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Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease due to infection with Trichomonas vaginalis, and it can cause serious consequences for women's health. To study the virulence factors of this pathogen, T. vaginalis surface proteins were investigated using polyclonal antibodies specific to the membrane fractions of T. vaginalis. The T. vaginalis expression library was constructed by cloning the cDNA derived from mRNA of T. vaginalis into a phage λ Uni-ZAP XR vector, and then used for immunoscreening with the anti-membrane proteins of T. vaginalis antibodies. The immunoreactive proteins identified included adhesion protein AP65-1, α-actinin, kinesin-associated protein, teneurin, and 2 independent hypothetical proteins. Immunofluorescence assays showed that AP65-1, one of the identified immunogenic clones, is prevalent in the whole body of T. vaginalis. This study led us to identify T. vaginalis proteins which may stimulate immune responses by human cells.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small noncoding RNAs that have important regulatory roles in multicellular organisms. However, miRNA has never been identified experimentally in protist. Direct cloning of 438 expressed miRNA tags by microRNA serial analysis of gene expression from the parasitic protist Trichomonas vaginalis identified nine candidate miRNAs. Bioinformatics analysis of the corresponding genomic region revealed that these miRNA candidates contain a classical stem–loop–stem structure of pre-microRNAs. Analysis of the 20 nt long mature tva-miR-001 showed that it is an intergenic miRNA located at the scaffold DS113596. Tva-miR-001 was differentially expressed in the trophozoite, pseudocyst and amoeboid stages. Based on the experimental results of the present study, we provided solid evidence that protist possesses a miRNA regulating network comparable with multicellular organisms for the first time.  相似文献   

A technique is described whereby cells showing cytologic changes suggestive of virus infection by light microscopy can be processed further for examination in the electron microscope so that virus particles present in the cell can be visualized directly. We present the results of electron microscopy of over 100 Papanicolaou-stained smears processed this way. The morphologic changes in the cells and the ultrastructural appearances of the virus particles are demonstrated. This technique is particularly valuable for retrospective studies of mounted cytologic or histologic material. It has also proven to be a valuable research tool in the study of human polyomavirus and human wart virus infection.  相似文献   

The authors present two cases of newborn babies infected by Trichomonas vaginalis (hereafter referred to as T. vaginalis) and suffering from severe congenital breathing difficulties and needing artificial respiration. Microscopic examination of the tracheal discharge revealed characteristically moving, flagellated, pear-shaped unicellular organisms. Cultures on CPLM medium proved the presence of T. vaginalis. During pregnancy the mothers' clinical status was negative and both of them mentioned leukorrhoea of changing intensity. They were regularly involved in antenatal care. The infection caused by T. vaginalis could be detected in the two mothers later by culture procedures.  相似文献   

Purine metabolism in Trichomonas vaginalis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

SYNOPSIS. The mechanism of carbohydrate dissimilation was studied in cell-free extracts prepared from mass cultures of the trichomonads. Evidence for the presence of all the enzymes associated with the Embden-Meyerhof glycolytic scheme was obtained. Several enzyme systems directly associated with the glycolytic pathway were examined. Two of these, alcohol dehydrogenase and phosphorylase, were not demonstrated in the T. vaginalis extract. The absence of phosphorylase in the presence of a very high glycogen concentration in the cell (20.8%) suggests the possibility of an alternate route. A very active TPN-linked "malic enzyme" was also demonstrated, although no functional citric acid cycle is known for this trichomonad. Based on the experimental evidence and collateral data, a functional Embden-Meyerhof system was suggested for T. vaginalis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The parasitic protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis is the causative agent of trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease. The phagocytic activity of this parasite has not been completely elucidated. In order to better understand the mechanisms of trichomonal phagocytosis, we have studied the in vitro capacity of T. vaginalis to phagocytose and degrade Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: To analyse the phagocytic ability and capacity, two isolates of T. vaginalis presenting different virulence grades were used. Complementary techniques, such as fluorescence microscopy, computer-based fluorescence analysis, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and the use of drugs that interfere with the actin microfilaments, were used in order to follow the behaviour of the actin cytoskeleton during phagocytosis of yeast cells by T. vaginalis. It was concluded that: (1) T. vaginalis changes its shape rapidly and engulfs the yeast cells, which are almost as large as the parasite; (2) long-term and fresh cultures are able to phagocytose, although the low-virulence strain JT demonstrated a lower activity when compared with the highly virulent T016 isolate; (3) the T016 strain exhibited an amoeboid morphology during the internalization of yeast cells in contrast with the JT strain; (4) attachment of yeast cells to the parasite occurs via the whole cell surface, including both anterior and recurrent flagella; (5) two forms of phagocytosis were observed: a 'sinking' process without any apparent participation of plasma membrane extensions and the classical phagocytosis where pseudopodia are extended toward the target cell; (6) the internalized S. cerevisiae are digested in lysosomes; (7) competitor sugars D-mannose or L-fucose inhibit the phagocytosis, and inhibition was 1.67 times higher in long-term cultured JT than that of the parasites from fresh isolate T016; (8) a thick layer of actin microfilaments was present underlying the plasma membrane, and especially in the pseudopodia and around the phagocytosed particles; (9) a dramatic change in the distribution pattern of fibrillar actin occurred during phagocytosis; (10) cytochalasin D depressed the phagocytosis; (11) a non-specific recognition and phagocytosis of yeast cells by T. vaginalis is mediated by a mannose receptor present on the parasite surface; (12) the phagocytic process may occur simultaneously during mitosis of the parasite.  相似文献   

The freeze-fracture technique was used to analyse the organization of the plasma membrane, as well as membranes of cytoplasmic organelles, of the pathogenic protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. Rosettes formed by 4 to 14 intramembranous particles were seen on the fracture faces of the membrane lining the anterior flagella as well as in fracture faces of the plasma membrane enclosing the anterior region of the protozoan and in cytoplasmic organelles. Special organization of the membrane particles were also seen in the region of association of the recurrent flagellum to the cell body.  相似文献   

Fine structure of Trichomonas vaginalis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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