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Ramma Sawhney 《Planta》1977,133(2):103-106
Seedlings of C. rubrum were irradiated with different light qualities and intensities following a single inductive dark period. Our results show that relatively low intensity white light (35–100 ft. c.) does not support flower development while high intensity white light (650–800 ft. c.) permits 100% flowering. We have shown that the low intensity light inhibiton of flower development is not due to suboptimal photosynthesis. Relatively low intensities of light rich in far-red or blue wavebands sustains optimum flower development, whereas red light is totally ineffective in this respect. Considering that the intensity dependent High Energy Reaction (HER) has its action maxima in the blue and far-red we propose that HER may be positively involved in the flower development of C. rubrum. Our study further suggests that there may be some flower inhibitory component at play in relatively low intensity white light conditions and HER may be required to counteract this flower inhibitory effect.Abbreviations SD short day plant - HER High Energy Reaction - PFR far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - PR red absorbing form of phytochrome - L.I.I. low intensity incandescent white light - H.I.I. high intensity incandescent white light - L.I.F. low intensity fluorescent white light - H.I.F. high intensity fluorescent white light - GA3 gibbrellic acid This paper constitutes a part of a Ph.D. thesis submitted to the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.  相似文献   

Diquat (2 x 10(-4)m) inhibited both aerobic and anaerobic growth of Rhodospirillum rubrum. With photosynthetic cultures, diquat affected the synthesis of bacteriochlorophyll more readily than cell mass (turbidity). Diquat retarded the synthesis of bacteriochlorophyll and some protein more readily than that of other cellular constituents such as ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid, and cell mass. With cells deficient in phosphate, diquat inhibited the uptake-conversion of inorganic phosphate completely only when 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1'-dimethyl urea and ascorbate were also present.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Biloxi-Soja-Bohnen (Glycine max. L. Merr) erhielten photoperiodische Cyclen, die aus 8-oder 9stündigen Lichtperioden und unterschiedlich langen Dunkelperioden bestanden. Die Dunkelperioden wurden zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten durch halbstündiges Störlicht unterbrochen. Die Wirkung dieser unterschiedlichen Behandlungen wurde durch Messung der Blühreaktionen bestimmt.Ein Störlicht, welches in frühen Abschnitten der langen Dunkelperiode geboten wird, verhindert die Blütenbildung unabhängig von der Länge des Gesamtcyclus, dem die Pflanzen ausgesetzt werden. Diese Unterdrückung erreicht ihr Maximum mit einem Störlicht, welches 8 Std nach dem Beginn der Dunkelperiode wirkt; die Hemmung ist schwächer, wenn das Störlicht früher geboten wird. Ein Störlicht, das gegen Ende der Dunkelperiode geboten wird, reduziert die Blütenbildung ebenfalls. Dieser Effekt erreicht sein Maximum mit einem Störlicht, welches ungefähr 8 Std vor dem Ende der Dunkelperiode geboten wird, er wird mit abnehmender Länge der nach dem Störlicht folgenden Dunkelperiode kleiner. Die Wirkung von Störlicht, das zu anderen Zeiten während der Dunkelperiode geboten wird, hängt von der Länge des Gesamtcyclus ab. Bei Cycluslängen, die für Blütenbildung ungünstig sind, kann solches Störlicht blühfördernd wirken.

Wit 7 Figures in the Text

Supported in part by a National Science Foundation grant toKarl C. Hamner.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1986,24(4):311-319
Two populations of Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol., one from Menai Bridge, Wales, other from Trondheim, Norway, were grown in Trondheim under identical conditions. The two populations showed an equal growth response to light (saturation at 100 Wm−2 at a day-length > 18 h). Temperature optima were 17–18°C and 16°C for the Menai Bridge and Trondheim populations, respectively.In Menai Bridge, local apical growth during April–August was about twice that in Trondheim. When the two populations were exposed to identical conditions (natural light, variable irradiances, different daylengths, different temperatures), the Menai Bridge population had about a 40% better growth rate than the Trondheim population, irrespective of treatment. It is concluded that the differences in local growth rates are partly due to environmental conditions and partly to different genetic growth capacities.  相似文献   

