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In Guyana, we investigated seed output, and resulting seedling establishment and survival, during a 'mast' year, by the ectomycorrhizal, monodominant rainforest canopy tree Dicymbe corymbosa (Caesalpiniaceae), a species with high, synchronous seed production at intermittent years. By utilizing seed traps, the mast seed output, predation, carbon and mineral investment, and masting synchrony were quantified in 2003 in primary D. corymbosa forests. Establishment of seedling cohorts was monitored, and climatic conditions associated with masting were assessed. During 2003, D. corymbosa in the Pakaraima Mountains exhibited high, synchronous seed production with low dispersal and predation. Investment in reproductive biomass was large relative to that in other tropical forests. Recent D. corymbosa reproductive events followed El Nino-induced droughts, with little intervening seed production. Over 12 months, 40% of the 2003 seedling cohort survived. Our results suggest that D. corymbosa has a strongly bimodal fruiting pattern that allows the establishment of a large seedling bank, facilitating persistent monodominance. Resource investment in large seed crops may depend on mineral recycling via ectomycorrhizas, coupled with the reallocation of carbon from vegetative maintenance.  相似文献   

The Neotropics harbors a megadiverse ichthyofauna comprising over 6300 species with approximately 80% in just three taxonomic orders within the clade Characiphysi. This highly diverse group has evolved in tropical South America over tens to hundreds of millions of years influenced mostly by re‐arrangements of river drainages in lowland and upland systems. In this study, we investigate patterns of spatial diversification in Neotropical freshwater fishes in the family Curimatidae, a species‐rich clade of the order Characiformes. Specifically, we examined ancestral areas, dispersal events, and shifts in species richness using spatially explicit biogeographic and macroevolutionary models to determine whether lowlands–uplands serve as museums or cradles of diversification for curimatids. We used fossil information to estimate divergence times in BEAST, multiple time‐stratified models of geographic range evolution in BioGeoBEARS, and alternative models of geographic state‐dependent speciation and extinction in GeoHiSSE. Our results suggest that the most recent common ancestor of curimatids originated in the Late Cretaceous likely in lowland paleodrainages of northwestern South America. Dispersals from lowland to upland river basins of the Brazilian and Guiana shields occurred repeatedly across independently evolving lineages in the Cenozoic. Colonization of upland drainages was often coupled with increased rates of net diversification in species‐rich genera such as Cyphocharax and Steindachnerina. Our findings demonstrate that colonization of novel aquatic environments at higher elevations is associated with an increased rate of diversification, although this pattern is clade‐dependent and driven mostly by allopatric speciation. Curimatids reinforce an emerging perspective that Amazonian lowlands act as a museum by accumulating species along time, whereas the transitions to uplands stimulate higher net diversification rates and lineage diversification.  相似文献   

To determine if there were consistent differences in growth, mortality, and recruitment on slopes and ridge crests in tropical montane forests, which could explain the (frequent but not universal) low stature of trees in the ridgetop forests, we analyzed data from long‐term plots in Jamaica (1990–1994; sixteen 200‐m2 plots, six on ridge crests and five each on north and south slopes). Mortality was higher on north slopes, while growth and recruitment rates were not significantly different among positions. Soil pH and effects of recent disturbance by Hurricane Gilbert were positively correlated with growth and recruitment, while slope angle and disturbance effects were the best predictors of mortality. The patterns we found in Jamaica, that growth and recruitment were not higher on ridge crests than slopes, are different than those found by Herwitz and Young in Australia where growth and turnover were greater on a ridge crest. Therefore, it is not possible at present to make simple generalizations about dynamics of ridge crest versus slope forests in the montane tropics.  相似文献   

