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Conventional sex roles imply caring females and competitive males. The evolution of sex role divergence is widely attributed to anisogamy initiating a self‐reinforcing process. The initial asymmetry in pre‐mating parental investment (eggs vs. sperm) is assumed to promote even greater divergence in post‐mating parental investment (parental care). But do we really understand the process? Trivers [Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man 1871–1971 (1972), Aldine Press, Chicago] introduced two arguments with a female and male perspective on whether to care for offspring that try to link pre‐mating and post‐mating investment. Here we review their merits and subsequent theoretical developments. The first argument is that females are more committed than males to providing care because they stand to lose a greater initial investment. This, however, commits the ‘Concorde Fallacy’ as optimal decisions should depend on future pay‐offs not past costs. Although the argument can be rephrased in terms of residual reproductive value when past investment affects future pay‐offs, it remains weak. The factors likely to change future pay‐offs seem to work against females providing more care than males. The second argument takes the reasonable premise that anisogamy produces a male‐biased operational sex ratio (OSR) leading to males competing for mates. Male care is then predicted to be less likely to evolve as it consumes resources that could otherwise be used to increase competitiveness. However, given each offspring has precisely two genetic parents (the Fisher condition), a biased OSR generates frequency‐dependent selection, analogous to Fisherian sex ratio selection, that favours increased parental investment by whichever sex faces more intense competition. Sex role divergence is therefore still an evolutionary conundrum. Here we review some possible solutions. Factors that promote conventional sex roles are sexual selection on males (but non‐random variance in male mating success must be high to override the Fisher condition), loss of paternity because of female multiple mating or group spawning and patterns of mortality that generate female‐biased adult sex ratios (ASR). We present an integrative model that shows how these factors interact to generate sex roles. We emphasize the need to distinguish between the ASR and the operational sex ratio (OSR). If mortality is higher when caring than competing this diminishes the likelihood of sex role divergence because this strongly limits the mating success of the earlier deserting sex. We illustrate this in a model where a change in relative mortality rates while caring and competing generates a shift from a mammalian type breeding system (female‐only care, male‐biased OSR and female‐biased ASR) to an avian type system (biparental care and a male‐biased OSR and ASR).  相似文献   

The evolution of avian parental care   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A stage model traces key behavioural tactics and life-history traits that are involved in the transition from promiscuity with no parental care, the mating system that typifies reptiles, to that typical of most birds, social monogamy with biparental care. In stage I, females assumed increasing parental investment in precocial young, female choice of mates increased, female-biased mating dispersal evolved and population sex ratios became male biased. In stage II, consortships between mating partners allowed males to attract rare social mates, provided a mechanism for paternity assessment and increased female ability to assess mate quality. In stage III, relative female scarcity enabled females to demand parental investment contributions from males having some paternity certainty. This innovation was facilitated by the nature of avian parental care; i.e. most care-giving activities can be adopted in small units. Moreover, the initial cost of care giving to males was small compared with its benefit to females. Males, however, tended to decline to assume non-partitionable, risky, or relatively costly parental activities. In stage IV, altriciality coevolved with increasing biparental care, resulting in social monogamy. Approaches for testing behavioural hypotheses are suggested.  相似文献   

Several non‐mutually exclusive hypotheses predict adaptive variation in the offspring sex ratio. When conditions for breeding are adverse, parents are predicted to produce more offspring of the less costly sex to rear (‘the cost‐of‐reproduction hypothesis’). Moreover, they also should produce the more dispersing sex in order to diminish future competition (‘the local‐resource‐competition hypothesis’). Here, we analyse brood sex ratio according to rearing conditions in the southern shrike Lanius meridionalis, a species with moderately reversed sexual dimorphism. Our results suggest that females are more costly to rear than males in this species. Adult females proved heavier than males, and female nestling tended to be heavier than male nestlings. Moreover, the greater brood reduction, the more male‐biased was the brood, suggesting that brood reduction implied higher mortality in female nestlings. Consistent with these findings, the brood sex ratio was biased to the less costly sex (males) when breeding conditions were adverse (bad years or low‐quality male parents), supporting the cost‐of‐reproduction hypothesis. By contrast, these findings did not support the local‐resource‐competition hypothesis, which predicted female‐biased brood sex ratio under adverse conditions. As a whole, our results support the idea that birds adaptively modulate sex ratio in order to minimize reproduction costs.  相似文献   

