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A possible application of modern TV analyzers of microimages for absorption cytochemical investigation is considered. Photometric properties of the TV system are evaluated and methodical approaches to their improvement are given. Data on TV and scanning cytophotometry are compared when studying DNA contents in cells of different types.  相似文献   

B. H. Brown  S. J. Neill  R. Horgan 《Planta》1986,167(3):421-423
Deuterium-labelled indole-3-acetic acid, abscisic acid and phthalimido-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid were found to separate from the unlabelled compounds on reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A similar separation was found for the methyl esters of these compounds on normal-phase HPLC. Such separations may lead to substantial errors when these compounds are used as internal standards for quantitation by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/selective ion detection, unless the complete chromatographic peaks are collected.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - Pht-ACC phthalimido-ACC - SIM selected ion monitoring  相似文献   

New internal standards for basic amino acid analyses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eight derivatives of cysteine and penicillamine with 2- and 4-vinyl-pyridine, p-nitrobenzyl bromide, and p-nitrostyrene were evaluated as potential internal standards for the short and long (physiological) basic columns in amino acid analysis by ion-exchange chromatography. S-β-(4-pyridylethyl)-dl-penicillamine (4-PEP) was found to have an advantage over the previously proposed S-β-(4-pyridylethyl)-l-cysteine (4-PEC) since the elution position of 4-PEP on the short basic column is insensitive to minor changes in pH of the eluting citrate buffer. 4-PEP was found to be stable to acid hydrolysis as used for proteins and its recovery from protein hydrolysates was unaffected by the presence of starch during hydrolysis. However, an extra 14 min is required to elute 4-PEP on the short column.Of the eight compounds studied, six appcar suitable as internal standards on the physiological (long) column. These elute in widely differing positions between histidine and arginine, thus offering a choice of internal standards for special analysis on the basic long column.  相似文献   

The differential equation of de Wit (1970) which predicts the growth of plant species in mixtures from their yield–density response in monocultures is compared with a simpler equation. This model is also based on the yield–density response of species grown in monocultures, but is static and predicts only the net result of plant competition during discrete time periods. Data from successive harvests in yield–density experiments in monocultures of one grass and two legume species were fitted to both models and the relative reproductive rate and the relative replacement rate were calculated from model predictions. Predictions from our model agreed more closely with observations than predictions from the de Wit model. It is concluded that our model deserves further attention in the studies of population dynamics in mixtures when the final outcome of competition is the main interest.  相似文献   

Abstract Homologous internal controls were used as competitor DNA in the polymerase chain reaction for the quantitative detection of mycoplasma DNA. PCR primer sets were designed on the basis of the most conserved nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA gene of mycoplasma species. Amplification of this gene was examined in five different mycoplasma species: Mycoplasma orale, M. hyorhinus, M. synoviae, M. gallisepticum and M. pneumonias . To evaluate the primers, a number of different cell lines were assayed for the detection of mycoplasma infections. All positive cell lines showed a distinct product on agarose gels while uninfected cells showed no DNA amplification. Neither bacterial nor eukaryotic DNA produced any cross-reaction with the primers used, thus confirming their specificity. Internal control DNA to be used for quantitation was constructed by modifying the sizes of the wild-type amplified products and cloning them in plasmid vectors. These controls used the same primer binding sites as the wild-type and the amplified products were differentiated by a size difference. The detection limits for all the mycoplasma species by competitive quantitative PCR were estimated to range from 4 to 60 genome copies per assay as determined by ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels. These internal standards also serve as positive controls in PCR-based detection of mycoplasma DNA, and therefore accidental contamination of test samples with wild-type positive controls can be eliminated. The quantitative PCR method developed will be useful in monitoring the progression and significance of mycoplasma in the disease process.  相似文献   

