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An investigation was conducted of the parametric dependence of cell lysis observed when mammalian cells growing in suspension are subjected intermittently to intense hydrodynamic forces. Two flow devices were tested: one consisting of a sudden contraction into a short length of capillary tubing, in which turbulent flow is obtained, and another consisting of a smoothly converging and diverging tube, in which laminar flow is obtained. Changes in the cell line and the serum level in which the cells were grown and subjected to flow trauma both affected the specific lysis rate (fraction of cells lysed per pass through the flow device) in the turbulent flow device. The threshold value of the average wall shear stress level was approximately the same in the turbulent and laminar flow devices (1500–1800 dyn/cm2). Increasing the viscosity of the medium with 70,000 MW dextran had no effect on the specific lysis rate in either flow device.  相似文献   

A variety of processes have been proposed for mammalian cell culture in the commercial production of useful substances (e.g., monoclonal antibodies, therapeutic and diagnostics proteins). Among them, the perfusion culture of suspended non-immobilized cells is the most advantageous. Perfusion culture can be classified by the separation process of suspended cells from the culture mixture into three types, namely filtration, gravitational settling and centrifugation. From a commercial point of view, the present situation and technical problems of suspended-cell perfusion culture will be reviewed based on the three types, The recent development of perfusion culture has been carried out mainly on the filtration separation process, but the centrifugation process seems to have a promising future because of operation stability and scale-up feasibility. The reasons will be explained in details.  相似文献   

Fractions of viable cells, apoptotic and irreversibly damaged cells, dead whole cells and cell fragments were measured by flow cytometry during the production of freely suspended primary cells from explants of the marine sponge Axinella damicornis. The explants were disintegrated using the well-known Müller protocol [W.E.G. Müller, M. Wiens, R. Batel, R. Steffen, R. Borojevic, M.R. Custodio, Establishment of a primary cell culture from a sponge: primmorphs from Suberites domuncula, Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 178 (1999) 205–219]. Supplementation of the standard Ca2+- and Mg2+-free artificial seawater of the Müller protocol, with the shear protectant Pluronic F68 (0.1%, w/v) greatly reduced the cell damage and enhanced the recovery of viable cells at each of the four stages of the protocol. Agitation of cells on an orbital shaker at 75 rpm essentially killed all the viable cells within 2.5 h, but no loss of viability occurred at a higher agitation speed of 100 rpm for up to 6 h when the cells were supplemented with Pluronic F68. This time-dependent loss in viability could be significantly reduced by processing at 3 °C instead of the normal 17 °C. A four-step mechanistic model was shown to describe the kinetics of cell death and fragmentation within ±10% of the measured values. The damage to cells was modeled as a web of first-order processes that did not depend on cell–cell interactions. The forces in the agitated fluid killed the viable cells by impact, which was not accompanied by cell rupture (i.e. the cell was left dead, but intact).  相似文献   

D-allose, an aldo-hexose, is a rare sugar whose biological functions remain largely unclear. Recently, we demonstrated a novel inhibitory effect of D-allose on production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here, we focused on investigating cryoprotective effects of D-allose on cell viability. Mammalian cell lines including OVCAR-3 (human ovarian cancer), HeLa (human cervical cancer), HaCaT (human skin keratinocytes), HDF (human dermal fibroblasts) and NIH3T3 (murine fibroblasts) cells were frozen at -80 degrees C in culture media with various D-allose concentrations. Cells were allowed to recover for 24 h, 1 week or 1 month prior to survival assessment using the trypan blue dye exclusion test, when cell proliferation was evaluated by MTT assay. A beneficial protective role of D-allose on cell survival was found, similar to that of trehalose (disaccharide of glucose), a recognized cryoprotectant. The results suggest that D-allose as a sole additive may provide effective protection for mammalian cells during freezing. Practical studies now need to be performed with D-allose, for example to determine optimal freezing protocols and explore potential for preservation of tissues or organs at non-freezing temperatures.  相似文献   

