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It has been proposed (Slayman, C.L., Long W.S., and Lu, C.Y.-H. (1973) J. Membr. Biol. 14, 305--338) that in Neurospora crassa, a plasma membrane ATPase functions to pump H+ ions out of the cell, thereby generating an electrochemical gradient that can drive transport processes. Using the concanavalin A method of Scarborough (Scarborough G.A. (1975)J. Biol. Chem. 250, 1106--1111), we have prepared plasma membranes of Neurospora and have deomonstrated that they do contain a distinct ATPase activity with the following properties. It has a pH optimum of 6.0, is highly specific for ATP (hydrolyzing other nucleoside triphosphates less than 6% as rapidly), requires Mg2+ at concentrations approximately equimolar to the concentration of ATP, is weakly stimulated by certain monovalent cations (K+ and NH4+) and anions (SCN- and acetate), is inhibited by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, but is not affected by oligomycin or ouabain. The plasma membrane fraction also contains residual mitochondrial contamination, which can be determined quantitatively by assaying oligomycin-sensitive ATP-ase activity, at pH 8.25, and succinic dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

The (K+,Mg2+)-ATPase was partially purified from a plasma membrane fraction from corn roots (WF9 × Mol7) and stored in liquid N2 without loss of activity. Specific activity was increased 4-fold over that of the plasma membrane fraction. ATPase activity resembled that of the plasma membrane fraction with certain alterations in cation sensitivity. The enzyme required a divalent cation for activity (Co2+ > Mg2+ > Mn2+ > Zn2+ > Ca2+) when assayed at 3 millimolar ATP and 3 millimolar divalent cation at pH 6.3. When assayed in the presence of 3 millimolar Mg2+, the enzyme was further activated by monovalent cations (K+, NH4+, Rb+ Na+, Cs+, Li+). The pH optima were 6.5 and 6.3 in the absence and presence of 50 millimolar KCl, respectively. The enzyme showed simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics for the substrate ATP-Mg, with a Km of 1.3 millimolar in the absence and 0.7 millimolar in the presence of 50 millimolar KCl. Stimulation by K+ approached simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with a Km of approximately 4 millimolar KCl. ATPase activity was inhibited by sodium orthovanadate. Half-maximal inhibition was at 150 and 35 micromolar in the absence and presence of 50 millimolar KCl. The enzyme required the substrate ATP. The rate of hydrolysis of other substrates, except UDP, IDP, and GDP, was less than 20% of ATP hydrolysis. Nucleoside diphosphatase activity was less than 30% of ATPase activity, was not inhibited by vanadate, was not stimulated by K+, and preferred Mn2+ to Mg2+. The results demonstrate that the (K+,Mg2+)-ATPase can be clearly distinguished from nonspecific phosphohydrolase and nucleoside diphosphatase activities of plasma membrane fractions prepared from corn roots.  相似文献   

The properties of a Ca2+ activated adenosine triphosphatase shown to be present in homogenates of purified rat peritoneal mast cells were investigated. The enzyme was activated by Ca2+, Mg2+, and to a lesser extent by Mn2+ and Co2+. Ca2+ alone was necessary for full activity and the further addition of Mg2+ did not have any effect. The chelating agents EGTA (ethanedioxybis(ethylamine)tetra-acetate) and EDTA completely inhibited the reaction. The pH optimum was 7.8. Reduced glutathione, cysteine, dithiothreitol, N-ethylmaleimide, urea, ADP, NaF, increasing ionic strength and Triton X-100 all inhibited the reaction. On subcellular fractionation of mast-cell homogenates by density-gradient centrifugation, the distribution of Ca2+ activated adenosine triphosphatase resembled that of 5'-nucleotidase, but differed from that of the other markers used, suggesting localization in the plasma membrane. Further experiments indicated that the enzyme is present on the external surface of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The association of an ATPase with the yeast peroxisomal membrane was established by both biochemical and cytochemical procedures. Peroxisomes were purified from protoplast homogenates of the methanol-grown yeast Hansenula polymorpha by differential and sucrose gradient centrifugation. Biochemical analysis revealed that ATPase activity was associated with the peroxisomal peak fractions which were identified on the basis of alcohol oxidase and catalase activity. The properties of this ATPase closely resembled those of the mitochondrial ATPase of this yeast. The enzyme was Mg2+-dependent, had a pH optimum of approximately 8.5 and was sensitive to N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), oligomycin and azide, but not to vanadate. A major difference was the apparent K m for ATP which was 4–6 mM for the peroxisomal ATPase compared to 0.6–0.9 mM for the mitochondrial enzyme.Cytochemical experiments indicated that the peroxisomal ATPase was associated with the membranes surrounding these organelles. After incubations with CeCl3 and ATP specific reaction products were localized on the peroxisomal membrane, both when unfixed isolated peroxisomes or formaldehyde-fixed protoplasts were used. This staining was strictly ATP-dependent; in controls performed i) in the absence of substrate, ii) in the presence of glycerol 2-phosphate instead of ATP, or iii) in the presence of DCCD, staining was invariably absent. Similar staining patterns were observed in subcellular fractions and protoplasts of Candida utilis and Trichosporon cutaneum X4, grown in the presence of ethanol/ethylamine or ethylamine, respectively.Abbreviations MES 2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide  相似文献   

