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ABSTRACT Social control of egg-laying rate in queens of the fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) was studied by experimental manipulation of the number of larvae, pupae and workers in colonies, and the age and size of larvae and workers. Workers and pupae do not stimulate oviposition by queens. The number of fourth instar larvae, on the other hand, bears a positive log-log relationship to the queen's egg-laying rate. Such larvae are needed both to stimulate and maintain oviposition. Their withdrawal results, within 48 h, in a decline in queen oviposition almost to zero. Their addition to broodless nests results in peak laying in about 4 days. Larvae in the first three stadia and early in the fourth stadium have a much lower effect upon queen fecundity. Sexual larvae are only c. 5% as stimulating on a weight basis, but equivalent on an individual basis. Several associated measures are positively correlated to egg-laying rate: weight of the queen, the number of her vitellogenic follicles per ovariole, total vitellogenic follicles, the time she spends feeding and (usually) the number of workers in the retinue that cares for her. The egg volume is negatively correlated with laying rate, so that queens lay more eggs for the same expenditure of material as laying rate increases. As body size of workers increases, they become less effective in transmitting the larval stimulation to the queen, but worker age has no effect on this ability. For a given number of larvae, queens in small, naturally growing colonies lay fewer, larger eggs than do queens in experimental colonies, but their fecundity increases more rapidly in relation to number of larvae. When larvae are fed vital-dyed food in one experimental colony, and then transferred to an undyed colony, the dye is rapidly transferred to worker crops, and into the queen's eggs, indicating bulk movement of material from larvae to workers to the queen and eggs. Large larvae are more effective at this than small larvae. Fourth instar larvae may be a digestive and metabolic caste that processes protein for egg production by the queen. If that is the case, the queen and fourth instar larvae are linked in a positive feedback loop. Either the logarithmic relation of fecundity to larval numbers or physical limits of the queen may set the maximum egg-laying rate, and thus determine maximum colony size. The data do not allow a clear choice between these alternatives.  相似文献   

The distribution of food between members of a Myrmica rubra L. Society was investigated by varying the ratios of queens, workers and medium-sized larvae. Observations revealed patterns in colony behaviour which could be of importance in a polygyne system.
Queens had little effect upon the rate of food transmission, but the worker/larva ratio was of significance. Many workers effectively fed all larvae present in a colony, but a small number of workers fed only a few. If larvae and/or queens were in abundance, the workers were partly deprived of access to them. Competition between the queens and larvae for food and worker attention occurred when their numbers were high. In this situation, queens fed themselves while the workers cared for the larvae. The significance of overcrowding, not only upon the administration of food, but upon the queen effect acting on the workers to stimulate or inhibit worker egg-laying and brood-rearing, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary: Queens of the pharaoh's ant Monomorium pharaonis (L.), like several other ant species, feed on larval secretions as their main nourishment and their fecundity is positively correlated with the number of large larvae present in the nest. The surplus of secretions produced by larvae is stored in a temporary caste of replete workers, which comprises young workers who remain in the nest and store liquid nourishment. Repletes are characterised by a conspicuously large gaster, caused by large amounts of liquid food stored in the crop, from which it may be regurgitated and distributed among colony members. In this study, repletes of pharaoh's ants were demonstrated to be functioning as buffers, smoothing fluctuations in availability of high quality food to the reproductive queens when larvae are scarce or missing, thus temporarily keeping up the egg production of queens.¶In undisturbed two-queen colonies with 20 large worker larvae and 30 workers (15 young and 15 old workers), approximately 10 repletes developed (one replete per two larvae). Development of older workers into repletes, when some or all repletes had been removed from the colonies, demonstrated that their temporal polyethism exhibits great plasticity in this trait.¶This study confirmed that, in pharaoh's ants, the regulation of fecundity depends not only on the food flow to the queen from larvae or from repletes but also on an unknown larval stimulus.¶The term crop repletes is suggested for replete workers which use their crop to store nourishment, as opposed to fat-body repletes, which store nourishment in their fat body.¶The presence of brood tending crop repletes in nests in several European ant species of Leptothorax, Myrmica, and Lasius, show that repletism is a common trait in ants, and that it may play an important role in regulation of nutrition in ant colonies, as demonstrated in Monomorium pharaonis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Queens of two species of the ant genus Myrmica bonded to workers of the species M. rubra L. as the latter emerge from the pupal skin can use these workers nearly 6 months later to arrest gyne formation in sex-competent larvae of the same species. Queens of M. ruginodis Nylander var. microgyria (Brian & Brian, 1949) are as good at this as the natural M. rubra , but those of M. sabuleti Meinert (of a race close to M. scabrinodis) are not. Though the M. sabuleti queens induce normal aggression against sexualizing larvae, they are unable to prevent some or all of the workers feeding larvae as though they were queenless. However, queens from different colonies of M. rubra adopted by queenless populations of workers in spring, control their brood-rearing behaviour perfectly. M. rubra workers from different colonies bring gynes to maturity from female sexual larvae at different average sizes. When workers from two such sources are mixed in equal proportions, the size of gyne larva produced after a week's culture corresponds with that of one of the worker populations; it is not intermediate in size. Also, large workers can rear larger gyne-larvae than small workers of the same age. This is only true if the workers have been living with queens all the time from emergence as an imago to the moment the experiment was set. Size mixtures only achieve the same size larvae as a pure culture of small workers would. A possible reason for this is that small workers exclude the larger ones from the nursery areas of the nest.  相似文献   

