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1. During the early differentiation of the cuticle the cell membranes smooth out and the cells become closely attached over most of their surface. The change seems to be due to a layer of cement which forms between them. The plasma membranes also increase in density. 2. The decreased membrane activity of the cuticle cells may prevent a phagocytosis of the melanocyte processes and thus account for the non-pigmentation of the cuticle. 3. The flattening and imbrication of the cuticle may possibly be explained by a zipper-like spread of cell contacts. 4. Keratinisation of the cuticle occurs at a late stage in its development; the keratin formed is an amorphous type, similar to the gamma-fraction of the cortex which is produced at a similar level. 5. Keratinisation is accompanied by the formation of complex intercellular layers similar to structures observed in the inner root sheath (see Part 3). 6. In the final stage of keratinisation the remaining cytoplasm condenses with the result that the cell is divided into a laminated structure with an outer keratinised layer and an inner layer, which is insoluble in keratinolytic solvents.  相似文献   

Summary Cells isolated from the guinea-pig vestibular sensory epithelia were studied using light- and electron-microscopic techniques. The cells maintained their characteristic shapes when they had been separated. Mammalian vestibular cells are traditionally divided into two classes, type-I and type-II hair cells. It was, however, found that the population of isolated cells consisted of hair cells with a striking variability in shape and size. This was most conspicuous for the type-I hair cells. Isolated hair cells processed for electron microscopy showed that the isolation process caused minor ultrastructural damage but that the separation often was incomplete in that the large calyx-like nerve endings were still attached to type-I cells. The results suggest that the distinction of only two classes might be insufficient to describe mammalian vestibular hair cells.  相似文献   

Histochemical study of estradiol in the guinea pig ovary using RIA antiserum revealed specific estradiol fluorescence in theca interna cells and in single cells of atretic follicles. The fluorescence intensity was highest in the estrus phase.  相似文献   

1. The presumptive cortical cells of hair in the undifferentiated matrix of the bulb contain mitochondria, agranular vesicles, and many small dense R.N.P. particles, but no keratin, pigment granules, or endoplasmic reticulum. 2. In the mid-bulb region intercellular adhesion is limited to small localised areas. Intercellular gaps are common and the cell surfaces are irregularly convoluted. The melanocyte processes penetrate the cell gaps. The relation between their pigment-bearing tips and the involutions of the cell membranes suggests an active phagocytosis of the tips. 3. Fibrous keratin first appears in loose parallel strands of fine filaments (ca. 60 A diameter) in the mid-bulb. The filaments, the long mitochondria, and elongated nucleus are all parallel to the long axis of the cell and the axis of the follicle. 4. At the level of the constriction of the bulb and above, a dense amorphous substance appears between the fine filaments and apparently acts as adhesive cement. The bundles of filaments now form well defined fibrils. The packing of the filaments within the fibrils is in places hexagonal and elsewhere in the form of "whorls." 5. At higher levels further filaments and interfilamentous cement are added together and the whole cytoplasmic space becomes packed with fibrils which finally condense to massive blocks of keratin. The residual cellular material occupies the interstices. 6. The addition of the interfilamentous substance is regarded as an essential factor in keratinisation. Keratin is considered to be a complex made of fine filaments (alpha-filaments) embedded in an amorphous substance (gamma-keratin) which has the higher cystine content. 7. The wide-angle fibre-type x-ray pattern is thought to be due to scattering by the fine alpha-filaments and some low angle lateral spacings to the filament-plus-cement structure.  相似文献   

