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With the aim of improving knowledge about the stability and reliability of anaerobic wastewater treatment systems, several researchers have studied the effects of operational or environmental variations on the performance of such reactors. In general, anaerobic reactors are affected by changes in external factors, but the severity of the effect is dependent upon the type, magnitude, duration and frequency of the imposed changes. The typical responses include a decrease in performance, accumulation of volatile fatty acids, drop in pH and alkalinity, change in biogas production and composition, and sludge washout. This review summarises the causes, types and effects of operational and environmental variation on anaerobic wastewater treatment systems. However, there still remain some unclear technical and scientific aspects that are necessary for the improvement of the stability and reliability of anaerobic processes.  相似文献   

Edgar A 《Bioethics》1995,9(3-4):240-251
The problem of public consultation over the allocation of health care resources is addressed by considering the role that quality of life measures, such as QALYs and the Nottingham Health Profile, could play. Such measures are typically grounded in social surveys, and as such may reflect public preferences for health care priorities. Using Charles Taylor's concepts of "weak" and "strong" evaluation, it is suggested that current quality of life measures are inadequate, insofar as they typically presuppose that survey respondents are mere "weak evaluators", who express only inarticulate preferences. Respondents may, conversely, be understood as strong evaluators, with deeper visions of human nature and the good life informing their health preferences. Space is then created for such respondents to be asked to defend their preferences, and so be encouraged to reflect critically and publicly on the beliefs and prejudices that ground their view of health care priorities.  相似文献   

Summary The most common method for genetic evaluation when parents are unknown is best linear unbiased prediction with genetic groups (BLUP-G). With this method unknown parents are assumed to be unrelated to any other animals in the population. This assumption is unrealistic in most situations. If a finite number of potential parents can be identified and the probabilities of being the true parent can be assigned to these, genetic evaluation can be obtained given the uncertainty of parentage without introducing genetic groups into the model. The correct numerator relationship matrix with uncertain parentage () is derived. Rules are given to efficiently compute and -1. Computer simulation was used to compare BLUP-G with BLUP using . The simulated population consisted of ten sires and 200 dams per breeding season. The dams were always known; the sires were unknown for 10% or 30% of the males and 30% of the females. The number of potential sires was three (BLUP-1 or ten (BLUP-2), including the true sire in both cases. Equal probabilities were assigned to each potential sire. The increase in response with BLUP-1 and BLUP-2 relative to BLUP-G ranged from 4% to 8% in the fifth breeding season. Selection with BLUP-1 or BLUP-2 resulted in higher inbreeding, 17% and 12%, respectively, than with BLUP-G. Estimates of response to selection were unbiased with BLUP-1 and BLUP-2, but not unbiased with BLUP-G. Mean square error of estimated genetic means and mean prediction error variance were higher with BLUP-G than with blup-1 or BLUP-2.  相似文献   

Current methods for stallion semen cryopreservation: a survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Various factors affect the success of AI with frozen-thawed semen in horses. Stallion variability is thought to be one of the major factors, but semen processing and evaluation techniques, thawing protocols, packaging systems and timing of insemination are far from standardized among laboratories. Our objective was to survey current methods for stallion semen cryopreservation used commercially around the world. From the answers to the questions in the survey, we attempted to provide an overview of procedures that are standard as well as those that are used by only few laboratories and to review critically the efficacy of these procedures. Twenty-five questionnaires were sent to individuals or laboratories in 14 countries that were i.v. involved in freezing stallion semen for commercial purposes. Questionnaires were returned from 10/14 countries with 21/25 (84%) of the addresses responding. From the responses, it became evident that most of prefreezing, freezing and thawing and post-thawing processing procedures were far from standardized. The great variety of procedures makes it difficult to accept any of them as reliable. In order to increase the credibility of AI technology in the horse, laboratories need to standardize processing methods as well as the record-keeping systems. In addition, it is evident that no group of research mares is large enough to provide meaningful fertility data. It is therefore imperative to have multicentered collaborative studies to record and disseminate information about methods and the corresponding fertility rate. to gain valuable information and be able to compare different protocols.  相似文献   