A food-producing role for cephalic exocrine glands has arisen independently in both taxa of highly eusocial bees, Apis and Meliponini. With several exceptions, there is little evidence that food is produced by glands of solitary bees or by most bees at lower levels of sociality. We suggest that this association with sociality is due to four adaptive features of these glands: (1) food from the glands allows feces from queens and larvae to have a small volume, (2) the queen's fecundity can be increased, (3) nutrient recovery via cannibalism can be facilitated, and (4) rearing of emergency replacement queens is accelerated. Acceleration of the rearing of other castes and of queens in the normal process of colony fission is not clearly an advantage ascribed to these glands. Trophic eggs produced by meliponine colony workers are analogous to the secretions from food-producing glands in Meliponini and Apis workers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Field censuses and laboratory experiments show that in the Argentine ant, Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr), c. 90% of the queens are executed by workers in May, at the beginning of the reproductive season. The reduction in the number of queens probably decreases the inhibition exerted by queens on the differentiation of sexuals and thus allows the production of new queens and males shortly thereafter. In the laboratory, there was no correlation between the percentage of queens executed and their weight or fecundity. At the time of execution of queens, nearly all queens were of the same age; less than 1 year. Therefore it is not likely that the age of queens plays any role in the choice that workers make in the queens they executed. Execution of these queens results in a heavy energetic cost for the colony which amounts c. 8% of the total biomass. This behaviour of workers executing nestmate queens is discussed with regard to possible evolutionary significance at the queen and worker level.  相似文献   

