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In connectivity models, land cover types are assigned cost values characterizing their resistance to species movements. Landscape genetic methods infer these values from the relationship between genetic differentiation and cost distances. The spatial heterogeneity of population sizes, and consequently genetic drift, is rarely included in this inference although it influences genetic differentiation. Similarly, migration rates and population spatial distributions potentially influence this inference. Here, we assessed the reliability of cost value inference under several migration rates, population spatial patterns and degrees of population size heterogeneity. Additionally, we assessed whether considering intra-population variables, here using gravity models, improved the inference when drift is spatially heterogeneous. We simulated several gene flow intensities between populations with varying local sizes and spatial distributions. We then fit gravity models of genetic distances as a function of (i) the ‘true’ cost distances driving simulations or alternative cost distances, and (ii) intra-population variables (population sizes, patch areas). We determined the conditions making the identification of the ‘true’ costs possible and assessed the contribution of intra-population variables to this objective. Overall, the inference ranked cost scenarios reliably in terms of similarity with the ‘true’ scenario (cost distance Mantel correlations), but this ‘true’ scenario rarely provided the best model goodness of fit. Ranking inaccuracies and failures to identify the ‘true’ scenario were more pronounced when migration was very restricted (<4 dispersal events/generation), population sizes were most heterogeneous and some populations were spatially aggregated. In these situations, considering intra-population variables helps identify cost scenarios reliably, thereby improving cost value inference from genetic data.  相似文献   

阻力赋值对景观连接模拟的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
景观连接度是研究景观结构和生态过程互馈关系的重要内容。在最小成本路径模拟中整合图论理论可有效辨识、评价斑块之间的潜在连接,近些年逐步应用于景观连接模拟、生态网络构建等研究中。理论上,模型的重要参数之一,生物体通过不同景观单元的阻力系数应根据观测与实验等实证研究获取,但大多数情况下简化为土地适宜性评价结合专家经验为土地利用/覆盖类型打分,存在一定主观性与不确定性。因此,设计了1个三因素(阻力赋值方式、景观粒度和景观整体破碎度)的析因实验,以SIMMAP2.0景观中性模型产生的8个模拟景观为对象,研究不同的景观格局下,阻力赋值方式对连接模拟的影响;探讨、总结经验赋值带来的不确定性。结果表明,这3个因素均对景观连接模拟产生显著影响,并存在一定交互作用;阻力赋值绝对大小不会对模拟产生影响;而赋值倾向性能够显著改变最小成本路径的空间位置,并且这种影响程度依赖于景观粒度大小,而与景观整体破碎度交互关系不显著。针对阻力赋值方式与景观结构特征交互作用下连接模拟的规律性变化,提出一些建议,以提高连接模拟的准确性。  相似文献   

Landscape resistance reflects how difficult it is for genes to move across an area with particular attributes (e.g. land cover, slope). An increasingly popular approach to estimate resistance uses Mantel and partial Mantel tests or causal modelling to relate observed genetic distances to effective distances under alternative sets of resistance parameters. Relatively few alternative sets of resistance parameters are tested, leading to relatively poor coverage of the parameter space. Although this approach does not explicitly model key stochastic processes of gene flow, including mating, dispersal, drift and inheritance, bias and precision of the resulting resistance parameters have not been assessed. We formally describe the most commonly used model as a set of equations and provide a formal approach for estimating resistance parameters. Our optimization finds the maximum Mantel r when an optimum exists and identifies the same resistance values as current approaches when the alternatives evaluated are near the optimum. Unfortunately, even where an optimum existed, estimates from the most commonly used model were imprecise and were typically much smaller than the simulated true resistance to dispersal. Causal modelling using Mantel significance tests also typically failed to support the true resistance to dispersal values. For a large range of scenarios, current approaches using a simple correlational model between genetic and effective distances do not yield accurate estimates of resistance to dispersal. We suggest that analysts consider the processes important to gene flow for their study species, model those processes explicitly and evaluate the quality of estimates resulting from their model.  相似文献   