Chen J  Lin D  Hochner H 《Biometrics》2012,68(3):869-877
Summary Case-control mother-child pair design represents a unique advantage for dissecting genetic susceptibility of complex traits because it allows the assessment of both maternal and offspring genetic compositions. This design has been widely adopted in studies of obstetric complications and neonatal outcomes. In this work, we developed an efficient statistical method for evaluating joint genetic and environmental effects on a binary phenotype. Using a logistic regression model to describe the relationship between the phenotype and maternal and offspring genetic and environmental risk factors, we developed a semiparametric maximum likelihood method for the estimation of odds ratio association parameters. Our method is novel because it exploits two unique features of the study data for the parameter estimation. First, the correlation between maternal and offspring SNP genotypes can be specified under the assumptions of random mating, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and Mendelian inheritance. Second, environmental exposures are often not affected by offspring genes conditional on maternal genes. Our method yields more efficient estimates compared with the standard prospective method for fitting logistic regression models to case-control data. We demonstrated the performance of our method through extensive simulation studies and the analysis of data from the Jerusalem Perinatal Study.  相似文献   

Secondary production is one of the most comprehensive measurements of ecosystem health. Production of five estuarine species, with different life history and abundance in the ecosystem, was estimated for 2 consecutive years at a Zostera noltii bed and sand-muddy area, with contrasted environmental conditions. Calculations were performed using different estimation methods, commonly cited in secondary production studies. Annual production estimated by cohort increment summation varied between 43.3 and 209.2 g AFDW m− 2 y− 1. All the other methods were compared with the results obtained from this methodology to evaluate each method's performance. In general, satisfactory results were obtained with Brey (2001) [Brey, T., 2001. Population dynamics in benthic invertebrates. A virtual handbook. Version 01.2. http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/Benthic/Ecosystem/FoodWeb/Handbook/main.html. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany] version 4-04 (deviations that ranged between − 4 to + 10%). The responses of the other empirical methods were more variable, depending on the species characteristics. Therefore, the optimal selection of an empirical method in secondary production studies depends on the species considered and on the quality of the parameters required for the application of the method. Brey (2001) [Brey, T., 2001. Population dynamics in benthic invertebrates. A virtual handbook. Version 01.2. http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/Benthic/Ecosystem/FoodWeb/Handbook/main.html. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany] version 4-04 was considered the best methodology. For the less representative species the simple sum of biomass increments from one sampling date to the next may be an easy and valid option.  相似文献   

In planta quantitative studies of cell cycle are necessary for examining the role of cell division in the response of plants to environmental conditions and to analyse the behaviour of transformed plants in this context. We present and discuss non-intrusive kinematic methods which allow estimating the duration of cell cycle with a high spatial resolution in the leaf. Different methods are proposed and discussed for monocotyledons and dicotyledons, and compared with methods involving the use of chemicals. In monocotyledon leaves, cell division is restricted to a limited zone near the leaf insertion point, twice as long in the mesophyll as in the epidermis. In dicotyledons, cell division occurs in the whole leaf with a uniform and constant cell cycle duration for a determinate number of cell cycles, representing about half of leaf development. Over several experiments, this number is well conserved in a given leaf zone in the absence of stresses, but larger near the leaf base than near the leaf tip. After that, cell cycle duration increases because cells are progressively blocked in G1 while the durations of S-G2-M phases do not change with time. Leaf temperature affects neither the distribution of nuclei in each phase of the cycle nor the number of cell cycles in a leaf. Water or light deficits both cause a partial blockage of nuclei in G1 during the stress only, thereby increasing cell cycle duration and decreasing final cell number. These results suggest that a strong developmental programme drives cell division in leaves, so a simple framework allows analysis of temporal patterns, of spatial gradients and of the effect of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

