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Potassium Involvement in Stomatal Movements of Paphiopedilum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are conflicting reports about whether guard cells of Paphiopedilumspp. accumulate K during stomatal opening. In this study X-raymicroprobe analysis and histochemical staining for K indicatedthat K accumulated in guard cells in leaves of Paphiopedilumspp. when stomata opened. Additionally, stomatal opening inepidermal strips of P. harrisseanum could only be induced inan MES buffered KC1 medium. Element analysis ofP. harrisseanumepidermis also indicated substantial levels of K, Na and Cawithin the tissue. We conclude that K is involved in the stomatal movements ofPaphiopedilum. Key words: K+ transport, Paphiopedilum, Stomatal movements  相似文献   

The present paper deals with pollen morphology of 19 species belonging to Cyclobalanopsis and of 31 species belonging to Quercus from China. All pollen grains were examined under light microscope and scanning electron microscope, and those of 4 species of Cyclobalanopsis and of 8 species of Quercus were examined under transmission electron microscope. Pollen grains of Cyclobalanopsis are spheroidal or subspheroidal, 25.2(18.9-31.5) ×23.1 (16.8-27.3) μm in size. Mostly 3-colporoidate, rarely 3-colpate or 3-colporate. The exine is 2-layered, 1.1-1.9 μm thick, sexine thicker than nexine, finely granulate under LM, granulate, spinulate, verrucate under SEM. Pollen grains of Cyclobalanopsis and of evergreen members of Quercus are very similar to each other in size, aperture and ornamentation of exine, but there are some differences in pollen grains between Cyclobalanopsis and deciduous members of Quercus. Therefore, Pollenmorphology supports the treatment of Cyclobalanopsis as a subgenus of Querc  相似文献   

The surfaces of the pericarps of wheat and barley grains, 15–30days after anthesis, were examined. Stomata were found in thepericarp epidermis on the ventral side at the apical end inone variety of wheat and four varieties of barley. Layers whichstained red with Sudan IV were observed on the pericarp epidermisand on either side of the testa in immature barley grains. Theultrastructure of these layers was investigated. It was concludedthat the cuticular layer inside the testa is derived from thenucellus. The significance of these cuticular layers in relationto the supply of carbon dioxide to the photosynthesizing cellsof the pericarp is discussed. The movement of photosynthateand oxygen produced in the pericarp is also considered. Hordeum vulgare L, Triticum aestivum L, barley, wheat, cereal grain, cuticle, stomata, pericarp  相似文献   