Males, especially in species where they provide little or no parental investment, usually have high potential reproductive rates and are expected to maximize their fitness by mating with several females. This view is challenged, however, by species in which males provide no parental investment, but nevertheless mate with one female only. Male monogamy (monogyny), associated with an extreme investment in paternity protection, appears to be comparatively common in web‐building spiders, and has recently been subject to experimental and theoretical studies. To date, however, studies approaching this issue from an ecological perspective are rare. Theory predicts that the evolution of a monogynous mating strategy is favoured by a male‐biased sex ratio, but not necessarily by a high mortality risk for mate‐searching males. To test these predictions, we conducted a field study on the golden orb spider Nephila fenestrata, which has a mating system with potentially cannibalistic, polyandrous females, and males that are often functionally sterile after mating with one female only. Based on daily observations of marked individuals, we confirm that, consistent with laboratory findings, monogyny is common in N. fenestrata. Nevertheless, observations of male movements between females raise the possibility that a proportion of males may mate with two females. We show that the sex ratio in our study population is male‐biased, and that males incur only a relatively moderate mortality risk during mate‐search. These findings provide insights into the ecological basis for the evolutionary maintenance of monogyny.  相似文献   

Explaining the evolution of male care has proved difficult. Recent theory predicts that female promiscuity and sexual selection on males inherently disfavour male care. In sharp contrast to these expectations, male-only care is often found in species with high extra-pair paternity and striking variation in mating success, where current theory predicts female-only care. Using a model that examines the coevolution of male care, female care and female choice; I show that inter-sexual selection can drive the evolution of male care when females are able to bias mating or paternity towards parental males. Surprisingly, female choice for parental males allows male care to evolve despite low relatedness between the male and the offspring in his care. These results imply that predicting how sexual selection affects parental care evolution will require further understanding of why females, in many species, either do not prefer or cannot favour males that provide care.  相似文献   

Theory considering sex ratio optima under ‘strict local mate competition with offspring groups produced by a single foundress’ makes a suite of predictions, one of which is a mean female bias. Treating individual offspring as discrete units, theory further predicts sex ratios to have low variance (precise sex ratio) and to equal the reciprocal of clutch size (one male per clutch). The maternal decision may be complicated by imperfect control of sex allocation, limited insemination capacity of sons and offspring developmental mortality: each can lead to virgin daughters (with zero fitness) and consequently select for less biased sex ratios. When clutches are small and/or developmental mortality is common, appreciable proportions of virgins are expected, even when control of sex allocation is perfect and the mating capacity of males is unlimited. This suite of predictions has been only partially tested. We provide further tests by examining sex ratios and developmental mortalities within and across species of locally mating parasitoids. We find a wide range of mean developmental mortalities (6–67%), but mortality distributions are consistendy overdispersed (have greater than binomial variance) and sexually differential mortality appears to be absent. Sex ratios are female biased and have low variance, but are not perfectly precise and variance is increased by mortality within species and (equivocally) across species. Sex ratios less biased than the reciprocal of clutch size are observed; probably due to a maternal response to developmental mortality in one species, and to limited insemination capacity in others. Cross species comparisons indicate that mean proportions of mortality and virginity are positively correlated. Virginity is more prevalent than predicted among species with higher mortalities but not among lower mortality species. Predicted relationships between virginity and clutch size are supported in species with lower mortalities but only partially supported when mortality rates are higher.  相似文献   

