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Serum samples from 58 Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) from the Solomon Islands were tested for the IgG antibody to Toxoplasma gondii by the latex agglutination test (LAT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and immunoblotting. The ELISA cut-off value was taken as OD > or = 0.276, and the final dilution ratio, recognized as positive, was represented by the end titer. In 25 of 58 samples, no antibody activity was detected by LAT and ELISA. In 8 of 58 samples, anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies were detected by both LAT and ELISA, with titers of greater than 1 : 64 and 1 : 160, respectively. By immunoblotting, the 8 serum samples producing higher titers showed specific antibody IgG binding to several antigens on the T. gondii lane, but not on the Neospora caninum lane. No specific bands were noted on the lanes for either parasite in the 25 serum samples for which no antibody activity was detected. The specific binding of IgG antibodies to T. gondii antigens observed for serum samples producing higher titers suggests that Pacific bottlenose dolphins from the Solomon islands are exposed to T. gondii.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of many dolphin populations remains uncertain in poorly studied regions of the world's ocean. Here we attempt to clarify the phylogenetic identity of two distinct forms of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) described in the Melanesian region of the Pacific Ocean. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences from samples collected in New Caledonia (= 88) and the Solomon Islands (= 19) were compared to previously published sequences of Tursiops spp., representing four phylogenetic units currently recognized within the genus. Phylogenetic reconstructions confirm that the smaller coastal form in Melanesia belongs to the same phylogenetic unit as T. aduncus populations in the Pacific, but differs from T. aduncus in Africa, and that the larger more oceanic form belongs to the species T. truncatus. Analyses of population diversity reveal high levels of regional population structuring among the two forms, with contrasting levels of diversity. From a conservation perspective, genetic isolation of T. aduncus in the Solomon Islands raises further concern about recent impacts of the commercial, live‐capture export industry. Furthermore, the low level of mtDNA diversity in T. aduncus of New Caledonia suggests a recent population bottleneck or founder effect and isolation. This raises concerns for the conservation status of these local populations.  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers to investigate population structure of common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, around the main Hawaiian Islands. Though broadly distributed throughout the world's oceans, bottlenose dolphins are known to form small populations in coastal waters. Recent photo‐identification data suggest the same is true in Hawaiian waters. We found genetic differentiation among (mtDNA ΦST= 0.014–0.141, microsatellite FST= 0.019–0.050) and low dispersal rates between (0.17–5.77 dispersers per generation) the main Hawaiian Island groups. Our results are consistent with movement rates estimated from photo‐identification data and suggest that each island group supports a demographically independent population. Inclusion in our analyses of samples collected near Palmyra Atoll provided evidence that the Hawaiian Islands are also occasionally visited by members of a genetically distinct, pelagic population. Two of our samples exhibited evidence of partial ancestry from Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus), a species not known to inhabit the Hawaiian Archipelago. Our findings have important implications for the management of Hawaiian bottlenose dolphins and raise concerns about the vulnerability to human impacts of pelagic species in island ecosystems.  相似文献   

Although Toxoplasma gondii infection has been found occasionally in cetaceans, little is known of the prevalence of antibodies to T. gondii in wild dolphins. Antibodies to T. gondii were determined in serum samples from 58 dolphins stranded in the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Modified agglutination test was used to determine T. gondii antibodies, and a titer of 1:25 was considered indicative of T. gondii infection. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 4 of 36 striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), in 2 of 4 common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), in 4 of 7 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), and in 1 harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Antibodies were not found in 9 Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) and in 1 long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) surveyed. The results indicate that T. gondii infection is frequent in at least 3 dolphin species from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

