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Neutral steroids are difficult to analyse using desorption ionisation methods coupled with mass spectrometry (MS). However, steroids with an unhindered ketone group can readily be derivatised with the Girard P (GP) reagent to give GP hydrazones. Steroid GP hydrazones contain a quaternary nitrogen atom and are readily desorbed in the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) process, giving an improvement in sensitivity of two orders of magnitude. Steroids without a ketone group, but with a 3beta-hydroxy-Delta5 function, can be readily converted to 3-oxo-Delta4 steroids and subsequently derivatised to GP hydrazones for MALDI analysis. In addition to giving strong [M]+ ions upon MALDI, steroid GP hydrazones give informative post-source decay (PSD) spectra. By using the accurate mass of the precursor-ion measured by MALDI-MS, in combination with the structural information encoded in its PSD spectrum, steroid structures can readily be determined.  相似文献   


Context: Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a common hypertensive disorder of pregnancy that substantially affects maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. The aetiology of the disease remains poorly understood with lack of reliable diagnostic tests. PE is a multisystem disorder so it is very unlikely that a single or a small group of biomarkers will accurately predict the disease. Mass spectrometry (MS) is indispensable analytical tool in protein analysis studies. MS-based proteomics have the ability to detect the entire protein complement to provide a useful window into a range of biological processes and allow the identification of differentially expressed proteins between samples.

Objective: The aim of this review is to summarise, discuss and evaluate the current predominant MS-based approaches applied for protein biomarker discovery. The paper also seeks to evaluate the current potential PE biomarkers described in the literature and identify issues that can guide future research.

Conclusion: MS-based proteomics studies are promising alternatives to classical hypothesis-driven approaches to discover novel biomarkers and provide new insights into the underlying phathophysiological mechanisms of PE. This should aid in the early diagnosis of PE and the understanding of the aetiology of the disease.  相似文献   

Promoter hypermethylation-associated tumor suppressor gene (TSG) silencing has been explored as a therapeutic target for hypomethylating agents. Promoter methylation change may serve as a pharmacodynamic endpoint for evaluation of the efficacy of these agents and predict the patient’s clinical response. Here a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay has been developed for quantitative regional DNA methylation analysis using the molar ratio of 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine (5mdC) to 2′-deoxycytidine (2dC) in the enzymatic hydrolysate of fully methylated bisulfite-converted polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons as the methylation indicator. The assay can differentiate 5% of promoter methylation level with an intraday precision ranging from 3 to 16% using two TSGs: HIN-1 and RASSF1A. This method was applied to characterize decitabine-induced promoter DNA methylation changes of these two TSGs in a breast cancer MCF-7 cell line. Promoter methylation of these TSGs was found to decrease in a dose-dependent manner. Correspondingly, the expression of these TSGs was enhanced. The sensitivity and reproducibility of the method make it a valuable tool for specific gene methylation analysis that could aid characterization of hypomethylating activity on specific genes by hypomethylating agents in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

