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Molecular genetics of dopa-responsive dystonia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The causative genes of two types of hereditary dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) due to dopamine (DA) deficiency in the nigrostriatum DA neurons have been elucidated. Autosomal dominant DRD (AD-DRD) was originally described by Segawa as hereditary progressive dystonia with marked diurnal fluctuation (HPD). We cloned the human GTP cyclohydrolase I (GCH1) gene, and mapped the gene to chromosome 14q22.1-q22.2 within the HPD/DRD locus, which had been identified by linkage analysis. GCH1 isthe rate-limiting enzyme for the biosynthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), the cofactor for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), which is the first and rate-limiting enzyme of DA synthesis. We proved that the GCH1 gene is the causative gene for HPD/DRD based on the identification of mutations of the gene in the patients and decreases in the enzyme activity expressed in mononuclear blood cells to 2-20% of the normal value. About 60 different mutations (missense, nonsense, and frameshift mutations) in the coding region or in the exon-intron junctions of the GCH1 gene have been reported in patients with AD-DRD all over the world. Recent findings indicate that the decreased GCH1 activity in AD-DRD may be caused by the negative interaction of the mutated subunit with the wild-type one, i.e., a dominant negative effect, and/or by decreases in the levels of GCH1 mRNA and protein caused by inactivation of one allele of the GCH1 gene. Autosomal recessive DRD (AR-DRD) with Segawa's syndrome was discovered in Germany. The AR-DRD locus was mapped to chromosome 11p15.5 in the chromosomal site of the TH gene. In the AR-DRD with Segawa's syndrome, a point mutation in TH (Gln381Lys) resulted in a pronounced decrease in TH activity to about 15% of that of the wild type. Several missense mutations in the TH gene have been found in AR-DRD in Europe. The phenotype of AR-DRD with the Leu205Pro mutation in the TH gene, which produces a severe decrease in TH activity to 1.5% of that of the wild type, was severe, not dystonia/Segawa's syndrome, but early-onset parkinsonism. However, a marked improvement of all clinical symptoms with a low dose of L-dopa was reported in AR-DRD/parkinsonism patients. These findings on DRD indicate that the nigrostriatal DA neurons may be most susceptible to the decreases in GCH1 activity, BH4 level, TH activity, and DA level, and that DRD is the DA deficiency without neuronal death in contrast to juvenile parkinsonism or Parkinson's disease with DA cell death.  相似文献   

For the first time in Russia, analysis of the GCH-I and DYT1 genes was carried out for the purpose of direct DNA diagnostics in families with various forms of hereditary torsion dystonia (TD). Four new missense mutations (Met102Lys, Thr94Lys, Cys141Trp, and Ser176Thr) in the GCH-I gene were found in patients with dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD), testifying to a genetic heterogeneity of this clinical form of TD. The distribution of the major del GAG mutation in exon 5 of the DYT1 gene was studied in patients with non-dopa-responsive dystonia (NDRD). In total, the mutation was found in 68% of the patients. The frequency of this mutation in Ashkenazi Jews with NDRD was 100% (twice higher than in Slavonic families), suggesting the founder effect reported for NDRD in this ethnic group. Mutations of the GCH-I and DYT1 genes were also found in patients with atypical and questionable cases of TD, which are difficult to diagnose with methods other than DNA analysis. The data obtained made it possible to extend the spectrum of clinical signs of DRD and NDRD and to revise the views on true penetrance of the corresponding mutant genes, which is important for medical genetic counseling in affected families.  相似文献   

It was shown in acute experiments on cats that electrical stimulation (ES) (100-300 Hz, 5.0-10.0 V) of cat's cerebellar vermal cortex (lobules V and VI) was followed by head deviation in the direction opposite to that side on which the animal was laying, posture and movement disturbances and also by simultaneously occurred contraction of musculus-antagonists of extremities. The tonic and posture disturbances were observed during 40-60 s after ES cessation. During this time in the zone of ES in cerebellar cortex the high-amplitude synchronized activity was registered which was due to generator of pathologically enhanced excitation (GPEE) formation. Intraperitoneal diazepam (0.5-1.0 mg/kg, 30 min before the observation) pretreatment suppressed GPEE formation that correlated with suppression of syndrome manifestations. The conclusion was made that cerebellar hyperactive cortex, which was due to GPEE induction, might have played the role of pathological hyperactive determinant structure of the described syndrome.  相似文献   