The modes of intrasexual competition interacting in many dispersed societies of nocturnal solitary foragers are still poorly understood. In this study we investigate the spatial structure within a free-living population of gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) in order to test for the first time the predictions from two contrasting models of male intrasexual competition on the population level. The contest competition model predicts an uneven distribution of the sexes in a population nucleus with a female biased sex ratio in the center and a male biased sex ratio in the periphery. In contrast the scramble competition model predicts males and females being distributed evenly throughout their habitat with a constant sex ratio. Nine capture/recapture periods within three consecutive mating seasons revealed a continuous male biased sex ratio in the adult population with even trapping rates for the sexes. The male biased sex ratio could either be explained with postnatal female biased mortality or with a male biased natal sex ratio. This male biased sex ratio was apparent in all parts of the study site, indicating that the population was not subdivided into a female biased core and a male biased periphery. Furthermore, the majority of adult males have been captured at the same site as or in vicinity to females. Consequently, a large proportion of males had spatial access to females during the mating season. No signs of monopolization of females by certain dominant males could be detected. These data support the predictions from the scramble competition model and the concept of a promiscuous mating system for this species.  相似文献   

Sex‐biased dispersal is common in vertebrates, although the ecological and evolutionary causes of sex differences in dispersal are debated. Here, we investigate sex differences in both natal and breeding dispersal distances using a large dataset on birds including 86 species from 41 families. Using phylogenetic comparative analyses, we investigate whether sex‐biased natal and breeding dispersal are associated with sexual selection, parental sex roles, adult sex ratio (ASR), or adult mortality. We show that neither the intensity of sexual selection, nor the extent of sex bias in parental care was associated with sex‐biased natal or breeding dispersal. However, breeding dispersal was related to the social environment since male‐biased ASRs were associated with female‐biased breeding dispersal. Male‐biased ASRs were associated with female‐biased breeding dispersal. Sex bias in adult mortality was not consistently related to sex‐biased breeding dispersal. These results may indicate that the rare sex has a stronger tendency to disperse in order to find new mating opportunities. Alternatively, higher mortality of the more dispersive sex could account for biased ASRs, although our results do not give a strong support to this explanation. Whichever is the case, our findings improve our understanding of the causes and consequences of sex‐biased dispersal. Since the direction of causality is not yet known, we call for future studies to identify the causal relationships linking mortality, dispersal, and ASR.  相似文献   

Although theory generally predicts that males should reduce paternal care in response to cues that predict increased sperm competition and decreased paternity, empirical patterns are equivocal. Some studies have found the predicted decrease in male care with increased sperm competition, while even more studies report no effect of paternity or sperm competition on male care. Here, we report the first example, to our knowledge, of paternal care increasing with the risk and intensity of sperm competition, in the ocellated wrasse (Symphodus ocellatus). Theory also predicts that if paternal care varies and is important to female fitness, female choice among males and male indicators traits of expected paternal care should evolve. Despite a non-random distribution of mating success among nests, we found no evidence for female choice among parental males. Finally, we document the highest published levels of extra-pair paternity for a species with exclusive and obligate male care: genetic paternity analyses revealed cuckoldry at 100 per cent of nests and 28 per cent of all offspring were not sired by the male caring for them. While not predicted by any existing theory, these unexpected reproductive patterns become understandable if we consider how male and female mating and parental care interact simultaneously in this and probably many other species.  相似文献   

In most animals, males gain a fitness benefit by mating with many females, whereas the number of progeny per female is unlikely to increase as a function of additional mates. Furthermore, males of internally fertilizing species run the risk of investing in offspring of other males if they provide parental care. Nevertheless, males of many avian species and a minority of mammalian species provide parental care, and females of various species mate with multiple males. I investigate a two-locus genetic model for evolution of male parental care and female multiple mating in which females gain a direct benefit by multiple mating from the paternal care they thereby elicit for their offspring. The model suggests that, first, male parental care can evolve when it strongly enhances offspring survival and the direct costs of female multiple mating (e.g., loss of energy, risk of injury, exposure to infectious diseases) are greater than its indirect benefit (e.g., acquisition of good genes, increased genetic diversity among offspring); second, female multiple mating can evolve when paternal care is important for offspring survival or the indirect benefit of multiple mating is larger than its direct cost; and, finally, male parental care and female multiple mating can co-occur.  相似文献   

