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Ineffective and non-nodulating mutant strains of Rhizobium japonicum.   总被引:27,自引:17,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Mutant strains of Rhizobium japonicum that were unable to allow the Corsoy cultivar of soybean to reduce acetylene or fix N2 were isolated. These strains grow as well as the wild type in a variety of media. Mutant strains SM1 and SM2 did not form nodules on the host plant; however, they reduced acetylene in the nonsymbiotic assay. Strains SM3 and SM4 produced nodules that did not have the characteristic pink pigment caused by leghemoglobin. The nodules formed by these strains also were small. One mutant strain, SM5, produced large pink nodules. The lesion in this strain seems to be in the gene that specifies nitrogenase component II.  相似文献   

A mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae unable to grow on fermentable hexoses has been studied. The mutant grew normally on galactose or maltose. It was also able to grow on a medium containing glucose or fructose with a 25-fold excess of D-xylose. Assay of the glycolytic enzymes in vitro did not show differences between the parental and the mutant strains. Upon addition of fructose, metabolites up to triose phosphates accumulated and the ATP dropped to low levels. It is proposed that an imbalance between the initial and final segments of glycolysis that depletes the cell of ATP produces the observed phenotype.  相似文献   

Selected mutant strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae that are unable to fix nitrogen have been characterized according to nitrogenase component activity as well as antigenic cross-reacting material. The lesions in these strains have been mapped by transduction, and the results indicate that there are at least five genes specifically responsible for nitrogen fixation in vivo. Besides genes that specify the structure of the two nitrogenase components, there is a gene for a factor that is required for component I activity and a gene that codes for a factor possibly involved in electron transport to component II. A mutation in another site does not allow the organism to produce either of the nitrogenase components. All of these genes are co-transducible with the gene that specifics the structure of histidinol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Transformation was used to perform ratio test crosses with mutant strains of Azotobacter vinelandii unable to fix N2. Mutations that simultaneously eliminated both components of nitrogenase (nif-1 and nif-2) were tightly linked. The nif-45 mutation that resulted in the absence of an active molybdenum cofactor was closer to nif-1 and nif-2 than to any of the other nif mutations. Strains that lacked component I carried mutations that were closely linked to each other. Mutations that probably were located in the structural genes for components I and II appeared to be relatively close to each other on the A. vinelandii genome.  相似文献   

Single-site mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that lack the ability aerobically to assimilate nitrate and nitrite as sole sources of nitrogen have been isolated. Twentyone of these have been subdivided into four groups by transductional analysis. Mutants in only one group, designated nis, lost assimilatory nitrite reductase activity. Mutants in the other three transductional groups, designated ntmA, ntmB, ntmC, display a pleiotropic phenotype: utilization of a number of nitrogen-containing compounds including nitrite as sole nitrogen sources is impaired. Assimilatory nitrite reductase was shown to be the major route by which hydroxylamine is reduced in aerobically-grown cells.In memoriam of Professor R. Y. Stanier  相似文献   

Recently reported research from this laboratory has demonstrated the autotrophic growth of certain hydrogen-uptake-positive strains of Rhizobium japonicum and defined minimal conditions for such growth. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase has been detected in autotrophically growing cells, but at low specific activity. Moreover, growth rates were low, and growth ceased at low cell densities. We report here improved autotrophic growth rates of R. japonicum SR through the use of a modified mineral salts/vitamins medium and a programmed increase in oxygen tension as autotrophic growth proceeds. Under these conditions, ribulose, 1,5-biphosphate carboxylase activity increased greater than 10-fold and crude-extract-uptake-hydrogenase activities were from 20 to 47 times those heretofore reported for free-living R. japonicum. It is likely that previous assays for these enzymes were done on preparations of cells in which their synthesis had been partially repressed. The contribution of CO2 fixation to organic carbon accumulation in autotrophic cells was assessed as sufficient to support observed growth. Enzymological determination of the product of carbon fixation has established a stoichiometric ratio of 1.9 mol of 3-phosphoglycerate per mol of CO2 fixed and unequivocally assigns the role of carbon fixation catalysis to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. Ammonium served best as a nitrogen source, nitrate was less effective, and gaseous nitrogen would not support autotrophic growth. Ecological, evolutionary, and practical considerations of autotrophy in the rhizobia are briefly discussed in the light of our findings.  相似文献   

