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The purpose of this study was to resolve an anomalously high measure of extra-fine particle fraction (EPF) determined by the abbreviated cascade impactor possibly relevant for human respiratory tract (AIM-HRT) in the experiment described in Part 1 of this two-part series, in which the relative precision of abbreviated impactors was evaluated in comparison with a full resolution Andersen eight-stage cascade impactor (ACI). Evidence that the surface coating used to mitigate particle bounce was laterally displaced by the flow emerging from the jets of the lower stage was apparent upon microscopic examination of the associated collection plate of the AIM-HRT impactor whose cut point size defines EPF. A filter soaked in surfactant was floated on top of this collection plate, and further measurements were made using the same pressurized metered-dose inhaler-based formulation and following the same procedure as in Part 1. Measures of EPF, fine particle, and coarse particle fractions were comparable with those obtained with the ACI, indicating that the cause of the bias had been identified and removed. When working with abbreviated impactors, this precaution is advised whenever there is evidence that surface coating displacement has occurred, a task that can be readily accomplished by microscopic inspection of all collection plates after allowing the impactor to sample ambient air for a few minutes.  相似文献   

Multi-stage cascade impactors (CIs) are the preferred measurement technique for characterizing the aerodynamic particle size distribution of an inhalable aerosol. Stage mensuration is the recommended pharmacopeial method for monitoring CI “fitness for purpose” within a GxP environment. The Impactor Sub-Team of the European Pharmaceutical Aerosol Group has undertaken an inter-laboratory study to assess both the precision and accuracy of a range of makes and models of instruments currently used for optical inspection of impactor stages. Measurement of two Andersen 8-stage ‘non-viable’ cascade impactor “reference” stages that were representative of jet sizes for this instrument type (stages 2 and 7) confirmed that all instruments evaluated were capable of reproducible jet measurement, with the overall capability being within the current pharmacopeial stage specifications for both stages. In the assessment of absolute accuracy, small, but consistent differences (ca. 0.6% of the certified value) observed between ‘dots’ and ‘spots’ of a calibrated chromium-plated reticule were observed, most likely the result of treatment of partially lit pixels along the circumference of this calibration standard. Measurements of three certified ring gauges, the smallest having a nominal diameter of 1.0 mm, were consistent with the observation where treatment of partially illuminated pixels at the periphery of the projected image can result in undersizing. However, the bias was less than 1% of the certified diameter. The optical inspection instruments evaluated are fully capable of confirming cascade impactor suitability in accordance with pharmacopeial practice.  相似文献   

This Fifth Progress Report is being printed in three parts in California Medicine. Following the appearance of Part III the report will be bound in a pamphlet which may be ordered at $1 a copy from 693 Sutter Publications, Inc., 693 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California 94102.  相似文献   



The shape of the torso in patients with idiopathic scoliosis is considered to reflect the shape of the vertebral column, however the direct correlation between parameters describing clinical deformity and those characterizing radiological curvature was reported to be weak. It is not clear if the management proposed for scoliosis (physiotherapy, brace, surgery) affects equally the shape of the axial skeleton and the surface of the body. The aim of the study was to compare clinical deformity of (1) idiopathic scoliosis girls being under brace treatment for radiological curves of 25 to 40 degrees and (2) non treated scoliotic girls matched for age and Cobb angle.


Cross-sectional study of 24 girls wearing the brace versus 26 girls without brace treatment, matched for age and Cobb angle. Hypothesis: Patients wearing the brace for more than 6 months, when comparing to patients without brace, may present different external morphology of the trunk, in spite of having similar Cobb angle. Material. Inclusion criteria: girls, idiopathic scoliosis, growing age (10–16 years), Cobb angle minimum 25°, maximum 40°. The braced group consisted of girls wearing a TLSO brace (Cheneau) for more than 6 months with minimum of 16 hours per day. The non-braced group consisted of girls first seen for their spinal deformity, previously not treated. The groups presented similar curve pattern. Methods. Scoliometer exam: angle of trunk rotation at three levels of the spine: upper thoracic, main thoracic, lumbar or thoracolumbar. The maximal angle was noted at each level and the sum of three levels was calculated. Posterior trunk symmetry index (POTSI) and Hump Sum were measured using surface topography.