海南霸王岭热带山地雨林森林循环与树种多样性动态   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林的调查 ,研究了热带山地雨林树种多样性特征随森林循环的动态变化规律。结果表明 :( 1 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段斑块在森林景观中所占的面积比例分别是 :林隙阶段 ( G)占 38.5 0 % ,建立阶段 ( B)占 2 8.5 0 % ,成熟阶段 ( M)占 2 7.0 0 % ,衰退阶段 ( D)占 6 .0 0 %。 ( 2 )热带山地雨林中乔木树种的密度随森林循环的变化趋势是由 G→B→M呈现出逐渐增加的趋势 ,以成熟阶段达到最大 ,而到衰退阶段又趋于下降。灌木树种则表现出 G阶段斑块的密度最大 ,B阶段的最小 ,从 B到 M有所增加 ,到 D又稍有下降。 ( 3)热带山地雨林中不同高度级和不同径级的树木的密度在森林循环的不同阶段表现出不同的增减趋势 ,其随森林循环过程呈现出的动态变化可能与不同阶段斑块内的空间、环境及物种生物学特性有关。 ( 4 )热带山地雨林中树木的平均胸径、平均高、平均胸高断面积、平均单株材积随森林循环过程呈现出不断增加的趋势 ,其中平均胸径和平均高随森林循环的变化较为平缓 ,而平均胸高断面积和平均单株材积之变化较为陡急。 ( 5 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段的物种多样性指数不同 ,其中 G和 B阶段的物种丰富度和多样性指数值较接近 ,M阶段的物种丰富度达到最大 ,D阶段则最小。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica and in a greenhouse in California to determine the factors accounting for the nonrandom distribution of the riparian fig tree Ficus insipida Willd. along streams in the La Selva Biological Reserve and adjacent deforested lands. We also evaluated the potential seed dispersers of this tree relative to the role of the fruit‐eating fish Brycon guatemalensis that previously was proposed to be an important disperser of F. insipida seeds in this system. At La Selva, we recorded the fig‐foraging activities of vertebrates at fruiting F. insipida trees, surveyed for the presence or absence of F. insipida along streams of different sizes, and determined the fate of fig seedlings transplanted in different riparian habitats. In the greenhouse, we measured seed germination and seedling survival and growth under different light and soil pH conditions mimicking natural conditions. The findings provided evidence that (1) the tree occurs along the larger streams running through forest habitat and only along smaller streams with relatively high light availability; (2) bats (Artibeus spp.) and fish are the major dispersers of F. insipida seeds; (3) the seedlings are subject to mortality not only from low light conditions but also from treefalls, frequent flooding, and bank erosion; and (4) high light levels and near neutral soil pH result in relatively better seed germination, faster growth, and higher survival rates of seedlings. Overall, our results suggest that this fig tree is dispersed mainly by bats and fish and is more establishment‐limited than disperser‐limited in its local distribution in the La Selva rain forest habitat.  相似文献   

Potential resource overlap between howling monkeys and other arboreal mammals was studied in the rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. Eight species of mammals belonging to the orders Primates, Carnivora, Rodentia, and Marsupialia were found to share the canopy and to overlap trophically with howling monkeys. These mammals made up 77% and Alouatta 23% of the arboreal mammalian biomass under consideration. The arboreal porcupine and spider monkey were the only mammals that also fed on leaves. However, in this feeding niche, Alouatta is the only important mammalian folivore in Los Tuxtlas, and resource depression derived from leaf-eating insects is more important. The eight arboreal mammals may exert more pressure upon fruit resources, for they consumed 75% of the estimated total dry weight of fruit/ha/yr consumed by arboreal mammals.  相似文献   

The effects of dispersal pattern (seeds in small clumps vs. seeds scattered in pairs) and distance to the nearest Carapa procera (Meliaceae; a tree that produces seeds preferred by terrestrial vertebrates) on survival of seeds and seedlings were examined for the animal–dispersed tree species Virola michelii (Myristicaceae) in a mature forest‘at Paracou, French Guiana, in 1992 and 1993. We assessed the putative role of ground–dwelling mammalian herbivores, rodents, and ungulates that filter the seed shadow, acting either as dispersers or predators and thus modifying the original pattern of seed dispersal made by frugivores. We measured the effects of simulated seed burial by rodents using marked seeds and quantified the effect of protecting seeds and seedlings from ground–dwelling vertebrates on seedling germination and survival with fence exclosures in 1992. Dispersal pattern had short–term but no long–term effects on the proportion of V. michelii seeds that survived one year later as seedlings. In the short term, within six weeks, clumped seeds survived better than scattered seeds in both years. Marked seeds that were removed from their site of dispersal were eaten; rodents only rarely buried seeds of V. michelii, and seed burial reduced seed and seedling survivorship. The combined effect of the factors year and Carapa proximity significantly affected seed survival within six weeks. Although six–week seed survival was greater in 1993 than in 1992, seedling establishment was lower in 1993 than in 1992 following a lower rainfall regime during the key period of seed germination (February). One–year seed and seedling survivorship was similar between treatments and years. Seed survival and seedling establishment in V. michelii was dependent on vertebrates in the short term and on climate in the long term. Overall, seed and seedling survivorship depended on a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

