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Although the temperate regions of South America are known to have a diverse daphniid fauna, there has been no genetic evaluation of the existing taxonomic system or of the affinities between the North and South American faunas. The present study analyses mitochondrial DNA sequences and allozyme variation to investigate species diversity in 176 Daphnia populations from Argentina. This work established the presence of at least 15 species in Argentina, six of which are either undescribed or are currently misidentified and two of which represent range extensions of North American taxa. Eleven of the Argentine species appear endemic to South America, while the remaining four also occur in North America. In the latter cases, the close genetic similarity between populations from North and South America indicates the recent exchange of propagules between the continents. While biological interactions and habitat availability have undoubtedly contributed to the observed species distributions, chance dispersal has apparently played a dominant role in structuring large-scale biogeographical patterns in this genus and probably in other passively-dispersed organisms.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 171−205.  相似文献   

Iodamoeba is the last genus of obligately parasitic human protist whose phylogenetic position is unknown. Iodamoeba small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences were obtained using samples from three host species, and phylogenetic analyses convincingly placed Iodamoeba as a sister taxon to Endolimax. This clade in turn branches among free-living amoeboflagellates of the genus Mastigamoeba. Two Iodamoeba ribosomal lineages (RL1 and RL2) were detected whose sequences differ by 31%, each of which is found in both human and nonhuman hosts.  相似文献   

Zhang YZ  Zhou DJ  Qin XC  Tian JH  Xiong Y  Wang JB  Chen XP  Gao DY  He YW  Jin D  Sun Q  Guo WP  Wang W  Yu B  Li J  Dai YA  Li W  Peng JS  Zhang GB  Zhang S  Chen XM  Wang Y  Li MH  Lu X  Ye C  de Jong MD  Xu J 《Journal of virology》2012,86(5):2864-2868
Surveys were carried out to better understand the tick vector ecology and genetic diversity of Huaiyangshan virus (HYSV) in both regions of endemicity and regions of nonendemicity. Haemaphysalis longicornis ticks were dominant in regions of endemicity, while Rhipicephalus microplus is more abundant in regions of nonendemicity. HYSV RNA was found in human and both tick species, with greater prevalence in H. longicornis and lesser prevalence in R. microplus. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that HYSV is a novel species of the genus Phlebovirus.  相似文献   

We studied hantavirus seroprevalence and virus variability in rodent populations in Diego Gaynor, northwest of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Rodent samplings were conducted in railroads and cropfield borders in March and July 1999, September and December 2000, and March 2001. Antibody detection was performed by an enzyme link immunosorbent assay (ELISA), using the recombinant nucleoprotein of Andes (AND) virus as antigen. Tissue samples were taken from positive antibody individuals in order to confirm the presence of hantavirus genomic material and to identify virus genotypes. Akodon azarae was the most abundant species, followed by Oligoryzomys flavescens, while Calomys laucha and C. musculinus were rarely caught. We found a rate of seroprevalence of 9.3% for a total sample of 291 A. azarae and 13.5% for 37 O. flavescens. After molecular analyses of hantavirus, we confirmed the presence of hantavirus genomic material in 16 individuals with ELISA (+) results and two individuals with ELISA (-). Four amplimers for each species were sequenced and compared to the corresponding sequences of representative hantaviruses. We identified the AND Cent Lec from three O. flavescens, and the Pergamino virus from four A. azarae and from one O. flavescens. A. azarae males had higher seroprevalence than females, and heavier individuals showed higher seroprevalence than lighter ones. We did not find seroprevalence differences according to sex in O. flavescens, although this result may have been produced by the low sample size. The lowest seroprevalence was found in a period of high rodent density, when juveniles prevailed in the population. We found higher seroprevalences than those detected in previous studies for other localities of central Argentina where cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) have been reported. The presence of AND Cent Lec virus in rodent populations of the study area, which is responsible of HPS cases in central Argentina, suggests that human populations are at risk of HPS disease, although there were not reported cases of this disease until today.  相似文献   