A serologic survey of anti-Brucella spp. antibodies was undertaken on 2,470 samples of 14 North American marine mammal species collected between 1984-97. Serum or blood from eight species of cetaceans and six species of pinnipeds was sampled from Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans. Two competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (C-ELISA's), using specific monoclonal antibodies to Brucella abortus cell wall components, were used to detect anti-Brucella spp. antibodies in the samples. Sera from 33 cetaceans and 61 pinnipeds gave inhibition values, in one or both of the tests, which exceeded the threshold that indicates Brucella spp. exposure in cattle. Seropositive animals were identified from Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans. While Brucella spp. was not isolated, differences in the response of seropositive cetacean and pinniped sera in the two assays suggest that two antigenically distinct species or biovars of Brucella spp. are present. No pathology consistent with clinical brucellosis was noted in any of the animals tested although detailed examination was not conducted on all carcasses.  相似文献   

A survey for Brucella spp. antibodies was undertaken on 164 serum samples from 144 Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi) from the northwestern Hawaiian Islands collected between 1995 and 2002. The buffered antigen plate agglutination test (BPAT), the indirect enzyme immunoassay (I-ELISA), the competitive enzyme immunoassay (C-ELISA), and the fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) were compared with regard to their ability in detecting antibodies to Brucella spp. in the serum samples. Overall, antibodies were detected in 28 (17.1%) animals, using the BPAT test, 25 (15.2%) by the C-ELISA, and 19 (11.6%) in the I-ELISA and the FPA test, using thresholds established for cattle. No evidence of gross pathology consistent with clinical brucellosis was noted in any of the seropositive animals tested. Although further work would be necessary to validate these tests for use with monk seals it appears that both the C-ELISA and the FPA tests would be appropriate as diagnostic screening tests for detection of antibodies to Brucella spp. in this species.  相似文献   

Across the Pacific, and including in the Solomon Islands, outbreaks of arboviruses such as dengue, chikungunya, and Zika are increasing in frequency, scale and impact. Outbreaks of mosquito-borne disease have the potential to overwhelm the health systems of small island nations. This study mapped the seroprevalence of dengue, Zika, chikungunya and Ross River viruses in 5 study sites in the Solomon Islands. Serum samples from 1,021 participants were analysed by ELISA. Overall, 56% of participants were flavivirus-seropositive for dengue (28%), Zika (1%) or both flaviviruses (27%); and 53% of participants were alphavirus-seropositive for chikungunya (3%), Ross River virus (31%) or both alphaviruses (18%). Seroprevalence for both flaviviruses and alphaviruses varied by village and age of the participant. The most prevalent arboviruses in the Solomon Islands were dengue and Ross River virus. The high seroprevalence of dengue suggests that herd immunity may be a driver of dengue outbreak dynamics in the Solomon Islands. Despite being undetected prior to this survey, serology results suggest that Ross River virus transmission is endemic. There is a real need to increase the diagnostic capacities for each of the arboviruses to support effective case management and to provide timely information to inform vector control efforts and other outbreak mitigation interventions.  相似文献   

This study presents a detailed seasonal comparison of the abundance and distribution of cetaceans within 100-150 nmi (185-278 km) of the California coast during 1991 and 1992. The results of a shipboard line-transect survey conducted in July-November 1991 ("summer") were compared to those from aerial line-transect surveys conducted in March-April 1991 and February-April 1992 ("winter"). Using a confidence-interval-based bootstrap procedure, abundance estimates for six of the eleven species included in the comparison exhibited significant (α= 0.05) differences between the winter and summer surveys. Pacific white-sided dolphins ( Lagenorhynchus obliquidens ), Risso's dolphins ( Grampus griseus ), common dolphins ( Delphinus spp.), and northern right whale dolphins ( Lissodelphis borealis ) were significantly more abundant in winter. The abundance of blue whales ( Balaenoptera musculuss ) and gray whales ( Eschrichtius robustus ) reflected well-documented migratory patterns. Fin whales ( B. physalus ) were significantly more abundant during summer. No significant differences in seasonal abundance were identified for Dall's porpoises ( Phocoenoides dalli ), bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ), killer whales ( Orcinus orca ), sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus ), or humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ). Significant north/south shifts in distribution were found for Dall's porpoises, common dolphins, and Pacific white-sided dolphins, and significant inshore/offshore differences were identified for northern right whale dolphins and humpback whales.  相似文献   

