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Alcids propel themselves by flapping wings in air and water that have vastly different densities. We hypothesized that alcids change wing kinematics and maintain Strouhal numbers (St = fA/U, where f is wingbeat frequency, A is the wingbeat amplitude, and U is forward speed) within a certain range, to achieve efficient locomotion during both flying and swimming. We used acceleration and GPS loggers to measure the wingbeat frequency and forward speed of free‐ranging rhinoceros auklets Cerorhinca monocerata during both flying and swimming. We also measured wingbeat amplitude from video footage taken in the wild. On average, wingbeat frequency, forward speed, and wingbeat amplitude were 8.9 Hz, 15.3 m s?1, and 0.39 m, respectively, during flying, and 2.6 Hz, 1.3 m s?1, and 0.18 m, respectively, during swimming. The smaller wingbeat amplitude during swimming was achieved by partially folding the wings, while maintaining the dorso‐ventral wingbeat angle. Mean St was 0.23 during flying and 0.36 during swimming. The higher St value for swimming might be related to the higher thrust force required for propulsion in water. Our results suggest that rhinoceros auklets maintain St for both flying and swimming within the range (0.2–0.4) that propulsive efficiency is known to be high and St in both flying specialists and swimming specialists are known to converge.  相似文献   

Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from the partial genomic library of the rhinoceros auklet Cerorhinca monocerata. The heterozygosities observed at the isolated loci using eight primer sets in 46 nestlings from one breeding colony in Japan ranged from 0.311 to 0.773, and all but one locus did not deviate from the Hardy–Weinberg expectations. Cross‐species amplification in the tufted puffin Fratercula cirrhata was successfully performed using six of the eight primer sets, indicating their applicability to this species.  相似文献   

We removed first eggs from early‐laying females to measure rates and consequences of relaying in Cassin's auklets Ptychoramphus aleuticus and rhinoceros auklets Cerorhinca monocerata at Triangle Island, British Columbia, Canada. Based on egg size and composition, the investment that Cassin's auklets made in first eggs was very close to that predicted from adult body mass, whereas rhinoceros auklets invested more. In both species, a high percentage of females relaid (90% of Cassin's and 87% of rhinoceros auklets). Breeding success declined weakly with later laying among control Cassin's auklet pairs, but pairs that we induced to relay bred more successfully than naturally late pairs, and similar to values predicted from laying dates of their first eggs. Their chicks also fledged heavier and younger than late control chicks, and similar to values in early control chicks, but followed the population‐wide seasonal decline in wing length at fledging. Nestling diets were dominated by Neocalanus copepods until late in the season, a sign that feeding conditions remained favourable until late. In contrast, rhinoceros auklet pairs induced to relay followed the population‐wide seasonal decline in breeding success, which was driven by a decline in hatching success. Pacific sandlance Ammodytes hexapterus, thought to be a preferred prey species, virtually disappeared from nestling diets in mid‐to‐late season, yet there was no seasonal decline in fledging mass. However, chicks from replacement eggs followed the declines among control chicks in both age and wing length at fledging. Despite the female having produced a replacement egg, and despite delayed breeding, there appeared to be little immediate consequence associated with relaying for Cassin's auklets, except for a tendency for their chicks to fledge with short wings. Consequences were more marked in rhinoceros auklets (greatly reduced hatching success, and having their chicks fledge with short wings), and this may have been due to the large investment made in eggs, and/or to delayed breeding. Results of this study show that attributes of Cassin's and rhinoceros auklets that lay at different times in the season can be important in driving seasonal declines in breeding performance, as found in studies on other Alcidae. They also show how decisions taken during the egg stage can have variable yet potentially important implications for fitness, even in relatively long‐lived species that lay single‐egg clutches.  相似文献   

