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The maturation of the poliovirus capsid occurs as the result of a single unexplained proteolytic event during which 58 to 59 copies of the 60 VP0 capsid protein precursors are cleaved. An autocatalytic mechanism for cleavage of VP0 to VP4 and VP2 was proposed by Arnold et al. (E. Arnold, M. Luo, G. Vriend, M. G. Rossman, A. C. Palmenberg, G. D. Parks, M. J. Nicklin, and E. Wimmer, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:21-25, 1987) in which serine 10 of VP2 is activated by virion RNA to catalyze VP4-VP2 processing. The hypothesis rests on the observation that a hydrogen bond was observed between serine 10 of VP2 (S2010) and the carboxyl terminus of VP4 in three mature picornaviral atomic structures: rhinovirus 14, mengovirus, and poliovirus type 1 (Mahoney). We constructed mutant viruses with cysteine (S2010C) or alanine (S2010A) replacing serine 10 of VP2; these exhibited normal proteolytic processing of VP0. While our results do not exclude an autocatalytic mechanism for the maturation cleavage, they do eliminate the conserved S2010 residue as the catalytic amino acid.  相似文献   

A general procedure for the purification of histidine-tagged proteins has been developed using immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography. This two-step purification method can be used for proteins containing a hexahistidine tag and a thrombin cleavage site, yielding high amounts of purified protein. The advantage of this method is that thrombin is used instead of imidazole in the final purification step. Imidazole can influence NMR experiments, competition studies, or crystallographic trials, and the presence of imidazole often results in protein aggregates. Removal of the His-tag results in a form of the protein of interest in which no additional tags are present, resembling the native form of the protein, with only three additional amino acids at the N-terminal side. Our method is compared with a more conventional method for the purification of the Azotobacter vinelandii NIFL PAS domain, overexpressed in Escherichia coli. It also proves to be successful for three different His-tagged proteins, the Klebsiella pneumoniae NTRC protein, and the A. vinelandii NIFA and NIFL proteins, and therefore it is a general method for the purification of His-tagged proteins.  相似文献   

The assembly of infectious poliovirus virions requires a proteolytic cleavage between an asparagine-serine amino acid pair (the maturation cleavage site) in VP0 after encapsidation of the genomic RNA. In this study, we have investigated the effects that mutations in the maturation cleavage site have on P1 polyprotein processing, assembly of subviral intermediates, and encapsidation of the viral genomic RNA. We have made mutations in the maturation cleavage site which change the asparagine-serine amino acid pair to either glutamine-glycine or threonine-serine. The mutations were created by site-directed mutagenesis of P1 cDNAs which were recombined into wild-type vaccinia virus to generate recombinant vaccinia viruses. The P1 polyproteins expressed from the recombinant vaccinia viruses were analyzed for proteolytic processing and assembly defects in cells coinfected with a recombinant vaccinia virus (VV-P3) that expresses the poliovirus 3CD protease. A trans complementation system using a defective poliovirus genome was utilized to assess the capacity of the mutant P1 proteins to encapsidate genomic RNA (D. C. Ansardi, D. C. Porter, and C. D. Morrow, J. Virol. 67:3684-3690, 1993). The mutant P1 proteins containing the glutamine-glycine amino acid pair (VP4-QG) and the threonine-serine pair (VP4-TS) were processed by 3CD provided in trans from VV-P3. The processed capsid proteins VP0, VP3, and VP1 derived from the mutant precursor VP4-QG were unstable and failed to assemble into subviral structures in cells coinfected with VV-P3. However, the capsid proteins derived from VP4-QG did assemble into empty-capsid-like structures in the presence of the defective poliovirus genome. In contrast, the capsid proteins derived from processing of the VP4-TS mutant assembled into subviral intermediates both in the presence and in the absence of the defective genome RNA. By a sedimentation analysis, we determined that the capsid proteins derived from the VP4-TS precursor encapsidated the defective genome RNA. However, the cleavage of VP0 to VP4 and VP2 was delayed, resulting in the accumulation of provirions. The maturation cleavage of the VP0 protein containing the VP4-TS mutation was accelerated by incubation of the provirions at 37 degrees C. The results of these studies demonstrate that mutations in the maturation cleavage site have profound effects on the subsequent capability of the capsid proteins to assemble and provide evidence for the existence of the provirion as an assembly intermediate.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial myopathies and encephalopathies can be caused by nucleotide substitutions, deletions or duplications of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In one such disorder, Kearns-Sayre Syndrome (KSS), large-scale hetero-plasmic mtDNA deletions are often found. We describe a 14-year-old boy with clinical features of KSS, plus some additional features. Analysis of the entire mitochondrial genome by the polymerase chain reaction and Southern blotting revealed a 7864-bp mtDNA deletion, heteroplasmic in its tissue distribution. DNA sequencing established that the deletion was between nucleotides 6238 and 14103, and flanked by a 4-bp (TCCT) direct repeat sequence. Deletions between direct repeats have been hypothesised to occur by a slipped-mismatching or illegitimate recombination event, or following the DNA cleavage action of topoisomerase II. Analysis of the gene sequence in the region surrounding the mtDNA deletion breakpoint in this patient revealed the presence of putative vertebrate topoisomerase II sites. We suggest that direct repeat sequences, together with putative topoisomerase II sites, may predispose certain regions of the mitochondrial genome to deletions.  相似文献   

