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We have investigated the binding in vitro of activated thymocytes to thymic epithelial (TE) cells, and studied the effect of up-regulation of TE cell surface intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and HLA-DR by IFN-gamma on the ability of TE cells to bind to both resting and activated human thymocytes. TE cell binding to activated and resting thymocytes was studied by using our previously described suspension assay of TE-thymocyte conjugate formation. We found that activated mature and immature thymocytes bound maximally at 37 degrees C to IFN-gamma-treated ICAM-1+ and HLA-DR+ TE cells and this TE-activated thymocyte binding was inhibited by antibodies to LFA-1 alpha-chain (CD11a) (68.1 +/- 5.6% inhibition, p less than 0.01) and ICAM-1 (73.9 +/- 7.7% inhibition, p less than 0.05). Neither anti-HLA-DR antibody L243 nor anti-MHC class I antibody 3F10 inhibited IFN-gamma-treated TE binding to activated thymocytes. As with antibodies to LFA-3 and CD2, antibodies to LFA-1 and ICAM-1 also inhibited PHA-induced mature thymocyte activation when accessory signals were provided by TE cells in vitro. Finally, LFA-1 and ICAM-1 were expressed early on in human thymic fetal ontogeny in patterns similar to those seen in postnatal thymus. Taken together, these data suggest that resting mature and immature thymocytes bind to TE cells via the CD2/LFA-3 ligand pair, whereas activated thymocytes bind via both CD2/LFA-3 and LFA-1/ICAM-1 ligand systems. We postulate that IFN-gamma produced intrathymically may regulate TE expression of ICAM-1 and therefore potentially may regulate TE cell binding to activated thymocytes beginning in the earliest stages of human thymic development.  相似文献   

Direct contact between thymocytes and thymic stromal elements may be one of the mechanisms involved in thymocyte differentiation. Thymic lymphoepithelial complexes have been isolated in which thymocytes appear to be in direct association with cortical epithelial cells. We have previously reported the isolation and successful culture of two morphologically distinct types of murine thymic epithelial cells. We have utilized these to study the interactions of lymphoid and epithelial cells by means of an in vitro assay of the binding of radiolabeled thymocytes to monolayers of these cultured thymic epithelial cells. The percentage of bound cells increased rapidly during the first hour of incubation, reaching approximately 40% binding. Binding continued to increase slowly until plateau levels were reached at approximately 5 hr. Thymocyte binding to thymic epithelium, but not fibroblast monolayers, was trypsin-sensitive, suggesting that specific protein interactions may be involved. Binding of thymocytes to epithelium was temperature-dependent, involved formation of cytoplasmic projections, and was inhibited by cytochalasin B. We also found that cortical thymocytes (peanut agglutinin-positive (PNA+)cells) bound to cultured epithelium to a greater degree than medullary thymocytes (PNA- cells). This correlates with in vivo studies by others in which thymocytes associated with lymphoepithelial complexes have been found to have immature phenotypes. This system provides a means for a quantitative study of the role of cell to cell contact in the process of thymocyte selection and differentiation.  相似文献   

We previously showed that, in the context of thymic epithelial cells, thymocyte migration is partially controlled by extracellular matrix (ECM)-mediated interactions. Herein we evaluated whether these interactions could be involved in cell migration related events in the context of non-epithelial cells of the thymic microenvironment, the phagocytic cells of the thymic reticulum (PTR). We first showed, by immunocytochemistry, cytofluorometry, and RT-PCR, that PTR produce ECM components, including fibronectin and laminin, and express the corresponding integrin-type receptors, VLA-4, VLA-5, and VLA-6. Thymocytes adhere onto PTR monolayers, with immature CD4(+)CD8(+) cells being predominant. Importantly, such an adhesion is partially mediated by ECM ligands and receptors, since it was impaired by anti-ECM or anti-ECM receptor antibodies. Conjointly, our data reveal that the ECM-dependence for thymocyte adhesion onto the thymic microenvironment is not restricted to the epithelial cells, being also seen when they encounter non-epithelial phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

The study aimed et defining morphological relationships between thymic stroma cells and thymocytes. The studies were conducted on 16-days old Wistar strain rats. The material was routinely processed for ultrastructural examination. On grounds of serial section analysis, types of contacts of 83 thymocytes were established, for each cell total area and areas of contact with other cells were estimated. Employing stereological techniques microarchitecture of individual thymic zones was studied. The results point to a direct influence of thymic stroma cells on thymocytes.  相似文献   

