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Topsoil is a valuable resource for revegetation of mine sites as it contains seeds of plant species indigenous to the local environment. As mine site restoration is undertaken after the completion of mining, it is a common practice to stockpile topsoil in preparation for restoration activities. While many studies have found a decrease in seedling emergence with increasing stockpile age in temperate regions around the world, a few examine the effect of stockpile age on topsoil seed bank and seedling recruitment in arid environments. Seed longevity is promoted under dry conditions whereas viability loss is increased under warm and moist conditions. Here in a study in Australia's Great Sandy Desert, the effect of topsoil storage age and method of storing topsoil (under‐cover and exposed) on seedling recruitment was examined for a major gold mining site. There was a trend for lower seedling emergence (68% lower) and species richness (30% lower) from topsoil stored for 2 years than from topsoil direct returned and topsoil stored for 1 year. Seedling emergence from topsoil stockpiled for 2 years was more than 3.5‐fold higher from covered topsoil stockpiles than uncovered topsoil stockpiles. For two ecologically dominant species, after 2 years of storage, seedling emergence of the grass Triodia basedowii was 13% of direct returned topsoil and seedling emergence of the shrub Acacia stellaticeps was 68% of direct returned topsoil. The implication of the decline in seedling emergence from topsoil stockpiling on mine site revegetation in a biodiverse arid region is discussed.  相似文献   

Smoke, canopy‐derived mulch, and broadcast seeds were used to maximize the establishment of Banksia woodland species in sand quarries in Western Australia. Smoke, particularly aerosol smoke, had a positive effect on total seedling recruitment. Pre‐mined (woodland) sites showed a 42‐fold increase in total germinants and a 3‐fold increase in the number of species with aerosol smoke application. Post‐mined (restored) sites showed only a 3.6‐fold increase in total germinants and a 1.4‐fold increase in the number of species. Two water‐based smoke chemicals, DC10 (pH 4.5) and SC63 (pH 2.5), increased seedling recruitment at both sites but were not as effective in stimulating recruitment as aerosol smoke. Neither of the chemicals were effective in significantly increasing species richness. Application of aerosol smoke directly to seeds as a pretreatment before broadcasting had no effect on seedling recruitment. Broadcasting of seeds onto restoration sites significantly increased seedling abundance and richness. Application of a single layer of mulch from the canopy vegetation after seed broadcasting gave optimum seedling recruitment. Two layers of mulch significantly reduced recruitment, as did applying mulch before seed broadcasting. For broad‐scale restoration, the application of smoke on newly restored sites would be more effectively achieved using smoke water sprayed over the soil surface. Species that do not recruit from replaced topsoil could be effectively recovered from broadcast seed rather than from mulch.  相似文献   

An analysis of the effects of topsoil handling and storage methods was undertaken to optimize the potential rehabilitation of southwest Western Australian Banksia woodland species present before site disturbance. An increase in the depth of topsoil stripped from the Banksia woodland, from 10 to 30 cm, correlated to decreasing seedling recruitment from the soil seedbank by a factor of three following in situ respreading in an area to be restored. There was no significant difference in total seedling recruitment in situ at two depths of spread, 10 cm and 30 cm. These results concur with an ex situ trial on the effects of depth of seed burial on seedling recruitment that showed most species failed to emerge from depths greater than 2 cm. In situ stockpiling of the woodland topsoil for 1 or 3 years demonstrated a substantial and significant decline in seedling recruitment to 54% and 34% of the recruitment achieved in fresh topsoil, respectively. Stripping and spreading during winter substantially depressed seedling recruitment, compared with autumn operations, as did in situ stockpiling followed by spreading in the wet season, or stockpiling in winter followed by spreading in spring. No loss in total seedling recruitment occurred when replaced topsoil and subsoil were ripped to 80 cm following spreading of topsoil in sites to be restored. Conclusions from this study are that (1) topsoil provides a useful source of seeds for rehabilitation of Banksia woodland communities in the southwest of Western Australia, (2) correct handling of the topsoil, stripped and replaced fresh and dry (autumn direct return) to the maximum depths of 10 cm, can be used to optimize revegetation of species‐rich plant communities with this type of seedbank, and (3) ripping of topsoil and subsoil to ease compaction of newly restored soils does not diminish the recruitment potential of the soil seedbank in the replaced topsoil.  相似文献   