The attenuated phenotype of Sabin 3 poliovirus compared with its neurovirulent progenitor strain has been largely accounted for by mutations in the genome at positions 472 and 2034 (G. D. Westrop, K. A. Wareham, D. M. A. Evans, G. Dunn, P. D. Minor, D. I. Magrath, F. Taffs, S. Marsden, M. A. Skinner, G. C. Schild, and J. W. Almond, J. Virol. 63:1338-1344, 1989). By sequencing vaccine virus RNA, we recently identified another Sabin 3-specific mutation at position 2493 (U----C), which predicts an Ile----Thr change at the sixth residue of VP1 (C. Weeks-Levy, J. M. Tatem, S. J. DiMichele, W. Waterfield, A. F. Georgiu, and S. J. Mento, Virology 185:934-937, 1991). Viruses generated by using cDNAs which represent the vaccine sequence (LED3) and a derivative (VR318) possessing a single base change to the wild-type nucleotide (U) at 2493 were used to determine the impact of the 2493 mutation on virus phenotype. The VP1 proteins of LED3 and VR318 viruses were distinguishable by denaturing electrophoretic analysis. LED3 produced smaller plaques in Vero cells than VR318 virus did. Neurovirulence testing of these cDNA-derived viruses in monkeys demonstrated that the 2493 mutation in LED3 virus is attenuating.  相似文献   

Most proteolytic cleavages within the picornavirus polyproteins are carried out by viral protease 3C. For encephalomyocarditis virus, the protease 3C-catalyzed processing occurs between Gln-Gly or Gln-Ser amino acid pairs which are flanked by proline residues, but the sequence-specific constraints on recognition and cleavage by the enzyme are not completely understood. To examine alternative cleavage site sequences, we constructed a cDNA plasmid which expresses the viral L-P1-2A capsid precursor in vitro and introduced site-specific mutations into the Gln-Gly pair at the VP3/VP1 junction. The altered protein substrates were tested for cleavage activity in assays with protease 3C. The encephalomyocarditis virus 3C processed Gln-Ala as efficiently as its natural sites but did not cleave Gln-Val, Gln-Glu, Lys-Gly, Lys-Ala, Lys-Val, Lys-Glu, or Pro-Gly combinations. Displacement of the flanking proline residue by an engineered insertion slowed but did not prevent cleavage at this site. Also, a mutant defective in processing at the VP3/VP1 junction was unable to form 14S pentameric assembly intermediates in vitro.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the P1/Mahoney poliovirus empty capsid has been determined at 2.9 A resolution. The empty capsids differ from mature virions in that they lack the viral RNA and have yet to undergo a stabilizing maturation cleavage of VP0 to yield the mature capsid proteins VP4 and VP2. The outer surface and the bulk of the protein shell are very similar to those of the mature virion. The major differences between the 2 structures are focused in a network formed by the N-terminal extensions of the capsid proteins on the inner surface of the shell. In the empty capsids, the entire N-terminal extension of VP1, as well as portions corresponding to VP4 and the N-terminal extension of VP2, are disordered, and many stabilizing interactions that are present in the mature virion are missing. In the empty capsid, the VP0 scissile bond is located some 20 A away from the positions in the mature virion of the termini generated by VP0 cleavage. The scissile bond is located on the rim of a trefoil-shaped depression in the inner surface of the shell that is highly reminiscent of an RNA binding site in bean pod mottle virus. The structure suggests plausible (and ultimately testable) models for the initiation of encapsidation, for the RNA-dependent autocatalytic cleavage of VP0, and for the role of the cleavage in establishing the ordered N-terminal network and in generating stable virions.  相似文献   