Summary Electron-microscopical studies on the organ of Corti in kanamycin-intoxicated guinea pigs showed that progressive changes occurred in the cochlear hair cells. The changes appeared first in the basal turn of the organ of Corti, and affected primarily the outer hair-cells. During the later stages of intoxication, degeneration spread from the basal turn upwards, in the direction of the apex of the cochlea and, finally, affected all the external hair-cells.The early changes caused clumping of the chromatin in the nucleus, swelling of the nuclear membrane, damage in the mitochondria, with vesiculation of the mitochondrial cristae, and the formation of lamellated structures. The lysosomes were converted into dense bodies exhibiting various degeneration patterns. The ribosomes disappeared at an early stage from the cytoplasm.Even in cells where severe changes had occurred the hairs and cuticle seemed to be intact.During the final stages the plasma membrane, as well as the hairs and cuticle, was destroyed, and only remnants of these structures remained.Even after the disappearance of the sensory cells and the afferent nerve endings, some efferent nerve endings were still present in the organ of Corti.The action of kanamycin seems to differ slightly from that of streptomycin, since the changes caused by kanamycin in the plasma membrane are a fairly late effect, whereas the earliest changes occur apparently in the RNA protein-synthesis system and in the mitochondria of the external hair-cells.
Zusammenfassung Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen am Cortischen Organ von Meerschweinchen mit Kanamycinintoxikation ergaben eine fortschreitende Schädigung der cochlearen Haarzellen. Die Veränderungen begannen in der basalen Schneckenwindung und betrafen vorwiegend die äußeren Haarzellen. In späteren Intoxikationsstadien breitete sich die Degeneration von der Basalwindung nach aufwärts bis in die Schneckenspitze aus und wurde schließlich an allen äußeren Haarzellen gesehen.Die früheren Veränderungen manifestierten sich am Kern mit Chromatinverklumpung, Schwellen der Kernmembran, Schädigung der Mitochondrion mit vesikulären Cristae mitochondriales und Bildung von Lamellenstrukturen. Die Lysosomen waren in dichte Körper verwandelt und wiesen verschiedene Degenerationsmuster auf. Die Ribosomen verschwanden früh aus dem Cytoplasma. Sogar in schwer geschädigten Zellen erschienen Haare und Cuticula intakt.In den Endstadien waren Plasmamembran, Haare und Cuticula bis auf Reste zerstört. Einige efferente Nervenendigungen waren selbst nach dem Verschwinden der Haarzellen und der afferenten Endigungen noch anzutreffen.Die Wirkung von Kanamycin ist offenbar etwas anders als die von Streptomycin, da die Veränderungen an der Plasmamembran ziemlich spät auftreten, während sich die frühesten Schäden im System der RNA-Proteinsynthese und in den Mitochondrien der äußeren Haarzellen zu manifestieren scheinen.

This investigation was supported by Grant No. NB 3956-03 from the US Public Health Service, the Swedish Medical Research Council, and Stiftelsen Therese and Johan Anderssons Minne. The skillful technical assistance of Miss Cathrine Lindholm, Miss Ann-Marie Lundberg, Miss Sonja Löfvenius, and Miss Gunilla Wiman is gratefully acknowledged. The kanamycin was kindly supplied by AB H. Lundbeck & Co.  相似文献   

Various animal models have been employed for research on the significance of measuring trace element concentrations in the human scalp hair. The objects of such research were the establishment of relationships between the concentrations of trace elements in human scalp hair and (1) their concentrations in other compartments of the human body or (2) specific pathophysiological conditions. The guinea pig appears to be the animal of choice for such studies because the elemental composition and growth pattern of its hair parallel those of the human scalp hair.  相似文献   

Summary The use of phenazine methosulfate (PMS) has been investigated in the histochemical demonstration of dehydrogenase in some organs of the rat. The demonstration of nicotinamid-adenine-dinucleotide (NAD) linked dehydrogenases, which in the conventional methods without PMS is dependent upon the localisation of reduced NAD (NADH)-diaphorase, is greatly hindered by PMS. This inhibition is caused by the inactivation of the diaphorase by PMS. However in tissues or cells lacking the diaphorase, the nucleotide-linked dehydrogenases can be made visible by the addition of PMS to the conventional dehydrogenase reagents. PMS strongly activates the nucleotide-independent dehydrogenases such as succinate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