Availability of seeds and provision of “safe sites” for seedling recruitment are essential for successful restoration of seminatural grassland communities. Inability to provide species‐specific conditions for seedling recruitment appears to be a major factor limiting establishment of fen‐meadow species on restoration sites. This contention was tested in the field for both germination and establishment conditions for a selection of fen‐meadow species. A Cirsio‐Molinietum fen meadow and an agriculturally semi‐improved species‐poor grass dominated rush pasture were used. Seeds of Carex ovalis, Cirsium dissectum, Molinia caerulea, Succisa pratensis, and Holcus lanatus were sown onto treatments comprising either irrigation or no irrigation, presence or absence of existing vegetation canopy, and presence or absence of soil disturbance. Germination of all except H. lanatus was higher in the fen meadow than in the rush pasture. The fen‐meadow site was less susceptible to drought, provided more light to the seed environment, and showed a stronger day–night variation in relative humidity compared with the rush pasture. All the fen‐meadow species responded strongly to the experimental treatments, whereas H. lanatus showed only a small response. Soil disturbance was the major factor that increased germination. Removal of the vegetation canopy improved germination only in S. pratensis. Conditions affecting survival of seedlings were different from those affecting seed germination. Seedling survival was greater on the fen‐meadow site than on the rush pasture. Canopy presence was the major factor that reduced seedling survival. Few seedlings survived in the presence of the rush pasture canopy. Irrigation and soil disturbance were of minor importance for seedling survival on both sites. Safe sites for seed germination and seedling establishment of fen‐meadow species existed on the fen meadow even without soil disturbance and gap creation. Safe sites for seedling recruitment were not present in the rush pasture. The need for species‐specific definition of safe site characteristics at the two stages of seedling recruitment (i.e., for seed germination and for seedling survival) was demonstrated. The implications of these findings for restoration of seminatural grasslands are discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of seedling recruitment may have persistent effects on population and community processes. Assuming seed availability is not limiting, the environmental sieve (i.e., the suite of factors influencing seed germination and seedling emergence and survival) determines how many seedlings establish and, most importantly, where they do so. In this study, we identify the spatial structure of some resources and abiotic conditions known to be significant for tree seedling emergence and survival and determine how these environmental factors influence the establishment of Fagus grandifolia, Acer saccharum, Fraxinus americana, and Ostrya virginiana in a deciduous forest of southern Québec (Canada). We expect an increase from Fagus, through Acer and Fraxinus, to Ostrya in the control of environmental variables on seedling emergence and survival, because of differences in the seed size of these species. Density of newly-emerged seedlings of all four species showed positive spatial autocorrelation at distances of up to ca. 10 m. Environmental variables were also structured at the same spatial scale, except for soil moisture. Acer seedling emergence pattern was positively correlated to photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), and the pattern of Fraxinus to soil N and moisture. Seedling survival was not spatially autocorrelated for any of the four species, although it was positively density-dependent in Acer and Fagus. In only Ostrya was seedling survival correlated (positively) to one of the environmental variables studied, i.e., PPFD. Overall, environmental variables were spatially less heterogeneous than seedling emergence and survival. Either seed availability was not saturating or factors not considered here, such as competition and predation (the intensity of which often varies with resources and/or abiotic conditions), modified the influence that the physical environment had on patterns of seedling establishment. Our prediction of a greater environmental control on seedling emergence and survival in small-seed species was not totally confirmed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: What is the relative importance of fire‐induced canopy mortality, soil burning and post‐fire herbivory on tree seedling performance? Location: Subalpine Nothofagus pumilio forests at Challhuaco valley (41°13'S, 71°19'W), Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina. Methods: We fenced and transplanted soils of three burning severities along a fire severity gradient produced by a fire in 1996. Over two growing seasons we monitored soil water, direct incoming solar radiation, seedling survival, final seedling total biomass and root/shoot ratio. Additionally, we assessed severity‐related changes in soil properties. Results: Incoming radiation (an indicator of the amount of canopy cover left by the fire) was the primary factor influencing spring and summer top soil water availability, first and second‐year seedling survival and seedling growth. While seedling survival and soil water content were negatively affected by increased radiation, seedling final biomass was highest in very open microsites. Burned soils showed lower water holding capacity and soil carbon; however these changes did not affect topsoil water, and, contrary to expectation, there was a slight tendency toward higher seedling survival on more heavily burned soils. Herbivory significantly reduced seedling survival, but only under high‐radiation conditions. While the effect of radiation on final seedling biomass was not affected by herbivory, R/S ratios were significantly reduced by herbivory in high radiation micro sites. Conclusions: Despite inducing faster aerial growth, increased radiation and herbivory in severely burned sites may effectively prevent post‐fire regeneration in north Patagonian subalpine forest where seed sources are not limiting.  相似文献   

