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Culture conditions allowing for cytochrome P-450IA1 induction by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) in normal human keratinocytes (HK) were investigated. HK grown in serum-free low extracellular Ca2+ (0.1 mM) medium did not accumulate P-450IA1 mRNA in response to TCDF. If, however, the cultures were pretreated for more than 24 h with either serum or elevated extracellular Ca2+ (2.0 mM), induction of P-450IA1 was obtained by TCDF. Serum and elevated Ca2+ concentrations were found to be additive in this respect. When analyzing HK derived from five individuals, no apparent difference was found in the relative induction of P-450IA1 by increasing concentrations of TCDF, giving an EC50 of approximately 2 nM. The permissive effect of serum and elevated Ca2+ could be conferred to a reporter gene by the -1140 to +2435 part of the human CYPIA1 gene. Culture conditions allowing for P-450IA1 induction correlated with conditions that induced mRNA corresponding to the differentiation specific enzyme epidermal transglutaminase. This finding, together with the known differentiation promoting effects of serum and elevated Ca2+, suggest that terminal differentiation is necessary for P-450IA1 induction in HK by Ah receptor ligands.  相似文献   

Transcriptional responses of human epidermal keratinocytes to Oncostatin-M   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

For superoxide (O2-) responses of human neutrophils stimulated by FMLP, experiments were designed to assess the requirement of extracellular calcium [( Ca2+]o) for priming of O2- responses by platelet-activating factor (PAF), PMA, or ionomycin. Although priming by PMA did not require [Ca2+]o, there was, as expected, a requirement for [Ca2+]o for the optimal priming effects of PAF and ionomycin. The ED50 value for [Ca2+]o in the priming function of PAF was 105 microM. The [Ca2+]o-dependent priming with ionomycin was bimodal with two ED50 values for [Ca2+]o of 90 microM and 3.2 mM. Optimal priming by PAF required at least 4-min exposure of cells to [Ca2+]o. Cells primed by PAF exhibited faster initial rates of O2-production after addition of FMLP, but the duration of O2- production was not prolonged. Whereas PAF-primed responses to FMLP are usually associated with increases in intracellular calcium [( Ca2+]i) after addition of FMLP, two conditions were found in which O2- responses to FMLP in PAF-primed cells occurred in the absence of any detectable increase in [Ca2+]i. When cells were loaded with the calcium chelator, bis-(O-aminophenoxy)-ethane-H,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, and then primed with PAF, normal amounts of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate were formed, but no increase in [Ca2+]i occurred after addition of FMLP even though the cells exhibited a fully primed O2- response; in Ca2(+)-depleted and ionomycin-permeabilized cells that were primed with PAF and then stimulated with FMLP, O2- was generated in amounts comparable to reference control (primed) cells, but there was suppressed production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and no increase in [Ca2+]i after addition of FMLP to PAF-primed cells. These data confirm the requirement of [Ca2+]o for optimal priming of neutrophils by PAF and ionomycin (but not cells primed by PMA) and indicate that, under certain conditions, generation of O2- in response to FMLP in PAF-primed neutrophils can occur independent of any increase in [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

Epidermal human cells (keratinocytes) differently interact with extracellular matrix proteins of the skin basal membrane depending on the stages of their differentiation. The pool of basal keratinocytes commonly includes stem cells and transient amplifying cells. They directly attach to the skin basal membrane. Keratinocytes change their adhesive properties during differentiation, lose direct interaction with the basal membrane and move to suprabasal epidermal strata. From this, it is suggested that basal and primarily stem cells can be isolated from a heterogenous keratinocyte population due to their selective adhesion to the extracellular matrix proteins. In the current study, we analysed the specificity of interaction between primary keratinocytes and extracellular matrix proteins (collagens of I and IV types, laminin-2/4, fibronectin and matrigel). We have demonstrated that the basal keratinocytes extracted from the skin have different adhesive abilities. The rapidly spreading cells usually interacted with collagen and fibronectin rather that with laminin-2/4 or matrigel. The majority of these cells being represented by basal keratinocytes. Our data demonstrate that the applied method of keratinocyte selection may be directed for precise isolation of skin stem from a common cell population.  相似文献   

