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Radioimmunoassays were employed to study variation in the concentration of corticosterone, ACTH and beta-endorphin in rat blood plasma at different times of the 30-hour immobilization and under the effect of a short-term action of ecologically significant negative stimulation emanating from other animals. Both prolonged immobilization stress and short-term emotional reaction produced appreciable alterations in the blood plasma content of all the hormones under study. The findings indicate that variations in the corticosterone and beta-endorphin levels were in the best agreement.  相似文献   

The dose-response relationship in brain, plasma, and adrenal monoamine changes after acute oral ethanol administration (1, 2, 4 g/kg body wt) was studied in virgin rats to determine whether the response to the highest dose differed in 21-day pregnant animals, and to assess the potential consequences of ethanol on the neurotransmitter systems of their fetuses. Blood ethanol and acetaldehyde concentrations in blood increased progressively with the ethanol dose in virgin rats, and values in pregnant animals were very similar. Ethanol concentration in fetal blood and amniotic fluid did not differ from that in mother's blood whereas fetal acetaldehyde concentrations were negligible. In a dose-related manner, ethanol decreased brain DA, DOPAC and 5HT concentrations did not affect those of NA and 5HIAA, or adrenal A and NA concentrations, whereas it enhanced plasma NA levels. Basal levels of monoamines and their changes after ethanol intake did not differ in pregnant and virgin rats. Monoamine and metabolite concentrations were much lower in fetal than in maternal brains whereas plasma and adrenal catecholamine concentrations were very similar and maternal ethanol intake did not modify these fetal parameters in the fetus. Results are in agreement with the known similar metabolic response to ethanol in fed pregnant and virgin rats. The lack of fetal monoamine response to maternal ethanol intake may be a consequence of the incapacity of fetal liver to form acetaldehyde and the ability of the placenta to oxidize maternal acetaldehyde which protects the fetus from maternal alcohol intake at late gestation.  相似文献   

The maternal metabolic clearance rate (MCR) and the binding of cortisol in the plasma of fetus and mother were estimated 8 days before term in conscious pregnant guinea-pigs, control or subjected to a neurotrophic stress (they were immobilized for 3 h in a dark room in front of an intermittent luminous flash). The maternal MCR of cortisol dropped during pregnancy related to an increase in corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) and the stress mimicked these changes with a decrease in MCR and a rise in CBG. The increase in cortisol concentrations occurring in the fetal plasma after maternal stress could be related to the increase in free cortisol in the stressed mother. Nevertheless, although the fetal CBG did not rise after maternal stress, the increase in free cortisol in the fetal plasma remained moderate, due to the numerous free sites of CBG and albumin for cortisol.  相似文献   

Relationships between hormones and behaviour can be explored by altering endogenous hormone levels, often through implantation of silastic tubing or osmotic pumps filled with a hormone or its agonists or antagonists. However, organisms in sensitive life-history stages (such as pregnancy) may be adversely affected by the surgical procedures associated with these manipulations, necessitating use of non-invasive techniques. We demonstrate that the application of a sesame oil-corticosterone mixture to the skin of pregnant female common lizards (Lacerta vivipara) elevates plasma levels of the hormone. Pregnant female L. vivipara were captured and treated daily for 1-20 days with the sesame oil-corticosterone mixture (experimental group) or with vehicle only (control group). Blood samples were collected and analyzed for corticosterone by radioimmunoassay. Baseline plasma corticosterone levels were elevated within 1 h in the experimental group. Similar levels ( approximately 145 ng/ml) were found over the subsequent 2 days, and by day 5 had risen significantly higher ( approximately 281.9 ng/ml), where they remained for the duration of the experiment. These increases are comparable to those found in other species using related techniques. No significant changes in plasma corticosterone levels occurred in the control group. Finally, corticosterone levels also were determined for untreated females that were captured, held overnight, sampled, and released to access to the natural range of basal corticosterone levels. Basal plasma levels of corticosterone in pregnant females varied among individuals independently of female body size or corpulence.  相似文献   