We have compared the effects of two elicitors of defense-related processes on rice (Oryza sativa L.) suspension cells. Both chitosan and salicylic acid induced the accumulation of extracellular chitinase, thickening of the cell wall, and a variety of cytological changes in treated cells. Chitosan also induced the production of a brown pigment and cell death. Both of these effects depended on the availability of reactive oxygen species, because the damage was greatly reduced by either catalase or free-radical scavengers. Pretreating cells with salicylic acid also protected them from the cytotoxic effects of chitosan. This type of induced tolerance persisted when salicylic acid was removed and was not simply due to the release of extracellular substances, because salicylic acid-treated cells did not protect untreated cells from chitosan-induced death. Salicylic acid also stimulated the production of a 10-kilodalton subtilisin inhibitor that was not produced by chitosan-treated cells. Most of these changes are associated with the hypersensitive response of many plant species, including monocotyledons, and may serve as an in vitro model for investigating the biochemistry of some diseases.  相似文献   

The effect of anti-EL-4 serum on antibody-dependent cytotoxicity (ADCC) and cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) was studied in allogeneic and xenogeneic systems. Inbred strains of BALB/c mice and Lewis rats were immunized with EL-4 tumor cells. Using microcytotoxic assays of 51Cr release from labeled EL-4 cells, complement-dependent cytolysis, ADCC, and CMC were determined. Complement-dependent cytolysis was observed in both systems. Although ADCC was demonstrated in both systems, the kinetics of cytolysis were different. Xenoantisera and alloantisera had opposite effects on CMC. Incubation of EL-4 target cells with BALB/c anti-EL-4 serum resulted in inhibition of CMC by immune BALB/c spleen cells. In contrast, treatment of EL-4 target cells with Lewis anti-EL-4 serum potentiated the CMC of immune Lewis spleen cells. It is thought that differences in the strength of response, antibody characteristics, and effector cells may determine the degree of inhibition or potentiation observed in these systems.  相似文献   

It has always been a desire of mankind to conquest Space. A major step in realizing this dream was the completion of the International Space Station (ISS). Living there for several months confirmed early observations of short-term spaceflights that a loss of gravity affects the health of astronauts. Space medicine tries to understand the mechanism of microgravity-induced health problems and to conceive potent countermeasures. There are four different aspects which make space medicine appealing: i) finding better strategies for adapting astronauts to weightlessness; ii) identification of microgravity-induced diseases (e.g. osteoporosis, muscle atrophy, cardiac problems and others); iii) defining new therapies to conquer these diseases which will benefit astronauts as well as people on Earth in the end; and iv) on top of that, unveiling the mechanisms of weightlessness-dependent molecular and cellular changes is a requirement for improving space medicine. In mammalian cells, microgravity induces apoptosis and alters the cytoskeleton and affects signal transduction pathways, cell differentiation, growth, proliferation, migration and adhesion. This review focused on gravi-sensitive signal transduction elements and pathways as well as molecular mechanisms in human cells, aiming to understand the cellular changes in altered gravity. Moreover, the latest information on how these changes lead to clinically relevant health problems and current strategies of countermeasures are reviewed.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry provides a rapid, sensitive and accurate analytical means to monitor hybridoma cell cultures. The use of flow cytometry has enabled us to study the changes in DNA, RNA, protein, IgG, mitochondrial activity and cell size that take place during the growth cycle of batch culture. The temporal changes in the levels of these analytes and their heterogeneity have been related to the growth/death kinetics. The maximum proportion of S-cells was reached early in the growth phase while a population of low fluorescence cells with lower polidy than G1, dead cells and fragmented nuclei emerged during the death phase. Supplementation with amino acids during the exponential phase prolonged the growth cycle by enhancing cell proliferation. The fraction of S/G2 cells was much reduced by a reduction in serum concentration but was maintained during the prolonged non-proliferating "stationary" phase. The magnitude of Rhodamine 123 staining showed a consistent and general decrease during late exponential and decline phases. This trend was accompanied by an increase in the fraction of the Propidium Iodide-stained population which reflected the deteriorating metabolic and membrane integrity. Decrease in mean fluorescence intensity for DNA, RNA, protein and intracellular IgG was noted at the decline phase. Intracellular immunofluorescence was a more reliable indicator of antibody productivity than surface immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