Intermediate reaction states of the red beet plasma membrane ATPase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phosphorylation reaction for the plasma membrane ATPase of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) was examined in order to further understand the mechanism of this enzyme. The level of steady-state phosphorylation had a pH optimum of about 6.0 while ATPase activity (32Pi production) measured under identical conditions had a pH optimum of 7.0. Phosphoenzyme decomposition was accelerated as both the pH and temperature were increased. The former effect may account for the observed difference between the pH optimum for phosphorylation and ATPase. Although the kinetics of K+ stimulation of ATP hydrolysis have been observed to be complex, the kinetics of K+ stimulation of phosphoenzyme turnover were observed to be simple Michaelis-Menten. An antagonism was observed between MgATP and K+ for the stimulation of phosphoenzyme turnover. Increased MgATP concentration reduced the degree of K+ stimulation of phosphoenzyme turnover and ATPase activity. These effects could be explained by the observation that two forms of phosphoenzyme occur during ATP hydrolysis. One form is discharged by ADP while the other form is ADP insensitive. Potassium stimulation of phosphoenzyme breakdown occurs primarily because of effects on the ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme form. These results are consistent with a mechanism of ATP hydrolysis involving interconversions of conformational states.  相似文献   

Target molecular size of the red beet plasma membrane ATPase   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Radiation inactivation of the red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plasma membrane ATPase was carried out using γ-ray radiation from a 137Cs source. Inactivation of vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity by γ-ray radiation followed an exponential decline with increasing total dose, indicating a single target size calculated to have a molecular weight of about 228,000. Since the catalytic subunit of the red beet plasma membrane ATPase has been demonstrated to have a molecular weight of about 100,000 by dodecyl-sulfate gel electrophoresis following 32P-phosphorylation, it is suggested that the native enzyme may exist, at least, as a dimer of catalytic subunits.  相似文献   

The ATP phosphohydrolase (ATPase) activity of a corn (Zea mays L., WF9 × Mo17) root plasma membrane fraction was enriched almost 2-fold by selective extraction with 0.1% (w/v) deoxycholate. The detergent treatment solubilized about 30% of the total membrane protein and some ATP hydrolyzing activity that was not K+-stimulated, but the major portion of the ATPase activity could be pelleted with membranes. The properties of the ATPase associated with the detergent-extracted plasma membrane fraction were similar to those for the ATPase of the untreated plasma membrane fraction with respect to substrate specificity, pH optimum, kinetics with MgATP, ion stimulation, and inhibitor sensitivity. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed only minor differences in protein composition resulting from the detergent treatment.

The plasma membrane fraction from corn roots contained an endogenous protein kinase activity. This was shown by the time course of phosphate incorporation and by the labeling of a number of protein bands on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The deoxycholate treatment removed measurable protein kinase activity and allowed the demonstration of a rapidly turning over covalent phosphorylated intermediate associated with the detergent-extracted plasma membrane fraction. The phosphorylated intermediate was present as a 100,000 dalton polypeptide and may represent the catalytic subunit of the plasma membrane K+-ATPase.