Apoplastic potassium activities (ak) in leaves of Commelinacommunis L., Vicia faba L. and Pisum sativum L. var. argenteumwere recorded with neutral-carrier-based, potassium-sensitivemicro-electrodes. Measurements were carried out in 0.3–1.4nl volumes contiguous with the extracellular space of attachedleaves and were held for periods of 7–68 min. Mean steady-stateaK values recorded from all three species were below 50 µM.Similar potassium activities were attained, regardless of theinitial values obtained after washing with distilled water orpotassium additions, and the activities recorded showed onlyminimal dependence on the relative vapour pressure difference.Tissue capacity for K+ absorption was increased 15–30-foldin the presence of added Ca2+. By contrast, cyanide reducedboth the initial rate of potassium absorption by the tissuesand their apparent capacity for the cation. These observationsindicate that the free potassium pool in the leaf apoplast issignificantly smaller than has previously been assumed. Theresults contradict the notion that high concentrations of potassiumaccumulate locally as a result of transpiration, and may indicatethe presence in the leaf tissues of potassium transport activitysensitive to Ca2+ and dependent on metabolism. Key words: Apoplastic potassium activity, Transpiration/K+ transport, Guard cells  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the pollen morphology of 103 species belonging to sixgenera-Castanea, Castanopsis, Lithocarpus, Quercus, Fagus and Trigonobalanus in threesubfamilies-Castaneoideae, Quercoideae and Fagoideae. All pollen grains were examinedunder light microscope and scanning electron microscope, and those of some species were ex-amined under transmission electron microscope. The results may be summarised as follows:1. Pollen morphology of Fagaceae, seems to support division of the family into threesubfamilies. Fagoideae, Castaneoideae and Quercoideae.2. Four types of pollen grains are recognized in Fagaceae:1) Fagus-type (representative genus: Fagus): pollen granis are oblate-sphaeroidal,(31.5-39.9) x (35.7 46.2) μm in size, 3(-4)-colporate, peritreme or goniotreme, granulate-ornate under LM., granulate or verrucate under SEM.2) Trigonobalanus-type (T. doichangensis): pollen grains are suboblate-sphaeroidal,(23.1-29.4) ×(25.2-29.4) μm in size, 3-colporate, goniotreme, obscurely granulate-ornateunder LM, densely granulate or verrucate under SEM.3) Quercus-type (Quercus): pollen grains are subspheroidal-subprolate, (21-44.3)× (16.8-39.9) μm in size. 3-colporoidate (-3-colpate), peritreme, crassgranulate or finely-gra-nulate under LM, tuberculate verrucate or spinate under SEM.4) Castanea-type (including Castanea, Castanopsis, Lithocarpus): Pollen grains areprolate-supraprolate, (14.7-23.1)×(10.5-16.8)μm in size; 3-colporate, peritreme, obscu-rely ornate or subpsilate, under LM, rugulose, striate-rugulate or crass-striate under SEM.3. Pollen grains of Cyclobalanopsis age very similar to those of Quercus, and there-fore we support the treatment of Cyclobalanopsis as a subgenus of Quercus.4. On the basis of shape, type of aperture and exine structure, pollen of Trigonobalanusis distinguishable from those of the other genera in Fagaceae and it may be a new type of Fagaceae;5. On the basis of pollen morphology, morphological characters and geological stratification a scheme of phylogeny of Fagaceae is here presented.  相似文献   

Rate of Uptake of Potassium by Three Crop Species in Relation to Growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Barley, ryegrass, and fodder radish were grown in flowing nutrientsolutions at four potassium concentrations, [Ke+], from 0.05to 4 mg I–1. During the first 2 weeks after germinationthe response to [Ke+] (fodder radish > barley > ryegrass)depended on the potential relative growth rate, the ratio ofroot surface area to plant weight, and on the K+ flux into theroots. Subsequently, there was no effect of [Ke+] on growthrate within the range tested. The K+ flux decreased from 4–23? 10–12 mol cm–2 s–1 in the first 2 weeksafter germination, when it was concentration-dependent, to 2–5? 10–12 mol cm–2 s–1 after 4–5 weeks,when it became independent of [Ke+] down to 0.05 mg 1–1.The results explain the importance of high [Ke+] and rapid rootgrowth during the first 2 weeks after seed germination.  相似文献   

X-ray microanalysis was used to determine the distributionsof several nutrient elements between vacuoles of epidermal andmesophyll cells in barley leaves and these distributions wererelated to shoot nutrient concentrations. Under the growth conditionsused, P was found only in mesophyll vacuoles, never in the epidermis.In contrast, Cl and Ca were located almost exclusively in theepidermis while K and Na were more evenly distributed betweenthe two cell types. The compartmentation of Ca and Cl in theepidermis was maintained over a wide range of tissue concentrationsof these ions. In particular, Cl was excluded from the mesophyllof salt-grown barley until the tissue concentration reachedabout 170 mol m–3 and then it appeared in the vacuolesof these cells, but only at low concentrations. In contrast,Na was not excluded from the mesophyll of salt-grown or K-deficientbarley and there was evidence that this ion was preferentiallyaccumulated in the mesophyll. Nutrients were evenly distributedbetween the adaxial and abaxial epidermal layers, except K.which was at slightly higher concentrations in the adaxial epidermis.There was considerable variation in the concentrations of ionsin adjacent epidermal cells. The results indicate that intercellularcompartmentation of nutrients occurs in barley leaves and therole of this phenomenon in responses to nutrient deficienciesand salinity is discussed Key words: Compartmentation, barley, salinity, ions, potassium nutrition  相似文献   


