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AIMS: The aims of this study were: (i) to determine the proportions of Aeromonas spp. resistant to florfenicol (FC), oxolinic acid (OA) and oxytetracycline (OTC) along a river receiving effluents from fish farms, and (ii) to assess the relevance of using this bacterial group as an indicator for studying the consequences of the use and release of these aquacultural antimicrobials in the freshwater environment, as compared with performing antimicrobial measurements in sediments. METHODS AND RESULTS: Sediment interstitial waters sampled along a river during two distinct climatic seasons were plated on an Aeromonas-selective medium supplemented or not with OA, OTC or FC. The October 2004 campaign showed an enrichment of OA- and OTC-resistant Aeromonas immediately downstream of the fish farms and a wastewater treatment plant. Two fish farms showed similar results in March 2005. In contrast, only 10 FC-resistant Aeromonas strains could be isolated, which revealed that minimum inhibitory concentrations of FC were greater than 64 microg ml(-1) and multiple antimicrobial resistances. Contamination of sediments by antimicrobials was detected but was not always co-localized with resistance peaks or known point sources of contamination. CONCLUSIONS: Aeromonas could be valuable indicators of OA, OTC and FC resistance in the freshwater environment. Fish farms contribute to the contamination of the river by antimicrobials and resistant bacteria. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Considering the still very low proportion of FC-resistant Aeromonas, this study can be considered as a reference for further studies about this recently introduced veterinary antimicrobial agent.  相似文献   

Densities ofAeromonas hydrophila were determined monthly from December 1975 to December 1977 in a South Carolina cooling reservoir which receives heated effluent from a single nuclear production reactor. Selected water quality parameters and prevalence of red-sore disease among largemouth bass were monitored simultaneously.Higher densities ofA. hydrophila were observed in areas of the reservoir receiving effluent from the reactor. Densities ofA. hydrophila generally were heterogeneous in the water column. The sediments had lower densities ofA. hydrophila than water immediately above.A. hydrophila could not be isolated from sediments greater than 1 cm from the water interface. Temperature, redox potential, pH, and conductivity were all significantly correlated with densities ofA. hydrophila in the water column. The temporal and spatial distribution and abundance ofA. hydrophila in water were not related to total organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, inorganic carbon, or dissolved oxygen. High densities ofA. hydrophila were observed in mats of decomposingMyriophyllum spicatum and, enterically, in largemouth bass, several other species of fish, turtles, alligators, and snails. The greatest densities ofA. hydrophila in water occurred during March and June with a second peak in October. The mean monthly densities ofA. hydrophila were positively correlated with the incidence of infection in largemouth bass. Largemouth bass from thermally altered parts of the reservoir had a significantly higher incidence of infection. It is concluded that thermal effluent significantly affects the ecology ofA. hydrophila and the epizootiology of red-sore disease within Par Pond.  相似文献   

The presence of rooted macrophytes, mostly the milfoil Myriophyllum sibiricum, was manipulated in enclosures in the littoral zone of a Colorado reservoir. The presence of macrophytes significantly increased the abundance of major invertebrate taxa by 70–1725% and increased the emission of methane 127%. The increase in abundance of most invertebrates was probably due to the habitat and surfaces provided by milfoil as stable isotope analyses indicated that milfoil was an insignificant carbon source for all of the invertebrate taxa, except for the milfoil midge Cricotopus myriophylli. Cricotopus is known to specialize on milfoil (other members of the genus specialize on Hydrilla or are generalists), had an isotopic signature that indicated a diet of milfoil, and was about 15 times more abundant when milfoil was present than when it was absent. Milfoil had no detectable effect on the total particulate phosphorus (TPP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP), and Chl a of water within the enclosures. However, enclosures containing milfoil had higher concentrations of SRP in the pore water of surface sediments than enclosures that had milfoil removed. SRP in pore water dropped below 2 μg/L at >2 cm sediment depth and DOP increased progressively from nearly zero at the surface to about 150 μg/L at 15 cm depth, regardless of vegetation. Thus, milfoil had significant effects on many, but not all, measures of littoral ecosystem structure and function that were monitored.  相似文献   