Serum samples obtained in 1986 from healthy individuals in three distinct Solomon Islands populations were screened for antibodies to human lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I). One of the populations tested lives on the remote Polynesian outlier atoll, Ontong Java. The other two groups, the Baegu and the Lau, are Melanesians living on Malaita, the most populous of the larger Solomon Islands. Eighty-eight of a total of 601 (14.6%) sera tested were repeatably reactive in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that uses as antigen a lysate of HTLV-I viral particles. The prevalence of antibodies interactive with HTLV-I viral particles. The prevalence of antibodies interactive with HTLV-I antigens varied among the three groups, ranging from 8.5% (16/188) in the Baegu, through 13% (7/54) in the Lau, to 18.1% (65/359) among the Ontong Java population. The specificity of the screening ELISA was confirmed by protein immunoblot. No serum samples were obtained from children under 9 years of age. Although 121 of the 601 sera came from children between the ages of 9 and 19, none of these were reactive in the HTLV-I ELISA. Starting in the third decade, the prevalence of HTLV-I seropositivity increased with age, from 8.8% (10/113) between the ages of 20 and 29 to a peak of 25.9% (15/58) and 25% (15/60) in the sixth and seventh decade, respectively. This age-specific prevalence pattern is strikingly similar to that which is seen in populations where HTLV-I infection is endemic.  相似文献   

Evoked potential audiograms were measured in 13 Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus gilli) to determine the variability in hearing sensitivity and range of hearing. The auditory evoked potential system used a transducer embedded in a suction cup to deliver sinusoidal amplitude modulated tones to each dolphin through the pan region of the lower right jaw. Evoked potentials were recorded noninvasively using surface electrodes, and hearing thresholds were estimated by tracking the amplitude of the envelope following response, an evoked potential that is phase‐locked to the stimulus modulation rate. Frequencies tested ranged from 10 to 180 kHz in each animal. Variability in the range of hearing and age‐related reductions in hearing sensitivity and range of hearing were consistent with those observed in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. Comparison of audiograms to a captive population of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins demonstrated that the Pacific bottlenose dolphins tested in this study had significantly lower thresholds at frequencies of 40 and 60–115 kHz. Differences in thresholds between the groups are unlikely to be due to methodological factors.  相似文献   

The identification of species and population boundaries is important in both evolutionary and conservation biology. In recent years, new population genetic and computational methods for estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses in a quantitative manner have emerged. Using a Bayesian framework and a quantitative model‐testing approach, we evaluated the species status and genetic connectedness of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops spp.) populations off remote northwestern Australia, with a focus on pelagic ‘offshore’ dolphins subject to incidental capture in a trawl fishery. We analysed 71 dolphin samples from three sites beyond the 50 m depth contour (the inshore boundary of the fishery) and up to 170 km offshore, including incidentally caught and free‐ranging individuals associating with trawl vessels, and 273 dolphins sampled at 12 coastal sites inshore of the 50 m depth contour and within 10 km of the coast. Results from 19 nuclear microsatellite markers showed significant population structure between dolphins from within the fishery and coastal sites, but also among dolphins from coastal sites, identifying three coastal populations. Moreover, we found no current or historic gene flow into the offshore population in the region of the fishery, indicating a complete lack of recruitment from coastal sites. Mitochondrial DNA corroborated our findings of genetic isolation between dolphins from the offshore population and coastal sites. Most offshore individuals formed a monophyletic clade with common bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus), while all 273 individuals sampled coastally formed a well‐supported clade of Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus). By including a quantitative modelling approach, our study explicitly took evolutionary processes into account for informing the conservation and management of protected species. As such, it may serve as a template for other, similarly inaccessible study populations.  相似文献   

