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S. Dash  P. A. Peterson 《Genetics》1994,136(2):653-671
A model of En transposition during chromosome replication is presented following a study of somatic events associated with the transposition of En in the endosperm tissue of the maize kernel. Two supporting assays, the excision and the postexcision events, were used in following these events. The excision of the En transposon has been monitored in the starch-producing endosperm tissue by using the wx-844 autonomously mutable allele, and events after excision have been monitored by using various reporter alleles of the En-I (Spm-dSpm) system. The initial observations revealed an unusually large amount of loss of the En transposon following its excision from the wx-844 allele. Subsequent analysis of the somatic events using the a2-m1 reporter allele to monitor the dosage of En suggested that the large amount of loss would result from the transposition of En during chromosome replication. Transposition of En from a replicated segment of the chromosome to another site that has also undergone replication explains most of the somatic events observed.  相似文献   

Summary Mature pollen grains from two single cross hybrids, Wf9 × H55 and K64 × K55, were exposed to eleven levels (0 to 6.80 erg/cm2 × 105 at 0.68 intervals) of ultraviolet irradiation and then were used to pollinate their genetic source. The number and weight of the normal and shrunken (partially aborted) kernels on each ear were tabulated. In general, the number of normal kernels decreased and the number and percentage of shrunken kernels increased with increasing exposure. However, significant exposure X hybrid interactions were present indicating that the amount of change depended on the hybrid. No consistent relationship between exposure and either normal or shrunken kernel weight was apparent, but pollen source hybrid was a contributing factor. The embryo weight and coleoptile length after germination were also determined for the normal kernels. Changes in these characters by irradiation were also strongly influenced by the hybrid. These results indicate that the direction and magnitude of the changes in kernel development produced by ultraviolet are modified considerably by the genetic source of the pollen grains. Presumably, genetic variation for ultraviolet response is present and selection would be successful.  相似文献   

Summary Mature pollen grains from two single cross (F1) hybrids, Wf9 X H55 and K64 X K55, were exposed to eleven levels (0 to 6.80 erg/cm2 × 105 at 0.68 intervals) of ultraviolet irradiation and then were used to pollinate their source. Height and kernel characteristics (kernel weight, weight/100 kernels, kernel number) of individual F2 plants produced by the normal F2 kernels obtained from these pollinations were measured within each level and population. Highly significant exposure X population interactions were found for all characters, indicating that the effect of irradiation depended on the genetic source of the pollen grains. Increasing exposure increased or did not change the mean of Wf9 X H55 and decreased the mean in K64 X K55 for all characters. For coefficient of variation values, the interaction, exposure X population, was not significant for any character measured, indicating that irradiation-induced variability was unrelated to pollen source. The results indicate that pollen source strongly influenced the effect of ultraviolet irradiation on plant means but had no influence on variability.  相似文献   

玉米株型性状多世代联合遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用P1、P2、F1、F2、B1、B2多世代联合遗传分析方法,研究了玉米株高、穗位高、穗三叶面积、雄穗分枝数和叶形系数等5个株型性状遗传模型,并进行了混合模型参数估计.结果表明:株高、叶面积、雄穗分枝数符合加性-显性-上位性多基因遗传模型,表现为负向超显性;穗位高、叶形系数符合一对加性主基因+加性-显性多基因混合遗传模型,主基因无显性,多基因无上位性.穗位高在B2世代主基因遗传率最大(46.51%),在B1世代多基因遗传率最大(46.71%);叶形系数在F2世代主基因遗传率最大(36.76%),在B1世代多基因遗传率最大(26.31%).  相似文献   