A GAG deletion in the DYT1 gene is a major cause of early-onset dystonia, but clinical disease expression occurs in only 30% of mutation carriers. To gain insight into genetic factors that may influence penetrance, we evaluated three DYT1 single-nucleotide polymorphisms, including D216H, a coding-sequence variation that moderates the effects of the DYT1 GAG deletion in cellular models. We tested DYT1 GAG-deletion carriers with (n=119) and without (n=113) clinical signs of dystonia and control individuals (n=197) and found the frequency of the 216H allele to be increased in GAG-deletion carriers without dystonia and to be decreased in carriers with dystonia, compared with the control individuals. Analysis of haplotypes demonstrated a highly protective effect of the H allele in trans with the GAG deletion; there was also suggestive evidence that the D216 allele in cis is required for the disease to be penetrant. Our findings establish, for the first time, a clinically relevant gene modifier of DYT1.  相似文献   

The results of segregation analysis applied to a family study of idiopathic torsion dystonia in Ashkenazi Jews are reported. The study is based on 43 probands (with age at onset prior to 27 years) from 42 nuclear families; pedigrees were extended systematically through all available first- and second-degree relatives, who were directly examined and videotaped. Final diagnoses were based on exam information and blinded videotape review. Segregation analysis demonstrated that the data are consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance with 30% penetrance. Recessive and polygenic inheritance were strongly rejected. There was no evidence for sporadic cases or new mutations. The high incidence and dominant inheritance of early-onset idiopathic torsion dystonia in Ashkenazi Jews suggests genetic homogeneity within this population, making it especially useful for linkage studies of this disorder.  相似文献   

Human gene for torsion dystonia located on chromosome 9q32-q34   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Torsion dystonia is a movement disorder of unknown etiology characterized by loss of control of voluntary movements appearing as sustained muscle contractions and/or abnormal postures. Dystonic movements can be caused by lesions in the basal ganglia, drugs, or gene defects. Several hereditary forms have been described, most of which have autosomal dominant transmission with variable expressivity. In the Ashkenazi Jewish population the defective gene frequency is about 1/10,000. Here, linkage analysis using polymorphic DNA and protein markers has been used to locate a gene responsible for susceptibility to dystonia in a large, non-Jewish kinship. Affected members of this family have a clinical syndrome similar to that found in the Jewish population. This dystonia gene (ITD1) shows tight linkage with the gene encoding gelsolin, an actin binding protein, and appears by multipoint linkage analysis to lie in the q32-q34 region of chromosome 9 between ABO and D9S26, a region that also contains the locus for dopamine-beta-hydroxylase.  相似文献   

The TOR1A (DYT1) gene family and its role in early onset torsion dystonia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Most cases of early onset torsion dystonia are caused by a 3-bp deletion (GAG) in the coding region of the TOR1A gene (alias DYT1, DQ2), resulting in loss of a glutamic acid in the carboxy terminal of the encoded protein, torsin A. TOR1A and its homologue TOR1B (alias DQ1) are located adjacent to each other on human chromosome 9q34. Both genes comprise five similar exons; each gene spans a 10-kb region. Mutational analysis of most of the coding region and splice junctions of TOR1A and TOR1B did not reveal additional mutations in typical early onset cases lacking the GAG deletion (N = 17), in dystonic individuals with apparent homozygosity in the 9q34 chromosomal region (N = 5), or in a representative Ashkenazic Jewish individual with late onset dystonia, who shared a common haplotype in the 9q34 region with other late onset individuals in this ethnic group. A database search revealed a family of nine related genes (50-70% similarity) and their orthologues in species including human, mouse, rat, pig, zebrafish, fruitfly, and nematode. At least four of these genes occur in the human genome. Proteins encoded by this gene family share functional domains with the AAA/HSP/Clp-ATPase superfamily of chaperone-like proteins, but appear to represent a distinct evolutionary branch.  相似文献   

