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SYNOPSIS Ultrastructure of the plasmodium wall and of sporogenesis were studied in Myxosoma funduli Kudo infecting the gills of Fundulus kansae (Garman). Plasmodia were located within the lamellar tissues adjacent to sinuses and capillaries. The plasmodium wall consisted of a single unit membrane which was continuous with numerous pinocytic canals extending into the parasite ectoplasm. The plasmodium membrane was covered by a surface coat of almost uniform thickness which prevented direct parasite-host cell contact. Numerous generative cells and cell aggregates, representing early stages of spore development, were seen in immature plasmodia. Later stages of spore development, including mature spores, were observed in older plasmodia. Sporogenesis was initiated by envelopment of one generative cell, the sporont, by a 2nd, nondividing cell, the envelope cell. The sporont and its progeny proceeded through a series of divisions until there were 10 cells, all compartmentalized within the envelope cell. Subsequently, the 10 cells became structurally differentiated and arranged into two 5-celled spore-producing units, each consisting of 1 binucleate sporoplasm and 2 capsulogenic cells, all surrounded by 2 valvogenic cells. Observations of later developmental stages revealed the major events of capsulogenesis, valvogenesis, and sporoplasm maturation, which occurred concomitantly during spore construction.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi has been cultured in pigment epithelial cells of the iris from the chick embryo. Melanin granules, identical with those of the host cells were found in the intracellular, amastigote (leishmania) forms. In many of the intracellular forms cytostome-like structures were seen, often in intimate contact with the pigment granules of the host cells, which suggests the uptake of melanin granules through the cytostomes by the process of intracellular phagotrophy.  相似文献   

Duck malaria parasites (Plasmodium lophurae), synchronized at the uninucleate trophozoite stage, were freed from their host erythrocytes by immune lysis and cultured extracellularly in duck erythrocyte extract medium. At 0 time, 1, 2, and 3 days, samples were taken for light and electron microscopy and for measurement of incorporation of [14C]-methionine or [14C]-proline. For 2 days the parasites developed fairly normally, progressing from large trophozoites-early schizonts at 1 day to segmenters-forming merozoites at 2 days. However, the 3-day samples showed signs of deterioration: incorporation of amino acids dropped; the percentage degenerate cells rose; the progression of developmental stages slowed. At the fine structure level 2 abnormalities were observed which may indicate the limits of extracellular cultivation in vitro. Through 2 days of culture all parasites were surrounded by 2 membranes. The 3-day samples contained some organisms with only one membrane, which may have arisen from merozoites produced extracellularly. The 2nd alteration was in the food vacuoles, which were progressively fewer, smaller, and less dense in the cultured samples and may indicate an abnormality in the extracellular parasite's feeding mechanism.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the dividing nucleus in the intracellular amastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi from tissue cultures has been described. In the first phase of division the nucleus shows a homogenous structure owing to the dispersion of its chromatin and nucleolar material. Microtubules similar to those of a mitotic spindle in metozoan cells then appear, running from one pole to the other. They disappear when the division of the nucleus is complete and the chromatin and the nucleolar material reorganize into their former positions.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. At division of Deltotrichonympha operculata and Koruga bonita from the Australian termite, Mastotermes darwiniensis , the 2 centriolar bodies separate, each becoming a mitotic center. Spindle microtubules develop from the lower end of each centriolar body and radiate towards the elongating nucleus. A new rostrum is formed in association with each centriolar body. Thus, centriolar bodies which lack the structure of typical centrioles can nevertheless function as division centers during mitosis.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. An electronmicroscopic study was made of the centriolar apparatus in the rostrum of Deltotrichonympha operculata and Koruga bonita , 2 closely related hypermastigote flagellates from the Australian termite, Mastotermes darwiniensis. In interphase flagellates, the centriolar apparatus consists of 2 similar parts with a mutually perpendicular orientation. Each part contains a large, club-shaped centriolar body consisting of fibrillar and granular material, without recognizable internal symmetry or microtubules. The anterior centriolar body extends from the inner rostral wall, which is structurally related to the fibrous wall surrounding the posterior centriolar body. The 2 centriolar bodies are joined by connecting branches, which meet at 3 barren kinetosome-like structures located inside the rostrum. Thus, an interphase flagellate has 2 centriolar bodies oriented at a 90° angle to each other, like a pair of typical centrioles in an interphase metazoan cell.