The highland region or Northwestern Argentina (NWA) is one of the southernmost areas of native maize cultivation and constitutes an expansion of the peruvian Andes sphere of influence. To examine the genetic diversity and racial affiliations of the landraces cultivated in this area, 18 microsatellite markers were used to characterize 147 individuals from 6 maize races representative of traditional materials. For the whole data set, a total of 184 alleles were found, with an average of 10.2 alleles per locus. The average gene diversity was 0.571. The observed patterns of genetic differentiation suggest that historical association is probably the main factor in shaping population structure for the landraces studied here. In agreement with morphological and cytogenetic data, Bayesian analysis of NWA landraces revealed the occurrence of three main gene pools. Assessment of racial affiliations using a combined dataset including previous data on American landraces showed a clear relationship between one of these gene pools and typical Andean races, whereas the remaining two gene pools exhibited a closer association to Caribbean accessions and native germplasm from the United States, respectively. These results highlight the importance of integrating regional genetic studies if a deeper understanding of maize diversification and dispersal is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA variation was studied in five evergreen Quercus species from the Western part of Tunisia using Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS) technique. Five primer pair/endonuclease combinations have been used. Chlorotypes of Quercus species have been identified. The enzyme HinfI was more efficient in detecting polymorphism in oak species than TaqI. The phenogram showed five groups defining the five studied oak species: suber group, afares group, coccifera group, canariensis group and ilex group. The topology of phenogram showed that the classification depends only on species and independently of their geographic origin. The principal component analysis (ACP) corroborated the results of the tree branching and confirmed the existence of five species groups. Our results showed a genetic proximity between Quercus afares and Quercus coccifera species that may be due to temperature tolerance or the demographic history of these species. Nevertheless, a high value of GST calculated (GST = 1), suggesting that the maximum of variation is maintained among oak species. This result was confirmed by the low value of the genetic diversity within species (hS = 0), the value obtained of the total genetic diversity (hT = 0.378) and the absence of gene flow between species (Nm = 0). A high genetic proximity has been registered between Q. afares, Quercus suber and Quercus canariensis. Moreover, Q. afares shared the chlorotype of Q. suber and Q. canariensis which suggests its hybrid origin.  相似文献   

Fish microsporidia: fine structural diversity and phylogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Structural diversity of fish microsporidian life cycle stages and of the host-parasite interface is reviewed. In the infected cell of the fish host, microsporidia may either cause serious degradation of the cytoplasm and demise of the cell, or they may elicit host cell hypertrophy, producing a parasite-hypertrophic host cell complex, the xenoma. The structure of the xenoma and of its cell wall may differ according to the genus of the parasite, and seems to express properties of the parasite rather than those of the host. In merogony, the parasite cell surface interacts with the host cell in diverse ways, the most conspicuous being the production of thick envelopes of different types. Sporogony stages reveal different types of walls or membranes encasing the sporoblasts and later the spores and these envelopes may be of host or parasite origin. Nucleospora differs from all other fish microsporidia by its unique process of sporogony. Except for the formation of conspicuous xenomas, there are no essentially different structures in fish-infecting microsporidia compared with microsporidia from other hosts. Although the structures associated with the development of fish microsporidia cannot be attributed importance in tracing the phylogeny, they are relevant for practical determination and assessing the relation to the host. The possibility of the existence of an intermediate host is discussed. Higher-level classification of Microsporidia is briefly discussed and structure and evolutionary rates in microsporidian rDNA are reviewed. Discussion of rDNA molecular phylogeny of fish-infecting microsporidia is followed by classification of these parasites. Most form a rather cohesive clade. Outside this clade is the genus Nucleospora, separated at least at the level of Order. Within the main clade, however, there are six species infecting hosts other than fish. Based on data available for analysis, a tentative classification of fish-infecting microsporidia into five groups is proposed. Morphologically defined groups represent families, others are referred to as clades. Group 1, represented by family Pleistophoridae, includes Pleistophora, Ovipleistophora and Heterosporis; Vavraia and Trachipleistophora infect non-fish hosts. Group 2, represented by family Glugeidae, is restricted to genus Glugea and Tuzetia weidneri from crustaceans. Group 3 comprises three clades: Loma and a hyperparasitic microsporidian from a myxosporean; Ichthyosporidium and Pseudoloma clade and the Loma acerinae clade. For the latter species a new genus has to be established. Group 4 contains two families, Spragueidae with the genus Spraguea and Tetramicridae with genera Microgemma and Tetramicra, and the Kabatana and Microsporidium seriolae clade. Group 5 is represented by the family Enterocytozoonidae with the genus Nucleospora and mammal-infecting genus Enterocytozoon.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyzed the taxonomic diversity of the Argentine dicots to evaluate their relationships with area, latitude, and longitude. We also evaluated species diversity and higher taxa diversity relationships. The families, genera and species diversity in Argentine dicots was not explained by the area of each province but it varied through latitudinal and longitudinal gradients. The taxonomic diversity of these plants increased from high to low latitudes and west–east longitudes. These patterns would explain why the main diversity centers are located in the North region of this country. As we expected the species diversity and higher taxa diversity showed a positive relationship. At this scale, higher taxa diversity could be use as surrogate for species diversity.  相似文献   