In the course of neurosurgical interventions in 40 patients with parkinsonism and torsion muscle dystonia, the background activity (BA) was recorded from 124 neurons of the ventrolateral nucleus (VL) of the thalamus with the aid of microelectrodes during demarcation of boundaries between nuclear structures, and identification of zones within a nucleus. The following characteristic features of the BA in patients with parkinsonism were found: a relatively large proportion (71%) of cells with a burst pattern of activity; a great diversity of burst duration in the activity (short or prolonged bursts); a large proportion (67%) of cells with cyclic changes in the BA frequency; diverse patterns of cyclic modulation, where periods varied from fractions of a second (0.2–0.8 sec) to seconds (2–10 sec) or to tens of seconds (20–40 sec); cyclic successions of spike bursts with the rhythm typical of the peripheral tremor (3–7/sec) in a substantial proportion (40%) of the units.The background spike trains recorded in patients with torsion muscle dystonia consisted of separated spikes in the majority (69%) of units. Only short high-frequency discharges were found in the burst activity in this group; a cyclic BA pattern occurred much less frequently (in 23% of neurons); burst discharges at a 3–4/sec frequency were found only in 4% of the examined cells.The possible nature of motor disorders in patients with parkinsonism and torsion muscle dystonia and the mechanisms of the curing effects of cryodestruction of theVL of the thalamus in the treatment of the disease are discussed.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 246–253, July–August, 1993.  相似文献   

When structures compete for shared resources, this may lead to acquisition and allocation trade-offs so that the enlargement of one structure occurs at the expense of another. Among the studies of morphological trade-offs, their importance has been demonstrated primarily through experimental manipulations and comparative analyses. Relatively, a few studies have investigated the underlying genetic basis of phenotypic patterns. Here, we use a half-sibling breeding design to determine the genetic underpinnings of the phenotypic trade-off between head horns and the male copulatory organ or aedeagus that has been found in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus. Instead of the predicted negative genetic covariance among characters that trade-off, we find positive genetic covariance between absolute horn and aedeagus length and zero genetic covariance between relative horn and aedeagus length. Therefore, although the genetic covariance between absolute horn and aedeagus length would constrain the independent evolution of primary and secondary sexual characters in this population, there was no evidence of a trade-off. We discuss alternative hypotheses for the observed patterns of genetic correlation between traits that compete for resources and the implications that these have for selection and the evolution of such traits.  相似文献   

The pathophysiology of various types of dyskinesias, including dystonias, is poorly understood. Clinical and epidemiological studies in humans revealed that the severity of dyskinesias and the frequency of paroxysmal forms of the disease are altered by factors such as the onset of puberty, pregnancy, cyclical changes and stress, indicating an underlying hormonal component. The dystonic phenotype in the dt(sz) hamster, a genetic animal model of paroxysmal dystonia, has been suggested to be based on a deficit of striatal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons and changes in the GABA(A) receptor complex. In this animal model, hormonal influences seem to be also involved in the pathophysiology, but an influence of peripheral sex hormones has already been excluded. Possibly, neurosteroids as endogenous regulators of the GABA(A) receptor may be critically involved in the pathophysiology of dystonia in this animal model. Therefore, in the present study, the effects of the neurosteroids allopregnanolone acetate and allotetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (THDOC), representing positive modulators of the GABA(A) receptor, as well as of the negative GABA(A) receptor modulators pregnenolone sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), on severity of dystonia were examined in dt(sz) hamsters after acute intraperitoneal injections. Allopregnanolone acetate and THDOC exerted a moderate reduction of dystonia, whereas pregnenolone sulfate and DHEA had no significant effects. Although the effects of allopregnanolone acetate and THDOC were moderate and short-lasting, the present results suggest that changes in neurosteroid levels might be involved in the initiation of dystonic episodes. Future studies have to include measurements of brain neurosteroid levels as well as of chronic neurosteroid administrations to clarify the pathophysiological role and therapeutic potential of neurosteroids in dystonia.  相似文献   

Primary care practitioners recognize that genetics is relevant to their daily practice, for example, for detecting and managing the risk of multifactorial disorders and genetic reproductive risks, and, in future, for targeted drug therapy. However, they lack confidence in their ability to apply genetic approaches. In fact, genetics is already ingrained in current practice, and the development of appropriate guidelines and web-based information resources will help practitioners to make personalized genetic risk assessment a part of holistic, patient-oriented primary health care.  相似文献   

遗传学史在遗传学教学中的作用   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
李明晖 《遗传》2006,28(8):989-992
科学史的研究和发展状况能反映一个国家的科学技术水平,遗传学史是生命科学发展史的一个重要分支,21世纪是生命科学的世纪,在遗传学教学中加强遗传学发展史的介绍,不仅具有教育功能,使学生了解遗传学的产生和发展,而且可以培养学生的思维能力和科学素质。本文就遗传学史的教育功能及在教学中的作用进行论述。  相似文献   

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