There have been catastrophic population declines at a number of rockhopper penguin Eudyptes chrysocome rookeries over the past 50 years or so. At Campbell Island, New Zealand, large contiguous rookeries have fragmented into much smaller subcolonies and although the underlying cause of the major part decline was possibly diet related, it seems likely that predation may be having an increasingly important impact. In an extension of selfish herd ideas, we hypothesised that since predation and colony contraction are edge related, the initial shape of the colony may play an important role in how quickly it might fragment and in turn how long it might persist. Intuition tells us that fragmentation is likely to occur on these smaller subcolonies and that their shape will likely affect their rate of fragmentation. We provide the first quantitative assessment of this qualitative theory of fragmentation risk as a function of colony shape for a range of hypothetical colonies.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of predation risk on the behavior ofrhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) breeding at PineIsland, British Columbia, in 1990. Provisioning parents in someareas of the colony risked predation by bald eagles (Haliacetusleucocephalus). Chicks in high and low predation risk areasof the colony hatched on approximately the same date, receivedsimilar amounts of food to 46 days of age, grew at the samerate, reached similar peak masses, and fledged at similar masses.However, chicks in high predation areas fledged at a youngerage than did chicks in low predation areas. These data are consistentwith the hypothesis that parents in high risk areas terminatedprovisioning several days before those in lower risk areas.Mass at fledging was inversely related to age at fledging inboth high and low risk areas. The regression line for the highrisk habitats lies below that from the low risk habitats, aspredicted by a model that examines optimal time of fledgingfrom the perspective of the parents. We conclude that risk ofpredation represents a significant cost of reproduction to somerhinoceros auklets and that individual auklets within the colonyvary their behavior according to predation risk.  相似文献   

The increase of double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus; hereafter, cormorant) populations during the last 2 decades has impacted many stakeholder groups. The negative effects of nesting cormorants on trees and other vegetation have motivated private organizations and government agencies to manage nesting colonies and reduce their impacts to private property and public resources. Management-induced reproductive failure has been shown to influence cormorant inter-annual nesting colony fidelity, but not complete abandonment from a nesting colony site. We attached very high frequency (VHF) transmitters and Global Positioning System (GPS) transmitters to nesting cormorants to monitor their movement response on a managed site (Young Island, VT [YI]) and an unmanaged site (Four Brothers Islands, NY [FB]). Additionally, we monitored these sites to determine the influence of management activities on subsequent-year colonization. On YI, management consisted of egg-oiling all cormorant nests (some nests had been oiled in previous years) and culling approximately 20% of adults. Annual dispersal rates did not differ between managed and unmanaged sites, but a nesting period interaction occurred with greater dispersal on the managed site following the incubation period. After 4 years of both egg oiling and culling, cormorant nesting on YI declined to zero. Simultaneously, cormorant numbers increased on the nearby unmanaged FB. We propose either the cumulative effect of partial or complete reproductive failure (8 yr) or simply the inclusion of adult culling (4 yr) caused the abandonment. From a colony-specific management perspective, the rapid decline was beneficial to the goal of restoring the vegetative community on YI. The effects of adult culling at nesting colonies, prior-year reproductive failure caused by egg oiling, or the combination of these factors may be required for complete and rapid nesting site abandonment. The use of culling adult breeders reduced nesting and likely limits the cost and logistics of control and allows more rapid initiation of mitigation measures and island habitat restoration. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Flight and diving activity of rhinoceros auklets Cerorhinca monocerata breeding on Teuri Island, Japan, were monitored during the summers 1999 and 2000 using miniaturized time-depth and acceleration recorders. Birds made 14.5 dive bouts per day of on average 15.4 min duration, which consisted of on average 16.2 dives of 12.1 m depth and 42.7 s duration. Birds made 13.8±7.3 flight bouts per day, which lasted on average 11.5±4.5 min. Daily total flight duration was 2.7±1.7 h (range 54 s–5.1 h) and the mean potential foraging range was estimated to be 87 km (maximum 164 km). Most birds stayed at the colony or rested on the water surface during the night. Rhinoceros auklets dived more actively in early morning and in late afternoon than during mid-day. Compared to results from studies of time allocation in other alcids species, rhinoceros auklets spent longer time flying (3.3 hd−1) and resting on water (13.1 hd−1), and less time diving (3.1 hd−1) and staying at the colony (4.4 hd−1). These foraging patterns are probably related to the nest attendance pattern of rhinoceros auklets, i.e. leaving the colony early in the morning, staying at sea all the day and returning to the colony in the evening to provision their chicks.  相似文献   