Between 2007 and 2009, we witnessed three aggressive interactions between harbor porpoises and bottlenose dolphins in Monterey Bay, California. This is the first time such aggression has been documented in the Pacific, and the first time a harbor porpoise was collected immediately after witnessing its death, inflicted by bottlenose dolphins. Of the bottlenose dolphins present, 92% were males either confirmed (61%) or putative (31%). Since 2005, 44 harbor porpoise deaths inflicted by bottlenose dolphins were documented in California. Aberrant behavior was rejected as a cause of aggression, based on widespread documentation of similar behaviors in other populations of free‐ranging bottlenose dolphins. The evidence for interspecies territoriality as a form of competition for prey was weak: there is little dietary overlap and there are differences in bottlenose dolphin and harbor porpoise distribution patterns in California. Object‐oriented play was plausible as a form of practice to maintain intraspecific infanticidal skills or a form of play to maintain fighting skills between male associates. Contributing factors could be high‐testosterone levels, as attacks occurred at the height of the breeding season, and/or a skewed operational sex ratio. Ultimately, we need more information about bottlenose dolphin social structure at the time of the aggression.  相似文献   

Zhang P  Sun N  Yao Z  Zhang X 《Zoo biology》2012,31(3):336-349
The number of cetaceans housed in aquariums in China is increasing. Detailed information on the historical and current population status has not been reported, despite its importance for successful breeding and population management. Questionnaires were conducted between December 2006 and May 2009, and the information was used to construct studbooks. Our survey showed that 10 species had been introduced to aquariums since 1978, including 26 (with 15 in the current population) finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides), 5 (5) false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens), 94 (80) common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), 48 (30) Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus), 36 (32) beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), 10 (10) pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), 8 (8) Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus), 2 (2) short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), 2 (2) Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), and 5 (0) baiji dolphins (Lipotes vexillifer). The number of cetaceans has increased markedly in the past 32 years, especially since 1995. Currently, 184 individuals are under human care throughout China, a number larger than any other country with an International Species Information System membership. In addition, the Annual Survival Rates of bottlenose dolphins (0.959) and beluga whales (0.968) were found higher than those reported previously (0.93-0.951 and 0.94-0.954, respectively).  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii infection in marine mammals is intriguing and indicative of contamination of the ocean environment and coastal waters with oocysts. In a previous study, 138 of 141 (97.8%) bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the coasts of Florida and California had antibodies to T. gondii by the modified agglutination test (MAT). Although the MAT has been found to be highly sensitive and specific for T. gondii antibodies from several species of terrestrial animals, it has not yet been validated for T. gondii infections in marine mammals. Furthermore, T. gondii has yet not been isolated from dolphins. In the present study, sera from 146 (60 from the 2004 samples and 86 from the 2003 samples) T. truncatus from the coastal areas of South Carolina and Florida were tested for antibodies to T. gondii. Sera from 2004 were tested by the MAT, the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), the Sabin-Feldman dye test (DT), an indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT), an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and Western blot. All 60 dolphins were seropositive, with MAT titers of 1:20 in 3, 1:40 in 19, 1:80 in 29, 1:160 in 2, 1:1,280 in 3, 1:2,560 in 2, and 1:5,120 or higher in 2, and these results were confirmed in another laboratory. The DT titers of these dolphins were <1:10 in 53, 1:800 in 3, 1:1,600 in 2, and 1:3,200 in 2. The IHAT titers were <1:64 in 52, 1:128 in 1, 1:512 in 2, and 1:2,048 in 5. The IFAT titers were <1:20 in 3, 1:20 in 11, 1:40 in 36, 1:80 in 2, 1:160 in 1, and 1:320 or higher in 7. All 7 DT-positive dolphins had high MAT titers, but 2 were negative by the IHAT. Western blot results closely followed MAT results; ELISA results matched MAT results, which were 1:40 or higher. In sera from the 2003 samples, MAT antibodies were found in 86 of 86 dolphins with titers of 1:25 in 29, 1:50 in 23, 1:100 in 27, 1:200 in 3, 1:1,600 in 1, and 1:3,200 in 3; these sera were not tested by other means. Overall, MAT antibodies were found in all 146 dolphin sera tested. Because marine mammals are considered sentinel animals indicative of contamination of the coastal and marine waters by T. gondii oocysts, serologically positive infections need to be validated by the detection of T. gondii organisms in the tissues of seropositive animals.  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibodies to morbilliviruses, Brucella and Toxoplasma was studied in the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus ponticus and the beluga whale Delphinapterus leucas from the Sea of Okhotsk. The blood serum of 74 dolphins and 147 beluga whales was tested in 2002–2007. Antibodies to morbilliviruses were detected in 15 (20.3%) bottlenose dolphins and 20 (13.6%) beluga whales. Antibodies to Brucella were detected in 17 (23.0%) bottlenose dolphins and 10 (6.8%) beluga whales. Toxoplasma-specific antibodies were detected in 39 (52.7%) bottlenose dolphins and 7 (4.8%) beluga whales. Some animals had antibodies to two, or even three, of the pathogens. A high level of incidence of the pathogens in the sea animals was found in the densely populated coastal areas with high economic development.  相似文献   

