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Whilst many invertebrate taxa are haplodiploid, the factors underlying the evolution of haplodiploidy remain unresolved. We investigate theoretically whether haplodiploidy might evolve as an outcome of the co-evolution between maternally inherited endosymbionts and their hosts. First, we substantially extend a recently developed model that involves maternally inherited endosymbionts that kill male offspring by eliminating the paternal genome. We also put forward a new hypothesis and develop a model that involves bacteria that induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Based on these models, we explore the co-evolutionary events that might occur between hosts and symbionts. We find that both with male-killers and CI-inducing endosymbionts, the hosts are likely to develop increased viability of haploid males, which can be considered a preadaptation to haplodiploidy. In addition, populations with haploidizing male-killers can in some cases evolve directly towards a genetic system of paternal genome elimination, a special form of haplodiploidy. These results are combined with consideration of mechanism and ecology to appraise the likelihood of male-killers and CI inducing bacteria being involved in the evolution of haplodiploidy.  相似文献   

Recombination occurs in many RNA viruses and can be of major evolutionary significance. However, rates of recombination vary dramatically among RNA viruses, which can range from clonal to highly recombinogenic. Here, we review the factors that might explain this variation in recombination frequency and show that there is little evidence that recombination is favoured by natural selection to create advantageous genotypes or purge deleterious mutations, as predicted if recombination functions as a form of sexual reproduction. Rather, recombination rates seemingly reflect larger-scale patterns of viral genome organization, such that recombination may be a mechanistic by-product of the evolutionary pressures acting on other aspects of virus biology.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about pollination and other aspects of the reproductive biology of bamboos, but wind pollination is assumed to be the rule, at least in woody bamboos. Documenting the reproductive biology of woody bamboos is a complex task due to the long periods of time between flowering cycles, which range from 3 to 120 years. Insects visiting Guadua paniculata and G. inermis flowers were collected in the field. Scanning electron micrographs were taken of the visiting insects. Four species of bees, three from tribe Meliponini (Geotrigona acapulconis, Plebeia frontalis and Trigona fulviventris) and one from tribe Apini (Apis mellifera), along with a syrphid fly (Toxomerus teligera) were found visiting bamboo flowers. Some species of Hemiptera were also found feeding on the flowers, such as Neortholomus jamaicensis (Lygaeidae), or preying on the flower visitors (Apiomerus pictipes (Reduviidae)). Insects visiting bamboo inflorescences may facilitate the release of pollen grains into the air, promoting outcrossing and genetic flow among the individuals of the flowering bamboo populations.  相似文献   

Two recent hypotheses have proposed that non-green plant colouration evolved as a defence against herbivores, either as protective colouration promoting handicap signals indicating plant fitness or by undermining their crypsis. The handicap hypothesis posits a co-evolutionary process between plants and herbivores, whereas the anti-crypsis hypothesis suggests that an arms race between insects and plants is the evolutionary mechanism. Both explanations assume that insects are the evolutionary origin causing plants' colouration. Here, we propose a different hypothesis, termed the "Defence Indication hypothesis". This idea focuses on the multiple protective functions of anthocyanins and carotenoids as pigments, and suggests that plant colouration evolved primarily in response to various stressors. Because pigments and defensive compounds share a common biosynthesis, the production of pigments also provides elevated defensive strengths against herbivores, a process termed priming. In effect, the Defence Indication hypothesis predicts that pleiotropic effects of the pigments and, more generally, plants' shared defence responses, explain why insects might react to plant colouration.  相似文献   

Throughout their evolutionary history, insects have formed multiple relationships with bacteria. Although many of these bacteria are pathogenic, with deleterious effects on the fitness of infected insects, there are also numerous examples of symbiotic bacteria that are harmless or even beneficial to their insect host. Symbiotic bacteria that form obligate or facultative associations with insects and that are located intracellularly in the host insect are known as endosymbionts. Endosymbiosis can be a strong driving force for evolution when the acquisition and maintenance of a microorganism by the insect host results in the formation of novel structures or changes in physiology and metabolism. The complex evolutionary dynamics of vertically transmitted symbiotic bacteria have led to distinctive symbiont genome characteristics that have profound effects on the phenotype of the host insect. Symbiotic bacteria are key players in insect–plant interactions influencing many aspects of insect ecology and playing a key role in shaping the diversification of many insect groups. In this review, we discuss the role of endosymbionts in manipulating insect herbivore trophic interactions focussing on their impact on plant utilisation patterns and parasitoid biology.  相似文献   