Electron microscopy is used to show the morphology of liposome/DNA complexes as related to their cationic component, the molar ratio of the helper lipid (usually DOPE1), the nature of the DNA-component, as well as the composition of the media. Liposomes made of monovalent cationic amphiphiles adhere and fuse during interaction with negatively charged DNA thereby complexing the DNA. The size of the resulting complexes is depending upon charge neutralization and is smallest at a slightly positive net charge. At molar ratios of DOPE, to the cationic component of ≥ 1.5, hexagonal lipid tubules are formed, especially in media containing high salt concentrations, and even in the control lipid mixture, not interacting with any DNA or oligonucleotide. Complexes, made of plasmid-DNA, monovalent cationic amphiphiles, and DOPE at a lower molar ratio, show additionally to the semifused or fused liposomes a new structure, called spaghetti-like structure, representing a bilayer-coated, supercoiled DNA. Single-strand and short oligonucleotides seem not to form such structures during interaction with monovalent cationic liposomes. Neither fusion nor spaghetti formation is observed during interaction of DNA with liposomes made of polyvalent cationic amphiphiles. In general, small complexes consisting of some few semifused liposomes bearing the self-encapsulated nucleic acid and additionally the spaghetti-like structure, free or connected with these complexes, seem to be candidates for the transfectionactive structure rather than large extended HII1-lipid arrangements.  相似文献   

We have investigated the microscopic physical inhomogeneity ("texture") of the avian embryo in vivo by shadowgraph. This non-invasive technique allows one to correlate the shape of blood vessels to the physical, micro-structural, pattern that exists in the embryo prior to vessel appearance. Before any vessel forms, vascular paths are present and are pre-patterned, by fields of cellular orientations and lumen anisotropies. We find the origin of this pre-pattern in the movements of the embryo during gastrulation, and the related deformation and force field, which establish both the animal and vascular pattern.  相似文献   

Root growth respiration and root maintenance respiration rate of the following species were determined: Hypochaeris radicata L. ssp. radicata L., H. radicata ssp. ericetorum Van Soest, Plantago lanceolata L., P. major L. ssp. major, P. major ssp. pleiosperma Pilgcr, P. maritime L., Senecio viscosus L., S. vulgaris L. and Urtica dioica L. A high root growth respiration (i.e. the amount of oxygen consumed for synthesis of a given weight of root material) implied a high maintenance respiration rate (i.e. the amount of oxygen consumed per unit of time and dry weight, but not connected with growth). High values of both components reflect a low efficiency of root respiratory processes. The efficiency of root respiration, as determined by the values for root growth respiration and root maintenance respiration rate could not be demonstrated to be of advantage in adaptation to soil conditions, as e.g. nitrogen content, moisture content and pH. It is concluded that (he degree of ‘wasteful utilization of sugars’ in roots, i.e. such consumption of sugars as cannot be related to structural growth, storage of carbohydrates or maintenance processes, depends on imbalance of transport of sugars from the shoot to the roots with utilization of sugars for synthesis of root material. The results are discussed in relation to Brouwer's explanation for the equilibrium between the growth of shoots and of roots. Root growth rate in the present species appears limited by a factor produced in the shoot under light conditions, and which factor is distinct from carbohydrates. The evidence presented shows that relatively inefficient root respiration does not imply a low growth rate. In regulation of plant growth the growth rate itself and also the shoot to-root ratio may be more important than the regulation of the efficiency of energy metabolism.  相似文献   