Weed invasion is a major threat to Australian tropical savannas, and controlling weeds is essential for successful re‐establishment of native species on disturbed sites. Gamba Grass (Andropogon gayanus) is an African grass which has invaded large areas of tropical savanna across northern Australia. Current management strategies in northern Australia focus on fire and glyphosate to effectively control mature plants; however, re‐establishment of infestations from the soil seed bank remains a major challenge to eradication efforts. This study focused on the effects of soil seed bank treatments on Gamba Grass recruitment on a mine site in northern Australia. Adult Gamba Grass plants within test plots were killed with glyphosate to exclude resource competition. Chemical, physical and biological treatments were then applied, and the treatment effects on subsequent Gamba Grass seedling emergence and survival quantified. Seedling emergence was significantly reduced by three of the four residual herbicide treatments tested. The most effective herbicide treatments, dalapon and sulfometuron, reduced emergence by 90% compared to the standard glyphosate treatment alone. This equated to a reduction in Gamba Grass seedling emergence from 1 seedling/m2 to 1 seedling 10 m?2, a major improvement for Gamba Grass management. These residual herbicide treatments significantly reduced the population density of Gamba Grass for at least 5 months after emergence. The physical and biological treatments did not have a significant effect on seedling emergence. This significant reduction in Gamba Grass seedling emergence and survival can substantially improve Gamba Grass management. Reducing re‐colonisation from the soil seed bank using residual herbicides provides a valuable management tool for land managers, integrating readily with established strategies for controlling the mature plants.  相似文献   

Winter is becoming warmer and shorter across the northern hemisphere, and reductions in snow depth can decrease tree seedling survival by exposing seedlings to harmful microclimates. Similarly, herbivory by small mammals can also limit the survival and distribution of woody plants, but it is unclear whether winter climate change will alter small‐mammal herbivory. Although small‐scale experiments show that snow removal can either increase or decrease both soil temperatures and herbivory, we currently lack snow‐removal experiments replicated across large spatial scales that are needed to understand the effect of reduced snow. To examine how winter herbivory and snow conditions influence seedling dynamics, we transplanted Acer saccharum and Tsuga canadensis seedlings across a 180 km latitudinal gradient in northern Wisconsin, where snow depth varied seven‐fold among sites. Seedlings were transplanted into one of two herbivory treatments (small‐mammal exclosure, small‐mammal access) and one of two late‐winter snow removal treatments (snow removed, snow unmanipulated). Snow removal increased soil freeze‐thaw frequency and cumulative growing degree‐days (GDD), but the magnitude of these effects depended on forest canopy composition. Acer saccharum survival decreased where snow was removed, but only at sites without conifers. Excluding small mammals increased A. saccharum survival at sites where the small‐mammal herbivore Myodes gapperi was present. Excluding small mammals also increased T. canadensis survival in plots with < 5 cm snow. Because variation in canopy composition and M. gapperi presence were important predictors of seedling survival across the snow‐depth gradient, these results reveal complexity in the ability to accurately predict patterns of winter seedling survival over large spatial scales. Global change scenarios that project future patterns of seedling recruitment may benefit from explicitly considering interactions between snow conditions and small‐mammal winter herbivory.  相似文献   