Pregnancy is thought to create a metabolic condition of accelerated starvation. To clarify this idea, the effect of fasting on pregnant rats (day 21 of gestation) and their fetuses was examined. Although pregnancy significantly increased plasma insulin, plasma ketone body concentrations in fed pregnant rats were higher than those of age-matched fed virgin rats. After 48 hr fasting (i.e., fasting during days 19-21 of gestation), plasma insulin was markedly decreased in virgin rats compared with term pregnant rats, while ketone bodies were significantly higher in pregnant rats than in virgin rats. Body weight was lower in fetuses from fasted mothers than those from fed mothers. Starvation also markedly diminished the insulin response to glucose in isolated, perfused pancreases in both virgin and pregnant rats. The amount of insulin released during glucose stimulation was greater in pregnancy, and the inhibitory effect of 48 hr fasting on insulin release was greater in virgin rats than in pregnant rats. It is possible, therefore, that in term pregnant rats a decrease in insulin release caused by fasting may cause more profound catabolism than in nongravid rats.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a brain-gut peptide known for its growth hormone (GH)-releasing and appetite-inducing activities. This natural GH secretagogue (GHS) was originally purified from rat stomach, but it is expressed widely in different tissues where it may have endocrine and paracrine effects. The central effects of ghrelin on adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) cells, ACTH release and subsequent corticosterone release from adrenal glands remains to be clarified. The aim of this study was to specifically determine the morphological features of ACTH-producing pituicytes and blood concentration of ACTH and corticosterone after central administration of ghrelin. Five doses of rat ghrelin or PBS (n=10 per group) were injected every 24 h (1 microg of ghrelin in 5 muL PBS), into the lateral cerebral ventricle of male rats. Results showed that ghrelin increased (p<0.05) absolute and relative pituitary weights compared to controls (58% and 41% respectively). Morphometric parameters, i.e. the volume of the ACTH cells, nuclear volume, and volume density were all increased (p<0.05), by 17%, 6% and 13%, respectively, 2 h after the last ghrelin treatment. Ghrelin increased circulating concentrations of ACTH and corticosterone (p<0.05) by 62% and 66%, respectively. The data provide clear documentation that intracerebroventricular ghrelin stimulates ACTH cell hypertrophy and proliferation, and promotes ACTH and corticosterone release. Determining the role of ghrelin in physiological stress responses and whether control of the peptide's activity would be useful for prevention and/or treatment of stress-induced diseases remain important research goals.  相似文献   

Cystathionine accumulated in several tissues of dams and fetuses by a single intraperitoneal administration of L-proparglyglycine to pregnant rats. Cystathionine in the liver of dams reached its maximal level at about 15 hrs after L-proparglyglycine injection (10 mg/300g), while that in the kidney and brain of dams, and in the liver, kidney, and brain of fetuses reached a maximum at about 21 hrs. The content of cystine in the liver of fetuses decreased gradually in proportion to the amount of L-proparglyglycine administered. Cystathionine gamma-lyase activity in the liver of dams and fetuses decreased to about 2-4% of that of control rats at 15 hrs after L-proparglyglycine injection, and that in the kidney and pancreas of dams to about 10-20% of that of control rats. On the other hand, cystathionine beta-synthase activity did not show significant changes from that of control rats.  相似文献   

The effect of the administration of L-tryptophan on hepatic polyribosomes and protein synthesis in pregnant rats and their fetuses and in lactating rats and their pups was investigated. Pregnant rats tube-fed tryptophan 1 hr before killing revealed increased hepatic protein synthesis but essentially unmodified polyribosomal aggregation of maternal livers while no changes were observed in fetal livers in comparison to controls (water-treated). Lactating rats tube-fed tryptophan 1 hr before killing revealed increased polyribosomal aggregation and protein synthesis of the livers in comparison to controls. Pups of these mothers that received tryptophan intraperitoneally 1 hr before killing did not reveal a significant change in the hepatic polyribosomes or protein synthesis.  相似文献   