Cobb angle was 34.9° ± 4.8° in braced and 32.7° ± 4.9° in un-braced patients (difference not significant). The age was 14.1 ± 1.6 years in braced patients and 13.1 ± 1.9 years in un-braced group (p = 0.046). The value of angle of trunk rotation in the main curvature was 8.4° ± 2.7°in braced and 11.4° ± 2.7° in un-braced patients (difference extremely significant, p = 0.0003). The value of the sum of angles of trunk rotation at three levels of the trunk was 12.8° ± 4.6° in braced and 16.5° ± 3.8° in un-braced patients (difference very significant, p = 0.0038). The POTSI did not differ significantly between the groups (p = 0.78), the Hump Sum values were not quite different (p = 0.07).


(1) Adolescent girls wearing the brace for idiopathic scoliosis of 25 to 40 degrees of Cobb angle, reveal smaller clinical rotational deformity of their back than non-treated girls having similar radiological deformity. (2) evaluation of the results of treatment for idiopathic scoliosis should consider parameters describing both clinical and radiological deformity.  相似文献   

Since 1979 the flora and fauna of the artificial rocky shores of the Oosterschelde estuary have been investigated by diving biologists.Spatial and temporal patterns of species diversity and biomass were studied and several groups of species (communities) were distinguished. A west-east gradient in species composition was found. Species distribution proved to be mainly determined by current velocities, silt and plankton concentrations in the water, underwater irradiance, and the nature of the substratum. Some indications of migration between the basin and the North Sea are shown. Biomass of the hard substratum fauna was compared with that of the soft bottom fauna; the ratio appeared to be about 1 : 2, which is surprisingly high considering the small area available for hard substratum fauna.The key to the interactions with the North Sea is found in the water movements and the volume of water passing through the mouth of the basin during each tide. The abiotic and subsequent biotic changes in the basin caused by the building of the storm surge barrier are discussed, and used to illustrate the measure of dependence of the Oosterschelde on the North Sea.  相似文献   

Caring for all aspects of zoo elephants’ well-being is considered a major challenge. Providing an appropriate flooring substrate to facilitate lying rest presents a meaningful part of a holistic management concept. Investigating the impact of a new sand flooring on the nocturnal resting behavior of a breeding group of seven African elephants living at one zoo revealed more total lying rest, longer bouts of lying rest and a reduced side preference in the adult females. With an average total daily lying rest of about 1.5–2.0 hrs, the investigated zoo elephants expressed longer lying rest compared to recently reported data from free-ranging individuals in Botswana. In addition, the presence of nursing calves in the observed elephant group seemed to impact the resting pattern of all group members, with around 60% of all lying bouts being discontinued after interruption by the youngsters. With respect to observed nursing during leaning rest, we encourage the installation of appropriate horizontal structures in breeding facilities to support leaning rest behavior of their female elephants. In doing so, zoos may improve rest quality of nursing females, and, in general, the welfare aspect of sleep for their elephants.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,116(2):157-162
Six new dinuclear complexes of (μ-cyano)(tricyanometal(II))pentaamminerhodium(III) or iridium(III), metal(II) being nickel, palladium and platinum, have been obtained by solid state reaction of the tetracyanometallate(II) of aquopentaamminerhodium(III) and iridium(III), respectively. All these complexes have been characterized by chemical analysis, electronic and IR spectra and TG measurements. The kinetics of the solid-state deaquation-anation has been studied by thermogravimetric measurements under both nonisothermal and isothermal conditions. The activation energies so obtained are 105.3 and 107.7 kJ/mol for the Ni compounds; 115.0 and 118.1 kJ/mol for the Pd compounds and 90.2 and 92.2 kJ/ mol for the Pt compounds. These low values of activation energy can indicate an SN1 dissociative mechanism with an activated complex of square- based-pyramidal geometry. The marked difference in the kinetic parameters between the Ni, Pd compounds and Pt compounds may be explained in terms of Pt-Pt association in the crystal lattice, which causes distortion and allows the water molecules to escape easily from the crystal structure. These Pt-Pt interactions are shown in the electronic spectrum by the appearance of a very strong band at about 355 nm in the solid state and at about 330 nm and 300 nm in solution.  相似文献   