A novel method was established for simultaneous quantitation of testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in murine tissue and serum samples. Endogenous T and DHT, together with the internal standards 17α-methyl-T and 17α-methyl-DHT, were extracted from tissues and then derivatized by reaction with 2-hydrazino-4-(trifluoromethyl)-pyrimidine (HTP). Analysis by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) resulted in product ion spectra of HTP derivatives of both T and DHT that showed analyte-specific fragmentations; the latter fragmentations were characterized by the use of high-resolution Orbitrap MS/MS. These specific fragmentations enabled quantitation of T and DHT in the multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. The method was validated with charcoal-stripped serum as the matrix. The lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) was 0.10 ng/ml for T and 0.50 ng/ml for DHT. The method was then used for determination of serum and tissue levels of T and DHT in transgenic mice carrying a hypomorphic NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase gene (Cpr-low mice). Remarkably, ovarian T levels in Cpr-low mice were found to be 25-fold higher than those in wild-type mice, a finding that at least partly explains the female infertility seen in the Cpr-low mice. In conclusion, our method provides excellent sensitivity and selectivity for determination of endogenous levels of T and DHT in mouse tissues.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxoid, an acellular pertussis vaccine prepared by hydrogen peroxide treatment in the presence of Fe3+, has not been well characterized. Because the toxoid has been a part of the DTaP vaccine for infants, it is of interest and significance to have a clear understanding of its structure. The five subunits of pertussis toxin (PT) have a combined molecular weight of approximately 95,000 Da. The peroxide treatment in toxoid formation introduces additional complexity into the protein sequence. To maximize sequence coverage, a two-dimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (2D LC-MS/MS) approach was used to analyze the tryptic digest of toxoid as a whole. An analytical-scale high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrument using a pentafluorophenyl (PFP) column was used as the first-dimensional LC for fraction collection. The fractions were then analyzed by nanoLC-MS/MS using a C18 column to acquire collision-activated dissociation (CAD) spectra of the tryptic peptides. It is shown that a PFP column has a different peptide retention specificity from a C18 column. A combination of a PFP column and a C18 column is a viable approach for dispersing peptides in a complex mixture. From the structures of 65 peptides that represented approximately 50% of its sequence, PT was found to have sustained heavy oxidative damages during toxoid preparation. Nearly all methionine, cysteine, and (likely) tryptophan residues were oxidized. Evidence of histidine and tyrosine oxidation was also observed. In addition, a large percentage of asparagine was found hydrolyzed to aspartic acid. These findings corrrelate well with the reduction of PT toxicity by peroxide treatment.  相似文献   

Fragmentation and "top-down" sequencing of intact proteins by mass spectrometry (MS) is most commonly performed by infusion of protein solutions into Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometers. However, the high cost of this instrumentation, coupled with the need to infuse "clean" solutions (lacking standard biological buffers), limits broad application of this technique. The current study describes an alternative approach to top-down sequencing using in-source fragmentation on quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-Tof) instrumentation coupled with reversed-phase liquid chromatography (LC). Application of this technique to purified recombinant samples yielded protein fragments during routine LC-MS analysis. The presence of multiple N- and C-terminal fragments allowed localization of structural modifications without proteolytic digestion. The method was extended to complex samples by using LC conditions that provided high-resolution protein separation. Utility of the method was illustrated by real-time monitoring of protein modifications occurring in reconstituted apoptosomes. These experiments illustrate that intact protein mass and limited sequence information can be obtained simultaneously on an LC timescale. This approach will allow a wide variety of laboratories to routinely apply top-down sequencing to problems in structural characterization, protein purification, and biomarker identification.  相似文献   

Yu SY  Wu SW  Khoo KH 《Glycoconjugate journal》2006,23(5-6):355-369
Concerted MALDI-MS profiling and CID MS/MS sequencing of permethylated glycans is one of the most effective approaches for high throughput glycomics applications. In essence, the identification of larger complex type N-glycans necessitates an unambiguous definition of any modification on the trimannosyl core and the complement of non-reducing terminal sequences which constitute the respective antennary structures. Permethylation not only affords analyses of both neutral and sialylated glycans at comparable ease and sensitivity but also yields more sequence-informative fragmentation pattern. Facile glycosidic cleavages directed mostly at N-acetylglucosamine under low energy CID, as implemented on a quadrupole/time-of-flight (Q/TOF) instrument, often afford multiple losses of the attached antenna resulting in characteristic ions related to the number of antennary branches on the trimannosyl core. Non-reducing terminal epitopes can be easily deduced but information on the linkage specific substituent on the terminal units is often missing. The high energy CID MS/MS afforded by TOF/TOF instrument can fill in the gap by giving an array of additional cross-ring and satellite ions. Glycosidic cleavages occurring specifically in concert with loss of 2-linked or 3-linked substituents provide an effective way to identify the branch-specific antennary extension. These characteristics are shown here to be effective in deriving the sequences of additionally galactosylated, sialylated and fucosylated terminal N-acetyllactosamine units and their antennary location. Together, a highly reproducible fragmentation pattern can be formulated to simplify spectral assignment. This work also provides first real examples of sequencing multiply sialylated complex type N-glycans by high energy CID on a TOF/TOF instrument. Shin-Yi Yu and Sz-Wei Wu contributed equally to this work. Dedicated to the late Prof. Yasuo Inoue, without whom the body of work represented by this article would not have been initiated in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Papaver alkaloids play a major role in medicine and pharmacy. In this study, [ring-(13)C(6)]-tyramine as a biogenetic precursor of these alkaloids was fed to Papaver somniferum seedlings. The alkaloid pattern was elucidated both by direct infusion high-resolution ESI-FT-ICR mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography/electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Thus, based on this procedure, the structure of about 20 alkaloids displaying an incorporation of the labeled tyramine could be elucidated. These alkaloids belong to different classes, e.g. morphinan, benzylisoquinoline, protoberberine, benzo[c]phenanthridine, phthalide isoquinoline and protopine. The valuable information gained from the alkaloid profile demonstrates that the combination of these two spectrometric methods represents a powerful tool for evaluating biochemical pathways and facilitates the study of the flux of distant precursors into these natural products.  相似文献   