Seedling emergence is a major constraint on dryland revegetation success. In this study, we investigated seedling emergence of six framework shrub species as influenced by seed treatment, soil type and protective shelters using a large field trial in arid Western Australia. We observed the main effects of seed treatment and soil type to account for the majority of the variation in emergence. For species that exhibit pronounced dormancy, we found emergence of dormancy‐alleviated or treated (T) seed to be significantly greater than dormant or untreated (UT) seed, with responses varying across species (e.g. 41 times greater for Acacia ligulata Benth., and 10 times greater for Stylobasium spathulatum Desf.). For shallowly or nondormant species like Senna glutinosa (DC) Randall, UT seed emergence was slightly greater than for T seed. Compared to subsoil, topsoil was more receptive to infiltration (3.44 vs. 0.38 mm/min), and less prone to compaction (1.24 vs. 1.67 g/cm3) and crusting (0.6 vs. 1.3 kg/cm2); however, subsoil had greater moisture retention. Shelters failed to benefit soil moisture retention in either soil type, but enhanced emergence for most species. This study provides insight into how various cost‐effective treatments can be utilized to manipulate seed dormancy to optimize seedling emergence, the intrinsic value of topsoil as a superior growth medium and the benefit of novel, low‐cost shelters for enhancing seedling emergence. In arid environments, sowing T seed in combination with UT seed increases the likelihood of capitalizing on inherently variable precipitation events.  相似文献   

This study represents part of a broader investigation into novel seed broadcasting methodologies as a means to optimize rehabilitation techniques following sand mining. Specifically, the study investigated the use of polymer seed coatings, time of sowing application, and in situ raking of the topsoil to optimize seedling recruitment to site. For polymer seed coatings, an ex situ trial was undertaken to evaluate seed coating effects on seedling emergence. Results demonstrated that seed coatings did not significantly inhibit maximum emergence percentage of 10 Banksia woodland species (out of 11 evaluated), but coated seeds from four species were on average 2–6 days slower to emerge than noncoated seeds. Seed coatings were found to have a greater effect in situ, with more coated seeds emerging than noncoated seeds. Topsoil raking (following seed sowing) and time of sowing were found to have the greatest impact on seedling emergence, with higher emergence following topsoil raking (5‐ to 90‐fold increase) and sowing in May (late autumn) (1.4‐ to 12‐fold increase) rather than in July (mid‐winter). The implications for mining rehabilitation are discussed, and areas for further research are considered.  相似文献   

Animals that forage for food or dig burrows by biopedturbation can alter the biotic and abiotic characteristics of their habitat. The digging activities of such ecosystem engineers, although small at a local scale, may be important for broader scale landscape processes by influencing soil and litter properties, trapping organic matter and seeds, and subsequently altering seedling recruitment. We examined environmental characteristics (soil moisture content, hydrophobicity and litter composition) of foraging pits created by the southern brown bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus; Peramelidae), a digging Australian marsupial, over a 6‐month period. Fresh diggings typically contained a higher moisture content and lower hydrophobicity than undisturbed soil. A month later, foraging pits contained greater amounts of fine litter and lower amounts of coarse litter than adjacent undug surfaces, indicating that foraging pits may provide a conducive microhabitat for litter decomposition, potentially reducing litter loads and enhancing nutrient decomposition. We tested whether diggings might affect seedling recruitment (seed removal by seed harvesters and seed germination rates) by artificially mimicking diggings. Although there were no differences in the removal of seeds, seedling recruitment for three native plant species (Acacia saligna, Kennedia prostrata and Eucalyptus gomphocephala) was higher in plots containing artificial diggings compared with undug sites. The digging actions of bandicoots influenced soil moisture and hydrophobicity, the size distribution of litter and seedling recruitment at a local scale. The majority of Australian digging mammals are threatened, with many suffering substantial population and range contraction. However, their persistence in landscapes plays an important role in maintaining the health and function of ecosystems.  相似文献   

Reforestation projects in semiarid lands often yield poor results. Water scarcity, poor soil fertility, and structure strongly limit the survival and growth of planted seedlings in these areas. At two experimental semiarid sites, we evaluated a variety of low‐cost planting techniques in order to increase water availability to plants. Treatments included various combinations of traditional planting holes; water‐harvesting microcatchments; stone or plastic mulches; small waterproof sheets to increase water harvesting; dry wells; buried clay pots; and deep irrigation. Some of these treatments were also combined with addition of composted biosolids. Waterproof sheets significantly enhanced water harvesting (43%) and soil moisture in the planting hole (40%), especially for low‐intensity rainfall events. Treatment effects on the survival and growth of Olea europaea seedlings varied between experimental sites. At the most water‐limited site, clay pots, and dry wells improved seedling survival, while no treatment enhanced seedling growth. At the least water‐stressed site, the application of composted sludge significantly improved seedling growth. We conclude that nutrient‐mediated stress is subordinate to water stress in arid and semiarid environments, and we suggest modifications on the microsite scale to address these limiting conditions in Mediterranean drylands .  相似文献   