A critical decision in landscape genetic studies is whether to use individuals or populations as the sampling unit. This decision affects the time and cost of sampling and may affect ecological inference. We analyzed 334 Columbia spotted frogs at 8 microsatellite loci across 40 sites in northern Idaho to determine how inferences from landscape genetic analyses would vary with sampling design. At all sites, we compared a proportion available sampling scheme (PASS), in which all samples were used, to resampled datasets of 2–11 individuals. Additionally, we compared a population sampling scheme (PSS) to an individual sampling scheme (ISS) at 18 sites with sufficient sample size. We applied an information theoretic approach with both restricted maximum likelihood and maximum likelihood estimation to evaluate competing landscape resistance hypotheses. We found that PSS supported low‐density forest when restricted maximum likelihood was used, but a combination model of most variables when maximum likelihood was used. We also saw variations when AIC was used compared to BIC. ISS supported this model as well as additional models when testing hypotheses of land cover types that create the greatest resistance to gene flow for Columbia spotted frogs. Increased sampling density and study extent, seen by comparing PSS to PASS, showed a change in model support. As number of individuals increased, model support converged at 7–9 individuals for ISS to PSS. ISS may be useful to increase study extent and sampling density, but may lack power to provide strong support for the correct model with microsatellite datasets. Our results highlight the importance of additional research on sampling design effects on landscape genetics inference.  相似文献   

Narrow endemics are at risk from climate change because of their restricted habitat preferences, lower colonization ability and dispersal distances. Landscape genetics combines new tools and analyses that allow us to test how both past and present landscape features have facilitated or hindered previous range expansion and local migration patterns, and thereby identifying potential limitations to future range shifts. We have compared current and historic habitat corridors in Cirsium pitcheri, an endemic of the linear dune ecosystem of the Great Lakes, to determine the relative contributions of contemporary migration and post-glacial range expansion on genetic structure. We used seven microsatellite loci to characterize the genetic structure for 24 populations of Cirsium pitcheri, spanning the center to periphery of the range. We tested genetic distance against different measures of geographic distance and landscape permeability, based on contemporary and historic landscape features. We found moderate genetic structure (Fst=0.14), and a north–south pattern to the distribution of genetic diversity and inbreeding, with northern populations having the highest diversity and lowest levels of inbreeding. High allelic diversity, small average pairwise distances and mixed genetic clusters identified in Structure suggest that populations in the center of the range represent the point of entry to the Lake Michigan and a refugium of diversity for this species. A strong association between genetic distances and lake-level changes suggests that historic lake fluctuations best explain the broad geographic patterns, and sandy habitat best explains local patterns of movement.  相似文献   

We describe functions recently added to the r package popgenreport that can be used to perform a landscape genetic analysis (LGA) based on landscape resistance surfaces, which aims to detect the effect of landscape features on gene flow. These functions for the first time implement a LGA in a single framework. Although the approach has been shown to be a valuable tool to study gene flow in landscapes, it has not been widely used to date, despite the type of data being widely available. In part, this is likely due to the necessity to use several software packages to perform landscape genetic analyses. To apply LGA functions, two types of data sets are required: a data set with spatially referenced and genotyped individuals, and a resistance layer representing the effect of the landscape. The function outputs three pairwise distance matrices from these data: a genetic distance matrix, a cost distance matrix and a Euclidean distance matrix. Statistical tests are performed to test whether the cost matrix contributes to the understanding of the observed population structure. A full report on the analysis and outputs in the form of plots and tables of all intermediate steps of the LGA is produced. It is possible to customize the LGA to allow for different cost path approaches and measures of genetic distances. The package is written in the r language and is available through the Comprehensive r Archive. Comprehensive tutorials and information on how to install and use the package are provided at the authors’ website ( www.popgenreport.org ).  相似文献   

Linking landscape effects on gene flow to processes such as dispersal and mating is essential to provide a conceptual foundation for landscape genetics. It is particularly important to determine how classical population genetic models relate to recent individual-based landscape genetic models when assessing individual movement and its influence on population genetic structure. We used classical Wright-Fisher models and spatially explicit, individual-based, landscape genetic models to simulate gene flow via dispersal and mating in a series of landscapes representing two patches of habitat separated by a barrier. We developed a mathematical formula that predicts the relationship between barrier strength (i.e., permeability) and the migration rate (m) across the barrier, thereby linking spatially explicit landscape genetics to classical population genetics theory. We then assessed the reliability of the function by obtaining population genetics parameters (m, F(ST) ) using simulations for both spatially explicit and Wright-Fisher simulation models for a range of gene flow rates. Next, we show that relaxing some of the assumptions of the Wright-Fisher model can substantially change population substructure (i.e., F(ST) ). For example, isolation by distance among individuals on each side of a barrier maintains an F(ST) of ~0.20 regardless of migration rate across the barrier, whereas panmixia on each side of the barrier results in an F(ST) that changes with m as predicted by classical population genetics theory. We suggest that individual-based, spatially explicit modelling provides a general framework to investigate how interactions between movement and landscape resistance drive population genetic patterns and connectivity across complex landscapes.  相似文献   