A frequently debated question for studies involving the measurement of stress hormones in rodents is the optimal method for collecting blood with minimal stress to the animal. Some investigators prefer the implantation of indwelling catheters to allow for frequent sampling. Others argue that the implantation of a catheter creates a chronic stress to the animal that confounds stress hormone measures and therefore rely on tail vein sampling. Moreover, some investigators measure hormones in trunk blood samples obtained after anesthesia, a practice that may itself raise hormone levels. To address these controversies, we 1) compared plasma ACTH and corticosterone (Cort) concentrations in pre- and poststress rat blood samples obtained via previously implanted vena cava catheters, tail vein nicks, or clipping the tip off the tail and 2) compared plasma ACTH and Cort in rat blood samples obtained by decapitation with and without anesthesia. Rats sampled via indwelling catheters displayed lower prestress ACTH levels than those sampled by tail vein nick if the time to acquire samples was not limited; however, elevated basal ACTH was not observed in samples obtained by tail clip or tail nick when the samples were obtained within 3 min. Baseline Cort levels were similar in all groups. After restraint stress, the profile of the plasma ACTH and Cort responses was not affected by sampling method. Decapitation with prior administration of CO2 or pentobarbital sodium increased plasma ACTH levels approximately 13- and 2-fold, respectively, when compared with decapitation without anesthesia. These data indicate that tail vein nicking, tail clipping, or indwelling venous catheters can be used for obtaining plasma for ACTH and Cort during acute stress studies without confounding the measurements. However, the elevation in basal ACTH seen in the tail vein nick group at baseline suggests that sampling needs to be completed rapidly (<3 min) to avoid the initiation of the pituitary stress response. Death by CO2 and pentobarbital sodium injection before trunk blood collection cause significant stress to animals, as reflected in the elevated plasma ACTH levels. These results support the use of either chronic vascular cannulas or sampling from a tail vein. However, collection of blood under pentobarbital sodium or CO2 anesthesia is likely to confound the results of stress studies when ACTH is an important endpoint.  相似文献   

The roles of age and prolactin (PRL) in regulating glucocorticoid secretion in diestrous rats were investigated. Adrenal zona fasciculata-reticularis (ZFR) cells from young, adult, middle (mid)-aged, and old female rats were isolated. Estrous cycle stage was determined by light microscopy after vaginal smears. Blood samples were collected from right jugular vein at 0, 30, 60, and 120 min after challenge with adrenocorticotropin (ACTH). During the diestrous phase, plasma levels of estradiol and progesterone were lower in mid-aged and old rats than in either young or adult rats. Age-dependent increases of the basal levels of plasma PRL and corticosterone were observed. No difference of ACTH-increased plasma concentrations of corticosterone was observed among young, adult, mid-aged, and old rats. Aging increased the basal, ACTH-, PRL-, forskolin (an adenylate cyclase activator)-, and 3-isobutyl-l-methylxanthine (IBMX, a non-selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor)-stimulated release of corticosterone and production of adenosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) in ZFR cells. However, the 8-Br-cAMP (a membrane-permeable cAMP)-stimulated release of corticosterone was not affected by age. Taken together, these data indicated that aging increased corticosterone secretion in female rats during diestrous phase, which is in part due to an increase in cAMP accumulation. In conclusion, aging and PRL play a stimulatory role in the co-regulation of corticosterone secretion.  相似文献   