Infant care from adult males is unexpected in species with high paternity uncertainty. Still, males of several polygynandrous primates engage in frequent affiliative interactions with infants. Two non‐exclusive hypotheses link male infant care to male mating strategies. The paternal investment hypothesis views infant care as a male strategy to maximize the survival of sired offspring, while the mating effort hypothesis predicts that females reward males who cared for their infant by preferably mating with them. Both hypotheses predict a positive relationship between infant care and matings with a particular female. However, the paternal investment hypothesis predicts that increased matings come before infant care whereas the mating effort hypothesis predicts that infant care precedes an increase in matings. Both hypotheses are usually tested from the perspective of the proportion of matings and care that individual females engage in and receive, rather than from the perspective of the care and mating behaviour of individual males. We tested the relationships between care and mating from both female and male perspectives in Barbary macaques. Mating predicted subsequent care and care predicted subsequent mating when viewed from the male but not the female perspective. Males mainly cared for infants of their main mating partners, but infants were not mainly cared for by their likely father. Males mated more with the mothers of their favourite infants, but females did not mate more with the main caretakers of their infants. We suggest that females do not choose their mating partners based on previous infant care, increasing paternity confusion. Males might try to increase paternal investment by distributing the care according to their own instead of female mating history. Further, males pursue females for mating opportunities based on previous care.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that females should bias their reproductive investment towards the sex generating the greatest fitness returns. The fitness of male offspring is often more dependent upon maternal investment, and therefore, high‐quality mothers should invest in sons. However, the local resource competition hypothesis postulates that when offspring quality is determined by maternal quality or when nest site and maternal quality are related, high‐quality females should invest in the philopatric sex. Waterfowl – showing male‐biased size dimorphism but female‐biased philopatry – are ideal for differentiating between these alternatives. We utilized molecular sexing methods and high‐resolution maternity tests to study the occurrence and fitness consequences of facultative sex allocation in Barrow's goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica). We determined how female structural size, body condition, nest‐site safety and timing of reproduction affected sex allocation and offspring survival. We found that the overall sex ratio was unbiased, but in line with the local resource competition hypothesis, larger females produced female‐biased broods and their broods survived better than those of smaller females. This bias occurred despite male offspring being larger and tending to have lower post‐hatching survival. The species shows strong female breeding territoriality, so the benefit of inheriting maternal quality by philopatric daughters may exceed the potential mating benefit for sons of high‐quality females.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1992,43(6):907-919
Comparative field studies of species of dart-poison frogs in the genus Dendrobates were carried out to test predictions from two hypotheses that attempt to explain female-female competition for mates in species of Dendrobates with male parental care. The sex role reversal hypothesis proposes that males invest so much time and energy in parental care that receptive males are rare relative to receptive females, and females compete to find and mate with receptive males. The parental quality hypothesis proposes that females compete to monopolize the parental effort of particular males, because they potentially suffer a cost when their mates care for the offspring of other females. Comparisons between species with male parental care (Dendrobates leucomelas) and female parental care (Dendrobates histrionicus) contradicted prediction of the sex role reversal hypothesis, but were consistent with predictions of the parental quality hypothesis. Male D. histrionicus did not compete for mates more aggressively than male D. leucomelas, and male D. leucomelas were not more selective about mating than male D. histrionicus. Female D. leucomelas and D. histrionicus were both selective about mating; female D. leucomelas associated with and competed for particular males, whereas female D. histrionicus did not.  相似文献   