The distribution of microcrustacea in the water column, sediments and on different macrophyte species was examined in the littoral zone of Jack Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada. Large numbers of microcrustacea occurred in association with macrophytes, suggesting that this habitat should receive greater attention in future studies of microcrustacean numbers, biomass, and production. The relative abundance of different microcrustacea varied considerably among sediments, macrophytes and water column samples. Although microcrustacean species composition differed among macrophyte groups, consistent differences in absolute numbers per gram could not be demonstrated. Epiphytic microcrustacean community structure also varied among depth strata in Jack Lake. Few epiphytic and benthic microcrustacea migrated into the water column on a diurnal basis.  相似文献   

Synopsis Significant changes in growth of bluegills,Lepomis macrochirus, largemouth bass,Micropterus salmoides, and black crappies,Pomoxis nigromaculatus, were observed in Keowee Reservoir, South Carolina, during the 10 years (1968–1977) following impoundment. During this period the reservoir filled, water temperatures were increased by heated effluent from a nuclear power plant, and threadfin shad,Dorosoma petenense, were stocked. Growth was apparently regulated by abundance and size of prey eaten by fish; elevated water temperatures had no measurable effect.  相似文献   

The use of meiofaunal assemblages for the detection and quantification of perturbation of the marine environment by man is examined. The theoretical and practical advantages and drawbacks of meiofaunal monitoring are described and different methods of impact assessment described and evaluated. It is suggested that identification of meiofaunal material need not present a major obstacle to its use, as sensitive responses of meiofaunal assemblages to pollution can be recorded without the necessity for specific identifications. It is concluded that the great sensitivity to pollution of some meiofaunal groups (particularly copepods) offers the potential for better estimation of the real extent of pollution impact than is being achieved by sole reliance on examination of the macrofaunal assemblage. Meiofaunal monitoring should also be considered where there is difficulty in adequate sampling of the macrofauna, due to impoverishment or practical difficulties.  相似文献   

Meiofauna are ubiquitous in estuaries worldwide averaging 106 m?2. Abundance and species composition are controlled primarily by three physical factors: sediment particle size, temperature and salinity. While meiofauna are integral parts of estuarine food webs, the evidence that they are biologically controlled is equivocal. Top down (predation) control clearly does not regulate meiofaunal assemblages. Meiofauna reproduce so rapidly and are so abundant that predators cannot significantly reduce population size. Food quantity (bottom up control) also does not appear to limit meiofaunal abundance; there is little data on the effect of food quality. In estuarine sediments meiofauna: (i) facilitate biomineralization of organic matter and enhance nutrient regeneration; (ii) serve as food for a variety of higher trophic levels; and (iii) exhibit high sensitivity to anthropogenic inputs, making them excellent sentinels of estuarine pollution. Generally mineralization of organic matter is enhanced and bacterial production stimulated in the presence of meiofauna. Tannins from mangrove detritus in northern Queensland appear to inhibit meiofaunal abundance and therefore the role of meiofauna in breakdown of the leaves. Meiofauna, particularly copepods, are known foods for a variety of predators especially juvenile fish and the meiofaunal copepods are high in the essential fatty acids required by fish. The copepod’s fatty acid composition is like that of the microphytobenthos they eat; bacterial eaters (nematodes?) do not have the essential fatty acids necessary for fish. Most contaminants in estuaries reside in sediments, and meiofauna are intimately associated with sediments over their entire life-cycle, thus they are increasingly being used as pollution sentinels. Australian estuarine meiofauna research has been concentrated in Queensland, the Hunter River estuarine system in New South Wales, and Victoria’s coastal lagoons. Studies in northern Queensland have primarily concentrated on the role of nematodes in mineralization of organic matter, whereas those from southern Queensland have concentrated on the role of meiofauna as food for fish and as bacterial grazers. The New South Wales studies have concentrated on the Hunter River estuary and on the structure and function of marine nematode communities. In Victoria, several fish have been shown to eat meiofauna. The Australian world of meiofaunal research has hardly been touched; there are innumerable opportunities for meiofaunal studies. In contaminated estuarine sediments reduced trophic coupling between meiofauna and juvenile fish is a basic ecological question of habitat suitability, but also a question with relevance to management of estuarine resources. Because meiofauna have short lifecycles, the effects of a contaminant on the entire life-history can be assessed within a relatively short time. The use of modern molecular biology techniques to assess genetic diversity of meiofauna in contaminated vs uncontaminated sediments is a promising avenue for future research. Much of the important meiofaunal functions take place in very muddy substrata; thus, it is imperative to retain mudflats in estuaries.  相似文献   