Phytoremedlation is a relatively new approach to remove polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the environment. When plants are grown under pyrene treatment, they respond by synthesizing a set of protective proteins. To learn more about protein changes in response to pyrene treatment, we extracted total proteins from the leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) 1 week after pyrene treatment. The proteins extracted were separated with twodimensional gel electrophoresis. In total, approximately 54 protein spots were found by comparing gels from treated and control groups. According to the Isoelectric point, molecular weight, and abundance of these protein spots, 20 pyrene-lnduced proteins were found to have changed abundance. Of these, 15 protein spots were Increased and five protein spots were newly appeared in pyrene-treated plant leaves. Six model upregulated protein spots of different molecular weights were excised from the gels and subjected to trypsin digestion followed by peptide separation using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Peptlde masses were used to search the matrix-science database for protein Identification. Two of the proteins were Identified on the basis of the homology of their peptide profiles with existing protein sequences as pyruvate orthophosphate diklnase and the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunlt. These proteins are Involved in the regulation of carbohydrate and energy metabolism. The present study gives new Insights into the pyrene stress response In maize leaves and demonstrates the power of the proteomlc approach in phytoremedlation of PAHs.  相似文献   

Kutík  J.  Kočova  M.  Holá  D.  Körnerová  M. 《Photosynthetica》2000,36(4):497-507
Changes in Hill reaction activity (HRA) and ultrastructure of mesophyll cell (MC) chloroplasts were studied during the ontogeny of third leaf of maize plants using polarographic oxygen evolution measurement, transmission electron microscopy, and stereology. The chloroplast ultrastructure was compared in young (actively growing), mature, and senescing leaves of two different inbreds and their reciprocal F1 hybrids. Statistically significant differences in both HRA and MC chloroplast ultrastructure were observed between different stages of leaf ontogeny. Growth of plastoglobuli was the most striking characteristic of chloroplast maturation and senescence. The chloroplasts in mature and senescing leaves had a more developed system of thylakoids compared to the young leaves. Higher HRA was usually connected with higher thylakoid volume density of MC chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) plants with two primary nodal root axeswere grown for 8 d in flowing nutrient culture with each axisindependently supplied with . Dry matter accumulation by roots was similar whether 1.0 mol m–3 was supplied to on( or both axes. When was supplied to only one axis, however, accumulationof dry matter within the root system was significantly greaterin the axis supplied with . The increased dry matter accumulation by the +N-treated axis was attributableentirely to increased density and growth of lateral branchesand not to a difference in growth of the primary axis. Proliferation of lateral branches for the + N axis was associatedwith the capacity for in situ reduction and utilization of aportion of the absorbed , especially in the apical region where lateral primordia are initiated. Althoughreduced nitrogen was translocated to the –N axis, concentrationsin the –N axis remained significantly lower than in the+N axis. The concentratio of reduced nitrogen, as well as invitro reductase activity, was greater in apical than in more basal regions of the +N axis. The enhancedproliferation of lateral branches in the + N axis was accompaniedby an increase in total respiration rate of the axis. Part ofthe increased respiration was attributable to increased massof roots. The specific respiration rate (umol CO2 exolved perhour per gram root dry weight) was also greater for the +N thanfor the –N axis. If respiration rate is taken as representativeof sink demand, stimulation of initiation and growth of lateralsby in situ utilization of a localized exogenous supply of establishes an increased sink demand through enhancedmetabolic activity and the increased partitioning of assimilatesto the + N axis responds to the difference in sink demand between+N and –N axes. Key words: NO3- reduction, NO3- uptake nitrogen partitioning, root respiration, sink demand  相似文献   

The effect of K deficiency on leaf area index (LAI) establishment of a maize field crop (Zea Mays L.) was studied. The experimental work was carried out in 2000 and 2001 on a long-term K fertilization trial. Three K fertilization regimes (K0, K1 and K4) have been applied since 1995, thus leading to contrasted levels of available K in soils (14, 23 and 44 µg exchangeable K per g of dry soil for the three fertilization regimes, respectively). The rate of leaf appearance, the leaf elongation rate (LER), the leaf elongation duration (LED), their final length and width and the number of senescent leaves were investigated. K concentrations in shoot tissue water were lower in K0 plants, whereas concentrations of Ca and Mg were higher. The LAI was reduced in the K0 treatment, mainly because of a slower rate of leaf appearance and a reduced final size of individual leaves. The reduced final length of individual leaves was almost entirely accounted for by a reduced LER during the quasi linear elongation phase. The LED was only slightly affected. A rough parallelism was observed between the relative reduction of leaf length and the relative reduction of plant water content during leaf elongation. Conversely, there was no evidence that leaf elongation was limited by carbohydrate availability in leaf growing zones. This suggests that K deficiency reduced LER probably because of altered plant-water relationships. On the whole, these results strengthen the idea that leaf growth is a key variable for analyzing, and later on modeling, crop growth under K deficiency.  相似文献   

