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Adults of 18 of the 22 species constituting the subgenus Argas, which parasitize birds nesting and resting in rocky habitats in each faunal region of the world (15 species) or in trees (e species) (2 Neotropical, 1 Nearctic), were studies by SEM. In each except three Neotropical species, the nine setae of the anterior pit of tarsus I are arranged in an anterior group (1 serrate, 1 setiform, 1 conical) and a posterior group (2 fine, e porose, 2 grooved), or the two groups are more or less confluent. Abnormally, additional setae may occur on one or both tarsi of a single specimen. In one Neotropical species, only the three anterior group setae are present. In three Neotropical species, only these three setae and a fourth seta are present (whether 6 or 5 additional setae are concealed within the tarsal structure should be investigated). The Haller's organ capsule is entirely open (unroofed) (3 species), roofed posteriorly and open anteriorly (7 species), or mostly roofed by a plate which is pierced by one large aperture and by more or less numerous, small, or medium-sized perforations (8 species plus one other not studied by use). This study suggests that the structure of Haller's organ has evolved in different lines in response to a multiplicity of biologic al factors related to the behavior and habitat of individual species.  相似文献   

Argas (A.) polonicus sp. n. is described from males, females, nymphs, and larvae from the steeple tower of St. Mary's Church, Karkow, Poland, where it feeds on domestic rock pigeons, Columba livia Gmelin. This species is related to the widely distributed Eurasian A. (A.) vulgaris Filippova and to certain other species of the eastern area of the Palearctic Faunal Region; it differs distinctly from A. (A.) reflexus (Fabricius) of western Europe. Comparative study under the light microscope. and especially under the scanning electron microscope, reveals numerous structural differences in adult and immature stages of these species, chiefly in the Haller's organ roof of each stage, adult body shape and integumental formations, dental formulae, and setal lengths and numbers on the larval dorsum.  相似文献   

The anatomy and histology of the adult Argas (Persicargas) arboreus central nervous system are described and compared with these properties in other ticks. The single, integrated, central nerve mass (CNM) is formed by a fused supra-esophageal part (protocerebrum, cheliceral ganglia, palpal ganglia, and stomodeal pons) and a subesophageal part (4 pairs of pedal ganglia and the complex opisthosomatic ganglion). Single peripheral nerves (pharyngeal and recurrent) and paired peripheral nerves (compound protocerebral, cheliceral, palpal, pedal and opisthosomatic) extend from the CNM to body organs and appendages. Optic nerves, described in other Argas species, are not found in A. (P.) arboreus. Histologically, the CNM is enclosed by a thin-walled periganglionic blood sinus and invested by a collagenous neural lamella followed by a perineurial layer composed of glial cells and containing fine reticular spaces, a cortical layer of association, motor and neurosecretory cell bodies and glial cells, and inner neuropile regions of fiber tracts forming 5 horizontal levels of connectives and commissures.  相似文献   

The blood-meal is essential to complete ova development by supplying nutrients and by stimulating hormone production in mated female Argas (Persicargas) arboreus. Within 3 days after feeding, the hormone is synthesized in the nerve ganglion and afterward is released into the hemolymph. Isolating the ovaries by ligation from the nerve ganglion during the hormone synthesis period interfered with ova development. Injecting an extract of nerve ganglia from 3-day-fed, mated females and of hemolymph from 4-day-fed, mated females into mated, recently fed females induced the same degree of ova development in their isolated ovaries as in fed, mated control females. Injecting nerve ganglion extract from 3-day-fed, mated females into mated, unfed females did not induce ova development.  相似文献   

The effect of constant 26, 30, 34, and 37 C temperatures on diapause incidence (percentage of diapause females) and intensity (duration of preoviposition period) was compared in field-collected (FC) and laboratory-reared (LR) F1 and F2 female A. (P.) arboreus. Diapause incidence, 89–100%, and intensity 115–133 days, in the FC were high at all temperatures except at 30 C when the intensity was reduced (84 days). Diapause incidence, 91–94%, and intensity, 132–137 days, in LRF1 were high at 26 and 30 C. At 34 and 37 C, both (33% and 78 days) were lower than in FC and LRF1 at 26 and 30 C. Diapause incidence was always lower in LRF2 than in FC and LRF1 and decreased as the temperature increased (58, 30, 17, and 0%, respectively). Diapause intensity in LRF2 at 26 C (133 days) was high and similar to that in FC and LRF1 at 26 C but was low at 30 and 34 C (84 and 87 days, respectively). In all groups, diapause intensity was higher in females kept outdoors (191–218 days) than in those held in the laboratory. The results suggest that rearing in the laboratory caused an increased sensitivity of diapause LRF1 and F2 females to high temperature.  相似文献   

