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The oligosaccharides previously bound to dolichol diphosphate were isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells incubated with [U-14C]glucose. Five compounds were obtained that migrated with RGlucose of 0.100, 0.120, 0.145, 0.180, and 0.215 on paper chromatography. All of them contained mannose and 2 N-acetylhexosamine residues. The substances that migrated with the three lower RGlucose values had, in addition, glucose units. The structure of the oligosacchardies was very similar if not identical with that of the oligosaccharides isolated from the dolichol diphosphate derivatives synthesized "in vitro" by yeast or rat liver particulate preparations or "in vivo" by dog thyroid or rat liver slices as judged by their migration on paper chromatography, monosaccharide composition, and degradation compounds produced by alpha-mannosidase treatment or acetolysis. The oligosaccharides previously bound to asparagine residues in proteins were isolated from yeast cells which had been pulsed with [U-14C]glucose and chased with medium containing the unlabeled monosaccharide. The samples taken after very short pulses contained four oligosaccharides that migrated with RGlucose of 0.100, 0.120, 0.145, and 0.180 on paper chromatography. The first three compounds contained glucose, mannose, and 2 N-acetylhexosamine residues whereas the one that migrated with a RGlucose of 0.180 was devoid of the former monosaccharide. Samples taken after short chase periods revealed that the compounds that migrated with the lower RGlucose values gradually disappeared and were converted to the oligosaccharide with the higher RGlucose value was they lost their glucose residues. Similar analysis as those mentioned above showed that the structures of these compounds were similar to those of the dolichol diphosphate-bound oligosaccharides. Samples taken after longer chase periods revealed that the oligosaccharide that migrated with a RGlucose of 0.180 was subsequently either enlarged by the addition of more mannose residues or trimmed to smaller sizes.  相似文献   

The yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae X2180-1A (wild) and its mutants X2180-1A-4 (mnn 1) and X2180-1A-5 (mnn 2) defective in mannan biosynthesis were used as enzyme sources to catalyzein vitro mannosyl transfer from GDP-[14C-U]-mannose to endogenous glycoproteins as well as to exogenous, low-molecular weight acceptors. While the enzyme preparation from the wild strain exhibited all mannosyl transferase activities involved in mannan biosynthesis by catalyzing the synthesis of characteristic mannoprotein, the enzyme frommnn 1 mutant failed to catalyze the synthesis of α(1→3) mannoside linkages both with endogenous as well as with exogenous acceptors. The enzyme preparation from themnn 2 mutant catalyzed the formation of mannoprotein very similar to that obtained with the enzyme from the wild strain. The most important difference was the formation of a higher number of unsubstituted mannosyl units in the α(1→ 6) linked mannan backbone. The observed results support the hypothesis that in themnn 1 the mutation has altered the structural gene involved in biosynthesis of an α(1→3) mannosyl transferase catalyzing the addition of α(1→3) linked mannosyl units to α(1→2) linked mannotrioses in the polysaccharide side chains and in the oligosaccharides attached to serine and/or threonine in the protein part of mannan molecule. Themnn 2 mutant represents most probably a kind of regulatory mutation where the activity of an α(1→2) mannosyl transferase adding the mannosyl units directly to α(1→6) linked backbone in the outer region of polysacoharide part of yeast mannan is repressedin vivo but becomes significantin vitro.  相似文献   

1. A microsomal enzyme preparation from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalyzes the transfer of mannosyl units from GDPmannose to mannose and a number of mannose-containing oligosaccharides and glycosides whereby different glycosidic bonds are formed. 2. Of the compounds tested besides mannose, only those containing an alpha-linked mannosyl unit at the nonreducing position of their molecule were effective as acceptors. Monodeoxyanalogues of mannose as well as alpha-mannose phosphates did not serve as acceptors in the above reaction. 3. The structure of the product formed with mannose as acceptor was determined to be O-alpha-D-mannosyl-(1 leads to 2)-mannose; with alphaMan (1 leads to 6)mannose as the acceptor, the product was alphaMan(1 leads to 6)mannose and with alphaMan-(1 leads to 2)mannose the product was tentatively characterized as a mixture of alphaMan-(1 leads to 3)alphaMan(1 leads to 2)mannose and alphaMan(1 leads to 2)alphaMan(1 leads to 2)mannose. 4. The enzymes catalyzing the formation of different types of glycosidic bonds differed in their acceptor specificity, pH-activity curves and rates of heat denaturation. 5. Radioactive disaccharides were unable to enter the mannan protein molecule in the cell-free system while free radioactive mannose did incorporate into polysaccharide to a minor extent under the same conditions.  相似文献   