Landscape genetics aims to assess the effect of the landscape on intraspecific genetic structure. To quantify interdeme landscape structure, landscape genetics primarily uses landscape resistance surfaces (RSs) and least-cost paths or straight-line transects. However, both approaches have drawbacks. Parameterization of RSs is a subjective process, and least-cost paths represent a single migration route. A transect-based approach might oversimplify migration patterns by assuming rectilinear migration. To overcome these limitations, we combined these two methods in a new landscape genetic approach: least-cost transect analysis (LCTA). Habitat-matrix RSs were used to create least-cost paths, which were subsequently buffered to form transects in which the abundance of several landscape elements was quantified. To maintain objectivity, this analysis was repeated so that each landscape element was in turn regarded as migration habitat. The relationship between explanatory variables and genetic distances was then assessed following a mixed modelling approach to account for the nonindependence of values in distance matrices. Subsequently, the best fitting model was selected using the statistic. We applied LCTA and the mixed modelling approach to an empirical genetic dataset on the endangered damselfly, Coenagrion mercuriale. We compared the results to those obtained from traditional least-cost, effective and resistance distance analysis. We showed that LCTA is an objective approach that identifies both the most probable migration habitat and landscape elements that either inhibit or facilitate gene flow. Although we believe the statistical approach to be an improvement for the analysis of distance matrices in landscape genetics, more stringent testing is needed.  相似文献   

We investigated how landscape features influence gene flow of black bears by testing the relative support for 36 alternative landscape resistance hypotheses, including isolation by distance (IBD) in each of 12 study areas in the north central U.S. Rocky Mountains. The study areas all contained the same basic elements, but differed in extent of forest fragmentation, altitude, variation in elevation and road coverage. In all but one of the study areas, isolation by landscape resistance was more supported than IBD suggesting gene flow is likely influenced by elevation, forest cover, and roads. However, the landscape features influencing gene flow varied among study areas. Using subsets of loci usually gave models with the very similar landscape features influencing gene flow as with all loci, suggesting the landscape features influencing gene flow were correctly identified. To test if the cause of the variability of supported landscape features in study areas resulted from landscape differences among study areas, we conducted a limiting factor analysis. We found that features were supported in landscape models only when the features were highly variable. This is perhaps not surprising but suggests an important cautionary note - that if landscape features are not found to influence gene flow, researchers should not automatically conclude that the features are unimportant to the species' movement and gene flow. Failure to investigate multiple study areas that have a range of variability in landscape features could cause misleading inferences about which landscape features generally limit gene flow. This could lead to potentially erroneous identification of corridors and barriers if models are transferred between areas with different landscape characteristics.  相似文献   

A recent workshop held at the University of Grenoble gathered the leading experts in the field of landscape genetics and spatial statistics. Landscape genetics was only recently defined as an independent research field. It aims to understand the processes of gene flow and local adaptation by studying the interactions between genetic and spatial or environmental variation. This workshop discussed the perspectives and challenges of combining emerging molecular, spatial and statistical tools to unravel how landscape and environmental variables affect genetic variation.  相似文献   

Restoring degraded landscapes has primarily focused on re‐establishing native plant communities. However, little is known with respect to the diversity and distribution of most key revegetation species or the environmental and anthropogenic factors that may affect their demography and genetic structure. In this study, we investigated the genetic structure of two widespread Australian legume species (Acacia salicina and Acacia stenophylla) in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB), a large agriculturally utilized region in Australia, and assessed the impact of landscape structure on genetic differentiation. We used AFLP genetic data and sampled a total of 28 A. salicina and 30 A. stenophylla sampling locations across southeastern Australia. We specifically evaluated the importance of four landscape features: forest cover, land cover, water stream cover, and elevation. We found that both species had high genetic diversity (mean percentage of polymorphic loci, 55.1% for A. salicina versus. 64.3% for A. stenophylla) and differentiation among local sampling locations (A. salicina: ΦPT = 0.301, 30%; A. stenophylla: ΦPT = 0.235, 23%). Population structure analysis showed that both species had high levels of structure (6 clusters each) and admixture in some sampling locations, particularly A. stenophylla. Although both species have a similar geographic range, the drivers of genetic connectivity for each species were very different. Genetic variation in A. salicina seems to be mainly driven by geographic distance, while for A. stenophylla, land cover appears to be the most important factor. This suggests that for the latter species, gene flow among populations is affected by habitat fragmentation. We conclude that these largely co‐occurring species require different management actions to maintain population connectivity. We recommend active management of A. stenophylla in the MDB to improve gene flow in the adversity of increasing disturbances (e.g., droughts) driven by climate change and anthropogenic factors.  相似文献   