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The mature trophozoite of the acephaline gregarine Zeylanocystis burti Dissanaike, parasitic in the seminal vesicles of the Sri Lankan earthworm Pheretima peguana Rosa, was studied by cytochemical methods and by electron microscopy. Some observations were also made on gametocysts and oocysts. The trophozoite has a peculiar saucer shape, unlike other monocystid gregarines, and has marginal papillae with cytoplasmic hairs. Its fine structure conforms broadly to that of other gregarines, but differs with respect to its fibrillar organization and in some details of cytoplasmic organelle structure. The pellicle is composed of 2 parallel unit membranes elevated into a number of stumpy epicytary folds, more or less evenly distributed on both surfaces of the gregarine. Some of these are associated with adjacent accessory cells and may have a nutritive role. Bundles of fine microfilaments (5–6 nm) were detected both in the ectoplasm and deep in the endoplasm; these are possibly the main contractile elements (“myonemes”) involved in movement. Microtubules are larger (22–24 nm) and are found predominantly in papillae and cytoplasmic hairs, but extend also in small bundles beneath the pellicle—they appear to be more skeletal in nature. The significance of these findings is discussed in the light of recent work on the roles of microfilaments and microtubules in nonmuscle cells. Mitochondria are located superficially and have a complex organization. The endoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed, but ribosomes are abundant. Golgi lamellae-like membranes and vesicles akin to lysosomes were observed. Typical paraglycogen granules were found together with blobs of lipid and glycogen. The nucleus had a wrinkled envelope, a homogeneous matrix, and a spherical nucleolus. A variety of staining reactions and cytochemical tests were carried out. The distribution of lipids, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, calcium, and melanin were studied. Succinate dehydrogenase was detected in mitochondria, thiamine pyrophosphatase in Golgi bodies, and acid phosphatase in lysosomes. Golgi structures were found to be chemically very complex. Gametocysts and oocysts were associated with extraneous cells which probably contribute to the formation of their walls. The gametocyst wall is thin and consists of 2 membranes of the unit type. The oocyst wall is thicker and composed of 2 chemically different layers. Telolysosomes were seen in the disorganized residual cytoplasm within gametocysts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The adult Tokophrya infusionum does not possess cilia, but has 20–30 barren basal bodies arranged in 6 short rows adjacent to the contractile vacuole pore. During reproduction, which is by internal budding, the contractile vacuole sinks into the parent along with the invaginating membranes that form the embryo and the wall of the brood pouch. The 6 rows of basal bodies radiate away from the pore and elongate to form 5 long ciliary rows, that encircle the anterior half of the embryo, and 1 short row at the posterior end. The contractile vacuole pore, along with several barren basal bodies, remains in the parent when the embryo is completed. The pore rises to the surface when the embryo is born. New basal bodies are then formed in the parent to replace those which were incorporated into the embryo, and formation of another embryo may begin. The cilia of the embryo are partially resorbed 10 min after the start of metamorphosis, with depolymerization of the ciliary microtubules. Later, the cilia and most of the basal bodies disappear completely, except for a group of barren basal bodies near the embryo's contractile vacuole pore, which form 6 rows and serve as an anlage for the basal bodies and cilia that arise during embryogenesis. There is, therefore, an organized infraciliature in Suctoria throughout their life cycle, and a distinct continuity of basal bodies across the generations.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The cell structure of the colorless colonial flagellates Rhipidodendron splendidum Stein and Spongomonas uvella Stein has been examined by electron microscopy to assertain their phylogenetic affinities. The cylindrical cells of R. splendidum have 2 smooth flagella of equal length, an asymmetrical flagellar pocket supported by microtubules, and a curved pit between the latter and an anterior prolongation of the cell. The matrix of the branched tubes comprising the fanshaped colony is composed largely of dense spherules which are produced in special cytoplasmic vesicles some of which contain symbiotic bacteria. The anterior nucleus has a flattened sac pressed closely against its posterior end. The sac has a long tail extending deep into the cytoplasm, a single bounding membrane and homogeneous contents. Several types of vesicle are described but food vacuoles and contractile vacuoles could not be positively identified. A kinetoplast mitochondrion is not present. The various cross-banded, microtubular and amorphous components of the complex and highly asymmetrical flagellar root system are described in detail and a 3-dimensional reconstruction is provided.