In avian species, a glycoprotein homologous to mammalian ZPC is synthesized in the granulosa cells of developing follicles. We have previously reported that the newly synthesized ZPC (proZPC) in granulosa cells is cleaved at a consensus furin cleavage site to generate mature ZPC prior to secretion. In the present study, we examined the effect of the proteolytic cleavage of proZPC on ZPC secretion by using a specific inhibitor of furin endoprotease and site-directed mutagenesis of the furin cleavage site. Western blot analysis demonstrated that the furin inhibitor efficiently blocked both the proteolytic cleavage of proZPC and the subsequent ZPC secretion. A site-directed mutant that possessed a mutated sequence for furin cleavage was not secreted from the cells. The immunocytochemical observations indicated that proZPC produced in the presence of a furin inhibitor or those produced by the site-directed mutant of the furin cleavage site had accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum. These results indicate that proZPC is proteolytically cleaved at the consensus furin cleavage site with furin-like protease, and the failure of this cleavage results in its accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum. Therefore, the C-terminal proteolytic processing of proZPC at the consensus furin cleavage site is a prerequisite event for quail ZPC secretion.  相似文献   

LYT1 is an essential gene for the growth and morphogenesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A detailed characterization of mutants carrying the lyt1-1 allele showed that this mutation was recessive and pleiotropic, affecting both mitotic and meiotic functions. At the nonpermissive temperature of 37 degrees C, lyt1 haploid strains budded at a distal position (instead of an axial one, as in wild-type haploid strains) and underwent autolysis when the buds were almost the size of the mother cells. These mitotic alterations in cell stability and budding topology were dependent on growth and protein synthesis. Autolysis was prevented by inhibiting DNA synthesis (with hydroxyurea) or by blocking the assembly of microtubules (with benomyl), suggesting that loss of cell viability must occur at a fixed mitotic cycle stage after DNA synthesis and mitotic spindle assembly. On the other hand, lyt1-1/lyt1-1 diploids failed to sporulate at both 24 and 37 degrees C. Taking into account these characteristics, the lyt1 mutant could be considered a cdc-like mutant. By genetic transformation of an appropriate lyt1 strain with a genomic library, ligated to the multicopy vector YEp13, we isolated a gene capable of complementing mitotic alterations but not the meiotic defect. This was the sporulation-specific gene SPO12, which is expressed under the control of the locus MAT in meiosis and is also expressed in the mitotic cycle (V. Parkes and L. H. Johnston, Nucleic Acids Res. 20:5617-5623, 1992). A significant level of SPO12 mRNA can be detected when this gene is inserted in a multicopy plasmid.  相似文献   

Using nuclease Bal31, deletions were generated within the poliovirus type 1 cDNA sequences, coding for capsid polypeptide VP1, within plasmid pCW119. The fusion proteins expressed in Escherichia coli by the deleted plasmids reacted with rabbit immune sera directed against poliovirus capsid polypeptide VP1 (alpha VP1 antibodies). They also reacted with a poliovirus type 1 neutralizing monoclonal antibody C3, but reactivity was lost when the deletion extended up to VP1 amino acids 90-104. Computer analysis of the protein revealed a high local density of hydrophilic amino acid residues in the region of VP1 amino acids 93-103. A peptide representing the sequence of this region was chemically synthesized. Once coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin, this peptide was specifically immunoprecipitated by C3 antibodies. The peptide also inhibited the neutralization of poliovirus type 1 by C3 antibodies. We thus conclude that the neutralization epitope recognized by C3 is located within the region of amino acids 93-104 of capsid polypeptide VP1.  相似文献   

