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Previous studies on the influence of phorbol esters on mouse skin tumorigenesis have shown that 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) enhances development of malignant epithelial and mesenchymal skin tumors by a completely carcinogenic dose of 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA), while its congener phorbol-12, 13-diacetate (PDA) exerts an inhibitory effect. Differential effects of these two agents were analysed by histology, morphometry and cell kinetic techniques including autoradiography and estimation of labelled precursor incorporation into DNA by liquid scintillation counting. Epidermal hyperplasia induced on exposure of S/RV Cri mouse skin to a single or multiple TPA application after MCA injection was associated with a significant increase in the thickness of nucleated cell layers, stratum granulosum, number of suprabasal cells and dark basal cells. Enhancing effect of TPA on MCA-induced neoplastic development correlated well with an increase in mitotic activity, number of cells in S-phase and increased rate of DNA synthesis in the epidermis, dermis and subcutis as also mast cell number. In contrast, treatment of MCA-injected preneoplastic mouse skin with PDA resulted in epidermal hypoplasia and cellular damage evident as cytoplasmic vacuolation and nuclear pyknosis. Multiple PDA exposure also reduced the thickness, mitotic index and number of cells in S-phase in epidermis, dermis and subcutis. Thus, cellular toxicity and inability to recruit cells in DNA-synthetic phase may account for inhibition of progression of preneoplastic epithelial and mesenchymal cells into overt tumors by PDA.  相似文献   

Studies were designed to examine the effects of phorbol esters on intestinal fluid transport and blood flow in the anesthetized cat and enteropooling in the conscious rat. Intraluminal administration of phorbol ester into a segment of isolated small bowel produced a copious intestinal secretion and a concomitant mesenteric hyperemia in the cat. Net fluid movement in the intestine was converted from absorption in the control state to secretion following phorbol ester administration. Intravenous atropine reduced the phorbol ester-induced secretion by 56%; clonidine abolished the remaining secretory response. In the rat, intragastric administration of phorbol ester produced enteropooling comparable to that of other potent intestinal secretagogues. Since phorbol esters are known to activate protein kinase C, these studies suggest that activation of protein kinase C in the small intestine may lead to a full secretory response. The evidence suggests that this secretion is accompanied by a metabolic hyperemia. These results suggest that protein kinase C plays an important role in the regulation of intestinal fluid transport.  相似文献   

A quantitative study of the incorporation of 3H-leucine and 35S-cystine by the 12-day embryonic chick epidermis during 2 days in culture in serum-containing medium, with and without added vitamin A has been made. This has shown that very soon after explantation, protein synthesis, particularly the synthesis of cyst(e)ine-rich proteins is enhanced dramatically in the epidermis cultured in the control, serum-containing medium alone. This effect is completely absent in the medium containing added vitamin A (5 IU/ml). Under these conditions 3H-leucine and 35S-cystine incorporation remain relatively unchanged during the 2-day culture period.  相似文献   

The basal levels of 3′,5′ adenosine monophosphate and 3′,5′ guanosine monophosphate were measured in mouse epidermis after initiation with 7,12 dimethylbenzanthracene and 1,2,10 or 20 skin treatments with the tumor promoter phorbol myristate acetate. Slight but significant decreases in cAMP and dramatic (5–10 fold) increases in cGMP were found after multiple treatments with the promoter. The cyclic nucleotide levels found in isolated solid tumors closely paralleled these changes.  相似文献   

In cultured mouse mammary gland explants derived from 12-14 day pregnant mice, the effect of prolactin (PRL) on the rate of incorporation of several precursors into neutral lipids and phospholipids was determined. Employing [14C]-acetate as a substrate, PRL stimulates its incorporation into a) neutral lipids by 4-6 hours, b) phosphatidyl choline (PC) and phosphatidyl inositol-phosphatidyl serine (PI-PS) by 1-2 hours, and c) phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) by 2-4 hours. Using [3H]-glycerol as a substrate, the temporal response to PRL for its incorporation into the neutral lipids was the same as that for [14C]-acetate, however, PRL did not enhance the rate of [3H]-glycerol incorporation into the phospholipids at any time through 16 hours. PRL similarly had no effect on the rates of [3H]-choline, [3H]-serine, [3H]-ethanolamine, or [32P]O4 incorporation into the phospholipids at hormone exposure periods of 8 hours or more. And finally, PRL had no effect on the rates of [3H]-arachidonate or [14C]-linoleate incorporation into neutral lipids or phospholipids at culture periods up to 18 hours. These data suggest that the early effect of PRL on [14C]-acetate incorporation into the phospholipids is due to either the insertion of newly synthesized fatty acids and/or the extension of fatty acids contained in the phospholipids.  相似文献   