Assessing local population size is one of the most common tasks in biodiversity monitoring. Population size estimates are not only important for conservation management and population threat assessment; they also enter many other analyses in landscape ecology and conservation. It is therefore concerning that methods for estimating plant population sizes are not standardized. We surveyed the literature and found that the most commonly used methods are counting either all or only flowering individuals on a site, as well as counting individuals in random plots or plots on transects. Sometimes, these methods are combined in the same study, without assurance that they produce comparable results. We therefore conducted a field study, in which we obtained population size estimates from all four methods for six different calcareous grassland species at 18 study sites. Our results demonstrate not only substantial differences between overall count rates generated by the different methods, but methods that surveyed the whole population also systematically yielded lower counts when species were less visible and when the area was larger, suggesting that these methods suffer from biases that could distort species and site comparisons. We conclude that estimates from different methods should not be mixed, and that plot or transect based surveys have likely smaller biases for large areas or poorly visible individuals, and are therefore preferable.  相似文献   



It is hypothesized that common, complex diseases may be due to complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors, which are difficult to detect in high-dimensional data using traditional statistical approaches. Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) is the most commonly used data-mining method to detect epistatic interactions. In all data-mining methods, it is important to consider internal validation procedures to obtain prediction estimates to prevent model over-fitting and reduce potential false positive findings. Currently, MDR utilizes cross-validation for internal validation. In this study, we incorporate the use of a three-way split (3WS) of the data in combination with a post-hoc pruning procedure as an alternative to cross-validation for internal model validation to reduce computation time without impairing performance. We compare the power to detect true disease causing loci using MDR with both 5- and 10-fold cross-validation to MDR with 3WS for a range of single-locus and epistatic disease models. Additionally, we analyze a dataset in HIV immunogenetics to demonstrate the results of the two strategies on real data.  相似文献   

The concentration of abscisic acid in plants is regulated not only by biosynthesis, but also by metabolism. Abscisic acid is metabolized to phaseic acid via 8'-hydroxyabscisic acid, and phaseic acid is then converted to dihydrophaseic acid and its epimer. A quantitative analysis of these metabolites is important as well as that of abscisic acid to understand changes in the concentration of abscisic acid in plants. However, no internal standards of the metabolites suitable for quantitative analysis have been reported. We prepared 7'-deuterium-labeled phaseic acid with a deuterium content of 86%, using the equilibrium reaction between phaseic acid and 8'-hydroxyabscisic acid. 7'-Deuterium-labeled dihydrophaseic acids were obtained by reducing 7'-deuterium-labeled phaseic acid. The levels of the metabolites in plant organs were determined by using the deuterated metabolites as internal standards.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry was used to compare 14 potential reference standards for plant DNA content determination. Both chicken and plant internal standards were used, as were propidium iodide (PI) and 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) as fluorochromes. Means and standard errors of the means are presented for the 14 potential reference standards, and the means are compared to those obtained by Feulgen densitometry. Five species are recommended as an initial set of international standards for future plant DNA content determinations: Sorghum bicolor cv. Pioneer 8695 (2C = 1.74 pg), Pisum sativum cv. Minerva Maple (2C = 9.56 pg), Hordeum vulgare cv. Sultan (2C = 11.12 pg), Vicia faba (2C = 26.66 pg), and Allium cepa cv. Ailsa Craig (2C = 33.55 pg). It is recommended that the reference standard of choice be one with 2C and 4C nuclear DNA content peaks similar to, but not overlapping, the 2C and 4C peaks of the target species. We recommend PI as the fluorochrome of choice for flow cytometric determination of plant DNA content. DAPI should be used only if the estimated DNA value is corroborated by using a second stain that has no bias for AT- or GC-rich sequences within genomes.  相似文献   

Costus speciosus (Koenig) Sm. contains diosgenin, an important drug in family planning programs in India and underdeveloped countries. A simple, rapid method has been developed for in situ quantitation of diosgenin in this plant. The method is based on the formation of a suitable colored product of diosgenin in frozen sections of fresh material followed by determination of its optical density by in situ cytophotometry. The staining reagent is a combination of anisaldehyde, sulfuric acid and acetic acid. A positive correlation has been observed between cytophotometric diosgenin estimates and those derived from thin layer chromatography of extracts. The method is convenient for routine screening of plants for steroidal sapogenins such as diosgenin.  相似文献   