Role of magnesium in the plasma membrane ATPase of red beet   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The phosphorylation technique was used to assess the role of Mg in the red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plasma membrane ATPase. When an excess of ethylenediaminetetraacetate (Tris salt, pH 6.5) was added to phosphorylation reactions at steady-state, the phosphorylation level declined exponentially and the rate constant for dephosphorylation was similar to that observed when phosphorylation reactions were chased with unlabeled ATP. When KCl was included with the EDTA chase, a 2.4-fold increase in the turnover of the phosphoenzyme was observed. Thus, the formation of the phosphorylated intermediate but not its breakdown requires free Mg to be present. When an excess of unlabeled ATP containing MgSO4 was added to plasma membranes incubated for 20 seconds with [γ-32P]ATP in the absence of MgSO4, a burst of phosphorylation was observed that declined exponentially. The rate constant for this decline was similar to that observed for phosphoenzyme turnover after initial labeling in the presence of MgSO4. Extrapolation of this kinetic plot to zero time indicated that ATP binding can occur when MgSO4 is absent. It is proposed that Mg has a specific role in the transphosphorylation reaction of the terminal phosphate group of ATP to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Arrhenius plots of a membrane (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase) activity showed characteristic discontinuities, whereas those of the associated K+-dependent phosphatase activity did not. These findings support the contention that the phosphatase activity does not depend on phospholipid in the same way as does the ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The enzymatic properties of plasma membrane-bound Na+, K+-ATPase [EC], isolated with high specific activity and in good yield from pig thyroid cells, were examined. The enzyme activity required the presence of both Na+ and K+ at physiological concentrations; it exhibited high sensitivity to K+ and an absolute requirement for Na+. It showed highly specific requirement for Mg2+ and ATP. The apparent Km for ATP was 0.14 mM under the assay conditions. Arrhenius plots had a point of inflection at about 22 degrees C, activation energies being 24.2 kcal/mol at 5-22 degrees C and 19.0 kcal/mol at 22-40 degrees C. In addition to ouabain, the ATPase was strongly inhibited by fluoride and the SH-blocking reagent, PCMB. Iodide and TSH had no appreciable effect on the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The K(+)-stimulated ATPase was partially purified from a plasma membrane fraction from corn roots (WF9 x Mo 17) by solubilization with 30 millimolar octyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside followed by precipitation with dilute ammonium sulfate. The specific activity of the enzyme was increased about five times by this procedure. The molecular weight of the detergent-extracted ATPase complex was estimated to be at least 500,000 daltons by chromatography on a Bio-Gel A-5m column. Negative staining electron microscopy indicated that the detergent-extracted material consisted of amorphous particles, while the ammonium sulfate precipitate was composed of uniform vesicles with an average diameter of 100 nanometers. The protein composition of the ammonium sulfate precipitate was significantly different from that of the plasma membrane fraction when compared by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The characteristics of the partially purified ATPase resembled those of the plasma membrane associated enzyme. The ATPase required Mg(2+), was further stimulated by K(+), was almost completely inhibited by 0.1 millimolar diethylstilbestrol, and was not affected by 5.0 micrograms per milliliter oligomycin. Although the detergents sodium cholate, deoxycholate, Triton X-100 and Lubrol WX also solubilized some membrane protein, none solubilized the K(+)-stimulated ATPase activity. Low concentrations of each detergent, including octyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside, activated the ATPase and higher concentrations inactivated the enzyme. These results suggest that the plasma membrane ATPase is a large, integral membrane protein or protein complex that requires lipids to maintain its activity.  相似文献   