Most major rivers in the southwestern United States have been hydrologically altered to meet human needs. Altered hydrological regimes have been associated with declines in native riparian forests. Today, many riparian areas have little or no regeneration of native riparian species and are now dominated by exotic Saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis Lour.). Success of riparian restoration efforts at least partially depends on the number of seedlings surviving the first growing season. Seedling survival is influenced by many abiotic and biotic factors including competition from other plants and available soil moisture, which is partially dependent on soil texture. In this study, we evaluated the relative importance of four soil categories (sandy loam, loam, silt, and clay), rate of soil moisture decline, salinity, beginning‐ and end‐season Saltcedar density, initial Cottonwood (Populus deltoides Marshall subsp. wislizenii (Wats.) Eckenw.) seedling density, percent vegetation cover by potential dominant competitors Pigweed (Amaranthus L.) and Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crusgalli L., Beauv.), and average total vegetation height to Cottonwood seedling survival. Factors influencing seedling survival differed among the four soil types. Rate of moisture decline was important in sandy soils, whereas vegetation height influenced seedling survival in loamy soils. Overall, models of seedling survival in all the four soil types indicated rate of moisture decline as the single most important variable influencing Cottonwood survival. High initial densities of Saltcedar were correlated to higher survival in Cottonwood seedlings. Therefore, it is important to identify soil texture and understand soil moisture decline rates when proposing riparian Cottonwood restoration.  相似文献   

We investigated the responses of two co‐existing Mediterranean trees with different regeneration strategies (Phillyrea latifolia seedlings and Quercus ilex sprouts) to experimental drought below the forest canopy. We considered different recruitment stages and used leaf isotopic discrimination to estimate water use efficiency (WUE) and nitrogen availability and use. Drought decreased the emergence and survival of seedlings and sprouts. Survival and growth of older saplings were not influenced by drought. Seedling emergence of P. latifolia was higher than Q. ilex sprout production, but Q. ilex sprouts had higher survival and growth rates. These differences disappeared in the sapling stage. Carbon isotopic discrimination suggested that Q. ilex sprouts had higher WUE than P. latifolia seedlings. Drought increased WUE of recruits, particularly in Q. ilex. Water use regulation increased with ageing, particularly in P. latifolia. Q. ilex had higher δ15N values than P. latifolia; these were also higher under drier soil conditions. Current year seedlings had higher δ15N than saplings, particularly in P. latifolia, suggesting they exploit superficial soil layers. These results suggest that sprouts obtain benefit from resources stored in parent plants. At earlier stages, they perform better than seedlings. This response is not coupled to adult vulnerability to drought for these species, revealing the difficulty of predicting species dynamics during climate change.  相似文献   

Beckage B  Clark JS 《Oecologia》2005,143(3):458-469
Seed and seedling predation may differentially affect competitively superior tree species to increase the relative recruitment success of poor competitors and contribute to the coexistence of tree species. We examined the effect of seed and seedling predation on the seedling recruitment of three tree species, Acer rubrum (red maple), Liriodendron tulipifera (yellow poplar), and Quercus rubra (northern red oak), over three years by manipulating seed and seedling exposure to predators under contrasting microsite conditions of shrub cover, leaf litter, and overstory canopy. Species rankings of seedling emergence were constant across microsites, regardless of exposure to seed predators, but varied across years. A. rubrum had the highest emergence probabilities across microsites in 1997, but Q. rubra had the highest emergence probabilities in 1999. Predators decreased seedling survival uniformly across species, but did not affect relative growth rates (RGRs). Q. rubra had the highest seedling survivorship across microsites, while L. tulipifera had the highest RGRs. Our results suggest that annual variability in recruitment success contributes more to seedling diversity than differential predation across microsites. We synthesized our results from separate seedling emergence and survival experiments to project seedling bank composition. With equal fecundity assumed across species, Q. rubra dominated the seedling bank, capturing 90% of the regeneration sites on average, followed by A. rubrum (8% of sites) and L. tulipifera (2% of sites). When seed abundance was weighted by species-specific fecundity, seedling bank composition was more diverse; L. tulipifera captured 62% of the regeneration sites, followed by A. rubrum (21% of sites) and Q. rubra (17% of sites). Tradeoffs between seedling performance and fecundity may promote the diversity of seedling regeneration by increasing the probability of inferior competitors capturing regeneration sites.  相似文献   

