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In vitro incubation of frog erythrocytes with (minus)-isoproterenol, 0.1 mM, at 23 degrees for 10 to 24 hours caused a 63% decline (rho less than 0.001) in the maximum (minus)-isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in the erythrocyte membranes. Affinity for (minus)-isoproterenol as judged by the concentration which half-maximally stimulated the enzyme was not markedly altered. Basal enzyme activity and stimulation by fluoride or prostaglandin E1 remained unaltered. The number of beta-adrenergic receptor binding sites, assessed by binding studies with the beta-adrenergic antagonist (minus)-[3-H] alprenolol, declined by 50% (rho less than 0.005) in the (minus)-isoproterenol-treated cells. The binding affinity of the sites was not changed. Regulation of the concentration of functionally active beta-adrenergic receptors in membranes may be one of the mechanisms by which chronic exposure to catecholamines desensitizes tissues to beta-adrenergic stimulation.  相似文献   

(minus)-Alprenolol, a potent, competitive beta-adrenergic antagonist labeled to high specific activity with tritium (17 Ci per mmol), has been used to identify binding sites in frog erythrocyte membranes having many of the characteristics to be expected of the beta-adrenergic receptors which are linked to adenylate cyclase in these membranes. The chromatographic behavior and biological activity of the labeled and native drug were essentially identical. (minus)-Alprenolol and (minus)-[3-H]alprenolol both competitively antagonize isoproterenol stimulation of frog erythrocyte membrane adenylate cyclase with a KD OF 5 TO 10 NM. (minus)-[3-H]Alprenolol binding to sites in the frog erythrocyte membranes was studied by a centrifugal assay. At 37 degrees, equilibrium binding was established within 5 min and the half-time for dissociation of bound (minus)-[3-H]alprenolol was approximately 30 s. This rapid onset and dissociation of (minus)-[3-H]alprenolol binding was in good agreement with the rapid onset of action of beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists on the frog erythrocyte adenylate cyclase. (minus)-[3-H]Alprenolol binding was saturable. There were 0.25 to 0.35 pmol of (minus)-[3-H]alprenolol binding sites per mg of protein corresponding to 1300 to 1800 binding sites per intact frog erythrocyte. The binding sites showed half-maximal saturation at 5.0 to 10 nM (minus)-[3-H]alprenolol, which is in good agreement with the KD for alprenolol antagonism of isoproterenol stimulation of adenylate cyclase. The (minus)-[3-H]alprenolol binding sites exhibited strict stereospecificity. (minus)-Stereoisomers of beta-adrenergic antagonists or agonists were approximately 2 orders of magnitude more potent than the (+)-stereoisomers in competing for the binding sites. Comparable stereospecificity was apparent when agonists and antagonists were tested for their ability to interact with the adenylate cyclase-coupled beta-adrenergic receptors in the membranes. Potency series of 11 agonists and 13 antagonists for inhibition of binding and interaction with adenylate cyclase were identical and were characteristic of a beta2-adrenergic receptor. A variety of nonphysiologically active compounds containing a catechol moiety as well as several metabolites and cholinergic agents did not inhibit (minus)-[3-H]alprenolol binding or interact significantly as agonists or antagonists with the adenylate cyclase. The (minus)-[3-H]alprenolol binding sites studied appear to be equivalent to the beta-adrenergic receptor binding sites in the frog erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

Antibodies raised in mice against β-adrenergic receptors purified from turkey erythrocyte membranes, specifically bind to cells which possess a β-adrenergic receptor and immunoprecipitate radiolabelled purified receptor. These antibodies stimulate the adenylate cyclase activity of the turkey erythrocytes, although they do not compete with the catecholamine hormones for binding to the β-adrenergic receptor. Thus the receptor-antibody interaction, although occuring at another site than the receptor-hormone interaction, may still trigger the enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