Red beet ( Beta vulgaris L., cv. Detroit Dark Red) plasma membrane ATPase solubilized from a deoxycholate-extracted plasma membrane fraction with Zwittergent 3–14 was reconstituted into liposomes. Detergent removal and reconstitution was carried out by column chromatography on Sephadex G-200 followed by centrifugation at 100 000 g for I h. Prior to reconstitution, optimal activity in the solubilized preparation was observed when dormant red beet tissue was used in the extraction/solubilization procedure. Following reconstitution into liposomes, ATP-dependent proton transport could be demonstrated by measuring the quenching of acridine orange fluorescence. Proton transport and ATPase activity in the reconstituted enzyme preparation were inhibited by orthovandate but stimulated by KNO3. This stimulation most likely results from a reduction in the membrane potential generated during electrogenic proton transport by the reconstituted ATPase. The ATPase activity of the reconstituted ATPase was further characterized and found to have a pH optimum of 6.5 in the presence of both Mg2+ and K+. The activity was specific for ATP, insensitive to ouabain and azide but inhibited by N;N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and diethylstilbestrol. Stimulation of ATP hydrolytic activity occurred in the sequence: K+ Rb+ Na+ Cs+ Li+ and the kinetics of K+ stimulation of ATPase activity followed non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics as observed for both the membrane-bound and solubilized forms of the enzyme. Reconstitution of the plasma membrane ATPase from red beet allowed a substantial purification of the enzyme and resulted in the enrichment of a 100 kDa polypeptide representing the ATPase catalytic subunit.  相似文献   

The effect of vanadate on the plant plasma membrane ATPase were investigated in plasma membrane fractions derived from corn roots (Zea mays L.) and red beets (Beta vulgaris L.). The Ki for vanadate inhibition of the plasma membrane ATPase from corn roots and red beets was between 6 and 15 micromolar vanadate. In both membrane fractions, 80% to 90% of the total ATPase was inhibited at vanadate concentrations below 100 micromolar. Vanadate inhibition was optimal at pH 6.5, enhanced by the presence of K+, and was partially reversed by 1 millimolar EDTA. The Mg:ATP kinetics for the plasma membrane ATPase were hyperbolic in both the absence and presence of vanadate. Vanadate decreased both the Km and Vmax of the red beet plasma membrane ATPase, indicating that vanadate inhibits the ATPase uncompetitively. These results indicate many similarities with respect to vanadate inhibition between the plant plasma membrane ATPase and other major iontranslocating ATPases from fungal and animal cells. The high sensitivity to vanadate reported here, however, differs from other reports of vanadate inhibition of the plant plasma membrane ATPase from corn, beets, and in some instances oats.  相似文献   

A new procedure for large-scale preparation of plasma-membrane-bound ATPase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is described. The crude membrane fraction is purified by selective extraction with three successive detergents: deoxycholate (0.25 mg/mg protein), Triton X-100 (0.25%) and lysophosphatidylcholine (1 mg/mg protein). These treatments extract the mitochondria and strip the plasma membrane. From 1 kg commercial baker's yeast, 200 mg of plasma membrane proteins are isolated in 2--3 days. Plasma-membrane-bound ATPase of specific activity of 10--13 mumol Pi x min-1 x mg protein-1 is obtained with a yield estimated to 60%. Dodecylsulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows three predominant polypeptides of Mr = 95000, 70000 and 56000 in the purified membrane fraction. The major polypeptide of Mr = 95000 identified as the ATPase subunit is phosphorylated by millimolar concentrations of ATP. The phosphorylated intermediate reaches the steady-state level in less than 100 ms and turns over very rapidly. It is hydrolyzed by hydroxylamine. Its formation is prevented by the ATPase inhibitors vanadate and Dio-9, a plasma-membrane ATPase inhibitor of unknown structure. At least four other membrane proteins are phosphorylated with much slower kinetics, presumably through the action of protein-kinase(s).  相似文献   

Diethylstibestrol (DES) inhibited noncompetitively the ATPase in the plasma membrane fraction from Avena sativa L. cv. Goodfield roots when assayed in the presence of MgSO4 or MgSO4 plus KCl. In the presence of MgSO4, 7.1×10−5 molar DES inhibited the enzyme 50%; whereas in the presence of MgSO4 and KCl, 1.3×10−4 molar DES was required for the same inhibition. Dixon plots indicated that in the presence of MgSO4, one molecule of DES bound to one molecule of ATPase; however, in the presence of MgSO4 and KCl, two or more molecules bound to one ATPase molecule. These results suggested that KCl causes a conformational change in the enzyme which exposes additional binding sites for DES, but that these sites are not as inhibitory as the first binding site.  相似文献   

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