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云南蝴蝶区系及其区划的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作者通过多年对云南及邻近省区的野外考察采集,共获蝴蝶标本30,000余只,本文就先鉴定出432种(分属11科,188属),分析了云南蝴蝶的区系组成及其起源与演化,并对云南蝴蝶的区划进行了探讨,旨在为研究云南蝴蝶区系特征及其起源与演化的成因做好基础工作。  相似文献   

滇西北昆虫区系特点   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
杨大荣 《动物学研究》1992,13(4):333-341
本文对滇西北昆虫区系特征进行了分析。滇西北昆虫区系具有以下特点:古北区与东洋区种类过渡与交混明显;新发现的种类及特有种和狭布种十分丰富;原始古老的种类多;垂直分布明显。如以江河分水岭为界,尚可分为怒江、澜沧江、金沙江3个小区。滇西北典型的东洋区系成份,一般在海拔3000m以下地区,海拔3000m以上则以古北区系成份为主。  相似文献   

横断山区昆虫区系初探   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
王书永 《昆虫学报》1990,33(1):94-101
1981—1984年,中国科学院青藏高原科学考察队在我国西南部的横断山区进行了大规模的多学科综合考察,收集昆虫标本17万多号.横断山区特殊的自然地理条件孕育着独特的昆虫区系.种类繁庶、成分复杂,特有种,尤其高山特有种相当丰富,物种分化显著,并具有地域上的狭布性,构成本区昆虫区系特征.作者根据古北、东洋、高山特有三种主要成分的分布,试提出古北、东洋两大区系在本区的分异界线.典型东洋区系成分一般限于海拔2,800—3,000m以下地区,约与亚热带常绿阔叶林分布上线一致.  相似文献   

江西省鄱阳湖自然保护区昆虫区系初探   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
据对有较详细分布资料的220种昆虫的分析,鄱阳湖自然保护区昆虫属东洋界范畴,但已接近古北界南缘;昆虫种类形成了古北,东洋两大区系成分交叉重叠现象.亦是两大区系交叉过渡地带。在我国东部地区,与鄱阳湖共有种的分布规律为随着纬度的增高而递减。本文论述了鄱阳湖33种昆虫在我国东半部分布的南北限。  相似文献   

1989年10—11月间作者曾对云南西南部热带地区的澜沧、勐连、西盟、沧源一带进行植物区系成分调查,采得一批标本,部分标本经初步鉴定,发现两个新分类群和我国新记录的两个种,现予报道如下: 1.澜沧木棉 Bombax cambodiense Pierre, F1. For. Cochinch. 3: 174. 1888; Gagnep. in H. Lecte. F1. Gn. Indo-Chine 1: 449. 1911. 云南:澜沧,江边,1400m,乔木20m,少见,1989年10月21日,陶国达等39718(花)。 本种特征为:花着生于具叶的枝上,花萼基部狭窄,雄蕊束基部连合成短筒;小叶下面密被黄褐色或褐色绒毛。这些特征与我国已知的长果木棉Bombax insigne Wall.及木棉B. malabaricm DC.均不相同。柬埔寨及泰国沿湄公河两岸也有。中国云南(澜沧)新记录。  相似文献   

江西武夷出蝶类昆虫区系概貌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了江西武夷山区的蝶类昆虫的种类、分布、数量结构和区系组成,其112种蝶类隶属11个区系或混合系,区系成分以东洋区系为主体,但古北区系成分占有相当的比重。这一结构表明,江西武夷15处于南北种类昆虫交流汇合的重心地段。其位置接近于东洋区系的北缘。  相似文献   

江西九连山自然保护区昆虫区系分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
据对有较详细分布资料的1312种昆虫的分析,该区的昆虫区组成以东洋界成员为主体计817种,占总数的62.27%,说明本区昆虫属于东洋界范畴,按中国动物区划分析表明,华中,华南,西南三区的昆虫亲缘关系最为密切,阐述了182种昆虫在我国东部地区分布的南北限。  相似文献   

青藏高原跳甲亚科昆虫区系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论青藏高原(包括横断山区)的跳甲亚科昆虫区系。该区已知47属228种。1)据属级阶元的分布类型分析,以东洋属和南型属种显占优势,是区系主体,显示该区跳甲区系的热带渊源,其中高山属种赋予该区以高山区系特征;2)该区物种分化活跃,是某些多种属中国种类的分布中心和分化中心;3)联系中国跳甲亚科区系,在地理分布格局上显示西-东分布,如Hespera属的分布和西南-东北分布或西南-东北的间断分布格局,如Pentamesa和Stenoluperus属的分布。这种地理分布格局反映青藏高原的隆起给中国昆虫区系带来重要影响。  相似文献   

云南高黎贡山蚤类的生态区系   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文报道了1985年以来对我甸横断山南端高黎贡山东、西坡蚤类生态区系的调查及研究结果。共发现蚤类5科23属47种(亚种)。文中对该山脉蚤类在不同森林植物带的群落结构、种的多样性及均匀度,各种蚤的栖境幅度、宿主多样性进行了陈述和比较,并对蚤类的区系特征、特有种的区系划分等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