Summary Seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from Russia (59°58N) and Poland (53°34N) were grown for 4 months in controlled environment chambers, simulating the photoperiod conditions of 50° and 60° N. The Russian population grown at 50° N showed earlier height growth cessation than the Polish population. Photoperiodic conditions of 60° N increased proportional allocation of dry mass to shoots and lowered allocation to roots in the Russian population, which also had greater allocation to roots than the Polish population in both treatments. Total non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in roots and secondary needles of both populations were significantly higher at the end of the 4 month growing season at 50° compared to 60° N. Net photosynthesis rates were similar for both provenances and both treatments. The rate of transpiration was higher and water-use efficiency lower for plants grown in long-day conditions of 60° N. The mean respiration rate of roots ranged between 30 and 36 nmol CO2 · g-1 dry mass · s-1 and was 2–4 times higher than values observed for needles. Root respiration rates were greater in the Polish than the Russian population. Despite this, the greater allocation to root dry mass of the Russian population resulted in greater root respiratory cost as a proportion of daily carbon gain. Overall, root respiration accounted for between 18 to 34% of the total daily net carbon assimilation of these populations. Root and total respiration as a proportion of net daily carbon assimilation were greater at 50° than 60°N. Mean net integrated CO2 gains were 2.2–2.5 mmol CO2 · day-1 for seedlings from Russia compared to 3 mmol CO2 · day-1 for Poland.  相似文献   

R. G. Mayne  H. Kende 《Planta》1986,167(2):159-165
The ability of vacuoles prepared from V. faba leaves to convert 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid to C2H4 was destroyed when vacuoles were lysed by passage through a hypodermic needle, freezing and thawing, osmotic shock, treatment with ethanol or with a detergent. Ethylene synthesis in the vacuolar fraction was also inhibited by the uncouplers carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone and dinitrophenol and by the ionophores valinomycin, nigericin, and A23187. Ethylene formation increased with increasing pH of the incubation medium over the pH range of 5.0–7.5. These observations support the hypothesis that C2H4 biosynthesis in vacuolar preparations is dependent on membrane integrity, possibly because of the requirement for a transmembrane ion gradient.Abbreviations ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - AVG aminoethoxyvinylglycine - CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone  相似文献   

The rate laws for the earliest events in the transmetalation of dimeric copper(I) complexes L2Cu2X2 (L = N,N,N′N′-tetraalkyldiamine; X = Cl or Br) by M(NS)2 reagents (M = Co, Ni, Cu, Zn; NS is a monoanionic S-methylhydrazinecarbodithioate Schiff base ligand) depend on L, X, M and NS and the aprotic solvent. The kinetic data are compared with those for monotransmetalation of copper(II) complexes (μ4-O)N4Cu4X6 by M(NS)2. Different kinetic behavior is particularly marked for cobalt(II) reactants. Unexpectedly high rates of reactions with Cu(NS)2 are attributed to electron transfer. The results provide a basis for discussion of transmetalation specificity.  相似文献   

Interferons (IFNs) induce a 2′,5′-oligoadenylate (2-5A)-dependent ribonuclease L (RNase L) following virus-infection of mammalian cells. RNase L degrades both viral and cellular RNAs and restricts virus-proliferation. We have studied organization of RNase L gene in genomic DNA from the mouse liver by Southern blot analysis. Several BamHI, BglII, EcoRI, HincII, HindIII, NcoI, PstI, SacI, and XbaI restriction fragments hybridized to 32P-labeled mouse RNase L cDNA and the 5′-proximal exon probes. Mouse RNase L gene exists as a single copy (>16 kb DNA) gene. A 5 kb HindIII and a 2.5 kb EcoRI DNA were detected as 5′-upstream DNA of the gene which may contain mouse RNase L promoter. Our results will help studying mouse RNase L gene promoter in further details.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of major biochemical features were studied for three abundant egg-diapausing copepods Acartia bifilosa, Centropages hamatus and Temora longicornis, in the White Sea (66°N), between June 2002 and September 2002. Dry weight (DW) and prosome length varied from 0.54 μg ind−1 and 0.163 ± 0.012 mm (A. bifilosa, CI) to 9.58 ± 0.72 μg ind−1 and 1.135 ± 0.167 mm (C. hamatus, females). Corg and Norg content reached up to 5.91 ± 0.44 and 1.23 ± 0.09 μg ind−1 (C. hamatus, females). Protein and lipid content varied greatly from 31.8 to 67.3% DW and from 8.7 to 42.6% DW, respectively. These species show somewhat different biology compared to species at lower latitudes. The copepods use lipid stores to survive during short-term food shortage (e.g. in autumn) and successfully complete their life cycle. In the isolated White Sea during last post-glacial period, species probably evolved some special biochemical features (especially wax esters presence). Food quality demands and long ice coverage are possible factors limiting early development of species in spring.  相似文献   