Rhizobium etli accumulates poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) in symbiosis and in free life. PHB is a reserve material that serves as a carbon and/or electron sink when optimal growth conditions are not met. It has been suggested that in symbiosis PHB can prolong nitrogen fixation until the last stages of seed development, but experiments to test this proposition have not been done until now. To address these questions in a direct way, we constructed an R. etli PHB-negative mutant by the insertion of an Omega-Km interposon within the PHB synthase structural gene (phaC). The identification and sequence of the R. etli phaC gene are also reported here. Physiological studies showed that the PHB-negative mutant strain was unable to synthesize PHB and excreted more lactate, acetate, pyruvate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, fumarate, and malate than the wild-type strain. The NAD+/NADH ratio in the mutant strain was lower than that in the parent strain. The oxidative capacity of the PHB-negative mutant was reduced. Accordingly, the ability to grow in minimal medium supplemented with glucose or pyruvate was severely diminished in the mutant strain. We propose that in free life PHB synthesis sequesters reductive power, allowing the tricarboxylic acid cycle to proceed under conditions in which oxygen is a limiting factor. In symbiosis with Phaseolus vulgaris, the PHB-negative mutant induced nodules that prolonged the capacity to fix nitrogen.  相似文献   

The synthesis of an H2 oxidation system in free-living Rhizobium japonicum wild-type strain SR is repressed by oxygen. Maximal H2 uptake rates were obtained in strain SR after derepression in 11 microM or less dissolved oxygen. Oxygen levels above 45 microM completely repressed H2 uptake in strain SR. Five R. japonicum mutant strains that are hypersensitive to repression or H2 oxidation by oxygen were derived from strain SR. The mutants were obtained by screening H2 uptake-negative mutants that retained the ability to oxidize H2 as bacteroids from soybean nodules. As bacteroids, the five mutant strains were capable of H2 oxidation rates comparable to that of the wild type. The mutants did not take up H2 when derepressed in 22 microM dissolved oxygen, whereas strain SR had substantial activity at this oxygen concentration. The O2 repression of H2 uptake in both the wild-type and two mutant strains, SR174 and SR200, was rapid and was similar to the effect of inhibiting synthesis of H2 uptake system components with rifampin. None of the mutant strains was able to oxidize H2 when the artificial electron acceptors methylene blue or phenazine methosulfate were provided. The mutant strains were not sensitive to killing by oxygen, they took up O2 at rates similar to strain SR, and they did not produce an H2 uptake system that was oxygen labile. Cyclic AMP levels were comparable in strain SR and the five mutant strains after subjection of the cultures to the derepression conditions.  相似文献   

The capacity of inducing a H2-uptake hydrogenase in free-living cultures was examined in 21 strains of Rhizobium japonicum. Four strains were found to take up H2 at rapid rates after 3 days of growth on agar slants inside sealed vials provided with an atmosphere of 5% H2 in air. Soybean nodules from these strains lost little or no H2 in air and their bacteroids oxidized H2 at rates that were similar to those observed in free-living cultures. In contrast, three randomly chosen strains of R. japonicum that showed no H2-uptake capacity in free-living state produced nodules which lost large amounts of H2 and the corresponding bacteroids had no hydrogenase activity. A screening procedure is described for the selection of Rhizobium strains producing high energy-efficient nodules based on a test of their ability to induce a H2-uptake hydrogenase in asymbiotic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Hydrogen evolution from root nodules has been reported to decrease the efficiency of the nitrogen fixing system. Mutants ofRhizobium meliloti andRhizobium leguminosarum were selected which were deficient in H2-uptake capacity (Hup). The relative efficiency of the nitrogen fixation for both species assessed with C2H2 reduction was 0.66.The hydrogen production was monitored using a simple root incubation method. As such, hydrogen production up to 3.83 and 15.57 ml.day–1.g–1 plant dry weight were recorded forPisum sativum — Rhizobium leguminosarum 4.20 Hup andMedicago sativa — Rhizobium meliloti 1.5 Hup respectively. In a closed container (250 ml), hydrogen concentrations up to 20% (v/v) could be reached in the root phase ofMedicago sativa in a time period of 320 hours.  相似文献   