Plant viruses use sieve elements in phloem as the route of long-distance movement and systemic infection in plants. Plants, in turn, deploy RNA silencing, R-gene mediated defence and other mechanisms to prevent phloem transport of viruses. Cell-to-cell movement of viruses from an initially infected leaf to stem and other parts of the plant could be another possibility for systemic invasion, but it is considered to be too slow. This idea is supported by observations made on viruses that are deficient in phloem loading. The leaf abscission zone forming at the base of the petiole may constitute a barrier that prevents viral cell-to-cell movement. The abscission zone and protective layer are difficult to localize in the petiole until the leaf reaches an advanced stage of senescence. Viruses tagged with the green fluorescent protein are helpful for localization and study of the developing abscission zone.  相似文献   

Males of various flying insects perform conspicuous aerial interactions around their mating stations. The broadly accepted interpretation of their aerial interaction is a war of attrition, where two contestants perform costly displays, and the one that reaches its cost threshold earlier gives up. The implicit but important requirement in this model is that some forces that match the intensity of display of the two contestants are necessary, and failure to enforce matching allows foul contestants that delay or stop their display to avoid paying contest costs. In addition, wars of attrition require flying insects to distinguish the sex of flying conspecifics because their aerial interactions begin when intruders fly into the territory. We investigated past research on the behaviour of odonates and butterflies aiming to clarify whether the two prerequisites of wars of attrition are fulfilled: (1) contestants can inflict substantial costs on nondisplaying opponents and (2) contestants can discriminate the sex of flying conspecifics. In odonates, we found an abundance of evidence suggesting that contests involve physical attack and that the ability of sexual discrimination is sufficient. Therefore, wars of attrition may occur in territorial odonates. In butterflies, however, we could not find any evidence that the two prerequisites are filled. The aerial interactions of butterflies are better interpreted as courtship between sexually active males (the erroneous courtship hypothesis). Based on these results, we discuss future directions of research on the aerial contests of flying insects.  相似文献   

Endosymbiotic relationships are common across the tree of life and have had profound impacts on cellular evolution and diversity. Recent molecular investigations of the amoeba Paulinella chromatophora have raised a timely and important question: should obligatory intracellular cyanobacteria in Paulinella be considered new organelles, or do plastids and mitochondria hold a unique stature in the history of endosymbiotic events? We argue that drawing a sharp distinction between these two organelles and all other endosymbionts is not supported by accumulating data, neither is it a productive framework for investigating organelle evolution.  相似文献   

Planthoppers are the most notorious rice pests, because they transmit various rice viruses in a persistent-propagative manner. Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) between virus and vector are crucial for virus transmission by vector insects. However, the number of known PPIs for pairs of rice viruses and planthoppers is restricted by low throughput research methods. In this study, we applied DeNovo, a virus-host sequence-based PPI predictor, to predict potential PPIs at a genome-wide scale between three planthoppers and five rice viruses. PPIs were identified at two different confidence thresholds, referred to as low and high modes. The number of PPIs for the five planthopper-virus pairs ranged from 506 to 1985 in the low mode and from 1254 to 4286 in the high mode. After eliminating the “one-too-many” redundant interacting information, the PPIs with unique planthopper proteins were reduced to 343–724 in the low mode and 758–1671 in the high mode. Homologous analysis showed that 11 sets and 31 sets of homologous planthopper proteins were shared by all planthopper-virus interactions in the two modes, indicating that they are potential conserved vector factors essential for transmission of rice viruses. Ten PPIs between small brown planthopper and rice stripe virus (RSV) were verified using glutathione-S-transferase (GST)/His-pull down or co-immunoprecipitation assay. Five of the ten PPIs were proven positive, and three of the five SBPH proteins were confirmed to interact with RSV. The predicted PPIs provide new clues for further studies of the complicated relationship between rice viruses and their vector insects.  相似文献   

