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The degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) by proteases is crucial in physiological and pathological cell invasion alike. In vitro, degradation occurs at specific sites where invasive cells make contact with the ECM via specialized plasma membrane protrusions termed invadopodia. Here we present an extensive morpho-functional analysis of invadopodia actively engaged in ECM degradation and show that they are actin comet-based structures, not unlike the well-known bacteria-propelling actin tails. The relative mapping of the basic molecular components of invadopodia to actin tails is also provided. Finally, a live-imaging analysis of invadopodia highlights the intrinsic long-term stability of the structures coupled to a highly dynamic actin turnover. The results offer new insight into the tight coordination between signalling, actin remodelling and trafficking activities occurring at sites of focalized ECM degradation by invadopodia. In conclusion, invadopodia-associated actin comets are a striking example of consistently arising, spontaneous expression of actin-driven propulsion events that also represent a valuable experimental paradigm.  相似文献   

Acute renalfailure (ARF) as a consequence of ischemic injury is a common diseaseaffecting 5% of the hospitalized population. Despite the fact thatmortality from ARF is high, there has been little improvement insurvival rates over the last 40 years. The pathogenesis of ARF may berelated to substantial changes in cell-cell and cell-extracellularmatrix interactions mediated by1-integrins. On the basis of invitro and in vivo studies, reorganization of 1-integrins from basal toapical surfaces of injured tubular epithelia has been suggested tofacilitate epithelial detachment, contributing to tubular obstructionand backleak of glomerular filtrate. In this study, we examine integrinand extracellular matrix dynamics during epithelial injury and repairusing an in vivo rat model of unilateral ischemia. We findthat, soon after reperfusion,1-integrins newly appear onlateral borders in epithelial cells of the S3 segment but are not onthe apical surface. At later times, as further injury and regenerationcoordinately occur, epithelia adherent to the basement membranelocalize 1 predominantly tobasal surfaces even while the polarity of other marker proteins islost. At the same time, amorphous material consisting of depolarized exfoliated cells fills the luminal space. Notably,1-integrins are not detected onexfoliated cells. A novel finding is the presence of fibronectin, aglycoprotein of plasma and the renal interstitium, in tubular spaces ofthe distal nephron and to a lesser extent S3 segments. These resultsindicate that 1-integrinsdramatically change their distribution during ischemic injury andepithelial repair, possibly contributing to cell exfoliation initiallyand to epithelial regeneration at later stages. Together with the appearance of large amounts of fibronectin in tubular lumens, thesealterations may play a significant role in the pathophysiology of ARF.


The extracellular matrix mechanical properties regulate processes in development, cancer, and fibrosis. Among the distinct mechanical properties, the vast majority of research has focused on the extracellular matrix's elasticity as the primary determinant of cell and tissue behavior. However, both cells and the extracellular matrix are not only elastic but also viscous. Despite viscoelasticity being a universal feature of living tissues, our knowledge of the influence of the extracellular matrix's viscoelasticity in cell behavior is limited. This mini-review describes some of the recent findings that have highlighted the role of the extracellular matrix's viscoelasticity in cell and tissue dynamics.  相似文献   

In order to delineate the role of proteoglycans in muscle development, the immunohistological localization of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycan core proteins was studied in embryonic chick leg at Hamburger-Hamilton stages (St.) 36, 39, 43, and 46, and at 2 weeks posthatching. A specific anatomical landmark was chosen (the junction between the pars pelvica and the pars accessoria of the flexor cruris lateralis muscle) in order to ensure the study of anatomically equivalent sites. Frozen cross sections were immunostained with monoclonal antibodies to chondroitin-4-sulfate, chondroitin-6-sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and keratan sulfate glycosaminoglycans; to the core proteins of muscle/mesenchymal chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, dermatan sulfate proteoglycan, and basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan; and to laminin and tenascin. Extracellular matrix zones corresponding to the endomysium, perimysium, epimysium, basement membrane, and myotendinous junction each show characteristic immunostaining patterns from St. 36 to St. 46 and have unique matrix compositions by St. 46. In some cases, there is a sequential or coordinate expression of epitopes, first in the epimysium, then the perimysium, and last in the endomysium. Dermatan sulfate proteoglycan is detected in the epimysium at St. 36, in the perimysium at St. 39 (there is no perimysium structure at St. 36), and is not detected in the endomysium until St. 43. A putative mesenchymal proteoglycan core protein (reactive to the monoclonal antibody MY-174) is detected at St. 39 in both epimysium and perimysium, but is not detected in the endomysium until St. 43. Keratan sulfate antibody immunostains epimysium at St. 39 and perimysium at St. 46, but is never detected in the endomysium. Some epitopes are expressed independently in each of the extracellular matrix zones: antibody to tenascin stains only a subset of the epimysium, at the myotendinous junction; and heparan sulfate proteoglycan and laminin are detected only in the endomysium. Between St. 36 and St. 39, the muscle/MY-174-reactive proteoglycan core protein staining decreases in intensity in the endomysium and becomes positive in the epimysium and perimysium. An inverse relationship is found between (1) the disappearance of muscle/MY-174-reactive proteoglycan core protein staining at the surface of myotubes from St. 36 to St. 39 and (2) the infiltration of laminin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan staining encompassing groups of myotubes (St. 36) to circumferential staining of all myotubes (St. 39).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The skin responds to environmental stressors by coordinated actions of neuropeptides and their receptors. An endogenous peptide for δ-opioid receptor (DOPr), Leu-enkephalin (L-ENK), is expressed in the skin and its expression is altered in pathological conditions. Although the importance of DOPr is rapidly gaining recognition, the molecular mechanisms underlying its effects on wound healing are largely undefined. We show here that L-ENK induced activation of Erk, P90RSK, and Elk-1 and promoted the disruption of hemidesmosomes and the expression of matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-2 and MMP-9, important processes for wound healing. Treatment with Erk inhibitor blocked activation of P90RSK and Elk-1 and significantly blunted wound repair. Therefore, our results suggest that activation of Erk and its downstream effectors, P90RSK and Elk-1, are critical for DOPr-mediated skin homeostasis.  相似文献   