Changes in Hill reaction activity (HRA) and ultrastructure of mesophyll cell (MC) chloroplasts were studied during the ontogeny of third leaf of maize plants using polarographic oxygen evolution measurement, transmission electron microscopy, and stereology. The chloroplast ultrastructure was compared in young (actively growing), mature, and senescing leaves of two different inbreds and their reciprocal F1 hybrids. Statistically significant differences in both HRA and MC chloroplast ultrastructure were observed between different stages of leaf ontogeny. Growth of plastoglobuli was the most striking characteristic of chloroplast maturation and senescence. The chloroplasts in mature and senescing leaves had a more developed system of thylakoids compared to the young leaves. Higher HRA was usually connected with higher thylakoid volume density of MC chloroplasts. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The nuclear DNA content of isolated eggs and zygotes of maize was estimated using 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining and microspectrofluorometry. The data indicate that egg nuclei contain the 1C level of DNA (basic haploid amount) at the time of karyogamy, and that, by inference, the sperm nuclei are also at 1C. Fertilization occurred in most ovules by 24–28 h post-pollination (hpp), and DNA synthesis was well underway by 27–31 hpp. By 30–34 hpp, 80% of the zygotes were at the 3C DNA level or above, and many were undergoing mitosis. This study provides information that is pertinent to experiments on the microinjection of exogenous DNA into isolated zygotes of maize, and it will serve as a comparative base for future determinations of the DNA content of zygotes produced and cultured in vitro.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - hpp hours post-pollination We would like to thank R. Blanc, D. Aldon, and C. Digonnet for their expert technical assistance and advice during the course of this study. Partial support for this study by the Organized Research Fund, Northern Arizona University, is gratefully acknowledged. The bulk of this study was carried out while H.L.M. was visiting research professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.  相似文献   

Fertility of Deep-frozen Maize (Zea mays L.) Pollen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BARNABAS  B.; RAJKI  E. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(6):861-864
On average, 50 per cent of maize pollen grains can be kept viableand almost 30 per cent remain fertile for up to a year whenthe water content on a fresh weight basis is reduced to about30 per cent of the original and the pollen is stored at –76or –196 °C. Over this period no significant differencewas found between storage at either temperature. Zea mays L., maize, pollen, fertility, viability  相似文献   

Nuclei from different tissues such as stem, mesocotyl, nodalroot and root tip of diploid and tetraploid maize were isolated,stained with propidium iodide and passed through an EPICS-751flow-cytometer cell sorter. Variations in flow histograms wereobserved in different tissues. Stem tissues of both the diploidand tetraploid had two peaks representing G1 and G2 somaticnuclei. The remaining tissues in both the diploids and tetraploidsexhibited three peaks. The first peak observed in these tissuesrepresents G1 somatic nuclei of the lowest ploidy level. Thesecond peak represent G2 somatic nuclei of the lowest ploidylevel+G1 somatic nuclei of the next ploidy level. The thirdpeak represents G2 of the higher ploidy level+G1 somatic nucleiof the next higher ploidy level. Statistically significant differenceswere observed between the diploid and tetraploid maize tissueswith respect to nuclei distribution in the higher ploidy levelpeaks implying variation in the degree of endopolyploidy inthe diploid and tetraploid maize. The results of this studysuggest that the amount of endopolyploid observed in maize genotypeshas an effect on their overall agronomic performance under thefield conditions.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Zea mays L., maize, endopolyploidy, diploid, tetraploid, flow cytometry  相似文献   