In the Northwest Atlantic the distribution of coastal bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) overlaps with that of the offshore ecotype. We hypothesized that the distribution of the two ecotypes could be delineated by depth and/or distance from shore, facilitating their identification during surveys. We obtained 304 skin biopsy samples and identified each as either coastal or offshore using analysis of mitochondrial DNA. We then interpreted the spatial distribution of coastal and offshore forms using spatial analysis. Using a Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis, we found a statistically significant break in ecotype distribution at 34 km from shore. In waters beyond 34 km from shore and deeper than 34 m, all bottlenose dolphins were of the offshore ecotype. Within 7.5 km of shore, all 65 samples were of the coastal ecotype. Between these two areas only nine samples were collected, so the genetic composition of bottlenose dolphins in this area remains poorly known. To enhance our understanding of the spatial distribution of the two ecotypes, future research should obtain more biopsy samples in this zone. Nevertheless, our results indicate that a conservative abundance estimate for the coastal ecotype could be generated from surveys of bottlenose dolphins within 7.5 km of shore.  相似文献   

The objective of the work was to characterize the presence of spontaneous micronucleated erythrocytes (MNES) from peripheral blood of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) to evaluate the possibility to use this species as potential bioindicator of genotoxic compounds. Forty-eight blood samples from 12 bottlenose dolphins were obtain from three Mexican dolphinariums, and from 10 dolphins was possible to obtain more than one sample at different sampling times. Smears were processed and observed with an epifluorescence microscope. The average of MNES and polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) from the 48 samples was 24.3 +/- 6.1 MNES/10,000 total erythrocytes (TE), and 9.1 +/- 5.5 PCE/1,000 TE. MNES and PCE number did not show differences between gender and age. No variations in the MNES values of the bottlenose dolphins that were sampled more than one occasion were found. Comparisons among dolphinariums revealed differences in MNES frequency, with the highest significant frequency observed in dolphins from dolphinarium "A" (26.0 +/- 5.9 MNES/10,000 TE) than dolphinarium "B" (19.5 +/- 3.1 MNES/10,000 TE) (p < 0.05) and dolphinarium "C" (18.6 +/- 3.5 MNES/10,000 TE) (p < 0.007). The presence of MNES and PCE in the bottlenose dolphin may provide a useful marine mammal model to detect DNA damage by means of micronuclei test in peripheral blood erythrocytes to evaluate genotoxicity and cytotoxicity expositions.  相似文献   