The levels of K$ and total electrolyte leakage into leachingsolution from imbibed seeds of Pisum sativum L. and Phaseolusvulgaris L. have been followed to determine the relationshipof K$ loss to the level of total electrolyte loss, and its relationto the physiological condition of the seed. The extent and rate of loss of both K$ and total electrolytesvaried with both seed condition and the conditions imposed bythe experiment. K$ accounted for between 25 and 50% of the totalelectrolyte leakage. The relationship was at all times significantlycorrelated, but changed with time and with experimental conditions. The effect of immersion, which increased electrolyte leakagedue to soaking injury, masked differences in seeds of varyingfield performance. Imbibition at either 5 °C or 40 °C before leaching wasshown to increase both K$ and total electrolyte loss in comparisonto seeds imbibed at 25 °C. These results suggest that the ‘conductivity test’,which is used as a measure of seed deterioration, may need tobe re-examined in terms of experimental procedure and interpretation.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite-Induced Alterations in Synaptosomal Membrane Proteins   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
Abstract : Peroxynitrite (ONOO-) is a highly reactive, oxidizing anion with a half-life of <1 s that is formed by reaction of superoxide radical anion with nitric oxide. Several reports of ONOO- -induced oxidation of lipids, proteins, DNA, sulfhydryls, and inactivation of key enzymes have appeared. ONOO- has also been implicated as playing a role in the pathology of several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, among others. Continuing our laboratory's interest in free radical oxidative stress in brain cells in AD, the present study was designed to investigate the damage to brain neocortical synaptosomal membrane proteins and the oxidation-sensitive enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) caused by exposure to ONOO-. These synaptosomal proteins and GS have previously been shown by us and others to have been oxidatively damaged in AD brain and also following treatment of synaptosomes with amyloid β-peptide. The results of the current study showed that exposure to physiological levels of ONOO- induced significant protein conformational changes, demonstrated using electron paramagnetic resonance in conjunction with a protein-specific spin label, and caused oxidation of proteins, measured by the increase in protein carbonyls. ONOO- also caused inactivation of GS and led to neuronal cell death examined in a hippocampal cell culture system. All these detrimental effects of ONOO- were successfully attenuated by the thiol-containing antioxidant tripeptide glutathione. This research shows that ONOO- can oxidatively modify both membranous and cytosolic proteins, affecting both their physical and chemical nature. These findings are discussed with reference to the potential involvement of ONOO- in AD neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of aging upon the uptake of glutamate by synaptosomes, and the oxidation of Synaptosomal vitamin E. Synaptosomes isolated from the cerebral hemispheres of Fischer 344 rats, 4 and 24 months old, were suspended at 37°C in buffer (pH 7.4) simulating extracellular fluid containing 10 mM glucose. The Km for the high affinity uptake of tritium labeled glutamate was 10 M. The uptake of glutamate was lower in synaptosomes from older animals than those from younger animals for periods of up to 20 minutes. Upon incubation with a mixture of ferrous iron and ascorbate, more of the alpha tocopherol in synaptosomes derived from older rats was oxidized than in those derived from younger ones. Older animals may be more susceptible to excitotoxicity because: a) Synaptosomal reuptake of glutamate is less efficient and b) oxidative stress induced by various agents including glutamate may be higher in synaptosomes from the older animal.  相似文献   

In this article, 30 speceis of bamboos, including 19 genera in 5 tribes, were collected and the morphology of fruits and starches of them was studied. The results are as follows. I. The morphology of fruits is important in studies of systematic position in bamboos. According to the systems of W. Munro and G. Bentham whether the pericarp is adhesive to or free from the seed coat may be taken as a basis of classification. It is also confirmed in this article. It is found in this work that all taxa with a binding pericarp and seed coat are of caryopsis that also has a ventral suture and hilum, while all others with a separated pericarp and seed coat are of bacca or nut, which has no ventral suture and hilum. The former has a hard and thin pericarp and rich endosperm, while the latter has a fleshy and thick pericarp and no endosperm. These characteristics form a basis of classification of major groups. II. In 1907, Brandis found that no any endosperm in matured fruit of Dinochloa, Melocalamus, Melocanna and Ochlandra. It has been proved by Stapf in at least one genus. We found that the baccae of Qiongzhuea, Melocanna, Ferrocalamus and Chimonobambusa Subg. Oerocalama were empty, with no endosperm. This may be a common character of the bacca. We believe, therefore, that the systematic position of Qiongzhuea, Ferrocalamus and Chimonobambusa Subg. Oreocalama is close to Melocanneae. III. Starch grains of bamboo fruits are complex in structure. They are round or ellipsoidal, consisting of 3-22 polyhedral or apple-like small grains. The morphology of starch grains is not so important as fruit in bamboo classification, but some characteristics are of a high value in the identification of genera and species, when they are combined with other features. In Cephalostachyum, the starch grain is very big, with 20-40 μm in diam, and the starch small grain is polyhedral or apple-like with 7.5-22.5 μm in diam, while in Dendrocalamus, the starch grain is small, with 10-28.9 μm in diam. and the starch small grain is only polyhedral, with 3-11.9 μm in diam. The morphology and size of the starch grain and starch small grain are also different in Melocanna and Chimonobambusa Subg. Oreocalama. IV. W. Munro’s system divided Bambuseae into three major groups according to the morphology of flower and fruit. Because the material was not sufficient at that time, the system wrongly put Cephalostachyum, Dendrocalamus into the group Bacciferea. Now it is found that both Cephalostachyum and Dendrocalamus have a nut. Later G. Bentham found this problem and divided the Bambuseae into four subtribes, treating Dendrocalamus as a separate subtribe, Dendrocalamae, and putting the bacca group into another subtribe, Melocannae. It is better, but it also has some shortcomings. Hackel, Gamble, E. G. Camus, A. Camus and Keng Pojie all accepted the view of Bentham, placing Dendrocalamus and Melocanna into different subtribes or tribes.  相似文献   