A homogenate of mechanically broken, freshly grown Saccharomyces cerevisiae X2180 cells catalyzes the transfer of mannosylphosphate units from guanosine diphosphate mannose to reduced alpha1 leads to 2-[3H]mannotetraose to yield reduced mannosylphosphoryl [3H]-mannotetraose. The product is analogous in structure to the phosphorylated mannan side chains, which suggests that the enzymic activity is involved in mannoprotein biosynthesis in the intact cell. The mannosylphosphate transferase activity, localized in a membrane fraction obtained by differential centrifugation at 100,000 x g, was solubilized by Triton X-155 and purified 250-fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation and by ion exchange and gell filtration chromatographies. The enzyme requires MN2+ OR Co2+ ions for activity and is stimulated by various detergents. The mnn2 and mnn3 mannan mutants of S. cerevisiae possess normal levels of mannosylphosphate transferase activity, whereas the mnn4 mutant cells contain very low, if any, activity. This is consistent with a previous conclusion that the mnn4 mutation affects the mannosylphosphate transferase activity, whereas the mnn2 and mnn3 strains possess phosphate-deficient mannans because they are unable to synthesize the appropriate side chain precursors. A new mannan mutant class with the mnn4 chemotype was isolated, but the mutation proved to be recessive and nonallelic with the mnn4 locus. This new locus is designated mnn6.  相似文献   

We have previously described that in certain parasitic protozoa, namely the trypanosomatids, the dolichol-P-P-linked oligosaccharides synthesized in vivo and transferred to protein are devoid of glucose residues and contain 6, 7, or 9 mannose units depending on the species. We have now conducted a cell-free characterization of the enzymatic patterns responsible for these phenotypes. Microsomes from Trypanosoma cruzi, Crithidia fasciculata, Leishmania enriettii, and Blastocrithidia culicis were found to synthesize dolichol-P-[14C]Man but not dolichol-P-[14C]Glc when incubated with rat liver dolichol-P and GDP-[14C]Man or UDP-[14C]Glc, thus providing for an explanation to the absence of glucosylated dolichol-P-P derivatives. Formation of dolichol-P-P-oligosaccharides was assayed in incubation mixtures containing rat liver dolichol-P, GDP-[14C]Man, microsomes, and unlabeled Man5-8GlcNAc2-P-P-dolichol from bovine liver. Membranes from species synthesizing dolichol-P-P-linked Man6GlcNAc2 or Man7GlcNAc2 in vivo were found to synthesize the same compounds but not the higher homologues in the cell-free assay. Species forming Man9GlcNAc2-P-P-dolichol in vivo were found to synthesize lipid-linked Man7GlcNAc2, Man8GlcNAc2, and Man9GlcNAc2 in vitro. It is concluded that there are at least three and probably four different dolichol-P-Man-dependent enzymatic activities involved in the synthesis of dolichol-P-P-linked Man9GlcNAc2 and that microorganisms not forming that compound are devoid of all mannosyltransferases responsible for the addition of the missing residues and not only of the enzyme involved in the synthesis of the homologue higher than the oligosaccharide occurring in vivo by a single mannose unit.  相似文献   

Summary Human erythrocyte membranes contain the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of dolichol-P-glucose, dolichol-P-mannose, dolichol-PP-N-acetylglucosamine, dolichol-PP-NN diacetylchitobiose and of dolichol-PP-oligosaccharides containing NN diacetylchitobiose and mannose or the same sugar residues plus glucose. The transfer of the oligosaccharide moieties from the dolichol-PP-oligosaccharides to endogenous proteins could not be detected. These enzymes appeared to be integral membrane proteins.Abbreviation Dol dolichol Dedicated to ProfessorLuis f. Leloir on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