In sexually size‐dimorphic species, brood sex composition may exert differential effects on sex‐specific mortality. We investigated the sex‐specific mortality and body condition in relation to brood sex composition in nestlings of the black‐billed magpie Pica pica. Neither significantly sex‐biased production at hatching nor overall sex‐biased mortality during the nestling period was found. Sex‐specific mortality as a function of brood sex composition, however, differed between female and male nestlings. We found higher mortality for females in male‐biased broods and higher mortality for males in female‐biased broods, a phenomenon that we call ‘rarer‐sex disadvantage’. As a result, fledging sex ratios became more biased in the direction of bias at hatching, a phenomenon that cannot be readily explained by previous hypotheses for sex‐specific mortality. Two temporal variables, fledging date and laying date, were also correlated with sex‐specific mortality: female nestlings in earlier broods experienced higher mortality than male nestlings whereas male nestlings in later broods experienced higher mortality. We suggest that this unusual pattern of mortality may be explained by adaptive adjustments of brood sex composition by parents, either through the effects of a slight sex difference in offspring dispersal patterns on parental fitness, or owing to sex differences as regards the benefits of early fledging.  相似文献   

Front Cover     
In most animals, competition for mating opportunities is higher among males, whereas females are more likely to provide parental care. In few species, though, these "conventional" sex roles are reversed such that females compete more strongly for matings and males provide most or all parental care. This "reversal" in sex roles is often combined with classical polyandry—a mating system in which a female forms a harem with several males. Here, we review the major hypotheses relating such role reversals to evolutionary and behavioural traits (anisogamy, phylogenetic history, sexy males, parental care, genetic paternity, trade‐off between mating and parenting, adult sex ratio) and to ecological factors (food supply, offspring predation). We evaluate each hypothesis in relation to coucals (Centropodinae), a group of nesting cuckoos of great interest for mating system and parental care theory. The black coucal (Centropus grillii) is the only known bird combining classical polyandry with altricial development of young, a costly trait with regard to parental care. Our long‐term study offers a unique possibility to compare the strongly polyandrous black coucal with a monogamous close relative breeding in the same area and habitat, the white‐browed coucal (C. superciliosus). We show that the evolution of sex roles in coucals and other animals has many different facets. Whereas phylogenetic constraints are important, confidence in genetic paternity is not. In combination with facilitating ecological conditions, adult sex ratios are key to understanding sex roles in coucals, shorebirds, and most likely also other animals. We plead for more studies including experimental tests to understand how biased adult sex ratios emerge and whether they drive sexual selection or vice versa. How do sex ratios and sexual selection interact and feedback on each other? Answers to these questions will be fundamental for understanding the evolution of sex roles in mating and parenting in coucals and other species.  相似文献   

Most attempts to model the evolution of parental care assume that caring and mating are mutually exclusive activities (i.e., individuals acquire and guard broods "sequentially"). However, in most fish and certain insects, males can keep mating and collecting additional eggs while continuing to guard broods obtained earlier (i.e., males guard "overlapping" broods). We present a model of parental care with overlapping broods in which males can mate and guard simultaneously, even though there is a trade-off between these two activities. Within this framework, we show that male care is favored by short female processing times and high population densities, which minimize the mating cost of care. Relatively low mortality while guarding is also important for the stability of male care. Female care, on the other hand, is favored by long female processing times and low populations densities, which lead to longer intermating intervals. Biparental care is stable only when the cost to benefit ratio of care was not biased toward either sex. We derive quantitative estimates of fitness for different strategies for two species of assassin bugs with male and female uniparental care and show that the model predicts the correct form of care for both species. We believe our model might help explain the prevalence of male uniparental care in certain taxa, such as fish.  相似文献   

When males provide females with resources at mating, they can become the limiting sex in reproduction, in extreme cases leading to the reversal of typical courtship roles. The evolution of male provisioning is thought to be driven by male reproductive competition and selection for female fecundity enhancement. We used experimental evolution under male‐ or female‐biased sex ratios and limited or unlimited food regimes to investigate the relative roles of these routes to male provisioning in a sex role‐reversed beetle, Megabruchidius tonkineus, where males provide females with nutritious ejaculates. Males evolving under male‐biased sex ratios transferred larger ejaculates than did males from female‐biased populations, demonstrating a sizeable role for reproductive competition in the evolution of male provisioning. Although larger ejaculates elevated female lifetime offspring production, we found little evidence of selection for larger ejaculates via fecundity enhancement: males evolving under resource‐limited and unlimited conditions did not differ in mean ejaculate size. Resource limitation did, however, affect the evolution of conditional ejaculate allocation. Our results suggest that the resource provisioning that underpins sex role reversal in this system is the result of male–male reproductive competition rather than of direct selection for males to enhance female fecundity.  相似文献   