青甘边区黑河流域森林植被带及其昆虫区系的组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑河发源于青海、甘肃交界的祁连山区,是甘肃河西走廊最大的内陆河水系之一,水源丰富,流量稳定,这不仅取决于祁连山区大气降水和冰川融水,更重要的是与上游森林植被密不可分。但是,由于森林害虫猖獗成灾,严重威胁着这一地域森林的生存。近几年我们在森林昆虫普查的基础上,对黑河流域森林昆虫  相似文献   

Wichard W  Ross E  Ross AJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):323-330
Palerasnitsynus ohlhoffigen. et sp. n. is described fromBurmese amber of late Albian (Lower Cretaceous) age. This is the first record of the family Psychomyiidae from Burmese amber, and the earliest fossil record of the family. The genus Palerasnitsynusgen. n. differs from all other known psychomyiid genera by the absence of fork III in the forewings.  相似文献   

云南等翅石蛾科五新种记述(毛翅目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述中国云南毛翅目等翅石蛾科 4属 5新种 ;杨氏梳等翅石蛾 Kisaura yangaeSun & Gui,sp.n.,双突短室等翅石蛾 Dolophilodes didactylus Sun & Yang,sp.n.,喙突闭室等翅石蛾 Doloclanes rhynchophysa Sun & Gui,sp.n.,齿肢闭室等翅石蛾 Doloclanes dentata Gui & Yang,sp. n.及四瓣合脉等翅石蛾 Gunungiella te-trapetala Sun & Gui,sp. n.,其中合脉等翅石蛾属 Gunungiella为中国新记录属。新种模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Adult caddisflies were collected from 12 stations in the Black Sea basin in Kosovo using UV light traps. Sixty-five of the seventy-six species reported in this paper are first records for the Kosovo caddisfly fauna. The unexpected discovery of several species during this investigation: Agapetus delicatulus McLachlan, 1884, Psychomyia klapaleki Malicky, 1995, Tinodes janssensi Jacquemart, 1957, Hydropsyche emarginata Navas, 1923, Drusus botosaneanui Kumanski, 1968, Potamophylax rotundipennis (Brauer, 1857), Potamophylax schmidi Marinković-Gospodnetić, 1970, Ceraclea albimacula (Rambur, 1842), Helicopsyche bacescui Orghidan & Botosaneanu, 1953, Adicella filicornis (Pictet, 1834), Beraea maurus (Curtis, 1834) and Beraeamyia hrabei Mayer, 1937 illustrates that collections from poorly investigated areas in Europe will almost certainly revise the existing knowledge on the distribution of these and other species.  相似文献   

The acute thermal tolerances of four southeastern stream insect species, Ephemerella invaria (Walker), Stenonema ithaca (Clemens and Leonard), Symphitopsyche morosa (Hagun), and Brachycentrus lateralis (Say) were determined using an artificial stream enclosure. All species were acclimated at 10°C for 72 hours prior to instantaneous immersion into heated water for 96 hours. Percent mortality was recorded and the temperature at which 50% mortality occurred determined (LT5o). Data were subjected to standard statistical analysis.Thermal tolerance values were compared between species tested and to results from previous investigations using similar methodologies. The evolution and life histories of these species were also discussed in relation to their thermal tolerance values.  相似文献   

1. In a region of south‐eastern England, we investigated the hierarchical genetic structure of populations of two stream‐dwelling caddisflies (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) with contrasting distributions: Plectrocnemia conspersa inhabits numerous small, patchily distributed seeps and streams, while the confamilial Polycentropus flavomaculatus is found in fewer but larger streams and rivers. We also contrasted the genetic structure of P. conspersa in the lowland south‐east with that in an upland region in the north west. 2. Microsatellite genotypes were obtained from samples of both species taken from a ‘core area’ and at sites 15, 40 and 100 km from this core (two regions for P. conspersa, totalling 45 sites and 1405 larvae; one region for P. flavomaculatus, totalling 10 sites and 269 larvae). 3. The genetic structure of P. conspersa differed in the two regions. In the upland north‐west, significant genetic differentiation was observed at a spatial scale of around 40 km from the core, while there was no structure in the lowland south‐east up to around 100 km. Areas of high altitude did not appear directly to reduce gene flow, whereas other potential landscape barriers, including particular geological formations, large urban areas and the sea had a pronounced effect. 4. Weak genetic differentiation in P. conspersa across large distances, particularly in the lowland south‐east, suggests that it disperses strongly, facilitating gene flow within and between catchments. Conversely, for P. flavomaculatus we found strong genetic differentiation between almost all sites, suggesting that dispersal is much more limited. 5. Greater dispersal in the patchily distributed P. conspersa than in P. flavomaculatus, which occupies larger and presumably more persistent habitats, could be a general feature of other similarly distributed aquatic insects. While higher relief is potentially a partial barrier to dispersal, P. conspersamust have effective gene flow through such apparently inhospitable terrain, perhaps attributable to dispersal between neighbouring small and ephemeral populations. Indeed, its exploitation of headwaters and seeps requires the ability to disperse between such sites. Apparently it cannot, however, overcome more continuous barriers, consisting of large tracts of landscape with few habitable larval sites. Such landscapes, including those created by humans, may have a stronger effect on population connectivity and colonization in the longer term.  相似文献   

