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Flying-foxes (Pteropodidae) are large bats capable of long-distance flight. Many species are threatened; some are considered pests. Effective conservation and management of flying-foxes are constrained by lack of knowledge of their ecology, especially of movement patterns over large spatial scales. Using satellite telemetry, we quantified long-distance movements of the grey-headed flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus among roost sites in eastern Australia. Fourteen adult males were tracked for 2-40 weeks (mean 25 weeks). Collectively, these individuals utilised 77 roost sites in an area spanning 1,075 km by 128 km. Movement patterns varied greatly between individuals, with some travelling long distances. Five individuals travelled cumulative distances >1,000 km over the study period. Five individuals showed net displacements >300 km during one month, including one movement of 500 km within 48 hours. Seasonal movements were consistent with facultative latitudinal migration in part of the population. Flying-foxes shifted roost sites frequently: 64% of roost visits lasted <5 consecutive days, although some individuals remained at one roost for several months. Modal 2-day distances between consecutive roosts were 21-50 km (mean 45 km, range 3-166 km). Of 13 individuals tracked for >12 weeks, 10 moved >100 km in one or more weeks. Median cumulative displacement distances over 1, 10 and 30 weeks were 0 km, 260 km and 821 km, respectively. On average, over increasing time-periods, one additional roost site was visited for each additional 100 km travelled. These findings explain why culling and relocation attempts have had limited success in resolving human-bat conflicts in Australia. Flying-foxes are highly mobile between camps and regularly travel long distances. Consequently, local control actions are likely to have only temporary effects on local flying-fox populations. Developing alternative methods to manage these conflicts remains an important challenge that should be informed by a better understanding of the species' movement patterns.  相似文献   

Management of hunting activity to serve as a tool for sustainable development has become a key issue in conservation biology. However, little evidence is available showing positive impacts of hunting on ecosystem conservation, limiting its capability to be used as a conservation tool. We analysed hunting and its positive influence on the ecology and conservation of the griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), a scavenger with a relevant function in the ecosystem, in the Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain. Use of the area by vultures was addressed by looking for cliffs used as roosts or colonies, and consumption of game species by vultures was evaluated through field surveys and questionnaires to hunters. Results revealed a strong spatiotemporal adjustment in the use of the area by vultures and hunting events, especially of red deer and wild boar. Vultures occupied roosting sites very close to the main hunting sectors of these game species and often were seen consuming their carcasses. The spatiotemporal pattern of roost use by vultures strongly overlapped with hunting of red deer. The numbers of both red deer and wild boar hunting episodes within 3.5 km around the roosts were the best predictors of vulture occurrence and number. Our estimates show that hunting could feed around 1,800 vultures/6 months. Hunting can thus influence species at the top of the ecosystem (scavengers) and could aid sustainable management of griffon vulture populations, reconciling hunting and conservation. However, negative and positive impacts should be taken into account simultaneously for an overall evaluation of hunting on ecosystem conservation.  相似文献   

Despite a long historical record of radio-tracking analyses, basic home-range information is still lacking for most common waterfowl species, especially during the winter. We investigated how dabbling duck home ranges and daily foraging movements are influenced by extrinsic (site, temperature, date) and intrinsic factors (species, sex, age). We radio-tagged and monitored 125 individuals of three duck species (mallard Anas platyrhynchos, Eurasian teal A. crecca crecca and northern pintail A. acuta) in three French wetlands over four winters. Home-range sizes for a given species varied greatly among our study sites. Moreover, species differed according to home-range structure and distance traveled to reach their foraging grounds (teal had a more patchy home range and traveled farther distances than mallards). Foraging distances increased with temperature and time (over the winter season), but this effect differed among species, suggesting that they behave differently in response to food depletion and/or cold weather. The commuting behavior (i.e., the decision to leave the roost at night for foraging) differed among species and season. Teals were more risk-prone because they were more likely to leave the roost at night. In our study, ducks foraged at distances of 1–2 km from roosts, whereas distances of 2–48 km have been recorded in North America. We suggest that food supply, hunting pressure or population density may account for these inter-continental differences.  相似文献   

