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Raab S  Toth Z  de Groot C  Stamminger T  Hoth S 《Planta》2006,224(4):900-914
The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) regulates essential growth and developmental processes in plants. Recently, RNA-binding proteins have been described as components of ABA signaling during germination. We have identified ten ABA-regulated RNA-binding proteins in Arabidopsis seedlings. Among those genes, AtCSP41B and cpRNP29 are highly expressed in seedlings. Using promoter:reporter gene analyses, we showed that both AtCSP41B and cpRNP29 were in particular expressed in photosynthetically active organs like green cotyledons, leaves, and petioles. The analysis of CFP-fusion proteins demonstrates that cpRNP29 localized to chloroplasts and AtCSP41B to chloroplasts and stromules. Whereas RNA-binding of cpRNP29 has previously been shown, we demonstrated through in vitro RNA-binding assays that recombinant AtCSP41B binds to RNA, and that chloroplast petD RNA can serve as a target of AtCSP41B. Developmental or environmental stimuli affected the expression of AtCSP41B and cpRNP29 in seedlings. Both genes were repressed during senescence, but only AtCSP41B was significantly repressed upon water stress. In addition, AtCSP41B and cpRNP29 exhibited low expression in etiolated seedlings compared to green seedlings, and cpRNP29 was regulated during the day photoperiod. Homozygous T-DNA insertion lines were isolated, characterized on the molecular level, and monitored for phenotypic changes. Taken together, the data show that both proteins are regulated during processes that are known to involve ABA signaling. Their localization in chloroplasts and RNA-binding activity suggest a role in chloroplast RNA metabolism in Arabidopsis seedlings.  相似文献   

Genetic and molecular studies have shown that the Arabidopsis ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3) protein plays a prominent role in the control of seed maturation. The ABI3 protein and its orthologues from various other plant species share four domains of high sequence identity, including three basic domains designated as B1, B2 and B3. The leaky abi3-1 mutation is a single amino acid substitution within the B3 domain. A new abi3 allele, abi3-7, was generated by mutagenizing abi3-1 seeds. The abi3-7 line contains, in addition to the abi3-1 mutation, a point mutation that converts residue Ala-458 into Thr within the B2 domain of the ABI3 protein. This Ala residue is absolutely conserved in all known ABI3 orthologues. Abi3-7 seeds display reductions in dormancy and in sensitivity to abscisic acid which are intermediate between those of the leaky abi3-1 and of the severe abi3-4 and abi3-5 mutants. Accumulation and distribution of At2S1 and At2S2 albumin mRNA as well as of AtEm1 and AtEm6 late embryogenesis-abundant proteins and mRNA have been analyzed. Both At2S1 and At2S2 mRNA are reduced in abi3-7, but distribution of At2S2 is spatially restricted. Accumulation of AtEm6 protein is more sensitive to abi3-7 mutation than AtEm1. However both mRNAs are considerably reduced in this mutant. Their distribution is also differentially affected. These results provide genetic evidence for the importance of the conserved B2 domain for ABI3 function in vivo.  相似文献   

Many abiotic stress-inducible genes contain two cis-acting elements, namely a dehydration-responsive element (DRE; TACCGACAT) and an ABA-responsive element (ABRE; ACGTGG/TC), in their promoter regions. We precisely analyzed the 120 bp promoter region (-174 to -55) of the Arabidopsis rd29A gene whose expression is induced by dehydration, high-salinity, low-temperature, and abscisic acid (ABA) treatments and whose 120 bp promoter region contains the DRE, DRE/CRT-core motif (A/GCCGAC), and ABRE sequences. Deletion and base substitution analyses of this region showed that the DRE-core motif functions as DRE and that the DRE/DRE-core motif could be a coupling element of ABRE. Gel mobility shift assays revealed that DRE-binding proteins (DREB1s/CBFs and DREB2s) bind to both DRE and the DRE-core motif and that ABRE-binding proteins (AREBs/ABFs) bind to ABRE in the 120 bp promoter region. In addition, transactivation experiments using Arabidopsis leaf protoplasts showed that DREBs and AREBs cumulatively transactivate the expression of a GUS reporter gene fused to the 120 bp promoter region of rd29A. These results indicate that DRE and ABRE are interdependent in the ABA-responsive expression of the rd29A gene in response to ABA in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Plants are continually exposed to external and internal DNA-damaging agents. Although lesions can be removed by different repair processes, damages often remain in the DNA during replication. Synthesis of template damages requires the replacement of replicative enzymes by translesion synthesis polymerases, which are able to perform DNA synthesis opposite specific lesions. These proteins, in contrast to replicative polymerases, operate at low processivity and fidelity. DNA polymerase η and Rev 1 are two proteins found in eukaryotes that are involved in translesion DNA synthesis. In Arabidopsis, DNA polymerase η and Rev 1 are encoded by AtPOLH and AtREV1 genes, respectively. Transgenic plants over-expressing AtPOLH showed increased resistance to ultraviolet light. Only plants with moderate AtREV1 over-expression were obtained, indicating that this enzyme could be toxic at high levels. Transgenic plants that over-expressed or disrupted AtREV1 showed reduced germination percentage, but the former exhibited a higher stem growth rate than the wild type during development.  相似文献   