1. A microsomal enzyme preparation from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalyzes the transfer of mannosyl units from GDPmannose to mannose and a number of mannose-containing oligosaccharides and glycosides whereby different glycosidic bonds are formed.2. Of the compounds tested besides mannose, only those containing an α-linked mannosyl unit at the nonreducing position of their moleculae were effective as receptors. Monodeoxyanalogues of mannose as well as α-mannose phosphates did not serve as receptors in the above reaction.3. The structure of the product formed with mannose as receptor was determined to be O-α-D-mannosyl-(1→2)-mannose; with αMan(1→Man(1→6)mannose as the acceptor, the product was αMan(1→6)αMan(1→6)mannose and with αMan-(1→2)mannose the product was tentatively characterized as a mixture of αMan-(1→3)αMan(1→2)mannose and αMan(1→2)αMan(1→2)mannose.4. The enzymes catalyzing the formation of different types of glycosidic bonds differed in their acceptor specificity, pH-activity curves and rates of heat denaturation.5. Radioactive disaccharids were unable to enter the mannan protein molecule in the cell-free system while free radioactive mannose did incorporate into polysacchride to a minor extent under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Gerhard Franz 《Phytochemistry》1973,12(10):2369-2373
A particulate enzyme system, isolated from growing orchid tubers (Orchis morio), was shown to catalyse the transfer of mannose from guanosine-diphosphate-mannose-14C and its incorporation into alkali-insoluble mannan with the same type of linkage [β(1 → 4)-d-mannopyranosyl] as is contained in the naturally-occurring reserve polysaccharide.  相似文献   

One side chain in the cell wall mannan of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis has the structure (see article). (Raschke, W. C., and Ballou, C. E. (1972) Biochemistry 11, 3807). This (Man)4GNAc unit (the N-acetyl-D-glucosamine derivative of mannotetroase) and the (Man)4 side chain, aMan(1 yields 3)aMan(1 yields 2)aMan(1 yields 2)Man, are the principle immunochemical determinants on the cell surface. Two classes of mutants were obtained which lack the N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-containing determinant. The mannan of one class, designated mmnl, lacks both the (Man)4GNAc and (Man)4 side chains. Apparently, it has a defective alpha-1 yields 3-mannosyltransferase and the (Man)4 unit must be formed to serve as the acceptor before the alpha-1 yields 2-N-acetyl-glucosamine transferase can act. The other mutant class, mnn2, lacks only the (Man)4GNAc determinant and must be defective in adding N-acetylglucosamine to the mannotetrasose side chains. Two members of this class were obtained, one which still showed a wild type N-acetylglucosamine transferase activity in cell-free extracts and the other lacking it. They are allelic or tightly linked, and were designated mnn2-1 mnn2-2. Protoplast particles from the wild type cells catalyzed a Mn2+-dependent transfer of N-acetylglucosamine from UDP-N-acetylglucosamine to the mannotetraose side chain of endogenous acceptors. Exogenous mannotetraose also served as an acceptor in a Mn2+-dependent reaction and yielded (Man)4GNAc. Related oligosaccharides with terminal alpha (1 yields 3)mannosyl units were also good acceptors. The product from the reaction with alphaMan(1 yields 3)Man had the N-acetylglucosamine attached to the mannose unit at the reducing end, which supports the conclusion that the cell-free glycosyltransferase activity is identical with that involved in mannan synthesis. The reaction was inhibited by uridine diphosphate. Protoplast particles from the mmnl mutants showed wild type N-acetylglucosamine transferase activity with exogenous acceptor, but they had no endogenous activity because the endogenous mannan lacked acceptor side chains. Particles from the mnn2-1 mutant failed to catalyze N-acetylglucosamine transfer. In contrast, particles from the mnn2-2 mutant were indistinguishable from wild type cells in their transferase activity. Some event accompanying cell breakage and assay of the mnn2-2 mutant allowed expression of a latent alpha-1 yields 2-N-acetylglucosamine transferase with kinetic properties similar to those of the wild type enzyme.  相似文献   

The formation of two distinct types of carbohydrate moieties, β-elminable saccharides attached to serine and/or threonine and of the polysaccharide portion of yeast mannan-protein was investigated using the particulated mannan synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and GDP-[U-14C] mannose as mannosyl donor.The accumulated evidence obtained by following the kinetics of mannose incorporation into the different carbohydrate portions of mannoproteins, kinetics of thermal denaturation of enzymes responsible for the synthesis and by “pulse-chase” experiment where the change in the distribution of incorporated radioactivity was followed between the two carbohydrate moieties strongly suggests that the two carbohydrate portions in yeast mannoprotein are being synthesized independently, most probably by different sets of enzymes. At the same time, the obtained data show the β-eliminable saccharides attached to serine and threonine in the peptide do not serve as precursors in the formation of polysaccharide part of mannoprotein.  相似文献   