1. Dimethylnitrosamine (37.5 mg/kg body wt.) was administered to mice by a single intraperitoneal injection, and the early effects on protein synthesis and related functions were studied in a liver S-30 system. 2. The incorporation of [14C]leucine into protein decreased rapidly after dimethylnitrosamine administration. The effect was associated with a decreased ability of the system to utilize methionyl-tRNAfMet and formyl-methionyl-tRNAfMet for 80 S ribosomal initiation-complex formation (primary initiation), and a loss of poly(A)-containing RNA from the postmicrosomal fraction. All the three effects developed simultaneously, and were clearly demonstrable within 15 min. 3. Initiation-complex formation in the polyribosomal fraction (re-initiation) was decreased to the same extent as the primary initiation, indicating that the initiation defect was not a result of the decrease in free mRNA. 4. The inhibition of initiation was only manifest at the joining of the 40 S pre-initiation complex to 60 S ribosomal subunits. It was not a result of methionyl-tRNAfMet deacylation. The functions between the formation of the methionyl-tRNAfMet-containing 80 S ribosomal complex and the first translocation on the ribosome were not involved, since the incorporation of formylmethionine into N-terminal polypeptides decreased to the same extent as the 80 S initiation-complex formation. 5. Inhibitors of protein synthesis (cycloheximide and pactamycin) decreased poly(A)-containing RNA in the postmicrosomal fraction in a similar way to dimethylnitrosamine.  相似文献   

Abstract. Differences are described in the effects of treatment of preimplantation mouse embryos with low levels (0.01–1 n M ) of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), during three different periods of a 48-h culture from the 2-cell stage, on pre- and postimplantation development. Treatment of embryos with PMA for 48 h (first group) or 24 h (second group) from the 2-cell stage caused premature cavitation (prior to the 16-cell stage) and it also reduced the size and alkaline phosphatase (ALPase) activity of inner cell masses (ICMs), as well as the numbers of cells in blastocysts, in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment of early morulae with PMA for 24 h (third group) did not have the abovementioned effects on embryos but inhibited the formation and subsequent enlargement of the blastocoel. The blastocysts that were allowed to develop in the three treatment groups were examined for postimplantation development. Implantation was unaffected in all groups. The survival rate after implantation was low in the first and second groups but relatively high in the third group. The results indicate that an embryo exposed to PMA for 24 h from the 2-cell stage forms a premature blastocoel, and, in such an embryo, quantitative and qualitative differentiation into the ICM is blocked but qualitative differentiation into trophectoderm is uninhibited. Consequently, the embryo can implant but does not survive for a long time. When embryos were exposed to PMA for 24 h from the early morula stage, the formation and enlargement of the blastocoel were inhibited even though the treatment had a minimal effect on other developmental events. It is suggested that the effects of PMA on early mouse development are specific to each period at which the drug is applied.  相似文献   

Hairless mice were given 2 mg Bleomycin i.p. in 1-0 ml saline on two successive days. By a stathmokinetic method, by micro-flow fluorometry and by autoradiography certain kinetic parameters were measured during 10 days after the last injection. Cell counts were made and the turnover time of the differentiating cells estimated. Protein synthesis was estimated by the uptake of radioactive histidine, and dry cell mass measured by weighing. Bleomycin affected cell proliferation in the epidermis by depressing biphasically both the number of cells in, and the passage of cells through, the cell cycle phases: S, G2 and M, most probably by directly affecting late G1 cells and cells in mitosis. The time between the two minima of depressed DNA synthesis corresponded to the mean generation time of the basal cells. Histidine uptake and dry cell mass were slightly affected, but the turnover time of the differentiating cells was prolonged. Bleomycin thus had a strong long-lasting inhibitory effect on epidermal cell proliferation and a marked inhibitory effect on epidermal cell maturation in mice.  相似文献   