Electrophysiologic properties of cultured human keratinocytes were studied using the patch voltage-clamp technique. Undifferentiated, proliferative keratinocytes grown in low Ca2+ medium had an average resting membrane potential of -24 mV. Voltage-clamp experiments showed that these cells had two membrane ionic currents: a large voltage-independent leak conductance, and a smaller voltage-dependent Cl- current that activated with depolarization. Increasing the extracellular Ca2+ concentration from 0.15 to 2 mM resulted in a doubling of the magnitude of the voltage-gated current and a shift in current activation to more negative potentials. Since levels of extracellular Ca2+ can alter the morphology and differentiation state of keratinocytes, the finding of a Ca2(+)-activated Cl- current in these cells suggests a role for this conductance in the initiation of differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Keratinocytes and melanocytes, which together form units of structure and function within human epidermis, are known to differ in expression of autocrine growth factors, particularly those with heparin binding affinity. Because such cytokines could be regulated by the endogenous heparinlike glycosaminoglycan, heparan sulfate, proteoglycan synthesis was compared between human keratinocytes and melanocytes cultured from a common donor. Following steady-state isotopic labeling under conditions of active growth (low density cultures) and growth inhibition (high density cultures), the sulfated polymers were isolated from conditioned media and cell extracts. We found that keratinocytes produced substantially more sulfated glycosaminoglycans than did the melanocytes. There was no evidence for hyaluronic acid synthesis by the melanocytes. The majority of [35S]-sulfate labeling was in the heparan sulfates of the keratinocytes and in the chondroitin sulfates of the melanocytes. During the transition from active growth to growth inhibition, there was increased heparan sulfate proteoglycan and free chain synthesis by keratinocytes but not by melanocytes, and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan production declined in both cell lineages. The differences may reflect divergent evolution as each cell type came to exploit those complex polysaccharides in different ways to regulate molecular pathways of growth and differentiation. The coupling of growth inhibition with augmented synthesis of heparan sulfates observed for the keratinocytes suggests a regulatory role in growth factor signaling in that cell type.  相似文献   

Calcium dynamics in the epidermis play a crucial role in barrier homeostasis and keratinocyte differentiation. We have recently suggested that the electro-physiological responses of the keratinocyte represent the frontier of the skin sensory system for environmental stimuli. In the present study, we have evaluated the responses of proliferating and differentiated human keratinocytes to mechanical stress by measuring the intracellular calcium level. Before differentiation, mechanical stress induces a calcium wave over a limited area; this is completely blocked by apyrase, which degrades ATP. In the case of differentiated keratinocytes, the calcium wave propagates over a larger area. Application of apyrase does not completely inhibit this wave. Thus, in differentiated cells, the induction of calcium waves might involve not only ATP, but also another factor. Immunohistochemical studies indicate that connexins 26 and 43, both components of gap junctions, are expressed in the cell membrane of differentiated keratinocytes. Application of octanol or carbenxolone, which block gap junctions, significantly reduces calcium wave propagation in differentiated keratinocytes. Thus, signaling via gap junctions might be involved in the induction of calcium waves in response to mechanical stress at the upper layer of the epidermis.  相似文献   