The granulosa cell produces a protein inhibitor of aromatase activity (follicle-regulatory protein: FRP), which recently was purified to homogeneity. To determine the possible involvement of FRP in follicular maturation, we examined the size distribution of follicles and their morphological patterns as well as serum steroid levels after the systemic administration of FRP and/or gonadotropin to guinea pigs, which have 5-6 days between luteolysis and ovulation in a 16-day cycle. FRP was partially purified from porcine follicular fluid by ammonium sulfate precipitation (0-35%), Dye Matrex Orange A Chromatography, dialysis, and lyophylization. To investigate the effect of pregnant mare's serum (PMS) during the periovulatory period in follicular development, adult guinea pigs underwent unilateral ovariectomy on Days 10, 12, and 14 of the estrous cycle (N = 6 each). Guinea pigs were injected twice daily with vehicle or PMS (5 IU) and 2 days thereafter the remaining ovaries were removed. Another group of guinea pigs received, in addition, intraperitoneal injections of FRP (1 mg) each morning from Day 8 of estrus until they were killed. The resected ovaries were fixed, embedded in paraffin, serially sectioned (7 micron), and stained with Azan for comparative study via light microscopy. All follicles greater than 400 micron were classified by size, and the atretic pattern was determined by mural granulosa cell pyknosis and antral sloughing. The distribution of follicular size was not affected by hemicastration at Day 10, although the percentage of total atretic follicles decreased. In the PMS-treated group, there was a significant decrease in the number of viable follicles (700-899 micron) after hemicastration. Also pronounced in follicles of this size was the lack of mid-atretic follicles. After injections of FRP for 3 or 5 days, the overall number of follicles was almost doubled as compared to the number found in the normal ovary. Additionally, there was a significant increase in the percentage of follicles that were recently atretic, although the total percentage of atretic follicles was unchanged. After hemicastration at Day 10 followed by FRP treatment for 2 days, the total percentage of atretic follicles in the remaining ovary decreased to 18% compared with 35% in the normal ovary, 46% in the hemicastrated plus PMS-treated group, and 38% in the hemicastrated and PMS- and FRP-treated group (all p less than 0.01). Treating the hemicastrated animal with PMS increased the percentage of atretic follicles in all groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The guinea pig mesentery is a uniform, continuous, thin (18 micron) sheet of connective tissue covered by a single layer of flattened mesothelial cells on both surfaces. Tight and gap junctions provide for cell-to-cell adhesion among mesothelial cells. These cells possess numerous micropinocytotic vesicles; a conspicuous basal lamina separates the mesothelium from the underlying connective tissue. Most of the material found between the two serous coverings consisted of a three-dimensional meshwork of abundant collagenous fibers intermingled with a sparse net of very thin (0.4 micron) elastic fibers. Two distinct populations of collagen fibrils are segregated into different compartments of the mesentery. One population is formed of thick (56 nm) fibrils which associate to form closely packed fibers. The second population, composed of loosely arranged thin (38 nm) fibrils which do not become assembled into fibers, is found underlying the basal lamina that separates the mesothelium from the connective tissue. These observations strongly suggest that the mesentery contains both collagens type I and type III. The guinea pig mesentery contains 6.8 mg of sulfated glycosaminoglycans/g dry weight. Most of these glycosaminoglycans (78%) were identified as dermatan sulfate, whilst the rest (22%) corresponded to heparan sulfate.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural localization of nucleozidphosphatases (5'-nucleotidase, adenosin triphosphatase (ATPase) and beta-glicerophosphatase) in antral follicles of the guinea-pig ovary has been studied. Certain heterogeneity has been found in distribution of the enzymes: the cells in the follicular tunic possess the greatest 5'-nucleotidase and ATPase activity. When 5'-adenosin monophosphate (5'-AMP) is used as a substrate, the lead phosphate residue is mainly revealed in the external surface of plasmolemma and as "caps" in the margical zone of nucleoplasm. ATPase activity is chiefly observed in nucleoli of granular cells and in those of the external follicular tunic cells. Histochemical reaction with 5'-AMP proceeds most intensively in the lucid tunic and in processes of the granular cells contacting with the oocyte. A possibility is discussed on participation of the metabolic enzymes, that localize in these structures, in the mechanisms controlling the oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The biology of hair follicle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human hair follicle is a unique appendage which results from epithelio-mesenchymal interactions initiated around the 3rd month of development. This appendage has a very complex structure, with more than 20 different cell types distributed into 6 main compartments, namely the connective tissue sheath, the dermal papilla, the outer root sheath, the inner root sheath, the shaft and the sebaceous gland. The pigmentation unit, responsible for hair color, is made of fully active melanocytes located on top of the dermal papilla. This complex appendage has a unique behavior in mammals since, after a hair production phase, it involutes in situ before entering a resting phase after which it renews in a cyclical but stochastic fashion, out of a double reservoir of pluripotent stem cells also to able regenerate epidermis. The pigmentation unit also renews in a cyclical fashion, out of a melanocyte progenitor reservoir which progressively declines with time, provoking the hair whitening process. Finally, the shape of the hair shaft is programmed from the bulb. The hair follicle thus behaves as a fully autonomous skin appendage with its own hormonal control, its own autocrine and paracrine network, its own cycle, appearing as an incredibly complex and stable structure which summarizes the main rules of tissue homeostasis.  相似文献   

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