nucleosides, auxins, and benzimidazole derivatives are ineffective in inhibiting calcium binding. Lysozyme partially inactivates the molecule so that a high affinity calcium binding site is destroyed. Trypsin and pronase inactivate the molecule so that Ca++ binding to both high and low affinity sites is affected. Cytokinins inhibit calcium binding to both sites.  相似文献   

Detection of Z DNA binding proteins in tissue culture cells.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A gel electrophoresis DNA binding assay to detect Z DNA binding proteins has been developed utilising [32P] labelled poly [d(G-C)] which was converted to the Z form by incubation in 100 microM Co(NH3)6Cl3. The parameters of the assay were established using a Z DNA antibody as a model system and then applied to extracts of Hela and BHK21 cells. Using an anti-Z DNA antibody conditions were established which allowed resolution of antibody-DNA complexes and free DNA in the presence of 100 microM Co(NH3)6Cl3. The inclusion of unlabelled complementary homopolymers eliminated non-specific binding to the labelled Z-DNA probe. Competition experiments demonstrated that the assay was highly specific for double stranded non-B DNA. Application of the technique to extracts of mammalian cells demonstrated that human and hamster cells contain Z-DNA binding proteins; further characterisation by a blotting technique indicated that a 56,000 molecular weight cell protein preferentially binds Z-DNA.  相似文献   

Binding to DNA associated with cellulose has been used to investigate the receptor-glucorticoid complex isolated from a line of rat hepatoma tissue culture cells. The amount of activated complex that bound to DNA was approximately half that which bound to nuclei. Additional results suggest the existence of two forms of the activated glucocorticoid receptor-steroid complex in about equal amounts: one form binds only to nuclei and the other binds to DNA and nuclei. The two forms also differ in their stability, with the DNA/nuclei binding form being relatively labile. The binding of either form to the appropriate acceptor is reduced by cytosol inhibitors by the same mechanism.  相似文献   

U V Santer  M C Glick 《Biochemistry》1979,18(12):2533-2540
The predominant surface glycopeptide from a clone of baby hamster kidney cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus (C13/B4), metabolically labeled with L-[14C]fucose, has been characterized for the first time. This glycopeptide represents 19% of the total radioactivity removed by trypsin from the cell surface of the transformed fibroblasts and is more abundant in the transformed cells than in the normal counterpart. Purification of the glycopeptide after digestion with Pronase was by successive chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-50. The monosaccharide content of the glycopeptide was 42, 127, 138, 114, and 243 nmol of fucose, sialic acid, galatose, mannose, and glucosamine, respectively. A partial structure of the glycopeptide was proposed from the results of sequential enzymatic degradation coupled with gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of the resultant monosaccharides. All of the enzymes used were purified and pretested on natural substrates and found to remove terminal monosaccharides of the correct configuration, quantitatively. The purification and properties of an alpha-L-fucosidase from rat testes were described. All of the radioactivity in the glycopeptide, recovered as fucose, was present at the core and was removed by treatment with this alpha-L-fucosidase. The proposed structure is a triantennary, completely sialylated, complex glycopeptide containing a core region of beta-D-mannose, beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine, and alpha-L-fucose.  相似文献   

Characterization of a major fibroblast cell surface glycoprotein   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, a gram-negative obligate anaerobe, utilizes polysaccharides by binding them to its cell surface and allowing cell-associated enzymes to hydrolyze them into digestible fragments. We use the starch utilization system as a model to analyze the initial steps involved in polysaccharide binding and breakdown. In a recent paper, we reported that one of the outer membrane proteins involved, SusG, had starch-degrading activity but was not sufficient for growth on starch. Moreover, SusG alone did not have detectable starch binding activity. Previous studies have shown that starch binding is essential for starch utilization. In this paper, we report that four other outer membrane proteins, SusC through SusF, are responsible for starch binding. Results of (14)C-starch binding assays show that SusC and SusD both contribute a significant amount of starch binding. SusE also appears to contribute substantially to starch binding. Using affinity chromatography, we show in vitro that these Sus proteins interact to bind starch. Moreover, protease accessibility of either SusC or SusD greatly increased when one was expressed without the other. This finding supports the hypothesis that SusC and SusD interact in the outer membrane. Evidence from additional protease accessibility studies suggests that SusC, SusE, and SusF are exposed on the cell surface. Our results demonstrate that SusC and SusD act as the major starch binding proteins on the cell surface, with SusE enhancing binding. SusF's role in starch utilization has yet to be determined, although the fact that starch protected it from proteolytic attack suggests that it does bind starch.  相似文献   

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