Quantification of α- and γ-endorphins in rat brain using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry is described. [D-Ala2]-γ-endorphin is used as an internal standard. The precursor-to-product ion MRM transitions for α-endorphin, γ-endorphin, and [D-Ala2]-γ-endorphin were m/z 873.6 → 429.6; 929.6 → 542.3; 936.6 → 542.3, respectively. The method was validated in terms of linearity, specificity, sensitivity, recovery, precision, and accuracy. The assay was linear over a concentration range of 0.1-200 ng/mL with the limit-of-detection of 0.03 ng/mL and limit-of-quantification of 0.1 ng/mL. The endogenous concentrations of α- and γ-endorphins in rat brains were 13.8 ± 0.57 (mean ± SD; n = 5) and 2.5 ± 0.43 ng/g of wet tissue weight, respectively.  相似文献   

内源性肽以细胞因子、生长激素、激素肽等形式在人体的内分泌、神经、细胞生长和生殖各个领域发挥功能。神经肽是一种内源性肽,与痛觉、睡眠、情绪、学习与记忆等生理活动相关,不但存在于脑部神经细胞,也存在于其他体液和器官内并发挥重要作用。目前对器官内源性肽的研究仍不足,尤其是其中的神经肽。文中应用液质联用串联质谱高通量鉴定胰腺、心脏、肝脏和肾脏中内源性肽的分布以及神经肽的种类。鉴定结果显示,在肝脏中内源性肽和神经肽的数目最多,而胰腺中最少;所鉴定到的内源性肽具有器官特异性,在4个器官中分别呈现不同的动态分布;4个器官中神经肽的LPV(最长肽变异体)数目差异较大,而且基因家族的分布也各不相同,比如胰腺中的神经肽多属于Glucagon家族,心脏中的神经肽分别属于ACBD7、Granins、PEBP等几个家族。鉴定结果将为疾病的机制研究和治疗药物的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry-based (MS) methods are effective tools for discovering protein biomarker candidates that can differentiate between physiological and pathophysiological states. Promising candidates are validated in studies comprising large patient cohorts. Here, targeted protein analytics are used to increase sample throughput. Methods involving antibodies, such as sandwich immunoassays or Western blots, are commonly applied at this stage. Highly-specific and sensitive mass spectrometry-based immunoassays that have been established in recent years offer a suitable alternative to sandwich immunoassays for quantifying proteins. Mass Spectrometric ImmunoAssays (MSIA) and Stable Isotope Standards and Capture by Anti-Peptide Antibodies (SISCAPA/iMALDI) are two prominent types of MS-based immunoassays in which the capture is done either at the protein or the peptide level. We present an overview of these emerging types of immunoassays and discuss their suitability for the discovery and validation of protein biomarkers. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biomarkers: A Proteomic Challenge.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications are used by cells to control the functions of proteins. Phosducin-like protein (PhLP) is a regulator of G-protein signaling that is post-translationally modified via phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of PhLP initiates its degradation by the 26S proteasome in serum-stimulated cells. In this report, we show that PhLP is phosphorylated in serum-stimulated Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Through the use of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), the specific amino acids phosphorylated can be identified. A PhLP-myc-His construct was purified and phosphorylated by serum-stimulated CHO extract. The resulting protein was digested with trypsin and the peptides were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Automated collison-induced dissociation data acquisition was compared with LC-MS/MS of manually chosen parents. In general, LC-MS/MS is superior for parent ions chosen manually, with the notable exception that automated fragmentation employs dynamic collision energy, which can result in higher quality collison-induced dissociation. Using the LC-MS/MS methods, four phosphorylation sites on PhLP were positively identified.  相似文献   