Seabirds in expanding colonies select the highest-quality nesting habitat, but habitat selection has seldom been studied in declining colonies. We studied a colony of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) that declined from 314,000 active nests in 1987 to 201,000 in 2014. As expected, nest quality and reproductive success were higher in burrow habitats than in other habitats, and nest density decreased with distance from shore. Contrary to predictions, the steepest declines did not occur in the poorest-quality habitat (scrub) or near the inland colony edge and the colony area did not shrink. In agreement with predictions, penguins shifted from nests with less cover to nests with more cover. The highest nest densities and the steepest declines were in habitats of large bushes and bush clusters. As the population declined penguins abandoned nests on the edges of large bushes. Constraints on penguin habitat-use changes include strong area and nest-site fidelity, increased avian predation in high-density areas, soil characteristics, and the costs of making and maintaining nests. Contrary to conventional wisdom we found low-density, poor-quality scrub habitat (which covers >70 % of the colony area) contained 45 % of active nests, produced 44 % of fledglings, and was as important as high-quality habitat for reproductive output. Our research shows that all habitats in a declining colony of seabirds have value for conservation.  相似文献   

Avian species have developed a range of markers for transmitting information, among them ornamented plumage, behavioural patterns and conspicuous bill structures. Members of the marine subfamily Fraterculinae have some of the most visibly noticeable ornaments among seabirds, and some species have been recently found to possess fluorescent properties in seasonally acquired bill plates. We examined a member of this subfamily, the Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata, for fluorescence in the upper and lower mandibles as well as the namesake horn grown in preparation for mate selection. Fluorescence was noted primarily in the horn of adults, with greater variation present among individuals than between the sexes.  相似文献   

Colonial breeding is characteristic of seabirds but nesting at high density has both advantages and disadvantages and may reduce survival and fecundity. African penguins (Spheniscus demersus) initiated breeding at Robben Island, South Africa in 1983. The breeding population on the island increased in the late 1990s and early 2000s before decreasing rapidly until 2010. Before the number breeding peaked, local nest density in the areas where the colony was initiated plateaued, suggesting that preferred nests sites were mostly occupied, and the area used by breeding birds expanded. However, it did not contract again as the population decreased, so that nesting density varied substantially. Breeding success was related positively to the prey available to the breeding birds and negatively to local nest density, particularly during the chick-rearing period, suggesting a density-dependence operating through social interactions in the colony, possibly exacerbated by poor prey availability when the breeding population was large. Although nest density at Robben Island was not high, nesting burrows, which probably reduce the incidence of aggressive encounters in the colony, are scarce and our results suggest that habitat alteration has modified the strength of density-dependent relationships for African penguins. Gaining a better understanding of how density dependence affects fecundity and population growth rates in colonial breeders is important for informing conservation management of the African penguin and other threatened taxa.  相似文献   

Scarabaecin isolated from hemolymph of the coconut rhinoceros beetle Oryctes rhinoceros is a 36-residue polypeptide that has antifungal activity. The solution structure of scarabaecin has been determined from twodimensional 1H NMR spectroscopic data and hybrid distance geometry-simulated annealing protocol calculation. Based on 492 interproton and 10 hydrogen-bonding distance restraints and 36 dihedral angle restraints, we obtained 20 structures. The average backbone root-mean-square deviation for residues 4-35 is 0.728 +/- 0.217 A from the mean structure. The solution structure consists of a two-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet connected by a type-I beta-turn after a short helical turn. All secondary structures and a conserved disulfide bond are located in the C-terminal half of the peptide, residues 18-36. Overall folding is stabilized by a combination of a disulfide bond, seven hydrogen bonds, and numerous hydrophobic interactions. The structural motif of the C-terminal half shares a significant tertiary structural similarity with chitin-binding domains of plant and invertebrate chitin-binding proteins, even though scarabaecin has no overall sequence similarity to other peptide/polypeptides including chitin-binding proteins. The length of its primary structure, the number of disulfide bonds, and the pattern of conserved functional residues binding to chitin in scarabaecin differ from those of chitin-binding proteins in other invertebrates and plants, suggesting that scarabaecin does not share a common ancestor with them. These results are thought to provide further strong experimental evidence to the hypothesis that chitin-binding proteins of invertebrates and plants are correlated by a convergent evolution process.  相似文献   