Seasonally flooded, freshwater cypress-tupelo wetlands, dominated by baldcypress (Taxodium distictum), water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica), and swamp tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora) are commonly found in coastal regions of the southeastern United States. These wetlands are threatened due to climate change, sea level rise, and coastal urban development. Understanding the natural biogeochemical cycles of nutrients in these forested wetlands as ecosystems services such as carbon sequestration and nitrogen processing can provide important benchmarks to guide conservation plans and restoration goals. In this study, surface water and soil pore water samples were collected weekly from a cypress-tupelo wetland near Winyah Bay, South Carolina and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), inorganic nitrogen, and phosphate during its flooding period between October 2010 and May 2011. DOC was further characterized by specific ultra-violet absorbance at 254 nm, spectral slope ratio (SR) (ratio of two spectral slopes between 275–295 nm and 350–400 nm), E2/E3 ratio (ratio between A254 and A365), and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix. In addition, litterfall was collected on a monthly basis for a year while the biomass of the detritus layer (i.e., decomposed duff lying on the wetland floor) was determined before and after the flooding period. Results of the field study showed that concentrations of DOC, DON, NH4 +–N, and (NO2 ? + NO3 ?)–N in the surface water were generally higher during the fall, or peak litterfall season (October to December), than in the spring season (March to May). Highest concentrations of 54.8, 1.48, 0.270, and 0.0205 mg L?1, for DOC, DON, NH4 +–N, and (NO2 ? + NO3 ?)–N respectively, in surface waters were recorded during October. Lower SUVA, but higher SR and E2/E3 ratios of DOC, were observed at the end of the flooding season comparing to the initial flooding, suggesting the wetland system converts high aromatic and large DOC molecules into smaller and hydrophilic fractions possibly through photochemical oxidation. A similar trend was observed in soil pore water, but the pore water generally had greater and relatively stable concentrations of dissolved nutrients than surface water. No obvious temporal trend in phosphate concentration and total nitrogen to total phosphorus ratio (N:P) were found. Results of the laboratory extraction and mass balance calculation suggested fresh litter was a major source of DOC whereas decomposed duff was the source of dissolved nitrogen in surface water. In summary, the biogeochemistry of this isolated cypress-tupelo wetland is not only driven by the vegetation within the wetland system but also by hydrology and weather conditions such as groundwater table position, precipitation, and temperature.  相似文献   

The meiobenthos are regarded as the first metazoans to appear on earth This paper considers some aspects of their role in the marine ecosystem over evolutionary time. It is speculatively suggested that they have had a profound influence on many structural and functional attributes of the marine ecosystem as we see it today, both in the benthic and pelagic realms. Certain features such as size spectra, the life-history characteristics of the macrobenthos, and the energetic balance between ecological compartments of the marine ecosystem are considered to result from evolution away from negative interactions with the meiobenthos.  相似文献   

Fish assemblage patterns in the littoral zone of a European reservoir   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Although reservoirs are common aquatic habitats in Europe, there is little quantitative information on the spatial organisation of fish assemblages inhabiting their littoral zones. Consequently, we characterised fish assemblage structure in the littoral zone of a reservoir (Lake Pareloup) in SW France during late spring, summer and early autumn (the growing season).
2. We measured the relative abundance of fish weekly, from mid-May to mid-October, using point abundance sampling by electrofishing. We identified temporal patterns in assemblage structure using hierarchical cluster analysis, and then characterised the spatial distribution of 17 defined ecospecies using a Kohonen self-organising map (SOM, an unsupervised Artificial Neural Network).
3. Our analyses revealed three distinct faunal structures within the littoral zone. From mid-May to mid-July, adults and young-of-the-year (0+) occupied separate habitats, with most 0+ fish in vegetated habitats and adults in open water. From mid-July to late August, some 0+ co-occurred with adults, but most 0+ fishes remained in vegetated areas. Finally, from late August to mid-October, most fish (both 0+ and adults) left the vegetation for unvegetated littoral habitats, the exception being fish species known to be dependent on macrophytes.
4. Contrary to patterns for adult fishes, the 0+ fish assemblage was dynamic. These dynamics were driven by ontogenetic species-specific habitat changes. Consequently, there was little evidence of stable assemblages or strong assemblage–habitat relationships that would be expected of an 'interactive' assemblage. It is likely that the patterns observed are a result of species-specific response to habitat availability in the lake.  相似文献   