The control of prey, thin syrup and water flow, through a society of Myrmica was studied. Larval intake increases if they are deprived of prey, but not if they are deprived of water or sugar. Deprivation causes them to take prey juices from workers and they get more if the workers themselves have also been deprived; this is because such workers over-collect and readily pass on their surplus. Even well-fed larvae will take prey juices from these surfeited workers; they will also take sugary fluids but not water. The head of a larva elicits some food collection by workers even if it is immobile, but the real cause of food flow towards larvae is their ability to absorb and assimilate the prey juices which they can obtain from workers. Starved nurse workers can obtain prey and water from foragers but a reverse flow does not occur; only thin syrup is exchanged freely between workers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In colonies of Monomorium pharaonis (L.), the presence of fertile queens normally prevents the production of new queens and males (sexuals). The inhibitory effect of the presence of fertile queens is not shared by virgin queens or by freshly killed dead queens, but can be substituted by the artificial introduction of eggs. Moreover, fertile queens made sterile by exposure to a Juvenile Hormone analogue lose their ability to prevent the rearing of new sexuals. Thus, the inhibitory action of queens is mediated via the eggs that they lay, such that the rearing of new sexuals is limited to the times when either the number or fecundity of extant queens is reduced. Workers appear able to detect changes in the number of eggs present in the colony. When eggs are plentiful (i.e. when queens are laying at maximum rates), only worker brood is reared, but if egg numbers decline, workers will respond by rearing a new batch of males and queens. This method of caste regulation is highly efficient, and the inhibitory action of eggs on the production of sexuals is comparable to the action of 'queen substances' reported in some other social insects.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):914-925
Normal queens in a colony of Myrmica rubra L. were not necessarily more attractive to the workers than strange ones grafted into the colony. Workers chose the best queens using those they already had as a standard. After winter dormancy, workers in colonies with queens were less tolerant for queen variety. One week at 20°C was enough to cause them to reject still-dormant queens, even those of their own colony, though they accepted alien queens. However, after 2–3 weeks culture queens were acceptable only if they belonged to the same colony as the natural ones or to the same colony as those queens that had been artificially implanted. To re-open the group, it was essential to remove all the resident queens; then after 2 days the workers took any queen offered, rather than remain queenless, but when offered a choice between one of their originals and an unfamiliar one, they still took the former. Three queenless weeks were required before they lost their preference for an ex-nestmate. Queens from a single colony, isolated in separate groups of workers, remained acceptable to the workers with them indefinitely, but when these queens were transferred to identical collateral groups of workers, they were rejected even after only 2 weeks' separation. Some groups of workers were less tolerant than others and some queens were more attractive than others, but their compatibility diminished with time if they lived in isolation. A group with an attractive queen was more likely to resist other queens.  相似文献   

Morphologically specialized queens are absent in Pachycondyla (=  Ophthalmopone ) berthoudi (ant subfamily Ponerinae). Instead, several of the workers mate and reproduce (gamergates). Gamergate proportion in nests commonly varies between nests and different times of the year. Individual fecundity of gamergates varies according to the number of these individuals in a nest, and we examined their behaviour in relation to fecundity in nests with different proportions of gamergates. In nests with high proportions of gamergates, they exhibited a diversity of behaviours inside the nest and in some cases could not be distinguished behaviourally from sterile workers. The fecundity of these gamergates was low and variable. In nests with low proportions, gamergates were relatively more fecund, and did not participate in colony labour. The behavioural profile of gamergates is therefore linked to their reproductive physiology, which is influenced by the number of mated individuals in the nest.  相似文献   

The best known of the conflicts occurring in eusocial Hymenoptera is queen-worker conflict over sex ratio. So far, sex ratio theory has mostly focused on optimal investment in the production of male versus female sexuals, neglecting the investment in workers. Increased investment in workers decreases immediate sexual productivity but increases expected future colony productivity. Thus, an important issue is to determine the queen's and workers' optimal investment in each of the three castes (workers, female sexuals, and male sexuals), taking into account a possible trade-off between production of female sexuals and workers (both castes developing from diploid female eggs). Here, we construct a simple and general kin selection model that allows us to calculate the evolutionarily stable investments in the three castes, while varying the identity of the party controlling resource allocation (relative investment in workers, female sexuals, and male sexuals). Our model shows that queens and workers favor the investment in workers that maximizes lifetime colony productivity of sexual males and females, whatever the colony kin structure. However, worker production is predicted to be at this optimum only if one of the two parties has complete control over resource allocation, a situation that is evolutionarily unstable because it strongly selects the other party to manipulate sex allocation in its favor. Queens are selected to force workers to raise all the males by limiting the number of eggs they lay, whereas workers should respond to egg limitation by raising a greater proportion of the female eggs into sexual females rather than workers as a means to attain a more female-biased sex allocation. This tug-of-war between queens and workers leads to a stable equilibrium where sex allocation is between the queen and worker optima and the investment in workers is below both parties' optimum. Our model further shows that, under most conditions, female larvae are in strong conflict with queens and workers over their developmental fate because they value their own reproduction more than that of siblings. With the help of our model, we also investigate how variation in queen number and number of matings per queen affect the level of conflict between queens, workers, and larvae and ultimately the allocation of resource in the three castes. Finally, we make predictions that allow us to test which party is in control of sex allocation and caste determination.  相似文献   