Prognostic significance of DNA image cytophotometry for osteosarcoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prognostic significance of DNA image cytophotometric data. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-six osteosarcomas in patients without lung metastases were investigated for several cytophotometric data. In 24 cases, these data were correlated with the clinical course of the patients to assess the prognostic value of nuclear DNA content in osteosarcomas. RESULTS: Of all osteosarcomas, 96% showed aneuploid DNA content. Patients with tumors having a 2c deviation index (2cDI) of 12.00, DNA malignancy grade (DNA-MG) of 2.0, a mean DNA content (MDC) of 4.95 c, DNA index (DI) of 1.75 or mean nuclear area (MNA) of 130 microns 2 had a significantly lower overall survival rate as compared to those with lower values (P < .05). CONCLUSION: Image cytophotometric features, such as 2cDI, DNA-MG, MDC, DI and MNA, are of prognostic value in patients with osteosarcoma and free of lung metastases.  相似文献   

A plasmid, designated p72, constructed from human lung carcinoma DNA inserted into the promoterless herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene pML-TK-Bgl II vector, hybridizes strongly to human nucleic acids on Southern and Northern blots. The portion of the DNA insert responsible for the strong signal following hybridization to human DNA or RNA is a 167-bp 3' terminal portion of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene. The expression of this gene is constitutive in the several human cell lines that were tested and is unaffected by exposure to cytotoxic chemicals that alter the expression of nuclear genes. This plasmid offers an excellent tool for studies of perturbations of gene expression and for controlling for the variations in sample preparation, loading, and transfer in Southern or Northern analysis of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

A rapid, semiautomated cytophotometry system for quantitative histochemistry and cytochemistry was constructed. The system consists of a Fairchild charge coupled device (CCD) image camera, a Zeiss Universal microscope, a Datacube analog to digital converter, and a digital Equipment Corporation LSI 11/23 computer operating under RT-11. Computer programs were written in FORTRAN and the MACRO assembly language for the acquisition of data from the CCD device. These data were then used for image segmentation, image display, and calculation of total optical density, perimeter, cell area, and several shape features. The reproducibility of measurement made with the CCD-based cytophotometry system was tested by repeated measurements. The coefficient of variation was estimated to be 1.7% for total optical density and 0.9% for cell area. The CCD-based cytophotometry system was further evaluated by comparing results with measurements made on the same cells with a scanning stage cytophotometer using the HIDACSYS computer programs. Correlation coefficients of 0.96 for total optical density and 0.91 for cell area were obtained between the two systems. We conclude that the high-speed, dimensional stability, small size, and linearity of the CCD-based cytophotometry system will make it useful for quantitative histochemistry and cytochemistry.  相似文献   



Success of metabolomics as the phenotyping platform largely depends on its ability to detect various sources of biological variability. Removal of platform-specific sources of variability such as systematic error is therefore one of the foremost priorities in data preprocessing. However, chemical diversity of molecular species included in typical metabolic profiling experiments leads to different responses to variations in experimental conditions, making normalization a very demanding task.  相似文献   

An improved method of isolating nuclei from tissue for Feulgen-DNA measurements has been developed. The optimal nuclear isolation medium (NIM) was found to be a solution of 2% polyethylene glycol (PEG) and 0.6% NP40 in phosphate-buffered saline. The disaggregation procedure consists of gentle mechanical disruption of the tissues, followed by a 10 min incubation in the NIM at room temperature. The mixture is then syringed four times through a 27-gauge needle, and the nuclei are placed onto slides with a cytocentrifuge. Nuclei prepared in NIM without PEG had obvious DNA leakage and tended to form clumps. Addition of PEG to the NIM led to separation of nuclei without any DNA leakage, thus greatly increasing the accuracy of the DNA cytophotometry results. G0/G1 nuclei at the appropriate ploidy levels were found for non-transformed and transformed tissues prepared with this technique. In addition, S-phase liver nuclei prepared in this manner showed the expected incorporation of (3H) thymidine after a 1/2 hr pulse in vivo.  相似文献   

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