In the present study, whey protein concentrate (WPC-80) and β-lactoglobulin were hydrolyzed with a noncommercial serine protease isolated from Asian pumpkin (Cucurbita ficifolia). Hydrolysates were further fractionated by ultrafiltration using membranes with cut-offs equal 3 and 10 kDa. Peptide fractions of molecular weight lower than 3 and 3–10 kDa were further subjected to the RP-HPLC. Separated preparations were investigated for their potential as the natural inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP-IV), α-glucosidase and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). WPC-80 hydrolysate showed higher inhibitory activities against the three tested enzymes than β-lactoglobulin hydrolysate. Especially high biological activities were exhibited by peptide fractions of molecular weight lower than 3 kDa, with ACE IC50 <0.64 mg/mL and DPP-IV IC50 <0.55 mg/mL. This study suggests that peptides generated from whey proteins may support postprandial glycemia regulation and blood pressure maintenance, and could be used as functional food ingredients in the diet of patients with type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The exchange reactions of S-protected dithiol monoaminemonoamide (MAMA) ligands with Tc(V)-gluconate were investigated. Protection of the mercaptide sulfur atoms with acid, base and metal labile groups permitted complex formation of the MAMA ligands at a range of pHs. In general, the rate of complex formation was faster with the MAMA ligands than with the corresponding diamide dithiol (DADS) ligands. The rate of Tc complex formation depended on the nature of the sulfur protecting groups and on the position of the amine group with respect to the other donor groups in the ligands. Two isomeric ligands showed different mechanisms of complex formation. The isomer which gave the final Tc-dithiolate-MAMA complex in higher yield was shown to form a Tc-thioether-thiol-MAMA complex as an intermediate prior to metal-assisted S-dealkylation. The formation of the Tc-thioether complex intermediate at a lower temperature may account for the enhanced kinetics of chelation compared to the isomer which did not form the intermediate complex.  相似文献   

I argue that the imagination was a crucial concept for the understanding of marvellous phenomena, divination and magic in general. Exploring a debate on prophecy at the turn of the seventeenth century, I show that four explanatory categories (God, demons, nature and fraud) were consistently evoked and I elucidate the role of the imagination in each of them. I introduce the term ‘floating concept’ to conceptualise the different ways in which the imagination and the related ‘animal spirits’ were understood in diverse discourses. My argument is underpinned with a general discussion of the imagination, after which I focus on a (now little known) unorthodox tradition which attributed special powers to this internal faculty. Many physicians had explained psychosomatic phenomena by referring to the influence of the imagination on the human body; but some philosophers held that the imagination could also exert power over external objects. During the renaissance these theories acquired negative associations and became linked with illicit magic. Furthermore, I show that the relation between both animal spirits and imagination, and the power of the latter over external bodies, points to the importance of a ‘history of vapours’; and this suggests an adjustment to Keith Hutchison’s argument on occult qualities in mechanical philosophy. The accompanying paper (Vermeir, 2005) gives more evidence of these claims and elaborates on the relation between the natural and the moral.  相似文献   


A single-point substitution of the O4′ oxygen by a CH2 group at the sugar residue of A 6 (i.e. 2′-deoxyaristeromycin moiety) in a self-complementary DNA duplex, 5′- d(C1G2C3G4A5A6T7T8C9G10C11G12)2 ?3, has been shown to steer the fully Watson-Crick basepaired DNA duplex (1A), akin to the native counterpart, to a doubly A 6:T7 Hoogsteen basepaired (1B) B-type DNA duplex, resulting in a dynamic equilibrium of (1A)→←(1B): Keq = k1/k-1 = 0.56±0.08. The dynamic conversion of the fully Watson-Crick basepaired (1A) to the partly Hoogsteen basepaired (1B) structure is marginally kinetically and thermodynamically disfavoured [k1 (298K) = 3.9± 0.8 sec?1; δH°? = 164±14 kJ/mol;-TδS°? (298K) = ?92 kJ/mol giving a δG298°? of 72 kJ/mol. Ea (k1) = 167±14 kJ/mol] compared to the reverse conversion of the Hoogsteen (1B) to the Watson-Crick (1A) structure [k-1 (298K) = 7.0±0.6 sec-1, δH°? = 153±13 kJ/mol;-TδS°? (298K) = ?82 kJ/mol giving a δG298°? of 71 kJ/mol. Ea (k-1) = 155±13 kJ/mol]. A comparison of δG298°? of the forward (k1) and backward (k-1) conversions, (1A)→←(1B), shows that there is ca 1 kJ/mol preference for the Watson-Crick (1A) over the double Hoogsteen basepaired (1B) DNA duplex, thus giving an equilibrium ratio of almost 2:1 in favour of the fully Watson-Crick basepaired duplex. The chemical environments of the two interconverting DNA duplexes are very different as evident from their widely separated sets of chemical shifts connected by temperature-dependent exchange peaks in the NOESY and ROESY spectra. The fully Watson-Crick basepaired structure (1A) is based on a total of 127 intra, 97 inter and 17 cross-strand distance constraints per strand, whereas the double A 6:T7 Hoogsteen basepaired (1B) structure is based on 114 intra, 92 inter and 15 cross-strand distance constraints, giving an average of 22 and 20 NOE distance constraints per residue and strand, respectively. In addition, 55 NMR-derived backbone dihedral constraints per strand were used for both structures. The main effect of the Hoogsteen basepairs in (1B) on the overall structure is a narrowing of the minor groove and a corresponding widening of the major groove. The Hoogsteen basepairing at the central A 6:T7 basepairs in (1B) has enforced a syn conformation on the glycosyl torsion of the 2′- deoxyaristeromycin moiety, A 6, as a result of substitution of the endocyclic 4′-oxygen in the natural sugar with a methylene group in A 6. A comparison of the Watson-Crick basepaired duplex (1A) to the Hoogsteen basepaired duplex (1B) shows that only a few changes, mainly in α, σ and γ torsions, in the sugar-phosphate backbone seem to be necessary to accommodate the Hoogsteen basepair.  相似文献   



