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Measuring probabilistic reaction norms for age and size at maturation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We present a new probabilistic concept of reaction norms for age and size at maturation that is applicable when observations are carried out at discrete time intervals. This approach can also be used to estimate reaction norms for age and size at metamorphosis or at other ontogenetic transitions. Such estimations are critical for understanding phenotypic plasticity and life-history changes in variable environments, assessing genetic changes in the presence of phenotypic plasticity, and calibrating size- and age-structured population models. We show that previous approaches to this problem, based on regressing size against age at maturation, give results that are systematically biased when compared to the probabilistic reaction norms. The bias can be substantial and is likely to lead to qualitatively incorrect conclusions; it is caused by failing to account for the probabilistic nature of the maturation process. We explain why, instead, robust estimations of maturation reaction norms should be based on logistic regression or on other statistical models that treat the probability of maturing as a dependent variable. We demonstrate the utility of our approach with two examples. First, the analysis of data generated for a known reaction norm highlights some crucial limitations of previous approaches. Second, application to the northeast arctic cod (Gadus morhua) illustrates how our approach can be used to shed new light on existing real-world data.  相似文献   

Decoding models, such as those underlying multivariate classification algorithms, have been increasingly used to infer cognitive or clinical brain states from measures of brain activity obtained by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The practicality of current classifiers, however, is restricted by two major challenges. First, due to the high data dimensionality and low sample size, algorithms struggle to separate informative from uninformative features, resulting in poor generalization performance. Second, popular discriminative methods such as support vector machines (SVMs) rarely afford mechanistic interpretability. In this paper, we address these issues by proposing a novel generative-embedding approach that incorporates neurobiologically interpretable generative models into discriminative classifiers. Our approach extends previous work on trial-by-trial classification for electrophysiological recordings to subject-by-subject classification for fMRI and offers two key advantages over conventional methods: it may provide more accurate predictions by exploiting discriminative information encoded in 'hidden' physiological quantities such as synaptic connection strengths; and it affords mechanistic interpretability of clinical classifications. Here, we introduce generative embedding for fMRI using a combination of dynamic causal models (DCMs) and SVMs. We propose a general procedure of DCM-based generative embedding for subject-wise classification, provide a concrete implementation, and suggest good-practice guidelines for unbiased application of generative embedding in the context of fMRI. We illustrate the utility of our approach by a clinical example in which we classify moderately aphasic patients and healthy controls using a DCM of thalamo-temporal regions during speech processing. Generative embedding achieves a near-perfect balanced classification accuracy of 98% and significantly outperforms conventional activation-based and correlation-based methods. This example demonstrates how disease states can be detected with very high accuracy and, at the same time, be interpreted mechanistically in terms of abnormalities in connectivity. We envisage that future applications of generative embedding may provide crucial advances in dissecting spectrum disorders into physiologically more well-defined subgroups.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of genetic variation in human diseases remains an important problem to be solved in genomics. An important component of such variation consist of variations at single sites in DNA, or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Typically, the problem of associating particular SNPs to phenotypes has been confounded by hidden factors such as the presence of population structure, family structure or cryptic relatedness in the sample of individuals being analyzed. Such confounding factors lead to a large number of spurious associations and missed associations. Various statistical methods have been proposed to account for such confounding factors such as linear mixed-effect models (LMMs) or methods that adjust data based on a principal components analysis (PCA), but these methods either suffer from low power or cease to be tractable for larger numbers of individuals in the sample. Here we present a statistical model for conducting genome-wide association studies (GWAS) that accounts for such confounding factors. Our method scales in runtime quadratic in the number of individuals being studied with only a modest loss in statistical power as compared to LMM-based and PCA-based methods when testing on synthetic data that was generated from a generalized LMM. Applying our method to both real and synthetic human genotype/phenotype data, we demonstrate the ability of our model to correct for confounding factors while requiring significantly less runtime relative to LMMs. We have implemented methods for fitting these models, which are available at http://www.microsoft.com/science.  相似文献   

Statistical validation of gene clusters is imperative for many important applications in comparative genomics which depend on the identification of genomic regions that are historically and/or functionally related. We develop the first rigorous statistical treatment of max-gap clusters, a cluster definition frequently used in empirical studies. We present exact expressions for the probability of observing an individual cluster of a set of marked genes in one genome, as well as upper and lower bounds on the probability of observing a cluster of h homologs in a pairwise whole-genome comparison. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by applying it to a whole-genome comparison of E. coli and B. subtilis. Code for statistical tests is available at.  相似文献   