Sixteen conditional lethal mutants of bacteriophage T4D have been isolated which grow on Escherichia coli CR63 (a su+ streptomycin-sensitive K12 strain) but are restricted by CR/s (a streptomycin-resistant derivative of CR63). These mutants have been given the prefix str. Four of these mutants are amber and 12 appear to be missense. Eleven of the 12 missense mutants appear to be "pseudo-amber" (i.e. they are restricted by a su- E. coli B strain but not by a su- K12 strain); the other missense mutant was not restricted by either B or K12. The str mutations mapped in 12 different genes. Most were clustered in a region of early genes (gene 56 to gene 47). Fifty-eight amber and 10 "pseudo-amber" mutants isolated previously for their inability to grow on E. coli B were tested for restriction by CR/s. All the amber mutants grew normally on CR/s, whereas all 10 "pseudo-amber" mutants were restricted by CR/s. This implies that the phenotype of the "pseudo-amber" mutants is the result of a ribosomal difference between the permissive host CR63 and the restrictive hosts B and CR/s. These str mutants should prove to be useful alternatives to amber mutants for genetic and biochemical studies of bacteriophage T4 and for studies of the E. coli ribosome. It should be possible ot isolate similar mutants in other bacteriophages provided that streptomycin resistant hosts are available.  相似文献   

A bacteriophage (phage TN1) that lyses Rhizobium japonicum 3I1b110 was isolated from Tennessee soil. Structurally, this phage resembles the Escherichia coli phage T4, having an icosahedral head (47 by 60 nm) and a contractile tail (17 by 80 nm). An interesting feature of this phage is that it lyses all of the symbiotic defective mutants derived from R. japonicum 3I1b110 that were tested, except one, mutant strain HS123. Mutant strain HS123 is a non-nodulating mutant that is defective in attachment to soybean roots. Since Rhizobium attachment to host roots is thought to be mediated by a specific cell surface interaction, it is likely that mutant strain HS123 is defective in some way in its cell surface. Mutant strain HS123 bound soybean lectin to the same extent as the wild type as measured by the binding of tritium-labeled lectin. Phage TN1 did not attach to the surface of strain HS123, nor did cells of strain HS123 inactivate phage TN1. A hot phenol-water cell extract from the wild-type inactivated phage TN1, whereas a similar cell extract from mutant HS123 did not. Capsular polysaccharide isolated from mutant or wild type did not inactivate the phage. Capsular polysaccharide and exopolysaccharide from the mutant and wild type do not differ in sugar composition. These results indicate that capsular polysaccharide may not play a role in attachment to the plant root surface and that other cell wall components may be important.  相似文献   

A bacteriophage (phage TN1) that lyses Rhizobium japonicum 3I1b110 was isolated from Tennessee soil. Structurally, this phage resembles the Escherichia coli phage T4, having an icosahedral head (47 by 60 nm) and a contractile tail (17 by 80 nm). An interesting feature of this phage is that it lyses all of the symbiotic defective mutants derived from R. japonicum 3I1b110 that were tested, except one, mutant strain HS123. Mutant strain HS123 is a non-nodulating mutant that is defective in attachment to soybean roots. Since Rhizobium attachment to host roots is thought to be mediated by a specific cell surface interaction, it is likely that mutant strain HS123 is defective in some way in its cell surface. Mutant strain HS123 bound soybean lectin to the same extent as the wild type as measured by the binding of tritium-labeled lectin. Phage TN1 did not attach to the surface of strain HS123, nor did cells of strain HS123 inactivate phage TN1. A hot phenol-water cell extract from the wild-type inactivated phage TN1, whereas a similar cell extract from mutant HS123 did not. Capsular polysaccharide isolated from mutant or wild type did not inactivate the phage. Capsular polysaccharide and exopolysaccharide from the mutant and wild type do not differ in sugar composition. These results indicate that capsular polysaccharide may not play a role in attachment to the plant root surface and that other cell wall components may be important.  相似文献   