C M Oltras  F Mora  F Vives 《Life sciences》1987,40(17):1683-1686
The effects of the expectancy of an official race (22000 m) and the performance of this last event on plasma levels of beta-Endorphin (B-End) and ACTH have been assessed. In a group of nine athletes, samples were obtained first in basal conditions; second in the day of the run before the warming up period and third after running. B-End immunoactivity was increased from 15.7 +/- 2.0 pg/ml to 23.4 +/- 2.5 pg/ml before the run and up to 30.6 +/- 2.9 pg/ml after the trial. ACTH levels were increased from 8.4 +/- 1.2 pg/ml to 17.9 +/- 2.3 pg/ml before running and up to 36.2 +/- 3.9 pg/ml after running. The results suggest that psychological and physical stress act synergically to increase the levels of B-End and ACTH during the practice of physical exercise.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of both adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (B) were determined in embryos (day 15 of incubation), chicks (day 3 after hatch) and young chickens (8 weeks). Experimental animals were bursectomized at 80 hr of incubation, i.e., before any anlage of the bursa of Fabricius could develop. Bursectomized (BFX) animals were compared to sham-operated controls (T), in basal, resting condition and 7 (ACTH) or 14 min (B) after ether stress was delivered for 30 sec. Basal B and ACTH levels seemed not to be significantly modified in BFX embryos, chicks and chickens. Hypophysial and adrenocortical response to stress appeared more precociously in BFX embryos (day 15 of incubation) than in intact ones (day 19). The non stress-responsive period that was observed for one week after hatch of T birds did not appear in 3-day-old BFX chicks whose both B and ACTH stress-induced levels were as high as in intact adults. In contrast, adrenocortical and pituitary corticotropic responses to stress were markedly impaired (by 50%) in adult BFX chickens as compared to intact controls.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of 40-45 days administration of 1 mg/kg thyroxine on protein and lipid metabolism in liver, heart, lungs, kidneys and adrenal glands of virgin and 21-day pregnant rats and their fetuses and placentae. The chronic administration of thyroid hormone produced significant increases in serum T3 and T4 in both groups as well as in organ weights and protein concentrations in virgin rats, but much smaller modifications in pregnant ones. Hyperthyroidism decreased the weight of fetal livers and increased that of placentae; protein content was increased in all fetal organs. Hyperthyroidism induced increases in phospholipid concentrations in all the organs and in total lipids only in liver and heart of adult rats, which were not counteracted by pregnancy. Pregnant rats had increases in total lipids in liver and kidneys and in adrenal phospholipids. In hyperthyroid fetuses there was an increase in hepatic total lipids and no changes in phospholipids. Hepatic lipogenesis (measured by in vivo incorporation of 3H2O into lipids) was increased by hyperthyroidism in virgin and pregnant rats, but the increase was significantly smaller in the pregnant hyperthyroid rats compared with the virgin ones. Fetal lipogenesis in liver and lung was not changed. In addition, an increase was observed in lipogenic enzyme (fatty acid synthetase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) activities in hyperthyroid virgin rats which was prevented by pregnancy. In fetuses only pulmonary glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was increased when expressed in terms of tissue weight. Our results indicate that the metabolic effect of hyperthyroidism is attenuated in pregnant rats and their fetuses, when compared with adult virgin rats, in most of the parameters studied.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The circadian rhythms for plasma ACTH and corticosterone (B), as well as motor activity, were explored in female rats after ocular enucleation (O-X), stereotaxic lesion of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN-X) or of midbrain raphe nuclei (R-X), or both O-X and R-X, pharmacological blockade of the serotoninergic (5HT) system by pCPA, sometimes bypassed by 5-HTP, or 5-HT denervation of the SCN by local injection of 5,7-DHT. The three circadian rhythms explored responded quite differently to the treatments. In particular, the ACTH and B rhythms lost their usual close correlations. The amplitude and mean level of ACTH fluctuations were depressed after all treatments, but remained normal or were enhanced for B rhythm. ACTH rhythmicity actually was undetectable after SCN-X, pCPA and, in several rats, combined O-X and R-X, whereas persisting circadian and/or ultradian B and locomotor activity rhythms were always measured. The participation of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, the midbrain raphe nuclei and other possible 5-HT components in a complex circadian pacemaker system is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that neonatal handling influences development of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) control of corticosterone. In addition, corticosterone influences memory consolidation processes in contextual fear conditioning. Therefore, neonatal handling may affect hippocampal-dependent memory processes present in contextual fear conditioning by influencing the development of HPA control of corticosterone. To investigate the effects of neonatal handling on early learning, rat pups were either handled (15-min removal from home cage) on the first 15 days after birth or left undisturbed in their home cage. Handled rats and nonhandled rats were fear conditioned at 18, 21, or 30 days of age and then tested at two time points--24 h following conditioning and at postnatal day 45. Subsequently, at approximately postnatal day 60, rats were exposed to restraint stress and corticosterone levels were assessed during restraint and recovery. Handled and nonhandled rats did not differ significantly in their freezing response immediately following footshock on the conditioning day. However, when tested for contextual fear conditioning at 24 h following conditioning and at postnatal day 45, handled rats showed more freezing behavior than nonhandled rats. When exposed to restraint stress, handled rats had a more rapid return of corticosterone to basal levels than nonhandled rats. These results indicate that neonatal handling enhances developmentally early memory processes involved in contextual fear conditioning and confirms previously reported effects of neonatal handling on HPA control of corticosterone.  相似文献   

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