Every spring, workers of the Argentine Ant Linepithema humile kill a large proportion of queens within their nests. Although this behaviour inflicts a high energetic cost on the colonies, its biological significance has remained elusive so far. An earlier study showed that the probability of a queen being executed is not related to her weight, fecundity, or age. Here we test the hypothesis that workers collectively eliminate queens to which they are less related, thereby increasing their inclusive fitness. We found no evidence for this hypothesis. Workers of a nest were on average not significantly less related to executed queens than to surviving ones. Moreover, a population genetic analysis revealed that workers were not genetically differentiated between nests. This means that workers of a given nest are equally related to any queen in the population and that there can be no increase in average worker–queen relatedness by selective elimination of queens. Finally, our genetic analyses also showed that, in contrast to workers, queens were significantly genetically differentiated between nests and that there was significant isolation by distance for queens.  相似文献   

Summary: Genetic theory predicts that workers in monogynous ant colonies with singly-mated queens should capitalize on higher relatedness with sisters than with brothers by altering the sex investment ratio of a colony in favor of females. Sex investment ratios, however, may also be influenced by the amount of resources available to colonies, in part because more mating opportunities might be obtained by investing scarce resources in males, which are much smaller than queens. Female larvae that reach a critical size by a particular point in development become queens while underfed larvae develop into workers, so workers could potentially influence the sex investment ratio of a colony by selectively feeding female larvae. In a previous experiment on the ant, Aphaenogaster rudis, colonies increased female sex investment after their diet was supplemented with elaiosomes, a lipid-rich food gained from a seed dispersal mutualism. In order to investigate the mechanisms producing this shift, we radio-labeled Sanguinaria canadensis elaiosomes with fatty acids and compared uptake among castes within a colony. The experiment was performed in both the laboratory and field. Lab colonies produced female-biased sex investment ratios, while field colonies mainly invested in males. We hypothesize that this discrepancy is related to differing levels of background food availability in the lab and field. The results of the elaiosome distribution experiment do not support a hypothesis that elaiosomes play a qualitative role in queen determination, because all individuals in a colony receive this nutrient. There is, however, support for the hypothesis that elaiosomes have a quantitative effect on larval development because larvae that accumulated more radio-label from elaiosomes tended to develop into gynes (virgin queens), while other female larvae developed into workers.  相似文献   

The queens of eusocial ants, bees, and wasps only mate during a very brief period early in life to acquire and store a lifetime supply of sperm. As sperm cannot be replenished, queens have to be highly economic when using stored sperm to fertilize eggs, especially in species with large and long‐lived colonies. However, queen fertility has not been studied in detail, so that we have little understanding of how economic sperm use is in different species, and whether queens are able to influence their sperm use. This is surprising given that sperm use is a key factor of eusocial life, as it determines the fecundity and longevity of queens and therefore colony fitness. We quantified the number of sperm that honeybee (Apis mellifera) queens use to fertilize eggs. We examined sperm use in naturally mated queens of different ages and in queens artificially inseminated with different volumes of semen. We found that queens are remarkably efficient and only use a median of 2 sperm per egg fertilization, with decreasing sperm use in older queens. The number of sperm in storage was always a significant predictor for the number of sperm used per fertilization, indicating that queens use a constant ratio of spermathecal fluid relative to total spermathecal volume of 2.364 × 10?6 to fertilize eggs. This allowed us to calculate a lifetime fecundity for honeybee queens of around 1,500,000 fertilized eggs. Our data provide the first empirical evidence that honeybee queens do not manipulate sperm use, and fertilization failures in worker‐destined eggs are therefore honest signals that workers can use to time queen replacement, which is crucial for colony performance and fitness.  相似文献   