What factors drove the transformation of the cyanobacterial progenitor of plastids (e.g. chloroplasts) from endosymbiont to bona fide organelle? This question lies at the heart of organelle genesis because, whereas intracellular endosymbionts are widespread in both unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes (e.g. rhizobial bacteria, Chlorella cells in ciliates, Buchnera in aphids), only two canonical eukaryotic organelles of endosymbiotic origin are recognized, the plastids of algae and plants and the mitochondrion. Emerging data on (1) the discovery of non‐canonical plastid protein targeting, (2) the recent origin of a cyanobacterial‐derived organelle in the filose amoeba Paulinella chromatophora, and (3) the extraordinarily reduced genomes of psyllid bacterial endosymbionts begin to blur the distinction between endosymbiont and organelle. Here we discuss the use of these terms in light of new data in order to highlight the unique aspects of plastids and mitochondria and underscore their central role in eukaryotic evolution. BioEssays 29:1239–1246, 2007. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

 We combine experimental findings on ants and bees, and build on earlier models, to give an account of how these insects navigate using path integration, and how path integration interacts with other modes of navigation. At the core of path integration is an accumulator. This is set to an initial state at the nest and is updated as the insect moves so that it always reports the insect's current position relative to the nest. Navigation that uses path integration requires, in addition, a way of storing states of the accumulator at significant places for subsequent recall as goals, and a means of computing the direction to such goals. We discuss three models of how path integration might be used for this process, which we call vector navigation. Vector navigation is the principal means of navigating over unfamiliar terrain, or when landmarks are unavailable. Under other conditions, insects often navigate by landmarks, and ignore the output of the vector navigation system. Landmark navigation does not interfere with the updating of the accumulator. There is an interesting symmetry in the use of landmarks and path integration. In the short term, vector navigation can be independent of landmarks, and landmark navigation needs no assistance from path integration. In the longer term, visual landmarks help keep path vector navigation calibrated, and the learning of visual landmarks is guided by path integration. Received: 6 June 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

In the past two decades there have been substantial advances in understanding the anti-cancer mechanisms of oncolytic viruses (OVs). OVs can mediate their effects directly, by preferentially infecting and killing tumour cells. Additionally, OVs can indirectly generate anti-tumour immune responses. These differing mechanisms have led to a paradoxical divergence in strategies employed to further increase the potency of oncolytic virotherapies. On one hand, the tumour neovasculature is seen as a vital lifeline to the survival of the tumour, leading some to use OVs to target the tumour vasculature in hopes to starve cancers. Therapeutics causing vascular collapse can potentiate tumour hypoxia, nutrient restriction and pro-inflammatory cytokine release, which has shown promise in oncological studies. On the other hand, the same vasculature plays an important role for the dissemination of OVs, trafficking of effector cells and other therapeutics, which has prompted researchers to find ways of normalizing the vasculature to enhance infiltration of leukocytes and delivery of therapeutic agents. This article describes the recent developments of therapies aimed to shut down versus normalize tumour vasculature in order to inform researchers striving to optimize OV-based therapies.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of diverse very large viruses, such as the mimivirus, has fostered a profusion of hypotheses positing that these viruses define a new domain of life together with the three cellular ones (Archaea, Bacteria and Eucarya). It has also been speculated that they have played a key role in the origin of eukaryotes as donors of important genes or even as the structures at the origin of the nucleus. Thanks to the increasing availability of genome sequences for these giant viruses, those hypotheses are amenable to testing via comparative genomic and phylogenetic analyses. This task is made very difficult by the high evolutionary rate of viruses, which induces phylogenetic artefacts, such as long branch attraction, when inadequate methods are applied. It can be demonstrated that phylogenetic trees supporting viruses as a fourth domain of life are artefactual. In most cases, the presence of homologues of cellular genes in viruses is best explained by recurrent horizontal gene transfer from cellular hosts to their infecting viruses and not the opposite. Today, there is no solid evidence for the existence of a viral domain of life or for a significant implication of viruses in the origin of the cellular domains.  相似文献   

We reveal here the visual ecological reasons for the phenomenon that aquatic insects often land on red, black and dark-coloured cars. Monitoring the numbers of aquatic beetles and bugs attracted to shiny black, white, red and yellow horizontal plastic sheets, we found that red and black reflectors are equally highly attractive to water insects, while yellow and white reflectors are unattractive. The reflection-polarization patterns of black, white, red and yellow cars were measured in the red, green and blue parts of the spectrum. In the blue and green, the degree of linear polarization p of light reflected from red and black cars is high and the direction of polarization of light reflected from red and black car roofs, bonnets and boots is nearly horizontal. Thus, the horizontal surfaces of red and black cars are highly attractive to red-blind polarotactic water insects. The p of light reflected from the horizontal surfaces of yellow and white cars is low and its direction of polarization is usually not horizontal. Consequently, yellow and white cars are unattractive to polarotactic water insects. The visual deception of aquatic insects by cars can be explained solely by the reflection-polarizational characteristics of the car paintwork.  相似文献   