The ovoid cells of S. uvella are basically similar to those of R. splendidum ; though a nuclear sac is missing, there are some detailed differences in the structure of the flagellar root system, and bacteria are never present in the vesicles producing the matrix granules. Notwithstanding much similarity, Rhipidodendron is not combined with Spongomonas because of the basic difference in colony structure.
The possible relationships of R. splendidum and S. uvella with other groups are examined and it is concluded that they cannot be considered as colorless chrysomonads as previously thought or considered to be related to any of the other orders comprising the class Phytomastigophorea. They do not, however, appear to be related to any of the orders at present comprising the Zoomastigophorea.  相似文献   

Genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are important for both innate and adaptive immune responses in mammals; however, much less is known regarding their contribution in teleost fishes. We examined the involvement of four major histocompatibility (MH) genomic regions in rainbow trout in resistance to the causative agent of bacterial coldwater disease (BCWD), Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Fish from the 2005 NCCCWA brood-year (71 full-sib families) were challenged with F. psychrophilum strain CSF 259-93. The overall mortality rate was 70%, with large variation in mortality between families. Disease resistance was quantified as post-challenge days to death. Phenotypic variation and additive genetic variation were estimated using mixed models of survival analysis. To examine association, eight microsatellite markers were isolated from MH gene-containing BAC clones and mapped onto the rainbow trout genetic linkage map. The parents and grandparents of the 2005 brood-year families were genotyped with these eight markers and another two markers tightly linked to the MH-IB region to assess the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) of MH genomic regions MH-IA, MH-IB, TAP1, and MH-II with survival post-challenge. MH-IB and MH-II markers were linked to BCWD survivability when data were analyzed by family. Tests for disease association at the population level substantiated the involvement of MH-IB, but not MH-II, with disease resistance. The impact of selective breeding for disease resistance on MH sequence variation is discussed in the context of aquaculture production.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [3H]arachidonate [( 3H]AA) and [14C]eicosapentaenoate [( 14C]EPA) into glycerophospholipids was studied in isolated brain cells from rainbow trout, a teleost fish whose lipids are rich in (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). EPA was incorporated into total lipid to a greater extent than AA, but the incorporation of both PUFAs into total glycerophospholipids was almost identical. The incorporation of both AA and EPA was greatest into phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). However, when expressed per milligram of individual phosphoglycerides, both AA and EPA were preferentially incorporated into phosphatidylinositol (PI), the preference being significantly greater with AA. On the same basis, significantly more EPA than AA was incorporated into phosphatidylcholine (PC). When double-labelled cells were challenged with calcium ionophore A23187, the 3H and 14C released from the cells closely paralleled each other, peaking at 10 min after addition of ionophore. The 12-monohydroxylated derivative was the pre-dominant lipoxygenase product from both AA and EPA with a rank order of 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) greater than leukotriene B4 (LTB4) greater than 5-HETE greater than 15-HETE for the AA products and 12-hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid (12-HEPE) greater than 5-HEPE greater than LTB5 greater than 15 HEPE for EPA products. The 3H/14C (dpm/dpm) ratios in the glycerophospholipids, total released radioactivity, and the lipoxygenase products suggested that PC rather than PI was the likely source of eicosanoid precursors in trout brain cells.  相似文献   