Two mass spectrometric methods were established for the quantitative analyses of alpha-tocopherol (TH) and its oxidation product alpha-tocopherolquinone (TQ) in human plasma. Both methods make use of isotopically labeled internal standards of different levels of deuteration (d3-TH and d6-TQ). Plasma (100 microl) was saponified in the presence of a mixture of antioxidants, and then TH and TQ were extracted with hexane. With the GC-MS method, the analytes were first converted into O-trimethylsilyl derivatives before analysis in the selective ion monitoring mode. The derivatization procedure led to the quantitative conversion of TQ into the O-trimethylsilyl derivative of tocopherolhydroquinone, giving rise to a more stable molecule with less fragmentation than for TQ. The increased stability of the molecule resulted in an enhanced contribution of the base peak to the total observed ions and therefore an increased sensitivity of the base peak for quantification. With the liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method, TH and TQ were detected by multiple reaction monitoring after positive electrospray ionization. The GC-MS and LC-MS/MS methods showed nearly the same accuracy (>95%) and the same within-day precisions, with less than 5 and 10% for TH and TQ, respectively. The between-day precision and the limit of quantification for TQ in plasma were better by LC-MS/MS (4%; 3 nM) than by GC-MS (21%; 10 nM). Analysis and method validation were carried out with plasma samples obtained from a male volunteer pre- and postexercise. Both techniques showed that the ratio of TQ/TH was elevated by 35% immediately after exercise and had returned to basal levels when measured 24 h later.  相似文献   

神经肽在参与调控人体各种生理功能上发挥着重要的作用,如痛觉、睡眠、情绪、学习与记忆等生理活动都受到神经肽的影响。神经肽主要存在于机体的神经组织内,其他体液和器官中也有少量的分布。目前对全脑组织神经肽高通量鉴定的研究仍不足,高通量检测这些神经肽对了解神经肽的组成和功能具有重要的意义。本研究通过对小鼠全脑组织内源性肽段的萃取,运用液相串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)技术对全脑组织的神经肽进行检测,共鉴定到1 830条内源性肽段和99条预测神经肽肽段。这些内源性肽段的鉴定在疾病的治疗和机制研究以及药物的研发方面提供了参考价值,也为研究新的神经肽及其功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Specialized natural product analysis of six Turkish endemic and two narrowly distributed Centaurea L. taxa was performed via electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) fingerprinting and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), which is an effective methodology that is widely used for fast screening of complex natural mixtures such as food extracts, but not has not been used as commonly for plant chemophenetics. This method is preferable when it is aimed to compare a large number of plant extracts for chemophenetic purposes and when it is difficult to provide equally good chromatographic separation in all of the extracts. ESI-MS shows the major compounds in fingerprinting extracts. LC-MS/MS provides identification according to fragmentation with the advantage of MS/MS, and validation can be performed in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode with simultaneous precursor and product ion scans. Herein, sixteen flavones, four flavonols, four flavanones, two lignans, three sesquiterpene lactones, and four phenolic acids, a total of thirty three substances, were identified tentatively or unambiguously from the extracts. It was concluded that ESI-MS fingerprinting is a suitable method for plant chemophenetics when coupled and validated with LC-MS/MS. Moreover, it was concluded that sesquiterpene lactones, lignans, and flavonoids are suitable for taxonomic purposes in Centaurea owing to species-specific metabolite profiles.  相似文献   