The β-adrenergic receptors ((?)[3H]alprenolol binding sites) present in a purified preparation of frog erythrocyte membranes have been solubilized with digitonin and assayed by equilibrium dialysis with (?)[3H]alprenolol. At a concentration of 0.5–1% the detergent solubilizes about 80% of the receptor binding activity. The soluble receptor sites are not sedimented at centrifugal forces up to 105,000 xg for two hours, pass freely through Millipore filters of 0.22 μ pore size and fractionate on Sepharose 6B gel with an apparent molecular weight of 130–150,000 in the presence of digitonin. The soluble receptor sites retain all of the binding characteristics of the membrane-bound receptors. β-adrenergic agonists and antagonists compete with (?)[3H]alprenolol for occupancy of the soluble sites with affinities which are directly related to their β-adrenergic potency on membrane-bound adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

We have studied the properties of beta-adrenergic receptors and of their interaction with adenylate cyclase in the chick myocardium during embryogenesis. Between 4.5 and 7.5 days in ovo the number of receptors determined by (-)-[3H]dihydroalprenolol ([3H]DHA) binding is constant at approx. 0.36 pmol of receptor/mg of protein. By day 9 the density decreases significantly to 0.22 pmol of receptor/mg of protein. At day 12.5--13.5 the number was 0.14--0.18 pmol of receptor/mg of protein. This number did not change further up to day 16. The same results were obtained with guanosine 5'-[beta, gamma-imido]triphosphate (p[NH]ppG) added to the assay mixtures. There was no significant change in receptor affinity for the antagonist [3H]DHA between days 5.5 and 13. Despite the decrease in numbers of beta-adrenergic receptors, there was no change in basal, p[NH]ppG-, isoprenaline- or isoprenaline-plus-p[NH]ppG-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity between days 3 and 12 of development. We conclude that beta-adrenergic receptors and adenylate cyclase are not co-ordinately regulated during early embryonic development of the chick heart. Some of the beta-adrenergic receptors present very early in the ontogeny of cardiac tissue appear not to be coupled to adenylate cyclase since their loss is not reflected in decreased activation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Transmembrane second messenger signalling systems regulate differentiation, growth and homeostatic responses during fetal development. The beta-adrenergic adenylate cyclase system is the best studied of these and has been used as a model to investigate the control of developmental processes. In tissues such as lung, heart and parotid, beta-adrenergic responsiveness of adenylate cyclase increases during development. In the developing fetal lung beta-receptor concentration increases during gestation or after glucocorticoid treatment, but cannot fully explain enhanced adrenergic responsiveness. To probe developmental and hormonal effects on beta-receptor function, we asked if advancing gestation or glucocorticoid treatment alters beta-receptor-Gs interactions in fetal rabbit lung membrane particulates. Before 25 days gestation, 1-isoproterenol competes for 3H-dihydroalprenolol (DHA), a radiolabelled beta-antagonist, with a single low affinity, later in gestation, high and low affinities of isoproterenol for the beta-receptor are present which can be shifted to the lower affinity by addition of guanyl nucleotide. High affinity binding is precociously induced in 25 days--fetal lung particulates as early as 3 h after maternal betamethasone treatment, but beta-adrenoreceptor concentration in treated fetuses was increased over controls only after 24 h of treatment. Cholera toxin catalyzed ADP ribosylation of membrane particulates showed cholera toxin substrate (Gs) was not altered by glucocorticoid treatment. Stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity with isoproterenol (100mM) and GTP (100mM) resulted in no incremental increase over that produced by GTP (100mM) alone in glucocorticoid treated or control particulates, either early or late in gestation. These data demonstrate that beta-receptor-Gs interactions are not sufficient to produce full agonist responses. Although both beta-adrenergic receptors and Gs are present in fetal rabbit lung early in gestation, interaction of these two adenylate cyclase components appears subsequently. This developmental event can be rapidly induced by maternal betamethasone treatment.  相似文献   