基于亚像元估测的城市硬化地表景观格局分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
城市硬化地表不仅是影响城市生态环境质量重要因子,也是定量描述城市地表物理特征,进行城市景观分类的基础.基于多种分辨率遥感影像亚象元分类提取硬化地表成为近年来的研究热点.利用TM/ETM+和Quickbird不同分辨率遥感数据,以北京市中心城区为研究区域,对比分析回归树法和多元回归法的估测精度,选出预测硬化地表指数(Impervious surface index,简称为ISI)最优估测模型,并进行景观分类与城市景观格局分析.结果表明:(1)回归树亚象元估测法是提取硬化地表信息的一种有效的方法(最大相关系数=0.94),不同季节遥感影像可以挖掘地物在不同时期光谱差异,提高分类精度.(2)根据硬化地表指数划分城市用地类型,提供了量化分类的依据;(3)北京城市硬化地表景观格局表现出极强的空间梯度性,从北京市中心到郊区,ISI逐渐降低:城市二环以内,ISI平均值为67.32%,集中分布在高于60%范围;二环-四环分布比较相似,平均值分别为65.91%、66.13%;四环-五环区域ISI下降迅速(ISI=46.42%),存在两个高峰,分别是低于<20%和>70%;六环以外区域,非硬化地表成为主要类型(ISI=9.32%);(4)北京市景观格局在不同区域差异巨大:从市中心到市郊,景观破碎化程度加强,平均斑块面积逐渐增加,高密度城市用地比例逐步下降,自然地表平均面积呈现U形分布;中等密度城市用地斑块密度最高,破碎度最高;城市用地形状比自然地表复杂,低密度城市用地形状最为复杂.(5)运用回归树亚象元估测法提取出北京中心城区硬化地表信息,为城市地表景观特征提取与高精度量化分类提供了新的研究方法与研究思路,在此基础上进行了景观分类及景观格局分析,进一步推广并论证了硬化地表在景观生态学研究中的应用价值.  相似文献   

Identification of landscape features that correlate with genetic structure permits understanding of factors that may influence gene flow in a species. Comparing effects of the landscape on a parasite and host provides potential insights into parasite‐host ecology. We compared fine‐scale spatial genetic structure between big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) and their cimicid ectoparasite (Cimex adjunctus; class Insecta) in the lower Great Lakes region of the United States, in an area of about 160,000 km2. We genotyped 142 big brown bat and 55 C. adjunctus samples at eight and seven microsatellite loci, respectively, and inferred effects of various types of land cover on the genetic structure of each species. We found significant associations between several land cover types and genetic distance in both species, although different land cover types were influential in each. Our results suggest that even in a parasite that is almost entirely reliant on its hosts for dispersal, land cover can affect gene flow differently than in the hosts, depending on key ecological aspects of both species.  相似文献   

Dispersal distances of 17 species of butterflies in tropical Singapore were significantly greater in forest than in urban habitat. Butterflies in urban plots frequently moved within suitable habitat (park/grassland) patches but rarely crossed non-habitat patches suggesting potential isolation and a need for urban corridors.  相似文献   