The biological and genetic structure of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) that migrate seasonally near Japan remains largely unknown. We investigated the genetic and family structure in a group of 165 common bottlenose dolphins caught off the coast of Japan using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and 20 microsatellite DNA markers. Phylogenetic analysis of the mtDNA control region sequences suggested that the dolphins were related more closely to oceanic types from Chinese waters than other geographic regions. The information on sex, sexual maturation and age together with the genetic markers revealed a strong likelihood for 37 familial relationships related mostly to maternity and an under‐representation of juvenile female offspring. The maternal dolphins had a similar offspring‐birth interval as the coastal types from North Atlantic Ocean, but a slightly younger first‐progeny age. The sex bias in the captured group was particularly marked towards an over‐representation of males among the young and immature dolphins, whereas the mature adults had an equal number of males and females. These results should be useful for future comparative biological, genetic and evolutionary investigations of bottlenose dolphins from the North Pacific Ocean with those from other regions.  相似文献   

Morbillivirus infection is widespread among odontocetes of the western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Serologic evidence of infection in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus , was first detected during an epizootic along the mid-Atlantic coast in 1987. Here, we report recurrent epizootics in the coastal dolphin population since at least the early 1980s based on serological surveys and regional stranding frequencies. The first observed epizootic of this series occurred in the Indian and Banana Rivers in 1982 and was followed by others on the mid-Atlantic coast in 1987–1988 and in the Gulf of Mexico between 1992 and 1994. This temporal pattern of infection is likely facilitated by the population size and its fragmentation into relatively discrete coastal communities. Introduction of morbillivirus into a community with a sufficient number of naive hosts may precipitate an epizootic, depending on the potential for transmission within the group. Propagation of an epizootic along the coast is probably determined by frequency of contact between adjacent communities and seasonal migrations.
Morbillivirus antibodies were also detected in serum from offshore bottlenose dolphins. The sero-prevalence in the latter may be higher than in coastal dolphins because of their close association with enzootically infected pilot whales ( Globicephala spp.). Occasional contact between offshore and coastal dolphins may provide an epizootiologic link between pilot whales and coastal dolphin communities.  相似文献   

We evaluated blood collected on Nobuto filter-paper (FP) strips for use in detecting Brucella spp. antibodies in caribou. Whole blood (for serum) and blood-saturated FP strips were obtained from 185 killed arctic caribou (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus). Sample pairs (serum and FP eluates) were simultaneously tested in duplicate using competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA) and indirect ELISA (i-ELISA) for Brucella spp. Prior work based on isolation of Brucella spp. revealed sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) of 100% and 99%, respectively, for both these serum assays in caribou. Infection status of the animals in the current study was unknown but recent sampling had revealed clinical brucellosis and >40% Brucella antibody prevalence in the herd. To assess the performance of FP relative to serum in these assays, serum was used as the putative gold standard. On both assays, the findings for duplicate runs (A and B) were similar. For c-ELISA run A, the FP Brucella prevalence (47%) was lower than serum prevalence (52%), with SE 89% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 82-95%) and SP 99% (97-100%). For i-ELISA run A, serum and FP Brucella prevalence rates were identical (43%), and the SE and SP of FP testing were 100% and 99% (97-100%), respectively. The findings suggest better FP test performance with i-ELISA than with c-ELISA; however, i-ELISA does not distinguish cross-reacting antibodies induced by Brucella vaccination or exposure to certain other Gram-negative pathogens. Results for duplicate FP eluates (prepared using separate FP strips from each animal) were strongly correlated for both protocols (r=0.996 and 0.999 for c-ELISA and i-ELISA, respectively), indicating minimal variability among FPs from any individual caribou. Dried caribou FP blood samples stored for 2 mo at room temperature are comparable with serum for use in Brucella spp. c-ELISA and i-ELISA. Hunter-based FP sampling can facilitate detection of disease exposure in remote regions and under adverse conditions, and can expand wildlife disease surveillance across temporospatial scales.  相似文献   

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