[3H]Dihydroalprenolol, a potent beta-adrenergic antagonist, was used to identify the adenylate cyclase-coupled beta-adrenoceptors in isolated membranes of rat skeletal muscle. The receptor sites, as revealed by [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding, were predominantly localized in plasmalemmal fraction. That skeletal muscle fraction may also contain the plasmalemma of other intramuscular cells, especially that of blood vessels. Hence, the [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding observed in that fraction may be due partly to its binding to the plasmalemma of blood vessels. Small but consistent binding was also observed in sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. The level of [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding in different subcellular fractions closely correlated with the level of adenylate cyclase present in those fractions. The binding of [3H]dihydroalprenolol to plasmalemma exhibited saturation kinetics. The binding was rapid, reaching equilibrium within 5 min, and it was readily dissociable. From the kinetics of binding, association (K1) and dissociation (K2) rate constants of 2.21 . 10(7) M-1 . min-1 and 3.21 . 10(-1) min-1, respectively, were obtained. The dissociation constant (Kd) of 15 mM for [3H]dihydroalprenolol obtained from saturation binding data closely agreed with the Kd derived from the ratio of dissociation and association rate constants (K2/K1). Several beta-adrenergic agents known to be active on intact skeletal muscle also competed for [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding sites in isolated plasmalemma with essentially similar selectivity and stereospecificity. Catecholamines competed for [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding sites with a potency of isoproterenol greater than epinephrine greater than norepinephrine. A similar order of potency was noted for catecholamines in the activation of adenylate cyclase. Effects of catecholamines were stereospecific, (-)-isomers being more potent than (+)-isomers. Phenylephrine, an alpha-adrenergic agonist, showed no effect either on [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding or on adenylate cyclase. Known beta-adrenergic antagonists, propranolol and alprenolol, stereospecifically inhibited the [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding and the isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase. The Ki values for the antagonists determined from inhibition of [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding agreed closely with the Ki values obtained from the inhibition of adenylate cyclase. The data suggest that the binding of [3H]dihydroalprenolol in skeletal muscle membranes possess the characteristics of a substance binding to the beta-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   

The activities of three components of the cyclic AMP system were compared in erythrocyte ghost membranes prepared from the blood of rats at various ages from 1.5 to 15 months. The apparent number of β-adrenergic receptor sites, adenylate cyclase activity and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity all declined about 50% in the membranes from the older animals (>5 months) as compared to the 1.5 month ones. The soluble erythrocyte phosphodiesterase also declined with age, but the decline did not parallel that of the membrane-associated activity. In contrast, there was no age-related change in the number of β-adrenergic receptors in membranes from the brains of the same animals. In erythrocyte ghosts, both the ratio of isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity to basal activity and the ratio of sodium fluoride-stimulated activity to basal were constant with age. Neither the dissociation constant for the β-adrenergic receptor nor the Michaelis constant for the phosphodiesterase changed as a function of age. Together with other data in the literature, these results suggest a close functional association of the components of the cyclic AMP system in the mature erythrocyte membrane, and support a physiological role for the cyclic AMP mediated β-adrenergic effects in the red blood cell.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase activity and the number of alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors (studied by radioligand binding techniques) were compared to adipocyte membranes prepared from lipomatous and normal adjacent adipose tissue of a patient with multiple symmetric lipomatosis. No difference could be detected between the normal and lipomatous adipose biopsies. These data strongly suggest that the impairement of catecholamine-induced lipolysis often reported in lipomas is related to a defect in the enzymatic steps localized beyond rather than before cyclic AMP synthesis.  相似文献   

The high and low affinity binding sites for PACAP were identified in rat astrocytes using [125I]PACAP27 as the labeled ligand. Scatchard analysis of displacement of the bound tracer by unlabeled PACAP27 indicated the existence of two classes of binding sites, with the dissociation constant (Kd) = 1.22 +/- 0.4 nM, the binding maximal capacity (Bmax) = 821 +/- 218 fmols/mg protein for the high affinity binding site, and Kd = 0.59 +/- 0.06 microM, Bmax = 563 +/- 12 pmols/mg protein for the low affinity binding site, respectively. The specificity of [125I]PACAP27 binding was tested using PACAP38 and peptides structurally related to PACAP, such as VIP, GHRF, PHI, secretin and glucagon. PACAP38 completely displaced the binding of [125I]PACAP27 and Scatchard analysis also indicated the presence of two classes of binding sites with similar Kd and Bmax to those for PACAP27. VIP and GHRF competed with [125I]PACAP27, but to a much lesser extent than unlabeled PACAP27 in binding. Other peptides tested did not displace the binding of [125I]PACAP27 at 10(-6) M.  相似文献   