Representative pollen grains of each genus and section of the family Polemoniaceae were examined with scanning electron microscopy. Exine pattern diversity within the family is discussed in relation to pollination biology. Pollen data support some previously recognized relationships within the family; in other instances the use of pollen morphology suggests the institution of new associations. The value of pollen morphology as an index to possible phylogenetic interpretations within the Polemoniaceae is discussed.  相似文献   



Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) plays a key role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. However, its localization in human coronary arterial wall is not well understood. The present study was performed to visualize deposition sites and patterns of native oxLDL and their relation to plaque morphology in human coronary artery.


Evans blue dye (EB) elicits a violet fluorescence by excitation at 345-nm and emission at 420-nm, and a reddish-brown fluorescence by excitation at 470-nm and emission at 515-nm characteristic of oxLDL only. Therefore, native oxLDL in excised human coronary artery were investigated by color fluorescent microscopy (CFM) using EB as a biomarker.


(1) By luminal surface scan with CFM, the % incidence of oxLDL in 38 normal segments, 41 white plaques and 32 yellow plaques that were classified by conventional angioscopy, was respectively 26, 44 and 94, indicating significantly (p<0.05) higher incidence in the latter than the former two groups. Distribution pattern was classified as patchy, diffuse and web-like. Web-like pattern was observed only in yellow plaques with necrotic core. (2) By transected surface scan, oxLDL deposited within superficial layer in normal segments and diffusely within both superficial and deep layers in white and yellow plaques. In yellow plaques with necrotic core, oxLDL deposited not only in the marginal zone of the necrotic core but also in the fibrous cap.


Taken into consideration of the well-known process of coronary plaque growth, the results suggest that oxLDL begins to deposit in human coronary artery wall before plaque formation and increasingly deposits with plaque growth, exhibiting different deposition sites and patterns depending on morphological changes.  相似文献   

The time courses of the uptake of various inorganic ions fromthe flow medium were compared with the rhythmical potassiumuptake in Lemna gibba G3. The duckweeds in the flow medium absorbed20–40% of magnesium, 30–50% of phosphate, 40–80%potassium and 50–90% of nitrate, the percentage varyingrhythmically, but they constantly absorbed about 20% of calcium.The total anion uptake was 1.5 times greater than the totalcation uptake. The duckweeds absorbed cesium or rubidium aswell as they did potassium. They also absorbed sodium if potassiumwas absent from the medium. Lithium was not absorbed even inthe absence of potassium. Potassium leaked from the duckweed into the potassium-free flowmedium, and the rate of leakage changed diurnally under continuouslight, with maximum leakage occurring at the same circadiantime as when the potassium uptake rhythm in the normal flowmedium drops to the minimum point. The pattern of potassiumleakage in dim light was influenced by the species of monovalentcation in the medium. In darkness, however, the leakage rhythmran for 36 hr irrespective of cation species. (Received December 28, 1981; Accepted May 19, 1982)  相似文献   

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