The Ichthyosauria is the group of Mesozoic marine reptiles that was most highly adapted to the aquatic environment. The first ichthyosaurs from the upper Lower Triassic (Spathian) already show a suite of unique characters (very large eyes, elongate snout, deeply amphicoelous vertebrae, limb modified to fins) correlated with a fully aquatic existence and probably were unable to leave the water. The key evolutionary innovation was vivipary, giving birth to live young, which is documented by the fossil record since the end of the Anisian. Major evolutionary trends in the locomotor apparatus are the increasing modification of the fin skeleton to a mosaic of bones and the change from anguiliform swimming in the earliest forms to thunniform swimming in the Jurassic and later forms, as evidenced by the shortening of the body and the evolution of a semilunate tail fin. Almost from the beginning, ichthyosaurs had a cosmopolitan distribution which was retained until their extinction in the Cenomanian. Ichthyosaurian diversity is greatest in the Middle Triassic with piscivorous, heterodont, and durophagous forms. Jurassic diversity is greatest in the Liassic, declining to one genus (Platypterygius) in the Cretaceous. Although skull characters indicate that ichthyosaurs were diapsids, their exact position within Diapsida is unclear. A cladistic analysis of the well known genera clarifies relationships within the Ichthyosauria. Most basal areGrippia andUtatsusaurus, followed by the Mixosauridae (Mixosaurus andPhalarodon). The Shastasauridae (Cymbospondylus, Shonisaurus, Besanosaurus) are the most advanced Triassic forms and represent the sistergroup of all post-Triassic ichthyosaurs. These are clearly monophyletic and are termed here the Neoichthyosauria.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the interest of the hypervariable 23S-5S ribosomal intergenic spacer region (ISR) of the genus Legionella to analyze the phylogenic diversity of Legionella at the species and subspecies levels and to identify isolates directly from clinical specimens. The method, using a real-time PCR assay with a single primer pair followed by sequencing, was able to identify correctly 49 reference strains of Legionella belonging to 37 different species, including those implicated in human infections, and to clearly differentiate the three subspecies of L. pneumophila. Based on sequence similarities, the 23S-5S ISR sequences were much more variable than the rpoB and mip sequences (P<0.0001 by the Wilcoxon signed rank test). The 23S-5S ISR method was able to cluster Legionella species in accordance with phenotypic traits, such as autofluorescence or fatty acid membrane composition. Using maximum parsimony methods, the rpoB and 23S-5S ISR data sets were shown to be incongruent (P<0.001). In contrast, the 23S-5S ISR and the mip data sets were found to be congruent (P=0.313), suggesting the interest of combining these two regions to demonstrate phylogenetic links between Legionella species. This molecular assay was shown able to both detect Legionella DNA directly in respiratory specimens from patients exhibiting a Legionella infection and provide accurate identification of the bacterium at the species level in the tested specimens. These properties open a wide range of applications to the 23S-5S ISR sequencing method, from taxonomic analyses to clinical and epidemiological investigations.  相似文献   