Cretaceous titanosaur nesting sites are currently known only from Europe, Asia and South America. In the latter, only the Auca Mahuevo and Sanagasta nesting sites have been confidently assigned to this clade of sauropod dinosaurs. Here we report the discovery of the first eggs and egg clutches found at Tama, a new Upper Cretaceous fossiliferous locality in the Los Llanos Formation, Sierra de Los Llanos (La Rioja, NW Argentina). At least five egg clutches, several partially preserved, isolated eggs and many eggshell fragments were discovered in a single outcrop of a sandstone horizon which represents a cumulative palaeosol profile. Although the mechanical and digital preparation of eggs did not reveal any embryonic remains in ovo, the morphology of the eggs and eggshells closely matches that of titanosaur eggs and eggshells found worldwide. The morphology and spatial grouping of the titanosaur eggs from Tama, along with geological observations support a burrow‐nesting strategy for these dinosaurs. Although the Sanagasta and Tama eggs were found in the same stratigraphical unit and share several morphological characters, they clearly differ in shell thickness and egg size. This, coupled with the interpretation of different sedimentary contexts for these nesting sites, strongly suggests that at least two different titanosaur species nested in La Rioja during the Late Cretaceous, using different nesting strategies. The occurrence of this new titanosaur nesting site in a semiarid palaeoenvironment represents an interesting case study for the reproductive biology of the titanosaur dinosaurs, particularly their labile nesting behaviour.  相似文献   

This report deals with a group of ciliated protozoa with short ciliary bands found mainly in the cecum of black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis (linnaeus, 1758), and white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum (Burchell, 1817) from southern Africa. A new genus, Rhinozeta, based on the sum total of the characteristics of seven new related species is described. The species described are R. rhinozeta n. sp., R. triciliata n. sp., R. caecalis n. sp., R. addoensis n. sp., R. cristata n. sp., R. multiplatus n. sp., and R. unilaminatus n. sp. The specific features of the new genus make it incompatible with any of the known families of the Order Entodiniomorphida containing the ciliates present in the digestive tract of herbivorous mammals. This merits the creation of a new family, the Rhinozetidae.  相似文献   

Tao Deng 《Palaeontology》2004,47(6):1427-1439
A new species of the genus Alicornops, A. laogouense , from Laogou in Hezheng County, Linxia Basin, Gansu, China, is described. It is mid-sized in the subfamily Aceratheriinae, but is the largest known species of Alicornops . It represents the first discovery of the genus in Asia. The Middle Miocene fauna bearing A. laogouense is contemporaneous with the Dingjiaergou fauna of Tongxin, Ningxia, China, and its age corresponds to MN 6 in Europe. The discovery of A. laogouense in the Linxia Basin implies that Alicornops dispersed from Europe to Asia. During MN 6 times it was relatively widespread throughout Eurasia. Alicornops laogouense lived in open woodland rich in lakes and rivers.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that influence variation in sexually selected ornaments in seabirds has been challenging owing to the difficulty of capturing and sampling individuals outside of the breeding period when ornaments are usually grown. Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes were used to examine the influence of pre-breeding diet composition on ornament size in the Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata , a socially monogamous seabird that breeds in the North Pacific. We analysed stable isotopes in adult feathers grown during the pre-alternate moult, which allowed us to infer diet composition during the pre-breeding (February–March) period. Females that fed more on inshore fish had larger horns than females that fed more on euphausiids (also known as krill; Euphausiacea). Body size was a stronger predictor of horn height in males than females, suggesting that ornaments may serve as different signals for each sex. This study provides evidence that diet during the pre-breeding period can influence ornament size and emphasizes the importance of understanding individual ecology throughout the annual cycle for determining the factors that influence mate choice and fitness.  相似文献   