Efficiently computing the Robinson-Foulds metric.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Robinson-Foulds (RF) metric is the measure most widely used in comparing phylogenetic trees; it can be computed in linear time using Day's algorithm. When faced with the need to compare large numbers of large trees, however, even linear time becomes prohibitive. We present a randomized approximation scheme that provides, in sublinear time and with high probability, a (1 + epsilon) approximation of the true RF metric. Our approach is to use a sublinear-space embedding of the trees, combined with an application of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma to approximate vector norms very rapidly. We complement our algorithm by presenting an efficient embedding procedure, thereby resolving an open issue from the preliminary version of this paper. We have also improved the performance of Day's (exact) algorithm in practice by using techniques discovered while implementing our approximation scheme. Indeed, we give a unified framework for edge-based tree algorithms in which implementation tradeoffs are clear. Finally, we present detailed experimental results illustrating the precision and running-time tradeoffs as well as demonstrating the speed of our approach. Our new implementation, FastRF, is available as an open-source tool for phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

The Ontologizer is a Java application that can be used to perform statistical analysis for overrepresentation of Gene Ontology (GO) terms in sets of genes or proteins derived from an experiment. The Ontologizer implements the standard approach to statistical analysis based on the one-sided Fisher's exact test, the novel parent-child method, as well as topology-based algorithms. A number of multiple-testing correction procedures are provided. The Ontologizer allows users to visualize data as a graph including all significantly overrepresented GO terms and to explore the data by linking GO terms to all genes/proteins annotated to the term and by linking individual terms to child terms. AVAILABILITY: The Ontologizer application is available under the terms of the GNU GPL. It can be started as a WebStart application from the project homepage, where source code is also provided: http://compbio.charite.de/ontologizer. REQUIREMENTS: Ontologizer requires a Java SE 5.0 compliant Java runtime engine and GraphViz for the optional graph visualization tool.  相似文献   

Concurrency bugs usually manifest under very rare conditions, and reproducing such bugs can be a challenging task. To reproduce concurrency bugs with a given input, one would have to explore the vast interleaving space, searching for erroneous schedules. The challenges are compounded in a big data environment. This paper explores the topic of concurrency bug reproduction using runtime data. We approach the concurrency testing and bug reproduction problem differently from existing literature, by emphasizing on the preemptable synchronization points. In our approach, a light-weight profiler is implemented to monitor program runs, and collect synchronization points where thread scheduler could intervene and make scheduling decisions. Traces containing important synchronization API calls and shared memory accesses are recorded and analyzed. Based on the preemptable synchronization points, we build a reduced preemption set (RPS) to narrow down the search space for erroneous schedules. We implement an optimized preemption-bounded schedule search algorithm and an RPS directed search algorithm, in order to reproduce concurrency bugs more efficiently. Those schedule exploration algorithms are integrated into our prototype, Profile directed Event driven Dynamic AnaLysis (PEDAL). The runtime data consisting of synchronization points is used as a source of feedback for PEDAL. To demonstrate utility, we evaluate the performance of PEDAL against those of two systematic concurrency testing tools. The findings demonstrate that PEDAL can detect concurrency bugs more quickly with given inputs, and consuming less memory. To prove its scalability in a big data environment, we use PEDAL to analyze several real concurrency bugs in large scale multithread programs, namely: Apache, and MySQL.  相似文献   

Microarray has become a popular biotechnology in biological and medical research. However, systematic and stochastic variabilities in microarray data are expected and unavoidable, resulting in the problem that the raw measurements have inherent “noise” within microarray experiments. Currently, logarithmic ratios are usually analyzed by various clustering methods directly, which may introduce bias interpretation in identifying groups of genes or samples. In this paper, a statistical method based on mixed model approaches was proposed for microarray data cluster analysis. The underlying rationale of this method is to partition the observed total gene expression level into various variations caused by different factors using an ANOVA model, and to predict the differential effects of GV (gene by variety) interaction using the adjusted unbiased prediction (AUP) method. The predicted GV interaction effects can then be used as the inputs of cluster analysis. We illustrated the application of our method with a gene expression dataset and elucidated the utility of our approach using an external validation.  相似文献   