Oray S  Majewska A  Sur M 《Neuron》2004,44(6):1021-1030
The mammalian primary visual cortex (V1) is especially susceptible to changes in visual input over a well-defined critical period, during which closing one eye leads to a loss of responsiveness of neurons to the deprived eye and a shift in response toward the open eye. This functional plasticity can occur rapidly, following even a single day of eye closure, although the structural bases of these changes are unknown. Here, we show that rapid structural changes at the level of dendritic spines occur following brief monocular deprivation. These changes are evident in the supra- and infragranular layers of the binocular zone and can be mimicked by degradation of the extracellular matrix with the tPA/plasmin proteolytic cascade. Further, monocular deprivation occludes a subsequent effect of matrix degradation, suggesting that this mechanism is active in vivo to permit structural remodeling during ocular dominance plasticity.  相似文献   

Thrombospondins (TSPs) are evolutionarily-conserved, secreted glycoproteins that interact with cell surfaces and extracellular matrix (ECM) and have complex roles in cell interactions. Unlike the structural components of the ECM that form networks or fibrils, TSPs are deposited into ECM as arrays of nanoscale puncta. The cellular and molecular mechanisms for the patterning of TSPs in ECM are poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated whether the mechanisms of TSP patterning in cell-derived ECM involves actin cytoskeletal pathways or TSP oligomer state. From tests of a suite of pharmacological inhibitors of small GTPases, actomyosin-based contractility, or actin microfilament integrity and dynamics, cytochalasin D and jasplakinolide treatment of cells were identified to result in altered ECM patterning of a model TSP1 trimer. The strong effect of cytochalasin D indicated that mechanisms controlling puncta patterning depend on global F-actin dynamics. Similar spatial changes were obtained with endogenous TSPs after cytochalasin D treatment, implicating physiological relevance. Under matched experimental conditions with ectopically-expressed TSPs, the magnitude of the effect was markedly lower for pentameric TSP5 and Drosophila TSP, than for trimeric TSP1 or dimeric Ciona TSPA. To distinguish between the variables of protein sequence or oligomer state, we generated novel, chimeric pentamers of TSP1. These proteins accumulated within ECM at higher levels than TSP1 trimers, yet the effect of cytochalasin D on the spatial distribution of puncta was reduced. These findings introduce a novel concept that F-actin dynamics modulate the patterning of TSPs in ECM and that TSP oligomer state is a key determinant of this process.  相似文献   