The complex of necrobionts in the littoral zone in lakes of Karelia of different trophy states is considered. Forty-seven invertebrate species belonging to six classes and four types have been recorded on carcasses. The composition of necrobionts depends on the mass of carcasses, skin structure, and type of waterbody. Data on the rate of utilization are presented. The succession of necrobionts during the process of decomposition is considered.  相似文献   

Marina Belova 《Hydrobiologia》1993,251(1-3):59-64
The decomposition of several lake macrophytes was investigated under field conditions. Data on weight and phosphorus loss, numbers of microbial decomposers and their activity were obtained.Experiments were conducted in the littoral of two lakes with different levels of macrophyte development.Weight loss during 40–60 days of decomposition for fast-decomposing plants was 60–95% and after 365-day of incubation, Potamogeton perfoliatus L. lost nearly 100% of its initial weight. Slow-decomposing plants lost 20–50% of their initial weight after 40–60 days of incubation, and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. lost 84% of its initial weight after 365 days.Total phosphorus content in plants did not decrease at the first stages of decomposition.The number of microbial decomposers utilizing both labile and resistant substrates increased 2–6 times during the first 5–25 days period. During this period the community was morphologically diverse and biochemically active (high level of microbial respiration). It coincided with the highest weight loss. After that period, the number of microorganisms utilizing labile substrates, as well as the rate of decomposition decreased.The part of macrophyte organic matter entering the biological cycle in two lakes made up 3.5% and 26% of phytoplankton primary production. Bacterial production on decomposing macrophytes was calculated at 4% and 51% of bacterioplankton production, respectively, in both lakes.  相似文献   

An investigation of differences in growth, maturation, biomass, and fecundity of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi in 3 host species was conducted on metapopulations from 3 distinct communities in Belews Lake, North Carolina. The results indicated that host-specific differences in growth and biomass were additive among metapopulations from different localities. However, species-specific differences in maturation and fecundity exhibited differential variation between the sites. These site X host interactions were related to host-specific differences in bioaccumulation of selenium at sites that were exposed to effluent from a coal-fired power plant. Significant (alpha = 0.001) statistical associations were observed between selenium concentration in tapeworm tissue and fecundity measures. The results of this study demonstrate that host suitability is determined by morphological, physiological, and behavioral differences in the host species which affect transmission dynamics and the quality and stability of the enteric environment.  相似文献   

Coprolites (fossilized feces) can preserve a wide range of biogenic components. A mold of a hatchling turtle partial shell (carapace) referable to Taphrosphys sulcatus is here identified within a coprolite from Clapp Creek in Kingstree, Williamsburg County, South Carolina, USA. The specimen is the first-known coprolite to preserve a vertebrate body impression. The small size of the turtle shell coupled with the fact that it shows signs of breakage indicates that the turtle was ingested and that the impression was made while the feces were still within the body of the predator. The detailed impression could only have survived the act of defecation if the section of bony carapace was voided concurrently and remained bonded with the feces until the latter lithified. Exceptionally, the surface texture of the scutes is preserved, including its finely pitted embryonic texture and a narrow perimeter of hatchling scute texture. The very small size of the shell represented by the impression makes it a suitable size for swallowing by any one of several large predators known from this locality. The coprolite was collected from a lag deposit containing a temporally mixed vertebrate assemblage (Cretaceous, Paleocene and Plio-Pleistocene). The genus Taphrosphys is known from both sides of the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary so, based on the size of the coprolite and the locally-known predators, the juvenile turtle could have been ingested by a mosasaur, a crocodylian, or a theropod dinosaur. Unlike mosasaurs and theropod dinosaurs, crocodylian stomachs have extremely high acid content that almost always dissolves bone. Therefore, the likely predator of this turtle was a mosasaur or a (non-avian or avian) theropod dinosaur.  相似文献   

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