Diversion of sewage from L. Glumsø reduced phosphorus loading from 6.0 g P.m–2.yr–1 to 1.6 g P.m–2.yr–1. Chlorophyll levels during summer were reduced from 6–800 mg Chl.m–3 to about 200 mg Chl.m–3 mainly by extended periods with phosphorus limitation. Internal phosphorus loading was significant in the first 2 years after nutrient reduction. Predictions of the recovery were made by both simple, empirical models and with complex, dynamic model versions. The actual responses of L. Glumsø were compared with both previously published predictions and predictions made with improved model versions. Objective functions of 0.18 and global correlation coefficients of 0.89 could be achieved.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,120(2):165-171
[N,N′-Bis(pyridine-2′-carboxamide)-1,2-benzene]nickel(II) monohydrate, C18H14N4O3Ni, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c with a = 14.240(4), b = 20.071(3), c = 16.275(2) Å,β = 97.25(2)o, Z = 12 and its crystal structure has been refined to R = 0.033 for 3597 diffractometer data. [N,N′-Bis(6′-methylpyridine-2′-carboxamide)-1,2- benzene]nickel(II) monohydrate, C20H18N4O3Ni, crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbca with a = 10.14(2) b = 17.12(2), c= 21.11(5) Å, Z = 8 and its crystal structure has been refined to R = 0.088 for 1979 photographic data. In both structures the nickel atoms are four coordinate with the ligands acting as N4 tetradentates. For the first mentioned complex the structure consists of two independent molecules one of which is constrained, by space group requirements, to have C2 (2) symmetry. These two molecules are closely similar and both exhibit nearly planar molecular arrangements with a small tetrahedral twist of up to 4o at the nickel atoms. In the second complex the methyl substitution at the 6′-pyridyl positions causes severe steric strain in the molecule which gives rise to a 14.9o tetrahedral twist at the nickel atom and approximately 25% pyramidal distortion at both amide nitrogen atoms. The resulting methyl-methyl separation of 3.26(1) Å is considerably less than the sum of the van der Waals radii for two such groups. This close separation leads to carbon-acid character for the methyl group protons which are shown to exchange for deuterons in NMR studies. A full analysis of the out-of-plane distortions and torsion angles of the two structures and a comparison with the previously reported analogous copper structures are made.  相似文献   

Synthesis of complexes cis,cis-WVOXL (X=Cl, NCS), cis,trans-WVOXL (X=Cl, OPh, SPh) and cis,trans-WVIE2L (E2=O2, OS, S2) of the title ligand LH2 are reported. cis,cis-WVOCIL crystallises in space group P21/c with a=13.6541(9) Å, b=7.1555(11) Å, c=18.198(2) Å, β=95.294(6)°, V=1770.4(3) Å3 and Z=4 while the cis,trans isomer crystallises in space group P21/n with a=10.361(3) Å, b=14.141(4) Å, c=12.213(5) Å, β=102.56(3)°, V=1747(2) Å3 and Z=4. cis,trans-WVIS2L crystallises in space group P21/n with a=10.645(2) Å, b=13.929(2) Å, c=12.189(2) Å, β=103.14(2)°, V=1760(1) Å3 and Z=4. A short CH3···Cl distance of 3.067(7) Å and an acute OWCl angle of 94.1(2)° are seen in cis,cis-WVOClL, which converts to the cis,trans form on heating in MeCN. The latter isomer features a CH3···Cl distance of 3.38(2) Å and an OWCl angle of 105.1(8)°. Electrochemical and EPR data are reported. In particular, cis,trans-WVIE2L may be reduced to [WVE2L]. EPR properties of these anions and those of complexes WVOXL are discussed in the context of WV centres in tungsten enzymes.  相似文献   