Summary Recent investigations have suggested specific differences in back and belly skin in anurans which appear to influence the quality of reflex responses obtained from various areas of the animals body. The present investigation represents a comparative morphological study of back and belly skin in control and skin-graftedRana pipiens, with special regard to the neuroepithelial relationships. A distinct difference in pigmentation of back and belly skin was observed. Intra-epithelial Merkel cells were present in all skin samples studied. The origins of the numerous unclassifiable cells in the Merkel cell region are discussed in relation to a presumed coordinating function of the Merkel cell during epithelial differentiation. Epitheliomesenchymal interactions were observed in the richly innvervated dermal regions. Two types of morphologically different intra-epithelial nerve endings were observed. These observations are discussed in relation to earlier observations on vertebrate skin and in relation to misdirected reflex responses obtained in skin-grafted anurans.  相似文献   

Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs-homology (BAR) domains generate and sense membrane curvature by binding the negatively charged membrane to their positively charged concave surfaces. N-BAR domains contain an N-terminal extension (helix-0) predicted to form an amphipathic helix upon membrane binding. We determined the NMR structure and nano-to-picosecond dynamics of helix-0 of the human Bin1/Amphiphysin II BAR domain in sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecylphosphocholine micelles. Molecular dynamics simulations of this 34-amino acid peptide revealed electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions with the detergent molecules that induce helical structure formation from residues 8-10 toward the C-terminus. The orientation in the micelles was experimentally confirmed by backbone amide proton exchange. The simulation and the experiment indicated that the N-terminal region is disordered, and the peptide curves to adopted the micelle shape. Deletion of helix-0 reduced tubulation of liposomes by the BAR domain, whereas the helix-0 peptide itself was fusogenic. These findings support models for membrane curving by BAR domains in which helix-0 increases the binding affinity to the membrane and enhances curvature generation.  相似文献   

Fasciola hepatica: morphological changes in vitelline cells following treatment in vitro with the deacetylated (amine) metabolite of diamphenethide (DAMD). International Journal for Parasitology 18: 1061–1069. The effect of the deacetylated (amine) metabolite of diamphenethide (DAMD, 10 μg ml−1) on the vitelline cells of Fasciola hepatica over an 18 h period in vitro has been determined by transmission electron microscopy. DAMD acts preferentially on the undifferentiated stem cells and the intermediate cells in the early stages of protein synthesis; it appears to prevent their continued development. In the stem cell the nucleolus is absent after 6 h. During the rest of the drug treatment period considerable clumping of heterochromatin takes place, the cells round up and become electron-dense. Signs of autophagy are also evident, and the mitochondria become swollen and disorganized. From 6 h onwards there are progressive changes in the It1 (intermediate type 1) cells, including clumping of the heterochromatin in the nucleus, a decrease in the number of egg-shell globules (and consequently a reduction in the number and size of the shell globule clusters), and a decrease in the number of ribosomes on the GER cisternae, although the GER system remains well-developed. By 18 h the nucleolus is absent, and the cells are very rounded and electron-dense; the mitochondria are swollen and disorganized. Similar changes are evident in the It2 (intermediate type 2) cells, so that by 18 h it is difficult to distinguish between the It1 and It2 cells. In the mature cells there is a progressive decrease in the number and size of the shell globule clusters from 9 h onwards. Glycogen synthesis and ‘yolk’ formation may also be impaired and lipid droplets are present. Spaces begin to appear between the nurse cell cytoplasm and the vitelline cells after 9 h, and disruption of the nurse cell cytoplasm is evident after 12 h, becoming very severe by 18 h. By this time the follicle is very disorganized and empty-looking. In more severely affected follicles the mature cells are seen to be breaking down. Over the 18 h drug treatment period, a change in the cell population of the follicle takes place, with relatively more stem, early It1 and mature cells being present, whilst few if any characteristic It1 and It2 cells remain. The results are interpreted as being due to an inhibition of protein synthesis in the vitelline cells by DAMD.  相似文献   

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