The glycoproteins synthesized by human keratinocytes cultured on 3T3 feeder layers were studied by metabolic labelling. Keratinocytes freed of feeder cells synthesized a complex pattern of cellular and extracellular glycoproteins that was distinct from that of 3T3 cells, dermal fibroblasts and epidermal melanocytes. The effect of low concentrations of all-trans-retinoic acid and arotinoid ethyl ester on glycoprotein synthesis was examined in keratinocyte cultures depleted of vitamin A. Treatment with either retinoid resulted in a 2-3-fold increase in the amount of D-[3H]glucosamine-labelled material in the culture medium. Gel electrophoresis revealed increased incorporation of D-[3H]glucosamine into extracellular glycoproteins of Mr 245,000, 170,000, 140,000, 130,000, 120,000 and 105,000 as well as into glycosaminoglycans in retinoid-treated cultures. The labelling of extracellular glycoproteins with L-[3H]leucine and L-[35S]methionine was also increased by retinoids suggesting increased synthesis of these components rather than an effect on their glycosylation. The Mr 245 000 glycoprotein was identified as keratinocyte-derived fibronectin by immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation and specific binding to gelatin. The results show that retinoids increase the synthesis of glycoprotein as well as glycosaminoglycan components of the extracellular matrix in human keratinocyte cultures. It is suggested that retinoids select for a population of cells that synthesize relatively large amounts of glycosaminoglycan, fibronectin and other as yet unidentified extracellular glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Calcium plays a crucial role in regulating the growth and differentiation of cultured keratinocytes. However, the mechanism(s) of this regulation is not clear. Prior studies have shown that intracellular free calcium (Cai) increases with keratinocyte differentiation. In this study, in order to evaluate the role of cytosolic free calcium and organelle-bound calcium in keratinocyte differentiation, we quantitated and localized calcium pools in keratinocytes, utilizing the fluorescence probe indo-1 and ion-capture cytochemistry, respectively. Cai of undifferentiated keratinocytes was 80–120 nM, whereas Cai of differentiated keratinocytes was 200–300 nM depending on the extent of differentiation. The Cai of individual cells in an undifferentiated colony was heterogeneous (60–160 nM) with larger cells displaying higher Cai. Heterogeneity also was observed in the intracellular calcium-containing precipitates in the different layers of stratifying keratinocyte cultures using the cytochemical technique. Calcium precipitates were abundant in the lower cell layers, progressively decreasing apically, with the uppermost layer devoid of precipitates. Calcium-containing precipitates appeared as fine-tocoarse electron-dense granules on the plasma membrane, within the cytosol, mitochondria, nucleus, and vacuolar organelles. Whereas ionomycin in the presence of extracellular calcium increased the amount of intracellular calcium precipitates, EGTA removed calcium precipitates from organelles. Unlike intact epidermis, keratinocytes displayed no extracellular calcium reservoirs. Putative calcium binding sites, visualized by trivalent lanthanum (La) binding, were abundant on cell membranes and desmosomes of basaloid cells, but decreased in the upper cell layers. These studies revealed differences in the distribution of free ionic calcium (as determined by the fluorescence technique) and organelle-bound calcium (as determined by the cytochemical technique). Striking differences were also observed in calcium localization between intact epidermis and cultured epidermal cells. The localization pattern of calcium in cultured keratinocytes may reflect the hyperproliferative state of these cells, as in psoriatic epidermis, and/or the absence of a normal permeability barrier in these submerged cultures. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted using normal and human papillomavirus Type 18 (HPV-18) immortalized human keratinocytes to assess possible alterations in the differentiation process as a consequence of increased intracellular calcium concentration. Normal keratinocytes exposed to increased extracellular calcium or the phorbol ester TPA, exhibited terminal differentiation characteristics. However, late passage HPV-18 immortalized keratinocytes (designated FEP-1811) were resistant to such terminal differentiation signals. Flow cytometric analyses of 1811 cells at various stages of passage in culture revealed progressively higher levels of intracellular calcium in the immortalized cells with passage in culture when compared to normal, primary keratinocytes. Furthermore, 1811 cells isolated from tumors which developed in irradiated nude mice contained the highest level of intracellular calcium of all the cells examined. These results suggest that an increase in the concentration of intracellular calcium is associated with progression of HPV-18 immortalized keratinocytes to tumorigenicity.  相似文献   

Following environmental changes, communities disassemble and reassemble in seemingly unpredictable ways. Whether species respond to such changes individualistically or collectively (e.g. as functional groups) is still unclear. To address this question, we used an extensive new dataset for the lake communities in the Azores' archipelago to test whether: 1) individual species respond concordantly within trophic groups; 2) trophic groups respond concordantly to biogeographic and environmental gradients. Spatial concordance in individual species distributions within trophic groups was always greater than expected by chance. In contrast, trophic groups varied non‐concordantly along biogeographic and environmental gradients revealing idiosyncratic responses to them. Whether communities respond individualistically to environmental gradients thus depends on the functional resolution of the data. Our study challenges the view that modelling environmental change effects on biodiversity always requires an individualist approach. Instead, it finds support for the longstanding idea that communities might be modelled as a cohort if the functional resolution is appropriate.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the different aspects of the pathway leading to the differentiation of keratinocytes as a function of time in culture and calcium concentration of the culture medium. Human neonatal foreskin keratinocytes were grown in a serum-free, defined medium containing 0.07, 1.2, or 2.4 mM calcium and assayed for the rate of growth and protein synthesis, involucrin content, transglutaminase activity, and cornified envelope formation at preconfluent, confluent, and postconfluent stages of growth. We observed that keratinocytes grown to postconfluence in all calcium concentrations showed an increased protein/DNA ratio and an increased rate of membrane-associated protein synthesis. Extracellular calcium concentrations did not have a clear influence on these parameters. However, preconfluent and confluent keratinocytes grown in 0.07 mM calcium showed markedly retarded differentiation at all steps, i.e., involucrin synthesis, transglutaminase activity, and cornified envelope formation. Within 1 week after achieving confluence, these keratinocytes began synthesizing involucrin and transglutaminase and developed the ability to form cornified envelopes. Cells grown in 1.2 and 2.4 mM calcium synthesized involucrin and transglutaminase prior to confluence and were fully competent to form cornified envelopes by confluence. Thus external calcium-regulated keratinocyte differentiation is not an all or none phenomenon, but rather it is the rate at which keratinocytes differentiate that is controlled by calcium. We conclude that either or both higher extracellular calcium concentration and the achievement of cell-cell contacts lead to a coordinate increase of at least two precursors--involucrin content and transglutaminase activity--required for cornified envelope formation. We speculate that a critical level of cytosolic calcium, achieved by increased extracellular calcium or by achievement of intercellular communication established by cell-cell contact, may trigger mechanisms required for initiation of keratinocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Recent evidencesuggests that changes in membrane potential influence the proliferationand differentiation of keratinocytes. To further elucidate the role ofchanges in membrane potential for their biological fate, the electricalbehavior of keratinocytes needs to be studied under complex conditionssuch as multilayered cultures. However, electrophysiological recordingsfrom cells in the various layers of a complex culture would beextremely difficult. Given the high spatial resolution of confocalimaging and the availability of novel voltage-sensitive dyes, wecombined these methods in an attempt to develop a viable alternativefor recording membrane potentials in more complex tissue systems. As afirst step, we used confocal ratiometric imaging of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based voltage-sensitive dyes. We thenvalidated this approach by comparing the optically recorded voltagesignals in HaCaT keratinocytes with the electrophysiological signalsobtained by whole cell recordings of the same preparation. Wedemonstrate 1) that optical recordings allow precisemultisite measurements of voltage changes evoked by the extracellularsignaling molecules ATP and bradykinin and 2) thatresponsiveness to ATP differs in various layers of cultured keratinocytes.