Crude extracts of Rhodospirillum rubrum catalyzed the formation of acid-volatile radioactivity from (35S) sulfate, (35S) adenosine-5-phosphosulfate, and (35S) 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulfate. An enzyme fraction similar to APS-sulfotransferases from plant sources was purified 228-fold from Rhodospirillum rubrum. It is suggested here that this enzyme is specific for adenosine-5-phosphosulfate, because the purified enzyme fraction metabolized adenosine-5-phosphosulfate, however, only at a rate of 1/10 of that with adenosine-5-phosphosulfate. Further, the reaction with 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulfate was inhibited with 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphate whereas this nucleotide had no effect on the reaction with adenosine-5-phosphosulfate. For this activity with adenosine-5-phosphosulfate the name APS-sulfotransferase is suggested. This APS-sulfotransferase needs thiols for activity; good rates were obtained with either dithioerythritol or reduced glutathione; other thiols like cysteine, 2-3-dimercaptopropanol or mercaptoethanol are less effective. The electron donor methylviologen did not catalyze this reaction. The pH-optimum was about 9.0; the apparent K m for adenosine-5-phosphosulfate was determined to be 0.05 mM with this so far purified enzyme fraction. Enzyme activity was increased with K2SO4 and Na2SO4 and was inhibited by 5-AMP. These properties are similar to assimilatory APS-sulfotransferases from spinach and Chlorella.Abbreviations APS adenosine-5-phosphosulfate - PAPS 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulfate - 5-AMP adenosine-5-monophosphate - 3-AMP adenosine-3-monophosphate - 3-5-ADP 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphate (PAP) - DTE dithiorythritol - GSH reduced glutathione - BAL 2-3-dimercaptopropanol  相似文献   

We have examined the oxidation of N,N′-bis(4-aminophenyl)-N,N′-dimethylethylenediamine (BED) by tissue homogenates and fractions of liver homogenates. We find that this agent both gives osmiophilic deposits in tissue blocks and readily increases the uptake of oxygen by hepatic homogenates. The highest activity was in the mitochondrial and, next, in the microsomal fractions. Kinetic evidence indicates that the former represents two enzymatic activities while the latter is only a single site. The activity was greatest in the outer membrane of the mitochondria, in agreement with electron micrographic studies and in the rough microsomal fraction. Further, it was very sensitive to both formaldehyde and detergents. The activity was not well associated with either monamine oxidase (benzylamine substrate) or xanthine oxidase activities. Activity was observed in a large number of tissues.  相似文献   