The thymic stroma is heterogeneous with regard to cellular morphology and cellular function. In this study, we employed the monoclonal antibody ER-TR4 to characterize stromal cells at the ultrastructural level. To identify the labelled cell type, we used two techniques: immunogold labelling on ultrathin frozen sections and immunoperoxidase staining on thick vibratome sections. ER-TR4 reacted with thymic Type 1 epithelial cells (according to our classification). A dense labelling appears in the cytoplasm of cortical cells using the two techniques. Immunogold labelling identified small cytoplasmic vesicles whereas the cytoplasm and the cell membrane seem to be labelled with the immunoperoxidase technique. ER-TR4 also identified isolated thymic nurse cells (TNC), and was observed in vitro to inhibit the capacity of some type 1 epithelial cells to establish interactions with immature thymocytes. This finding supports the hypothesis that the factor is involved in the formation of lymphoepithelial interactions within thymic nurse cells, and thus in the relations that immature thymocytes establish with the thymic microenvironment.  相似文献   

Coronins, WD-repeat actin-binding proteins, are known to regulate cell motility by coordinating actin filament turnover in lamellipodia of migrating cell. Here we report a novel mechanism of Coronin 1C-mediated cell motility that involves regulation of cell-matrix adhesion. RNAi silencing of Coronin 1C in intestinal epithelial cells enhanced cell migration and modulated lamellipodia dynamics by increasing the persistence of lamellipodial protrusion. Coronin 1C-depleted cells showed increased cell-matrix adhesions and enhanced cell spreading compared to control cells, while over-expression of Coronin 1C antagonized cell adhesion and spreading. Enhanced cell-matrix adhesion of coronin-deficient cells correlated with hyperphosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and paxillin, and an increase in number of focal adhesions and their redistribution at the cell periphery. siRNA depletion of FAK in coronin-deficient cells rescued the effects of Coronin 1C depletion on motility, cell-matrix adhesion, and spreading. Thus, our findings provide the first evidence that Coronin 1C negatively regulates epithelial cell migration via FAK-mediated inhibition of cell-matrix adhesion.  相似文献   

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant disorder associated with mutations in TSC1, which codes for hamartin, or TSC2, which codes for tuberin. The brain is one of the most severely affected organs, and CNS lesions include cortical tubers and subependymal giant cell astrocytomas, resulting in mental retardation and seizures. Tuberin and hamartin function together as a complex in mammals and Drosophila. We report here the association of Pam, a protein identified as an interactor of Myc, with the tuberin-hamartin complex in the brain. The C terminus of Pam containing the RING zinc finger motif binds to tuberin. Pam is expressed in embryonic and adult brain as well as in cultured neurons. Pam has two forms in the rat CNS, an approximately 450-kDa form expressed in early embryonic stages and an approximately 350-kDa form observed in the postnatal period. In cortical neurons, Pam co-localizes with tuberin and hamartin in neurites and growth cones. Although Pam function(s) are yet to be defined, the highly conserved Pam homologs, HIW (Drosophila) and RPM-1 (Caenorhabditis elegans), are neuron-specific proteins that regulate synaptic growth. Here we show that HIW can genetically interact with the Tsc1.Tsc2 complex in Drosophila and could negatively regulate Tsc1.Tsc2 activity. Based on genetic studies, HIW has been implicated in ubiquitination, possibly functioning as an E3 ubiquitin ligase through the RING zinc finger domain. Therefore, we hypothesize that Pam, through its interaction with tuberin, could regulate the ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of the tuberin-hamartin complex particularly in the CNS.  相似文献   

We describe monoclonal antibodies (MAB) reactive with subsets of mouse and human thymic epithelial cells. Rat MAb CDR1 reacts with mouse but not human cortical epithelial cells. Immunologic staining of thymic nurse cells in suspension indicates the CDR1 antigen is located on the cell surface. Mouse MAb CDR2 reacts with human but not mouse cortical thymic epithelial cells. Rat MAb MD1 and MD2 detect different determinants expressed by most medullary epithelial cells in mouse thymus but fewer such cells in human thymus. In addition, MD1 detects flattened subcapsular cells rarely in mouse thymus but frequently in human thymus. Two-color stains using an anti-keratin antiserum demonstrate the epithelial nature of the cells reactive with these antibodies. The antigens detected by CDR1 and MD1 first appear during the neonatal period, achieving adult distribution by postnatal days 14 and 4, respectively. The extra-thymic staining of these MAb is described. On the basis of their intra- and extra-thymic reactivities, these MAb differ from those previously reported and may permit dissection of the thymic microenvironment.  相似文献   