M D Bazzi  G L Nelsestuen 《Biochemistry》1989,28(24):9317-9323
The binding of protein kinase C (PKC) to membranes and appearance of kinase activity are separable events. Binding is a two-step process consisting of a reversible calcium-dependent interaction followed by an irreversible interaction that can only be dissociated by detergents. The irreversibly bound PKC is constitutively active, and the second step of binding may be a major mechanism of PKC activation [Bazzi & Nelsestuen (1988) Biochemistry 27, 7589]. This study examined the activity of other forms of membrane-bound PKC and compared the effects of phorbol esters and diacylglycerols. Like the membrane-binding event, activation of PKC was a two-stage process. Diacylglycerols (DAG) participated in forming an active PKC which was reversibly bound to the membrane. In this case, both activity and membrane binding were terminated by addition of calcium chelators. DAG functioned poorly in generating the constitutively active, irreversible PKC-membrane complex. These properties differed markedly from phorbol esters which activated PKC in a reversible complex but also promoted constitutive PKC activation by forming the irreversible PKC-membrane complex. The concentration of phorbol esters needed to generate the irreversible PKC-membrane complex was slightly higher than the concentration needed to activate PKC. In addition, high concentrations of phorbol esters (greater than or equal to 50 nM) activated PKC and induced irreversible PKC-membrane binding in the absence of calcium. Despite these striking differences, DAG prevented binding of phorbol esters to high-affinity sites on the PKC-membrane complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Early metabolic effects and mechanism of ammonium transport in yeast   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Studies were performed to define the effects and mechanism of NH+4 transport in yeast. The following results were obtained. Glucose was a better facilitator than ethanol-H2O2 for ammonium transport; low concentrations of uncouplers or respiratory inhibitors could inhibit the transport with ethanol as the substrate. With glucose, respiratory inhibitors showed only small inhibitory effects, and only high concentrations of azide or trifluoromethoxy carbonylcyanide phenylhydrazone could inhibit ammonium transport. Ammonium in the free state could be concentrated approximately 200-fold by the cells. Also, the addition of ammonium produced stimulation of both respiration and fermentation; an increased rate of H+ extrusion and an alkalinization of the interior of the cell; a decrease of the membrane potential, as monitored by fluorescent cyanine; an immediate decrease of the levels of ATP and an increase of ADP, which may account for the stimulation of both fermentation and respiration; and an increase of the levels of inorganic phosphate. Ammonium was found to inhibit 86Rb+ transport much less than K+. Also, while K+ produced a competitive type of inhibition, that produced by NH4+ was of the noncompetitive type. From the distribution ratio of ammonium and the pH gradient, an electrochemical potential gradient of around -180 mV was calculated. The results indicate that ammonium is transported in yeast by a mechanism similar to that of monovalent alkaline cations, driven by a membrane potential. The immediate metabolic effects of this cation seem to be due to an increased [H+]ATPase, to which its transport is coupled. However, the carriers seem to be different. The transport system studied in this work was that of low affinity.  相似文献   

T-tubule membrane vesicles isolated from skeletal muscle contain a very active Mg(2+)-ATPase (EC which is modulated by lectins and is located in the junctional region near the sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes (1). The effects of several prominent lipophilic agents upon the ATPase have led us to evaluate the action of diacylglycerols and phorbol esters upon the enzyme. The ATPase is inhibited by submicromolar levels of the phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), and the diacylglycerol, 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (sn-OAG), with K0.5s of 0.2 and 0.5 microM, respectively. Significantly, 4-alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4-alpha-phorbol) the TPA analogue shown to be inactive toward protein kinase C (PKC), inhibited the ATPase with a K0.5 of 0.3 microM, and 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonyl-sn-glycerol, the preferred endogenous activator of PKC, was not inhibitory toward the ATPase. 1-(5-Isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine dihydrochloride (a membrane permeant PKC inhibitor) and peptide 19-36 (the highly specific PKC pseudosubstrate inhibitor) were both without effect upon the ATPase and did not affect TPA inhibition. ATPase activity was not altered under phosphorylating conditions in experiments using exogenous rat brain PKC. ConA protected ATPase activity against inhibition by TPA, 4-alpha-phorbol, and sn-OAG. Additionally, phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate binding studies demonstrated that the ATPase was capable of significant phorbol binding with ConA protection. The data are consistent with a direct and specific effect of phorbol esters and diacylglycerols upon the ATPase, without any participation of PKC. We conclude that the transverse tubule (T-tubule) ATPase is an alternate receptor for diacylglycerol and TPA in skeletal muscle and that the mode of action of these agents upon the ATPase (inhibition) is opposite to their mode of action on PKC (activation). The data demonstrate that substantial care must be taken in ascribing either cellular or subcellular effects of phorbol esters and diacylglycerols exclusively to the activation of PKC and that alternate receptors may exist. Criteria are recommended for the demonstration of PKC-independent modulation by phorbols and diacylglycerols.  相似文献   

Murine thymocytes were stimulated with the protein kinase C activating agents Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) or a more physiological membrane permeant diacylglycerol (dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol, DiC8) in the presence or absence of exogenous lymphokines (rIL-1 beta, rIL-2). Whereas PMA directly induced reactivity to rIL-2, DiC8 did not but had to synergize with the calcium ionophore Ionomycin. Expression of the p55 chain of the IL-2 receptor behaved similarly. In the absence of exogenous rIL-2, thymocytes proliferated in response to a combination of Ionomycin and PMA; however, replacing PMA by a single addition of DiC8 did not result in proliferation. Stimulation with Ionomycin plus repeated addition of DiC8 induced a low level of thymocyte proliferation and further addition of rIL-1 beta resulted in a significant increase. Purified immature (L3T4-Lyt2-) thymocytes behaved similarly, but showed an increased sensitivity to rIL-1 beta. Taken together, the data support the idea that PMA and the more physiological diacylglycerols do not possess totally equivalent activities in lymphocyte stimulation.  相似文献   

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