Male parents face a choice: should they invest more in caring for offspring or in attempting to mate with other females? The most profitable course depends on the intensity of competition for mates, which is likely to vary with the population sex ratio. However, the balance of pay‐offs may vary among individual males depending on their competitive prowess or attractiveness. We tested the prediction that sex ratio and size of the resource holding male provide cues regarding the level of mating competition prior to breeding and therefore influence the duration of a male's biparental caring in association with a female. Male burying beetles, Nicrophorus vespilloides were reared, post‐eclosion, in groups that differed in sex ratio. Experimental males were subsequently translocated to the wild, provided with a breeding resource (carcass) and filmed. We found no evidence that sex ratio cues prior to breeding affected future parental care behaviour but males that experienced male‐biased sex ratios took longer to attract wild mating partners. Smaller males attracted a higher proportion of females than did larger males, securing significantly more monogamous breeding associations as a result. Smaller males thus avoided competitive male–male encounters more often than larger males. This has potential benefits for their female partners who avoid both intrasexual competition and direct costs of higher mating frequency associated with competing males.  相似文献   

Female‐biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often considered an epiphenomenon of selection for the increased mating opportunities provided by early male maturation (i.e., protandry). Empirical evidence of the adaptive significance of protandry remains nonetheless fairly scarce. We use field data collected throughout the reproductive season of an SSD crab spider, Mecaphesa celer, to test two hypotheses: Protandry provides fitness benefits to males, leading to female‐biased SSD, or protandry is an indirect consequence of selection for small male size/large female size. Using field‐collected data, we modeled the probability of mating success for females and males according to their timing of maturation. We found that males matured earlier than females and the proportion of virgin females decreased abruptly early in the season, but unexpectedly increased afterward. Timing of female maturation was not related to clutch size, but large females tended to have more offspring than small females. Timing of female and male maturation was inversely related to size at adulthood, as early‐maturing individuals were larger than late‐maturing ones, suggesting that both sexes exhibit some plasticity in their developmental trajectories. Such plasticity indicates that protandry could co‐occur with any degree and direction of SSD. Our calculation of the probability of mating success along the season shows multiple male maturation time points with similar predicted mating success. This suggests that males follow multiple strategies with equal success, trading‐off access to virgin females with intensity of male–male competition. Our results challenge classic hypotheses linking protandry and female‐biased SSD, and emphasize the importance of directly testing the often‐assumed relationships between co‐occurring animal traits.  相似文献   

The interests of males and females over reproduction rarely coincide and conflicts between the sexes over mate choice, mating frequency, reproductive investment, and parental care are common in many taxa. In Drosophila melanogaster, the optimum mating frequency is higher for males than it is for females. Furthermore, females that mate at high frequencies suffer significant mating costs due to the actions of male seminal fluid proteins. Sexual conflict is predicted to lead to sexually antagonistic coevolution, in which selection for adaptations that benefit males but harm females is balanced by counterselection in females to minimize the extent of male-induced harm. We tested the prediction that elevated sexual conflict should select for increased female resistance to male-induced harm and vice versa. We manipulated the intensity of sexual conflict by experimentally altering adult sex ratio. We created replicated lines of D. melanogaster in which the adult sex ratio was male biased (high conflict lines), equal (intermediate conflict lines), or female biased (low conflict lines). As predicted, females from high sexual conflict lines lived significantly longer in the presence of males than did females from low conflict lines. Our conclusion that the evolutionary response in females was to the level of male-induced harm is supported by the finding that there were no female longevity differences in the absence of males. Differences between males in female harming ability were not detected. This suggests that the response in females was to differences between selection treatments in mating frequency, and not to differences in male harmfulness.  相似文献   

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