We have shown that human thymic epithelial (TE) cells produce IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, and TE cells bind to thymocytes by CD2 and LFA-1 molecules on thymocytes and LFA-3, ICAM-1 on TE cells. We investigated whether ligand binding to LFA-3 on human TE cells can modulate TE cell IL-1 production. First, we investigated the ability of human thymocytes to regulate IL-1 release by TE cells. Both autologous and allogenic emetine-treated thymocytes when cultured with TE cells augmented IL-1 release by TE cells. The augmentation of IL-1 release was cell density dependent. Inasmuch as the interaction between thymocytes and TE cells is mediated in part by CD2 molecules on thymocytes and LFA-3 molecules on TE cells we next determined the effect on IL-1 release of ligand binding (anti-LFA-3 mAb TS2/9) to TE cell surface LFA-3. Purified anti-LFA-3 mAb augmented IL-1 release in a concentration-dependent fashion. The anti-LFA-3-mediated augmentation of IL-1 release required both new protein and RNA synthesis as shown by the ability of cycloheximide and actinomycin-D to inhibit augmentation of IL-1 production by TE cells, and by direct quantitation of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta mRNA by Northern blot analysis. Both F(ab)'2 and Fab' fragments of anti-LFA-3 mAb augmented IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta mRNA production, indicating that monovalent binding to cell surface LFA-3 was sufficient to provide the inducing signal. The identification of LFA-3, the cell surface ligand for thymocyte CD2 molecules, as a molecule via which TE cell-derived cytokine production may be regulated suggests a mechanism at the cell surface by which direct TE cell-thymocyte interaction might result in the triggering of local IL-1 release within the human thymic microenvironment.  相似文献   

Following their migration into the thymus, hemopoeitic stem cell precursors enter a complex developmental pathway involving proliferation, differentiation and alphabetaT-cell receptor (alphabetaTCR)-mediated selection procedures, in order to generate mature T-cell populations ready for export to the periphery. Thus, a critical stage during intrathymic T-cell development involves the generation of functionally mature CD4+8- and CD4-8+ cells from immature CD4+8- precursor thymocytes, a poorly understood process referred to as positive selection. While interactions between the alphabetaTCR and MHC-peptide complexes are known to be essential for the initiation of positive selection, additional unknown signals are also required. Using an in vitro reaggregate thymic organ culture system which allows comparison of the abilities of various cell types to induce maturation of CD4+8+ precursors, we provide evidence that both MHC-peptide complexes and specialised accessory molecules must be provided by thymic epithelium for efficient mediation of positive selection. Moreover, analysis of positive selection in the presence of thymic and non-thymic stromal cells expressing MHC class II molecules with the same limited peptide array suggests that this unique ability of thymic epithelium to mediate positive selection of CD4+8- cells is not solely due to presentation of a specialised peptide repertoire, but is dependent upon provision of specialised accessory interactions.  相似文献   

Our earlier study reported the ability of interleukin 1 (IL1) to promote proliferation and to induce morphological changes of human thymic epithelial cells (TEC) in culture. The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of IL1 on the secretory function of TEC. Both human recombinant IL1 alpha and IL1 beta induced TEC to produce molecules in the culture supernatant fluids (TES) which displayed marked thymocyte proliferative capacities. This activity was specifically induced by IL1 since other TEC growth factors such as epidermal growth factor and a bovine pituitary extract had no effect on promoting secretion of T cell-activating molecules by TEC. Using specific radioimmunoassays for both forms of IL1, we found that unstimulated TEC produced negligible amounts of IL1 alpha and IL1 beta in TES, which were not increased by IL1 stimulation, and we concluded that the IL1-induced TES molecules were not IL1. IL1 induced TEC to produce IL6, as detected by the hybridoma growth factor biological activity. Neutralizing anti-IL6 antibodies completely blocked the thymocyte activating capacities of the IL1-induced TES thus implying a major role for IL6 in TEC-derived T cell activation. IL1 also induced TEC to produce GM-CSF as measured by bioassay and confirmed by an immunoenzymetric assay. Our results confirm that TEC are a source of cytokines and show that TEC respond to IL1 by producing cytokines with consequences on the thymic lymphoid population. This further emphasizes the importance and complexity of paracrine molecular interactions involved in intrathymic development.  相似文献   