Previous studies have indicated the prognostic value of various laboratory parameters in cancer patients. This study was to establish a prognostic index (PI) model for breast cancer patients based on the potential prognostic factors.


A retrospective study of 1661 breast cancer patients who underwent surgical treatment between January 2002 and December 2008 at Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center was conducted. Multivariate analysis (Cox regression model) was performed to determine the independent prognostic factors and a prognostic index (PI) model was devised based on these factors. Survival analyses were used to estimate the prognostic value of PI, and the discriminatory ability of PI was compared with Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI) by evaluating the area under the receiver operating characteristics curves (AUC).


The mean survival time of all participants was 123.6 months. The preoperative globulin >30.0g/L, triglyceride >1.10mmol/L and fibrinogen >2.83g/L were identified as risk factors for shorter cancer-specific survival. The novel prognostic index model was established and enrolled patients were classified as low- (1168 patients, 70.3%), moderate- (410 patients, 24.7%) and high-risk groups (83 patients, 5.0%), respectively. Compared with the low-risk group, higher risks of poor clinical outcome were indicated in the moderate-risk group [Hazard ratio (HR): 1.513, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.169–1.959, p = 0.002] and high-risk group (HR: 2.481, 95%CI: 1.653–3.724, p< 0.001).


The prognostic index based on three laboratory parameters was a novel and practicable prognostic tool. It may serve as complement to help predict postoperative survival in breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

Surface binding sites (SBSs) interact with carbohydrates outside of the enzyme active site. They are frequently situated on catalytic domains and are distinct from carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs). SBSs are found in a variety of enzymes and often seen in crystal structures. Notably about half of the > 45 enzymes (in 17 GH and two GT families) with an identified SBS are from GH13 and a few from GH77, both belonging to clan GH-H of carbohydrate active enzymes. The many enzymes of GH13 with SBSs provide an opportunity to analyse their distribution within this very large and diverse family. SBS containing enzymes in GH13 are spread among 15 subfamilies (two were not assigned a subfamily). Comparison of these SBSs reveals a complex evolutionary history with evidence of conservation of key residues and/or structural location between some SBSs, while others are found at entirely distinct structural locations, suggesting convergent evolution. An array of investigations of the two SBSs in barley α-amylase demonstrated they play different functional roles in binding and degradation of polysaccharides. MalQ from Escherichia coli is an α-1,4-glucanotransferase of GH77, a family that is known to have at least one member that contains an SBS. Whereas MalQ is a single domain enzyme lacking CBMs, its plant orthologue DPE2 contains two N-terminal CBM20s. Surface plasmon resonance binding studies showed that MalQ and DPE2 have a similar affinity for β-cyclodextrin and that MalQ binds malto-oligosaccharides of >DP4 at a second site in competition with β-cyclodextrin yielding a stoichiometry >1. This suggests that MalQ may have an SBS, though its structural location remains unknown.  相似文献   