Revegetation of degraded arid lands often involves supplementing impoverished seed banks and improving the seedbed, yet these approaches frequently fail. To understand these failures, we tracked the fates of seeds for six shrub species that were broadcast across two contrasting surface disturbances common to the Mojave Desert—sites compacted by concentrated vehicle use and trenched sites where topsoil and subsurface soils were mixed. We evaluated seedbed treatments that enhance soil‐seed contact (tackifier) and create surface roughness while reducing soil bulk density (harrowing). We also explored whether seed harvesting by granivores and seedling suppression by non‐native annuals influence the success of broadcast seeding in revegetating degraded shrublands. Ten weeks after treatments, seeds readily moved off of experimental plots in untreated compacted sites, but seed movements were reduced 32% by tackifier and 55% through harrowing. Harrowing promoted seedling emergence in compacted sites, particularly for the early‐colonizing species Encelia farinosa, but tackifier was largely ineffective. The inherent surface roughness of trenched sites retained three times the number of seeds than compacted sites, but soil mixing during trench development likely altered the suitability of the seedbed thus resulting in poor seedling emergence. Non‐native annuals had little influence on seed fates during our study. In contrast, the prevalence of harvester ants increased seed removal on compacted sites, whereas rodent activity influenced removal on trenched sites. Future success of broadcast seeding in arid lands depends on evaluating disturbance characteristics prior to seeding and selecting appropriate species and seasons for application.  相似文献   

Question: What is the role of dispersal, persistent soil seed banks and seedling recruitment in population persistence of fleshy‐fruited obligate seeding plant species in fire‐prone habitats? Location: Southeastern Australia. Methods: We used a long‐term study of a shrubby, fleshy‐fruited Persoonia species (Proteaceae) to examine (1) seed removal from beneath the canopy of adult plants; (2) seedling recruitment after fire; (3) the magnitude and location of the residual soil seed bank; and (4) the implications for fire management of obligate seeding species. We used demographic sampling techniques combined with Generalised Linear Modelling and regression to quantify population changes over time. Results: Most of the mature fruits (90%) on the ground below the canopy of plants were removed by Wallabia bicolor (Swamp wallaby) with 88% of seeds extracted from W. bicolor scats viable and dormant. Wallabies play an important role in moving seeds away from parent plants. Their role in occasional long distance dispersal events remains unknown. We detected almost no seed predation in situ under canopies (< 1%). Seedling recruitment was cued to fire, with post‐fire seedling densities 6‐7 times pre‐fire adult densities. After fire, a residual soil seed bank was present, as many seeds (77‐100%) remained dormant and viable at a soil depth where successful future seedling emergence is possible (0‐5 cm). Seedling survival was high (> 80%) with most mortality within 2 years of emergence. Plant growth averaged 17 cm per year. The primary juvenile period of plants was 7–8 years, within the period of likely return fire intervals in the study area. We predicted that the study population increased some five‐fold after the wildfire at the site. Conclusions: Residual soil seed banks are important, especially in species with long primary juvenile periods, to buffer the populations against the impact of a second fire occurring before the seed bank is replenished.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the differential effects of position within gaps, coarse woody debris and understorey cover on tree seedling survival in canopy gaps in two old‐growth Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. & Endl.) Krasser forests and the response of this species to gaps in two forests located at opposite extremes of a steep rainfall gradient. Location Nahuel Huapi National Park, at 41° S in north‐western Patagonia, Argentina. Methods In both study sites, seedlings were transplanted to experimental plots in gaps in three different positions, with two types of substrate (coarse woody debris or forest floor), and with and without removal of understorey vegetation. Survival of seedlings was monitored during two growing seasons. Soil moisture and direct solar radiation were measured once in mid‐summer. Seedling aerial biomass was estimated at the end of the experiment. Results Mid‐summer soil water potential was lowest in the centre of gaps, in plots where the understorey had been removed, and highest at the northern edges of gaps. Direct incoming radiation was highest in gap centres and southern edges, and lowest at northern edges. Seedling mortality was highest in gap centres, in both sites. Coarse woody debris had a positive effect on seedling survival during summer in the mesic forest and during winter in the xeric forest. The removal of understorey cover had negative effects in gap centres during summer. Seedling final aerial biomass was positively affected by understorey removal and by soil substrate in both sites. In the dry forest gaps, seedling growth was highest in northern edges, whereas it was highest in gap centres in the mesic forest. Overall growth was positively related to survival in the xeric forest, and negatively related in the mesic forest. Main conclusions Survival and growth were facilitated by the shade of gap‐surrounding trees only in the xeric forest. Understorey vegetation of both forests facilitated seedling survival in exposed microsites but competed with seedling growth. Nurse logs were an important substrate for seedling establishment in both forests; however, causes of this pattern differed between forests. Water availability positively controls seedling survival and growth in the xeric forest while in the mesic forest, survival and growth are differentially controlled by water and light availability, respectively. These two contrasting old‐growth forests, separated by a relatively short distance along a steep rainfall gradient, had different yet unexpected microenvironmental controls on N. pumilio seedling survival and growth. These results underscore the importance of defining microscale limiting factors of tree recruitment in the context of large‐scale spatial variation in resources.  相似文献   