Beta-adrenergic receptors and catecholamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity were studied in erythrocytes obtained from rats 6 weeks, 6 months, and 15 months of age. Intact erythrocytes from 6 week old rats contained significantly more beta receptors (411 ± 31 sites/cell) than 6 month (328 ± 21) or 15 month old rats (335 ± 16), as determined by binding of [125I] iodohydroxybenzylpindolol. Erythrocytes from 6 week old rats also contained significantly greater isoproterenol-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity (95.0 ± 9.4pmoles/109 cells) than erythrocytes from 6 month (27.9 ± 3.3) or 15 month old rats (23.7 ± 3.6). The erythrocyte population of 6 week old rats was bigger (mean corpuscular volume = 62 ± 2μ3/cell) than the older rat erythrocytes (47 ± 1μ3 and 48 ± 1μ3). When the data were expressed relative to a unit of cell volume, there was no difference in the density of beta receptors among all three populations but a progressive and significant fall in hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity. In the rat erythrocyte, the age-related loss of adenylate cyclase activity is not accompanied by changes in β-receptor density.  相似文献   

The reaction of Re(CO)(3)(H(2)O)(3)(+) with hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solution results in a single covalent adduct. Both NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction show that the rhenium tricarbonyl cation binds to His15 via replacement of one of the coordinated water molecules. The formation of this adduct does not greatly affect the structure of the protein.  相似文献   

A method for assessing the binding of 3H-labeled prostaglandin E1 ([3H]PGE1) to cell membranes has been developed and used to study the interaction of [3H]PGE1 with membranes from cultured mammalian cells. Receptor sites were identified by correlation of the potency of a series of compounds to compete for [3H]PGE1 binding sites and to stimulate adenylate cyclase activity, by correlation of rates of binding and change in enzyme activity, and by the correspondence of [3H]PGE1-binding activity with the presence or absence of PGE1-sensitive adenylate cyclase in several clones. In clone B82, a murine L-cell, [3H]PGE1 binds with an activation energy of 14 kcal/mol to a class of sites with an affinity of 0.5 X 10(8) M-1 and a capacity of 150 fmol/mg of protein. Concentration dependence of adenylate cyclase activation by PGE1 (KD =30 nM) and kinetic analysis of [3H]PGE1 binding (k1 = 4 X 10(6) liters/mol/min, k-1 0.15/min) verify this affinity. Concentration dependence and specificity of binding and activation of adenylate cyclases in neuroblastoma clone N4TG1 and N18TG2 substantiate the method. In several clones that lack PGE1-responsive adenylate cyclase, no specific [3H]PGE1 binding is detectable.  相似文献   

Conditions have been developed for desensitizing the beta-adrenergic receptor-coupled adenylate cyclase of turkey erythrocytes in a cell-free system. Desensitization is observed when cell lysates are incubated with isoproterenol or cAMP analogs for 30 min at 37 degrees C. Maximally effective concentrations of isoproterenol produce a 41.0 +/- 1.55% loss of iosproterenol-stimulated and a 15.0 +/- 2.35% loss of fluoride-stimulated enzyme activity. cAMP causes a 26.5 +/- 1.5% fall in isoproterenol-stimulated and a 21.5 +/- 4.4% fall in fluoride-sensitive activity. Desensitization by isoproterenol is dose-dependent, stereospecific, and blocked by the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol. Cell-free desensitization required ATP, Mg2+, and factor(s) present in the soluble fraction of the cell. Nonphosphorylating analogs of ATP did not support desensitization. Desensitization by agonist or cAMP in the cell-free system caused structural alterations in the beta-adrenergic receptor peptides apparent as an altered mobility of the photoaffinity labeled receptor peptides on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. As with the desensitization reaction, supernatant factors and ATP were also required for the agonist or cAMP-promoted receptor alterations. These data indicate that beta-adrenergic agonists promote a cAMP-mediated process which leads to receptor alterations and desensitization. The reactions involved in this process require ATP and soluble cellular factors. Additional processes must also occur to account for decreases in fluoride-sensitive enzyme activity. The availability of this cell-free system should facilitate elucidation of the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes.  相似文献   

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