Species–energy theory can account for spatial variation in the abundance and community composition of animals, though the mechanisms of species–energy theory are under contention. We evaluated three competing mechanisms at the local spatial scale by conducting an in vivo light manipulation over supplemental ant nests placed in the leaf litter of a Costa Rican tropical rainforest. We found that the light environment did not alter the 10% rate of occupation of the supplemental nests, but light did alter the size of colonies and the genus‐level composition of the community. Light levels in the foraging range were positively associated with colony sizes of all ants, whereas light levels directly on the nest site were predictive of the occurrence of ant genera. Colonies of specialized predators, dacetine ants, were larger in more shaded foraging environments, and the functional group of generalized myrmicines exhibited an opposite pattern, with smaller‐sized colonies in response to shading. Responses of twig‐dwelling ants to the light environment were most consistent with the metabolic cost hypothesis as a mechanism of species–energy theory. We found mixed support for the thermal energy availability hypothesis, and scant support for the chemical energy hypothesis, as the litter depth, a measure of prey density, was not predictive of ant responses. In summary, at the local scale, we found patterns in colony size and life history are governed by light‐dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Two new species of Triplumaria in the order Entodiniomorphida, T. alluvia n. sp. and T. grypoclunis n. sp., are described from the large intestine of the wild African white rhinoceros. T. alluvia has three bud-shaped caudalia, one broad skeletal plate with a wavy left dorsal edge, and an axe-shaped tail flap. T. grypoclunis has three short arched caudalia, two broad skeletal plates, and a pointed and ventrally curved tail flap. These two new species have a C-shaped adoral polybrachykinety, a slender perivestibular polybrachykinety, and paralabial kineties in their retractable adoral ciliary zone. In T. alluvia, the perivestibular polybrachykinety is joined to both ends of the adoral polybrachykinety and paralabial kineties along the ventral side of the adoral polybrachykinety, showing the same arrangement as in Cycloposthium species. In T. grypoclunis, the perivestibular polybrachykinety is joined only to the right end of the adoral polybrachykinety and paralabial kineties along the left ventral side of the adoral polybrachykinety, showing an arrangement analogous to the Tripalmaria species.  相似文献   

The incidence and distribution of the baculovirus of the coconut palm rhinoceros beetle was determined in Tongatapu, Tonga, 7 years after being first introduced. Surveys showed the virus to be spread throughout the beetle population, affecting 14.6% of breeding sites and over 84% of all adult beetles taken. Counts of damaged palms and of breeding site occupancy indicated that beetle numbers had remained at low levels. It appears that the virus has the potential for long-term control of beetle populations in these habitats.  相似文献   

The new modified Mean Square Successive Difference (MSSD) is presented as an index to show the radiosensitivity of individual mice in a closed colony. The value of the new MSSD was calculated from daily body weight changes. The radiosensitivities of testes and hemopoiesis were less in mice with the intermediate value of the new MSSD than in mice with lower or higher values in a closed colony. The new MSSD is a useful index of individual differences.
Zusammenfassung Ein neuer modifizierter Mean Square Successive Difference (MSSD) Index wird beschrieben und vorgeführt an der Strahlungsempfindlichkeit von einzeln gehaltenen Mäusen aus einer geschlossenen Zucht. Die Werte des neuen MSSD wurden aus den täglichen Veränderungen des Körpergewichts berechnet. Die Strahlungsempfindlichkeit der Hoden und der Hämatopoese war geringer bei Mäusen mit mittleren Werten nach dem neuen MSSD als bei Mäusen mit niedrigeren oder höheren Werten. Der neue MSSD Index ist brauchbar zur Erfassung von individuellen Unterschieden.

Resume Une nouvelle "Mean Square Successive Difference" (MSSD) modifiée par l'auteur sert ici d'indice pour exprimer la sensibilité au rayonnement de souris provenant d'un même élevage, mais placées en cages individuelles. On a calculé les valeurs de la nouvelle MSSD en partant de la variation journalière du poids du corps. La sensibilité au rayonnement des testicules et de la hématopoièse était moins marquée chez les souris ayant une MSSD moyenne selon le nouveau mode de calcul que chez les animaux en présentant des valeurs élevées ou faibles. La nouvelle MSSD est donc utilisable pour déterminer des différences individuelles.


35–40 old Flamingo nests were found in the Ere?li Marshes in 1987. Successful breeding probably did not take place. A review of Flamingo breeding in Turkey is given.  相似文献   

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