In the early embryo, the eyes form initially as relatively spherical optic vesicles (OVs) that protrude from both sides of the brain tube. Each OV grows until it contacts and adheres to the overlying surface ectoderm (SE) via an extracellular matrix (ECM) that is secreted by the SE and OV. The OV and SE then thicken and bend inward (invaginate) to create the optic cup (OC) and lens vesicle, respectively. While constriction of cell apices likely plays a role in SE invagination, the mechanisms that drive OV invagination are poorly understood. Here, we used experiments and computational modeling to explore the hypothesis that the ECM locally constrains the growing OV, forcing it to invaginate. In chick embryos, we examined the need for the ECM by (1) removing SE at different developmental stages and (2) exposing the embryo to collagenase. At relatively early stages of invagination (Hamburger–Hamilton stage HH14\(-\)), removing the SE caused the curvature of the OV to reverse as it ‘popped out’ and became convex, but the OV remained concave at later stages (HH15) and invaginated further during subsequent culture. Disrupting the ECM had a similar effect, with the OV popping out at early to mid-stages of invagination (HH14\(-\) to HH14\(+\)). These results suggest that the ECM is required for the early stages but not the late stages of OV invagination. Microindentation tests indicate that the matrix is considerably stiffer than the cellular OV, and a finite-element model consisting of a growing spherical OV attached to a relatively stiff layer of ECM reproduced the observed behavior, as well as measured temporal changes in OV curvature, wall thickness, and invagination depth reasonably well. Results from our study also suggest that the OV grows relatively uniformly, while the ECM is stiffer toward the center of the optic vesicle. These results are consistent with our matrix-constraint hypothesis, providing new insight into the mechanics of OC (early retina) morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Chondrocyte based regenerative therapies for intervertebral disc repair such as Autologous Disc Cell Transplantation (ADCT, CODON) and allogeneic juvenile chondrocyte implantation (NuQu®, ISTO Technologies) have demonstrated good outcomes in clinical trials. However concerns remain with the supply demand reconciliation and issues surrounding immunoreactivity which exist for allogeneic-type technologies. The use of stem cells is challenging due to high growth factor requirements, regulatory barriers and differentiation towards a stable phenotype. Therefore, there is a need to identify alternative non-disc cell sources for the development and clinical translation of next generation therapies for IVD regeneration. In this study, we compared Nasal Chondrocytes (NC) as a non-disc alternative chondrocyte source with Articular Chondrocytes (AC) in terms of cell yield, morphology, proliferation kinetics and ability to produce key extracellular matrix components under 5% and 20% oxygen conditions, with and without exogenous TGF-β supplementation.Results indicated that NC maintained proliferative capacity with high amounts of sGAG and lower collagen accumulation in the absence of TGF-β supplementation under 5% oxygen conditions. Importantly, osteogenesis and calcification was inhibited for NC when cultured in IVD-like microenvironmental conditions. The present study provides a rationale for the exploration of nasal chondrocytes as a promising, potent and clinically feasible autologous cell source for putative IVD repair strategies.  相似文献   

Flattening of the normal mouse and human fibroblasts and of the epithelial cells (lines from rat liver IAR-2, trachea of calf foetus FBT and mouse kidney MPTR) was studied on isolated extracellular matrix (EM) formed by human fibroblasts in culture has been studied. EM consisted of fibers, usually parallel to each other. Flattening of the fibroblasts on EM was slower and less even than on glass. Separate processes formed in place of a ring lamella and those processes gradually stretched which were parallel to the EM fibers. Within 24 h fibroblasts were stretched and oriented along the EM fibers. At the EM-glass boundary fibroblasts migrated from EM to glass. Epithelial cells also flattened on EM more slowly and unequally on EM than on glass. Within 24 h, the IAR-2 and FBT cells were less flattened than on glass, acquired a disc-like shape with uneven contours and, sometimes, an oval shape. MPTR cells and their colonies were oriented and stretched along the EM fibers.  相似文献   

Remodeling of the extracellular matrix by fibroblasts is an important step in the process of wound healing and tissue repair. We compared the behavior of fibroblasts from two different tissues, dermis and gingiva, in three-dimensional lattices made of two different extracellular matrix macromolecules, collagen and fibrin. Cells were grown in monolayer cultures from normal skin or gingiva and seeded in three-dimensional lattices made of either collagen or fibrin. Photonic and scanning electron microscopy did not reveal any morphological differences between the two types of fibroblasts in both sets of lattices. Both types of fibroblasts retracted collagen lattices similarly and caused only a slight degradation of the collagen substratum. By contrast, when seeded in fibrin lattices, gingival fibroblasts completely digested their substratum in less than 8 days, whereas only a slight fibrin degradation was observed with dermal fibroblasts. The ability of gingival but not dermal fibroblasts to express high levels of tissue plasminogen activators (tPA) when cultured in fibrin lattices was assessed on an immunological basis. Also, deprivation of plasminogen-contaminating fibrinogen preparations or use of tPA inhibitors markedly inhibited both fibrinolysis and retraction rates of fibrin lattices by gingival fibroblasts. Casein-zymography confirmed the intense proteolytic activity induced by fibrin in gingival fibroblasts. It was inhibited by aprotinin and phenyl methylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), two non-specific inhibitors of serine proteinases, and by η-amino-caproic acid (ηACA), an inhibitor of plasminogen activators. Monolayer cultures exhibited only trace amounts of caseinolytic activity. Our results demonstrate that the expression of proteinases by fibroblasts is dependent not only on their tissue origin but also on the surrounding extracellular matrix. The intense fibrinolytic activity of gingival fibroblasts in fibrin lattices may explain partially the high rate of healing clinically observed in gingiva. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cell motility and the extracellular matrix   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The distribution of fibronectin (FN) and laminin (LM) in non-injured and injured rat corneal endothelium in vivo was investigated by light microscopy using immunoperoxidase cytochemistry. In non-injured tissues, both FN and LM have distinct pericellular staining patterns and exhibit some diffuse cytoplasmic staining. After a circular freeze injury, cells migrating into the wound area at 24 hr lack the characteristic pericellular staining observed in non-injured cells but show cytoplasmic staining for both extracellular matrix glycoproteins. Endothelial cells on the periphery of such preparations do not partake in wound repair and retain their pericellular staining patterns. Forty-eight hours after injury, cells have filled in the wound area but are disorganized. They display intracellular FN and LM staining but do not demonstrate any pericellular staining. When observed 10 days after injury, a uniform monolayer has formed but neither FN nor LM is detected pericellularly. By 14 days post injury, endothelial cells in the wound area display pericellular FN patterns but not LM patterns. This may reflect differences in the function of each glycoprotein in maintaining the attachment of the endothelium to Descemet's membrane.  相似文献   