Theodore H.  Fleming 《Ibis》1981,123(4):463-476
This study presents data on the roosting and feeding behaviour of Pied Wagtails around Oxford, England. During the winter of 1977–78, from two to 1200 wagtails roosted in a Phragmites reed-bed. Use of this roost was greatest during mild, windless weather and the birds apparently used alternate roosts during harsh weather. Movement between roosts sometimes occurred between sunset and sunrise. Morning ‘departure group’ size, number leaving per unit time and diversity of departure directions increased with roost size. Wagtails quickly left the vicinity in the morning. In the afternoon, they joined one or more pre-roost gatherings before entering the roost for the night. Behaviour upon arrival at the roost was variable: birds might enter the reeds quickly or circle in large groups before landing. Aerial revolutions and generally ‘restless’ behaviour often accompanied increases in roost size. Wagtail feeding rates varied significantly between and within habitats. Number of wagtails feeding on the flooded Port Meadow, located 2–3 km south of the main roost, varied from about five to over 60 on different days; these numbers were not correlated with feeding rates. In contrast, the number of birds feeding at a sewage farm was nearly constant all winter. Some wagtails show high fidelity to feeding areas but others do not. Five short-term food supplementation experiments indicated that wagtails knowledgeable about a dense food source are not followed in the morning by naive birds. Results of this study are discussed in relation to the predation, physiology and information centre hypotheses that have been suggested to explain communal roosting in birds. I conclude that the communal roosting system of Pied Wagtails has physiological and anti-predator functions. Wagtails appear to choose certain roosts because of the protection that they provide from adverse climate and predation.  相似文献   

Migratory aerial insectivores are among the fastest declining avian groups, but our understanding of these trends has been limited by poor knowledge of migratory connectivity and the identification of critical habitat across the vast distances they travel annually. Using new, archival GPS loggers, we tracked individual purple martins Progne subis from breeding colonies across North America to determine precise (< > 10 m) locations of migratory and overwintering roost locations in South America and to test hypotheses for fine‐scale migratory connectivity and habitat use. We discovered weak migratory connectivity at the roost scale, and extensive, fine‐scale mixing of birds in the Amazon from distant (> 2000 km) breeding sites, with some individuals sharing the same roosting trees. Despite vast tracts of contiguous forest in this region, birds occupied a much more limited habitat, with most (56%) roosts occurring on small habitat islands that were strongly associated with water. Only 17% of these roosts were in current protected areas. These data reflect a critical advance in our ability to remotely determine precise migratory connectivity and habitat selection across vast spatial scales, enhancing our understanding of population dynamics and enabling more effective conservation of species at risk.  相似文献   

The success in energy saving in roosting Great Tits (Parus major) is potentially influenced by roost microclimatic characteristics. We tried to learn about the pattern in cavity microclimate influence on night roosting of birds, under natural weather conditions. An experimental aviary offered two artificial tree-roosts with different microclimatic conditions which varied according to the outdoor conditions (mainly due to solar radiation) and microclimate retention capability of roosts. Birds actively explored roosts before the final choice of sleeping site. Two hours prior to sunset, there were significant differences between the roosts (n = 11 adult males tested, each six nights). Selected roosts had higher average temperature (Wilcoxon matched pairs test, P = 0.017) and temperature at the time of sunset (P = 0.028). Simultaneously, inside temperature decreased slowly (P = 0.047). During the night, when birds slept in one of the roosts, the average temperature was higher (P < 0.001) and the fluctuation range of temperatures was smaller (P = 0.003) there. Moreover, at the morning twilight, the temperature of the occupied roost was higher (P < 0.001). Humidity did not have a significant influence at all. The effect of metabolic heating was demonstrated. When birds slept in the insulated roost (n = 30 nights), the indoor average temperature significantly differed from the non-insulated and outdoor temperatures (Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA, P = 0.0001). Selection of an actually warmer and thermally more stable roost according to the course of weather indicates demand for a wide spectrum of potential roosts in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Diet analysis of potential small mammals pest species is important for understanding feeding ecology and evaluating their impact on crops and stored foods. Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes), distributed in Southwest China, has previously been reported as a farmland pest. Effective population management of this species requires a better understanding of its diet, which can be difficult to determine with high taxonomic resolution using conventional microhistological methods. In this study, we used two DNA metabarcoding assays to identify 38 animal species and 65 plant genera from shrew stomach contents, which suggest that A. squamipes is an omnivorous generalist. Earthworms are the most prevalent (>90%) and abundant (>80%) food items in the diverse diet of A. squamipes. Species of the Fabaceae (frequency of occurrence [FO]: 88%; such as peanuts) and Poaceae (FO: 71%; such as rice) families were the most common plant foods identified in the diet of A. squamipes. Additionally, we found a seasonal decrease in the diversity and abundance of invertebrate foods from spring and summer to winter. Chinese mole shrew has a diverse and flexible diet throughout the year to adapt to seasonal variations in food availability, contributing to its survival even when food resources are limited. This study provides a higher resolution identification of the diet of A. squamipes than has been previously described and is valuable for understanding shrew feeding ecology as well as evaluating possible species impacts on crops.  相似文献   

The Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla is the most abundant gull species in the world, but some populations have declined in recent years, apparently due to food shortage. Kittiwakes are surface feeders and thus can compensate for low food availability only by increasing their foraging range and/or devoting more time to foraging. The species is widely studied in many respects, but long-distance foraging and the limitations of conventional radio telemetry have kept its foraging behavior largely out of view. The development of Global Positioning System (GPS) loggers is advancing rapidly. With devices as small as 8 g now available, it is possible to use this technology for tracking relatively small species of oceanic birds like kittiwakes. Here we present the first results of GPS telemetry applied to Black-legged Kittiwakes in 2007 in the North Pacific. All but one individual foraged in the neritic zone north of the island. Three birds performed foraging trips only close to the colony (within 13 km), while six birds had foraging ranges averaging about 40 km. The maximum foraging range was 59 km, and the maximum distance traveled was 165 km. Maximum trip duration was 17 h (mean 8 h). An apparently bimodal distribution of foraging ranges affords new insight on the variable foraging behaviour of Black-legged Kittiwakes. Our successful deployment of GPS loggers on kittiwakes holds much promise for telemetry studies on many other bird species of similar size and provides an incentive for applying this new approach in future studies.  相似文献   

Several species of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory songbirds appear to form roosting aggregations while on their wintering grounds but little is understood about the ecology of this behavior. We studied roosting behavior and patterns of roost habitat selection in the northern waterthrush Seiurus noveboracensis , during three winter years (2002–2004) in Puerto Rico using radio telemetry. Overall, red mangrove was selected for roosting disproportionately to its availability. Regardless of diurnal habitat used, 87% (n=86) of northern waterthrush selected dense stands of coastal red mangrove for roost sites. Individuals traveled up to 2 km to access roost sites in this habitat on a daily basis. The majority (8 of 14) of individuals roosted alone, while others roosted in loose aggregations near communal roosts of gray kingbirds Tyrannus dominicensis . Patterns of roost site selection did not vary by sex. Individuals showing aggressive response to playback during the day, however, selected roost sites significantly closer to the coast. Several additional migratory and resident bird species also used red mangrove for night-time roosting habitat. Red mangrove may be a critical nocturnal roosting habitat for bird populations that live in proximity to coastal areas in the Neotropics. The benefits of nocturnal roosting behavior as well as why individuals appear to select red mangrove remain poorly understood.  相似文献   

Direct tracking methods in combination with remote sensing data allow examination of habitat use by birds during migration. Species that roost communally during migration, such as some swallows, form large aggregations that can attract both avian and terrestrial predators. However, the extent to which they might use patchy habitats that could reduce predation risk during migration is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that Purple Martins (Progne subis) use forest islands (patches of suitable forest habitat surrounded by unsuitable habitat) as roost sites during migration between breeding sites in North America and overwintering sites in South America. We used high‐precision (< 10 m), archival GPS units deployed and retrieved during the 2015 and 2016 breeding seasons, respectively, at 12 colonies located across eastern North America. We found that Purple Martins roosted in forest islands more often than expected based on availability during both spring and fall migration. Despite an apparent association with urban habitats by Purple Martins based on observational and radar data in North America during the fall, the roost locations we identified during spring and fall migration were not more closely associated with urban areas than random locations. The use of forest islands during both spring and fall migration suggest that Purple Martins may use these habitats to reduce predation risk during migration. Our results suggest that some species of birds may use similar habitats as stopover sites during migration and that patches of forest habitat may be important conservation targets for Purple Martins and other species. Identifying habitat use during migration represents an important advance in support of full annual‐cycle conservation of Purple Martins and other migratory species with declining populations.  相似文献   