Queens of hymenopteran social parasites manipulate the workers of other social species into raising their offspring. However, nonconspecific brood care may also allow the parasite larvae to control their own development to a greater extent than possible in nonparasitic species. An evolutionary consequence of this may be the loss of the parasite's worker caste if the larvae can increase their fitness by developing into sexuals rather than workers. We argue that this loss is particularly likely in species in which there is little inclusive fitness benefit in working. Retention of a worker caste correlates with characteristics that increase the fitness of working relative to becoming a sexual, such as worker-production of males, high intracolony relatedness, and seasonal environments where the hosts of potential parasite queens are not always available. Further evidence strongly suggests that when the worker caste is evolutionarily lost in perennial species like ants, it disappears rapidly and through a reduction in caste threshold and queen size, so that parasite larvae become queens with less food than required to produce host workers. This evolutionary process, however, appears to lower overall population fitness, resulting in workerless parasite species having small populations and being geographically restricted. Conversely, in annual species like bees and wasps, workerless social parasitism evolves with no size reduction in queens, which is consistent with an expected lower level of queen/offspring conflict.  相似文献   

Potential reproductive conflicts are common in social insects and may occur between and within castes. In multiqueen (polygyne) colonies of ants, reproductive conflicts among coexisting queens may be resolved by aggressive interactions and/or by pheromonal signalling. Pheromonal signals may be directed at workers, which may adjust the reproductive shares of queens behaviourally. Workers are expected to favour a queen that is more likely to be their mother and to produce offspring of close kin to them. We used microsatellite markers to study reproductive partitioning between cobreeding Formica fusca queens in a laboratory experiment where workers received a choice between two queens. We expected queens of this species to communicate their reproductive status by chemical communication, because no aggressive interactions between queens have been observed. We found that queens of different reproductive status (with majority, minority or no production) differed in their cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles. The fecundity of a queen was associated with worker behaviour; the higher a queen's fecundity, the more attention she received from workers. Our results suggest that a queen fecundity signal is encoded in her CHC profile and acts as a pheromone for workers, which respond to the signal by discriminating between queens. Copyright 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

Summary The allocation of liquid food by workers to larvae, a central process in ant biology, could be regulated by the frequency of trophallaxis, its duration, or both. In 4th-instar fire ant larvae, the duration of trophallaxis, bolus size, and the rate at which boluses were swallowed were all constant, indicating that the volume of food ingested during each worker-larva trophallaxis was both small and constant. Neither larval size over a 20-fold volume range nor larval starvation had a significant effect on duration of trophallaxis (mean = 11s, SD = 2s), bolus swallowing rate (mean = 2/s, SD = 0.5/s), or bolus volume (mean = 0.0675 nl, SD = 0.0002 nl, based on the assumption that the stomodaeum's epithelial layer is not expandable). Larval body orientation and larval location within the brood pile also had no effect on duration. Durations of trophallaxis by workers of different sizes were similar. Durations of trophallaxis for 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-instar worker larvae were also constant but greater than that for 4th-instar worker larvae. Fourth-instar minim larvae (from founding colonies) and 4th-instar worker larvae (from mature colonies) were fed for the same duration by workers but for different durations by founding queens. Founding queens fed minim larvae longer than they fed worker larvae. The durations of feedings to 4th-instar sexual larvae were more variable than those to worker larvae. Altogether, these findings indicated that 4th-instar worker larvae ingested a small, nearly constant volume of food (mean = 1.50 nl, SD = 0.005 nl) during each trophallactic event. Consequently, the long-term allocation of liquid food by workers to these larvae is regulated by the frequency of trophallaxis. Several other ant species showed a similar brevity and constancy in the duration of worker-larva trophallaxis. This brevity of worker-larva trophallaxis is in contrast to the duration of worker-worker trophallaxis.Although the duration of worker-larva trophallaxis appears to be determined by the worker, the data are not totally consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   