Trivalent cation lanthanum (La) binds to calcium binding sites of cells and either mimics the properties of calcium or inhibits the effects of calcium by displacing calcium from its binding sites. Extracellular calcium induces differentiation of human epidermal keratinocytes in culture, in part by increasing the intracellular calcium levels (Cai). Therefore, in this study we determined the effect of La on differentiation and intracellular calcium levels of keratinocytes. We observed that La inhibited the production of cornified envelopes, a marker for terminal differentiation of keratinocytes. La inhibited the calcium requiring envelope cross-linking enzyme, transglutaminase, in a direct manner, presumably, by displacing calcium from its binding site on the enzyme. La inhibited the influx and the efflux of 45Ca from keratinocytes. Paradoxically, extracellular La appeared to increase the Cai levels of keratinocytes as measured by the fluorescent probe indo-1. However, subsequent experiments revealed that indo-1 bound La with a higher affinity than Ca and emitted fluorescence in the same wavelength as the Ca bound form. Using this probe, we observed that La enters keratinocytes in a dose-dependent fashion and achieves concentrations exceeding 80 nM when the external La concentration is raised to 300 microM. This fully accounted for the apparent increase in Cai when La was added to the cells. Treatment of cells with ionomycin increased indo-1 fluorescence maximally in the presence of La indicating influx of La via this Ca specific ionophore. Our results indicate that La enters cells and inhibits calcium mediated keratinocyte differentiation both by blocking Ca influx and by blocking calcium regulated intracellular processes such as transglutaminase directed cornified envelope formation.  相似文献   

In a low concentration of calcium (0.1 mM), keratinocytes form a monolayer with about 30% of cells synthesizing involucrin. After addition of calcium to the culture medium to a concentration of 1.2 mM, the monolayer stratifies within 24 h, with a preferential migration of involucrin positive keratinocytes. In the present study, we tried to determine if keratinocytes control the decision to migrate at a distinct cell cycle point. A percentage labelled mitosis (PLM) curve was constructed for keratinocytes grown in low calcium medium and values for the length of the cell cycle (47 h), S phase duration (11 h) and G2+M period (6 h), were obtained. Monolayer cultures at 80% confluence were switched to high calcium concentration at various times (from 0 to 48 h), after pulse labelling with [3H]-thymidine. Based on the PLM data, the behaviour of cells known to be in S, G1 and G2 at the time of the migration stimulus were followed. No significant difference in the percentage of labelled suprabasal cells was found for any point of the cell cycle. For cells submitting to stratification, in S phase involucrin staining showed that about 60% of the [3H]-thymidine labelled cells were also involucrin negative. These results indicate that upward migration of keratinocytes in cultured epithelium can be triggered at all points in the cell cycle with equal probability and is not restricted to those cells that already contained involucrin.  相似文献   