Salivary glands of the unfed adult Argas (Persicargas) arboreus (family Argasidae) contain 2 types of alveoli, one nongranular and one granule-secreting. The fine structure of the nongranular alveolus is similar to that of the family Ixodidae. In the granule-secreting alveolus, the presence of 3 types of secretory cells, each with morphologically distinct granular inclusions, confirms histological and histochemical observations on argasid salivary glands. Epithelial cells with numerous membranous infoldings, mitochondria, microtubules, and a complex canalicular system probably concerned with fluid regulation and secretion are located between granule-secreting cells and form caps over their basal regions. The luminal border of both secretory and epithelial cells is microvillate. The alveolar lumen leads into the chitinous alveolar duct which lacks the complex valvular structure of ixodid alveoli. Axons containing neurosecretory material occur in both nongranular and granule-secreting alveoli and probably control salivary secretion.  相似文献   

Adults of the Argas subgenera Secretargas (3 species) and Ogadenus (1 species) were studied by scanning electron microscopy. In each species, the anterior pit and Haller's organ are situated in a large dorsal hump of Tarsus I and the 9 setae of the anterior pit are characteristic of the genus Argas in structure and numbers. In A. (S.) transgariepinus, an Ethiopian-Palearctic crevice-dwelling parasite of bats, the Haller's organ capsule roof is solid with a slitlike transverse aperture. In A. (S.) hoogstraali and A. (S.) echinops, Malagasy soil-dwelling parasites of Oplurus (Varanidae) lizards and the hedgehog-tenrec (Insectivora: Tenrecidae), respectively, the Haller's organ is virtually unroofed but partially screened by arborescent dorsal projections from the posterior wall of the capsule, and the open capsule contains numerous fine pleomorphs. In A. (O.) brumpti, a soil-dwelling parasite of the hyrax (Procavia), other terrestrial mammals, and lizards in the Ethiopian Region, the capsule is also virtually unroofed and contains numerous fine pleomorphs. The unroofed capsule is probably phylogenetically primitive and occurs only in these 3 and 2 other Argas species. The soil microhabitat (in Argas confined to 3 of the 4 species recorded here), and the reptile or ancient mammal hosts of these 3 species, as well as the zoogeographical isolation of 2 of the species in the Malagasy Region, are distinctive in this genus of 56 species. The interrelationships between an unroofed Haller's organ capsule and unusual biological properties remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Adults of 4 of the 6 species constituting the subgenus Carios and of 3 of the 4 species constituting the subgenus Chiropterargas were studied by scanning electron microscopy. All species parasitize Old World cave-dwelling insectivorous bats (Microchiroptera). The anterior pit setae number 10 in Carios and 10 or 11 in Chiropterargas. In most Carios, the setiform seta is replaced by a second serrate seta. In 2 of the 3 studied Chiropterargas species, 1 of the 2 grooved setae is exceptionally long. Porose setae number 3 in Carios and 3 or 4 in Chiropterargas. The Haller's organ roof in both subgenera is solid, lacking perforations; the aperture is narrowly transverse in Carios, irregularly wide or wide and transverse in Chiropterargas; uniquely, 1 or 2 sensilla protrude from the aperture of Chiropterargas species. The protruding sensilla and long grooved seta of Chiropterargas suggest a probably distinctive sensory-behavior pattern common to these ticks. Other morphological characters are discussed and compared to show relationships between these 2 subgenera and the subgenera Argas and Persicargas and distinctive characters present only in adult and/or larval Carios and Chiropterargas.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the hemocytes and nephrocytes in Argas (Persicargas) arboreus is described and compared with that of similar cells in other tick species and insects. The hemocytes are of three types: prohemocytes, with a relatively undifferentiated cytoplasm lacking granular inclusions and probably serving as progenitors of the other hemolymph cell types; plasmatocytes, containing abundant mitochondria, cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and free ribosomes, as well as some small granular inclusions; granulocytes, the predominant cell type in the hemolymph, containing numerous granules of variable electron density and maturity, and pseudopodia-like processes on the cell surface. Plasmatocytes and granulocytes are phagocytic and possibly also have other functions in the tick body. Cells with intermediate features appear to be in a stage of transition from plasmatocyte to granulocyte. Nephrocytes contain vacuoles enclosing fibrillar material, some electrondense granules, and moderate amounts of the active organelles—mitochondria, RER, and ribosomes. The nephrocyte is surrounded by a basal lamina and its plasma membrane infolds to form many deep invaginations coated by a fine fibrillar material. Openings to these invaginations are closed by membranous diaphragms. Coated tubular elements connect the surface invaginations with large coated vesicles, which appear to be specialized for internalization of proteins from the hemolymph. The dense granules may represent an advanced stage of condensation of ingested protein and thus may be lysosomal residual bodies, or they may develop by accumulation of secretory products.  相似文献   

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