Recent developments in combined separations with mass spectrometry for sensitive and high-throughput proteomic analyses are reviewed herein. These developments primarily involve high-efficiency (separation peak capacities of ~103) nanoscale liquid chromatography (flow rates extending down to approximately 20 nl/min at optimal liquid mobile-phase separation linear velocities through narrow packed capillaries) in combination with advanced mass spectrometry and in particular, high-sensitivity and high-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Such approaches enable analysis of low nanogram level proteomic samples (i.e., nanoscale proteomics) with individual protein identification sensitivity at the low zeptomole level. The resultant protein measurement dynamic range can approach 106 for nanogram-sized proteomic samples, while more abundant proteins can be detected from subpicogram-sized (total) proteome samples. These qualities provide the foundation for proteomics studies of single or small populations of cells. The instrumental robustness required for automation and providing high-quality routine performance nanoscale proteomic analyses is also discussed.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding proteins interact with LPS in human serum and mediate various immune responses. We describe a high-throughput LPS-binding protein profiling platform for discovering unknown LPS-binding proteins and potential inflammatory mediators. As a pull-down method, the LPS molecules were immobilized onto epoxy beads and then directly incubated with human serum to screen LPS-binding proteins. Through the "untargeted" mass spectrometric approach, potential LPS-binding proteins which elicit various immune responses in human serum were identified by a highly sensitive LTQ Orbitrap Hybrid Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer (LTQ Orbitrap FT MS). Therefore, this mass spectrometry (MS)-based profiling method is straightforward for screening unknown LPS-binding proteins and provides physiologically relevant binding partners in human serum.  相似文献   

Glycosylation is one of the most prominent and extensively studied protein post-translational modifications. However, traditional proteomic studies at the peptide level (bottom-up) rarely characterize intact glycopeptides (glycosylated peptides without removing glycans), so no glycoprotein heterogeneity information is retained. Intact glycopeptide characterization, on the other hand, provides opportunities to simultaneously elucidate the glycan structure and the glycosylation site needed to reveal the actual biological function of protein glycosylation. Recently, significant improvements have been made in the characterization of intact glycopeptides, ranging from enrichment and separation, mass spectroscopy (MS) detection, to bioinformatics analysis. In this review, we recapitulated currently available intact glycopeptide characterization methods with respect to their advantages and limitations as well as their potential applications.  相似文献   

Hulme AN  McNab H  Peggie DA  Quye A 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(23):2766-2770
The electrospray ionisation mass spectra of the neoflavanoids brazilin and hematoxylin are reported in both their reduced (1 and 2, respectively) and their oxidised forms (3 and 4, respectively). In the reduced forms, breakdown pathways under collision induced decomposition (CID) conditions produce fragments characteristic of rings A and C; in their oxidised forms, the fragments are characteristic of rings B and D. The structural assignments of the fragments are substantiated by recording the spectra after deuterium exchange at the hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   

The results of the characterization of a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry-based method that was developed to establish the stoichiometry of CHX-A'-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) or benzyl-DTPA conjugated to a recombinant immunoglobulin G (IgG) are reported. This simple method does not require an accurate measurement of the sample protein concentration to accurately quantify the number of DTPA conjugated. It is also not necessary to thoroughly remove nonconjugated DTPA from the sample. The average number of moles of DTPA attached per mole of IgG was calculated from the difference in the observed masses of DTPA-IgG and nonconjugated IgG divided by the molecular weight of the DTPA derivative. As more DTPA is attached, the [M+H](+) peak of DTPA-IgG becomes broader and noisier. Also, the signal intensity in the mass spectrum decreases, apparently due to the increase in the heterogeneity in the number of DTPA attached to each molecule of IgG. The standard deviation of the measured mass and that of the stoichiometry of the DTPA attached per IgG increased as more DTPA was attached. The standard deviation, expressed as coefficient of variation for samples with 2 to 4 mol of DTPA attached per mole of IgG, was 8 to 9%.  相似文献   

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