Haplotypes are an important resource for a large number of applications in human genetics, but computationally inferred haplotypes are subject to switch errors that decrease their utility. The accuracy of computationally inferred haplotypes increases with sample size, and although ever larger genotypic data sets are being generated, the fact that existing methods require substantial computational resources limits their applicability to data sets containing tens or hundreds of thousands of samples. Here, we present HAPI-UR (haplotype inference for unrelated samples), an algorithm that is designed to handle unrelated and/or trio and duo family data, that has accuracy comparable to or greater than existing methods, and that is computationally efficient and can be applied to 100,000 samples or more. We use HAPI-UR to phase a data set with 58,207 samples and show that it achieves practical runtime and that switch errors decrease with sample size even with the use of samples from multiple ethnicities. Using a data set with 16,353 samples, we compare HAPI-UR to Beagle, MaCH, IMPUTE2, and SHAPEIT and show that HAPI-UR runs 18× faster than all methods and has a lower switch-error rate than do other methods except for Beagle; with the use of consensus phasing, running HAPI-UR three times gives a slightly lower switch-error rate than Beagle does and is more than six times faster. We demonstrate results similar to those from Beagle on another data set with a higher marker density. Lastly, we show that HAPI-UR has better runtime scaling properties than does Beagle so that for larger data sets, HAPI-UR will be practical and will have an even larger runtime advantage. HAPI-UR is available online (see Web Resources).  相似文献   

We investigate the extent to which advances in the health and life sciences (HLS) are dependent on research in the engineering and physical sciences (EPS), particularly physics, chemistry, mathematics, and engineering. The analysis combines two different bibliometric approaches. The first approach to analyze the ‘EPS-HLS interface’ is based on term map visualizations of HLS research fields. We consider 16 clinical fields and five life science fields. On the basis of expert judgment, EPS research in these fields is studied by identifying EPS-related terms in the term maps. In the second approach, a large-scale citation-based network analysis is applied to publications from all fields of science. We work with about 22,000 clusters of publications, each representing a topic in the scientific literature. Citation relations are used to identify topics at the EPS-HLS interface. The two approaches complement each other. The advantages of working with textual data compensate for the limitations of working with citation relations and the other way around. An important advantage of working with textual data is in the in-depth qualitative insights it provides. Working with citation relations, on the other hand, yields many relevant quantitative statistics. We find that EPS research contributes to HLS developments mainly in the following five ways: new materials and their properties; chemical methods for analysis and molecular synthesis; imaging of parts of the body as well as of biomaterial surfaces; medical engineering mainly related to imaging, radiation therapy, signal processing technology, and other medical instrumentation; mathematical and statistical methods for data analysis. In our analysis, about 10% of all EPS and HLS publications are classified as being at the EPS-HLS interface. This percentage has remained more or less constant during the past decade.  相似文献   

Summary Accurate ultrastructural localization of the components of centrosomes is an important step toward the determination of their function. We have used an electron microscopy procedure to preserve centrosome-associated antigens which enables their high-resolution localization. The unique part of our procedure is the application of a post-sectioning fixation step which overcomes the poor section contrast and morphological appearance that limits the use of low-temperature processing and Lowicryl embedding. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated by the efficient labelling of α-tubulin in the well-preserved and contrasted microtubule barrels of the centrides of isolated mammalian centrosomes.  相似文献   

Although phylogenetic hypotheses can provide insights into mechanisms of evolution, their utility is limited by our inability to differentiate simultaneous speciation events (hard polytomies) from rapid cladogenesis (soft polytomies). In the present paper, we tested the potential for statistical power analysis to differentiate between hard and soft polytomies in molecular phytogenies. Classical power analysis typically is used a priori to determine the sample size required to detect a particular effect size at a particular level of significance (a) with a certain power (1 – β). A posteriori, power analysis is used to infer whether failure to reject a null hypothesis results from lack of an effect or from insufficient data (i.e., low power). We adapted this approach to molecular data to infer whether polytomies result from simultaneous branching events or from insufficient sequence information. We then used this approach to determine the amount of sequence data (sample size) required to detect a positive branch length (effect size). A worked example is provided based on the auklets (Charadriiformes: Alcidae), a group of seabirds among which relationships are represented by a polytomy, despite analyses of over 3000 bp of sequence data. We demonstrate the calculation of effect sizes and sample sizes from sequence data using a normal curve test for difference of a proportion from an expected value and a t-test for a difference of a mean from an expected value. Power analyses indicated that the data for the auklets should be sufficient to differentiate speciation events that occurred at least 100,000 yr apart (the duration of the shortest glacial and interglacial events of the Pleistocene), 2.6 million years ago.  相似文献   