We have examined the cold-induced enhancement of freezing tolerance and expression of cold-regulated (cor) genes in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh (Landsberg erecta) and abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient (aba) and ABA-insensitive (abi) mutants derived from it. The results indicate that the abi mutations had no apparent effect on freezing tolerance, while the aba mutations did: cold-acclimated aba mutants were markedly impaired in freezing tolerance compared to wild-type plants. In addition, it was observed that non-frozen leaves from both control and cold-treated aba mutant plants were more ion-leaky than those from corresponding wild-type plants. These data are consistent with previous observations indicating that ABA levels can affect freezing tolerance. Whether ABA has a direct role in the enhancement of freezing tolerance that occurs during cold acclimation, however, is uncertain. Several studies have suggested that ABA might mediate certain changes in gene expression that occur during cold acclimation. Our data indicate that the ABA-induced expression of three ABA-regulated Arabidopsis cor genes was unaffected in the abi2, abi3, and aba-1 mutants, but was dramatically impaired in the abi1 mutant. Cold-regulated expression of all three cor genes, however, was nearly the same in wild-type and abi1 mutant plants. These data suggest that the cold-regulated and ABA-regulated expression of the three cor genes may be mediated through independent control mechanisms.  相似文献   

We report the isolation of the second member, kin2, of a family of two cold-inducible genes of Arabidopsis thaliana. The proteins corresponding to the two genes have similarities to the small antifreeze proteins from Winter flounder. Kin1 and kin2 are organized in a close tandem array in the genome of a. thaliana. Both have three exons separated by introns with approximately the same length and location. The coding regions are highly conserved while the introns and especially the 3 flanking sequences of the mRNAs have diverged. The kin1 and kin2 genes are coordinately regulated in the cold. Unlike kin1, the kin2 mRNA has a detectable basal level, and accumulates to a higher level during acclimation. Both mRNAs are induced by 10 M ABA but only kin2 responds strongly to drought and salinity stresses.  相似文献   

In plants, a cis-acting element, DRE/CRT, is involved in ABA-independent gene expression in response to dehydration and low-temperature stress. To understand signal transduction pathways from perception of the dehydration stress signal to gene expression, we characterized a gene family for DRE/CRT-binding proteins DREB2A and DREB2B in Arabidopsis thaliana. Northern analysis showed that both genes are induced by dehydration and high-salt stress. Organ-specific northern analysis with gene-specific probes showed that these genes are strongly induced in roots by high-salt stress and in stems and roots by dehydration stress. The DREB2A gene is located on chromosome 5, and DREB2B on chromosome 3. We screened an Arabidopsis genomic DNA library with cDNA fragments of DREB2A and DREB2B as probes, and isolated DNA fragments that contained 5-flanking regions of these genes. Sequence analysis showed that both genes are interrupted by a single intron at identical positions in their leader sequence. Several conserved sequences were found in the promoter regions of both genes. The -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene driven by the DREB2 promoters was induced by dehydration and high-salt stress in transgenic Arabidopsis plants.  相似文献   