In this study incorporation of [3H]inositol into inositol phosphates and phosphoinositides as well as tissue Ins(1,4,5)P3 levels of the atria and ventricles of isolated, perfused rat hearts were compared. Although the incorporation of [3H]inositol into the phosphoinositides of atria and ventricles was similar, significantly higher (2–3 fold) incorporation rates into inositol phosphates were observed in atrial tissue. Using a D-myo-[3H]Ins(1,4,5)P3 assay system, the Ins(1,4,5)P3 levels observed in atria from perfused rat hearts were also significantly higher than those obtained under the same experimental circumstances in the ventricles.Since previous studies on whole hearts showed inhibition of the phosphatidylinositol (PI) pathway during ischaemia with an immediate significant stimulation upon reperfusion [12, 20], the effects of ischaemia and 1 min postischaemic reperfusion were also examined separately in atria and ventricles. The results showed that 20 min of global ischaemia significantly depressed Ins(1,4,5)P3 levels as well as incorporation of [3H]inositol into ventricular InSP2 and InSP3. Reperfusion caused an immediate (within 1 min) increase in Ins(1,4,5)P3 levels and also [3H]inositol incorporation into all three cytosolic inositol phosphates in the ventricles. However, the effect of ischaemia and reperfusion on Ins(1,4,5)P3 levels as well as the incorporation of [3H]inositol into the inositol phosphates were less prominent in the atria. It therefore appears that the differential responses of the atria and the ventricles to an oxygen deficiency [41] are also reflected in the differences in PI metabolism during ischaemia-reperfusion.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the structure of the sparsely known deeper sublittoral hard bottom communities of glacial Kongsfjorden, the macroepibenthos from six depth zones (30–200?m) was analysed. A total of 180 still images derived from 6-h video recorded at the Kongsfjordneset remotely operated vehicle station were assessed quantitatively. Overall 27 mainly suspension-feeding species/taxa were observed. Of these, two-thirds have an arcto-boreal distribution, while the remainder are cosmopolitan. The overall mean epibenthos abundance was 33 ind. m?2 with maximum values at 150?m depth (97.9 ind. m?2). The majority of the taxa inhabited the entire depth range. Encrusting red algae, an unidentified sponge and the sea anemone Urticina eques, characterized the assemblage of the shallow zone. The sea anemones Hormathia spp. were important below 30?m, the Serpulid polychaete Protula tubularia was characteristic for the community below 50?m and the demosponge Haliclona sp. was a key taxon between 100 and 200?m depth. Cluster analysis and non-metrical multidimensional scaling based on abundance data showed differences between the assemblages along the bathymetric gradient, but only in the shallower depths in relation to the substratum surface incline. As surface and tidal current impacts attenuate with increasing depth, there is a gradual trend from robust key species towards more fragile ones (i.e. P. tubularia), in line with the ‘Physical control hypothesis’.  相似文献   

The mobile genetic element,DEH found inPseudomonas putida PP3 carries a 2-haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase structural gene,dehI, and its associated regulatory gene,dehR I. The nucleotide sequence ofdehR I was determined. The gene had an open reading frame putatively encoding for a 64 kDa protein containing 571 amino acid residues. The protein was similar to previously published sequences of several other 54-dependent activator proteins. Amino acid sequence analysis showed that the deduced DehRI protein clustered with the NifA nitrogenase regulatory activator family, and was most closely related, with 47.7% similarity, to a NifA-like deduced partial sequence from a plasmid-encoded ORF inPseudomonas sp. strain NS671, associated with L-amino acid production. The domain structure of DehRI was analysed by alignment with other NifA-like and NtrC-like sequences and showed a highly conserved central region of approximately 230 amino acids, and a potential DNA-binding domain. No homology was detected between the deduced DehRI and other 54-dependent activator sequences at the N-terminus, a result which was consistent with that region being the domain which recognised inducer.  相似文献   

At least 308 species or subspecies of stygo- or troglobionts and at least 735 species or subspecies of mostly presumed stygo- or troglophiles representing 17 phyla, 38 classes, 90 orders, and 278 families of invertebrates are currently known to populate the caves and subterranean waters of Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union. The main evolutionary burst in the endogean habitats including the MSS (milieu souterrain superficiel, or mesovoid shallow stratum) is observed in arthropods, primarily crustaceans, collembolans, and beetles. The major centers of taxonomic diversity among stygo- and troglobionts within the study region are the Caucasus (181 species, or almost 59%) and Crimea (44 species, or over 14%), which are montane karstified “glacial” refugia of the nemoral biota. The contribution of the other major regions including karstified areas is considerably smaller and gradually decreases from Central Asia (35 species; over 11%), the Far East (33; nearly 11%), the Ukrainian Carpathians with Podolia (12; almost 4%), the Russian Plain (7; over 2%), the Urals and Ural region (7; over 2%) to Siberia (5 species; 1.6%). Inventorying remains a topical problem in assessing the stygo- and troglofaunas of the territories in question. The most complete bibliography possible is included.  相似文献   

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