Abstract A possible stimulatory effect of overwintering on gyne development in Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr) was investigated. Although gyne-potent larvae are present in the nest throughout the year, small queenless colony fragments composed of freshly overwintered ants (collected in late winter or early spring) produced 3–8 times more gynes than comparable fragments made up of non-freshly overwintered ants (collected at other times of the year). Apparently, this stimulatory effect of overwintering acts on both the developmental potential of larvae and the tendency of workers to rear sexually competent larvae as gynes; queenless colony fragments in which either the brood or workers were freshly overwintered produced more gynes than fragments composed of non-freshly overwintered workers or brood but fewer than fragments containing both brood and workers freshly overwintered. This increased sexualization potential of larvae due to overwintering is enough to overcome weak pheromonal inhibition of queens associated with low queen number; a single queen in a large freshly overwintered colony fragment is insufficient to inhibit gyne development, whereas ten queens are totally inhibitory. In non-freshly overwintered colony fragments one queen is completely inhibitory. Variability in egg developmental potential according to queen age does not appear to play a major role in the seasonal production of gynes, because at least some eggs of very young queens (less than 3 weeks old) are capable of gyne development. In the field this stimulatory effect of overwintering is superimposed on a seasonal fluctuation in the combined strength of pheromonal queen control. In southern France, gynes are produced only in spring where they arise primarily from overwintered larvae just after a sharp drop in queen number, and presumably the total level of inhibitory queen pheromone, due to the massive execution of queens by workers.  相似文献   

Many colonies of the North American ant Crematogaster smithi contain a “third female caste” in addition to queens and workers. These “intermorphs” are morphological intermediate of queens and workers and have well-developed ovaries but lack a spermatheca for the storage of sperm. They are specialised for laying large numbers of unfertilised, viable eggs, most of which serve as food for larvae and adults, though a few may eventually develop into males. Based on the assumption that cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in social insects honestly signal the reproductive status of an individual we investigated the CHC of mated mature queens, virgin queens, intermorphs and workers. We expected intermorphs to show chemical profiles intermediate between those of mated queens and non-reproductive workers. A discriminant analysis of the chemical profiles reliably separated queens, virgin queens, and workers, but failed to distinguish between queens and intermorphs even though workers were apparently capable of doing so.  相似文献   

The distribution of endosymbiotic bacteria in different tissues of queens, males, and workers of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus was investigated by light and electron microscopy and by in situ hybridization. A large number of bacteria could be detected in bacteriocytes within the midguts of workers, young virgin queens, and males. Large amounts of bacteria were also found in the oocytes of workers and queens. In contrast, bacteria were not present in oocyte-associated cells or in the spermathecae of mature queens, although occasionally a small number of bacteria could be detected in the testis follicles of males. Interestingly, the number of bacteriocytes in mature queens was strongly reduced and the bacteriocytes contained only very few or no bacteria at all, although the endosymbionts were present in huge amounts in the ovaries of the same animals. During embryogenesis of the deposited egg, the bacteria were concentrated in a ring of endodermal tissue destined to become the midgut in later developmental stages. However, during larval development, bacteria could also be detected in other tissues although to a lesser extent. Only in the last-instar larvae were bacteria found exclusively in the midgut tissue within typical bacteriocytes. Tetracycline and rifampin efficiently cleansed C. floridanus workers of their symbionts and the bacteriocytes of these animals still remained empty several months after treatment had ceased. Despite the lack of their endosymbionts, these adult animals were able to survive without any obvious negative effect under normal cultivation conditions.  相似文献   

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