C H Kim  C C Kao 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2001,7(10):1476-1485
Brome mosaic virus (BMV) genomic minus-strand RNA synthesis requires an RNA motif named stem-loop C (SLC). An NMR-derived solution structure of SLC was reported by Kim et al. (Nature Struc Biol, 2000, 7:415-423) to contain three replicase-recognition elements, the most important of which is a stable stem with a terminal trinucleotide loop, 5'AUA3'. The 5'-most adenine of the triloop is rigidly fixed to the stem helix by interactions that require the 3'-most adenine, which is called a clamped adenine motif. However, a change of the 3' adenine to guanine (5'AUG3') unexpectedly directed RNA synthesis at 130% of wild type (Kim et al., Nature Struc Biol, 2000, 7:415-423). To understand how RNA with the AUG mutation maintains interaction with the BMV replicase, we used NMR and other biophysical techniques to elucidate the solution conformation of a 13-nt RNA containing the AUG triloop, called S-AUG. We found that S-AUG has a drastically different loop conformation in comparison to the wild type, as evidenced by an unusual C x G loop-closing base pair. Despite the conformational change, S-AUG maintains a solution-exposed adenine similar to the clamped adenine motif found in the wild type. Biochemical studies of the 5'AUG3' loop with various substitutions in the context of the whole SLC construct confirm that the clamped adenine motif exists in S-AUG remains a primary structural feature required for RNA synthesis by the BMV replicase.  相似文献   

The phenotypic defects of two type 1 Mahoney poliovirus mutants, termed VP1-101 and VP1-102, were caused by two different small deletions in the region of the RNA genome encoding the amino terminus of the capsid protein VP1. This portion of VP1 was unresolved in the three-dimensional structure of the poliovirion, buried within the virion, and likely to interact with the viral RNA. Both VP1-101 and VP1-102 showed a diminished ability to enter CV1 but not HeLa cells; both mutants formed plaques on CV1 and HeLa cells that were smaller than wild type. Neither the rate of binding to cells nor the rate of subsequent receptor-dependent conformational change of the mutant poliovirions was affected. However, both mutants displayed delayed kinetics of RNA release compared with wild-type virus. One of the mutants, VP1-102, also displayed a defect in viral morphogenesis: 75S empty capsids formed normally, but 150S particles that contained RNA accumulated much more slowly. We suggest that the VP1-102 mutation affects RNA encapsidation as well as RNA release, whereas the VP1-101 mutation affects only RNA release. Therefore, RNA packaging and RNA release are genetically linked but can be mutated separately in different VP1 alleles, and both processes involve the amino terminus of VP1.  相似文献   

We have identified proteolytic activities in the rat osteoblastic osteosarcoma cell line ROS 17/2.8 which are capable of cleaving a peptide substrate for protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation (PSPKC, Pro-Leu-Ser-Arg-Thr-Leu-Ser-Val-Ala-Ala-Lys). Using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis conditions similar to those used to resolve small molecular weight proteins, the peptide bonds of PSPKC which are cleaved by the proteolytic activities present in ROS 17/2.8 cell lysates have been determined. These activities cleave the Ser-Arg, Thr-Leu, and Ser-Val peptide bonds. To date, no proteolytic activities present in osteoblast cell lysates have been described with the aforementioned peptide bond specificities, suggesting that these activities are novel. The PSPKC-cleaved peptide fragment pattern generated was similar for several different osteoblast cell lysates. Lysates generated from different rat tissues were also able to cleave PSPKC, but the peptide fragment pattern generated by ROS 17/2.8 cell lysates appeared to be unique amongst these tissues. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Four poliovirus mutants with modifications of tyrosine 88 in 2A(pro) were generated and introduced into the cloned poliovirus genome. Mutants Y88P and Y88L were nonviable, mutant Y88F showed a wild-type (WT) phenotype, and mutant Y88S showed a delayed cytopathic effect and formed small plaques in HeLa cells. Growth of Y88S in HeLa cells was restricted, giving rise to about 20% of the PFU production of the WT poliovirus. The 2A (Y88S) mutant synthesized significantly lower levels of viral proteins in HeLa cells than did the WT poliovirus, while the kinetics of p220 cleavage were identical for both viruses. Strikingly, the 2A (Y88S) mutant was unable to cleave 3CD, as shown by analysis of poliovirus proteins labeled with [35S]methionine or immunoblotted with a specific anti-3C serum. The ability of the Y88S mutant to form infectious virus and cleave 3CD can be complemented by the WT poliovirus. Synthesis of viral RNA was diminished in the Y88S mutant but less than the inhibition of translation of viral RNA. Experiments in which guanidine was used to inhibit poliovirus RNA synthesis suggest that the primary defect of the Y88S mutant virus is at the level of poliovirus RNA translation, while viral genome replication is much less affected. Transfection of HeLa cells infected with the WT poliovirus with a luciferase mRNA containing the poliovirus 5' untranslated sequence gives rise to a severalfold increase in luciferase activity. This enhanced translation of leader-luc mRNA was not observed when the transfected cells were infected with the 2A (Y88S) mutant. Moreover, cotransfection with mRNA encoding WT poliovirus 2A(pro) enhanced translation of leader-luc mRNA. This enhancement was much lower upon transfection with mRNA encoding 2A(Y88S), 2A(Y88L), or 2A(Y88P). These findings support the view that 2A(pro) itself, rather than the 3C' and/or 3D' products, is necessary for efficient translation of poliovirus RNA in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