Comparisons between two forest localities were undertaken to assess the potential availability of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) within the low-diversity forests of Guyana. Information on the abundance and distribution of tree species, and local and national ethnobotanical surveys were used classifying species into five categories (timber, construction, technological, edible and medicinal). A total of 152 species were recorded from the two localities; covering 236 different uses, 33 known commercial timber species and 106 species with potential non-timber product utilization. The most important plant families with the highest number of uses at both localities were Leguminosae (sub-families Caesalpinioideae and Mimosoideae), Arecaceae, Bombacaceae and Chrysobalanaceae, although these families were not the most abundant families at both localities. At both forest localities eight tree species represented over 50% of all the trees. At Kurupukari three species, each with more than three identified NTFPs, represented over 20% of the trees.Potential utilization of NTFPs are discussed in accordance with species richness, tree density, the number of different uses per species, and the percentage of trees represented by each utilizable species. Considering the constraints on the future potential commercialization of NTFPs, two scenarios for the extraction of NTFPs are discussed. Within relatively species-rich forest types the high diversity of products provides potentially viable multiple-species extractionism. In contrast, in low-diversity forest types, typical of the Guiana Shield, one or two NTFP species frequently represent over 50% of the canopy trees, and therefore substantially increase the potential sustainable extraction for single-species harvesting. It is suggested that these low-diversity types of forest are prioritized for conservation on the basis of ensuring future utilization, refuge, of non-timber forest products.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of contrasting light environments on the relationship between the host plant size of Poulsenia armata and the abundance of two gall midges in a tropical rain forest in Veracruz, Mexico. The number and density of two gall morphs (i.e., laminar and vein‐petiole galls) were positively correlated with plant size only in trees found in the forest but not in gaps. The availability of foliar area of P. armata trees was greater in forest gaps than in the forest. The foliar area was positively correlated with the abundance of laminar galls in trees in forest sites, but not with vein‐petiole galls. We concluded that the abundance of two morphs of gall midges on P. armata was associated with host plant size only in the forest trees. Larger plants had more galls than small plants, although this relationship was affected by local light environments.  相似文献   

Successional patterns of microfungi on decaying leaves of Ficus pleurocarpa were assessed as part of a study to enumerate microfungi in tropical rain forest leaf litter. Leaves degraded into fragments over a period of 3 mo. Two methods were applied, a direct observational method and a particle filtration protocol. Using a direct method, 104 species were observed, while 53 sporulating taxa and 100 sterile morphotaxa were isolated by particle filtration. Overall patterns of succession were confirmed by both methods, but the relative abundance of species detected differed between the two methods. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling identified at least four successional stages and suggested that microfungal communities increased in similarity with advancing decay. Data collected by the direct method indicated a slow but steady decline of diversity with advancing decay, whereas an increase in diversity was detected by particle filtration. Synecological succession studies provide a useful tool to identify patterns and generate hypotheses. Understanding the underlying causes of successional patterns will require further autecological studies.  相似文献   

海南尖峰岭热带林土壤动物群落——群落的组成及其特征   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26  
廖崇惠  李健雄  杨悦屏  张振才 《生态学报》2002,22(11):1866-1872
以海南尖峰岭自然保护区热带山地雨林为标准样地,研究热带土壤动物在原始生境中的群落结构。样地设5个固定取样点,每月固定时间用3种方法,对原生动物、线虫和其它大、中型土壤动物分别取样。调查结果显示:(1)以风干土培养法获得的原生动物共有18目72种,种类以纤毛虫类为主,数量则以肉足虫类为主。本调查点与以北各地带相比,其分布的种类较少,这与热带林枯枝落叶层薄有关。(2)以湿漏斗法获得的线虫有7目76种,为国内各地带之首。其中矛线目种类及个体数量均占多数。(3)以手拣和大、小于漏斗法获得的土壤动物共有32个类群(以目为主),其多样性指数(H′)高于本区以北各地带调查点。类群的重要性,按平均数量及其稳定性来排序,排在最前的几个类群有蚂蚁、鞘翅目、蚯蚓、及等翅目等。比西双版纳热带沟谷雨林的土壤动物群落结构更具热带性。  相似文献   