With the aid of next-generation sequencing technology, researchers can now obtain millions of microbial signature sequences for diverse applications ranging from human epidemiological studies to global ocean surveys. The development of advanced computational strategies to maximally extract pertinent information from massive nucleotide data has become a major focus of the bioinformatics community. Here, we describe a novel analytical strategy including discriminant and topology analyses that enables researchers to deeply investigate the hidden world of microbial communities, far beyond basic microbial diversity estimation. We demonstrate the utility of our approach through a computational study performed on a previously published massive human gut 16S rRNA data set. The application of discriminant and topology analyses enabled us to derive quantitative disease-associated microbial signatures and describe microbial community structure in far more detail than previously achievable. Our approach provides rigorous statistical tools for sequence-based studies aimed at elucidating associations between known or unknown organisms and a variety of physiological or environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We describe an integrated suite of algorithms and software for general accurate mass and time (AMT) tagging data analysis of mass spectrometry data. The AMT approach combines identifications from liquid chromatography (LC) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data with peptide accurate mass and retention time locations from high-resolution LC-MS data. Our workflow includes the traditional AMT approach, in which MS/MS identifications are located in external databases, as well as methods based on more recent hybrid instruments such as the LTQ-FT or Orbitrap, where MS/MS identifications are embedded with the MS data. We demonstrate our AMT workflow's utility for general data synthesis by combining data from two dissimilar biospecimens. Specifically, we demonstrate its use relevant to serum biomarker discovery by identifying which peptides sequenced by MS/MS analysis of tumor tissue may also be present in the plasma of tumor-bearing and control mice. The analysis workflow, referred to as msInspect/AMT, extends and combines existing open-source platforms for LC-MS/MS (CPAS) and LC-MS (msInspect) data analysis and is available in an unrestricted open-source distribution.  相似文献   

The ability to predict local structural features of a protein from the primary sequence is of paramount importance for unraveling its function in absence of experimental structural information. Two main factors affect the utility of potential prediction tools: their accuracy must enable extraction of reliable structural information on the proteins of interest, and their runtime must be low to keep pace with sequencing data being generated at a constantly increasing speed. Here, we present NetSurfP-2.0, a novel tool that can predict the most important local structural features with unprecedented accuracy and runtime. NetSurfP-2.0 is sequence-based and uses an architecture composed of convolutional and long short-term memory neural networks trained on solved protein structures. Using a single integrated model, NetSurfP-2.0 predicts solvent accessibility, secondary structure, structural disorder, and backbone dihedral angles for each residue of the input sequences. We assessed the accuracy of NetSurfP-2.0 on several independent test datasets and found it to consistently produce state-of-the-art predictions for each of its output features. We observe a correlation of 80% between predictions and experimental data for solvent accessibility, and a precision of 85% on secondary structure 3-class predictions. In addition to improved accuracy, the processing time has been optimized to allow predicting more than 1000 proteins in less than 2 hours, and complete proteomes in less than 1 day.  相似文献   

Improvements in ion trap instrumentation have made n-dimensional mass spectrometry more practical. The overall goal of the study was to describe a model for making use of MS(2) and MS(3) information in mass spectrometry experiments. We present a statistical model for adjusting peptide identification probabilities based on the combined information obtained by coupling peptide assignments of consecutive MS(2) and MS(3) spectra. Using two data sets, a mixture of known proteins and a complex phosphopeptide-enriched sample, we demonstrate an increase in discriminating power of the adjusted probabilities compared with models using MS(2) or MS(3) data only. This work also addresses the overall value of generating MS(3) data as compared with an MS(2)-only approach with a focus on the analysis of phosphopeptide data.  相似文献   

We discuss the analysis of growth curve data with missing or incomplete information. The approach is to fit subject-specific models and then to carry out an analysis in terms of the estimated parameters. This achieves reduction of data and eliminates the need for special considerations for subjects with missing data. Although there is no perfect substitute for complete data, our approach provides a way to handle missing data using a straightforward application of well-known statistical methodology.  相似文献   

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