  • The effects of biological soil crusts (BSC) on vascular plant growth can be positive, neutral or negative, and little information is available on the impacts of different BSC successional stages on vascular plant population dynamics.
  • We analysed seedling emergence, survival, plant growth and reproduction in response to different BSC successional stages (i.e. habitats: bare soil, cyanobacteria, lichen and moss crusts) in natural populations of Echinops gmelinii Turcz. in the Tengger Desert of northwest China. The winter annual E. gmelinii is a dominant pioneer herb after sand stabilisation.
  • During the early stages of BSC succession, the studied populations of E. gmelinii were characterised by high density, plant growth and fecundity. As the BSC succession proceeded beyond moss crusts, the fecundity decreased sharply, which limited seedling recruitment. Differences in seedling survival among the successional stages were not evident, indicating that BSC have little effect on survival in arid desert regions. Moreover, E. gmelinii biomass allocation exhibited low plasticity, and only reproductive allocation was sensitive to the various habitats. Our results further suggest that the negative effects of BSC succession on population dynamics are primarily driven by increasing topsoil water‐holding capacity and decreasing rain water infiltration into deeper soil.
  • We conclude that BSC succession drives population dynamics of E. gmelinii, primarily via its effect on soil moisture. The primary cause for E. gmelinii population decline during the moss‐dominated stage of BSC succession is decreased fecundity of individual plants, with declining seed mass possibly reducing the success of seedling establishment.

Tree establishment in grazed vegetation mosaics involves a series of early bottlenecks, including seed dispersal, germination, seedling emergence, survival and growth. In a field experiment, we studied seedling emergence of two species with contrasting recruitment strategies, Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur, in five structurally different vegetations: grazed and ungrazed grassland, ruderal pioneer vegetation, soft rush tussocks, tall sedge mats and bramble scrub. In a simulation experiment, we studied the interaction effects of pre-emergence flooding (3 weeks of inundation), trampling and grazing (simulated by clipping) of grassland vegetation on the emergence and early growth of both tree species in grass swards. Seedling emergence was enhanced in low swards and sparse vegetation types. Despite different recruitment strategies, the interaction of flooding and trampling of swards enhanced seedling emergence of both species. Grazing of soft rush and tall sedges enhanced emergence of F. excelsior. Clipping grass swards increased early growth of emerging Q. robur. Our results support the hypothesis that natural disturbances of soil and vegetation create microsites for seedling emergence and reduce above-ground competition. In grazed systems however, these results suggest a discordant relationship between successful seedling emergence and subsequent seedling growth/survival during the establishment process in structurally different vegetations.  相似文献   

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