Earthworms are one of the most important and beneficial macrofauna, and are used extensively in organic farming. Earthworms mediate soil biological regulation systems, and produce biogenic structures. They help to maintain soil structure, water infiltration, and regulate the availability of nutrients assimilated by plants. The objectives of this study were to perform morphological and molecular characterizations of 24 earthworm individuals collected from geographically diverse locations to assess the level of genetic variation. For molecular analysis, the effectiveness of RAPD, ISSR, and Universal rice primers (URPs) markers was investigated to identify polymorphism among 24 isolates of earthworms. A total of 62 molecular markers were used for amplification of genomic DNA of earthworms. Of these, 10 RAPD, 10 ISSR, and 10 URPs markers were used for characterization, which showed 95.7%, 96.7% and 98.3% polymorphism, respectively. The dendrogram, generated from the DNA markers by the unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages, grouped all the isolates into two main clusters. All Eisenia fetida isolates were clustered in group A, whereas group B included three isolates belonging to Eudrilus eugeniae. Molecular markers allowed a rapid assessment of genetic variation among these closely related isolates of earthworms. These results suggest that molecular markers are a good choice for diversity analysis of earthworm individuals.  相似文献   

A combined phylogenetic and multilocus DNA sequence analysis of 26 Pseudomonas stutzeri strains distributed within the 9 genomovars of the species has been performed. Type strains of the two most closely related species (P. balearica, former genomovar 6, and P. mendocina), together with P. aeruginosa, as the type species of the genus, have been included in the study. The extremely high genetic diversity and the clonal structure of the species were confirmed by the sequence analysis. Clustering of strains in the consensus phylogeny inferred from the analysis of seven nucleotide sequences (16S ribosomal DNA, internally transcribed spacer region 1, gyrB, rpoD, nosZ, catA, and nahH) confirmed the monophyletic origin of the genomovars within the Pseudomonas branch and is in good agreement with earlier DNA-DNA similarity analysis, indicating that the selected genes are representative of the whole genome in members of the species.  相似文献   

Although there is a great deal of interest in the biological diversity of species and of genes, it is only recently that researchers have begun to investigate the processes that exert parallel influences on these different levels of diversity.  相似文献   

Plant genetic resources are important sources of genetic variation for improving crop varieties as breeding materials. Conservation of such resources of allogamous species requires maintenance of the genetic diversity within each accession to avoid inbreeding depression and loss of rare alleles. For assessment of genetic diversity in the self-incompatibility locus (S locus), which is critically involved in the chance of mating, we developed a dot-blot genotyping method for self-incompatibility (S) haplotypes and applied it to indigenous, miscellaneous landraces of Brassica rapa, provided by the IPK Gene Bank (Gatersleben, Germany) and the Tohoku University Brassica Seed Bank (Sendai, Japan), in which landraces are maintained using different population sizes. This method effectively determined S genotypes of more than 500 individuals from the focal landraces. Although our results suggest that these landraces might possess sufficient numbers of S haplotypes, the strong reduction of frequencies of recessive S haplotypes occurred, probably owing to genetic drift. Based on these results, we herein discuss an appropriate way to conserve genetic diversity of allogamous plant resources in a gene bank.  相似文献   

The genomic diversity among photosynthetic rhizobia from northeast Argentina was assessed. Forty six isolates obtained from naturally occurring stem and root nodules of Aeschynomene rudis plants were analyzed by three molecular typing methods with different levels of taxonomic resolution: repetitive sequence-based PCR (rep-PCR) genomic fingerprinting with BOX and REP primers, amplified 16S rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA), and 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer-restriction fragment length polymorphism (IGS-RFLP) analysis. The in vivo absorption spectra of membranes of strains were similar in the near infrared region with peaks at 870 and 800 nm revealing the presence of light harvesting complex I, bacteriochlorophyll-binding polypeptides (LHI-Bchl complex). After extraction with acetone-methanol the spectra differed in the visible part displaying peaks belonging to canthaxanthin or spirilloxanthin as the main carotenoid complement. The genotypic characterization by rep-PCR revealed a high level of genomic diversity among the isolates and almost all the photosynthetic ones have identical ARDRA patterns and fell into one cluster different from Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bradyrhizobium elkanii. In the combined analysis of ARDRA and rep-PCR fingerprints, 7 clusters were found including most of the isolates. Five of those contained only photosynthetic isolates; all canthaxanthin-containing strains grouped in one cluster, most of the other photosynthetic isolates were grouped in a second large cluster, while the remaining three clusters contained a few strains. The other two clusters comprising reference strains of B. japonicum and B. elkanii, respectively. The IGS-RFLP analysis produced similar clustering for almost all the strains. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of one representative isolate was determined and the DNA sequence analysis confirmed the position of photosynthetic rhizobia in a distinct phylogenetic group within the Bradyrhizobium rDNA cluster.  相似文献   