This study provides a checklist of the Caesalpinioideae (Leguminosae) present in Equatorial Guinea, comprising 52 genera and 124 taxa. Seven species are known from Annobón, 33 from Bioko and 109 from Río Muni. The best represented genus is Senna with eight species. In addition, bibliographic references for Caesalpinioideae (Leguminosae) from Equatorial Guinea have been gathered and checked. Fourteen species are included based on literature records, because their distribution ranges suggest they may occur in Equatorial Guinea, 11 introduced species could be naturalized, and 45 taxa are recorded for the first time from the country. This represents an increase of over 35% in the floristic knowledge of Caesalpinioideae from Equatorial Guinea. A statistical summary is presented at the end of the checklist.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 541–562.  相似文献   

The diet of dingoes (Canis familiaris dingo) in the Australian Wet Tropics was examined by analyzing 383 dingo scats collected throughout the region for the presence of mammal prey remains. The scats yielded 29 native and 4 introduced mammal prey species from 14 families. The most important species in terms of percentage occurrence in the scats were Melomys cervinipes (22.2%), hoodon macrourus (17.0%), Perameles nasuta (12.5%), and Thylogale stigmatica (12.5%). The most important families were Muridae (37.1%), Peramelidae (29.5%), and Macropodidae (25.8%). Examination of small‐scale habitat preferences revealed species that preferentially use the forest edge ranked significantly higher in the diet than those that do not, and species that are terrestrial ranked higher in the diet than those that are arboreal. Relative abundance was also a significant factor in the ranked dietary occurrence of each species, with abundant species ranked significantly higher than those that are less abundant. These results suggest that dingoes in the Australian Wet Tropics are opportunistic predators of a wide variety of mammal species, with abundant terrestrial and forest edge‐dwelling taxa the most susceptible to predation.  相似文献   

Robert Lücking 《Biotropica》1999,31(4):553-564
A total of 217 species of typically foliicolous lichens were found at the “Botarrama” trail, a premontane rain forest in the Braulio Carrillo National Park, Costa Rica. The species composition confirmed the classification of this study sice as transitional between lowland wet and montane rain forest. In terms of species tichness, the foliicolous lichen flora was dominated by the families Gomphillaceae (Calenia, Echinoplaca, Gyalideopsis, and Tricharia), Trichotheliaceae (Porina and Tricbothelium), and Pilocarpaceae (Byssoloma and Fellhanera). The most frequent species were Porina mirabilis (including its supposed anamorph Phyllophiale alba), Gyalectidium filicinum, Porina rufula, and Strigula platypoda. A large proportion of the species was rare. Frequency distributions based on area cover corresponded well to general community models by closely fitting a log-normal approximation. Half of the species had narrow ecological amplitudes while more than 70 percent exhibited a wide geographical distribution, thus making che study site representative of a Neotropical rain forest. The use of foliicolous lichens as indicators of altitudinal zonation is discussed.  相似文献   

Pathogens and other symbiotic fungi that infect above‐ground plant parts commonly disperse as airborne spores. Here we present diel patterns of the density of airborne fungal spores in the canopy and understory of a tropical rain forest. Spores were 52‐fold more abundant in the understory than in the canopy. Additionally, spores were 5‐ to 35‐fold more abundant at night than during the day, associated with environmental conditions conducive to germination and plant infection.  相似文献   

Primary production and decomposition of organic substances were investigated in a tropical lagoon during the rainy season. Production and mineralization were measured using the oxygen method. Total bacteria numbers and biomasses were estimated with epifluorescence microscopy, and the enzymatic degradation capacity of model substrates was determined photometrically. These parameters were measured in the water and sediment of the lagoon itself and also in its effluents and incoming waters. The aim of the study was to determine the sites of highest microbial activity in the lagoon and to compare its activity with other coastal water bodies. Since the shallow water lagoon contains a large amount of particulate matter, it was of special interest to study the degradation of this material and its influence on the microbial population. It was found that up to 14 % of the bacteria colonized the particles and that 62 % of the respiration originated in the particle fraction >8 μm. Highest exoenzymatic activities were measured in the sediment and water of the mangrove belt. It is concluded that decomposition and conditioning of particulate organic matter play dominant roles in the recycling of organic carbon in the lagoon.  相似文献   

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