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In order to determine structures of the barley photosystem II subunits, the following genes have been cloned: psbB, encoding 47 kDa chlorophyll-binding subunit; psbH, encoding 7.7 kDa phosphoprotein; psbE and psbF, encoding 9.3 and 4.4 kDa subunits of the cytochrome b559 apoprotein, respectively; and a fragment of psbC gene, encoding the 43 kDa chlorophyll-binding subunit. The nucleotide sequences of these genes and the deduced amino acid sequences of their products are highly homologous to the corresponding sequences for other plant species.  相似文献   

Structures of the rye chloroplast DNA regions, containing psbD and psbI genes coding for the components of the reaction centre of photosystem II, D2 protein and I polypeptide, respectively, have been determined. The gene trnS for tRNA(Ser) (GCU) is located 111 bp downstream from the stop codon of the psbI gene on the opposite strand. The high homology between the rye BamHI-fragment comprising these genes and his counterpart from wheat are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the 1084 bp AccI-BamHI fragment of rye chloroplast DNA containing psbE, psbF and psbL genes and ORF40 with their flanking and intergenic regions is elucidated.  相似文献   

We have sequenced a DNA fragment containing the Escherichia coli thrA-thrB junction, the complete thrB gene and the thrB-thrC junction. The intergenic sequence thrA and thrB is only one base pair. The coding region for homoserine kinase is 927 base pairs long. It is followed by 114 base pair segment in an open reading frame predicting that thrC begins just after non-sense codon of thrB. The presence at the end of thrA and of thrB of sequences that can pair with the 3' end of the 16 S ribosomal RNA suggests that reinitiation of translation occurs at the end of the two genes. The deduced aminoacid sequence for homoserine kinase shows no striking homology with aspartokinase I homoserine dehydrogenase I.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA was isolated from rye seedlings by the non-aqueous method. The region of rye ctDNA which comprises two genes psbB and psbH encoding polypeptide subunits of photosystem II (47 kappa l) Chl alpha -binding protein (CP alpha -1) and 10 kD phosphoprotein, respectively) and two ORFs in the opposite strands in the psbB--psbH spacer region encoding hydrophobic peptides with strongly charged C-terminal segments was sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of polypeptide products of the genes were compared with those of different plant species (in case of the psbB product also with sequence of a cyano-bacterium Synechocystis) and revealed some highly conservative amino acid residues and regions of polypeptide chains, which apparently play essential role in the interaction with other PS II subunits and in the binding of chlorophyll molecules. Some speculations are made on the possible function of the peptides encoded by the two ORFs.  相似文献   

EcoRI and BamHI fragments of rye chloroplast DNA comprising psbA gene were cloned and a 2729 bp region was sequenced. Cloning of EcoRI fragment into pTZ19R plasmid led to a single nucleotide deletion in the coding region of psbA gene. A scheme of full-length psbA gene cloning is proposed, allowing one to escape the damage effect of the psbA gene expression product on the host cell. The differences between monocot and dicot in nucleotide sequences of DNA downstream of psbA genes are discussed. Gene rps19 is located 131 bp downstream from psbA gene on the complementary strand. The amino acid sequences of D1 and S19 proteins of different species are compared.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of Physarum polycephalum 5.8S rRNA gene and its flanking regions has been determined. The homologies of the 5.8S rRNA sequence with those of Saccharomyces, Chlamydomonas and Xenopus were 56%, 50% and 52%, respectively. In spite of these relatively low homologies, its possible secondary structure was very similar to those of other species.  相似文献   

The previously unknown sequences of the coding and 3'-flanking regions of the rat tyrosine aminotransferase gene were determined. The boundaries of exons and repetitive elements were established using computer analysis.  相似文献   

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