Metamitron is a key herbicide in modern low rate weed control programs in sugar beet. Fat hen (Chenopodium album, CHEAL) is a common, highly competitive, weed in sugar beet and one of the targets of metamitron. Recently, unsatisfactory control of fat hen has been reported in several sugar beet fields situated in various regions in Belgium. Weather conditions as well as the mere fact of using low rate systems have been blamed for these poor performances. To address the question "Is the recently recorded poor control of C. album due to decreased sensitivity to metamitron", greenhouse bioassays were carried out. A first experiment was conducted applying metamitron (0, 350, 700 and 1,400 g ai/ha) postemergence to three "suspected" C. album populations originating from sugar beet fields with unsatisfactory control by standard metamitron based treatment schemes ('Ligne', 'Outgaarden' and 'Boutersem I' respectively) and to one sensitive population originating from an untreated garden site ('Gent'). In a second experiment seven population, five "suspected" fat hen populations from sugar beet fields ('Boutersem I', 'Boutersem II', 'Postel', 'Vissenaken' and 'Kortessem' respectively), one sensitive reference population 'Herbiseed' and one atrazine-resistant reference population 'ME.85.01', were submitted to metamitron (0, 1, 2 and 4 mg ai/kg air-dry soil) and atrazine (1.5 mg ai/kg air-dry soil) preplant incorporated. All "suspected" C. album populations displayed a significantly lower sensitivity to metamitron compared to the sensitive populations ('Gent' and 'Herbiseed') that never had been exposed to this herbicide. As target site cross-resistance of atrazine-resistant C. album, selected by atrazine in maize, to metamitron has been known for a long time, cross-resistance of C. album populations in sugar beet grown on fields with "maize - atrazine" containing rotations might be expected to appear. The outcome of the experiment with atrazine preplant incorporated was the confirmation of resistance in all "suspected" populations ('Boutersem I', 'Boutersem II', 'Postel', 'Vissenaken' and 'Kortessem'). However, some "suspected" populations came from fields with no background of cropping with maize and use of atrazine. So, the question remains whether these triazine-resistant C. album had been imported, e.g. with slurry, or the rather unexpected possibility that metamitron itself did select for metamitron-resistant biotypes bearing cross-resistance to atrazine, had become reality.  相似文献   

The O′-pivaloyl diesters of N′-acetyl-azanucleosides were obtained from N-[1,3-di(pivaloyloxy)prop-2-yl]-N-(pivaloyloxymethyl)acetamide and a silylated nucleobase under Vorbrüggen's conditions. Unexpectedly, de-pivaloylation of the diesters under basic conditions afforded the corresponding nucleobase and N-acetylserinol. Mechanistic investigations showed that these products result from the following cascade of spontaneous transformations initiated by the mono de-pivaloylation of the starting diesters. N′-Deacetylation of the resultant mono-esters via the intramolecular N-O acetyl migration is the key step of the cascade; the corresponding NH-azanucleosides in the form of O-acetyl-O′-pivaloyl diesters are formed. Fragmentation of these diester intermediates gives the nucleobase and O-acetyl-O′-pivaloylserinol. Conversion of the latter to N-acetylserinol involves the selective O-N acetyl migration followed by de-pivaloylation of the resulting N-acetyl-O-pivaloylserinol.  相似文献   

M. Voß  M. Weidner 《Planta》1988,173(1):96-103
Tonoplast vesicles were prepared from red-beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. conditiva) hypocotyl tubers (beetroot) known to store sucrose. Uptake experiments, employing uridine 5-diphospho-[14C]glucose (UDP-[14C]glucose) showed the operation of an UDP-glucose-dependent group translocator for vectorial synthesis and accumulation of sucrose, recently described for sugarcane and red-beet vacuoles and for tonoplast vesicles prepared from sugarcane suspension cells. Characterization of the kinetic properties yielded the following results. Uptake of UDP-glucose was linear for 15 min. The apparent K m was 0.75 mM for UDP-glucose (at pH 7.2, 1 mM Mg2+), V max was 32 nmol·(mg protein)-1·min-1. The incorporation of UDP-glucose exhibited a sigmoidal substrate-saturation curve in the absence of Mg2+, the Hill coefficient (n H) was 1.33; Michaelis-Menten kinetics were obtained, however, in the presence of 1 mM MgCl2. For the reaction sequence under the control of the group translocator a dual pH optimum was found at pH 7.2 and 7.9, respectively. All reaction intermediates and the end product sucrose could be identified by two-dimensional high-performance thin-layer chromatography and autoradiography. The distribution pattern of radioactivity showed almost uniformly high labeling of all intermediates and sucrose. The physiological relevance of the results is discussed in the light of the fact that the tonoplast of red-beet storage cells accommodates two mechanisms of sucrose uptake (i) vectorial sucrose synthesis and (ii) direct ATP-dependent sucrose assimilation.Abbreviations HPTLC High-performance thin-layer chromatography - UDP uridine 5-diphosphate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

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