It has been difficult to evaluate the role of individual viral proteins in poliovirus replication because a suitable complementation system has not yet been developed. To approach this problem, we constructed a chimeric human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2)-gag-poliovirus minireplicon in which regions of the gag gene of HIV-2 were inserted in the poliovirus genome between nucleotides 1174 and 2470. Transfection of this chimeric RNA into HeLa cells results in the replication of the minireplicon and expression of an HIV-2-gag-P1 fusion protein which can be immunoprecipitated with antibodies to HIV-2-gag. Expression of the HIV-2-gag-P1 fusion protein was dependent on replication of the chimeric RNA genome. Although the chimeric HIV-2-gag-poliovirus RNA genome replicated in poliovirus-infected cells, transfection of the chimeric HIV-2-gag-poliovirus genome into vaccinia virus-infected cells resulted in increased replication as measured by analysis of chimeric RNA. The increase in replication correlated with an increase in the expression of the HIV-2-gag-P1 fusion protein in vaccinia virus-infected cells. To characterize this system, we constructed a mutation in the 2A gene to change a cysteine at amino acid 109 to a serine. Expression of the HIV-2-gag-P1 fusion protein was not detected when the HIV-2-gag-poliovirus genome containing the 2A mutation was transfected into HeLa cells, demonstrating the mutation was lethal for replication. When the chimeric genome was transfected into poliovirus-infected cells, no RNA replication or expression of the HIV-2-gag-P1 fusion protein was observed. In contrast, transfection of this genome into vaccinia virus-infected cells resulted in replication of the chimeric RNA and expression of two proteins with larger molecular masses than the HIV-2-gag-P1 proteins, possibly representing HIV-2-gag-P1-2A and HIV-2-gag-P1-2ABC fusion proteins. The transfection of the chimeric HIV-2-gag-poliovirus genome containing the 2A mutation into poliovirus-vaccinia virus coinfected cells resulted in the expression and partial processing of the two larger HIV-2-gag-P1 fusion proteins to give the correct molecular mass for the HIV-2-gag-P1 fusion protein. The 2A mutation was reconstructed back into the full-length infectious cDNA of poliovirus. Transfection of this cDNA into vaccinia virus-infected cells followed by immunoprecipitation with anticapsid antibodies demonstrated the presence of two proteins with molecular masses larger than P1, possibly P1-2A and P1-2ABC fusion proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previous studies using selectively modified pro-ocytocin/neurophysin substrate analogues and the purified metalloprotease, pro-ocytocin/neurophysin convertase (magnolysin; EC 3.4 24.62), have shown that dibasic cleavage site processing is associated with a prohormone sequence organized in a beta-turn structure. We have used various peptide analogues of the pro-ocytocin-neurophysin processing domain, and recombinant prohormone convertase 1/3, to test the validity of this property towards this member of the family of prohormone convertases (PCs). The enzymatic cleavage analysis and kinetics showed that: (a) with methyl amide (N-Met) modification, a secondary structure beta-turn breaker, the enzyme substrate interaction was abolished; (b) cleavage was favoured when the dibasic substrate side-chains were oriented in opposite directions; (c) the amino acid present at the P'1 position is important in the enzyme-substrate interaction; (d) the flexibility of the peptide substrate is necessary for the interaction; (e) Addition of dimethylsulfoxide to the cleavage assay favoured the cleavage of the pro-ocytocin/neurophysin large substrate over that of the smaller one pGlu-Arg-Thr-Lys-Arg-methyl coumarin amide. These data allowed us to conclude that proteolytic processing of pro-ocytocin-related peptide substrates by PC1/3 as well as by the metalloenzyme, magnolysin, involves selective recognition of precise cleavage site local secondary structure by the processing enzyme. It is hypothesized that this may represent a general property of peptide precursor proteolytic processing systems.  相似文献   

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