Trichoptera are relevant members of the freshwater benthos that can exploit a broad variety of habitats. We explored their distribution patterns in Austral South America using a network quantitative approach applied on point occurrence data. The primary goal was to recognize groups of species connected by strong links of sympatry and secondarily to evaluate the structure of the sympatry network (patterns of connectivity) at higher taxonomic levels. We compiled 2,522 geographic points associated with 446 species. The strength of sympatry links were inferred directly from dot maps. Using the taxonomic resolution of species, we identified two major groups of co-occurring species that mimic in a geographic context the classic zoogeographic division of the study area: the Andean–Patagonian complex (of “cold-adapted” organisms) versus the Extra-Andean domain (of “warm-adapted” organisms) spanning the subtropical belt of the region. Within these major divisions, groups of highly co-distributed species were also found which in turn show a variety of overlapping spatial configurations. Overlap was centred at the following pivoting areas: Yungas of NW Argentina, Paranaense forest of NE Argentina and Valdivian temperate forest of Patagonia. Three very interesting findings emerged from the analyses: (i) Sierras Centrales of Córdoba correspond to the southern portion of many subtropical elements occurring in NW Argentina, (ii) some elements fit the disjunction between NW and NE Argentina and (iii) Uruguay is more closely related to NE Argentina than to Buenos Aires, suggesting that the Pampas region (Uruguay + Buenos Aires) could be an ill-defined biogeographic entity. Patterns at the species level become progressively blurred in going upward through the hierarchical classification.  相似文献   

  • 1 A parasitoid habit is confirmed in larvae of an Australian micro-caddisfly, Orthotrichia muscari Wells, being the first known incidence of this habit in the order Trichoptera.
  • 2 Larvae of O.muscari are non-specific parasites of pupae of other caddisfly species.
  • 3 O.muscari is in an Australian/New Guinean/SE Asian species group in Orthotrichia, all members of which probably share the habit. Their larvae and pupae have atypical features that are interpreted as adaptations to their uncharacteristic niche.

1. Flight activity of Trichoptera, Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera was studied by sticky trapping for 12 months at five sites along a New Zealand mountain stream. Over 19 000 insects were captured by the traps, which were located in forest and grassland reaches, including a reach with intermittent flow.
2. Most species occurred predominantly in forest or grassland, although some were trapped throughout the stream. Longitudinal distributions of adults and their larvae were strongly correlated.
3. Flight periods of 24 caddisflies, three mayflies and four stoneflies ranged from 2 to 12 months. Six species were trapped in all months and 17 (55%) in more than 5 months.
4. The most abundant forest-dwelling caddisfly species were over-represented on the downstream sides of sticky traps located in, and immediately below, forest indicating a majority was flying upstream. Upstream flight compensates for downstream drift of larvae and should maximize the likelihood that forest-dwelling species will locate preferred habitat for egg, larval and/or adult development. Unlike the caddisflies, the stonefly Spaniocerca zelandica was over-represented on the upstream sides of traps, suggesting that some adults may float or fly downstream following emergence.
5. In contrast to forest-dwelling species, only one common caddisfly ( Oxyethira albiceps ) was over-represented on the downstream sides of traps at grassland sites. Unlike the forest-dwelling species, most species taken at the downstream sites probably came from a variety of sources, including a nearby stream.  相似文献   

Ecological studies are increasingly considering phylogenetic relationships among species. The phylogeny is used as a proxy or filter to improve statistical tests and retain evolutionary elements, such as niche conservation. We used the phylogenetic topology to improve the model for occurrence of Trichoptera genera in Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna) streams. We tested whether parameters generated by logistic models of occurrence, using phylogenetic signals, are better than models generated without phylogenetic information. We used a model with Bayesian updating to examine the influence of stream water pH and phylogenetic relationship among genera on the occurrence of Trichoptera genera. Then, we compared this model with the logistic model for each Trichoptera genus. The probability of occurrence of most genera increased with water pH, and the phylogeny‐based explicit logistic model improved the parameters estimated for observed genera. The inferred relationship between genera occurrence and stream pH improved, indicating that phylogeny adds relevant information when estimating ecological responses of organisms. Water with elevated acidity (low pH values) may be restrictive for the occurrence of Trichoptera larvae, especially if the regional streams exhibit neutral to alkaline water, as is observed in the Cerrado region. Using phylogeny‐based modeling to predict species occurrence is a prominent opportunity to extend our current statistical framework based on environmental conditions, as it enables a more precise estimation of ecological parameters.  相似文献   

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