A subset of stem-like cells from bone marrow that are referred to as marrow stromal cells (MSCs) have been shown to be capable of differentiating into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes, myocytes, astrocytes and perhaps neurons. Recently, conditions have been developed where human MSCs can be expanded almost without limit in culture without apparently losing their multipotentiality for differentiation. The cells appear to be potentially useful for the repair of extracellular matrix and the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Brain extracellular matrix   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Ruoslahti  Erkki 《Glycobiology》1996,6(5):489-492
The extracellular matrix of the adult brain tissue has a uniquecomposition. The striking feature of this matrix is the prominenceof lecticans, proteoglycans that contain a lectin domain anda hyaluronic acid-binding domain. Hyaluronic acid and tenascinfamily adhesive/anti-adhesive proteins are also abundant. Matrixproteins common in other tissues are nearly absent in adultbrain. The brain extracellular matrix appears to have trophiceffects on neuronal cells and affect neurite outgrowth. Theunique composition of this matrix may be responsible for theresistance of brain tissue toward invasion by tumors of non-neuronalorigin. extracellular matrix lectican versican review  相似文献   

The epidermis and internal tubular organs, such as gut and lungs, are exposed to a hostile environment. They form an extracellular matrix to provide epithelial integrity and to prevent contact with pathogens and toxins. In arthropods, the cuticle protects, shapes, and enables the functioning of organs. During development, cuticle matrix is shielded from premature degradation; however, underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Previously, we identified the conserved obstructor multigene-family, which encodes chitin-binding proteins. Here we show that Obstructor-A is required for extracellular matrix dynamics in cuticle forming organs. Loss of obstructor-A causes severe defects during cuticle molting, wound protection, tube expansion and larval growth control. We found that Obstructor-A interacts and forms a core complex with the polysaccharide chitin, the cuticle modifier Knickkopf and the chitin deacetylase Serpentine. Knickkopf protects chitin from chitinase-dependent degradation and deacetylase enzymes ensure extracellular matrix maturation. We provide evidence that Obstructor-A is required to control the presence of Knickkopf and Serpentine in the extracellular matrix. We propose a model suggesting that Obstructor-A coordinates the core complex for extracellular matrix protection from premature degradation. This mechanism enables exoskeletal molting, tube expansion, and epithelial integrity. The evolutionary conservation suggests a common role of Obstructor-A and homologs in coordinating extracellular matrix protection in epithelial tissues of chitinous invertebrates.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix is very well organized at the supramolecular and tissue levels and little is known on the potential role of intrinsic disorder in promoting its organization. We predicted the amount of disorder and identified disordered regions in the human extracellular proteome with established computational tools. The extracellular proteome is significantly enriched in proteins comprising more than 50% of disorder compared to the complete human proteome. The enrichment is mostly due to long disordered regions containing at least 100 consecutive disordered residues. The amount of intrinsic disorder is heterogeneous in the extracellular protein families, with the most disordered being collagens and the small integrin-binding ligand N-linked glycoproteins. Although most domains found in extracellular proteins are structured, the fibronectin III domains contain a variable amount of disordered residues (up to 92%). Binding sites for heparin and integrins are found in disordered sequences of extracellular proteins. Intrinsic disorder is evenly distributed in hubs and ends in the interaction network of extracellular proteins with their extracellular partners. In contrast, extracellular hubs are significantly enriched in disorder in the network of extracellular proteins with their extracellular, membrane and intracellular partners. Disorder could thus provide the structural plasticity required for the hubs to interact with membrane and intracellular proteins. Organization and assembly of the extracellular matrix, development of mineralized tissues and cell-matrix adhesion are the biological processes overrepresented in the most disordered extracellular proteins. Extracellular disorder is associated with binding to growth factors, glycosaminoglycans and integrins at the molecular level.  相似文献   

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