A study was conducted from 1998 to 2001 on blue shark ( Prionace glauca ) by-catch of the Italian and Greek surface-drifting swordfish long-line fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea. The focus was on examining whether catches are related to some environmental, spatial, temporal or operational parameters and to what extent, applying generalized linear model (GLM) approaches. Analyses indicated that most appropriate for the dataset was the Delta-lognormal model, which is a binomial error distribution for the probability of a non-zero catch and lognormal error for positive catch rates. Spatial and temporal factors were the most influential regarding blue shark distribution and abundance, with a considerable interaction between them; the modeled environmental factors were of minor importance. Spatial distribution revealed a strong longitudinal gradient whereby blue shark occurrences increased in an east to west direction, whereas catches by latitude were higher in southern- and northern-most regions. Blue sharks were more frequently encountered in autumn and in distant open waters; however, the likelihood of making a larger catch peaked in late spring–early summer and in the vicinity of land. Catch rates differed significantly depending on the fishing gear configuration. Deeper settings (>20 m), more resilient lines and use of fish attractants increased the probability of P. glauca capture.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo compare simple and sophisticated evaluation strategies for CT dosimetry surveys with focus on DRLs.MethodsBased on data from a nationwide Austrian CT dose survey, different evaluation strategies are compared. These were pooled data analysis, weight banding excluding data from patients with weights outside ±20 kg of the standard weights (70 and 75.6 kg representing the actual average weight), and a regression method estimating DLP probability distributions for the standard patient for each scanner before calculating quartiles.ResultsIn the abdomen and chest region, weight restriction (?9% and ?4% around 70 and 75.6 kg, respectively, compared to pooled data analysis) and statistically weighting each scanner equally (?9%) have the largest effect on DRLs derived. However, the difference in 3rd quartiles calculated using weight restriction alone compared to regression analysis is relatively small (<1% for 70 ± 20 and ?6% for 75.6 ± 20 kg, respectively, trunk region). In the head/neck region the effect of weight restriction is less than in for scans of the trunk (?1.3% and ?0.2%, respectively); the most prominent changes resulted from excluding scanners with less than 10 patient cases (?5%), and equally weighting scanners rather than cases (?3%).ConclusionFor adult CT examinations (different to a paediatric survey), quite simple evaluation strategies yield results very comparable to those from sophisticated strategies.  相似文献   

Species extinctions are accelerating globally, yet the mechanisms that maintain local biodiversity remain poorly understood. The extinction of species that feed on or are fed on by many others (i.e. ‘hubs’) has traditionally been thought to cause the greatest threat of further biodiversity loss. Very little attention has been paid to the strength of those feeding links (i.e. link weight) and the prevalence of indirect interactions. Here, we used a dynamical model based on empirical energy budget data to assess changes in ecosystem stability after simulating the loss of species according to various extinction scenarios. Link weight and/or indirect effects had stronger effects on food‐web stability than the simple removal of ‘hubs’, demonstrating that both quantitative fluxes and species dissipating their effects across many links should be of great concern in biodiversity conservation, and the potential for ‘hubs’ to act as keystone species may have been exaggerated to date.  相似文献   

《Ecological Complexity》2007,4(3):148-159
We studied the importance of weighting in ecological interaction networks. Fifty-three weighted interaction networks were analyzed and compared to their unweighted alternatives, based on data taken from two standard databases. We used five network indices, each with weighting and unweighting options, to characterize the positional importance of nodes in these networks. For every network, we ranked the nodes according to their importance values, based on direct and indirect indices and then we compared the rank order of coefficients to reveal potential differences between network types and between indices. We found that (1) weighting affects node ordering very seriously, (2) food webs fundamentally differ from other network types in this respect, (3) direct and indirect indices provide fairly different results but indirect effects are similar if longer than two steps, and (4) the effect of weighting depends on the number of network nodes in case of direct interactions only. We concluded that the importance of interaction weights may depend on the evolutionary stability of interaction types.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of history in the formation of communities has been a major challenge in community ecology. Here, we explore the role of phenotypic plasticity and its associated trait‐mediated indirect interactions as a mechanism behind priority effects. Using organisms with inducible defenses as a model system, we examine how aquatic communities initially containing different predator environments are affected at the individual and community level by the colonization of a second predator. Snails and tadpoles were established in four different caged‐predator environments (no predator, fish, crayfish or water bugs). These four communities were then crossed with three predator colonization treatments (no colonization, early colonization, or late colonization) using lethal water bugs as the predator. The snails responded to the caged predator environments with predator‐specific behavioral and morphological defenses. In the colonization treatments, snails possessing the wrong phenotype attempted to induce phenotypic changes to defend themselves against the new risk. However, snails initially induced by a different predator environment often suffered high predation rates. Hence, temporal variation in predation risk not only challenged the snail prey to try to track this environmental variation through time by adjusting their defensive phenotypes, but also caused trait‐mediated interactions between snails and the colonizing predator. For tadpoles within these communities, there was little evidence that the morphological responses of snails indirectly effected tadpole predation rates by colonizing water bugs. Unexpectedly, predation rates on tadpoles by colonizing water bugs were generally higher in the three caged‐predator treatments, suggesting that water bugs elevated their foraging activity in response to potentially competing predators. In summary, we demonstrate an important priority effect in which the initial occurrence of one species of predator can facilitate predation by a second predator that colonizes at a later date (i.e. a TMII) suggesting that phenotypic plasticity can be an important driver behind priority effects (i.e. historical exposure to predators).  相似文献   