Plant-based methods such as rhizodegradation are very promising for the remediation of petroleum-contaminated soils. Associations of plants with endophytes can further enhance their phytoremediation potential. In this study, a rhizobox experiment was conducted to investigate whether inoculation with the root-colonizing fungus Piriformospora indica could further enhance the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the root zone of maize (Zea mays L.). The rhizoboxes were subdivided into compartments in accordance with distance from the plants. After filling the boxes with soil from a petroleum-contaminated site, seedlings that had either been inoculated with P. indica or not were grown in the middle compartments of the rhizoboxes and grown for 64 days. A plant-free treatment was included for control. The presence of roots strongly increased the counts of total and petroleum-degrading soil bacteria, respiration, dehydrogenase activity, water-soluble phenols and petroleum degradation. All these effects were also found in the soil adjacent to the middle compartments of the rhizoboxes, but strongly decreased further away from it. Inoculation with P. indica further enhanced all the recorded parameters without changing the spatial pattern of the effects. Inoculated plants also produced around 40% more root and shoot biomass than noninoculated plants and had greener leaves. Together, the results indicate that the treatment effects on the recorded soil microbial and biochemical parameters including petroleum hydrocarbon degradation were primarily due to increased root exudation. Irrespectively of this, they show that maize can be used to accelerate the rhizodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and that inoculation with P. indica can substantially enhance the phytoremediation performance of maize.  相似文献   

玉米雌穗发育期基因差异表达与杂种优势的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杂种优势在提高粮食作物特别是玉米的产量方面具有重要的作用。然而,杂种优势的原理却仍然是一个世界性的难题。用12个玉米自交系及其按不完全双列杂交组配的33个杂交种为材料,分4个不同发育时期取杂交种及其亲本的雌穗组织,利用差异显示技术,分析杂种与亲本的基因差异表达类型及其与7个主要农艺性状的杂种表现和杂种优势的相关关系。发现1):在5种表达类型中单态表达(基因在杂交种和双亲中同时表达的类型)的数量最大,这说明杂种优势的形成不仅与基因的表达与否相关,还与大量基因的上调或下调表达相关;2):在玉米雌幼穗的发育初期杂交种与双亲的基因表达差异最大,这可能与雌穗发育初期器官的形成和发育相关,因此这一时期差异表达(在质的方面)的基因对产量性状和杂种优势的形成具有密切关系;3):综合各种基因表达类型与产量性状和杂种优势的关系,发现某些基因在杂种中的沉默表达可以促进籽粒的发育和抑制幼穗中小花的发育。  相似文献   

L-Proline is oxidized to pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid in intact plant mitochondria by a proline dehydrogenase (EC 1.4.3) that is bound to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane (TE Elthon, CR Stewart [1981] Plant Physiol 67: 780-784). This investigation reports the first solubilization of the L-proline dehydrogenase (PDH) from plant mitochondria. The supernatant from NP-40-treated etiolated shoot mitochondria of maize, Zea mays L., reduced iodonitrotetrazolium violet in a proline dependent manner. The pH optimum for this activity was 8. The apparent Km for proline was 6.6 millimolar. When supplied with proline, this solubilized PDH activity also synthesized pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid. The PDH activity was inhibited in vitro by 300 millimolar potassium chloride but not by 300 millimolar potassium acetate. The PDH activity had a molecular mass that was greater than 150 kilodaltons. Mitochondria were prepared from etiolated shoots grown in 100% water-saturated vermiculite (control) and 16% water-saturated vermiculite (stress). The specific activity of solubilized PDH from the stress treatment was 11% of the same activity from the control treatment. Oxygen uptake in the presence of proline and ADP (state 3 proline oxidation) by mitochondria from the stress treatment was 25% of the same rate by mitochondria from the control treatment. Mitochondria were also prepared 16 hours after rewatering the seedlings growing in the stress treatment. Both the solubilized PDH specific activity and state 3 proline oxidation returned to the control levels. The specific activities of the NAD+-dependent pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase in the solubilized preparations were unaffected by these stress and recovery treatments. Oxygen uptake rates by intact mitochondria in the presence of ADP and NADH, succinate or malate-pyruvate were also unaffected by these treatments.  相似文献   

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