Hydrogen evolved by nitrogenase may be recycled by a hydrogenase present in some legume nodules. Anoka and Portage cultivars of soybeans were inoculated with each of 8 and 24 strains, respectively, of Rhizobium japonicum and surveyed for H2 evolution and C2H2 reduction rates nodule weight, and plant dry weight. Six of the strains (3Ilb 110, USDA 122, USDA 136, 3Ilb 6, 3Ilb 142, and 3Ilb 143) which exhibited no H2 evolution in air were shown to take up H2. The relative efficiencies of nitrogenase energy utilization based on C2H2 reduction rates of nodules relative efficiences of nitrogenase energy utilization based on C2H2 reduction rates of nodules ranged from 0.96 to 1.0 for the six strains. Nodules formed by strain WA 5099-1-1 evolved small amounts of H2 in air and had a relative efficiency of 0.92. Nodules formed by the remaining 25 strains had relative efficiencies ranging from 0.41 to 0.80. A H2-evolving (3Ilb 123) and non-H2-evolving (3Ilb 143) strain were tested on seven soybean cultivars to determine the effect on the expression of hydrogenase. Nodules formed by strain 3Ilb 143 exhibited an efficiency of 1.0 on the following cultivars: Amsoy 71, Anoka, Bonus, Clark 63, Kent, Peking, and Portage. Relative efficiencies from 0.63 to 0.77 were determined for the five cultivars nodulated by strain 3Ilb 123. From the experiments with these cultivars, the capacity to recycle H2 produced from the nitrogenase system appears to be determined by the R. japonicum strain.  相似文献   

We report here the isolation and characterization of amino acid-requiring mutant strains of Rhizobium etli. We observe that the phenotype of most mutations, even when causing a strict auxotrophy, is overcome by cross-feeding from the host plant Phaseolus vulgaris, thereby allowing bacterial production of Nod factors and, consequently, nodule induction. Conversely, light and electron microscopy analysis reveals that the nodules induced by all mutants, including those with normal external morphology, are halted or strongly altered at intermediate or late stages of development. Moreover, some mutants induce nodules that display novel symbiotic phenotypes, such as specific alterations of the invaded cells or the presence of a reduced number of abnormally shaped uninvaded cells. Other mutants induce nodules showing an early and vast necrosis of the central tissue, a phenotype not previously observed in bean nodules, not even in nodules induced by a Fix- mutant. These observations indicate that amino acid auxotrophs represent a powerful tool to study the development of globose determinate-type nodules and emphasize the importance of establishing their histology and cytology before considerations of metabolic exchange are made.  相似文献   

The H2-oxidizing complex in Rhizobium japonicum 122 DES bacteroids failed to catalyze, at a measurable rate, 2H1H exchange from a mixture of 2H2 and 1H2 in presence of 2H2O and 1H2O, providing no evidence for reversibility of the hydrogenase reaction in vivo. In the H2 oxidation reaction, there was no significant discrimination between 2H2 and 1H2, indicating that the initial H2-activation step in the over-all H2 oxidation reaction is not rate-limiting. By use of improved methods, an apparent Km for H2 of 0.05 micromolar was determined. The H2 oxidation reaction in bacteroids was strongly inhibited by cyanide (88% at 0.05 millimolar), theonyltrifluoroacetone, and other metal-complexing agents. Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone at 0.005 millimolar and 2,4-dinitrophenol at 0.5 millimolar inhibited H2 oxidation and stimulated O2 uptake. This and other evidence suggest the involvement of cytochromes and nonheme iron proteins in the pathway of electron transport from H2 to O2. Partial pressures of H2 at 0.03 atmosphere and below had a pronounced inhibitory effect on endogenous respiration by bacteroid suspensions. The inhibition of CO2 evolution by low partial pressures of H2 suggests that H2 utilization may result in conservation of oxidizable substrates and benefits the symbiosis under physiological conditions. Succinate, acetate, and formate at concentrations of 50 millimolar inhibited rates of H2 uptake by 8, 29, and 25%, respectively. The inhibition by succinate was noncompetitive and that by acetate and formate was uncompetitive. A concentration of 11.6 millimolar CO2 (initial concentration) in solution inhibited H2 uptake by bacteroid suspensions by 18%. Further research is necessary to establish the significance of the inhibition of H2 uptake by succinate, acetate, formate, and CO2 in the metabolism of the H2-uptake-positive strains of Rhizobium.  相似文献   

Abstract Transposon Tn 501 , which encodes resistance to mercuric ions, was introduced into Rhizobium japonicum 110 and 31 by conjugal transfer. The transposon donor plasmid (pMD100) was able to mobilize into R. japonicum , but could not be maintained. Hg2+-resistant colonies were recovered at a frequency of 1.9 × 10−8/recipient for strain 110, and 1.7 × 10−7/recipient for strain 31. Presence of Tn 501 in Hg-resistant isolates was verified by Southern analysis and demonstrating transposition of Hg resistance. Transposon mutagenesis has been used to generate auxotrophic mutations at low frequency.  相似文献   

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