The conservation importance of the post-fledging period in migratory birds has been scarcely assessed. In this study, we examined the space use and habitat selection of radio-tagged lesser kestrels Falco naumanni at two spatial scales during summer in north-western Spain, where premigratory aggregations of around 1000 lesser kestrels occur. Space use was estimated by kernel accounting for the spatiotemporal autocorrelation of the radio locations, and habitat selection was analysed by weighted compositional analysis accounting for the intensity of use. Kestrels moved within 9 km around roosts during daylight and returned daily during sunset to the same roosts, exhibiting refuging behaviour. They foraged on average 3.7 km from the roost in an area of 346.8 ha (home range), 92.7 ha of which were used intensively (core area). Within these areas, lesser kestrels intensively used more farmland than any land-scale habitat. Within farmland, kestrels significantly avoided the irrigated crops. This avoidance seemed to be due to the difficulty of prey access and/or scarcity of prey available. Conservation plans of lesser kestrel should include the post-fledging period by legally protecting roost sites and maintaining dry farmland systems around the communal roosts.  相似文献   

The nocturnal, cryptic and geographically remote nature of night parrots, combined with their apparent rapid decline, means that very little is known of their biology or ecology. The discovery of a resident population in south‐western Queensland in 2013 provides the first opportunity to undertake detailed studies on this most enigmatic of birds. We attached a radio tag to a bird for 20 days in April 2015 and a GPS tag to another bird for 5 days in May 2016 to study movement patterns and habitat use. Both birds displayed similar behaviour but the GPS‐tagging provided a much finer resolution of spatial data. They called at dusk from their diurnal roosts amongst spinifex hummocks and then flew to more floristically diverse habitats dominated by large‐seeded species to feed. We conducted floristic surveys to describe the feeding grounds of the GPS‐tagged bird and make dietary inferences. This individual spent most of its time in highly diverse but ephemeral habitats, including seasonally inundated plains and depressions associated with the outer Diamantina floodplain and gilgais on ironstone plains. Prolifically seeding ephemeral species, most notably the annual grass Uranthoecium truncatum, dominate these feeding grounds. This work suggests that the habitat mosaic containing roost sites in close proximity to feeding grounds with key seed‐producing species is an important factor, rather than an association with spinifex or samphire alone. Further work is needed to examine movement patterns and habitat use in more typical dry seasons and the impact of cattle grazing on night parrot feeding areas, particularly with regard to seed production. The information presented here is vital for both in situ conservation of the Pullen‐Pullen‐Mt Windsor‐Diamantina population and for setting future research and survey priorities.  相似文献   

The long-eared owl is a nocturnal predator which winters communally and breeds in the same areas in loose colonies during the spring. We tested the hypothesis that roosts, particularly stable roosts, are formed by close relatives, a condition under which group-related behaviours such as information sharing or helping at nest are more likely to be developed. DNA fingerprinting analysis was used to examine genetic similarity within and between two long-eared owl populations, one wintering in a traditional roost and the other in an unstable roost, and both breeding around their roosting sites. Although genetic similarity within roosts was higher than that between roosts, the difference was not significant. Observed genetic similarity within roosts was smaller than that reported in the bird species whose roosts work as information centres. On the other hand, the presence of some closely related individuals in the roost and behavioural observations suggest that co-operation between kin might have occurred, at least in one of the two study sites.  相似文献   

Several biodiversity‐centered metrics exist to quantify the importance of landscape and habitat features for conservation efforts. However, for species whose habitat use is not quantified by these metrics, such as those in urban areas, we need a method to best identify features for targeted conservation efforts. We investigated the use of social network analysis (SNA) to identify and quantify these critical habitat features. We used SNA to identify network existence in chimney swift (Chaetura pelagica) roost usage, quantify the importance of each roost site, and evaluate the impact of the loss of key sites. We identified a network consisting of ten chimney swift roosts in southern Nova Scotia, Canada, and found that 76% of swifts used more than one roost throughout the breeding season. We also isolated three key (most connected) roost sites. We evaluated the effect of loss of these key sites on the network by using a Wilcoxon‐Pratt signed‐rank test and by analyzing the structure of the subsequent network. We found that connections between roosts and the structure of the network were significantly affected by the loss of these key sites. Our results show that SNA is a valuable tool that can identify key sites for targeted conservation efforts for species that may not be included in conservation efforts focused purely on biodiversity.  相似文献   

豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)作为北京地区的顶级食肉动物,对于维持食物网结构和生态系统稳定性起到重要的生态作用。对于捕食动物食物构成研究,较为简便的方法是粪样内容物检视法,而粪样残余物DNA鉴定技术具有更为准确细致的优势,但也存在不足,探索不同方法的优势互补,将有助于提高技术应用成效。本研究利用DNA宏条形码技术与粪样内容物分析法,对采集自北京市4个自然保护区的71份豹猫粪样进行食物构成分析,比较两种分析方法的特点,了解豹猫的食物资源利用状况。结果显示,DNA宏条形码技术共鉴别出36种猎物,来自10目22科,4个保护区的豹猫食性具有显著差异,百花山、松山、云蒙山保护区的豹猫食物种类的出现比率均以小型哺乳类为主,其中对鼠类的捕食比例最高,对鸟类的捕食次之,而分布于云峰山保护区的豹猫对鸟类捕食比例最高,对鼠类的捕食次之。粪样内容物分析法鉴别出9类猎物,其中包括昆虫和植物两种DNA宏条形码技术未检出的食物,4个保护区的豹猫食物均以鼠类和鸟类为主,且最多检测出鼠类数量为3只、鸟类2只,次要食物则为植物和昆虫。两种方法均显示北社鼠(Niviventer confucia...  相似文献   

Roosts are important sites for shorebirds in non‐breeding areas at night and during high tides. How the spatial configuration of food and risk of predation and disturbance influence roost site use in tropical locations remains poorly known. We analysed the locations of nocturnal roosts of Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus in mangroves of Sanquianga National Park, Colombia, with respect to variation in spatial variables related to food resources and risk of predation and disturbance. We contrasted characteristics of all 13 known nocturnal roost locations with those of all other mangrove islands (n = 209) within the limits of the park. We estimated the distance from roosts and other mangrove islands to foraging sites, and sources of predators and human disturbance. Larger areas of feeding habitat surrounded nocturnal roosts than other mangrove islands, and the average distance to individual feeding patches was shorter. Roosts were also more isolated than other islands, but proximity to sources of human disturbance did not differ. We conclude that Whimbrel roost site use in Sanquianga was best explained by a combination of access to feeding territories and isolation from potential sources of mainland predators, but not by avoidance of human disturbance. Beyond identifying factors influencing roost site selection, the large aggregations of individuals in single locations may suggest that presence of conspecifics itself also plays a role in the formation of Whimbrel roosts. We highlight the interaction of food and risk landscapes with intraspecific attraction on the roost site selection by Whimbrels and the importance of mangroves as roosting sites in tropical regions.  相似文献   

Although the use of modified roosts has been reported in more than 20 species of bats in the tropics, comparative studies of the roosting ecology of congeneric tent‐roosting species are notably lacking. In the Paleotropics, this unique behavior has been described in two species belonging to the genus, Cynopterus: C. sphinx and C. brachyotis. However, it is not known whether tent roosting is an essential component of their roosting ecology, or whether the behavior is found in other members of the genus. In this study we characterize the roosting ecology of four sympatric species of Cynopterus in peninsular Malaysia and use these data to address two main questions. (1) Do all four species use modified roosts and, in those that do, is tent‐roosting obligate or opportunistic? (2) Do species pairs overlap in roost preferences and roosting habitat and, if so, is there evidence for interspecific interactions in relation to these resources? We radio‐tracked bats at two floristically distinct sites and located a total of 249 roosts. Interspecific roost niche overlap was minimal at both sites and we found no evidence for interspecific competition for roost resources at the local level. Species differences in roosting ecology were defined primarily by spatial separation of roosting habitats and secondarily by within‐habitat differences in roost selection. Importantly, we found that although periodic use of modified roosts was a characteristic shared by all four species, most roosts were unmodified, indicating that tent roosting is a facultative behavior in Malaysian Cynopterus.  相似文献   

Ravens (Corvus corax) feed primarily on rich but ephemeral carcasses of large animals, which are usually defended by territorial pairs of adults. Non-breeding juveniles forage socially and aggregate in communal winter roosts, and these appear to function as ‘information centers’ regarding the location of the rare food bonanzas: individuals search independently of one another and pool their effort by recruiting each other at roosts. However, at a large raven roost in Newborough on Anglesey, North Wales, some juveniles have been observed recently to forage in ‘gangs’ and to roost separately from other birds. Here we adapt a general model of juvenile common raven foraging behavior where, in addition to the typical co-operative foraging strategy, such gang foraging behavior could be evolutionarily stable near winter raven roosts. We refocus the model on the conditions under which this newly documented, yet theoretically anticipated, gang-based foraging has been observed. In the process, we show formally how the trade off between search efficiency and social opportunity can account for the existence of the alternative social foraging tactics that have been observed in this species. This work serves to highlight a number of fruitful avenues for future research, both from a theoretical and empirical perspective.  相似文献   

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