C Y Okada  M Rechsteiner 《Cell》1982,29(1):33-41
We have developed a new procedure for introducing macromolecules into cultured mammalian cells based on osmotic lysis of pinocytic vesicles. Cells are first incubated in culture medium containing 0.5 M sucrose, 10% polyethylene glycol 1000 and the macromolecule to be transferred. Cells are then placed in medium diluted with 0.66 parts water. Most pinocytic vesicles formed in the presence of sucrose burst in hypotonic medium, thereby releasing the enclosed macromolecule. L929 cells remain fully viable after a single hypertonic sucrose treatment, and a majority survives four successive rounds of osmotic lysis. This procedure, termed osmotic lysis of pinosomes, has been used to transfer substantial amounts of horseradish peroxidase, antiricin antibodies and dextran 70,000 into the cytosol of L929 cells. Direct comparison of the degree of ricin resistance conferred by transfer of antiricin antibodies revealed pinosome lysis to be equal, if not superior, to injection mediated by red blood cells.  相似文献   

A processing approach for the collection and retention of mammalian cells within a high porosity polyester mesh having millimeter-sized pores has been studied. Cell retention occurs via energizing the mesh with a low intensity, resonant acoustic field. The resulting acoustic field induces the interaction of cells with elements of the mesh or with each other and effectively prevents the entrainment of cells in the effluent stream. Experiments involving aqueous suspensions of polystyrene particles were used to provide benchmark data on the performance of the acoustic retention cell. Experiments using mouse hybridoma cells showed that retention densities of over 1.5 x 10(8) cell/mL could be obtained. In addition, the acoustic field was shown to produce a negligible effect on cell viability for short-term exposure.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic effects on BHK cells grown as suspended natural aggregates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Baby hamster kidney (BHK) cell aggregates grown in stirred vessels with different working volumes and impeller sizes were characterized. Using batch cultures, the range of agitation rates studied (25-100 rpm) led to aggregates with maximum sizes of 150 mum. Necrotic centers were not observed and cell specific productivity was independent of aggregate size. High cell viability was found for both single and adherent cells without an increase in cell death when agitation rate was increased. The increase in agitation rate affected aggregates by reducing their size and increasing their concentration and cell concentration in aggregates, while increasing the fraction of free cells in suspension. The experimental relationship between aggregate size and power dissipation rate per unit of mass was close to -1/4, suggesting a correlation with a critical turbulence microscale; this was independent of vessel scale and impeller geometry over the range investigated. Viscous stresses in the viscous dissipation subrange (below Kolmogoroff eddies) appear to be responsible for aggregate breakage. Under intense agitation BHK cells grown in the absence of microcarriers existed as aggregates without cell damage, whereas cells grown on the surface of microcarriers were largely reduced. This is a clear advantage for scaleup purposes if aggregates are used as a natural immobilization system in stirred vessels. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Trichoderma species isolated from water-damaged buildings were screened for toxicity by using boar sperm cells as indicator cells. The crude methanolic cell extract from Trichoderma harzianum strain ES39 inhibited the boar sperm cell motility at a low exposure concentration (50% effective concentration, 1 to 5 microg [dry weight] ml of extended boar semen(-1)). The same exposure concentration depleted the boar sperm cells of NADH(2). Inspection of the exposed boar sperm cells by transmission electron microscopy revealed damage to the plasma membrane. By using the black lipid membrane technique, it was shown that the semipurified metabolites (eluted from a SepPak C(18) cartridge) of T. harzianum strain ES39 induced voltage-dependent conductivity. The high-performance liquid chromatography-purified metabolites of T. harzianum strain ES39 dissipated the mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsi(m)) of human lung epithelial carcinoma cells (cell line A549). The semipurified metabolites (eluted from a SepPak C(18) cartridge) of T. harzianum strain ES39 were analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS). Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and nanoflow electrospray ionization MS revealed five major peptaibols, each of which contained 18 residues and had a mass ranging from 1,719 to 1,775 Da. Their partial amino acid sequences were determined by collision-induced dissociation tandem MS.  相似文献   

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