Parietal yeast mannoproteins play a very important role in the overall vinification process. Their production and release, both during winemaking and aging on lees, depends on the specific yeast strain and the nutritional conditions. The following enological functions of parietal yeast mannoproteins have been described: (a) adsorption of ochratoxin A; (b) combination with phenolic compounds; (c) increased growth of malolactic bacteria; (d) inhibition of tartrate salt crystallization; (e) interaction with flor wines; (f) prevention of haze; (g) reinforcement of aromatic components; (h) wine enrichment during aging on fine lees; (i) yeast flocculation and autolysis in sparkling wines. Further discoveries related to their enological functions are foreseeable. Yeast-derived mannoproteins may well induce chemical, sensorial and health benefits, thus greatly improving wine quality.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1990,14(2):190-194
Most of the manosyl transferase activity inPhycomyces blakesleeanus was found associated with a crude membrane fraction sedimenting at 48,400g (Rav). Triton X-100 and Nonidet NP-40 inhibited 95% of the enzyme activity. Digitonin caused 47% of inhibition and when removed, the membrane-bound enzymatic activity increased by about 35%; no activity was detected in supernatant. The rate of mannosyl transfer increased in the presence of 4 or 8 mM Mg2+ ions. Several compounds, including glycoproteins, mucoran, and mucoric acid, failed to act as acceptors of mannosyl residues. Guanosine diphosphate and guanosine monophosphate inhibited the transfer of mannosyl residues by 60 and 19%, respectively. Mannosyl transfer involves participation of lipid intermediates.β elimination of the product synthesizedin vitro revealed the presence of mannose, mannobiose, and mannotriose, suggesting that they are bound to protein viaO-glycosidic linkages. The alkaline-resistant carbohydrate part of the glycoproteins consisted mainly of mannose residues that were probably connected to the protein moiety throughN-glycosidic bonds.  相似文献   

Zymolyase released between 20 and 25% of the total protein from purified walls of yeast (Y) and mycelial (M) cells of Candida albicans. The material released contained 92% carbohydrate (86% mannose and 6% glucose) and 7% protein. Over 85% of the carbohydrate was N-glycosidically linked to the protein and the rest (less than 15%) was linked O-glycosidically. Highly polydisperse, high molecular mass mannoproteins, resolved by electrophoresis as four defined bands in Y cells and two bands in M cells, had both types of sugar chains. A 34 kDa species found in both types of cells had a single 2.5 kDa N-glycosidically linked sugar chain and a 31.5 kDa protein moiety. Polydispersity in the high molecular mass mannoproteins was due to the N-linked sugar chains (mannan) with a molecular mass between 500 kDa and 20 kDa (average 100 kDa) in Y cells and between 400 kDa and 20 kDa (average 50 kDa) in M cells. Three mannoproteins of 34, 30 and 29 kDa secreted by protoplasts were associated with the high molecular mass mannoproteins, suggesting that this type of interaction might be related to the regeneration of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of dolichol by rat liver peroxisomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of peroxisomes and microsomes to synthesize dolichol from [3H]mevalonate, [3H]isopentenyl-P2 or [3H]farnesyl-P2 in vitro was investigated. It was found that isoprenoid biosynthesis also occurs in peroxisomes and that this process demonstrates properties differing from those of isoprenoid biosynthesis by microsomes. The pH optimum in peroxisomes was 8.0 and, in contrast to microsomes, the peroxisomal biosynthesis was largely insensitive to detergents. After treatment with proteolytic enzymes, microsomes lost their capacity to incorporate [3H]mevalonate into dolichol, whereas proteolysis of intact peroxisomes did not influence their corresponding rate of incorporation. The soluble content of peroxisomes was separated from the membranes and found to demonstrate half of the biosynthetic capacity of the intact organelle. Fasting and cholestyramine treatment decreased only the microsomal incorporation of [3H]mevalonate into dolichol, while treatment with clofibrate, di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate or phenobarbital increased microsomal, but decreased peroxisomal labeling. After injection of [3H]mevalonate into the portal vein of rats, high initial labeling of dolichol was recovered both in isolated microsomes and peroxisomes, whereas when [3H]glycerol was administered, peroxisomal phospholipids became labeled later than the corresponding microsomal constituents. These results support the conclusion that dolichol is synthesized both in peroxisomes and the endoplasmic reticulum, but that the biosynthetic processes at these two locations have different properties.  相似文献   

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