Phenological differences in flowering arising along elevational gradients may be caused by either local adaptation or phenotypic plasticity. Local adaptation can lead to reproductive isolation of populations at different elevational zones and thus produce elevational genetic structuring, while phenotypic plasticity does not produce elevational genetic structuring. In this study, we examined the effects of elevation and fragmentation on genetic diversity and structure of Polylepis australis populations, where individuals exhibit phenological differences in flowering along an elevational gradient. We assessed the polymorphism of amplified fragment length polymorphism markers in adults and saplings from one conserved and one fragmented forest covering elevations from 1600 to 2600 m asl. Over 98% of variation was found within populations, and we found very low and similar genetic differentiation along elevational gradients for adults and saplings in both continuous and fragmented forests. In addition, there was no significant relationship between genetic diversity and elevation. Results indicated that phenological differences along elevational gradients are more likely caused by phenotypic plasticity than local adaptation, and fragmentation does not appear to have affected genetic diversity and differentiation in the studied populations. Results therefore imply that if necessary, seeds for reforestation purposes may be collected from different elevations to the seeding or planting sites.  相似文献   

Lactarius hatsudake is a type of ectomycorrhizal fungus that significantly influences the growth of pine trees. It is widely prevalent in Asian countries and has a high economic value. Artificial cultivation of this fungus has not been achieved as yet; therefore, excessive manual harvesting may cause serious damages to the site of its production. In this study, we analyzed 41 samples of L. hatsudake from south China using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. By comparing the differences among ITS sequences to identify the haplotype diversity within each population, the relationships among local populations, the relationship between the level of genetic differentiation and geographical separation, and the contributions of local and regional geographical separations to the overall ITS haplotype variation were analyzed. Genetic analysis indicates that ITS sequences obtained from these 41 L.?hatsudake samples could be identified as 18 haplotypes, of which 13 haplotypes were contained in only a single sample, whereas the remaining sequence types all were contained in two or more samples. The most common sequence type, haplotype 6, was found in 16 samples and was distributed across nearly every region. The Mantel test demonstrated that there is no significant linear relationship between geographical distance and the F(ST) value of genetic difference. Results of this research illustrates that there exists a certain degree of genetic intermixing among natural populations of L. hatsudake. From the group genetic analysis, it appears that there exists genetic differentiation of lower frequencies in natural populations of L. hatsudake; however, the linear relationship between the degree of genetic differentiation and geographical distance is not distinctly apparent.  相似文献   

啮总目包括啮虫目(皮虱和书虱)和虱目(羽虱和吸虱),是农业和医学等领域具有重要经济意义和研究价值的类群,目前已鉴定和描述的物种超过10 000个。啮总目昆虫线粒体基因组的变异性在昆虫各类群中最为剧烈,这些变异包括基因组的结构、基因排序、基因含量和链上分布等诸多方面。本文全面分析和总结了啮总目昆虫裂化线粒体基因组的进化属性,并结合两侧对称动物线粒体基因组的裂化特征重构了线粒体基因组环裂化的过程。引入“线粒体基因组核型”的概念来描述动物线粒体基因组丰富的变异程度。动物线粒体的染色体有减小的趋势,而线粒体基因组的裂化正是体现这种趋势的一种重要策略。同时,总结和探讨了目前具有争议的啮总目主要类群间的系统发育关系。本综述为啮总目昆虫线粒体基因组学、啮总目系统发生关系以及两侧对称动物线粒体基因组进化模式的研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

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