This paper describes a web server BTEVAL, developed for assessing the performance of newly developed beta-turn prediction method and it's ranking with respect to other existing beta-turn prediction methods. Evaluation of a method can be carried out on a single protein or a number of proteins. It consists of clean data set of 426 non-homologous proteins with seven subsets of these proteins. Users can evaluate their method on any subset or a complete set of data. The method is assessed at amino acid level and performance is evaluated in terms of Qtotal, Qpredicted, Qobserved and MCC measures. The server also compares the performance of the method with other existing beta-turn prediction methods such as Chou-Fasman algorithm, Thornton's algorithm, GORBTURN, 1-4 and 2-3 Correlation model, Sequence coupled model and BTPRED. The server is accessible from http://imtech.res.in/raghava/bteval/  相似文献   

Eucalyptus microsatellites mined in silico: survey and evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eucalyptus is an important short rotation pulpy woody plant, grown widely in the tropics. Recently, many genomic programmes are underway leading to the accumulation of voluminous genomic and expressed sequence tag sequences in public databases. These sequences can be utilized for analysis of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) available in the transcribed genes. In this study, in silico analysis of 15,285 sequences representing partial and full-length mRNA from Eucalyptus species for their use in developing SSRs or microsatellites were carried out. A total of 875 EST-SSRs were identified from 772 SSR containing ESTs. Motif size of 6 for dinucleotide and 5 for trinucleotide, tetranucleotide, and pentanucleotides were considered in locating the microsatellites. The average frequency of identified SSRs was 12.9%. The dinucleotide repeats were the most abundant among the dinucleotide, trinucleotide and tetranucleotide motifs and accounted for 50.9% of the Eucalyptus genome. Primer designing analysis showed that 571 sequences with SSRs had sufficient flanking regions for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer synthesis. Evaluation of the usefulness of the SSRs showed that EST-derived SSRs can generate polymorphic markers as all the primers showed allelic diversity among the 16 provenances of E. tereticornis.  相似文献   

A discussion of different methods to evaluate dose/response and biological effects of ionizing radiation is given. Confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) is presented as a high performing observation method for evaluating different cytological effects. Standard cytochemical techniques can be used to analyse the cell in situ with minimal disturbance of morphology and structure. If a relatively small number of cells are affected by the treatment, the use of confocal microscope observations is fast and has a better resolution than conventional fluorescence microscopy. The optical sectioning capability of the CSLM makes it possible to analyse stacks of cells on detectors up to a depth of 200 micrometer with a resolution of 0.7 micrometer. This is used to analyse single cell electrophoresis results and nuclear track analysis in poly allyl diglycol carbonate (PADC). Consecutive analysis of cells cultivated on PADC, and analysis of nuclear tracks after chemical etched tracks in the PADC, will make it possible to correlate physical dose with direct cellular effects. This is a promising method for single cell analysis and the study of the effects of ionizing radiation at low particle flux density.  相似文献   

GM crops: environmental risks and non-target effects   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

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