In the epidermis, one of the earliest characterized events in keratinocyte differentiation is the coordinate induction of a pair of keratins specifically expressed in suprabasal cells, keratin 1 (K1) and keratin 10 (K10). Both in vivo and in vitro, extracellular calcium is necessary for several biochemical and structural changes during keratinocyte differentiation. However, it has been unclear if calcium serves as a differentiation signal in keratinocytes. In these studies, expression of suprabasal keratin mRNA and protein is used to test whether the initial differentiation of primary mouse keratinocytes in vitro is dependent on changes in the concentration of extracellular calcium. K1 mRNA was expressed at low levels in cultures of keratinocytes growing on plastic in 0.05 mM calcium but in attached cells was not further induced by increases in the concentration of extracellular calcium. Suspension of the keratinocytes into semi-solid medium induced a rapid and substantial increase in both expression of K1 mRNA and in the percentage of cells expressing suprabasal keratin proteins. The induction was unaffected by the concentration of calcium in the semi-solid medium and could not be enhanced by exposing attached cells to higher calcium before suspension. The induction of K1 mRNA could be inhibited by exposure of the keratinocytes to either EGF or fibronectin. These results suggest that commitment of mouse keratinocytes to terminal differentiation is independent of extracellular calcium and may be regulated primarily by extracellular factors other than calcium.  相似文献   

保护区内放牧活动对野生动物保护存在负面影响,明确不同物种对放牧干扰的行为响应对制定更有针对性的保护管理政策具有重要意义。使用红外相机研究卧龙自然保护区放牧活动对多种珍稀野生动物的影响,分析放牧激励政策实施前后大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)及其同域分布的小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)、川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)、水鹿(Rusa unicolor) 4种珍稀野生动物的照片数、空间分布以及活动模式的变化,探讨这4种动物对放牧的行为响应策略。结果表明:(1)一期(2012—2013),2012年10月实施了禁马政策,同年12月实施放牧(牛羊)激励政策)家畜照片数量很少,4种野生动物照片数相对较多。二期(2014—2015)家畜的照片数显著增加(P0.01),小熊猫(P0.05)与川金丝猴(P0.01)的照片数均显著减少,大熊猫、水鹿的照片数也呈减少趋势;到三期(2016—2017),大熊猫、小熊猫及水鹿3种关注野生动物的照片数基本回升到激励政策实施前的水平,无川金丝猴照片记录。(2)一期,4种野生动物在研究区域有较广的分布;二期,大熊猫、小熊猫的空间分布范围均缩小,无川金丝猴空间分布信息,而家畜、水鹿的空间分布范围有所增加;到三期,大熊猫、小熊猫的空间分布基本恢复到放牧激励政策实施前的区域,无川金丝猴的空间分布信息。(3)放牧激励政策实施前后,大熊猫、小熊猫及川金丝猴活动模式无明显变化,但水鹿的活动更加集中于傍晚,以避开人类与家畜的活动高峰。同域分布的不同的野生动物对人类活动(如放牧)的行为响应策略不同,各保护区在制定相关保护政策时应综合考虑人类干扰对多个物种的影响,增加决策的科学性与合理性。  相似文献   

Mycobacterium ulcerans (MU), an environmental pathogen, causes Buruli ulcer, a severe skin disease. We hypothesized that epidermal keratinocytes might not be a simple barrier, but play a role during MU infection through pattern-recognition receptors expressed in keratinocytes. We found that keratinocyte Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2 and 4 and Dectin-1 actively participate in the innate immune response to MU, which includes the internalization of bacteria, the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the expression of chemokines and LL-37. Human keratinocytes constitutively expressed TLRs 2 and 4 and induced Dectin-1 in response to MU. Exposing keratinocytes to MU resulted in rapid ROS production, which in turn contributed to the mRNA and protein expression of LL-37. In addition, TLR2, Dectin-1 and, to an extent, TLR4 are essential for the MU-mediated expression of CXCL8, CCL2 and LL-37 in keratinocytes. Furthermore, confocal analysis showed that the Dectin-1 is necessary for keratinocytes to internalize bacilli. Importantly, blockade of ROS and LL-37 significantly increased the intracellular MU growth in keratinocytes, suggesting an important role of these mediators for cutaneous innate immune responses. Our results demonstrate that TLR2, TLR4 and Dectin-1 actively sense, internalize and respond in an innate way to MU in human epidermal keratinocytes.  相似文献   

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