Stress-induced accumulation of five (COR47, LTI29, ERD14, LTI30 and RAB18) and tissue localization of four (LTI29, ERD14, LTI30 and RAB18) dehydrins in Arabidopsis were characterized immunologically with protein-specific antibodies. The five dehydrins exhibited clear differences in their accumulation patterns in response to low temperature, ABA and salinity. ERD14 accumulated in unstressed plants, although the protein level was up-regulated by ABA, salinity and low temperature. LTI29 mainly accumulated in response to low temperature, but was also found in ABA- and salt-treated plants. LTI30 and COR47 accumulated primarily in response to low temperature, whereas RAB18 was only found in ABA-treated plants and was the only dehydrin in this study that accumulated in dry seeds.Immunohistochemical localization of LTI29, ERD14 and RAB18 demonstrated tissue and cell type specificity in unstressed plants. ERD14 was present in the vascular tissue and bordering parenchymal cells, LTI29 and ERD14 accumulated in the root tip, and RAB18 was localized to stomatal guard cells. LTI30 was not detected in unstressed plants. The localization of LTI29, ERD14 and RAB18 in stress-treated plants was not restricted to certain tissues or cell types. Instead these proteins accumulated in most cells, although cells within and surrounding the vascular tissue showed more intense staining. LTI30 accumulated primarily in vascular tissue and anthers of cold-treated plants.This study supports a physiological function for dehydrins in certain plant cells during optimal growth conditions and in most cell types during ABA or cold treatment. The differences in stress specificity and spatial distribution of dehydrins in Arabidopsis suggest a functional specialization for the members of this protein family.  相似文献   

Jones SE  Demeo JS  Davies NW  Noonan SE  Ross JJ 《Planta》2005,222(3):530-534
The pin1-1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana has been pivotal for studies on auxin transport and on the role of auxin in plant development. It was reported previously that when whole shoots were analysed, levels of the major auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were dramatically reduced in the mutant, compared with the WT (Okada et al. 1991). The cloning of PIN1, however, provided evidence that this gene encodes a facilitator of auxin efflux, raising the question of how the pin1-1 mutation might reduce overall IAA levels as well as IAA transport. We therefore re-examined IAA levels in individual parts of pin1-1 and WT plants, focusing on inflorescence stems. Our data show that there is in fact no systemic IAA deficiency in the mutant. The previously reported difference between mutant and WT may have been due to the inclusion of reproductive structures in the WT harvest: we show here that the inflorescence itself contains high levels of IAA. We reconcile the normal IAA levels of pin1-1 inflorescence stems with their (previously-reported) reduced ability to transport IAA by presenting evidence that the auxin in mutant stems is not imported from their apical portion. Our data also indicate that levels of another auxin, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), are very low in stems of the genotypes used in this study.  相似文献   

In this study we describe a novel gene, which was isolated in an attempt to search for specific plant resistance genes of Arabidopsis against isolates of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. The gene was cloned by differential screening of a genomic library of the Xcc 750-resistant ecotype Col-0, using cDNA populations derived from ecotype Col-0 and the Xcc 750-susceptible ecotype Oy-0. The isolated gene, CXc750, is differentially expressed in ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. In addition, although highly expressed in uninfected plants, gene expression increases in response to pathogen attack. CXc750 potentially codes for a small, basic protein of about 10 kDa. The predicted protein product contains a potential signal leader peptide at the amino-terminal end but no ER retention sequence and no further transmembrane domain. This indicates that the gene product is transported to other compartments or out of the cell.The possible function of CXc750 as a member of the plant defense response system is discussed.  相似文献   

We have isolated two Rare Cold-Inducible (RCI1 and RCI2) cDNAs by screening a cDNA library prepared from cold-acclimated etiolated seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana with a subtracted probe. RNA-blot hybridizations revealed that the expression of both RCI1 and RCI2 genes is induced by low temperature independently of the plant organ or the developmental stage considered. However, RCI1 mRNA accumulates faster and at higher levels than the RCI2 one indicating that these genes have differential responsiveness to cold stress. Additionally, when plants are returned to room temperature, RCI1 mRNA decreases faster than RCI2. In contrast to most of the cold-inducible plant genes characterized, the expression of RCI1 and RCI2 is not induced by ABA or water stress. The nucleotide sequences of RCI1 and RCI2 cDNAs predict two acidic polypeptides of 255 and 251 amino acids with molecular weights of 29 and 28 kDa respectively. The alignment of these polypeptides indicates that they have 181 identical amino acids suggesting that the corresponding genes have a common origin. Sequence comparisons reveal no similarities between the RCI proteins and any other cold-regulated plant protein so far described. Instead, they demonstrate that the RCI proteins are highly homologous to a family of proteins, known as 14-3-3 proteins, which are thought to be involved in the regulation of multifunctional protein kinases.  相似文献   

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