While insecticides have greatly improved human health and agricultural production worldwide, their utility has been limited by the evolution of resistance in many major pests, including some that became pests only as a result of insecticide use. Insecticide resistance is both an interesting example of the adaptability of insect pests, and, in the design of resistance management programmes, a useful application of evolutionary biology. Pest susceptibility is a valuable natural resource that has been squandered; at the same time, it is becoming increasingly expensive to develop new insecticides. Pest control tactics should therefore take account of the possibility of resistance evolution. One of the best ways to retard resistance evolution is to use insecticides only when control by natural enemies fails to limit economic damage. This review summarizes the recent literature on insecticide resistance as an example of adaptation, and demonstrates how population genetics and ecology can be used to manage the resistance problem.  相似文献   

Increased frequency and severity of drought, as a result of climate change, is expected to drive critical changes in plant–insect interactions that may elevate rates of tree mortality. The mechanisms that link water stress in plants to insect performance are not well understood. Here, we build on previous reviews and develop a framework that incorporates the severity and longevity of drought and captures the plant physiological adjustments that follow moderate and severe drought. Using this framework, we investigate in greater depth how insect performance responds to increasing drought severity for: (i) different feeding guilds; (ii) flush feeders and senescence feeders; (iii) specialist and generalist insect herbivores; and (iv) temperate versus tropical forest communities. We outline how intermittent and moderate drought can result in increases of carbon‐based and nitrogen‐based chemical defences, whereas long and severe drought events can result in decreases in plant secondary defence compounds. We predict that different herbivore feeding guilds will show different but predictable responses to drought events, with most feeding guilds being negatively affected by water stress, with the exception of wood borers and bark beetles during severe drought and sap‐sucking insects and leaf miners during moderate and intermittent drought. Time of feeding and host specificity are important considerations. Some insects, regardless of feeding guild, prefer to feed on younger tissues from leaf flush, whereas others are adapted to feed on senescing tissues of severely stressed trees. We argue that moderate water stress could benefit specialist insect herbivores, while generalists might prefer severe drought conditions. Current evidence suggests that insect outbreaks are shorter and more spatially restricted in tropical than in temperate forests. We suggest that future research on the impact of drought on insect communities should include (i) assessing how drought‐induced changes in various plant traits, such as secondary compound concentrations and leaf water potential, affect herbivores; (ii) food web implications for other insects and those that feed on them; and (iii) interactions between the effects on insects of increasing drought and other forms of environmental change including rising temperatures and CO2 levels. There is a need for larger, temperate and tropical forest‐scale drought experiments to look at herbivorous insect responses and their role in tree death.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are a group of cytoplasmically inherited bacteria that cause reproduction alterations in arthropods, including parthenogenesis, reproductive incompatibility, feminization of genetic males and male killing. Previous general surveys of insects in Panama and Britain found Wolbachia to be common, occurring in 16-22% of species. Here, using similar polymerase chain reaction methods, we report that 19.3% of a sample of temperate North American insects are infected with Wolbachia, a frequency strikingly similar to frequencies found in two other studies in widely separated locales. The results may indicate a widespread equilibrium of Wolbachia infection frequencies in insects whose maintenance remains to be explained. Alternatively, Wolbachia may be increasing in global insect communities. Within each of the three geographic regions surveyed, Hymenoptera are more frequently infected with A group Wolbachia and Lepidoptera more frequently infected with B group Wolbachia.  相似文献   

Three-domain Cry toxins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are increasingly used in agriculture to replace chemical insecticides in pest control. Most chemical insecticides kill pest insects swiftly, but are also toxic to beneficial insects and other species in the agroecosystem. Cry toxins enjoy the advantages of high selectivity and the possibility of the application by sprays or transgenic plants. However, these benefits are offset by the limited host range and the evolution of resistance to Bt toxins by insect pests. Understanding how Bt toxins kill insects will help to understand the nature of both problems. The recent realization that ABC transporters play a central role in the killing mechanism will play an important role in devising solutions.  相似文献   

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