In landscape genetics, it is largely unknown how choices regarding sampling density and study area size impact inferences upon which habitat features impede vs. facilitate gene flow. While it is recommended that sampling locations be spaced no further apart than the average individual''s dispersal distance, for low‐mobility species, this could lead to a challenging number of sampling locations, or an unrepresentative study area. We assessed the effects of sampling density and study area size on landscape genetic inferences for a dispersal‐limited amphibian, Plethodon mississippi, via analysis of nested datasets. Microsatellite‐based genetic distances among individuals were divided into three datasets representing sparse sampling across a large study area, dense sampling across a small study area, or sparse sampling across the same small study area. These datasets were a proxy for gene flow (i.e., the response variable) in maximum‐likelihood population effects models that assessed the nature and strength of their relationship with each of five land‐use classes (i.e., potential predictor variables). Comparisons of outcomes were based on the rank order of effect, sign of effect (i.e., gene flow resistance vs. facilitation), spatial scale of effect, and functional relationship with gene flow. The best‐fit model for each dataset had the same sign of effect for hardwood forests, manmade structures, and pine forests, indicating the impacts of these land‐use classes on dispersal and gene flow in P. mississippi are robust to sampling scheme. Contrasting sampling densities led to a different inferred functional relationship between agricultural areas and gene flow. Study area size appeared to influence the scale of effect of manmade structures and the sign of effect of pine forests. Our findings provided evidence for an influence of sampling density, study area size, and sampling effort upon inferences. Accordingly, we recommend iterative subsampling of empirical datasets and continued investigation into the sensitivities of landscape genetic analyses using simulations.  相似文献   

植物景观遗传学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋有涛  孙子程  朱京海 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7410-7417
植物景观遗传学是新兴的景观遗传学交叉学科的一个重要研究方向。目前植物景观遗传学的研究虽落后于动物,但其在生物多样性保护方面具有的巨大潜力不可忽视。从景观特征对遗传结构、环境因素对适应性遗传变异影响两个方面,系统综述了近十年来国际上植物景观遗传学的研究焦点和研究进展,比较了植物景观遗传学与动物景观遗传学研究在研究设计和研究方法上的异同,并基于将来植物景观遗传学由对空间遗传结构的描述发展为对景观遗传效应的量化分析及预测的发展框架,具体针对目前景观特征与遗传结构研究设计的系统性差、遗传结构与景观格局在时间上的误配、适应性位点与环境变量的模糊匹配、中性遗传变异与适应性遗传变异研究的分隔、景观与遗传关系分析方法的局限等五个方面提出了研究对策。  相似文献   

Landscape connectivity, the degree to which the landscape structure facilitates or impedes organismal movement and gene flow, is increasingly important to conservationists and land managers. Metrics for describing the undulating shape of continuous habitat surfaces can expand the usefulness of continuous gradient surfaces that describe habitat and predict the flow of organisms and genes. We adopted a landscape gradient model of habitat and used surface metrics of connectivity to model the genetic continuity between populations of the banded longhorn beetle [Typocerus v. velutinus (Olivier)] collected at 17 sites across a fragmentation gradient in Indiana, USA. We tested the hypothesis that greater habitat connectivity facilitates gene flow between beetle populations against a null model of isolation by distance (IBD). We used next‐generation sequencing to develop 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci and genotype the individual beetles to assess the population genetic structure. Isolation by distance did not explain the population genetic structure. The surface metrics model of habitat connectivity explained the variance in genetic dissimilarities 30 times better than the IBD model. We conclude that surface metrology of habitat maps is a powerful extension of landscape genetics in heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

Knowledge of dispersal-related gene flow is important for addressing many basic and applied questions in ecology and evolution. We used landscape genetics to understand the recovery of a recently expanded population of fishers (Martes pennanti) in Ontario, Canada. An important focus of landscape genetics is modelling the effects of landscape features on gene flow. Most often resistance surfaces in landscape genetic studies are built a priori based upon nongenetic field data or expert opinion. The resistance surface that best fits genetic data is then selected and interpreted. Given inherent biases in using expert opinion or movement data to model gene flow, we sought an alternative approach. We used estimates of conditional genetic distance derived from a network of genetic connectivity to parameterize landscape resistance and build a final resistance surface based upon information-theoretic model selection and multi-model averaging. We sampled 657 fishers from 31 landscapes, genotyped them at 16 microsatellite loci, and modelled the effects of snow depth, road density, river density, and coniferous forest on gene flow. Our final model suggested that road density, river density, and snow depth impeded gene flow during the fisher population expansion demonstrating that both human impacts and seasonal habitat variation affect gene flow for fishers. Our approach to building landscape genetic resistance surfaces mitigates many of the problems and caveats associated with using either nongenetic field data or expert opinion to derive resistance surfaces.  相似文献   

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