Thymic epithelial cells, which constitute a major component of the thymic microenvironment, provide a crucial signal for intrathymic T cell development and selection. Neuroimmune networks in the thymic microenvironment are thought to be involved in the regulation of T cell development. NGF is increasingly recognized as a potent immunomodulator, promoting “cross-talk” between various types of immune system cells. The present study clearly shows that NGF stimulates mouse thymic epithelial cell activities in vitro including cell proliferation, thymocyte adhesion to thymic epithelial cells, and the expression of cell adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, and thymopoietic factors including IL-7, GM-CSF, SDF-1, TARC and TECK. Thus, our data are of considerable clinical importance showing that trophic NGF activity could be used to enhance the thymus regeneration and develop methods to improve host immunity when the immune function is depressed due to thymic involution.  相似文献   

Interactions between thymocytes and thymic stromal cells are essential for thymocyte differentiation, but little evidence has been presented to directly show in vivo functions or interactions of the stromal cells. Among the stromal cells, the thymic epithelial cell has been considered to have profound effect on thymocyte differentiation and maturation. The calcium-depleted medium, originally developed for the culture of mouse epidermal cells, was applied for the culture of the mouse thymic epithelial cells, and successfully, an epithelial cell line, IT-76MHC was obtained from the mouse thymus. IT-76MHC cells were identified as distinct mouse thymic epithelial cells by 1/ mosaic-like arrangement, 2/ presence of well-developed desmosome and 3/ tonofilaments, 4/ positivity for cytokeratin, and 5/ induced expression of MHC class I and II by IFN-gamma treatment. IGF-1, IGF-2, oxytocin and vasopressin were also detected immunohistochemically in IT-76MHC cells. Furthermore, the IT-76MHC thymic epithelial cells, when injected intrathymically in the allogeneic mouse, prolonged the survival of skin graft from the same donor strain that IT-76MHC cells were derived. These results demonstrate that the thymic epithelial cell line IT-76MHC produces modest thymocyte survival factors as well as a growth suppressor, and that IT-76MHC cells have the ability to induce transplantation tolerance probably through their expression of MHC class I and II molecules. Taken altogether, the IT-76MHC thymic epithelial cells have been proved to be useful tools to better understand the in vivo functions of thymic epithelial cells, and to gain a deep insight into their involvement in the critical selection process of thymocytes which still remains obscure. Finally and additionally, literatures so far reported on thymic epithelial cells in culture, especially lines and clones, are reviewed and their identity as well as their functions are discussed.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper (Roux, L., Holojda, S., Sundblad, G., Freeze, H. H., and Varki, A. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 8879-8889) we described the metabolic labeling and isolation of sulfated N-linked oligosaccharides from mammalian cell lines. All cell lines studied contained a class of sulfated sialylated complex-type chains with 2-6 negative charges. In this paper, we show that bovine pulmonary arterial endothelial (CPAE) and human erythroleukemia (K562) cell lines also contain a class of more highly charged sulfated but less sialylated oligosaccharides. These molecules were further characterized by ion exchange chromatography and various enzymatic and chemical treatments. In both cell lines they contained greater than 6 negative charges, but those from K562 were even more highly charged than those from CPAE. Nitrous acid, heparinase, and heparitinase degradation of K562 oligosaccharides released 88, 64, and 78%, respectively, of 35S label. Combined digestion with the two enzymes resulted in 87% release. The corresponding values for CPAE were 48, 25, and 50% (60% for the two enzymes together). Chondroitinase ABC (or AC) digestion of K562 and CPAE oligosaccharides released 10 and 5%, respectively. About 30% of the 35S-labeled oligosaccharides from CPAE were sensitive to endo-beta-galactosidase, indicating that poly-N-acetyl-lactosamine structures were present on some chains. Highly charged [3H]mannose-labeled sulfated oligosaccharides from CPAE cells became neutral after treatment with heparinase/heparitinase but were resistant to Pronase, further proving that glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-like chains were directly attached to N-linked oligosaccharides. Such neutralized oligosaccharides did not bind to concanavalin A-Sepharose, but some interacted with phytohemagglutinin L4, indicating that they were bi-, tri-, or tetra-antennary complex-type chains. Thus, K562 and CPAE cells contain different types of GAG chains directly attached to asparagine-linked oligosaccharides. Such molecules were not found in many other cell lines that synthesize the more typical O-linked GAG chains. This suggests that the occurrence of these novel N-linked chains is not a random event resulting from accidental initiation of GAG chain synthesis on N-linked intermediates in the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

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